Rep. Carol A. Sente
Filed: 4/8/2014
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
2 | | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3829 by replacing |
3 | | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 | | "Section 5. The Department of Commerce and Economic |
5 | | Opportunity Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is |
6 | | amended by changing Section 605-300 as follows:
7 | | (20 ILCS 605/605-300) (was 20 ILCS 605/46.2)
8 | | Sec. 605-300. Economic and business development plans; |
9 | | Illinois Business Development Council. |
10 | | (a) Economic development plans. The Department shall |
11 | | develop a strategic economic development plan for the State by |
12 | | July 1, 2014. By no later than July 1, 2015, and by July 1 |
13 | | annually thereafter, the Department shall make modifications |
14 | | to the plan as modifications are warranted by changes in |
15 | | economic conditions or by other factors, including changes in |
16 | | policy. In addition to the annual modification, the plan shall |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 2 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | be reviewed and redeveloped in full every 5 years. In the |
2 | | development of the annual economic development plan, the |
3 | | Department shall consult with representatives of the private |
4 | | sector, other State agencies, academic institutions, local |
5 | | economic development organizations, local governments, and |
6 | | not-for-profit organizations. The annual economic development |
7 | | plan shall set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and |
8 | | time-sensitive goals and shall include a focus on areas of high |
9 | | unemployment or poverty. |
10 | | The term "economic development" shall be construed broadly |
11 | | by the Department and may include, but is not limited to, job |
12 | | creation, job retention, tax base enhancements, development of |
13 | | human capital, workforce productivity, critical |
14 | | infrastructure, regional competitiveness, social inclusion, |
15 | | standard of living, environmental sustainability, energy |
16 | | independence, quality of life, the effective use of financial |
17 | | incentives, the utilization of public private partnerships |
18 | | where appropriate, and other metrics determined by the |
19 | | Department. |
20 | | The plan shall be based on relevant economic data, focus on |
21 | | economic development as prescribed by this Section, and |
22 | | emphasize strategies to retain and create jobs. |
23 | | The plan shall identify and develop specific strategies for |
24 | | utilizing the assets of regions within the State defined as |
25 | | counties and municipalities or other political subdivisions in |
26 | | close geographical proximity that share common economic traits |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 3 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | such as commuting zones, labor market areas, or other |
2 | | economically integrated characteristics. |
3 | | If the plan includes strategies that have a fiscal impact |
4 | | on the Department or any other agency, the plan shall include a |
5 | | detailed description of the estimated fiscal impact of such |
6 | | strategies. |
7 | | Prior to publishing the plan in its final form, the |
8 | | Department shall allow for a reasonable time for public input. |
9 | | The Department shall transmit copies of the economic |
10 | | development plan to the Governor and the General Assembly no |
11 | | later than July 1, 2014, and by July 1 annually thereafter. The |
12 | | plan and its corresponding modifications shall be published and |
13 | | made available to the public in both paper and electronic |
14 | | media, on the Department's website, and by any other method |
15 | | that the Department deems appropriate. |
16 | | The Department shall annually submit legislation to |
17 | | implement the strategic economic development plan or |
18 | | modifications to the strategic economic development plan to the |
19 | | Governor, the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, and |
20 | | the Speaker and the Minority Leader of the House of |
21 | | Representatives. The legislation shall be in the form of one or |
22 | | more substantive bills drafted by the Legislative Reference |
23 | | Bureau. |
24 | | (b) Business development plans; Illinois Business |
25 | | Development Council. |
26 | | (1) There is created the Illinois Business Development |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 4 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council. The |
2 | | Council shall consist of the Director, who shall serve as |
3 | | co-chairperson, and 12 voting members who shall be |
4 | | appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of |
5 | | the Senate. |
6 | | (A) The voting members of the Council shall include |
7 | | one representative from each of the following |
8 | | businesses and groups: small business, coal, |
9 | | healthcare, large manufacturing, small or specialized |
10 | | manufacturing, agriculture, high technology or applied |
11 | | science, local economic development entities, private |
12 | | sector organized labor, a local or state business |
13 | | association or chamber of commerce. |
14 | | (B) There shall be 2 at-large voting members who |
15 | | reside within areas of high unemployment within |
16 | | counties or municipalities that have had an annual |
17 | | average unemployment rate of at least 120% of the |
18 | | State's annual average unemployment rate as reported |
19 | | by the Department of Employment Security for the 5 |
20 | | years preceding the date of appointment. |
21 | | (2) All appointments shall be made in a geographically |
22 | | diverse manner. |
23 | | (3) For the initial appointments to the Council, 6 |
24 | | voting members shall be appointed to serve a 2-year term |
25 | | and 6 voting members shall be appointed to serve a 4-year |
26 | | term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of 4 |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 5 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | years. The initial term of voting members shall commence on |
2 | | the first Wednesday in February 2014. Thereafter, the terms |
3 | | of voting members shall commence on the first Wednesday in |
4 | | February, except in the case of an appointment to fill a |
5 | | vacancy. Vacancies occurring among the members shall be |
6 | | filled in the same manner as the original appointment for |
7 | | the remainder of the unexpired term. For a vacancy |
8 | | occurring when the Senate is not in session, the Governor |
9 | | may make a temporary appointment until the next meeting of |
10 | | the Senate when a person shall be nominated to fill the |
11 | | office, and, upon confirmation by the Senate, he or she |
12 | | shall hold office during the remainder of the term. A |
13 | | vacancy in membership does not impair the ability of a |
14 | | quorum to exercise all rights and perform all duties of the |
15 | | Council. A member is eligible for reappointment. |
16 | | (4) Members shall serve without compensation, but may |
17 | | be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the |
18 | | performance of their duties from funds appropriated for |
19 | | that purpose. |
20 | | (5) In addition, the following shall serve as ex |
21 | | officio, non-voting members of the Council in order to |
22 | | provide specialized advice and support to the Council: the |
23 | | Secretary of Transportation, or his or her designee; the |
24 | | Director of Employment Security, or his or her designee; |
25 | | the Executive Director of the Illinois Finance Authority, |
26 | | or his or her designee; the Director of Agriculture, or his |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 6 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | or her designee; the Director of Revenue, or his or her |
2 | | designee; the Director of Labor, or his or her designee; |
3 | | and the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, or |
4 | | his or her designee. Ex officio Ex-officio members shall |
5 | | provide staff and technical assistance to the Council when |
6 | | appropriate. |
7 | | (6) In addition to the Director, the voting members |
8 | | shall elect a co-chairperson. |
9 | | (7) The Council shall meet at least twice annually and |
10 | | at such other times as the co-chairpersons or any 5 voting |
11 | | members consider necessary. Seven voting members shall |
12 | | constitute a quorum of the Council. |
13 | | (8) The Department shall provide staff assistance to |
14 | | the Council. |
15 | | (9) The Council shall provide the Department relevant |
16 | | information in a timely manner pursuant to its duties as |
17 | | enumerated in
this Section that can be used by the |
18 | | Department to enhance the State's strategic economic |
19 | | development plan. |
20 | | (10) The Council shall: |
21 | | (A) Develop an overall strategic business |
22 | | development plan for the State of Illinois and update |
23 | | the plan at least annually ; that plan shall include, |
24 | | without limitation, (i) an assessment of the economic |
25 | | development practices of states that border Illinois |
26 | | and (ii) recommendations for best practices with |
| | 09800HB3829ham001 | - 7 - | LRB098 15407 HLH 58475 a |
1 | | respect to economic development, business incentives, |
2 | | business attraction, and business retention for |
3 | | counties in Illinois that border at least one other |
4 | | state . |
5 | | (B) Develop business marketing plans for the State |
6 | | of Illinois to effectively solicit new company |
7 | | investment and existing business expansion. Insofar as |
8 | | allowed under the Illinois Procurement Code, and |
9 | | subject to appropriations made by the General Assembly |
10 | | for such purposes, the Council may assist the |
11 | | Department in the procurement of outside vendors to |
12 | | carry out such marketing plans. |
13 | | (C) Seek input from local economic development |
14 | | officials to develop specific strategies to |
15 | | effectively link State and local business development |
16 | | and marketing efforts focusing on areas of high |
17 | | unemployment or poverty. |
18 | | (D) Provide the Department with advice on |
19 | | strategic business development
and business marketing |
20 | | for the State of Illinois. |
21 | | (E) Provide the Department research and recommend |
22 | | best practices for developing investment tools for |
23 | | business attraction and retention.
24 | | (Source: P.A. 98-397, eff. 8-16-13; revised 10-8-13.)
25 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |