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2    WHEREAS, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the now-former
3Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was elected by his
4colleagues on March 13, 2013, to serve as Pope, Bishop of Rome,
5head of the See of St. Peter, and leader of the worldwide
6Catholic Church; and
7    WHEREAS, The new pope has taken the name of Francis, in
8honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, and will be known as "Pope
9Francis"; and
10    WHEREAS, Pope Francis was born on December 17, 1936, in his
11home city of Buenos Aires; he was ordained on December 13,
121969, consecrated as the auxiliary bishop of his native city on
13June 27, 1992, and become archbishop upon the death of his
14predecessor on February 28, 1998; and
15    WHEREAS, The elevation of Jorge, Cardinal Bergoglio, to the
16papacy under the name of Pope Francis is a powerful signal of
17the growing role of men and women of Spanish-speaking heritage,
18both in the western hemisphere and around the world; and
19    WHEREAS, The election of a new pope is announced with a
20plume of white smoke from the sanctuary of the
21Cardinal-electors, followed by the presentation of the new pope



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1to the people gathered in St. Peter's Square; the March 13,
22013, news of Pope Francis' election was transmitted
3electronically throughout the world and followed with genuine
4interest and excitement by hundreds of millions of men, women,
5and children worldwide, and was verbally announced to the
6Illinois House of Representatives immediately; and
7    WHEREAS, Pope Francis, as head of the worldwide Catholic
8Church, is the head of Vatican City, the Holy See, a sovereign
9nation possessing diplomatic relations with the United States
10of America and many other nations; and
11    WHEREAS, It is triply appropriate for the Illinois House of
12Representatives to offer its congratulations and good wishes to
13Pope Francis as the head of Vatican City, the Holy See, a
14sovereign nation that enjoys friendly diplomatic relations
15with the United States, as the first head of the worldwide
16Catholic Church who was born in and served in the western
17hemisphere, and as a member of the global Spanish-speaking
18community; and
19    WHEREAS, We congratulate Pope Francis on his elevation to
20the See of St. Peter, sovereign of the Holy See, and leader of
21the worldwide Catholic Church; therefore, be it



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2we wish Pope Francis a successful papacy as he embarks upon his
3tremendous responsibilities; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
5transmitted to His Holiness, Pope Francis; to the Apostolic
6Nuncio of the Holy See to the United States of America, the
7Most Reverend Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ²; to the Most
8Reverend Archbishop of the Archdiocese and Ecclesiastical
9Province of Chicago, His Eminence Francis, Cardinal George; and
10to the Most Reverend Bishops of the Dioceses of Belleville,
11Joliet, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield.