Rep. Fred Crespo
Filed: 5/14/2014
09800HB6149ham002 HDS098 00090 CIN 30147 a
AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 6149, AS AMENDED, by deleting everything after the enacting clause and inserting the following:
Section 5. The sum of $11,041,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for operational expenses of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, including prior year costs.
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
For ordinary and contingent expenses associated
with general administration,
including prior year costs.................... 7,800,500
Payable from the Intra-Agency Services Fund:
For overhead costs related to federal
programs, including prior year costs......... 19,539,400
Payable from the Build Illinois Bond Fund:
For ordinary and contingent expenses associated
with the administration of the capital program,
including prior year costs.................... 2,000,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
For ordinary and contingent
administrative expenses of
the tourism program,
including prior year costs.................... 4,091,600
For administrative and grant expenses
associated with statewide tourism promotion
and development, including prior year costs... 8,026,300
For Advertising and Promotion of Tourism
For Illinois State Fair Ethnic
Village Expenses, including prior year costs..... 50,000
For advertising and promotion of Tourism
throughout Illinois Under Subsection (2) of
Section 4a of the Illinois Promotion Act,
including prior year costs................... 18,660,000
For Advertising and Promotion of Illinois
Tourism in International Markets, including
prior year costs.............................. 5,240,500
Total $36,068,400
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the International Tourism Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative Expenses
Associated with the International Tourism Program
Pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/605-707, including prior
year costs.................................... 5,000,000
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
For the Tourism Matching Grant Program
Pursuant to 20 ILCS 665/8-1 for
Counties under 1,000,000...................... 1,828,400
For the Tourism Matching Grant Program
Pursuant to 20 ILCS 665/8-1 for
Counties over 1,000,000....................... 1,096,600
For the Tourism Attraction Development
Grant Program Pursuant to 20 ILCS 665/8a...... 2,064,600
For Purposes Pursuant to the Illinois
Promotion Act, 20 ILCS 665/4a-1 to
Match Funds from Sources in the Private
Sector........................................ 1,000,000
For Grants to Regional Tourism
Development Organizations....................... 792,000
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Associated with the Development
of the Illinois Grape and Wine Industry,
including prior year costs...................... 150,000
For a Grant to the Gateway Motor Sports
Park............................................ 500,000
Total $7,431,600
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than ten percent of the total appropriation of Tourism Promotion Fund, in Section 20 above, among the various purposes therein recommended.
Payable from Local Tourism Fund:
For grants to Convention and Tourism Bureaus
Bureaus Outside of Chicago .................. 12,910,100
Chicago Office of Tourism .................... 2,267,100
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses associated with the
Local Tourism and Convention Bureau
Program pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/605-705
including prior year costs...................... 308,000
Total $15,485,200
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Associated with a Summer Jobs
for Youth Program, including prior
year costs................................... 15,000,000
Payable from the FY09 Budget Relief Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Associated with a Summer Jobs
for Youth Program, including prior year
costs......................................... 2,000,000
Payable from the Federal Workforce Training Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Associated with the Workforce
Investment Act and other workforce
training programs, including refunds
and prior year costs........................ 275,000,000
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses associated with the Illinois
Office of Entrepreneurship, Innovation
and Technology, including prior year costs.... 5,500,000
For grants, contracts, and administrative
Expenses associated with DCEO Technology-
Based Programs, including prior year
costs......................................... 2,500,000
Total $8,000,000
Payable from the Small Business Environmental
Assistance Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses of the
Small Business Environmental Assistance Program,
including prior year costs...................... 500,000
Payable from the Workforce, Technology,
and Economic Development Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses Pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/
605-420, including prior year costs........... 2,000,000
Payable from the Commerce and Community Affairs
Assistance Fund:
For grants, contracts and administrative
expenses of the Procurement Technical
Assistance Center Program, including
prior year costs................................ 750,000
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses Pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/
605-500, including prior year costs.......... 13,000,000
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses Pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/605-30,
including prior year costs ................... 3,000,000
Total $16,750,000
Payable from the Digital Divide
Elimination Fund:
For the Community Technology Center
Grant Program, Pursuant to 30 ILCS 780,
including prior year costs.................... 5,000,000
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from Economic Research and
Information Fund:
For Purposes Set Forth in
Section 605-20 of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois
(20 ILCS 605/605-20)............................ 230,000
Payable from the Historic Property
Administration Fund:
For Administrative Expenses in Accordance
with the Historic Tax Credit Program Pursuant
to 35 ILCS 5/221(b)............................. 150,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For the Purpose of Grants, Contracts,
and Administrative Expenses associated
with DCEO Job Training Programs,
including prior year costs................... 15,950,000
For a grant associated with
Job training to the
Illinois Manufacturers’ Association,
including prior year costs..................... 1,500,000
For a grant associated with
Job training to the
Chicago Federation of Labor,
including prior year costs..................... 1,500,000
For a grant associated with
Job training to the
Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center,
including prior year costs..................... 1,000,000
For a grant associated with
Job training to the
Chicagoland Regional College Program,
including prior year costs..................... 2,000,000
For a grant associated with
Job training to the
New Start, Inc. for basic
nurse assistance training program
in Latino communities,
including prior year costs....................... 750,000
For grants associated with
Business and Community Development............ 7,380,000
Total $32,280,000
Payable from the Riverfront Development Fund:
For the Purpose of Contracts, Grants,
Loans, Investments and Administrative
Expenses associated with Riverfront
Development, including prior year costs....... 3,000,000
Payable from the South Suburban Brownfields
Redevelopment Fund:
For the Purpose of Contracts, Grants,
Loans, Investments and Administrative
Expenses associated with South Suburban
Brownfields Redevelopment, including
prior year costs.............................. 3,000,000
Payable from the South Suburban Increment Fund:
For the Purpose of Contracts, Grants,
Loans, Investments and Administrative
Expenses associated with South Suburban
Brownfields Redevelopment and other purposes
of the South Suburban Increment Fund,
including prior year costs.................... 3,000,000
Payable from the State Small Business Credit
Initiative Fund:
For the Purpose of Contracts, Grants,
Loans, Investments and Administrative
Expenses in Accordance with the State
Small Business Credit Initiative Program,
including prior year costs................... 58,000,000
Payable from the Intermodal Facilities
Promotion Fund:
For the purpose of promoting construction
of intermodal transportation facilities including
reimbursement of prior year costs............. 3,000,000
Payable from the Illinois Capital
Revolving Loan Fund:
For the Purpose of Contracts, Grants,
Loans, Investments and Administrative
Expenses in Accordance with the Provisions
of the Small Business Development
Act pursuant to 30 ILCS 750/9................ 10,500,000
Payable from the Illinois Equity Fund:
For the purpose of Grants, Loans, and
Investments in Accordance with the
Provisions of the Small Business
Development Act............................... 1,000,000
Payable from the Large Business Attraction Fund:
For the purpose of Grants, Loans,
Investments, and Administrative
Expenses in Accordance with Article
10 of the Build Illinois Act.................. 1,500,000
Payable from the Public Infrastructure
Construction Loan Revolving Fund:
For the Purpose of Grants, Loans,
Investments, and Administrative
Expenses in Accordance with Article 8
of the Build Illinois Act.................... 12,000,000
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the Coal Technology Development
Assistance Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Under the Provisions of the
Illinois Coal Technology Development
Assistance Act, including prior years
costs........................................ 20,000,000
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from Tourism Promotion Fund:
For Administrative Expenses, Grants,
And Contracts Associated with
Advertising and Promotion, including
prior year costs.............................. 1,317,700
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses associated with the Illinois Office
of Trade and Investment, including
prior year costs.............................. 2,000,000
Payable from the International Tourism Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses associated with the Illinois Office
Trade and Investment, including
prior year costs.............................. 3,000,000
Payable from the International and Promotional Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, Administrative
Expenses, and Refunds Pursuant to
20 ILCS 605/605-25, including
prior year costs................................ 500,000
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses associated with the Illinois Office
Trade and Investment, including
prior year costs.............................. 3,000,000
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from Supplemental Low-Income Energy
Assistance Fund:
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
Pursuant to Section 13 of the Energy
Assistance Act of 1989, as Amended,
including refunds and prior year costs...... 165,000,000
Payable from Good Samaritan Energy Trust Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Pursuant to the Good Samaritan
Energy Plan Act, including refunds and
prior year costs................................ 500,000
Payable from Energy Administration Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses associated with DCEO Weatherization
Programs, including refunds and prior
year costs................................... 25,000,000
Payable from Low Income Home Energy
Assistance Block Grant Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses associated with the Low Income Home
Energy Assistance Act of 1981, including
refunds and prior year...................... 330,000,000
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses associated with the African American
Family Commission............................... 750,000
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses associated with the
Northeast DuPage Special
Recreation Association.......................... 250,000
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses associated with
Agudath Israel of Illinois
for school transportation..................... 1,200,000
Total $2,200,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses associated with DCEO Community
Programs, including prior year costs.......... 2,950,000
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
For the Ordinary and Contingent Expenses
of the Rural Affairs Institute at
Western Illinois University..................... 160,000
Payable from the Community Services Block Grant Fund:
For Administrative Expenses and Grants to
Eligible Recipients as Defined in the
Community Services Block Grant Act, including
refunds and prior year costs................. 65,000,000
Payable from the Community Development
Small Cities Block Grant Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses related to the Section 108
Loan Guarantee Program, including refunds
and prior year costs........................ 130,000,000
For Grants to Local Units of Government
or Other Eligible Recipients and for contracts
and administrative expenses, as Defined in
the Community Development Act of 1974, or by
U.S. HUD Notice approving Supplemental allocation
For the Illinois CDBG Program, including refunds
and prior year costs........................ 200,000,000
For Administrative and Grant Expenses Relating
to Training, Technical Assistance and
Administration of the Community Development
Assistance Programs, and for Grants to Local
Units of Government or Other Eligible
Recipients as Defined in the Community
Development Act of 1974, as amended,
for Illinois Cities with populations
under 50,000, including refunds,
and prior year costs........................ 120,000,000
Total $450,000,000
Section 70. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the Solid Waste Management Fund:
For Grants, Contracts and Administrative
Expenses Associated with Providing Financial
Assistance for Recycling and Reuse in
Accordance with Section 22.15 of the
Environmental Protection Act, the Illinois
Solid Waste Management Act and the Solid
Waste Planning and Recycling Act,
including prior year costs.................... 7,000,000
Payable from the Alternate Fuels Fund:
For Administration and Grant Expenses
of the Ethanol Fuel Research Program,
including prior year costs.................... 1,000,000
Payable from the Energy Efficiency Portfolio
Standards Fund:
For Grants, Contracts, and Administrative
Expenses associated with Energy Efficiency
Programs, including refunds and
prior year costs............................ 125,000,000
Payable from the Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund:
For Grants, Loans, Investments and
Administrative Expenses of the Renewable
Energy Resources Program, and the
Illinois Renewable Fuels Development
Program, including prior year costs........... 8,000,000
Payable from the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund:
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
Relating to Projects that Promote Energy
Efficiency, including prior year costs........ 9,000,000
Payable from the DCEO Energy Projects Fund:
For Expenses and Grants Connected with
Energy Programs, including prior year
costs......................................... 3,000,000
Payable from the Federal Energy Fund:
For Expenses and Grants Connected with
the State Energy Program, including
prior year costs.............................. 6,000,000
Section 75. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from Energy Administration Fund:
For Grants and Technical Assistance
Services for Nonprofit Community
Organizations and other Operating and
Administrative Costs under the
Provisions of the American Recovery
And Reinvestment Act of 2009, including
refunds and prior year costs.................. 5,000,000
Total, this Article $1,788,498,500
Section 99. This Act takes effect July 1, 2014.”