Sen. William R. Haine
Filed: 3/1/2013
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
2 | | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 72 on page 1, below |
3 | | line 9, by inserting the following:
4 | | "Section 7. The Commercial and Public Building Asbestos |
5 | | Abatement Act is amended by changing Section 20 as follows:
6 | | (225 ILCS 207/20)
7 | | Sec. 20. Powers and Duties of the Department.
8 | | (a) The Department is empowered to promulgate any rules
9 | | necessary to ensure proper implementation and administration |
10 | | of
this Act, and compliance with the federal Asbestos School |
11 | | Hazard Abatement
Reauthorization Act of 1990.
12 | | (b) Rules promulgated by the Department shall include, but |
13 | | not be limited
to, rules relating to the correct and safe |
14 | | performance of response action
services, rules for the |
15 | | assessment of civil penalties for violations of this
Act or |
16 | | rules promulgated under it, and
rules providing for the |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 2 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | training and licensing of persons
and firms (i) to perform |
2 | | asbestos inspection, (ii) to perform abatement
work, and (iii) |
3 | | to serve as asbestos abatement contractors, response action
4 | | contractors, and asbestos workers. The Department is empowered |
5 | | to inspect
activities regulated by this Act to ensure |
6 | | compliance.
7 | | Except as otherwise provided by Department rule, on and |
8 | | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th |
9 | | General Assembly any licensing requirement adopted pursuant to |
10 | | this Section that may be satisfied by an industrial hygienist |
11 | | licensed pursuant to the Industrial Hygienists Licensure Act |
12 | | repealed in this amendatory Act may be satisfied by a Certified |
13 | | Industrial Hygienist certified by the American Board of |
14 | | Industrial Hygiene. |
15 | | (c) In carrying out its responsibilities under this Act, |
16 | | the
Department shall:
17 | | (1) Publish a list of response action contractors |
18 | | licensed under
this Act, except that the Department shall |
19 | | not be required to
publish a list of licensed asbestos |
20 | | workers; and
21 | | (2) Adopt rules for the collection of fees for training |
22 | | course
approval and for the licensing of inspectors, |
23 | | project designers,
contractors, supervisors, and workers.
24 | | (d) The provisions of the Illinois Administrative |
25 | | Procedure
Act are hereby expressly adopted
and shall apply to |
26 | | all administrative rules and procedures of the
Department of |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 3 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | Public Health under this Act, except that in case of
conflict |
2 | | between the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and
this Act |
3 | | the provisions of this Act shall control, and except that
4 | | Section 5-35 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act |
5 | | relating to
procedures for rulemaking does not apply to the |
6 | | adoption of any
rule required by federal law in connection with |
7 | | which the
Department is precluded by law from exercising any |
8 | | discretion.
9 | | (e) All final administrative decisions of the Department
10 | | under this Act shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to |
11 | | the
provisions of the Administrative Review Law and the
rules |
12 | | adopted under it. The term "administrative decision"
has the |
13 | | meaning ascribed to it in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil |
14 | | Procedure.
15 | | (f) The Director, after notice and opportunity for hearing |
16 | | to
the applicant or license holder, may deny, suspend, or |
17 | | revoke a
license or expunge such person from the State list in |
18 | | any case in
which he or she finds that there has been a |
19 | | substantial failure to
comply with the provisions of this Act |
20 | | or the standards or rules
established under it.
Notice shall be |
21 | | provided by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by
22 | | personal
service setting forth the particular response for the |
23 | | proposed action
and fixing a date, not less than 15 days from |
24 | | the date of such
mailing or service, at which time the |
25 | | applicant, asbestos abatement contractor,
or license holder |
26 | | shall be given an opportunity to request hearing.
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 4 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | The hearing shall be conducted by the Director or by an
2 | | individual designated in writing by the Director as Hearing |
3 | | Officer
to conduct the hearing. On the basis of any such |
4 | | hearing, or upon
default of the asbestos abatement contractor, |
5 | | applicant or license holder, the
Director shall make a |
6 | | determination specifying his or her findings and
conclusions. A |
7 | | copy of the determination shall be sent by
certified mail, |
8 | | return receipt requested, or served personally upon the
9 | | applicant, contractor, or
license holder.
10 | | The procedure governing hearings authorized by this |
11 | | Section
shall be in accordance with rules promulgated by the |
12 | | Department.
A full and complete record shall be kept of all |
13 | | proceedings,
including the notice of hearing, complaint, and |
14 | | all other documents
in the nature of pleadings, written motions |
15 | | filed in the proceedings,
and the report and orders of the |
16 | | Director and Hearing Officer. All
testimony shall be reported |
17 | | but need not be transcribed unless the
decision is sought to be |
18 | | reviewed under the Administrative
Review Law. A copy or copies |
19 | | of the transcript may be obtained
by any interested party on |
20 | | payment of the cost of preparing the
copy or copies. The |
21 | | Director or Hearing Officer shall, upon his or
her own motion |
22 | | or on the written request of any party to the
proceeding, issue |
23 | | subpoenas requiring the attendance and the giving
of testimony |
24 | | by witnesses, and subpoenas duces tecum requiring the
25 | | production of books, papers, records, or memoranda. All |
26 | | subpoenas
and subpoenas duces tecum issued under this Act may
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 5 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | be served by any person of legal age. The fees of witnesses for
2 | | attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of |
3 | | witnesses
before the courts of this State, such fees to be paid |
4 | | when
the witness is excused from further attendance. When the |
5 | | witness
is subpoenaed at the instance of the Director or |
6 | | Hearing Officer,
such fees shall be paid in the same manner as |
7 | | other expenses of
the Department, and when the witness is |
8 | | subpoenaed at the
instance of any other party to any such |
9 | | proceeding the Department
may require that the cost of service |
10 | | of the subpoena or subpoena
duces tecum and the fee of the |
11 | | witness be borne by the party at
whose instance the witness is |
12 | | summoned. In such case, the
Department in its discretion may |
13 | | require a deposit to cover the cost
of such service and witness |
14 | | fees. A subpoena or subpoena duces
tecum so issued as above |
15 | | stated shall be served in the same
manner as a subpoena issued |
16 | | by a circuit court.
17 | | Any circuit court of this State, upon the application of |
18 | | the
Director, or upon the application of any other party to the
19 | | proceeding, may, in its discretion, compel the attendance of
20 | | witnesses, the production of books, papers, records, or |
21 | | memoranda
and the giving of testimony before the Director or |
22 | | Hearing Officer
conducting an investigation or holding a |
23 | | hearing authorized by this
Act, by an attachment for contempt |
24 | | or otherwise, in the same
manner as production of evidence may |
25 | | be compelled before the
26 | | The Director or Hearing Officer, or any party in an
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 6 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | investigation or hearing before the Department, may cause the
2 | | depositions of witnesses within this State to be taken in the |
3 | | manner
prescribed by law for like depositions in civil actions |
4 | | in courts of
this State, and, to that end, compel the |
5 | | attendance of witnesses and
the production of books, papers, |
6 | | records, or memoranda.
7 | | (Source: P.A. 89-143, eff. 7-14-95.)
8 | | Section 8. The Lead Poisoning Prevention Act is amended by |
9 | | changing Section 11.1 as follows:
10 | | (410 ILCS 45/11.1) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1311.1)
11 | | Sec. 11.1. Licensing of lead abatement contractors and |
12 | | workers. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, performing |
13 | | lead abatement or
mitigation without a license is a Class A |
14 | | misdemeanor.
The Department shall provide by rule for the |
15 | | licensing of lead
abatement contractors and lead abatement |
16 | | workers and shall establish
standards and procedures for the |
17 | | licensure. The Department
may collect a reasonable fee for the |
18 | | licenses. The fees shall
be deposited into the Lead Poisoning |
19 | | Screening, Prevention, and
Abatement Fund and used by the |
20 | | Department for the costs of
licensing lead abatement |
21 | | contractors and workers and other activities
prescribed by this |
22 | | Act.
23 | | The Department shall promote and encourage minorities and |
24 | | females and
minority and female owned entities to apply for |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 7 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | licensure under this Act
as either licensed lead abatement |
2 | | workers or licensed lead abatement
3 | | The Department may adopt any rules necessary to ensure |
4 | | proper
implementation and administration of this Act and of the |
5 | | federal Toxic
Substances Control Act, 15 USC 2682 and 2684, and |
6 | | the regulations promulgated
thereunder: Lead; Requirements for |
7 | | Lead-Based Paint Activities (40 CFR 745).
The application of |
8 | | this Section shall not be limited to the activities taken in
9 | | regard to lead poisoned children and shall include all |
10 | | activities related to
lead abatement, mitigation and training.
11 | | Except as otherwise provided by Department rule, on and |
12 | | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th |
13 | | General Assembly any licensing requirement adopted pursuant to |
14 | | this Section that may be satisfied by an industrial hygienist |
15 | | licensed pursuant to the Industrial Hygienists Licensure Act |
16 | | repealed in this amendatory Act may be satisfied by a Certified |
17 | | Industrial Hygienist certified by the American Board of |
18 | | Industrial Hygiene. |
19 | | (Source: P.A. 89-381, eff. 8-18-95.)"; and
20 | | on page 32, below line 26, by inserting the following: |
21 | | "Section 13. The Illinois Pesticide Act is amended by |
22 | | changing Section 19.3 as follows:
23 | | (415 ILCS 60/19.3)
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 8 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | Sec. 19.3. Agrichemical Facility Response Action Program.
2 | | (a) It is the policy of the State of Illinois that an |
3 | | Agrichemical Facility
Response Action Program be implemented |
4 | | to reduce potential agrichemical pollution
and minimize |
5 | | environmental degradation risk potential at these sites. In |
6 | | this
Section, "agrichemical facility" means a site where |
7 | | agrichemicals are
stored or handled, or both, in preparation |
8 | | for end use. "Agrichemical
facility" does not include basic |
9 | | manufacturing or central distribution sites
utilized only for |
10 | | wholesale purposes. As used in this Section, "agrichemical"
11 | | means pesticides or commercial fertilizers at an agrichemical |
12 | | facility.
13 | | The program shall provide guidance for assessing the threat |
14 | | of soil
contaminants to groundwater and |
15 | | recommending which sites need to establish a
voluntary |
16 | | corrective action program.
17 | | The program shall establish appropriate site-specific soil |
18 | | cleanup
objectives, which shall be based on the potential for |
19 | | the agrichemical
contaminants to move from the soil to |
20 | | groundwater and the potential of the
specific soil agrichemical |
21 | | contaminants to cause an
exceedence of a Class I
or Class III |
22 | | groundwater quality standard or a health advisory level. The
23 | | Department shall use the information found and procedures |
24 | | developed in the
Agrichemical Facility Site Contamination |
25 | | Study or other appropriate physical
evidence to establish the |
26 | | soil agrichemical contaminant
levels of concern to
groundwater |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 9 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | in the various hydrological settings to establish |
2 | | site-specific
cleanup objectives.
3 | | No remediation of a site may be recommended unless (i) the |
4 | | agrichemical
level in the soil exceeds the |
5 | | site-specific cleanup objectives
or (ii) the agrichemical |
6 | | contaminant level in the soil
exceeds levels where physical |
7 | | evidence and risk evaluation indicates
probability of the site |
8 | | causing an
exceedence of a groundwater quality standard.
9 | | When a remediation plan must be carried out over a number |
10 | | of years due to
limited financial resources of the owner or |
11 | | operator of the agrichemical
facility, those soil agrichemical |
12 | | contaminated areas that
have the greatest potential to |
13 | | adversely impact vulnerable Class I groundwater
aquifers and |
14 | | adjacent potable water wells shall
receive the highest priority |
15 | | rating and be remediated first.
16 | | (b) The Agrichemical Facility Response Action Program |
17 | | Board ("the Board") is
created. The
Board members shall consist |
18 | | of the following:
19 | | (1) The Director or the Director's designee.
20 | | (2) One member who represents pesticide manufacturers.
21 | | (3) Two members who represent retail agrichemical |
22 | | dealers.
23 | | (4) One member who represents agrichemical |
24 | | distributors.
25 | | (5) One member who represents active farmers.
26 | | (6) One member at large.
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 10 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | The public members of the Board shall be appointed by the |
2 | | Governor for terms
of 2 years. Those persons on the Board who |
3 | | represent pesticide manufacturers,
agrichemical dealers, |
4 | | agrichemical distributors, and farmers shall be selected
from |
5 | | recommendations made by the associations whose membership |
6 | | reflects those
specific areas of interest. The members of the |
7 | | Board shall be appointed within
90 days after the effective |
8 | | date of this amendatory Act of 1995. Vacancies on
the Board |
9 | | shall be filled within 30 days. The Board may fill any |
10 | | membership
position vacant for a period exceeding 30 days.
11 | | The members of the Board shall be paid no compensation, but |
12 | | shall be
for their expenses incurred in performing |
13 | | their duties. If a civil
proceeding is commenced against a |
14 | | Board member arising out of an act or
omission occurring within |
15 | | the scope of the Board member's performance of his or
her |
16 | | duties under this Section, the State, as provided by rule, |
17 | | shall indemnify
the Board member for any damages awarded and |
18 | | court costs and attorney's fees
assessed as part of a final and |
19 | | unreversed judgement, or shall pay the
judgment, unless the |
20 | | court or jury finds that the conduct or inaction that gave
rise |
21 | | to the claim or cause of action was intentional, wilful or |
22 | | wanton
misconduct and was not intended to serve or benefit |
23 | | interests of the State.
24 | | The chairperson of the Board shall be selected by the Board |
25 | | from among the
public members.
26 | | (c) The Board has the authority to do the following:
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 11 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | (1) Cooperate with the Department and review and |
2 | | approve an agrichemical
facility remediation program as |
3 | | outlined in the handbook or manual as set forth
in |
4 | | subdivision (d)(8) of this Section.
5 | | (2) Review and give final approval to each agrichemical |
6 | | facility
action plan.
7 | | (3) Approve any changes to an agrichemical facility's |
8 | | corrective action
plan that may be necessary.
9 | | (4) Upon completion of the corrective action plan, |
10 | | recommend to the
Department that the site-specific cleanup |
11 | | objectives have been met and that a
notice of closure be |
12 | | issued by the Department stating that no further remedial
13 | | action is required to remedy the past agrichemical
14 | | contamination.
15 | | (5) When a soil agrichemical contaminant assessment
16 | | confirms that remedial
is not required in accordance |
17 | | with the Agrichemical Facility Response Action
Program, |
18 | | recommend that a notice of closure be issued by the |
19 | | Department stating
that no
further remedial action is |
20 | | required to remedy the past agrichemical
21 | | (6) Periodically review the Department's |
22 | | administration of the
Agrichemical Incident Response Trust |
23 | | Fund and actions taken with respect to the
Fund. The Board |
24 | | shall also provide advice to the Interagency Committee on
25 | | Pesticides regarding the proper handling of agrichemical |
26 | | incidents at
agrichemical facilities in Illinois.
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 12 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | (d) The Director has the authority to do the following:
2 | | (1) When requested by the owner or operator of an |
3 | | agrichemical
facility, may investigate the agrichemical |
4 | | facility site contamination.
5 | | (2) After completion of the investigation under |
6 | | subdivision (d)(1) of this
Section, recommend to the owner |
7 | | or operator of an
agrichemical facility that a
voluntary |
8 | | assessment be made of the soil agrichemical
contaminant |
9 | | when there is
evidence that the evaluation of risk |
10 | | indicates that
groundwater could be
adversely impacted.
11 | | (3) Review and make recommendations on any corrective |
12 | | action plan
submitted by the owner or operator of an |
13 | | agrichemical facility to the Board for
final approval.
14 | | (4) On approval by the Board, issue an order to the |
15 | | owner or operator of
agrichemical facility that has |
16 | | filed a voluntary corrective action plan that
the owner or |
17 | | operator may proceed with that plan.
18 | | (5) Provide remedial project oversight, monitor |
19 | | remedial work progress,
report to the Board on the |
20 | | status of remediation projects.
21 | | (6) Provide staff to support the activities of the |
22 | | Board.
23 | | (7) Take appropriate action on the Board's |
24 | | recommendations regarding
needed to carry out the |
25 | | Board's responsibilities under this Section.
26 | | (8) In cooperation with the Board, incorporate the |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 13 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | following into a
handbook or manual: the procedures for |
2 | | site assessment; pesticide constituents
of concern and |
3 | | associated parameters; guidance on remediation techniques, |
4 | | land
application, and corrective action plans; and other |
5 | | information or instructions
that the Department may find |
6 | | necessary.
7 | | (9) Coordinate preventive response actions at |
8 | | agrichemical facilities
pursuant to the
Groundwater |
9 | | Quality Standards adopted pursuant to Section 8 of the |
10 | | Illinois
Groundwater Protection Act to mitigate resource |
11 | | groundwater impairment.
12 | | Upon completion of the corrective action plan and upon |
13 | | recommendation of
the Board, the Department shall issue a |
14 | | notice of closure stating that
site-specific cleanup |
15 | | objectives have been met and no further remedial action
is |
16 | | required to remedy the past agrichemical contamination.
17 | | When a soil agrichemical contaminant assessment confirms
18 | | that remedial action
is not required in accordance with the |
19 | | Agrichemical Facility Response Action
Program and upon the |
20 | | recommendation of the Board, a notice of closure shall be
21 | | issued by the Department stating that no
further remedial |
22 | | action is required to remedy the past agrichemical
23 | | contamination.
24 | | (e) Upon receipt of notification of an agrichemical
25 | | contaminant in
groundwater pursuant to the Groundwater Quality |
26 | | Standards, the Department shall
evaluate the severity of the |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 14 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | agrichemical contamination and
shall submit to the
2 | | Environmental Protection Agency an informational notice |
3 | | characterizing it as
4 | | (1) An agrichemical contaminant in Class I or Class III
5 | | groundwater has
the levels of a standard adopted |
6 | | pursuant to the Illinois Groundwater
Protection Act or a |
7 | | health advisory established by the Illinois Environmental
8 | | Protection Agency or the United States Environmental |
9 | | Protection Agency; or
10 | | (2) An agrichemical has been detected at a level that
11 | | requires
preventive notification pursuant to a standard |
12 | | adopted pursuant to the Illinois
Groundwater Protection |
13 | | Act.
14 | | (f) When agrichemical contamination is characterized as in
15 | | subdivision (e)(1) of this Section, a facility may elect to |
16 | | participate in the
Agrichemical Facility
Response Action |
17 | | Program. In these instances, the scope of the corrective
action |
18 | | plans developed, approved, and completed under this program |
19 | | shall be
limited to the soil agrichemical
contamination present |
20 | | at the site unless implementation of the plan is
coordinated |
21 | | with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as follows:
22 | | (1) Upon receipt of notice of intent to include |
23 | | groundwater in an action
by a facility, the Department |
24 | | shall also
notify the Illinois Environmental Protection |
25 | | Agency.
26 | | (2) Upon receipt of the corrective action plan, the |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 15 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | Department shall
coordinate a joint review of the plan with |
2 | | the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency.
3 | | (3) The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency may |
4 | | provide a written
endorsement of the corrective action |
5 | | plan.
6 | | (4) The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency may |
7 | | approve a
management zone for a period
of 5 |
8 | | years after the implementation of the corrective action |
9 | | plan to allow for
groundwater impairment mitigation |
10 | | results.
11 | | (5) The Department, in cooperation with the Illinois |
12 | | Environmental
Protection Agency, shall recommend a |
13 | | proposed corrective action plan to the
Board for final |
14 | | approval to proceed with remediation. The recommendation |
15 | | shall
be based on the joint review conducted under |
16 | | subdivision (f)(2) of this
Section and the status of any |
17 | | endorsement issued under subdivision (f)(3) of
this |
18 | | Section.
19 | | (6) The Department, in cooperation with the Illinois |
20 | | Environmental
Protection Agency, shall provide remedial |
21 | | project oversight, monitor remedial
work progress, and |
22 | | report to the Board on the status of the remediation
23 | | project.
24 | | (7) The Department shall, upon completion of the |
25 | | corrective action plan
and recommendation of the Board, |
26 | | issue a notice of closure stating that no
further remedial |
| | 09800SB0072sam001 | - 16 - | LRB098 02802 JDS 41722 a |
1 | | action is required to remedy the past agrichemical
2 | | contamination.
3 | | (g) When an owner or operator of an agrichemical facility |
4 | | initiates a soil
contamination assessment on the owner's or |
5 | | operator's own volition and
independent of any requirement |
6 | | under this Section 19.3, information
contained in that |
7 | | assessment may be held as confidential information by the
owner |
8 | | or operator of the facility.
9 | | (h) Except as otherwise provided by Department rule, on and |
10 | | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th |
11 | | General Assembly any Agrichemical Facility Response Action |
12 | | Program requirement that may be satisfied by an industrial |
13 | | hygienist licensed pursuant to the Industrial Hygienists |
14 | | Licensure Act repealed in this amendatory Act may be satisfied |
15 | | by a Certified Industrial Hygienist certified by the American |
16 | | Board of Industrial Hygiene. |
17 | | (Source: P.A. 92-113, eff. 7-20-01.)".