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| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and | ||||||
5 | Community Service Act is amended by changing Sections 1, 2, 4, | ||||||
6 | 5.1, 6.1, and 7 and by adding Sections 4.1 and 4.2 as follows:
| ||||||
7 | (20 ILCS 710/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 3801)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 1. Creation. There is created in the Department of | ||||||
9 | Public Health Human Services the
Illinois Commission on | ||||||
10 | Volunteerism and Community
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| ||||||
12 | (20 ILCS 710/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 3802)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 2. Purpose. The purpose of the Illinois Commission on
| ||||||
14 | Volunteerism and Community Service is to promote and support | ||||||
15 | community
service in public and
private programs to meet the | ||||||
16 | needs of Illinois residents citizens ; to stimulate new
| ||||||
17 | volunteerism and community service initiatives and | ||||||
18 | partnerships; and to
serve as a resource and advocate among all | ||||||
19 | State agencies within the Department of Human Services for
| ||||||
20 | community service agencies, volunteers, and programs which
| ||||||
21 | utilize federal, State , and private volunteers.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (20 ILCS 710/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 3804)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 4. Operation. The
Governor shall appoint a Director
of | ||||||
3 | the Commission on Volunteerism and Community
Service who shall
| ||||||
4 | serve
at the Governor's pleasure
and who shall receive such | ||||||
5 | compensation
as is determined by
the Governor. The Director | ||||||
6 | shall
employ such staff as is necessary to
carry out the | ||||||
7 | purpose of this Act. The Commission, working
in cooperation | ||||||
8 | with State agencies, individuals, local groups, and
| ||||||
9 | organizations
throughout the State, may undertake programs and | ||||||
10 | activities which further the
purposes of this Act , including, | ||||||
11 | but not limited to, the following:
| ||||||
12 | (a) providing technical assistance to programs which | ||||||
13 | depend upon
| ||||||
14 | (b) initiating community service programs to meet
| ||||||
15 | previously unmet needs in Illinois;
| ||||||
16 | (c) promoting and coordinating efforts to expand and | ||||||
17 | improve the
statewide community service network;
| ||||||
18 | (d) recognizing outstanding community service
| ||||||
19 | accomplishments;
| ||||||
20 | (e) disseminating information to support community | ||||||
21 | service programs and to
broaden community service
| ||||||
22 | involvement throughout the State;
| ||||||
23 | (f) implementing federally funded grant programs in | ||||||
24 | Illinois such as the
National and Community Service Trust | ||||||
25 | Act , as amended by the Serve America Act; .
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) taking an active role in the State's emergency | ||||||
2 | management plan to coordinate volunteers for disaster | ||||||
3 | preparedness and response; | ||||||
4 | (h) promoting intergenerational initiatives and | ||||||
5 | efforts to promote inclusion among diverse populations; | ||||||
6 | and | ||||||
7 | (i) fostering an environment that promotes social | ||||||
8 | innovation throughout the State. | ||||||
9 | The Commission may receive and expend funds, grants and
| ||||||
10 | services from any source for purposes reasonable and necessary | ||||||
11 | to carry out a
coordinated plan of community service
throughout | ||||||
12 | the State.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| ||||||
14 | (20 ILCS 710/4.1 new) | ||||||
15 | Sec. 4.1. Illinois Service Education Award Grant. The | ||||||
16 | Commission may, subject to appropriation, award an Illinois | ||||||
17 | Service Education Award Grant to recipients of a national | ||||||
18 | service educational award established under 42 U.S.C. 12602 and | ||||||
19 | awarded by the Corporation for National Community Service. The | ||||||
20 | grant must be awarded only as a partial matching grant.
An | ||||||
21 | individual who successfully completes a required term of | ||||||
22 | full-time national service in an approved national service | ||||||
23 | position in this State may apply to receive an Illinois Service | ||||||
24 | Education Award Grant. The Commission shall adopt rules to | ||||||
25 | govern the process for applying for the grant and for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determining the amount of the grant and any other rules | ||||||
2 | necessary to implement and administer this Section. | ||||||
3 | An Illinois Service Education Award Grant may be used for | ||||||
4 | any of the following purposes: | ||||||
5 | (1) To repay student loans associated with attending an | ||||||
6 | Illinois institution of higher learning, as defined in the | ||||||
7 | Higher Education Student Assistance Act. | ||||||
8 | (2) To pay all or part of the cost of attendance at an | ||||||
9 | Illinois institution of higher learning, as defined in the | ||||||
10 | Higher Education Student Assistance Act. | ||||||
11 | (3) To pay expenses incurred in participating in an | ||||||
12 | approved Illinois school-to-work program. | ||||||
13 | (4) Any other purpose for which the national service | ||||||
14 | educational award may lawfully be used. | ||||||
15 | (20 ILCS 710/4.2 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 4.2. Receiving and expending funds. The Commission may | ||||||
17 | receive and expend funds, grants, and services from any source | ||||||
18 | for purposes reasonable and necessary to carry out a | ||||||
19 | coordinated plan of community service throughout the State.
| ||||||
20 | (20 ILCS 710/5.1)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 5.1. Commission. The Commission is established to | ||||||
22 | encourage
community service and volunteer participation as a | ||||||
23 | means of community and State
problem-solving; to promote and | ||||||
24 | support voluntary resident citizen involvement in
government |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and private programs throughout the State; to develop a | ||||||
2 | long-term,
comprehensive vision and plan of action for national | ||||||
3 | volunteerism and
community service
initiatives in Illinois; | ||||||
4 | and to serve as the State's liaison to national and
State | ||||||
5 | organizations that support its mission.
| ||||||
6 | The Commission shall consist of 15 to 25 bipartisan voting | ||||||
7 | members and
up to 15
bipartisan nonvoting members. At least 25% | ||||||
8 | of the members must be from
the City of Chicago.
| ||||||
9 | The Governor shall appoint up to 25 voting members and up | ||||||
10 | to 15
nonvoting members. Of
those initial 25 voting members, 10 | ||||||
11 | shall serve for 3 years, 8 shall serve for
2 years, and 7 shall | ||||||
12 | serve for one year. Voting members appointed by the
Governor | ||||||
13 | shall include at least one representative of the following: an | ||||||
14 | expert
in the education, training, and development needs of | ||||||
15 | youth; an expert in philanthropy the chairman of the
City | ||||||
16 | Colleges of a municipality having a population of more than 2 | ||||||
17 | million ; a representative of
labor organizations; a | ||||||
18 | representative of business; a representative of | ||||||
19 | community-based the human services department of a | ||||||
20 | municipality
with a population of more than 2 million; | ||||||
21 | community based organizations; the
State Superintendent of | ||||||
22 | Education; the Superintendent of Police of a
municipality | ||||||
23 | having a population of more than 2 million; a youth between 16 | ||||||
24 | and
25 years old who is a participant or supervisor in a | ||||||
25 | community service program;
the President of a County Board of a | ||||||
26 | county having a population of more than 3
million; an expert in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | older adult volunteerism; a representative of persons with | ||||||
2 | disabilities the public health commissioner
of a municipality | ||||||
3 | having a population of more than 2 million ; a representative of | ||||||
4 | local government;
and a representative of a national service | ||||||
5 | program. A representative of the
federal Corporation for | ||||||
6 | National Service shall be appointed as a nonvoting
| ||||||
7 | Appointing authorities shall ensure, to the maximum extent | ||||||
8 | practicable, that
the Commission is diverse with respect to | ||||||
9 | race, ethnicity, age, gender,
geography, and disability. Not | ||||||
10 | more than 50% of the Commission appointed by
the Governor may | ||||||
11 | be from the same political party.
| ||||||
12 | Subsequent voting members of the Commission shall serve | ||||||
13 | 3-year terms.
Commissioners must be allowed to serve until new | ||||||
14 | commissioners are appointed
in order to maintain the federally | ||||||
15 | required number of commissioners.
| ||||||
16 | Each nonvoting member shall serve at the pleasure of the | ||||||
17 | Governor.
| ||||||
18 | Members of the Commission may not serve more than 3 | ||||||
19 | consecutive
Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner | ||||||
20 | as the original appointments and
any member so appointed shall | ||||||
21 | serve during the remainder of the term for which
the vacancy | ||||||
22 | occurred. The
members shall not receive any compensation but | ||||||
23 | shall
be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the | ||||||
24 | performance of their
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (20 ILCS 710/6.1)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 6.1. Functions of Commission. The Commission shall | ||||||
3 | meet at least
quarterly and shall advise and consult with the | ||||||
4 | Department of Public Health and the Governor's Office Human
| ||||||
5 | Services and the
Director on all matters relating to community | ||||||
6 | service in Illinois. In
addition, the Commission shall have the | ||||||
7 | following duties:
| ||||||
8 | (a) prepare a 3-year State national and community
service | ||||||
9 | plan, developed through an open,
public process and updated | ||||||
10 | annually;
| ||||||
11 | (b) prepare the financial assistance applications of the | ||||||
12 | State under
the National and Community Service Trust Fund Act | ||||||
13 | of 1993 , as amended by the Serve America Act ;
| ||||||
14 | (c) assist in the preparation of the application by the | ||||||
15 | State Board of
Education for assistance under that Act;
| ||||||
16 | (d) prepare the State's application under that Act for the | ||||||
17 | approval of
national service positions;
| ||||||
18 | (e) assist in the provision of health care and child care | ||||||
19 | benefits under
that Act;
| ||||||
20 | (f) develop a State recruitment, placement, and | ||||||
21 | information dissemination
system for participants in programs | ||||||
22 | that receive assistance under the national
service laws;
| ||||||
23 | (g) administer the State's grant program including | ||||||
24 | selection, oversight, and
evaluation of grant recipients;
| ||||||
25 | (h) make technical assistance available to enable | ||||||
26 | applicants to plan and
implement service programs and to apply |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for assistance under the national
service laws;
| ||||||
2 | (i) develop projects, training methods, curriculum | ||||||
3 | materials, and other
activities related to service;
| ||||||
4 | (j) coordinate its functions with any division of the | ||||||
5 | federal
Corporation for National and Community Service | ||||||
6 | outlined in the
National and Community Service Trust Fund Act | ||||||
7 | of 1993 , as amended by the Serve America Act .
| ||||||
8 | (k) publicize Commission services and promote community
| ||||||
9 | involvement in the
activities of the Commission;
| ||||||
10 | (l) promote increased visibility and support for | ||||||
11 | volunteers of all ages,
especially youth and senior citizens,
| ||||||
12 | and community
service in meeting the needs of Illinois | ||||||
13 | residents citizens ; and
| ||||||
14 | (m) represent the Department of Public Health and the | ||||||
15 | Governor's Office Human Services on such occasions and in such | ||||||
16 | manner as
the Department may provide.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| ||||||
18 | (20 ILCS 710/7)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 7. Program transfer. On the effective date of this | ||||||
20 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly this amendatory Act | ||||||
21 | of the 91st General
Assembly , the
authority, powers, and duties | ||||||
22 | in this Act of the Department of Human Services Commerce and
| ||||||
23 | Community Affairs (now Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
24 | Opportunity) are
transferred to the Department of Public Health | ||||||
25 | Human Services .
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
| ||||||
2 | Section 95. Illinois Compiled Statutes reassignment. | ||||||
3 | The Legislative Reference Bureau shall reassign the | ||||||
4 | following Act to the specified location in the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Compiled Statutes and file appropriate documents with the Index | ||||||
6 | Division of the Office of the Secretary of State in accordance | ||||||
7 | with subsection (c) of Section 5.04 of the Legislative | ||||||
8 | Reference Bureau Act: | ||||||
9 | Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community | ||||||
10 | Service Act, reassigned from 20 ILCS 710/ to 20 ILCS 2330/.