| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Public Labor Relations Act is | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 315/5) (from Ch. 48, par. 1605)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 5. Illinois Labor Relations Board; State Panel; Local | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Panel.
| |||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) There is created the Illinois Labor Relations Board. | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | The Board shall
be comprised of 2 panels, to be known as the | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | State Panel and the Local Panel.
| |||||||||||||||||||
12 | (a-5) The State Panel shall have jurisdiction over | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | collective bargaining
matters between employee organizations | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | and the State of Illinois, excluding the
General Assembly of | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | the State of Illinois, between employee organizations and
units | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | of local government and school districts with a population not | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | in excess
of 2 million persons, and between employee | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | organizations and the Regional
Transportation Authority.
| |||||||||||||||||||
19 | The State Panel shall consist of 5 members appointed by the | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Governor, with
the advice and consent of the Senate. The | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | Governor shall appoint to the State
Panel only persons who have | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | had a minimum of 5 years of experience directly
related to | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | labor and employment relations in representing public |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employers,
private employers or labor organizations; or | ||||||
2 | teaching labor or employment
relations; or administering | ||||||
3 | executive orders or regulations applicable to labor
or | ||||||
4 | employment relations. At the time of his or her appointment, | ||||||
5 | each member of
the State Panel shall be an Illinois resident. | ||||||
6 | The Governor shall designate
one member to serve as the | ||||||
7 | Chairman of the State Panel and the Board.
| ||||||
8 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the | ||||||
9 | term of each
member of the State Panel who was appointed by the | ||||||
10 | Governor and is in office
on June 30, 2003 shall terminate at | ||||||
11 | the close of business on that date or when
all of the successor | ||||||
12 | members to be appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act
of the | ||||||
13 | 93rd General Assembly have been appointed by the Governor, | ||||||
14 | whichever
occurs later. As soon as possible, the Governor shall | ||||||
15 | appoint persons to
fill the vacancies created by this | ||||||
16 | amendatory Act.
| ||||||
17 | The initial appointments under this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
18 | 93rd
General Assembly shall be for terms as follows: The | ||||||
19 | Chairman shall initially
be appointed for a term ending on the | ||||||
20 | 4th Monday in January, 2007;
2 members shall be initially | ||||||
21 | appointed for terms ending on the 4th Monday in
January, 2006; | ||||||
22 | one member shall be initially appointed for a term
ending on | ||||||
23 | the 4th Monday in January, 2005; and one member shall be
| ||||||
24 | initially appointed for a term ending on the 4th Monday in | ||||||
25 | January, 2004. Each
subsequent member shall be appointed for a | ||||||
26 | term of 4 years, commencing on the
4th Monday in January. Upon |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expiration of the term of office of any appointive
member, that | ||||||
2 | member shall continue to serve until a successor shall be
| ||||||
3 | appointed and qualified. In case of a vacancy, a successor | ||||||
4 | shall be appointed
to serve for the unexpired portion of the | ||||||
5 | term. If the Senate is not in
session at the time the initial | ||||||
6 | appointments are made, the Governor
shall make temporary | ||||||
7 | appointments in the same manner successors are appointed
to | ||||||
8 | fill vacancies. A temporary appointment shall remain in effect | ||||||
9 | no longer
than 20 calendar days after the commencement of the | ||||||
10 | next Senate session.
| ||||||
11 | (b) The Local Panel shall have jurisdiction over collective | ||||||
12 | bargaining
agreement matters between employee organizations | ||||||
13 | and units of local government
with a population in excess of 2 | ||||||
14 | million persons, but excluding the Regional
Transportation | ||||||
15 | Authority.
| ||||||
16 | The Local Panel shall consist of one person appointed by | ||||||
17 | the Governor with
the advice and consent of the Senate (or, if | ||||||
18 | no such person is appointed, the
Chairman of the State Panel) | ||||||
19 | and two additional members, one appointed by the
Mayor of the | ||||||
20 | City of Chicago and one appointed by the President of the Cook
| ||||||
21 | County Board of Commissioners. Appointees to the Local Panel | ||||||
22 | must have had a
minimum of 5 years of experience directly | ||||||
23 | related to labor and employment
relations in representing | ||||||
24 | public employers, private employers or labor
organizations; or | ||||||
25 | teaching labor or employment relations; or administering
| ||||||
26 | executive orders or regulations applicable to labor or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employment relations.
Each member of the Local Panel shall be | ||||||
2 | an Illinois resident at the time of
his or her appointment. The | ||||||
3 | member appointed by the Governor (or, if no such
person is | ||||||
4 | appointed, the Chairman of the State Panel) shall serve as the
| ||||||
5 | Chairman of the Local Panel.
| ||||||
6 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the | ||||||
7 | term of the
member of the Local Panel who was appointed by the | ||||||
8 | Governor and is in office
on June 30, 2003 shall terminate at | ||||||
9 | the close of business on that date or when
his or her successor | ||||||
10 | has been appointed by the Governor, whichever occurs
later. As | ||||||
11 | soon as possible, the Governor shall appoint a person to fill | ||||||
12 | the
vacancy created by this amendatory Act. The initial | ||||||
13 | appointment under this
amendatory Act of the 93rd General | ||||||
14 | Assembly shall be for a term ending on the
4th Monday in | ||||||
15 | January, 2007.
| ||||||
16 | The initial appointments under this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
17 | 91st General
Assembly shall be for terms as follows: The member | ||||||
18 | appointed by the Governor
shall initially be appointed for a | ||||||
19 | term ending on the 4th Monday in January,
2001; the member | ||||||
20 | appointed by the President of the Cook County Board shall be
| ||||||
21 | initially appointed for a term ending on the 4th Monday in | ||||||
22 | January, 2003; and
the member appointed by the Mayor of the | ||||||
23 | City of Chicago shall be initially
appointed for a term ending | ||||||
24 | on the 4th Monday in January, 2004. Each
subsequent member | ||||||
25 | shall be appointed for a term of 4 years, commencing
on the 4th | ||||||
26 | Monday in January. Upon expiration of the term of office of any
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appointive member, the member shall continue to serve until a | ||||||
2 | successor shall
be appointed and qualified. In the case of a | ||||||
3 | vacancy, a successor shall be
appointed by the applicable | ||||||
4 | appointive authority to serve for the unexpired
portion of the | ||||||
5 | term.
| ||||||
6 | (c) Three members of the State Panel shall at all times | ||||||
7 | constitute
a quorum. Two members of the Local Panel shall at | ||||||
8 | all times constitute a
quorum. A vacancy on a panel does not | ||||||
9 | impair the right of the remaining
members to exercise all of | ||||||
10 | the powers of that panel. Each panel shall adopt an
official | ||||||
11 | seal which shall be judicially noticed. The salary of the | ||||||
12 | Chairman of
the State Panel shall be $82,429 per year, or as | ||||||
13 | set by the Compensation Review
Board, whichever is greater, | ||||||
14 | until the expiration of the term of office in which the | ||||||
15 | Chairman is serving on the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
16 | Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the Chairman | ||||||
17 | shall serve without compensation. The and that of the other | ||||||
18 | members of the State and
Local Panels shall be $74,188 per | ||||||
19 | year, or as set by the Compensation Review
Board, whichever is | ||||||
20 | greater , until the expiration of the terms of office in which | ||||||
21 | the members are serving on the effective date of this | ||||||
22 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the | ||||||
23 | members shall serve without compensation .
| ||||||
24 | (d) Each member shall devote his or her entire time to the | ||||||
25 | duties of
the office, and shall hold no other office or | ||||||
26 | position of profit, nor engage
in any other business, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employment, or vocation.
No member shall hold any other public | ||||||
2 | office or be employed as a labor
or management representative | ||||||
3 | by the State or any political subdivision of
the State or of | ||||||
4 | any department or agency thereof, or actively represent or act
| ||||||
5 | on behalf of an employer or an employee organization or an | ||||||
6 | employer in labor
relations matters. Any member of the State | ||||||
7 | Panel may be removed
from office by the Governor for | ||||||
8 | inefficiency,
neglect of duty, misconduct or malfeasance in | ||||||
9 | office, and for no other cause,
and only upon notice and | ||||||
10 | hearing. Any member of the Local Panel
may be removed from | ||||||
11 | office by the applicable appointive authority for
| ||||||
12 | inefficiency, neglect of duty, misconduct or malfeasance in | ||||||
13 | office, and for no
other cause, and only upon notice and | ||||||
14 | hearing.
| ||||||
15 | (e) Each panel at the end of every State fiscal
year shall | ||||||
16 | make a report in writing to the Governor and the General | ||||||
17 | Assembly,
stating in detail the work it has done in hearing and | ||||||
18 | deciding cases and
| ||||||
19 | (f) In order to accomplish the objectives and carry out the | ||||||
20 | duties
prescribed by this Act, a panel or its
authorized | ||||||
21 | designees may hold elections to determine whether a labor
| ||||||
22 | organization has majority status; investigate and attempt to | ||||||
23 | resolve or settle
charges of unfair labor practices; hold | ||||||
24 | hearings in order to carry out its
functions; develop and | ||||||
25 | effectuate appropriate impasse resolution procedures for
| ||||||
26 | purposes of resolving labor disputes; require the appearance of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | witnesses and
the production of evidence on any matter under | ||||||
2 | inquiry; and administer oaths
and affirmations. The panels | ||||||
3 | shall sign and report in
full an opinion in every case which | ||||||
4 | they decide.
| ||||||
5 | (g) Each panel may appoint or employ an executive
director, | ||||||
6 | attorneys, hearing officers, mediators, fact-finders, | ||||||
7 | arbitrators,
and such other employees as it may deem necessary | ||||||
8 | to perform
its functions. The governing boards shall prescribe | ||||||
9 | the duties
and qualifications of such persons appointed and, | ||||||
10 | subject to the annual
appropriation, fix their compensation and | ||||||
11 | provide for reimbursement of actual
and necessary expenses | ||||||
12 | incurred in the performance of their duties. The Board shall | ||||||
13 | employ a minimum of 16 attorneys and 6 investigators.
| ||||||
14 | (h) Each panel shall exercise general supervision
over all | ||||||
15 | attorneys which it employs and over the other persons employed | ||||||
16 | to
provide necessary support services for such attorneys. The | ||||||
17 | panels shall have final authority in respect to complaints
| ||||||
18 | brought pursuant to this Act.
| ||||||
19 | (i) The following rules and regulations shall be adopted by | ||||||
20 | the panels meeting in joint session: (1) procedural rules and
| ||||||
21 | regulations which shall govern all Board proceedings; (2) | ||||||
22 | procedures for
election of exclusive bargaining | ||||||
23 | representatives pursuant to Section 9, except
for the | ||||||
24 | determination of appropriate bargaining units; and (3) | ||||||
25 | appointment
of counsel pursuant to subsection (k) of this | ||||||
26 | Section.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (j) Rules and regulations may be adopted, amended or | ||||||
2 | rescinded only
upon a vote of 5 of the members of the State and | ||||||
3 | Local Panels meeting
in joint session. The adoption,
amendment | ||||||
4 | or rescission of rules and regulations shall be in conformity | ||||||
5 | with
the requirements of the Illinois Administrative Procedure | ||||||
6 | Act.
| ||||||
7 | (k) The panels in joint session shall promulgate
rules and | ||||||
8 | regulations providing for the appointment of attorneys or other | ||||||
9 | Board
representatives to represent persons in unfair labor | ||||||
10 | practice proceedings
before a panel. The regulations governing | ||||||
11 | appointment
shall require the applicant to demonstrate an | ||||||
12 | inability to pay for or inability
to otherwise provide for | ||||||
13 | adequate representation before a panel. Such rules
must also | ||||||
14 | provide: (1) that an attorney may not be
appointed in cases | ||||||
15 | which, in the opinion of a panel, are clearly
without merit; | ||||||
16 | (2) the stage of the unfair labor proceeding at which counsel
| ||||||
17 | will be appointed; and (3) the circumstances under which a | ||||||
18 | client will be
allowed to select counsel.
| ||||||
19 | (1) The panels in joint session may promulgate
rules and | ||||||
20 | regulations which allow parties in proceedings before a panel | ||||||
21 | to be represented by counsel or any other representative
of the | ||||||
22 | party's choice.
| ||||||
23 | (m) The Chairman of the State Panel shall serve
as Chairman | ||||||
24 | of a joint session of the panels.
Attendance of at least 2 | ||||||
25 | members of the State Panel and at least one
member of the Local | ||||||
26 | Panel, in addition to
the Chairman, shall constitute a quorum |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at a joint session. The panels shall
meet in joint session at | ||||||
2 | least annually.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 96-813, eff. 10-30-09.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 10. The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 20-5 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 430/20-5)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 20-5. Executive Ethics Commission.
| ||||||
8 | (a) The Executive Ethics Commission is created.
| ||||||
9 | (b) The Executive Ethics Commission shall consist of 9
| ||||||
10 | commissioners.
The Governor shall appoint 5 commissioners, and | ||||||
11 | the Attorney General, Secretary
of State, Comptroller, and | ||||||
12 | Treasurer shall each appoint one commissioner.
Appointments | ||||||
13 | shall be made by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate | ||||||
14 | by three-fifths of the elected members concurring by record | ||||||
15 | vote.
Any nomination not acted upon by the Senate within 60 | ||||||
16 | session days of the
receipt thereof shall be deemed to have | ||||||
17 | received the advice and consent of
the Senate. If, during a | ||||||
18 | recess of the Senate, there is a vacancy in an office
of | ||||||
19 | commissioner, the appointing authority shall make a temporary
| ||||||
20 | appointment until the next meeting of the Senate when the | ||||||
21 | appointing
authority shall make a nomination to fill that | ||||||
22 | office. No person rejected for
an office of commissioner shall, | ||||||
23 | except by the Senate's request, be
nominated again for that | ||||||
24 | office at the same session of the Senate or be
appointed to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that office during a recess of that Senate.
No more than 5
| ||||||
2 | commissioners may be of the same
political party.
| ||||||
3 | The terms of the initial commissioners shall commence upon | ||||||
4 | qualification.
Four initial appointees of the Governor, as | ||||||
5 | designated by the Governor, shall
serve terms running through | ||||||
6 | June 30, 2007. One initial appointee of the
Governor, as | ||||||
7 | designated by the Governor, and the initial appointees of the
| ||||||
8 | Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and | ||||||
9 | Treasurer shall serve
terms running through June 30, 2008.
The | ||||||
10 | initial appointments shall be made within 60 days
after the | ||||||
11 | effective date of this Act.
| ||||||
12 | After the initial terms, commissioners shall serve for | ||||||
13 | 4-year terms
commencing on July 1 of the year of appointment | ||||||
14 | and running
through June 30 of the fourth following year. | ||||||
15 | Commissioners may be
reappointed to one or more subsequent | ||||||
16 | terms.
| ||||||
17 | Vacancies occurring other than at the end of a term shall | ||||||
18 | be filled
by the appointing authority only for the balance of | ||||||
19 | the
term of the commissioner whose office is vacant.
| ||||||
20 | Terms shall run regardless of whether the position is | ||||||
21 | filled.
| ||||||
22 | (c) The appointing authorities shall appoint commissioners | ||||||
23 | who
have experience holding governmental office or employment | ||||||
24 | and shall
appoint commissioners from the general public.
A | ||||||
25 | person is not eligible to
serve as a commissioner if that | ||||||
26 | person (i) has been convicted of a
felony or a crime of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | dishonesty or moral turpitude, (ii) is, or was
within the | ||||||
2 | preceding 12 months, engaged in activities that
require | ||||||
3 | registration under the Lobbyist Registration Act, (iii) is | ||||||
4 | related
to the appointing authority, or (iv) is a State officer | ||||||
5 | or employee.
| ||||||
6 | (d) The Executive Ethics Commission shall have
| ||||||
7 | jurisdiction over all officers and employees of State agencies | ||||||
8 | other
than the General Assembly, the Senate, the House of | ||||||
9 | Representatives,
the President and Minority Leader of the | ||||||
10 | Senate, the Speaker and
Minority Leader of the House of | ||||||
11 | Representatives, the Senate
Operations Commission, the | ||||||
12 | legislative support services agencies, and
the Office of the | ||||||
13 | Auditor General.
The Executive Ethics Commission shall have | ||||||
14 | jurisdiction over all board members and employees of Regional | ||||||
15 | Transit Boards. The jurisdiction of the
Commission is limited | ||||||
16 | to matters arising under this Act, except as provided in | ||||||
17 | subsection (d-5).
| ||||||
18 | A member or legislative branch State employee serving on an | ||||||
19 | executive branch board or commission remains subject to the | ||||||
20 | jurisdiction of the Legislative Ethics Commission and is not | ||||||
21 | subject to the jurisdiction of the Executive Ethics Commission. | ||||||
22 | (d-5) The Executive Ethics Commission shall have | ||||||
23 | jurisdiction over all chief procurement officers and | ||||||
24 | procurement compliance monitors and their respective staffs. | ||||||
25 | The Executive Ethics Commission shall have jurisdiction over | ||||||
26 | any matters arising under the Illinois Procurement Code if the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Commission is given explicit authority in that Code. | ||||||
2 | (d-6) (1) The Executive Ethics Commission shall have | ||||||
3 | jurisdiction over the Illinois Power Agency and its staff. The | ||||||
4 | Director of the Agency shall be appointed by a majority of the | ||||||
5 | commissioners of the Executive Ethics Commission, subject to | ||||||
6 | Senate confirmation, for a term of 2 years. The Director is | ||||||
7 | removable for cause by a majority of the Commission upon a | ||||||
8 | finding of neglect, malfeasance, absence, or incompetence. | ||||||
9 | (2) In case of a vacancy in the office of Director of the | ||||||
10 | Illinois Power Agency during a recess of the Senate, the | ||||||
11 | Executive Ethics Commission may make a temporary appointment | ||||||
12 | until the next meeting of the Senate, at which time the | ||||||
13 | Executive Ethics Commission shall nominate some person to fill | ||||||
14 | the office, and any person so nominated who is confirmed by the | ||||||
15 | Senate shall hold office during the remainder of the term and | ||||||
16 | until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Nothing | ||||||
17 | in this subsection shall prohibit the Executive Ethics | ||||||
18 | Commission from removing a temporary appointee or from | ||||||
19 | appointing a temporary appointee as the Director of the | ||||||
20 | Illinois Power Agency. | ||||||
21 | (3) Prior to June 1, 2012, the Executive Ethics Commission | ||||||
22 | may, until the Director of the Illinois Power Agency is | ||||||
23 | appointed and qualified or a temporary appointment is made | ||||||
24 | pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, designate some | ||||||
25 | person as an acting Director to execute the powers and | ||||||
26 | discharge the duties vested by law in that Director. An acting |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Director shall serve no later than 60 calendar days, or upon | ||||||
2 | the making of an appointment pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) | ||||||
3 | of this subsection, whichever is earlier. Nothing in this | ||||||
4 | subsection shall prohibit the Executive Ethics Commission from | ||||||
5 | removing an acting Director or from appointing an acting | ||||||
6 | Director as the Director of the Illinois Power Agency. | ||||||
7 | (4) No person rejected by the Senate for the office of | ||||||
8 | Director of the Illinois Power Agency shall, except at the | ||||||
9 | Senate's request, be nominated again for that office at the | ||||||
10 | same session or be appointed to that office during a recess of | ||||||
11 | that Senate. | ||||||
12 | (e) The Executive Ethics Commission must meet, either
in | ||||||
13 | person or by other technological means, at least monthly and as
| ||||||
14 | often as necessary. At the first meeting of the Executive
| ||||||
15 | Ethics Commission, the commissioners shall choose from their
| ||||||
16 | number a chairperson and other officers that they deem | ||||||
17 | appropriate.
The terms of officers shall be for 2 years | ||||||
18 | commencing July 1 and
running through June 30 of the second | ||||||
19 | following year. Meetings shall be held at
the call
of the | ||||||
20 | chairperson or any 3 commissioners. Official action by the
| ||||||
21 | Commission shall require the affirmative vote of 5 | ||||||
22 | commissioners, and
a quorum shall consist of 5 commissioners. | ||||||
23 | Commissioners shall receive
compensation in an amount equal to | ||||||
24 | the compensation received by of members of the State
Board of | ||||||
25 | Elections prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
26 | the 98th General Assembly, unless otherwise provided, and may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be
reimbursed for their reasonable expenses actually incurred | ||||||
2 | in the
performance of their duties.
| ||||||
3 | (f) No commissioner or employee of the Executive
Ethics | ||||||
4 | Commission may during his or her term of appointment or | ||||||
5 | employment:
| ||||||
6 | (1) become a candidate for any elective office;
| ||||||
7 | (2) hold any other elected or appointed public office | ||||||
8 | except for
appointments on governmental advisory boards or | ||||||
9 | study commissions or as
otherwise expressly authorized by | ||||||
10 | law;
| ||||||
11 | (3) be actively involved in the affairs of any | ||||||
12 | political party or
organization; or
| ||||||
13 | (4) advocate for the appointment of another person to | ||||||
14 | an appointed or elected office or position or actively | ||||||
15 | participate in any campaign for any elective office.
| ||||||
16 | (g) An appointing authority may remove a commissioner only | ||||||
17 | for cause.
| ||||||
18 | (h) The Executive Ethics Commission shall appoint an | ||||||
19 | Executive Director. The
compensation of the Executive Director | ||||||
20 | shall be as determined by the Commission. The Executive
| ||||||
21 | Director of the Executive Ethics Commission may employ and | ||||||
22 | determine the
compensation of staff, as appropriations permit.
| ||||||
23 | (i) The Executive Ethics Commission shall appoint, by a | ||||||
24 | majority of the members appointed to the Commission, chief | ||||||
25 | procurement officers and procurement compliance monitors in | ||||||
26 | accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Procurement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code. The compensation of a chief procurement officer and | ||||||
2 | procurement compliance monitor shall be determined by the | ||||||
3 | Commission. | ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 96-555, eff. 8-18-09; 96-1528, eff. 7-1-11; | ||||||
5 | 97-618, eff. 10-26-11; 97-677, eff. 2-6-12.) | ||||||
6 | Section 15. The Election Code is amended by changing | ||||||
7 | Section 1A-6.1 as follows:
| ||||||
8 | (10 ILCS 5/1A-6.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-6.1)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 1A-6.1.
The chairman of the State Board of Elections | ||||||
10 | shall preside
at all meetings of the Board, except that the | ||||||
11 | vice chairman shall preside
at any meeting when the chairman is | ||||||
12 | absent. The salary of the chairman
shall be $25,000 per year, | ||||||
13 | or as set by the Compensation Review Board,
whichever is | ||||||
14 | greater, and the salary of the vice-chairman shall be $20,000
| ||||||
15 | per year, or as set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever | ||||||
16 | is
greater. The chairman and vice-chairman of the Board shall | ||||||
17 | be paid their respective annual salaries until the expiration | ||||||
18 | of the terms of office in which the chairman and the | ||||||
19 | vice-chairman are serving on the effective date of this | ||||||
20 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the | ||||||
21 | chairman and vice-chairman shall serve without compensation. | ||||||
22 | The salary of the other Board members
shall be $15,000 per | ||||||
23 | year, or as set by the Compensation Review Board,
whichever is | ||||||
24 | greater , until the expiration of the terms of office in which |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the members are serving on the effective date of this | ||||||
2 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the | ||||||
3 | members shall serve without compensation . Each member shall be | ||||||
4 | reimbursed for actual expenses
incurred in the performance of | ||||||
5 | his duties.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 83-1177.)
| ||||||
7 | Section 20. The Secretary of State Merit Employment Code is | ||||||
8 | amended by changing Section 8a as follows:
| ||||||
9 | (15 ILCS 310/8a) (from Ch. 124, par. 108a)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 8a. Terms, compensation. Members of the Merit | ||||||
11 | Commission shall be
initially appointed as follows:
| ||||||
12 | (1) One member to serve for 2 years and until his | ||||||
13 | successor is appointed;
| ||||||
14 | (2) One member to serve for 4 years and until his | ||||||
15 | successor is appointed;
| ||||||
16 | (3) One member to serve for 6 years and until his | ||||||
17 | successor is appointed.
| ||||||
18 | Thereafter, members of the Commission shall be appointed by | ||||||
19 | the Secretary
of State for six year terms with the advice and | ||||||
20 | consent of the Senate.
| ||||||
21 | A member of the Commission shall be appointed as Chairman | ||||||
22 | by the Secretary
of State for a two-year term. The Secretary of | ||||||
23 | State may appoint the Chairman
for consecutive terms. The | ||||||
24 | Chairman may also be appointed as the Administrator responsible |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for overseeing the Commission staff and day-to-day operations | ||||||
2 | of the Commission.
| ||||||
3 | The Secretary of State may appoint a person to fill a | ||||||
4 | vacancy occurring
prior to the expiration of a six year term | ||||||
5 | for the remainder of the unexpired
term with the advice and | ||||||
6 | consent of the Senate.
| ||||||
7 | The salary of the Chairman of the Commission shall be | ||||||
8 | $10,000 per annum
or an amount set by the Compensation Review | ||||||
9 | Board, whichever is greater, until the expiration of the term | ||||||
10 | of office in which the Chairman is serving on the effective | ||||||
11 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
12 | thereafter, the Chairman shall serve without compensation. | ||||||
13 | Other
and other members of the Commission shall be paid $7,500 | ||||||
14 | per annum or an
amount set by the Compensation Review Board, | ||||||
15 | whichever is greater , until the expiration of the terms of | ||||||
16 | office in which the members are serving on the effective date | ||||||
17 | of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
18 | thereafter, the members shall serve without compensation . They
| ||||||
19 | shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary traveling and | ||||||
20 | other official
expenditures necessitated by their official | ||||||
21 | duties. If the Chairman of the Commission is also appointed as | ||||||
22 | the Administrator of the Commission, the Chairman's salary will | ||||||
23 | be set by the Secretary.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 97-833, eff. 7-20-12.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 25. The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amended by changing Sections 5-340 and 5-380 as follows:
| ||||||
2 | (20 ILCS 5/5-340) (was 20 ILCS 5/9.30)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 5-340. In the Department of Employment Security. The | ||||||
4 | Director of
Employment Security shall receive an annual salary | ||||||
5 | as set by the Compensation Review Board.
| ||||||
6 | Each member of the Board of Review shall receive $15,000 , | ||||||
7 | until the expiration of the terms of office in which the | ||||||
8 | members are serving on the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
9 | Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the members shall | ||||||
10 | serve without compensation .
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 96-800, eff. 10-30-09.)
| ||||||
12 | (20 ILCS 5/5-380) (was 20 ILCS 5/9.04)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 5-380.
In the Office of Mines and Minerals of the | ||||||
14 | Department of Natural
Resources. Each mine officer shall | ||||||
15 | receive $7,500 or the amount set by the
Compensation Review | ||||||
16 | Board, whichever is greater , until the expiration of the terms | ||||||
17 | of office in which the officers are serving on the effective | ||||||
18 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
19 | thereafter, the officers shall serve without compensation .
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
| ||||||
21 | Section 30. The Personnel Code is amended by changing | ||||||
22 | Section 7d as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (20 ILCS 415/7d) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107d)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 7d. Compensation. The chairman shall be paid an annual | ||||||
3 | salary of $8,200 from the third Monday
in January, 1979 to the | ||||||
4 | third Monday in January, 1980; $8,700 from the third
Monday in | ||||||
5 | January, 1980 to the third Monday in January, 1981; $9,300 from
| ||||||
6 | the third Monday in January, 1981 to the third Monday in | ||||||
7 | January 1982;
$10,000 from the third Monday in January, 1982 to | ||||||
8 | the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General | ||||||
9 | Assembly; and $25,000 thereafter, or as
set by the Compensation | ||||||
10 | Review Board,
is greater , until the expiration of the | ||||||
11 | term of office in which the chairman is serving on the | ||||||
12 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General | ||||||
13 | Assembly; thereafter, the chairman shall serve without | ||||||
14 | compensation . Other members of the Commission shall each be | ||||||
15 | paid an
annual salary of $5,500 from the third Monday in | ||||||
16 | January, 1979 to the third
Monday in January, 1980; $6,000 from | ||||||
17 | the third Monday in January, 1980 to
the third Monday in | ||||||
18 | January, 1981; $6,500 from the third Monday in January,
1981 to | ||||||
19 | the third Monday in January, 1982; $7,500
from the third Monday | ||||||
20 | in January, 1982 to the effective date of this
amendatory Act | ||||||
21 | of the 91st General Assembly; and $20,000 thereafter, or as
set | ||||||
22 | by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater , until | ||||||
23 | the expiration of the terms of office in which the members are | ||||||
24 | serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
25 | 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the members shall serve | ||||||
26 | without compensation . They shall
be entitled to
reimbursement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for necessary traveling and other official expenditures
| ||||||
2 | necessitated by their official duties.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 35. The State Police Act is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Section 5 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (20 ILCS 2610/5) (from Ch. 121, par. 307.5)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 5.
Each member of the Board shall receive the sum of | ||||||
8 | $125 per day
for each day during which he is engaged in | ||||||
9 | transacting the business of the
Board, or an amount set by the | ||||||
10 | Compensation Review Board, whichever is
greater, and, in | ||||||
11 | addition thereto, his actual traveling and other expenses
| ||||||
12 | necessarily incurred in discharging the duties of his office; | ||||||
13 | provided, no
member of the Board shall receive compensation for | ||||||
14 | more than 100
days of work in any one fiscal year. The members | ||||||
15 | of the Board shall be entitled to receive compensation until | ||||||
16 | the expiration of the terms of office in which the members are | ||||||
17 | serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
18 | 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the members shall serve | ||||||
19 | without compensation.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 83-1177.)
| ||||||
21 | Section 40. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | ||||||
22 | Section 7-10 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (35 ILCS 200/7-10)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 7-10. Selection of members. The members of the | ||||||
3 | Property Tax Appeal
Board shall be qualified by virtue of 5 | ||||||
4 | years experience and training in the
field of public finance | ||||||
5 | administration, at least 2 years of which shall be in
the field | ||||||
6 | of property appraisal and property tax administration. No more | ||||||
7 | than
3 members of the Board may be members of the same | ||||||
8 | political party. The
Chairman of the Property Tax Appeal Board | ||||||
9 | shall receive $28,000 per year, or an
amount set by the | ||||||
10 | Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater , until the | ||||||
11 | expiration of the term of office in which the Chairman is | ||||||
12 | serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
13 | 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the Chairman shall serve | ||||||
14 | without compensation. Each ; and each
other member of the Board | ||||||
15 | shall receive $22,500 per year, or an amount set by
the | ||||||
16 | Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater , until the | ||||||
17 | expiration of the terms of office in which the members are | ||||||
18 | serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
19 | 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the members shall serve | ||||||
20 | without compensation .
| ||||||
21 | Of the 5 members of the Board the terms of 2 members shall | ||||||
22 | expire on the
third Monday in January, 1995; the term of 2 | ||||||
23 | members shall expire on the third
Monday in January, 1997; and | ||||||
24 | the term of one member shall expire on the third
Monday in | ||||||
25 | January, 1999. Members shall be appointed in each odd-numbered | ||||||
26 | year
for a 6 year term commencing on the third Monday in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | January of such year. Each
member shall serve until a successor | ||||||
2 | is appointed and qualified.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 84-1240; 88-455.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 45. The Metropolitan Transit Authority Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 19 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (70 ILCS 3605/19) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 319)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 19. The governing and administrative body of the | ||||||
8 | Authority shall be a
board consisting of seven members, to be | ||||||
9 | known as Chicago Transit Board.
Members of the Board shall be | ||||||
10 | residents of the metropolitan area and persons of
recognized | ||||||
11 | business ability. No member of the Board of the
Authority shall | ||||||
12 | hold any other office or employment under the Federal,
State or | ||||||
13 | any County or any municipal government except an honorary | ||||||
14 | office
without compensation or an office in the National Guard. | ||||||
15 | No employee of
the Authority shall hold any other office or | ||||||
16 | employment under the Federal,
State or any County or any | ||||||
17 | municipal government except an office with
compensation not | ||||||
18 | exceeding $15,000 annually or a position in the National
Guard | ||||||
19 | or the United States military reserves. Provided, however,
that | ||||||
20 | the Chairman may be a member of the Board of the Regional | ||||||
21 | Transportation
Authority. No member of the
Board or employee of | ||||||
22 | the Authority shall have any private financial
interest, profit | ||||||
23 | or benefit in any contract, work or business of the
Authority | ||||||
24 | nor in the sale or lease of any property to or from the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Authority. The salary of each member of the initial Board shall | ||||||
2 | be
$15,000.00 per annum, and such salary shall not be increased | ||||||
3 | or diminished
during his or her term of office. The salaries of | ||||||
4 | successor members of the
Board shall be fixed by the Board and | ||||||
5 | shall not be increased or diminished
during their respective | ||||||
6 | terms of office. The members of the Board shall receive | ||||||
7 | compensation until the expiration of the terms of office in | ||||||
8 | which the members are serving on the effective date of this | ||||||
9 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the | ||||||
10 | members shall serve without compensation. No Board member shall | ||||||
11 | be allowed
any fees, perquisites or emoluments, reward or | ||||||
12 | compensation for his or her
services as a member or officer of | ||||||
13 | the Authority aside from his or her
salary or pension, but he | ||||||
14 | or she shall be reimbursed for actual expenses
incurred by him | ||||||
15 | or her in the performance of his or her duties.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 95-968, eff. 1-1-09.)
| ||||||
17 | Section 50. The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act is | ||||||
18 | amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
| ||||||
19 | (115 ILCS 5/5) (from Ch. 48, par. 1705)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 5. Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board.
| ||||||
21 | (a) There is hereby created the Illinois Educational Labor | ||||||
22 | Relations
| ||||||
23 | (a-5) Until July 1, 2003 or when all of the new members to | ||||||
24 | be initially
appointed under this amendatory Act of the 93rd |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | General Assembly have been
appointed by the Governor, whichever | ||||||
2 | occurs later, the Illinois Educational
Labor Relations Board | ||||||
3 | shall consist of 7 members, no more
than 4 of whom may be of the | ||||||
4 | same political party, who are residents of
Illinois appointed | ||||||
5 | by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
| ||||||
6 | The term of each appointed member of the Board
who is in | ||||||
7 | office on June 30, 2003 shall terminate at the close of | ||||||
8 | business
on that date or when all of the new members to be | ||||||
9 | initially appointed under
this amendatory Act of the 93rd | ||||||
10 | General Assembly have been appointed by the
Governor, whichever | ||||||
11 | occurs later.
| ||||||
12 | (b) Beginning on July 1, 2003 or when all of the new | ||||||
13 | members to be
initially appointed under this amendatory Act of | ||||||
14 | the 93rd General Assembly
have been appointed by the Governor, | ||||||
15 | whichever occurs later, the Illinois
Educational Labor | ||||||
16 | Relations Board shall consist of 5 members appointed by
the | ||||||
17 | Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. No more | ||||||
18 | than 3
members may be of the same political party.
| ||||||
19 | The Governor shall appoint to the Board only persons who | ||||||
20 | are residents of
Illinois and have had a minimum of 5 years of | ||||||
21 | experience directly related
to labor and employment relations | ||||||
22 | in representing educational employers or
educational employees | ||||||
23 | in collective bargaining matters. One appointed member
shall be | ||||||
24 | designated at the time of his or her appointment to serve as | ||||||
25 | chairman.
| ||||||
26 | Of the initial members appointed pursuant to this
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, 2 shall be
| ||||||
2 | designated at the time of appointment to serve a term of 6
| ||||||
3 | years, 2 shall be designated at the time of appointment to | ||||||
4 | serve a term
of 4 years, and the other shall be designated at | ||||||
5 | the time of his or her
appointment to serve a term of 4 years, | ||||||
6 | with each to serve until his or her
successor is appointed and | ||||||
7 | qualified.
| ||||||
8 | Each subsequent member shall be appointed in like manner | ||||||
9 | for a term
of 6 years and until his or her successor is | ||||||
10 | appointed and qualified. Each
member of the Board is eligible | ||||||
11 | for reappointment. Vacancies shall be filled
in the same manner | ||||||
12 | as original appointments for the balance of the unexpired
| ||||||
13 | (c) The chairman shall be paid $50,000 per year, or an | ||||||
14 | amount set by
the Compensation Review Board, whichever is | ||||||
15 | greater , until the expiration of the term of office in which | ||||||
16 | the chairman is serving on the effective date of this | ||||||
17 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the | ||||||
18 | chairman shall serve without compensation . Other members of
the | ||||||
19 | Board shall each be paid $45,000 per year, or an amount set by | ||||||
20 | the
Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater , until the | ||||||
21 | expiration of the terms of office in which the members are | ||||||
22 | serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
23 | 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the members shall serve | ||||||
24 | without compensation . They shall be entitled
to reimbursement | ||||||
25 | for necessary traveling and other official expenditures
| ||||||
26 | necessitated by their official duties.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Each member shall devote his entire time to the duties of | ||||||
2 | the office,
and shall hold no other office or position of | ||||||
3 | profit, nor engage in any
other business, employment or | ||||||
4 | vocation.
| ||||||
5 | (d) Three members of the Board constitute a quorum and a
| ||||||
6 | vacancy on the Board does not impair the right of the remaining | ||||||
7 | members to
exercise all of the powers of the Board.
| ||||||
8 | (e) Any member of the Board may be removed by the Governor, | ||||||
9 | upon notice,
for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, but | ||||||
10 | for no other cause.
| ||||||
11 | (f) The Board may appoint or employ an executive director, | ||||||
12 | attorneys,
hearing officers, and such other employees as it | ||||||
13 | deems necessary to perform
its functions, except that the Board | ||||||
14 | shall employ a minimum of 8 attorneys and 5 investigators. The | ||||||
15 | Board shall prescribe the duties and qualifications of
such | ||||||
16 | persons appointed and, subject to the annual appropriation, fix | ||||||
17 | their
compensation and provide for reimbursement of actual and | ||||||
18 | necessary expenses
incurred in the performance of their duties.
| ||||||
19 | (g) The Board may promulgate rules and regulations which | ||||||
20 | allow parties
in proceedings before the Board to be represented | ||||||
21 | by counsel or any other
person knowledgeable in the matters | ||||||
22 | under consideration.
| ||||||
23 | (h) To accomplish the objectives and to carry out the | ||||||
24 | duties prescribed
by this Act, the Board may subpoena | ||||||
25 | witnesses, subpoena the production of
books, papers, records | ||||||
26 | and documents which may be needed as evidence on
any matter |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under inquiry and may administer oaths and affirmations.
| ||||||
2 | In cases of neglect or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to | ||||||
3 | any person,
the circuit court in the county in which the | ||||||
4 | investigation or the public
hearing is taking place, upon | ||||||
5 | application by the Board, may issue an order
requiring such | ||||||
6 | person to appear before the Board or any member or agent
of the | ||||||
7 | Board to produce evidence or give testimony. A failure to obey | ||||||
8 | such
order may be punished by the court as in civil contempt.
| ||||||
9 | Any subpoena, notice of hearing, or other process or notice | ||||||
10 | of the Board
issued under the provisions of this Act may be | ||||||
11 | served personally, by
registered mail or by leaving a copy at | ||||||
12 | the principal office of the respondent
required to be served. A | ||||||
13 | return, made and verified by the individual making
such service | ||||||
14 | and setting forth the manner of such service, is proof of
| ||||||
15 | service.
A post office receipt, when registered mail is used, | ||||||
16 | is proof of service.
All process of any court to which | ||||||
17 | application may be made under the provisions
of this Act may be | ||||||
18 | served in the county where the persons required to be
served | ||||||
19 | reside or may be found.
| ||||||
20 | (i) The Board shall adopt, promulgate, amend, or rescind | ||||||
21 | rules and
regulations in accordance with the Illinois | ||||||
22 | Administrative
Procedure Act as it deems necessary and
feasible | ||||||
23 | to carry out this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (j) The Board at the end of every State fiscal year shall | ||||||
25 | make a report in
writing to the Governor and the General | ||||||
26 | Assembly, stating in detail the work
it has done in hearing and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deciding cases and otherwise.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 96-813, eff. 10-30-09.)
| ||||||
3 | Section 55. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by | ||||||
4 | changing Section 3-9 as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (235 ILCS 5/3-9) (from Ch. 43, par. 105)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 3-9. Compensation of commissioners, secretary, and | ||||||
7 | employees.
The chairman of the Commission shall receive an | ||||||
8 | annual salary of $32,000
or such greater amount as may be set | ||||||
9 | by the Compensation Review Board until the expiration of the | ||||||
10 | term of office in which the chairman is serving on the | ||||||
11 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General | ||||||
12 | Assembly; thereafter, the chairman shall serve without | ||||||
13 | compensation .
The other commissioners shall receive an annual | ||||||
14 | salary of $28,000 or such
greater amount as may be set by the | ||||||
15 | Compensation Review Board until the expiration of the terms of | ||||||
16 | office in which the commissioners are serving on the effective | ||||||
17 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
18 | thereafter, the commissioners shall serve without | ||||||
19 | compensation .
The secretary of the Commission shall
receive an | ||||||
20 | annual salary as set by the Compensation Review Board.
All | ||||||
21 | clerks, inspectors, and employees of the Commission shall | ||||||
22 | receive
reasonable compensation in an amount fixed by the | ||||||
23 | Commission, subject to the
approval in writing of the Governor.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 60. The Coal Mining Act is amended by changing | ||||||
2 | Section 8.04 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (225 ILCS 705/8.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 804)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 8.04.
Each miners' examining officer shall receive as | ||||||
5 | compensation for his
services the sum of $7,500 per year or | ||||||
6 | such greater
sum as may be set by the Compensation Review | ||||||
7 | Board , until the expiration of the term of office in which the | ||||||
8 | officer is serving on the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
9 | of the 98th General Assembly; thereafter, the officer shall | ||||||
10 | serve without compensation .
He shall also receive his traveling
| ||||||
11 | and other necessary expenses actually expended in the discharge | ||||||
12 | of his
official duties. Salary and expenses of such
officers | ||||||
13 | shall be paid monthly. All expense accounts shall be itemized
| ||||||
14 | and verified by the examining officer receiving the same, and | ||||||
15 | shall be
approved by the Director.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 85-1333.)
| ||||||
17 | Section 65. The Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975 is | ||||||
18 | amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
| ||||||
19 | (230 ILCS 5/5) (from Ch. 8, par. 37-5)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 5.
As soon as practicable following the effective date | ||||||
21 | of this
amendatory Act of 1995, the Governor shall appoint, | ||||||
22 | with the advice and consent
of the Senate, members to the Board |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as follows: 3 members for terms expiring
July 1, 1996; 3 | ||||||
2 | members for terms expiring July 1, 1998; and 3 members for
| ||||||
3 | terms expiring July 1, 2000. Of the 2 additional members | ||||||
4 | appointed pursuant
to this amendatory Act of the 91st General | ||||||
5 | Assembly, the initial term of one
member shall expire on July | ||||||
6 | 1, 2002 and the initial term of the other member
shall expire | ||||||
7 | on July 1, 2004. Thereafter, the terms of office of the Board
| ||||||
8 | members shall be 6 years. Incumbent members on the effective | ||||||
9 | date of this
amendatory Act of 1995 shall continue to serve | ||||||
10 | only until their successors are
appointed and have qualified.
| ||||||
11 | Each member of the Board shall receive $300 per day for | ||||||
12 | each day the Board
meets and for each day the member conducts a | ||||||
13 | hearing pursuant to Section 16 of
this Act, provided that no | ||||||
14 | Board member shall receive more than $5,000 in
such fees during | ||||||
15 | any calendar year, or an amount set by the Compensation Review
| ||||||
16 | Board, whichever is greater , until the expiration of the terms | ||||||
17 | of office in which the members are serving on the effective | ||||||
18 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
19 | thereafter, the members shall serve without compensation . | ||||||
20 | Members of the Board shall
also be reimbursed for all actual | ||||||
21 | and necessary expenses and disbursements
incurred in the
| ||||||
22 | execution of their official duties.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
| ||||||
24 | Section 70. The Toll Highway Act is amended by changing | ||||||
25 | Sections 4 and 5 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (605 ILCS 10/4) (from Ch. 121, par. 100-4)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 4.
Of the directors appointed by the Governor, one | ||||||
3 | such director
shall be appointed by the Governor as chairman | ||||||
4 | and shall hold office for
4 years from the date of his | ||||||
5 | appointment, and until his successor shall
be duly appointed | ||||||
6 | and qualified, but shall be subject to removal by the
Governor | ||||||
7 | for incompetency, neglect of duty or malfeasance.
| ||||||
8 | The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of | ||||||
9 | Directors
of the Authority; shall exercise general supervision | ||||||
10 | over all powers,
duties, obligations and functions of the | ||||||
11 | Authority; and shall approve or
disapprove all resolutions, | ||||||
12 | by-laws, rules, rates and regulations made
and established by | ||||||
13 | the Board of Directors, and if he shall approve
thereof, he | ||||||
14 | shall sign the same, and such as he shall not approve he
shall | ||||||
15 | return to the Board of Directors with his objections thereto in
| ||||||
16 | writing at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors | ||||||
17 | occurring
after the passage thereof. Such veto may extend to | ||||||
18 | any one or more items
contained in such resolution, by-law, | ||||||
19 | rule, rate or regulation, or to
its entirety; and in case the | ||||||
20 | veto extends to a part of such resolution,
by-law, rule, rate | ||||||
21 | or regulation, the residue thereof shall take effect
and be in | ||||||
22 | force, but in case the chairman shall fail to return any
| ||||||
23 | resolution, by-law, rule, rate or regulation with his | ||||||
24 | objections thereto
by the time aforesaid, he shall be deemed to | ||||||
25 | have approved the same, and
the same shall take effect |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accordingly. Upon the return of any
resolution, by-law, rule, | ||||||
2 | rate or regulation by the chairman, the vote
by which the same | ||||||
3 | was passed shall be reconsidered by the Board of
Directors, and | ||||||
4 | if upon such reconsideration two-thirds of all the
Directors | ||||||
5 | agree by yeas and nays to pass the same, it shall go into
| ||||||
6 | effect notwithstanding the chairman's refusal to approve | ||||||
7 | thereof.
| ||||||
8 | The chairman shall receive a salary of $18,000 per annum, | ||||||
9 | or as set by
the Compensation Review Board, whichever is | ||||||
10 | greater, payable in
monthly installments, until the expiration | ||||||
11 | of the term of office in which the chairman is serving on the | ||||||
12 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General | ||||||
13 | Assembly; thereafter, the chairman shall serve without | ||||||
14 | compensation. Additionally the chairman shall be entitled to | ||||||
15 | together with reimbursement for necessary expenses
incurred in | ||||||
16 | the performance of his duties. The chairman shall be
eligible | ||||||
17 | for reappointment.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 83-1177.)
| ||||||
19 | (605 ILCS 10/5) (from Ch. 121, par. 100-5)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 5.
Of the original directors, other than the chairman, | ||||||
21 | so appointed
by the Governor, 3 shall hold office for 2 years | ||||||
22 | and 3 shall hold office
for 4 years, from the date of their | ||||||
23 | appointment and until their
respective successors shall be duly | ||||||
24 | appointed and qualified, but shall
be subject to removal by the | ||||||
25 | Governor for incompetency, neglect of duty
or malfeasance. In |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | case of vacancies in such offices during the recess
of the | ||||||
2 | Senate, the Governor shall make a temporary appointment until | ||||||
3 | the
next meeting of the Senate when he shall nominate some | ||||||
4 | person to fill such
office and any person so nominated, who is | ||||||
5 | confirmed by the Senate, shall
hold office during the remainder | ||||||
6 | of the term and until his successor shall
be appointed and | ||||||
7 | qualified. The respective term of the first directors
appointed | ||||||
8 | shall be designated by the Governor at the time of appointment,
| ||||||
9 | but their successors shall each be appointed for a term of four | ||||||
10 | years,
except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall | ||||||
11 | serve only for the
unexpired term. Directors shall be eligible | ||||||
12 | for reappointment.
| ||||||
13 | In making the initial appointments of the 2 additional | ||||||
14 | directors provided
for by this amendatory Act of 1980, the | ||||||
15 | respective terms of the 2 additional
directors first appointed | ||||||
16 | shall be designated by the Governor at the time
of appointment | ||||||
17 | in such manner that the term of one such additional director
| ||||||
18 | shall expire at the same time as the terms of 4 of the other | ||||||
19 | directors and
the term of the other additional director shall | ||||||
20 | expire at the same time
as the terms of 3 of the other | ||||||
21 | directors; thereafter the terms shall be
4 years.
| ||||||
22 | Each such director, other than ex officio members shall | ||||||
23 | receive an
annual salary of $15,000, or as set by the | ||||||
24 | Compensation Review Board,
whichever is greater, payable in | ||||||
25 | monthly installments, until the expiration of the term of | ||||||
26 | office in which the director is serving on the effective date |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
2 | thereafter, the director shall serve without compensation. | ||||||
3 | Each director and shall be
reimbursed for necessary expenses | ||||||
4 | incurred in the performance of his
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 86-1164.)
| ||||||
6 | Section 75. The Court of Claims Act is amended by changing | ||||||
7 | Section 4 as follows:
| ||||||
8 | (705 ILCS 505/4) (from Ch. 37, par. 439.4)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 4. Each judge shall receive an annual salary of: | ||||||
10 | $20,900 from the
third Monday in January, 1979 to the third | ||||||
11 | Monday in January, 1980;
$22,100 from the third Monday in | ||||||
12 | January, 1980 to the third Monday in January,
1981; $23,400 | ||||||
13 | from the third Monday in January, 1981 to the third Monday
in | ||||||
14 | January, 1982, and $25,000 thereafter, or as set by the | ||||||
15 | Compensation Review
Board, whichever is greater, payable in | ||||||
16 | equal
monthly installments , until the expiration of the terms | ||||||
17 | of office in which the judges are serving on the effective date | ||||||
18 | of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | ||||||
19 | thereafter, the judges shall serve without compensation .
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 83-1177.)
| ||||||
21 | Section 80. The Illinois Human Rights Act is amended by | ||||||
22 | changing Section 8-101 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (775 ILCS 5/8-101) (from Ch. 68, par. 8-101)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 8-101.
Illinois Human Rights Commission)
(A) | ||||||
3 | Creation; Appointments. The Human Rights Commission is created | ||||||
4 | to consist
of 13 members appointed by the Governor with the | ||||||
5 | advice and consent of the
Senate. No more than 7 members shall | ||||||
6 | be of the same political party. The
Governor shall designate | ||||||
7 | one member as chairperson. All appointments shall
be in writing | ||||||
8 | and filed with the Secretary of State as a public record.
| ||||||
9 | (B) Terms. Of the members first appointed, 4 shall be | ||||||
10 | appointed for a
term to expire on the third Monday of January, | ||||||
11 | 1981, and 5 (including the
Chairperson) shall be appointed for | ||||||
12 | a term to expire on the third Monday
of January, 1983.
| ||||||
13 | Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the | ||||||
14 | contrary, the term
of office of each member of the Illinois | ||||||
15 | Human Rights Commission is
abolished on July 29, 1985, but the
| ||||||
16 | incumbent members shall continue to exercise all of the powers | ||||||
17 | and be
subject to all of the duties of members of the | ||||||
18 | Commission until
their respective successors are appointed and | ||||||
19 | qualified. Subject to the
provisions of subsection (A), of the | ||||||
20 | 9 members appointed under Public Act
84-115, effective July 29, | ||||||
21 | 1985, 5 members shall be appointed for terms to
expire on the | ||||||
22 | third Monday of January, 1987, and 4 members shall be
appointed | ||||||
23 | for terms to expire on the third Monday of January, 1989; and
| ||||||
24 | of the 4 additional members appointed under Public Act 84-1084,
| ||||||
25 | effective December 2, 1985, two shall be
appointed for a term | ||||||
26 | to expire on the third Monday of January, 1987, and
two members |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be appointed for a term to expire on the third Monday
of | ||||||
2 | January, 1989.
| ||||||
3 | Thereafter, each member shall serve for a term of 4 years
| ||||||
4 | and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; | ||||||
5 | except that any
member chosen to fill a vacancy occurring | ||||||
6 | otherwise than by expiration of
a term shall be appointed only | ||||||
7 | for the unexpired term of the member whom
he or she shall | ||||||
8 | succeed and until his or her successor is appointed and
| ||||||
9 | qualified.
| ||||||
10 | (C) Vacancies. (1) In the case of vacancies on the | ||||||
11 | Commission during
a recess of the Senate, the Governor shall | ||||||
12 | make a temporary appointment
until the next meeting of the | ||||||
13 | Senate when he or she shall appoint a person
to fill the | ||||||
14 | vacancy. Any person so nominated and confirmed by the Senate
| ||||||
15 | shall hold office for the remainder of the term and until his | ||||||
16 | or her successor
is appointed and qualified.
| ||||||
17 | (2) If the Senate is not in session at the time this Act | ||||||
18 | takes effect,
the Governor shall make temporary appointments to | ||||||
19 | the Commission as in the
case of vacancies.
| ||||||
20 | (3) Vacancies in the Commission shall not impair the right | ||||||
21 | of the remaining
members to exercise all the powers of the | ||||||
22 | Commission. Except when authorized
by this Act to proceed | ||||||
23 | through a 3 member panel, a majority of the members
of the | ||||||
24 | Commission then in office shall constitute a quorum.
| ||||||
25 | (D) Compensation. The Chairperson of the Commission shall | ||||||
26 | be compensated
at the rate of $22,500 per year, or as set by |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | the Compensation Review
Board, whichever is greater, during his | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | or her service as Chairperson, until the expiration of the term | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | of office in which the Chairperson is serving on the effective | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | thereafter, the Chairperson shall serve without compensation. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Each other member of Commission
and each other member shall be | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | compensated at the rate of $20,000 per
year, or as set by the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater , until the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | expiration of the term of office in which the member is serving | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | General Assembly; thereafter, the member shall serve without | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | compensation .
In addition, all members of the Commission shall | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | be reimbursed for expenses
actually and necessarily incurred by | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | them
in the performance of their duties.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 84-1308 .)
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | becoming law.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||