AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Court of Claims for its ordinary and contingent expenses:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,225,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 49,000
For State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 94,100
For Contractual Services.......................... 20,000
For Travel........................................ 11,300
For Commodities.................................... 4,300
For Printing....................................... 5,100
For Equipment..................................... 11,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,800
For Refunds............................................ 0
For Reimbursement for Incidental
Expenses Incurred by Judges...................... 30,000
Total $1,454,700
Section 10. The amount of $450,000, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Court of Claims Administration and Grant Fund to the Court of Claims for administrative expenses under the Crime Victims Compensation Act.
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Court of Claims for payment of claims as follows:
For claims under the Crime Victims
Compensation Act:
Payable from the Court of Claims
Federal Grant Fund........................... 10,000,000
Section 20. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended from an appropriation hereto made for such purposes in Section 600 of Article 12 of Public Act 98-0064, is re-appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims for payment of awards solely as a result of the lapsing of an appropriation originally made from any funds held by the State Treasurer.
Section 25. The sum of $7,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended from an appropriation hereto made for such purposes in Section 605 of Article 12 of Public Act 98-0064, is re-appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims for payment of line of duty awards.
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended from an appropriation hereto made for such purposes in Section 610 of Article 12 of Public Act 98-0064, are re-appropriated to the Court of Claims for payment of claims as follows:
For claims under the Crime Victims
Compensation Act:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 6,000,000
For claims other than Crime Victims:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 9,807,400
Total $15,807,400
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Court of Claims for payment of claims as follows:
For claims other than the Crime Victims
Compensation Act:
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 1,000,000
Payable from the DCFS Children's
Services Fund................................. 1,500,000
Payable from the State Garage Fund................ 50,000
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
Conviction Surcharge Fund....................... 100,000
Payable from the Vocational
Rehabilitation Fund............................. 125,000
Payable from the Court of Claims
Federal Recovery Victim Compensation Grant....... 90,000
Total $2,865,000
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2014.