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1 | AN ACT concerning children.
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2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
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3 | represented in the General Assembly:
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4 | Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Voluntary Placement for Children with Serious Mental Illnesses | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | or Developmental Disabilities Act. | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Section 5. Purpose. It is becoming tragically more common | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | for families with a child with a serious mental illness, | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | serious emotional disturbance, or developmental disability to | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | turn to the Department of Children and Family Services for | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | time-limited out-of-home placement of the child when all | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | avenues of effective, sustained treatment have been | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | foreclosed. When a child enters the child welfare system under | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | the Department of Children and Family Services solely to obtain | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | treatment of the child's disability in an out-of-home | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | placement, the child's parents are often forced to relinquish | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | custody despite the absence of abuse or neglect, resulting in a | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | legal separation of the family and an abuse and neglect | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | investigation by the Department of Children and Family | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Services. This causes irreparable damage to the child and the | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | family unit, and takes the Department of Children and Family | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Services resources away from its core mission of protecting | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | abused and neglected children in this State. The child welfare |
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1 | system is not the appropriate system of care for a child when | ||||||
2 | there is no abuse or neglect. These children should be | ||||||
3 | receiving services under the agency that provides care and | ||||||
4 | treatment for their mental illness or developmental | ||||||
5 | disability. Therefore, this Act: (1) requires the Department of | ||||||
6 | Children and Family Services and other relevant State agencies | ||||||
7 | to enter into an interagency agreement to route families who | ||||||
8 | are undergoing a psychiatric lockout of a child, to the | ||||||
9 | appropriate State agency that oversees the services that will | ||||||
10 | treat the child's primary disability; and (2) enables families | ||||||
11 | who are relegated to the child welfare system for out-of-home | ||||||
12 | treatment of a serious mental illness, serious emotional | ||||||
13 | disturbance, or developmental disability to remain intact | ||||||
14 | while the child is in the out-of-home placement. | ||||||
15 | Section 10. Definition. As used in this Act: | ||||||
16 | "Children" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 5 of | ||||||
17 | the Children and Family Services Act. | ||||||
18 | "Psychiatric lock-out" means when a parent or guardian | ||||||
19 | refuses to take a child home from a psychiatric hospital or | ||||||
20 | similar facility when the hospital or facility indicates the | ||||||
21 | child can be treated at home and the parents or guardian refuse | ||||||
22 | to take the child home because of a reasonable fear the child | ||||||
23 | will harm himself or herself or other family members. | ||||||
24 | Section 15. Interagency agreement for children in |
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1 | psychiatric lockout. | ||||||
2 | (a) The Department of Children and Family Services, the | ||||||
3 | Division of Mental Health within the Department of Human | ||||||
4 | Services, the Division of Developmental Disabilities within | ||||||
5 | the Department of Human Services, and the Department of | ||||||
6 | Healthcare and Family Services shall enter into an interagency | ||||||
7 | agreement, the purpose of which, is to prevent children in | ||||||
8 | psychiatric lock-out from entering the child welfare system for | ||||||
9 | a time-limited, out-of-home placement for treatment of the | ||||||
10 | child's serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, | ||||||
11 | or developmental disability when there is no evidence of abuse | ||||||
12 | or neglect by the child's parents or guardian, and place the | ||||||
13 | child in a time-limited out-of-home placement under the most | ||||||
14 | appropriate State agency. | ||||||
15 | (b) The interagency agreement shall include the criteria | ||||||
16 | under the agency the child will receive time-limited | ||||||
17 | out-of-home services (the Department of Children and Family | ||||||
18 | Services, the Division of Mental Health within the Department | ||||||
19 | of Human Services, the Division of Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
20 | within the Department of Human Services, or the Department of | ||||||
21 | Healthcare and Family Services) depending on the child's | ||||||
22 | primary disability and the child's care needs, the process by | ||||||
23 | which the child is placed under the care of the appropriate | ||||||
24 | agency to treat the child's condition or conditions and each | ||||||
25 | agency's responsibilities throughout this process, including | ||||||
26 | budgetary responsibility. |
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1 | (c) An interagency agreement shall be executed within 6 | ||||||
2 | months after the effective date of this Act.
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3 | Section 20. Voluntary placement of children with a serious | ||||||
4 | mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or | ||||||
5 | developmental disability. | ||||||
6 | (a) The Department of Children and Family Services shall | ||||||
7 | establish a voluntary placement program, in which a child is | ||||||
8 | voluntarily placed into the care of the Department of Children | ||||||
9 | and Family Services under a voluntary placement agreement for | ||||||
10 | the purpose of out-of-home placement of the child for the | ||||||
11 | treatment of a serious mental illness, serious emotional | ||||||
12 | disturbance, or developmental disability. | ||||||
13 | (b) The Department of Children and Family Services shall | ||||||
14 | make reasonable efforts with the child's parents or legal | ||||||
15 | guardian to prevent an out-of-home placement prior to entering | ||||||
16 | into a voluntary placement agreement, including working with | ||||||
17 | the family to secure services through the Division of Mental | ||||||
18 | Health, the Division of Developmental Disabilities, the | ||||||
19 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or other | ||||||
20 | appropriate State or local agency. | ||||||
21 | (c) The Department of Children and Family Services is | ||||||
22 | prohibited from seeking legal custody of a child under | ||||||
23 | voluntary placement if the child has a serious mental illness, | ||||||
24 | serious emotional disturbance, or developmental disability and | ||||||
25 | the purpose of the voluntary placement is to obtain treatment |
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1 | or care related to the child's disability in the out-of-home | ||||||
2 | placement. | ||||||
3 | (d) The Department of Children and Family Services shall | ||||||
4 | adopt rules to implement the voluntary placement program, | ||||||
5 | including, but not limited to: | ||||||
6 | (1) the voluntary placement agreement process; | ||||||
7 | (2) assessing the voluntary placement agreement; | ||||||
8 | (3) outlining parental or guardian rights and | ||||||
9 | responsibilities for children voluntarily placed under | ||||||
10 | this Act to maximize parental or guardian participation in | ||||||
11 | the child's recovery and family reunification as soon as is | ||||||
12 | best for the child, including but not limited to, parental | ||||||
13 | or guardian involvement in the child's care, | ||||||
14 | decision-making authority, involvement in care planning | ||||||
15 | meetings, maintenance of health care coverage, and | ||||||
16 | reasonable child support; | ||||||
17 | (4) juvenile court requirements for children under a | ||||||
18 | voluntary placement agreement to ensure Title IV-E of the | ||||||
19 | federal Social Security Act reimbursement when applicable; | ||||||
20 | (5) terminating a voluntary placement agreement; | ||||||
21 | (6) administrative issues and reporting requirements; | ||||||
22 | and | ||||||
23 | (7) any other rules necessary to implement a voluntary | ||||||
24 | placement program to carry out this Act. | ||||||
25 | (e) The out-of-home placement may not exceed 180 days | ||||||
26 | without juvenile court approval. A child may remain in an |
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1 | out-of-home placement under a voluntary placement agreement | ||||||
2 | under this Act for more than 180 days only if the child's | ||||||
3 | disability necessitates care or treatment in the out-of-home | ||||||
4 | placement and a juvenile court finds that continuation of the | ||||||
5 | placement is in the best interests of the child. Rules shall | ||||||
6 | set the interval for which juvenile court approval is needed | ||||||
7 | beyond 180 days.
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8 | (f) Abandonment at a psychiatric hospital or similar | ||||||
9 | facility shall not constitute grounds for a finding of abuse or | ||||||
10 | neglect under certain circumstances. If a parent or guardian | ||||||
11 | refuses to take a child home from a psychiatric hospital or | ||||||
12 | other similar facility that indicates the child can be treated | ||||||
13 | at home and the parents or guardian report they are unable or | ||||||
14 | unwilling to take the child home because of a reasonable fear | ||||||
15 | for the safety of the child or other family members, the | ||||||
16 | Department of Children and Family Services shall determine | ||||||
17 | whether the alleged fear is reasonable under the circumstances. | ||||||
18 | If it is determined to be reasonable, the Department of | ||||||
19 | Children and Family Services shall not use the circumstances as | ||||||
20 | a basis for an indicated finding of abuse or neglect. | ||||||
21 | (g) The inability of a parent to care for a child with a | ||||||
22 | serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or | ||||||
23 | developmental disability shall not in itself be the basis for a | ||||||
24 | finding of abuse or neglect. | ||||||
25 | (h) Exception to reporting on the State Central Register | ||||||
26 | for Child Abuse and Neglect. Parents or guardians who refuse to |
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1 | take a child home from a psychiatric hospital or other similar | ||||||
2 | facility because of a reasonable fear for the safety of the | ||||||
3 | child or other family member shall not be placed on the State | ||||||
4 | Central Register for Child Abuse and Neglect if the Department | ||||||
5 | of Children and Family Services has determined that the fear | ||||||
6 | was reasonable. | ||||||
7 | (i) A State employee or agent shall not communicate to a | ||||||
8 | parent in any manner that the State will provide different or | ||||||
9 | additional mental health services of any kind to that parent's | ||||||
10 | child if the child is found to be dependent or neglected or if | ||||||
11 | the parent surrenders custody of that child to the State. | ||||||
12 | (j) Annual review by the Community and Residential Services | ||||||
13 | Authority. The Department of Children and Family Services shall | ||||||
14 | refer all cases voluntarily placed under this Act to the | ||||||
15 | Community and Residential Services Authority for review as soon | ||||||
16 | as the child is voluntarily placed to enable the Authority to | ||||||
17 | annually review why cases were voluntarily placed in the | ||||||
18 | Department of Children and Family Services rather than a more | ||||||
19 | appropriate agency for treating the child's disability. The | ||||||
20 | Community and Residential Services Authority shall submit an | ||||||
21 | annual report to the General Assembly on whether the number of | ||||||
22 | cases voluntarily placed during the year were appropriate cases | ||||||
23 | for voluntarily placement, why placement under the Division of | ||||||
24 | Mental Health, the Division of Developmental Disabilities, and | ||||||
25 | the Department of Healthcare and Family Services did not occur | ||||||
26 | and recommendations for reducing the number of voluntary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | placements for purposes of treatment of a serious mental | ||||||
2 | illness, serious emotional disturbance, or developmental | ||||||
3 | disability.