| | SB0026 Engrossed | | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning public aid.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 1. Findings. The General Assembly finds it is in |
5 | | the best interests of the State to take advantage of the |
6 | | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to enable Illinois |
7 | | to receive enhanced federal revenue to cover the costs of |
8 | | health care for low-income adults who are otherwise not |
9 | | eligible for Medicaid. The General Assembly further finds that |
10 | | the administration and financing of the Medicaid program must |
11 | | be sound to ensure Illinois may take full advantage of national |
12 | | health care reform to keep people healthier; reimburse |
13 | | hospitals and clinics for uncompensated and charity care for |
14 | | the uninsured; and replace spending by county and local |
15 | | governments for healthcare costs now borne by local health |
16 | | departments, social service agencies, homeless shelters, |
17 | | mental health clinics, drug treatment centers, township |
18 | | organizations, and others for the care of the uninsured. |
19 | | Accordingly, the General Assembly finds that, while filling the |
20 | | current gap in Medicaid coverage, it is essential that the |
21 | | State preserve and extend recent efforts to reform Illinois' |
22 | | Medicaid program. Changes designed to increase efficiencies |
23 | | and enhance program integrity must continue to prevent client |
24 | | and provider fraud and abuse; to impose controls on use of |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 2 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Medicaid services to prevent over-use or waste; to rationalize |
2 | | the Medicaid health care delivery system by adopting care |
3 | | coordination models wherever feasible to achieve effective and |
4 | | efficient care delivery across all covered services; and to |
5 | | operate the program within budget limits. |
6 | | Section 5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by |
7 | | changing Sections 5-1.1, 5-1.4, 5-2, 5A-2, 5A-4, 5A-5, 5A-8, |
8 | | and 5A-12.4 as follows:
9 | | (305 ILCS 5/5-1.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-1.1)
10 | | Sec. 5-1.1. Definitions. The terms defined in this Section
11 | | shall have the meanings ascribed to them, except when the
12 | | context otherwise requires.
13 | | (a) "Nursing facility" means a facility, licensed by the |
14 | | Department of Public Health under the Nursing Home Care Act, |
15 | | that provides nursing facility services within the meaning of |
16 | | Title XIX of
the federal Social Security Act.
17 | | (b) "Intermediate care facility for the developmentally |
18 | | disabled" or "ICF/DD" means a facility, licensed by the |
19 | | Department of Public Health under the ID/DD Community Care Act, |
20 | | that is an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded |
21 | | within the meaning of Title XIX
of the federal Social Security |
22 | | Act.
23 | | (c) "Standard services" means those services required for
24 | | the care of all patients in the facility and shall, as a
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 3 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | minimum, include the following: (1) administration; (2)
2 | | dietary (standard); (3) housekeeping; (4) laundry and linen;
3 | | (5) maintenance of property and equipment, including |
4 | | utilities;
(6) medical records; (7) training of employees; (8) |
5 | | utilization
review; (9) activities services; (10) social |
6 | | services; (11)
disability services; and all other similar |
7 | | services required
by either the laws of the State of Illinois |
8 | | or one of its
political subdivisions or municipalities or by |
9 | | Title XIX of
the Social Security Act.
10 | | (d) "Patient services" means those which vary with the
11 | | number of personnel; professional and para-professional
skills |
12 | | of the personnel; specialized equipment, and reflect
the |
13 | | intensity of the medical and psycho-social needs of the
14 | | patients. Patient services shall as a minimum include:
(1) |
15 | | physical services; (2) nursing services, including
restorative |
16 | | nursing; (3) medical direction and patient care
planning; (4) |
17 | | health related supportive and habilitative
services and all |
18 | | similar services required by either the
laws of the State of |
19 | | Illinois or one of its political
subdivisions or municipalities |
20 | | or by Title XIX of the
Social Security Act.
21 | | (e) "Ancillary services" means those services which
22 | | require a specific physician's order and defined as under
the |
23 | | medical assistance program as not being routine in
nature for |
24 | | skilled nursing facilities and ICF/DDs.
Such services |
25 | | generally must be authorized prior to delivery
and payment as |
26 | | provided for under the rules of the Department
of Healthcare |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 4 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | and Family Services.
2 | | (f) "Capital" means the investment in a facility's assets
3 | | for both debt and non-debt funds. Non-debt capital is the
4 | | difference between an adjusted replacement value of the assets
5 | | and the actual amount of debt capital.
6 | | (g) "Profit" means the amount which shall accrue to a
7 | | facility as a result of its revenues exceeding its expenses
as |
8 | | determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting
9 | | principles.
10 | | (h) "Non-institutional services" means those services |
11 | | provided under
paragraph (f) of Section 3 of the Disabled |
12 | | Persons Rehabilitation Act and those services provided under |
13 | | Section 4.02 of the Illinois Act on the Aging.
14 | | (i) (Blank).
15 | | (j) "Institutionalized person" means an individual who is |
16 | | an inpatient
in an ICF/DD or nursing facility, or who is an |
17 | | inpatient in
a medical
institution receiving a level of care |
18 | | equivalent to that of an ICF/DD or nursing facility, or who is |
19 | | receiving services under
Section 1915(c) of the Social Security |
20 | | Act.
21 | | (k) "Institutionalized spouse" means an institutionalized |
22 | | person who is
expected to receive services at the same level of |
23 | | care for at least 30 days
and is married to a spouse who is not |
24 | | an institutionalized person.
25 | | (l) "Community spouse" is the spouse of an |
26 | | institutionalized spouse.
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 5 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (m) "Health Benefits Service Package" means, subject to |
2 | | federal approval, benefits covered by the medical assistance |
3 | | program as determined by the Department by rule for individuals |
4 | | eligible for medical assistance under paragraph 18 of Section |
5 | | 5-2 of this Code. |
6 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1530, eff. 2-16-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; |
7 | | 97-820, eff. 7-17-12.)
8 | | (305 ILCS 5/5-1.4) |
9 | | Sec. 5-1.4. Moratorium on eligibility expansions. |
10 | | Beginning on January 25, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act |
11 | | 96-1501), there shall be a 4-year moratorium on the expansion |
12 | | of eligibility through increasing financial eligibility |
13 | | standards, or through increasing income disregards, or through |
14 | | the creation of new programs which would add new categories of |
15 | | eligible individuals under the medical assistance program in |
16 | | addition to those categories covered on January 1, 2011 or |
17 | | above the level of any subsequent reduction in eligibility. |
18 | | This moratorium shall not apply to expansions required as a |
19 | | federal condition of State participation in the medical |
20 | | assistance program or to expansions approved by the federal |
21 | | government that are financed entirely by units of local |
22 | | government and federal matching funds. If the State of Illinois |
23 | | finds that the State has borne a cost related to such an |
24 | | expansion, the unit of local government shall reimburse the |
25 | | State. All federal funds associated with an expansion funded by |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 6 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | a unit of local government shall be returned to the local |
2 | | government entity funding the expansion, pursuant to an |
3 | | intergovernmental agreement between the Department of |
4 | | Healthcare and Family Services and the local government entity. |
5 | | Within 10 calendar days of the effective date of this |
6 | | amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department of |
7 | | Healthcare and Family Services shall formally advise the |
8 | | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the passage of |
9 | | this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly. The State is |
10 | | prohibited from submitting additional waiver requests that |
11 | | expand or allow for an increase in the classes of persons |
12 | | eligible for medical assistance under this Article to the |
13 | | federal government for its consideration beginning on the 20th |
14 | | calendar day following the effective date of this amendatory |
15 | | Act of the 97th General Assembly until January 25, 2015. This |
16 | | moratorium shall not apply to those persons eligible for |
17 | | medical assistance pursuant to 42 U.S.C. |
18 | | 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) as set forth in paragraph 18 of |
19 | | Section 5-2 of this Code.
20 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1501, eff. 1-25-11; 97-687, eff. 6-14-12.)
21 | | (305 ILCS 5/5-2) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-2)
22 | | Sec. 5-2. Classes of Persons Eligible. Medical assistance |
23 | | under this
Article shall be available to any of the following |
24 | | classes of persons in
respect to whom a plan for coverage has |
25 | | been submitted to the Governor
by the Illinois Department and |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 7 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | approved by him:
2 | | 1. Recipients of basic maintenance grants under |
3 | | Articles III and IV.
4 | | 2. Persons otherwise eligible for basic maintenance |
5 | | under Articles
III and IV, excluding any eligibility |
6 | | requirements that are inconsistent with any federal law or |
7 | | federal regulation, as interpreted by the U.S. Department |
8 | | of Health and Human Services, but who fail to qualify |
9 | | thereunder on the basis of need or who qualify but are not |
10 | | receiving basic maintenance under Article IV, and
who have |
11 | | insufficient income and resources to meet the costs of
12 | | necessary medical care, including but not limited to the |
13 | | following:
14 | | (a) All persons otherwise eligible for basic |
15 | | maintenance under Article
III but who fail to qualify |
16 | | under that Article on the basis of need and who
meet |
17 | | either of the following requirements:
18 | | (i) their income, as determined by the |
19 | | Illinois Department in
accordance with any federal |
20 | | requirements, is equal to or less than 70% in
21 | | fiscal year 2001, equal to or less than 85% in |
22 | | fiscal year 2002 and until
a date to be determined |
23 | | by the Department by rule, and equal to or less
24 | | than 100% beginning on the date determined by the |
25 | | Department by rule, of the nonfarm income official |
26 | | poverty
line, as defined by the federal Office of |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 8 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Management and Budget and revised
annually in |
2 | | accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus |
3 | | Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1981, applicable to |
4 | | families of the same size; or
5 | | (ii) their income, after the deduction of |
6 | | costs incurred for medical
care and for other types |
7 | | of remedial care, is equal to or less than 70% in
8 | | fiscal year 2001, equal to or less than 85% in |
9 | | fiscal year 2002 and until
a date to be determined |
10 | | by the Department by rule, and equal to or less
11 | | than 100% beginning on the date determined by the |
12 | | Department by rule, of the nonfarm income official |
13 | | poverty
line, as defined in item (i) of this |
14 | | subparagraph (a).
15 | | (b) All persons who, excluding any eligibility |
16 | | requirements that are inconsistent with any federal |
17 | | law or federal regulation, as interpreted by the U.S. |
18 | | Department of Health and Human Services, would be |
19 | | determined eligible for such basic
maintenance under |
20 | | Article IV by disregarding the maximum earned income
21 | | permitted by federal law.
22 | | 3. Persons who would otherwise qualify for Aid to the |
23 | | Medically
Indigent under Article VII.
24 | | 4. Persons not eligible under any of the preceding |
25 | | paragraphs who fall
sick, are injured, or die, not having |
26 | | sufficient money, property or other
resources to meet the |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 9 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | costs of necessary medical care or funeral and burial
2 | | expenses.
3 | | 5.(a) Women during pregnancy, after the fact
of |
4 | | pregnancy has been determined by medical diagnosis, and |
5 | | during the
60-day period beginning on the last day of the |
6 | | pregnancy, together with
their infants and children born |
7 | | after September 30, 1983,
whose income and
resources are |
8 | | insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical care to
9 | | the maximum extent possible under Title XIX of the
Federal |
10 | | Social Security Act.
11 | | (b) The Illinois Department and the Governor shall |
12 | | provide a plan for
coverage of the persons eligible under |
13 | | paragraph 5(a) by April 1, 1990. Such
plan shall provide |
14 | | ambulatory prenatal care to pregnant women during a
15 | | presumptive eligibility period and establish an income |
16 | | eligibility standard
that is equal to 133%
of the nonfarm |
17 | | income official poverty line, as defined by
the federal |
18 | | Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in
19 | | accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget |
20 | | Reconciliation Act of
1981, applicable to families of the |
21 | | same size, provided that costs incurred
for medical care |
22 | | are not taken into account in determining such income
23 | | eligibility.
24 | | (c) The Illinois Department may conduct a |
25 | | demonstration in at least one
county that will provide |
26 | | medical assistance to pregnant women, together
with their |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 10 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | infants and children up to one year of age,
where the |
2 | | income
eligibility standard is set up to 185% of the |
3 | | nonfarm income official
poverty line, as defined by the |
4 | | federal Office of Management and Budget.
The Illinois |
5 | | Department shall seek and obtain necessary authorization
6 | | provided under federal law to implement such a |
7 | | demonstration. Such
demonstration may establish resource |
8 | | standards that are not more
restrictive than those |
9 | | established under Article IV of this Code.
10 | | 6. Persons under the age of 18 who fail to qualify as |
11 | | dependent under
Article IV and who have insufficient income |
12 | | and resources to meet the costs
of necessary medical care |
13 | | to the maximum extent permitted under Title XIX
of the |
14 | | Federal Social Security Act.
15 | | 7. (Blank).
16 | | 8. Persons who become ineligible for basic maintenance |
17 | | assistance
under Article IV of this Code in programs |
18 | | administered by the Illinois
Department due to employment |
19 | | earnings and persons in
assistance units comprised of |
20 | | adults and children who become ineligible for
basic |
21 | | maintenance assistance under Article VI of this Code due to
22 | | employment earnings. The plan for coverage for this class |
23 | | of persons shall:
24 | | (a) extend the medical assistance coverage for up |
25 | | to 12 months following
termination of basic |
26 | | maintenance assistance; and
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 11 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (b) offer persons who have initially received 6 |
2 | | months of the
coverage provided in paragraph (a) above, |
3 | | the option of receiving an
additional 6 months of |
4 | | coverage, subject to the following:
5 | | (i) such coverage shall be pursuant to |
6 | | provisions of the federal
Social Security Act;
7 | | (ii) such coverage shall include all services |
8 | | covered while the person
was eligible for basic |
9 | | maintenance assistance;
10 | | (iii) no premium shall be charged for such |
11 | | coverage; and
12 | | (iv) such coverage shall be suspended in the |
13 | | event of a person's
failure without good cause to |
14 | | file in a timely fashion reports required for
this |
15 | | coverage under the Social Security Act and |
16 | | coverage shall be reinstated
upon the filing of |
17 | | such reports if the person remains otherwise |
18 | | eligible.
19 | | 9. Persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
20 | | (AIDS) or with
AIDS-related conditions with respect to whom |
21 | | there has been a determination
that but for home or |
22 | | community-based services such individuals would
require |
23 | | the level of care provided in an inpatient hospital, |
24 | | skilled
nursing facility or intermediate care facility the |
25 | | cost of which is
reimbursed under this Article. Assistance |
26 | | shall be provided to such
persons to the maximum extent |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 12 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | permitted under Title
XIX of the Federal Social Security |
2 | | Act.
3 | | 10. Participants in the long-term care insurance |
4 | | partnership program
established under the Illinois |
5 | | Long-Term Care Partnership Program Act who meet the
6 | | qualifications for protection of resources described in |
7 | | Section 15 of that
8 | | 11. Persons with disabilities who are employed and |
9 | | eligible for Medicaid,
pursuant to Section |
10 | | 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(xv) of the Social Security Act, and, |
11 | | subject to federal approval, persons with a medically |
12 | | improved disability who are employed and eligible for |
13 | | Medicaid pursuant to Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(xvi) of |
14 | | the Social Security Act, as
provided by the Illinois |
15 | | Department by rule. In establishing eligibility standards |
16 | | under this paragraph 11, the Department shall, subject to |
17 | | federal approval: |
18 | | (a) set the income eligibility standard at not |
19 | | lower than 350% of the federal poverty level; |
20 | | (b) exempt retirement accounts that the person |
21 | | cannot access without penalty before the age
of 59 1/2, |
22 | | and medical savings accounts established pursuant to |
23 | | 26 U.S.C. 220; |
24 | | (c) allow non-exempt assets up to $25,000 as to |
25 | | those assets accumulated during periods of eligibility |
26 | | under this paragraph 11; and
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 13 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (d) continue to apply subparagraphs (b) and (c) in |
2 | | determining the eligibility of the person under this |
3 | | Article even if the person loses eligibility under this |
4 | | paragraph 11.
5 | | 12. Subject to federal approval, persons who are |
6 | | eligible for medical
assistance coverage under applicable |
7 | | provisions of the federal Social Security
Act and the |
8 | | federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and |
9 | | Treatment Act of
2000. Those eligible persons are defined |
10 | | to include, but not be limited to,
the following persons:
11 | | (1) persons who have been screened for breast or |
12 | | cervical cancer under
the U.S. Centers for Disease |
13 | | Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer
14 | | Program established under Title XV of the federal |
15 | | Public Health Services Act in
accordance with the |
16 | | requirements of Section 1504 of that Act as |
17 | | administered by
the Illinois Department of Public |
18 | | Health; and
19 | | (2) persons whose screenings under the above |
20 | | program were funded in whole
or in part by funds |
21 | | appropriated to the Illinois Department of Public |
22 | | Health
for breast or cervical cancer screening.
23 | | "Medical assistance" under this paragraph 12 shall be |
24 | | identical to the benefits
provided under the State's |
25 | | approved plan under Title XIX of the Social Security
Act. |
26 | | The Department must request federal approval of the |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 14 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | coverage under this
paragraph 12 within 30 days after the |
2 | | effective date of this amendatory Act of
the 92nd General |
3 | | Assembly.
4 | | In addition to the persons who are eligible for medical |
5 | | assistance pursuant to subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this |
6 | | paragraph 12, and to be paid from funds appropriated to the |
7 | | Department for its medical programs, any uninsured person |
8 | | as defined by the Department in rules residing in Illinois |
9 | | who is younger than 65 years of age, who has been screened |
10 | | for breast and cervical cancer in accordance with standards |
11 | | and procedures adopted by the Department of Public Health |
12 | | for screening, and who is referred to the Department by the |
13 | | Department of Public Health as being in need of treatment |
14 | | for breast or cervical cancer is eligible for medical |
15 | | assistance benefits that are consistent with the benefits |
16 | | provided to those persons described in subparagraphs (1) |
17 | | and (2). Medical assistance coverage for the persons who |
18 | | are eligible under the preceding sentence is not dependent |
19 | | on federal approval, but federal moneys may be used to pay |
20 | | for services provided under that coverage upon federal |
21 | | approval. |
22 | | 13. Subject to appropriation and to federal approval, |
23 | | persons living with HIV/AIDS who are not otherwise eligible |
24 | | under this Article and who qualify for services covered |
25 | | under Section 5-5.04 as provided by the Illinois Department |
26 | | by rule.
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 15 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | 14. Subject to the availability of funds for this |
2 | | purpose, the Department may provide coverage under this |
3 | | Article to persons who reside in Illinois who are not |
4 | | eligible under any of the preceding paragraphs and who meet |
5 | | the income guidelines of paragraph 2(a) of this Section and |
6 | | (i) have an application for asylum pending before the |
7 | | federal Department of Homeland Security or on appeal before |
8 | | a court of competent jurisdiction and are represented |
9 | | either by counsel or by an advocate accredited by the |
10 | | federal Department of Homeland Security and employed by a |
11 | | not-for-profit organization in regard to that application |
12 | | or appeal, or (ii) are receiving services through a |
13 | | federally funded torture treatment center. Medical |
14 | | coverage under this paragraph 14 may be provided for up to |
15 | | 24 continuous months from the initial eligibility date so |
16 | | long as an individual continues to satisfy the criteria of |
17 | | this paragraph 14. If an individual has an appeal pending |
18 | | regarding an application for asylum before the Department |
19 | | of Homeland Security, eligibility under this paragraph 14 |
20 | | may be extended until a final decision is rendered on the |
21 | | appeal. The Department may adopt rules governing the |
22 | | implementation of this paragraph 14.
23 | | 15. Family Care Eligibility. |
24 | | (a) On and after July 1, 2012, a caretaker relative |
25 | | who is 19 years of age or older when countable income |
26 | | is at or below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 16 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Guidelines, as published annually in the Federal |
2 | | Register, for the appropriate family size. A person may |
3 | | not spend down to become eligible under this paragraph |
4 | | 15. |
5 | | (b) Eligibility shall be reviewed annually. |
6 | | (c) (Blank). |
7 | | (d) (Blank). |
8 | | (e) (Blank). |
9 | | (f) (Blank). |
10 | | (g) (Blank). |
11 | | (h) (Blank). |
12 | | (i) Following termination of an individual's |
13 | | coverage under this paragraph 15, the individual must |
14 | | be determined eligible before the person can be |
15 | | re-enrolled. |
16 | | 16. Subject to appropriation, uninsured persons who |
17 | | are not otherwise eligible under this Section who have been |
18 | | certified and referred by the Department of Public Health |
19 | | as having been screened and found to need diagnostic |
20 | | evaluation or treatment, or both diagnostic evaluation and |
21 | | treatment, for prostate or testicular cancer. For the |
22 | | purposes of this paragraph 16, uninsured persons are those |
23 | | who do not have creditable coverage, as defined under the |
24 | | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or |
25 | | have otherwise exhausted any insurance benefits they may |
26 | | have had, for prostate or testicular cancer diagnostic |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 17 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | evaluation or treatment, or both diagnostic evaluation and |
2 | | treatment.
To be eligible, a person must furnish a Social |
3 | | Security number.
A person's assets are exempt from |
4 | | consideration in determining eligibility under this |
5 | | paragraph 16.
Such persons shall be eligible for medical |
6 | | assistance under this paragraph 16 for so long as they need |
7 | | treatment for the cancer. A person shall be considered to |
8 | | need treatment if, in the opinion of the person's treating |
9 | | physician, the person requires therapy directed toward |
10 | | cure or palliation of prostate or testicular cancer, |
11 | | including recurrent metastatic cancer that is a known or |
12 | | presumed complication of prostate or testicular cancer and |
13 | | complications resulting from the treatment modalities |
14 | | themselves. Persons who require only routine monitoring |
15 | | services are not considered to need treatment.
"Medical |
16 | | assistance" under this paragraph 16 shall be identical to |
17 | | the benefits provided under the State's approved plan under |
18 | | Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
Notwithstanding any |
19 | | other provision of law, the Department (i) does not have a |
20 | | claim against the estate of a deceased recipient of |
21 | | services under this paragraph 16 and (ii) does not have a |
22 | | lien against any homestead property or other legal or |
23 | | equitable real property interest owned by a recipient of |
24 | | services under this paragraph 16. |
25 | | 17. Persons who, pursuant to a waiver approved by the |
26 | | Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 18 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Services, are eligible for medical assistance under Title |
2 | | XIX or XXI of the federal Social Security Act. |
3 | | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code and |
4 | | consistent with the terms of the approved waiver, the |
5 | | Illinois Department, may by rule: |
6 | | (a) Limit the geographic areas in which the waiver |
7 | | program operates. |
8 | | (b) Determine the scope, quantity, duration, and |
9 | | quality, and the rate and method of reimbursement, of |
10 | | the medical services to be provided, which may differ |
11 | | from those for other classes of persons eligible for |
12 | | assistance under this Article. |
13 | | (c) Restrict the persons' freedom in choice of |
14 | | providers. |
15 | | 18. Beginning January 1, 2014, persons aged 19 or |
16 | | older, but younger than 65, who are not otherwise eligible |
17 | | for medical assistance under this Section 5-2, who qualify |
18 | | for medical assistance pursuant to 42 U.S.C. |
19 | | 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) and as set forth in 42 CFR |
20 | | 435.119, and who have income at or below 133% of the |
21 | | federal poverty level plus 5% for the applicable family |
22 | | size as determined pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396a(e)(14) and |
23 | | as set forth in 42 CFR 435.603. Persons eligible for |
24 | | medical assistance under this paragraph 18 shall receive |
25 | | coverage for the Health Benefits Service Package as that |
26 | | term is defined in subsection (m) of Section 5-1.1 of this |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 19 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Code. If Illinois' federal medical assistance percentage |
2 | | (FMAP) is reduced below 90% for persons eligible for |
3 | | medical
assistance under this paragraph 18, eligibility |
4 | | under this paragraph 18 shall cease no later than the end |
5 | | of the third month following the month in which the |
6 | | reduction in FMAP takes effect. |
7 | | In implementing the provisions of Public Act 96-20, the |
8 | | Department is authorized to adopt only those rules necessary, |
9 | | including emergency rules. Nothing in Public Act 96-20 permits |
10 | | the Department to adopt rules or issue a decision that expands |
11 | | eligibility for the FamilyCare Program to a person whose income |
12 | | exceeds 185% of the Federal Poverty Level as determined from |
13 | | time to time by the U.S. Department of Health and Human |
14 | | Services, unless the Department is provided with express |
15 | | statutory authority. |
16 | | The Illinois Department and the Governor shall provide a |
17 | | plan for
coverage of the persons eligible under paragraph 7 as |
18 | | soon as possible after
July 1, 1984.
19 | | The eligibility of any such person for medical assistance |
20 | | under this
Article is not affected by the payment of any grant |
21 | | under the Senior
Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax |
22 | | Relief Act or any distributions or items of income described |
23 | | under
subparagraph (X) of
paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of |
24 | | Section 203 of the Illinois Income Tax
Act. The Department |
25 | | shall by rule establish the amounts of
assets to be disregarded |
26 | | in determining eligibility for medical assistance,
which shall |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 20 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | at a minimum equal the amounts to be disregarded under the
2 | | Federal Supplemental Security Income Program. The amount of |
3 | | assets of a
single person to be disregarded
shall not be less |
4 | | than $2,000, and the amount of assets of a married couple
to be |
5 | | disregarded shall not be less than $3,000.
6 | | To the extent permitted under federal law, any person found |
7 | | guilty of a
second violation of Article VIIIA
shall be |
8 | | ineligible for medical assistance under this Article, as |
9 | | provided
in Section 8A-8.
10 | | The eligibility of any person for medical assistance under |
11 | | this Article
shall not be affected by the receipt by the person |
12 | | of donations or benefits
from fundraisers held for the person |
13 | | in cases of serious illness,
as long as neither the person nor |
14 | | members of the person's family
have actual control over the |
15 | | donations or benefits or the disbursement
of the donations or |
16 | | benefits.
17 | | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, if the |
18 | | United States Supreme Court holds Title II, Subtitle A, Section |
19 | | 2001(a) of Public Law 111-148 to be unconstitutional, or if a |
20 | | holding of Public Law 111-148 makes Medicaid eligibility |
21 | | allowed under Section 2001(a) inoperable, the State or a unit |
22 | | of local government shall be prohibited from enrolling |
23 | | individuals in the Medical Assistance Program as the result of |
24 | | federal approval of a State Medicaid waiver on or after the |
25 | | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General |
26 | | Assembly, and any individuals enrolled in the Medical |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 21 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | Assistance Program pursuant to eligibility permitted as a |
2 | | result of such a State Medicaid waiver shall become immediately |
3 | | ineligible. |
4 | | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, if an Act |
5 | | of Congress that becomes a Public Law eliminates Section |
6 | | 2001(a) of Public Law 111-148, the State or a unit of local |
7 | | government shall be prohibited from enrolling individuals in |
8 | | the Medical Assistance Program as the result of federal |
9 | | approval of a State Medicaid waiver on or after the effective |
10 | | date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, and |
11 | | any individuals enrolled in the Medical Assistance Program |
12 | | pursuant to eligibility permitted as a result of such a State |
13 | | Medicaid waiver shall become immediately ineligible. |
14 | | (Source: P.A. 96-20, eff. 6-30-09; 96-181, eff. 8-10-09; |
15 | | 96-328, eff. 8-11-09; 96-567, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. |
16 | | 7-2-10; 96-1123, eff. 1-1-11; 96-1270, eff. 7-26-10; 97-48, |
17 | | eff. 6-28-11; 97-74, eff. 6-30-11; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11; |
18 | | 97-687, eff. 6-14-12; 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; 97-813, eff. |
19 | | 7-13-12; revised 7-23-12.)
20 | | (305 ILCS 5/5A-2) (from Ch. 23, par. 5A-2) |
21 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2015) |
22 | | Sec. 5A-2. Assessment.
23 | | (a)
Subject to Sections 5A-3 and 5A-10, for State fiscal |
24 | | years 2009 through 2014, and from July 1, 2014 through December |
25 | | 31, 2014, an annual assessment on inpatient services is imposed |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 22 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | on each hospital provider in an amount equal to $218.38 |
2 | | multiplied by the difference of the hospital's occupied bed |
3 | | days less the hospital's Medicare bed days. |
4 | | For State fiscal years 2009 through 2014, and after a |
5 | | hospital's occupied bed days and Medicare bed days shall be |
6 | | determined using the most recent data available from each |
7 | | hospital's 2005 Medicare cost report as contained in the |
8 | | Healthcare Cost Report Information System file, for the quarter |
9 | | ending on December 31, 2006, without regard to any subsequent |
10 | | adjustments or changes to such data. If a hospital's 2005 |
11 | | Medicare cost report is not contained in the Healthcare Cost |
12 | | Report Information System, then the Illinois Department may |
13 | | obtain the hospital provider's occupied bed days and Medicare |
14 | | bed days from any source available, including, but not limited |
15 | | to, records maintained by the hospital provider, which may be |
16 | | inspected at all times during business hours of the day by the |
17 | | Illinois Department or its duly authorized agents and |
18 | | employees. |
19 | | (b) (Blank).
20 | | (b-5) Subject to Sections 5A-3 and 5A-10, for the portion |
21 | | of State fiscal year 2012, beginning June 10, 2012 through June |
22 | | 30, 2012, and for State fiscal years 2013 through 2014, and |
23 | | July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, an annual assessment on |
24 | | outpatient services is imposed on each hospital provider in an |
25 | | amount equal to .008766 multiplied by the hospital's outpatient |
26 | | gross revenue. For the period beginning June 10, 2012 through |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 23 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | June 30, 2012, the annual assessment on outpatient services |
2 | | shall be prorated by multiplying the assessment amount by a |
3 | | fraction, the numerator of which is 21 days and the denominator |
4 | | of which is 365 days. |
5 | | For the portion of State fiscal year 2012, beginning June |
6 | | 10, 2012 through June 30, 2012, and State fiscal years 2013 |
7 | | through 2014, and July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, a |
8 | | hospital's outpatient gross revenue shall be determined using |
9 | | the most recent data available from each hospital's 2009 |
10 | | Medicare cost report as contained in the Healthcare Cost Report |
11 | | Information System file, for the quarter ending on June 30, |
12 | | 2011, without regard to any subsequent adjustments or changes |
13 | | to such data. If a hospital's 2009 Medicare cost report is not |
14 | | contained in the Healthcare Cost Report Information System, |
15 | | then the Department may obtain the hospital provider's |
16 | | outpatient gross revenue from any source available, including, |
17 | | but not limited to, records maintained by the hospital |
18 | | provider, which may be inspected at all times during business |
19 | | hours of the day by the Department or its duly authorized |
20 | | agents and employees. |
21 | | (c) (Blank).
22 | | (d) Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this |
23 | | Section, the Department is authorized to adopt rules to reduce |
24 | | the rate of any annual assessment imposed under this Section, |
25 | | as authorized by Section 5-46.2 of the Illinois Administrative |
26 | | Procedure Act.
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 24 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, |
2 | | any plan providing for an assessment on a hospital provider as |
3 | | a permissible tax under Title XIX of the federal Social |
4 | | Security Act and Medicaid-eligible payments to hospital |
5 | | providers from the revenues derived from that assessment shall |
6 | | be reviewed by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family |
7 | | Services, as the Single State Medicaid Agency required by |
8 | | federal law, to determine whether those assessments and |
9 | | hospital provider payments meet federal Medicaid standards. If |
10 | | the Department determines that the elements of the plan may |
11 | | meet federal Medicaid standards and a related State Medicaid |
12 | | Plan Amendment is prepared in a manner and form suitable for |
13 | | submission, that State Plan Amendment shall be submitted in a |
14 | | timely manner for review by the Centers for Medicare and |
15 | | Medicaid Services of the United States Department of Health and |
16 | | Human Services and subject to approval by the Centers for |
17 | | Medicare and Medicaid Services of the United States Department |
18 | | of Health and Human Services. No such plan shall become |
19 | | effective without approval by the Illinois General Assembly by |
20 | | the enactment into law of related legislation. Notwithstanding |
21 | | any other provision of this Section, the Department is |
22 | | authorized to adopt rules to reduce the rate of any annual |
23 | | assessment imposed under this Section. Any such rules may be |
24 | | adopted by the Department under Section 5-50 of the Illinois |
25 | | Administrative Procedure Act. |
26 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1530, eff. 2-16-11; 97-688, eff. 6-14-12; |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 25 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.)
2 | | (305 ILCS 5/5A-4) (from Ch. 23, par. 5A-4) |
3 | | Sec. 5A-4. Payment of assessment; penalty.
4 | | (a) The assessment imposed by Section 5A-2 for State fiscal |
5 | | year 2009 and each subsequent State fiscal year shall be due |
6 | | and payable in monthly installments, each equaling one-twelfth |
7 | | of the assessment for the year, on the fourteenth State |
8 | | business day of each month.
No installment payment of an |
9 | | assessment imposed by Section 5A-2 shall be due
payable, |
10 | | however, until after the Comptroller has issued the payments |
11 | | required under this Article.
12 | | Except as provided in subsection (a-5) of this Section, the |
13 | | assessment imposed by subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 for the |
14 | | portion of State fiscal year 2012 beginning June 10, 2012 |
15 | | through June 30, 2012, and for State fiscal year 2013 and each |
16 | | subsequent State fiscal year shall be due and payable in |
17 | | monthly installments, each equaling one-twelfth of the |
18 | | assessment for the year, on the 14th State business day of each |
19 | | month. No installment payment of an assessment imposed by |
20 | | subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 shall be due and payable, |
21 | | however, until after: (i) the Department notifies the hospital |
22 | | provider, in writing, that the payment methodologies to |
23 | | hospitals required under Section 5A-12.4, have been approved by |
24 | | the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. |
25 | | Department of Health and Human Services, and the waiver under |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 26 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | 42 CFR 433.68 for the assessment imposed by subsection (b-5) of |
2 | | Section 5A-2, if necessary, has been granted by the Centers for |
3 | | Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health |
4 | | and Human Services; and (ii) the Comptroller has issued the |
5 | | payments required under Section 5A-12.4. Upon notification to |
6 | | the Department of approval of the payment methodologies |
7 | | required under Section 5A-12.4 and the waiver granted under 42 |
8 | | CFR 433.68, if necessary, all installments otherwise due under |
9 | | subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 prior to the date of |
10 | | notification shall be due and payable to the Department upon |
11 | | written direction from the Department and issuance by the |
12 | | Comptroller of the payments required under Section 5A-12.4. |
13 | | (a-5) The Illinois Department may accelerate the schedule |
14 | | upon which assessment installments are due and payable by |
15 | | hospitals with a payment ratio greater than or equal to one. |
16 | | Such acceleration of due dates for payment of the assessment |
17 | | may be made only in conjunction with a corresponding |
18 | | acceleration in access payments identified in Section 5A-12.2 |
19 | | or Section 5A-12.4 to the same hospitals. For the purposes of |
20 | | this subsection (a-5), a hospital's payment ratio is defined as |
21 | | the quotient obtained by dividing the total payments for the |
22 | | State fiscal year, as authorized under Section 5A-12.2 or |
23 | | Section 5A-12.4, by the total assessment for the State fiscal |
24 | | year imposed under Section 5A-2 or subsection (b-5) of Section |
25 | | 5A-2. |
26 | | (b) The Illinois Department is authorized to establish
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 27 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | delayed payment schedules for hospital providers that are |
2 | | unable
to make installment payments when due under this Section |
3 | | due to
financial difficulties, as determined by the Illinois |
4 | | Department.
5 | | (c) If a hospital provider fails to pay the full amount of
6 | | an installment when due (including any extensions granted under
7 | | subsection (b)), there shall, unless waived by the Illinois
8 | | Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment
9 | | imposed by Section 5A-2 a penalty
assessment equal to the |
10 | | lesser of (i) 5% of the amount of the
installment not paid on |
11 | | or before the due date plus 5% of the
portion thereof remaining |
12 | | unpaid on the last day of each 30-day period
thereafter or (ii) |
13 | | 100% of the installment amount not paid on or
before the due |
14 | | date. For purposes of this subsection, payments
will be |
15 | | credited first to unpaid installment amounts (rather than
to |
16 | | penalty or interest), beginning with the most delinquent
17 | | installments.
18 | | (d) Any assessment amount that is due and payable to the |
19 | | Illinois Department more frequently than once per calendar |
20 | | quarter shall be remitted to the Illinois Department by the |
21 | | hospital provider by means of electronic funds transfer. The |
22 | | Illinois Department may provide for remittance by other means |
23 | | if (i) the amount due is less than $10,000 or (ii) electronic |
24 | | funds transfer is unavailable for this purpose. |
25 | | (Source: P.A. 96-821, eff. 11-20-09; 97-688, eff. 6-14-12; |
26 | | 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.) |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 28 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (305 ILCS 5/5A-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 5A-5) |
2 | | Sec. 5A-5. Notice; penalty; maintenance of records.
3 | | (a)
The Illinois Department shall send a
notice of |
4 | | assessment to every hospital provider subject
to assessment |
5 | | under this Article. The notice of assessment shall notify the |
6 | | hospital of its assessment and shall be sent after receipt by |
7 | | the Department of notification from the Centers for Medicare |
8 | | and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and |
9 | | Human Services that the payment methodologies required under |
10 | | this Article and, if necessary, the waiver granted under 42 CFR |
11 | | 433.68 have been approved. The notice
shall be on a form
12 | | prepared by the Illinois Department and shall state the |
13 | | following:
14 | | (1) The name of the hospital provider.
15 | | (2) The address of the hospital provider's principal |
16 | | place
of business from which the provider engages in the |
17 | | occupation of hospital
provider in this State, and the name |
18 | | and address of each hospital
operated, conducted, or |
19 | | maintained by the provider in this State.
20 | | (3) The occupied bed days, occupied bed days less |
21 | | Medicare days, adjusted gross hospital revenue, or |
22 | | outpatient gross revenue of the
provider |
23 | | (whichever is applicable), the amount of
assessment |
24 | | imposed under Section 5A-2 for the State fiscal year
for |
25 | | which the notice is sent, and the amount of
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 29 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | installment to be paid during the State fiscal year.
2 | | (4) (Blank).
3 | | (5) Other reasonable information as determined by the |
4 | | Illinois
5 | | (b) If a hospital provider conducts, operates, or
maintains |
6 | | more than one hospital licensed by the Illinois
Department of |
7 | | Public Health, the provider shall pay the
assessment for each |
8 | | hospital separately.
9 | | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, in
10 | | the case of a person who ceases to conduct, operate, or |
11 | | maintain a
hospital in respect of which the person is subject |
12 | | to assessment
under this Article as a hospital provider, the |
13 | | assessment for the State
fiscal year in which the cessation |
14 | | occurs shall be adjusted by
multiplying the assessment computed |
15 | | under Section 5A-2 by a
fraction, the numerator of which is the |
16 | | number of days in the
year during which the provider conducts, |
17 | | operates, or maintains
the hospital and the denominator of |
18 | | which is 365. Immediately
upon ceasing to conduct, operate, or |
19 | | maintain a hospital, the person
shall pay the assessment
for |
20 | | the year as so adjusted (to the extent not previously paid).
21 | | (d) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, a
22 | | provider who commences conducting, operating, or maintaining a
23 | | hospital, upon notice by the Illinois Department,
shall pay the |
24 | | assessment computed under Section 5A-2 and
subsection (e) in |
25 | | installments on the due dates stated in the
notice and on the |
26 | | regular installment due dates for the State
fiscal year |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 30 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | occurring after the due dates of the initial
2 | | (e)
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, |
3 | | for State fiscal years 2009 through 2015, in the case of a |
4 | | hospital provider that did not conduct, operate, or maintain a |
5 | | hospital in 2005, the assessment for that State fiscal year |
6 | | shall be computed on the basis of hypothetical occupied bed |
7 | | days for the full calendar year as determined by the Illinois |
8 | | Department. Notwithstanding any other provision in this |
9 | | Article, for the portion of State fiscal year 2012 beginning |
10 | | June 10, 2012 through June 30, 2012, and for State fiscal years |
11 | | 2013 through 2014, and for July 1, 2014 through December 31, |
12 | | 2014, in the case of a hospital provider that did not conduct, |
13 | | operate, or maintain a hospital in 2009, the assessment under |
14 | | subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 for that State fiscal year |
15 | | shall be computed on the basis of hypothetical gross outpatient |
16 | | revenue for the full calendar year as determined by the |
17 | | Illinois Department.
18 | | (f) Every hospital provider subject to assessment under |
19 | | this Article shall keep sufficient records to permit the |
20 | | determination of adjusted gross hospital revenue for the |
21 | | hospital's fiscal year. All such records shall be kept in the |
22 | | English language and shall, at all times during regular |
23 | | business hours of the day, be subject to inspection by the |
24 | | Illinois Department or its duly authorized agents and |
25 | | employees.
26 | | (g) The Illinois Department may, by rule, provide a |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 31 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | hospital provider a reasonable opportunity to request a |
2 | | clarification or correction of any clerical or computational |
3 | | errors contained in the calculation of its assessment, but such |
4 | | corrections shall not extend to updating the cost report |
5 | | information used to calculate the assessment.
6 | | (h) (Blank).
7 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1530, eff. 2-16-11; 97-688, eff. 6-14-12; |
8 | | 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; revised 10-17-12.)
9 | | (305 ILCS 5/5A-8) (from Ch. 23, par. 5A-8)
10 | | Sec. 5A-8. Hospital Provider Fund.
11 | | (a) There is created in the State Treasury the Hospital |
12 | | Provider Fund.
Interest earned by the Fund shall be credited to |
13 | | the Fund. The
Fund shall not be used to replace any moneys |
14 | | appropriated to the
Medicaid program by the General Assembly.
15 | | (b) The Fund is created for the purpose of receiving moneys
16 | | in accordance with Section 5A-6 and disbursing moneys only for |
17 | | the following
purposes, notwithstanding any other provision of |
18 | | law:
19 | | (1) For making payments to hospitals as required under |
20 | | this Code, under the Children's Health Insurance Program |
21 | | Act, under the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and |
22 | | under the Long Term Acute Care Hospital Quality Improvement |
23 | | Transfer Program Act.
24 | | (2) For the reimbursement of moneys collected by the
25 | | Illinois Department from hospitals or hospital providers |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 32 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | through error or
mistake in performing the
activities |
2 | | authorized under this Code.
3 | | (3) For payment of administrative expenses incurred by |
4 | | the
Illinois Department or its agent in performing |
5 | | activities
under this Code, under the Children's Health |
6 | | Insurance Program Act, under the Covering ALL KIDS Health |
7 | | Insurance Act, and under the Long Term Acute Care Hospital |
8 | | Quality Improvement Transfer Program Act.
9 | | (4) For payments of any amounts which are reimbursable |
10 | | to
the federal government for payments from this Fund which |
11 | | are
required to be paid by State warrant.
12 | | (5) For making transfers, as those transfers are |
13 | | authorized
in the proceedings authorizing debt under the |
14 | | Short Term Borrowing Act,
but transfers made under this |
15 | | paragraph (5) shall not exceed the
principal amount of debt |
16 | | issued in anticipation of the receipt by
the State of |
17 | | moneys to be deposited into the Fund.
18 | | (6) For making transfers to any other fund in the State |
19 | | treasury, but
transfers made under this paragraph (6) shall |
20 | | not exceed the amount transferred
previously from that |
21 | | other fund into the Hospital Provider Fund plus any |
22 | | interest that would have been earned by that fund on the |
23 | | monies that had been transferred.
24 | | (6.5) For making transfers to the Healthcare Provider |
25 | | Relief Fund, except that transfers made under this |
26 | | paragraph (6.5) shall not exceed $60,000,000 in the |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 33 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | aggregate. |
2 | | (7) For making transfers not exceeding the following |
3 | | amounts, in State fiscal years 2013 and 2014 in each State |
4 | | fiscal year during which an assessment is imposed pursuant |
5 | | to Section 5A-2, to the following designated funds: |
6 | | Health and Human Services Medicaid Trust |
7 | | Fund ..............................$20,000,000 |
8 | | Long-Term Care Provider Fund ..........$30,000,000 |
9 | | General Revenue Fund .................$80,000,000. |
10 | | Transfers under this paragraph shall be made within 7 days |
11 | | after the payments have been received pursuant to the |
12 | | schedule of payments provided in subsection (a) of Section |
13 | | 5A-4. |
14 | | (7.1) For making transfers not exceeding the following |
15 | | amounts, in State fiscal year 2015, to the following |
16 | | designated funds: |
17 | | Health and Human Services Medicaid Trust |
18 | | Fund ..............................$10,000,000 |
19 | | Long-Term Care Provider Fund ..........$15,000,000 |
20 | | General Revenue Fund .................$40,000,000. |
21 | | Transfers under this paragraph shall be made within 7 days |
22 | | after the payments have been received pursuant to the |
23 | | schedule of payments provided in subsection (a) of Section |
24 | | 5A-4.
25 | | (7.5) (Blank). |
26 | | (7.8) (Blank). |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 34 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (7.9) (Blank). |
2 | | (7.10) For State fiscal years 2013 and 2014, for making |
3 | | transfers of the moneys resulting from the assessment under |
4 | | subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 and received from hospital |
5 | | providers under Section 5A-4 and transferred into the |
6 | | Hospital Provider Fund under Section 5A-6 to the designated |
7 | | funds not exceeding the following amounts in that State |
8 | | fiscal year: |
9 | | Health Care Provider Relief Fund ......$50,000,000 |
10 | | Transfers under this paragraph shall be made within 7 |
11 | | days after the payments have been received pursuant to the |
12 | | schedule of payments provided in subsection (a) of Section |
13 | | 5A-4. |
14 | | (7.11) For State fiscal year 2015, for making transfers |
15 | | of the moneys resulting from the assessment under |
16 | | subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 and received from hospital |
17 | | providers under Section 5A-4 and transferred into the |
18 | | Hospital Provider Fund under Section 5A-6 to the designated |
19 | | funds not exceeding the following amounts in that State |
20 | | fiscal year: |
21 | | Health Care Provider Relief Fund .....$25,000,000 |
22 | | Transfers under this paragraph shall be made within 7 |
23 | | days after the payments have been received pursuant to the |
24 | | schedule of payments provided in subsection (a) of Section |
25 | | 5A-4. |
26 | | (7.12) For State fiscal year 2013, for increasing by |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 35 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | 21/365ths the transfer of the moneys resulting from the |
2 | | assessment under subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 and |
3 | | received from hospital providers under Section 5A-4 for the |
4 | | portion of State fiscal year 2012 beginning June 10, 2012 |
5 | | through June 30, 2012 and transferred into the Hospital |
6 | | Provider Fund under Section 5A-6 to the designated funds |
7 | | not exceeding the following amounts in that State fiscal |
8 | | year: |
9 | | Health Care Provider Relief Fund .......$2,870,000 |
10 | | (8) For making refunds to hospital providers pursuant |
11 | | to Section 5A-10.
12 | | Disbursements from the Fund, other than transfers |
13 | | authorized under
paragraphs (5) and (6) of this subsection, |
14 | | shall be by
warrants drawn by the State Comptroller upon |
15 | | receipt of vouchers
duly executed and certified by the Illinois |
16 | | Department.
17 | | (c) The Fund shall consist of the following:
18 | | (1) All moneys collected or received by the Illinois
19 | | Department from the hospital provider assessment imposed |
20 | | by this
21 | | (2) All federal matching funds received by the Illinois
22 | | Department as a result of expenditures made by the Illinois
23 | | Department that are attributable to moneys deposited in the |
24 | | Fund.
25 | | (3) Any interest or penalty levied in conjunction with |
26 | | the
administration of this Article.
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 36 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | (4) Moneys transferred from another fund in the State |
2 | | treasury.
3 | | (5) All other moneys received for the Fund from any |
4 | | other
source, including interest earned thereon.
5 | | (d) (Blank).
6 | | (Source: P.A. 96-3, eff. 2-27-09; 96-45, eff. 7-15-09; 96-821, |
7 | | eff. 11-20-09; 96-1530, eff. 2-16-11; 97-688, eff. 6-14-12; |
8 | | 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; revised 10-17-12.)
9 | | (305 ILCS 5/5A-12.4) |
10 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2015) |
11 | | Sec. 5A-12.4. Hospital access improvement payments on or |
12 | | after June 10, 2012 July 1, 2012 . |
13 | | (a) Hospital access improvement payments. To preserve and |
14 | | improve access to hospital services, for hospital and physician |
15 | | services rendered on or after June 10, 2012 July 1, 2012 , the |
16 | | Illinois Department shall, except for hospitals described in |
17 | | subsection (b) of Section 5A-3, make payments to hospitals as |
18 | | set forth in this Section. These payments shall be paid in 12 |
19 | | equal installments on or before the 7th State business day of |
20 | | each month, except that no payment shall be due within 100 days |
21 | | after the later of the date of notification of federal approval |
22 | | of the payment methodologies required under this Section or any |
23 | | waiver required under 42 CFR 433.68, at which time the sum of |
24 | | amounts required under this Section prior to the date of |
25 | | notification is due and payable. Payments under this Section |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 37 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | are not due and payable, however, until (i) the methodologies |
2 | | described in this Section are approved by the federal |
3 | | government in an appropriate State Plan amendment and (ii) the |
4 | | assessment imposed under subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 of |
5 | | this Article is determined to be a permissible tax under Title |
6 | | XIX of the Social Security Act. The Illinois Department shall |
7 | | take all actions necessary to implement the payments under this |
8 | | Section effective June 10, 2012 July 1, 2012 , including but not |
9 | | limited to providing public notice pursuant to federal |
10 | | requirements, the filing of a State Plan amendment, and the |
11 | | adoption of administrative rules. For State fiscal year 2013, |
12 | | payments under this Section shall be increased by 21/365ths. |
13 | | The funding source for these additional payments shall be from |
14 | | the increased assessment under subsection (b-5) of Section 5A-2 |
15 | | that was received from hospital providers under Section 5A-4 |
16 | | for the portion of State fiscal year 2012 beginning June 10, |
17 | | 2012 through June 30, 2012. |
18 | | (a-5) Accelerated schedule. The Illinois Department may, |
19 | | when practicable, accelerate the schedule upon which payments |
20 | | authorized under this Section are made. |
21 | | (b) Magnet and perinatal hospital adjustment. In addition |
22 | | to rates paid for inpatient hospital services, the Department |
23 | | shall pay to each Illinois general acute care hospital that, as |
24 | | of August 25, 2011, was recognized as a Magnet hospital by the |
25 | | American Nurses Credentialing Center and that, as of September |
26 | | 14, 2011, was designated as a level III perinatal center |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 38 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | amounts as follows: |
2 | | (1) For hospitals with a case mix index equal to or |
3 | | greater than the 80th percentile of case mix indices for |
4 | | all Illinois hospitals, $470 for each Medicaid general |
5 | | acute care inpatient day of care provided by the hospital |
6 | | during State fiscal year 2009. |
7 | | (2) For all other hospitals, $170 for each Medicaid |
8 | | general acute care inpatient day of care provided by the |
9 | | hospital during State fiscal year 2009. |
10 | | (c) Trauma level II adjustment. In addition to rates paid |
11 | | for inpatient hospital services, the Department shall pay to |
12 | | each Illinois general acute care hospital that, as of July 1, |
13 | | 2011, was designated as a level II trauma center amounts as |
14 | | follows: |
15 | | (1) For hospitals with a case mix index equal to or |
16 | | greater than the 50th percentile of case mix indices for |
17 | | all Illinois hospitals, $470 for each Medicaid general |
18 | | acute care inpatient day of care provided by the hospital |
19 | | during State fiscal year 2009. |
20 | | (2) For all other hospitals, $170 for each Medicaid |
21 | | general acute care inpatient day of care provided by the |
22 | | hospital during State fiscal year 2009. |
23 | | (3) For the purposes of this adjustment, hospitals |
24 | | located in the same city that alternate their trauma center |
25 | | designation as defined in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148.295(a)(2) |
26 | | shall have the adjustment provided under this Section |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 39 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | divided between the 2 hospitals. |
2 | | (d) Dual-eligible adjustment. In addition to rates paid for |
3 | | inpatient services, the Department shall pay each Illinois |
4 | | general acute care hospital that had a ratio of crossover days |
5 | | to total inpatient days for programs under Title XIX of the |
6 | | Social Security Act administered by the Department (utilizing |
7 | | information from 2009 paid claims) greater than 50%, and a case |
8 | | mix index equal to or greater than the 75th percentile of case |
9 | | mix indices for all Illinois hospitals, a rate of $400 for each |
10 | | Medicaid inpatient day during State fiscal year 2009 including |
11 | | crossover days. |
12 | | (e) Medicaid volume adjustment. In addition to rates paid |
13 | | for inpatient hospital services, the Department shall pay to |
14 | | each Illinois general acute care hospital that provided more |
15 | | than 10,000 Medicaid inpatient days of care in State fiscal |
16 | | year 2009, has a Medicaid inpatient utilization rate of at |
17 | | least 29.05% as calculated by the Department for the Rate Year |
18 | | 2011 Disproportionate Share determination, and is not eligible |
19 | | for Medicaid Percentage Adjustment payments in rate year 2011 |
20 | | an amount equal to $135 for each Medicaid inpatient day of care |
21 | | provided during State fiscal year 2009. |
22 | | (f) Outpatient service adjustment. In addition to the rates |
23 | | paid for outpatient hospital services, the Department shall pay |
24 | | each Illinois hospital an amount at least equal to $100 |
25 | | multiplied by the hospital's outpatient ambulatory procedure |
26 | | listing services (excluding categories 3B and 3C) and by the |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 40 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | hospital's end stage renal disease treatment services provided |
2 | | for State fiscal year 2009. |
3 | | (g) Ambulatory service adjustment. |
4 | | (1) In addition to the rates paid for outpatient |
5 | | hospital services provided in the emergency department, |
6 | | the Department shall pay each Illinois hospital an amount |
7 | | equal to $105 multiplied by the hospital's outpatient |
8 | | ambulatory procedure listing services for categories 3A, |
9 | | 3B, and 3C for State fiscal year 2009. |
10 | | (2) In addition to the rates paid for outpatient |
11 | | hospital services, the Department shall pay each Illinois |
12 | | freestanding psychiatric hospital an amount equal to $200 |
13 | | multiplied by the hospital's ambulatory procedure listing |
14 | | services for category 5A for State fiscal year 2009. |
15 | | (h) Specialty hospital adjustment. In addition to the rates |
16 | | paid for outpatient hospital services, the Department shall pay |
17 | | each Illinois long term acute care hospital and each Illinois |
18 | | hospital devoted exclusively to the treatment of cancer, an |
19 | | amount equal to $700 multiplied by the hospital's outpatient |
20 | | ambulatory procedure listing services and by the hospital's end |
21 | | stage renal disease treatment services (including services |
22 | | provided to individuals eligible for both Medicaid and |
23 | | Medicare) provided for State fiscal year 2009. |
24 | | (h-1) ER Safety Net Payments. In addition to rates paid for |
25 | | outpatient services, the Department shall pay to each Illinois |
26 | | general acute care hospital with an emergency room ratio equal |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 41 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | to or greater than 55%, that is not eligible for Medicaid |
2 | | percentage adjustments payments in rate year 2011, with a case |
3 | | mix index equal to or greater than the 20th percentile, and |
4 | | that is not designated as a trauma center by the Illinois |
5 | | Department of Public Health on July 1, 2011, as follows: |
6 | | (1) Each hospital with an emergency room ratio equal to |
7 | | or greater than 74% shall receive a rate of $225 for each |
8 | | outpatient ambulatory procedure listing and end-stage |
9 | | renal disease treatment service provided for State fiscal |
10 | | year 2009. |
11 | | (2) For all other hospitals, $65 shall be paid for each |
12 | | outpatient ambulatory procedure listing and end-stage |
13 | | renal disease treatment service provided for State fiscal |
14 | | year 2009. |
15 | | (i) Physician supplemental adjustment. In addition to the |
16 | | rates paid for physician services, the Department shall make an |
17 | | adjustment payment for services provided by physicians as |
18 | | follows: |
19 | | (1) Physician services eligible for the adjustment |
20 | | payment are those provided by physicians employed by or who |
21 | | have a contract to provide services to patients of the |
22 | | following hospitals: (i) Illinois general acute care |
23 | | hospitals that provided at least 17,000 Medicaid inpatient |
24 | | days of care in State fiscal year 2009 and are eligible for |
25 | | Medicaid Percentage Adjustment Payments in rate year 2011; |
26 | | and (ii) Illinois freestanding children's hospitals, as |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 42 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | defined in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 149.50(c)(3)(A). |
2 | | (2) The amount of the adjustment for each eligible |
3 | | hospital under this subsection (i) shall be determined by |
4 | | rule by the Department to spend a total pool of at least |
5 | | $6,960,000 annually. This pool shall be allocated among the |
6 | | eligible hospitals based on the difference between the |
7 | | upper payment limit for what could have been paid under |
8 | | Medicaid for physician services provided during State |
9 | | fiscal year 2009 by physicians employed by or who had a |
10 | | contract with the hospital and the amount that was paid |
11 | | under Medicaid for such services, provided however, that in |
12 | | no event shall physicians at any individual hospital |
13 | | collectively receive an annual, aggregate adjustment in |
14 | | excess of $435,000, except that any amount that is not |
15 | | distributed to a hospital because of the upper payment |
16 | | limit shall be reallocated among the remaining eligible |
17 | | hospitals that are below the upper payment limitation, on a |
18 | | proportionate basis. |
19 | | (i-5) For any children's hospital which did not charge for |
20 | | its services during the base period, the Department shall use |
21 | | data supplied by the hospital to determine payments using |
22 | | similar methodologies for freestanding children's hospitals |
23 | | under this Section or Section 5A-12.2 12.2 . |
24 | | (j) For purposes of this Section, a hospital that is |
25 | | enrolled to provide Medicaid services during State fiscal year |
26 | | 2009 shall have its utilization and associated reimbursements |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 43 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | annualized prior to the payment calculations being performed |
2 | | under this Section. |
3 | | (k) For purposes of this Section, the terms "Medicaid |
4 | | days", "ambulatory procedure listing services", and |
5 | | "ambulatory procedure listing payments" do not include any |
6 | | days, charges, or services for which Medicare or a managed care |
7 | | organization reimbursed on a capitated basis was liable for |
8 | | payment, except where explicitly stated otherwise in this |
9 | | Section. |
10 | | (l) Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise or |
11 | | unless provided otherwise in this Section, the terms used in |
12 | | this Section for qualifying criteria and payment calculations |
13 | | shall have the same meanings as those terms have been given in |
14 | | the Illinois Department's administrative rules as in effect on |
15 | | October 1, 2011. Other terms shall be defined by the Illinois |
16 | | Department by rule. |
17 | | As used in this Section, unless the context requires |
18 | | otherwise: |
19 | | "Case mix index" means, for a given hospital, the sum of
20 | | the per admission (DRG) relative weighting factors in effect on |
21 | | January 1, 2005, for all general acute care admissions for |
22 | | State fiscal year 2009, excluding Medicare crossover |
23 | | admissions and transplant admissions reimbursed under 89 Ill. |
24 | | Adm. Code 148.82, divided by the total number of general acute |
25 | | care admissions for State fiscal year 2009, excluding Medicare |
26 | | crossover admissions and transplant admissions reimbursed |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 44 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | under 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148.82. |
2 | | "Emergency room ratio" means, for a given hospital, a |
3 | | fraction, the denominator of which is the number of the |
4 | | hospital's outpatient ambulatory procedure listing and |
5 | | end-stage renal disease treatment services provided for State |
6 | | fiscal year 2009 and the numerator of which is the hospital's |
7 | | outpatient ambulatory procedure listing services for |
8 | | categories 3A, 3B, and 3C for State fiscal year 2009. |
9 | | "Medicaid inpatient day" means, for a given hospital, the
10 | | sum of days of inpatient hospital days provided to recipients |
11 | | of medical assistance under Title XIX of the federal Social |
12 | | Security Act, excluding days for individuals eligible for |
13 | | Medicare under Title XVIII of that Act (Medicaid/Medicare |
14 | | crossover days), as tabulated from the Department's paid claims |
15 | | data for admissions occurring during State fiscal year 2009 |
16 | | that was adjudicated by the Department through June 30, 2010. |
17 | | "Outpatient ambulatory procedure listing services" means, |
18 | | for a given hospital, ambulatory procedure listing services, as |
19 | | described in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148.140(b), provided to |
20 | | recipients of medical assistance under Title XIX of the federal |
21 | | Social Security Act, excluding services for individuals |
22 | | eligible for Medicare under Title XVIII of the Act |
23 | | (Medicaid/Medicare crossover days), as tabulated from the |
24 | | Department's paid claims data for services occurring in State |
25 | | fiscal year 2009 that were adjudicated by the Department |
26 | | through September 2, 2010. |
| | SB0026 Engrossed | - 45 - | LRB098 05310 KTG 35344 b |
1 | | "Outpatient end-stage renal disease treatment services" |
2 | | means, for a given hospital, the services, as described in 89 |
3 | | Ill. Adm. Code 148.140(c), provided to recipients of medical |
4 | | assistance under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, |
5 | | excluding payments for individuals eligible for Medicare under |
6 | | Title XVIII of the Act (Medicaid/Medicare crossover days), as |
7 | | tabulated from the Department's paid claims data for services |
8 | | occurring in State fiscal year 2009 that were adjudicated by |
9 | | the Department through September 2, 2010. |
10 | | (m) The Department may adjust payments made under this |
11 | | Section 5A-12.4 to comply with federal law or regulations |
12 | | regarding hospital-specific payment limitations on |
13 | | government-owned or government-operated hospitals. |
14 | | (n) Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this |
15 | | Section, the Department is authorized to adopt rules that |
16 | | change the hospital access improvement payments specified in |
17 | | this Section, but only to the extent necessary to conform to |
18 | | any federally approved amendment to the Title XIX State plan. |
19 | | Any such rules shall be adopted by the Department as authorized |
20 | | by Section 5-50 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. |
21 | | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any changes |
22 | | implemented as a result of this subsection (n) shall be given |
23 | | retroactive effect so that they shall be deemed to have taken |
24 | | effect as of the effective date of this Section. |
25 | | (o) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services must |
26 | | submit a State Medicaid Plan Amendment to the Centers of |