Sen. David Koehler
Filed: 5/13/2013
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
2 | | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3227 by replacing |
3 | | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 | | "Section 5. The Personnel Code is amended by changing |
5 | | Section 4c as follows: |
6 | | (20 ILCS 415/4c) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104c) |
7 | | Sec. 4c. General exemptions. The following positions in |
8 | | State
service shall be exempt from jurisdictions A, B, and C, |
9 | | unless the
jurisdictions shall be extended as provided in this |
10 | | Act:
11 | | (1) All officers elected by the people.
12 | | (2) All positions under the Lieutenant Governor, |
13 | | Secretary of State,
State Treasurer, State Comptroller, |
14 | | State Board of Education, Clerk of
the Supreme Court,
15 | | Attorney General, and State Board of Elections.
16 | | (3) Judges, and officers and employees of the courts, |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 2 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | and notaries
2 | | (4) All officers and employees of the Illinois General |
3 | | Assembly, all
employees of legislative commissions, all |
4 | | officers and employees of the
Illinois Legislative |
5 | | Reference Bureau, the Legislative
Research Unit, and the |
6 | | Legislative Printing Unit.
7 | | (5) All positions in the Illinois National Guard and |
8 | | Illinois State
Guard, paid from federal funds or positions
9 | | in the State Military Service filled by enlistment and paid |
10 | | from State
11 | | (6) All employees of the Governor at the executive |
12 | | mansion and on
his immediate personal staff.
13 | | (7) Directors of Departments, the Adjutant General, |
14 | | the Assistant
Adjutant General, the Director of the |
15 | | Illinois Emergency
Management Agency, members of boards |
16 | | and commissions, and all other
positions appointed by the |
17 | | Governor by and with the consent of the
18 | | (8) The presidents, other principal administrative |
19 | | officers, and
teaching, research and extension faculties |
20 | | of
Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, |
21 | | Governors State
University, Illinois State University, |
22 | | Northeastern Illinois University,
Northern Illinois |
23 | | University, Western Illinois University, the Illinois
24 | | Community College Board, Southern Illinois
University, |
25 | | Illinois Board of Higher Education, University of
26 | | Illinois, State Universities Civil Service System, |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 3 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | University Retirement
System of Illinois, and the |
2 | | administrative officers and scientific and
technical staff |
3 | | of the Illinois State Museum.
4 | | (9) All other employees except the presidents, other |
5 | | principal
administrative officers, and teaching, research |
6 | | and extension faculties
of the universities under the |
7 | | jurisdiction of the Board of Regents and
the colleges and |
8 | | universities under the jurisdiction of the Board of
9 | | Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Illinois |
10 | | Community College
Board, Southern Illinois University, |
11 | | Illinois Board of Higher Education,
Board of Governors of |
12 | | State Colleges and Universities, the Board of
Regents, |
13 | | University of Illinois, State Universities Civil Service
14 | | System, University Retirement System of Illinois, so long |
15 | | as these are
subject to the provisions of the State |
16 | | Universities Civil Service Act.
17 | | (10) The State Police so long as they are subject to |
18 | | the merit
provisions of the State Police Act.
19 | | (11) (Blank).
20 | | (12) The technical and engineering staffs of the |
21 | | Department of
Transportation, the Department of Nuclear |
22 | | Safety, the Pollution Control
Board, and the Illinois |
23 | | Commerce Commission, and the technical and engineering
24 | | staff providing architectural and engineering services in |
25 | | the Department of
Central Management Services.
26 | | (13) All employees of the Illinois State Toll Highway |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 4 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | Authority.
2 | | (14) The Secretary of the Illinois Workers' |
3 | | Compensation Commission.
4 | | (15) All persons who are appointed or employed by the |
5 | | Director of
Insurance under authority of Section 202 of the |
6 | | Illinois Insurance Code
to assist the Director of Insurance |
7 | | in discharging his responsibilities
relating to the |
8 | | rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation, and
dissolution |
9 | | of companies that are subject to the jurisdiction of the
10 | | Illinois Insurance Code.
11 | | (16) All employees of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area |
12 | | Airport
13 | | (17) All investment officers employed by the Illinois |
14 | | State Board of
15 | | (18) Employees of the Illinois Young Adult |
16 | | Conservation Corps program,
administered by the Illinois |
17 | | Department of Natural Resources, authorized
grantee under |
18 | | Title VIII of the Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act |
19 | | of 1973, 29 USC 993.
20 | | (19) Seasonal employees of the Department of |
21 | | Agriculture for the
operation of the Illinois State Fair |
22 | | and the DuQuoin State Fair, no one
person receiving more |
23 | | than 29 days of such employment in any calendar year.
24 | | (20) All "temporary" employees hired under the |
25 | | Department of Natural
Resources' Illinois Conservation |
26 | | Service, a youth
employment program that hires young people |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 5 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | to work in State parks for a period
of one year or less.
2 | | (21) All hearing officers of the Human Rights |
3 | | Commission.
4 | | (22) All employees of the Illinois Mathematics and |
5 | | Science Academy.
6 | | (23) All employees of the Kankakee River Valley Area
7 | | Airport Authority.
8 | | (24) The commissioners and employees of the Executive |
9 | | Ethics
10 | | (25) The Executive Inspectors General, including |
11 | | special Executive
Inspectors General, and employees of |
12 | | each Office of an
Executive Inspector General.
13 | | (26) The commissioners and employees of the |
14 | | Legislative Ethics
15 | | (27) The Legislative Inspector General, including |
16 | | special Legislative
Inspectors General, and employees of |
17 | | the Office of
the Legislative Inspector General.
18 | | (28) The Auditor General's Inspector General and |
19 | | employees of the Office
of the Auditor General's Inspector |
20 | | General.
21 | | (29) All employees of the Illinois Power Agency. |
22 | | (30) Employees having demonstrable, defined advanced |
23 | | skills in accounting, financial reporting, or technical |
24 | | expertise who are employed within executive branch |
25 | | agencies and whose duties are directly related to the |
26 | | submission to the Office of the Comptroller of financial |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 6 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | information for the publication of the Comprehensive |
2 | | Annual Financial Report (CAFR). |
3 | | (31) The employees of the Illinois Health Benefits |
4 | | Exchange. |
5 | | (Source: P.A. 97-618, eff. 10-26-11; 97-1055, eff. 8-23-12 .)
6 | | Section 10. The Illinois State Auditing Act is amended by |
7 | | changing Section 3-1 as follows:
8 | | (30 ILCS 5/3-1) (from Ch. 15, par. 303-1)
9 | | Sec. 3-1. Jurisdiction of Auditor General. The Auditor |
10 | | General has
jurisdiction over all State agencies to make post |
11 | | audits and investigations
authorized by or under this Act or |
12 | | the Constitution.
13 | | The Auditor General has jurisdiction over local government |
14 | | agencies
and private agencies only:
15 | | (a) to make such post audits authorized by or under |
16 | | this Act as are
necessary and incidental to a post audit of |
17 | | a State agency or of a
program administered by a State |
18 | | agency involving public funds of the
State, but this |
19 | | jurisdiction does not include any authority to review
local |
20 | | governmental agencies in the obligation, receipt, |
21 | | expenditure or
use of public funds of the State that are |
22 | | granted without limitation or
condition imposed by law, |
23 | | other than the general limitation that such
funds be used |
24 | | for public purposes;
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 7 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (b) to make investigations authorized by or under this |
2 | | Act or the
Constitution; and
3 | | (c) to make audits of the records of local government |
4 | | agencies to verify
actual costs of state-mandated programs |
5 | | when directed to do so by the
Legislative Audit Commission |
6 | | at the request of the State Board of Appeals
under the |
7 | | State Mandates Act.
8 | | In addition to the foregoing, the Auditor General may |
9 | | conduct an
audit of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition |
10 | | Authority, the
Regional Transportation Authority, the Suburban |
11 | | Bus Division, the Commuter
Rail Division and the Chicago |
12 | | Transit Authority and any other subsidized
carrier when |
13 | | authorized by the Legislative Audit Commission. Such audit
may |
14 | | be a financial, management or program audit, or any combination |
15 | | thereof.
16 | | The audit shall determine whether they are operating in |
17 | | accordance with
all applicable laws and regulations. Subject to |
18 | | the limitations of this
Act, the Legislative Audit Commission |
19 | | may by resolution specify additional
determinations to be |
20 | | included in the scope of the audit.
21 | | In addition to the foregoing, the Auditor General must also |
22 | | conduct a
financial audit of
the Illinois Sports Facilities |
23 | | Authority's expenditures of public funds in
connection with the |
24 | | reconstruction, renovation, remodeling, extension, or
25 | | improvement of all or substantially all of any existing |
26 | | "facility", as that
term is defined in the Illinois Sports |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 8 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | Facilities Authority Act.
2 | | The Auditor General may also conduct an audit, when |
3 | | authorized by
the Legislative Audit Commission, of any hospital |
4 | | which receives 10% or
more of its gross revenues from payments |
5 | | from the State of Illinois,
Department of Healthcare and Family |
6 | | Services (formerly Department of Public Aid), Medical |
7 | | Assistance Program.
8 | | The Auditor General is authorized to conduct financial and |
9 | | compliance
audits of the Illinois Distance Learning Foundation |
10 | | and the Illinois
Conservation Foundation.
11 | | As soon as practical after the effective date of this |
12 | | amendatory Act of
1995, the Auditor General shall conduct a |
13 | | compliance and management audit of
the City of
Chicago and any |
14 | | other entity with regard to the operation of Chicago O'Hare
15 | | International Airport, Chicago Midway Airport and Merrill C. |
16 | | Meigs Field. The
audit shall include, but not be limited to, an |
17 | | examination of revenues,
expenses, and transfers of funds; |
18 | | purchasing and contracting policies and
practices; staffing |
19 | | levels; and hiring practices and procedures. When
completed, |
20 | | the audit required by this paragraph shall be distributed in
21 | | accordance with Section 3-14.
22 | | The Auditor General shall conduct a financial and |
23 | | compliance and program
audit of distributions from the |
24 | | Municipal Economic Development Fund
during the immediately |
25 | | preceding calendar year pursuant to Section 8-403.1 of
the |
26 | | Public Utilities Act at no cost to the city, village, or |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 9 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | incorporated town
that received the distributions.
2 | | The Auditor General must conduct an audit of the Health |
3 | | Facilities and Services Review Board pursuant to Section 19.5 |
4 | | of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning
5 | | The Auditor General of the State of Illinois shall annually |
6 | | conduct or
cause to be conducted a financial and compliance |
7 | | audit of the books and records
of any county water commission |
8 | | organized pursuant to the Water Commission Act
of 1985 and |
9 | | shall file a copy of the report of that audit with the Governor |
10 | | and
the Legislative Audit Commission. The filed audit shall be |
11 | | open to the public
for inspection. The cost of the audit shall |
12 | | be charged to the county water
commission in accordance with |
13 | | Section 6z-27 of the State Finance Act. The
county water |
14 | | commission shall make available to the Auditor General its |
15 | | books
and records and any other documentation, whether in the |
16 | | possession of its
trustees or other parties, necessary to |
17 | | conduct the audit required. These
audit requirements apply only |
18 | | through July 1, 2007.
19 | | The Auditor General must conduct audits of the Rend Lake |
20 | | Conservancy
District as provided in Section 25.5 of the River |
21 | | Conservancy Districts Act.
22 | | The Auditor General must conduct financial audits of the |
23 | | Southeastern Illinois Economic Development Authority as |
24 | | provided in Section 70 of the Southeastern Illinois Economic |
25 | | Development Authority Act.
26 | | The Auditor General shall conduct a compliance audit in |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 10 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | accordance with subsections (d) and (f) of Section 30 of the |
2 | | Innovation Development and Economy Act. |
3 | | The Auditor General shall have the authority to conduct an |
4 | | audit of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. The audit may |
5 | | be a financial audit, a management audit, a program audit, or |
6 | | any combination thereof. |
7 | | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-31, eff. 6-30-09; |
8 | | 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
9 | | Section 15. The Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act is |
10 | | amended by adding Sections 16 and 17 as follows: |
11 | | (215 ILCS 105/16 new) |
12 | | Sec. 16. Cessation of operations. Notwithstanding any |
13 | | other provision of this Act, the insurance operations of the |
14 | | Plan authorized by this Act shall cease on January 1, 2014 in |
15 | | accordance with Section 5-30 of the Illinois Health Benefits |
16 | | Exchange Law. Plan coverage does not apply to service provided |
17 | | on or after January 1, 2014 in accordance with Section 5-30 of |
18 | | the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Law. |
19 | | (215 ILCS 105/17 new) |
20 | | Sec. 17. Repealer. This Act is repealed on January 1, 2015. |
21 | | Section 20. The Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Law is |
22 | | amended by changing Sections 5-3, 5-5, and 5-15 and by adding |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 11 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | Sections 5-4, 5-6, 5-16, 5-17, 5-18, 5-21, 5-23, and 5-30 as |
2 | | follows: |
3 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-3)
4 | | Sec. 5-3. Legislative intent. The General Assembly finds |
5 | | the health benefits exchanges authorized by the federal Patient |
6 | | Protection and Affordable Care Act represent one of a number of |
7 | | ways in which the State can address coverage gaps and provide |
8 | | individual consumers and small employers access to greater |
9 | | coverage options. The General Assembly also finds that the |
10 | | State is best positioned to implement an exchange that is |
11 | | sensitive to the coverage gaps and market landscape unique to |
12 | | this State. |
13 | | The purpose of this Law is to provide for the establishment |
14 | | of an Illinois Health Benefits Exchange (the Exchange) to |
15 | | facilitate the purchase and sale of qualified health plans and |
16 | | qualified dental plans in the individual market in this State |
17 | | and to provide for the establishment of a Small Business Health |
18 | | Options Program (SHOP Exchange) to assist qualified small |
19 | | employers in this State in facilitating the enrollment of their |
20 | | employees in qualified health plans and qualified dental plans |
21 | | offered in the small group market. The intent of the Exchange |
22 | | is to supplement the existing health insurance market to |
23 | | simplify shopping for individual and small employers by |
24 | | increasing access to benefit options, encouraging a |
25 | | competitive market both inside and outside the Exchange, |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 12 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | reducing the number of uninsured, and providing a transparent |
2 | | marketplace and effective consumer education and programmatic |
3 | | assistance tools. The purpose of this Law is to ensure that the |
4 | | State is making sufficient progress towards establishing an |
5 | | exchange within the guidelines outlined by the federal law and |
6 | | to protect Illinoisans from undue federal regulation. Although |
7 | | the federal law imposes a number of core requirements on |
8 | | state-level exchanges, the State has significant flexibility |
9 | | in the design and operation of a State exchange that make it |
10 | | prudent for the State to carefully analyze, plan, and prepare |
11 | | for the exchange. The General Assembly finds that in order for |
12 | | the State to craft a tenable exchange that meets the |
13 | | fundamental goals outlined by the Patient Protection and |
14 | | Affordable Care Act of expanding access to affordable coverage |
15 | | and improving the quality of care, the implementation process |
16 | | should (1) provide for broad stakeholder representation; (2) |
17 | | foster a robust and competitive marketplace, both inside and |
18 | | outside of the exchange; and (3) provide for a broad-based |
19 | | approach to the fiscal solvency of the exchange.
20 | | (Source: P.A. 97-142, eff. 7-14-11.) |
21 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-4 new) |
22 | | Sec. 5-4. Definitions. In this Law: |
23 | | "Board" means the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Board |
24 | | established pursuant to this Law. |
25 | | "Department" means the Department of Insurance. |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 13 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | "Director" means the Director of Insurance. |
2 | | "Educated health care consumer" means an individual who is |
3 | | knowledgeable about the health care system, and has background |
4 | | or experience in making informed decisions regarding health, |
5 | | medical, and public health matters. |
6 | | "Essential health benefits" has the meaning provided under |
7 | | Section 1302(b) of the Federal Act. |
8 | | "Exchange" means the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange |
9 | | established by this Law and includes the Individual Exchange |
10 | | and the SHOP Exchange, unless otherwise specified. |
11 | | "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the |
12 | | Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. |
13 | | "Federal Act" means the federal Patient Protection and |
14 | | Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148), as amended by the |
15 | | federal Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 |
16 | | (Public Law 111-152), and any amendments thereto, or |
17 | | regulations or guidance issued under, those Acts. |
18 | | "Health benefit plan" means a policy, contract, |
19 | | certificate, or agreement offered or issued by a health carrier |
20 | | to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse any of |
21 | | the costs of health care services.
"Health benefit plan" does |
22 | | not include: |
23 | | (1) coverage for accident only or disability income |
24 | | insurance or any combination thereof; |
25 | | (2) coverage issued as a supplement to liability |
26 | | insurance; |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 14 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (3) liability insurance, including general liability |
2 | | insurance and automobile liability insurance; |
3 | | (4) workers' compensation or similar insurance; |
4 | | (5) automobile medical payment insurance; |
5 | | (6) credit-only insurance; |
6 | | (7) coverage for on-site medical clinics; or |
7 | | (8) other similar insurance coverage, specified in |
8 | | federal regulations issued pursuant to the federal Health |
9 | | Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, |
10 | | Public Law 104-191, under which benefits for health care |
11 | | services are secondary or incidental to other insurance |
12 | | benefits. |
13 | | "Health benefit plan" does not include the following |
14 | | benefits if they are provided under a separate policy, |
15 | | certificate, or contract of insurance or are otherwise not an |
16 | | integral part of the plan: |
17 | | (a) limited scope dental or vision benefits; |
18 | | (b) benefits for long-term care, nursing home care, |
19 | | home health care, community-based care, or any combination |
20 | | thereof; or |
21 | | (c) other similar, limited benefits specified in |
22 | | federal regulations issued pursuant to Public Law 104-191. |
23 | | "Health benefit plan" does not include the following |
24 | | benefits if the benefits are provided under a separate policy, |
25 | | certificate, or contract of insurance, there is no coordination |
26 | | between the provision of the benefits and any exclusion of |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 15 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | benefits under any group health plan maintained by the same |
2 | | plan sponsor, and the benefits are paid with respect to an |
3 | | event without regard to whether benefits are provided with |
4 | | respect to such an event under any group health plan maintained |
5 | | by the same plan sponsor: |
6 | | (i) coverage only for a specified disease or illness; |
7 | | or |
8 | | (ii) hospital indemnity or other fixed indemnity |
9 | | insurance. |
10 | | "Health benefit plan" does not include the following if |
11 | | offered as a separate policy, certificate, or contract of |
12 | | insurance: |
13 | | (A) Medicare supplemental health insurance as defined |
14 | | under Section 1882(g)(1) of the federal Social Security |
15 | | Act; |
16 | | (B) coverage supplemental to the coverage provided |
17 | | under Chapter 55 of Title 10, United States Code (Civilian |
18 | | Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services |
19 | | (CHAMPUS)); or |
20 | | (C) similar supplemental coverage provided to coverage |
21 | | under a group health plan. |
22 | | "Health benefit plan" does not include a group health plan |
23 | | or multiple employer welfare arrangement to the extent the plan |
24 | | or arrangement is not subject to State insurance regulation |
25 | | under Section 514 of the federal Employee Retirement Income |
26 | | Security Act of 1974. |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 16 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | "Health insurance carrier" or "carrier" means an entity |
2 | | subject to the insurance laws and regulations of this State, or |
3 | | subject to the jurisdiction of the Director, that contracts or |
4 | | offers to contract to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, |
5 | | or reimburse any of the costs of health care services, |
6 | | including a sickness and accident insurance company, a health |
7 | | maintenance organization, or any other entity providing a plan |
8 | | of health insurance, or health benefits. |
9 | | "Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund" means the fund |
10 | | created outside of the State treasury to be used exclusively to |
11 | | provide funding for the operation and administration of the |
12 | | Exchange in carrying out the purposes authorized by this Law. |
13 | | "Individual Exchange" means the exchange marketplace |
14 | | established by this Law through which qualified individuals may |
15 | | obtain coverage through an individual market qualified health |
16 | | plan. |
17 | | "Principal place of business" means the location in a state |
18 | | where an employer has its headquarters or significant place of |
19 | | business and where the persons with direction and control |
20 | | authority over the business are employed. |
21 | | "Qualified dental plan" means a limited scope dental plan |
22 | | that has been certified in accordance with this Law. |
23 | | "Qualified employee" means an eligible individual employed |
24 | | by a qualified employer who has been offered health insurance |
25 | | coverage by that qualified employer through the SHOP on the |
26 | | Exchange. |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 17 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | "Qualified employer" means a small employer that elects to |
2 | | make its full-time employees eligible for one or more qualified |
3 | | health plans or qualified dental plans offered through the SHOP |
4 | | Exchange, and at the option of the employer, some or all of its |
5 | | part-time employees, provided that the employer has its |
6 | | principal place of business in this State and elects to provide |
7 | | coverage through the SHOP Exchange to all of its eligible |
8 | | employees, wherever employed. |
9 | | "Qualified health plan" or "QHP" means a health benefit |
10 | | plan that has in effect a certification that the plan meets the |
11 | | criteria for certification described in Section 1311(c) of the |
12 | | Federal Act. |
13 | | "Qualified health plan issuer" or "QHP issuer" means a |
14 | | health insurance issuer that offers a health plan that the |
15 | | Exchange has certified as a qualified health plan. |
16 | | "Qualified individual" means an individual, including a |
17 | | minor, who: |
18 | | (1) is seeking to enroll in a qualified health plan or |
19 | | qualified dental plan offered to individuals through the |
20 | | Exchange; |
21 | | (2) resides in this State; |
22 | | (3) at the time of enrollment, is not incarcerated, |
23 | | other than incarceration pending the disposition of |
24 | | charges; and |
25 | | (4) is, and is reasonably expected to be, for the |
26 | | entire period for which enrollment is sought, a citizen or |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 18 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | national of the United States or an alien lawfully present |
2 | | in the United States. |
3 | | "Secretary" means the Secretary of the federal Department |
4 | | of Health and Human Services. |
5 | | "SHOP Exchange" means the Small Business Health Options |
6 | | Program established under this Law through which a qualified |
7 | | employer can provide small group qualified health plans to its |
8 | | qualified employees through various options available to the |
9 | | employer, including, but not limited to: (a) offering one |
10 | | qualified health plan to employees, (b) offering multiple |
11 | | qualified health plans to employees, or (c) offering an |
12 | | employee-directed choice of a qualified health plan within an |
13 | | employer-selected coverage tier. |
14 | | "Small employer" means, in connection with a group health |
15 | | plan with respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an |
16 | | employer who employed an average of at least 2 but not more |
17 | | than 50 employees before January 1, 2016 and no more than 100 |
18 | | employees on and after January 1, 2016 on business days during |
19 | | the preceding calendar year and who employs at least one |
20 | | employee on the first day of the plan year.
For purposes of |
21 | | this definition: |
22 | | (a) all persons treated as a single employer under |
23 | | subsection (b), (c), (m) or (o) of Section 414 of the |
24 | | federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as a |
25 | | single employer; |
26 | | (b) an employer and any predecessor employer shall be |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 19 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | treated as a single employer; |
2 | | (c) employees shall be counted in accordance with |
3 | | federal law and regulations and State law and regulations; |
4 | | provided however, that in the event of a conflict between |
5 | | the federal law and regulations and the State law and |
6 | | regulations, the federal law and regulations shall |
7 | | prevail; |
8 | | (d) if an employer was not in existence throughout the |
9 | | preceding calendar year, then the determination of whether |
10 | | that employer is a small employer shall be based on the |
11 | | average number of employees that is reasonably expected |
12 | | that employer will employ on business days in the current |
13 | | calendar year; and |
14 | | (e) an employer that makes enrollment in qualified |
15 | | health plans or qualified dental plans available to its |
16 | | employees through the SHOP Exchange, and would cease to be |
17 | | a small employer by reason of an increase in the number of |
18 | | its employees, shall continue to be treated as a small |
19 | | employer for purposes of this Law as long as it |
20 | | continuously makes enrollment through the SHOP Exchange |
21 | | available to its employees. |
22 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-5)
23 | | Sec. 5-5. Establishment of the Exchange State health |
24 | | benefits exchange . |
25 | | (a) It is declared that this State, beginning on the |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 20 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General |
2 | | Assembly October 1, 2013 , in accordance with Section 1311 of |
3 | | the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, shall |
4 | | establish a State health benefits exchange to be known as the |
5 | | Illinois Health Benefits Exchange in order to help individuals |
6 | | and small employers with no more than 50 employees shop for, |
7 | | select, and enroll in qualified, affordable private health |
8 | | plans that fit their needs at competitive prices. The Exchange |
9 | | shall separate coverage pools for individuals and small |
10 | | employers and shall supplement and not supplant any existing |
11 | | private health insurance market for individuals and small |
12 | | employers. These health plans shall be available to individuals |
13 | | and small employers for enrollment by October 1, 2014.
14 | | (b) There is hereby created a political subdivision, body |
15 | | politic and corporate, named the Illinois Health Benefits |
16 | | Exchange. The Exchange shall be a public entity, but shall not |
17 | | be considered a department, institution, or agency of the |
18 | | State. |
19 | | (c) The Exchange shall be comprised of an individual and a |
20 | | small business health options (SHOP) exchange. Pursuant to |
21 | | Section 1311(b)(2) of the Federal Act, the Exchange shall |
22 | | provide individual exchange services to qualified individuals |
23 | | and SHOP Exchange services to qualified employers under a |
24 | | single governance and administrative structure. The Board |
25 | | shall produce an assessment, which must include a premium |
26 | | impact study, by July 1, 2016 to determine the viability of |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 21 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | merging the SHOP Exchange and Individual Exchange functions |
2 | | into a single exchange by January 1, 2017. Any recommended |
3 | | merger of the SHOP Exchange and Individual Exchange functions |
4 | | shall be subject to legislative approval. |
5 | | (d) The Exchange shall promote a competitive marketplace |
6 | | for consumer access to affordable health coverage options. The |
7 | | Department shall review and recommend that the Board certify |
8 | | health benefit plans on the individual and SHOP Exchange, as |
9 | | applicable, provided that any such health benefit plan meets |
10 | | the requirements set forth in Section 1311(c) of the Federal |
11 | | Act and any other requirements of the Illinois Insurance Code. |
12 | | The Board shall certify health benefit plans that the |
13 | | Department recommends for certification. |
14 | | (e) The Exchange shall not supersede the provisions of the |
15 | | Illinois Insurance Code, nor the functions of the Department of |
16 | | Insurance, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or |
17 | | the Department of Public Health. |
18 | | (Source: P.A. 97-142, eff. 7-14-11.) |
19 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-6 new) |
20 | | Sec. 5-6. Health benefit plan certification. |
21 | | (a) To be certified as a qualified health plan, a health |
22 | | benefit plan shall, at a minimum: |
23 | | (1) provide the essential health benefits package |
24 | | described in Section 1302(a) of
the Federal Act; except |
25 | | that the plan is not required to provide essential benefits |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 22 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | that duplicate
the minimum benefits of qualified dental |
2 | | plans, as provided in subsection (e) of this Section if: |
3 | | (A) the Board, in cooperation with the Department, |
4 | | has determined that at least one qualified dental plan |
5 | | is
available to supplement the plan's coverage; and |
6 | | (B) the health carrier makes prominent disclosure |
7 | | at the time it offers the
plan, in a form approved by |
8 | | the Board, that the plan does not provide the full |
9 | | range of
essential pediatric dental benefits and that |
10 | | qualified dental plans providing those benefits and
11 | | other dental benefits not covered by the plan are |
12 | | offered through the Exchange; |
13 | | (2) fulfill all premium rate and contract filing |
14 | | requirements and ensure that no contract language has been |
15 | | disapproved by the Director; |
16 | | (3) provide at least the minimum level of coverage |
17 | | prescribed by the Federal Act; |
18 | | (4) ensure that the cost-sharing requirements of the |
19 | | plan do not exceed the limits
established under Section |
20 | | 1302(c)(l) of the Federal Act, and if the plan is offered |
21 | | through the
SHOP Exchange, the plan's deductible does not |
22 | | exceed the limits established under Section
1302(c)(2) of |
23 | | the Federal Act; |
24 | | (5) be offered by a health carrier that: |
25 | | (A) is authorized and in good standing to offer |
26 | | health insurance coverage; |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 23 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (B) offers at least one qualified health plan at |
2 | | the silver level and at
least one plan at the gold |
3 | | level, as described in the Federal Act, through each |
4 | | component of the Board in which the health
carrier |
5 | | participates; for the purposes of this subparagraph |
6 | | (B), "component"
means the SHOP Exchange and the |
7 | | exchange for individual coverage within the American
8 | | Health Benefit Exchange; |
9 | | (C) charges the same premium rate for each |
10 | | qualified health plan without
regard to whether the |
11 | | plan is offered through the Exchange and without regard |
12 | | to whether the
plan is offered directly from the health |
13 | | carrier or through an insurance producer; |
14 | | (D) does not charge any cancellation fees or |
15 | | penalties; and |
16 | | (E) complies with the regulations established by |
17 | | the Secretary under
Section 1311 (d) of the Federal Act |
18 | | and any other requirements of the Illinois Insurance |
19 | | Code and the Department; |
20 | | (6) meet the requirements of certification pursuant to |
21 | | the requirements of the Department and the Illinois |
22 | | Insurance Code provided in
this Law and the requirements |
23 | | issued by the Secretary under Section 1311(c) of the |
24 | | Federal Act and rules promulgated or adopted
pursuant to |
25 | | this Law or the Federal Act, which shall include: |
26 | | (A) minimum standards in the areas of marketing |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 24 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | practices; |
2 | | (B) network adequacy; |
3 | | (C) essential community providers in underserved |
4 | | areas; |
5 | | (D) accreditation; |
6 | | (E) quality improvement; |
7 | | (F) uniform enrollment forms and descriptions of |
8 | | coverage; and |
9 | | (G) information on quality measures for health |
10 | | benefit plan performance; and |
11 | | (7) include outpatient clinics in the health plan's |
12 | | region that are controlled by an entity that also controls |
13 | | a 340B eligible provider as defined by Section 340B(a)(4) |
14 | | of the federal Public Health Service Act such that the |
15 | | outpatient clinics are subject to the same mission, |
16 | | policies, and medical standards related to the provision of |
17 | | health care services as the 340B eligible provider. |
18 | | (b) The Department shall require each health carrier |
19 | | seeking certification of a plan as a
qualified health plan to: |
20 | | (1) make available to the public, in plain language as |
21 | | defined in Section 1311(e)(3)(B) of the Federal Act, and |
22 | | submit to the Board, the Secretary, and the Department |
23 | | accurate
and timely disclosure of the following: |
24 | | (i) claims payment policies and practices; |
25 | | (ii) periodic financial disclosures; |
26 | | (iii) data on enrollment; |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 25 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (iv) data on disenrollment; |
2 | | (v) data on the number of claims that are |
3 | | denied; |
4 | | (vi) data on rating practices; |
5 | | (vii) information on cost-sharing and payments |
6 | | with respect to any
out-of-network coverage; |
7 | | (viii) information on enrollee and participant |
8 | | rights under Title I of
the Federal Act; and |
9 | | (ix) other information as determined |
10 | | appropriate by the Secretary, including, but not |
11 | | limited to, accredited clinical quality measures; |
12 | | and |
13 | | (2) permit individuals to learn, in a timely manner |
14 | | upon the request of the
individual, the comparative quality |
15 | | standards of the plans along established clinical |
16 | | data-based standards and the amount of cost-sharing, |
17 | | including deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance,
under |
18 | | the individual's plan or coverage that the individual would |
19 | | be responsible for paying with
respect to the furnishing of |
20 | | a specific item or service by a participating provider and |
21 | | make this
information available to the individual through |
22 | | an Internet website that is publicly accessible and
through |
23 | | other means for individuals without access to the Internet. |
24 | | (c) The Department shall not exempt any health carrier |
25 | | seeking certification as a qualified
health plan, regardless of |
26 | | the type or size of the health carrier, from licensure or |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 26 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | solvency
requirements and shall apply the criteria of this |
2 | | Section in a manner that ensures a level playing
field between |
3 | | or among health carriers participating in the Exchange. |
4 | | (d) The provisions of this Law that are applicable to |
5 | | qualified health plans shall also
apply, to the extent |
6 | | relevant, to qualified dental plans, except as modified in |
7 | | accordance with the
provisions of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) |
8 | | of this subsection (d) or by rules adopted by the
Board. |
9 | | (1) The health carrier shall be licensed to offer |
10 | | dental coverage, but need not be
licensed to offer other |
11 | | health benefits. |
12 | | (2) The plan shall be limited to dental and oral health |
13 | | benefits, without
substantially duplicating the benefits |
14 | | typically offered by health benefit plans without dental
15 | | coverage and shall include, at a minimum, the essential |
16 | | pediatric dental benefits prescribed by
the Secretary |
17 | | pursuant to Section 1302(b)(l)(J) of the Federal Act and |
18 | | such other dental benefits
as the Board or the Secretary |
19 | | may specify by rule. |
20 | | (3) Health carriers may jointly offer a comprehensive |
21 | | plan through the Exchange
in which the dental benefits are |
22 | | provided by a health carrier through a qualified dental |
23 | | plan and
the other benefits are provided by a health |
24 | | carrier through a qualified health plan, provided that
the |
25 | | plans are priced separately and are also made available for |
26 | | purchase separately at the same
price. |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 27 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-15)
2 | | Sec. 5-15. Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Legislative |
3 | | Oversight Study Committee. |
4 | | (a) There is created an Illinois Health Benefits Exchange |
5 | | Legislative Oversight Study Committee within the Commission on |
6 | | Government Forecasting and Accountability to provide |
7 | | accountability for conduct a study regarding State |
8 | | implementation and establishment of the Illinois Health |
9 | | Benefits Exchange and to ensure Exchange operations and |
10 | | functions align with the goals and duties outlined by this Law . |
11 | | The Committee shall also be responsible for providing policy |
12 | | recommendations to ensure the Exchange aligns with the Federal |
13 | | Act, amendments to the Federal Act, and regulations promulgated |
14 | | pursuant to the Federal Act. |
15 | | (b) Members of the Legislative Oversight Study Committee |
16 | | shall be appointed as follows: 3 members of the Senate shall be |
17 | | appointed by the President of the Senate; 3 members of the |
18 | | Senate shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; |
19 | | 3 members of the House of Representatives shall be appointed by |
20 | | the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and 3 members of |
21 | | the House of Representatives shall be appointed by the Minority |
22 | | Leader of the House of Representatives. Each legislative leader |
23 | | shall select one member to serve as co-chair of the committee. |
24 | | (c) Members of the Legislative Oversight Study Committee |
25 | | shall be appointed no later than June 1, 2013 within 30 days |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 28 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | after the effective date of this Law. The co-chairs shall |
2 | | convene the first meeting of the committee no later than 45 |
3 | | days after the effective date of this Law .
4 | | (Source: P.A. 97-142, eff. 7-14-11.) |
5 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-16 new) |
6 | | Sec. 5-16. Exchange governance. The governing and |
7 | | administrative powers of the Exchange shall be vested in a body |
8 | | known as the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Board. The |
9 | | following provisions shall apply: |
10 | | (1) The Board shall consist of 11 voting members |
11 | | appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of a |
12 | | majority of the members elected to the Senate. In addition, |
13 | | the Director of Healthcare and Family Services, and the |
14 | | Executive Director of the Exchange shall serve as |
15 | | non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board. The Governor |
16 | | shall also appoint as non-voting, ex-officio members one |
17 | | economist with experience in the health care markets and |
18 | | one educated health care consumer advocate. All Board |
19 | | members shall be appointed no later than January 1, 2014. |
20 | | (2) The Governor shall make the appointments so as to |
21 | | reflect no less than proportional representation of the |
22 | | geographic, gender, cultural, racial, and ethnic |
23 | | composition of this State and in accordance with |
24 | | subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this paragraph, as |
25 | | follows: |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 29 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (A) No more than 4 voting members may represent the |
2 | | following interests, of which no more than 2 may |
3 | | represent any one interest: |
4 | | (1) the insurance industry; |
5 | | (2) health care administrators; and |
6 | | (3) licensed health care professionals. |
7 | | (B) At least 7 voting members shall represent the |
8 | | following interest groups, with each interest group |
9 | | represented by at least one voting member: |
10 | | (1) a labor interest group; |
11 | | (2) a women's interest group; |
12 | | (3) a minorities' interest group; |
13 | | (4) a disabled persons' interest group; |
14 | | (5) a small business interest group; and |
15 | | (6) a public health interest group. |
16 | | (C) Each person appointed to the Board should have |
17 | | demonstrated experience in at least one of the |
18 | | following areas: |
19 | | (1) individual health insurance coverage; |
20 | | (2) small employer health insurance; |
21 | | (3) health benefits administration; |
22 | | (4) health care finance; |
23 | | (5) administration of a public or private |
24 | | health care delivery system; |
25 | | (6) the provision of health care services; |
26 | | (7) the purchase of health insurance coverage; |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 30 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (8) health care consumer navigation or |
2 | | assistance; |
3 | | (9) health care economics or health care |
4 | | actuarial sciences; |
5 | | (10) information technology; or |
6 | | (11) starting a small business with 50 or fewer |
7 | | employees. |
8 | | (3) The Board shall elect one voting member of the |
9 | | Board to serve as chairperson and one voting member to |
10 | | serve as vice-chairperson, upon approval of a majority of |
11 | | the Board. |
12 | | (4) The Exchange shall be administered by an Executive |
13 | | Director, who shall be appointed, and may be removed, by a |
14 | | majority of the Board. The Board shall have the power to |
15 | | determine compensation for the Executive Director. |
16 | | (5) The terms of the non-voting, ex-officio members of |
17 | | the Board shall run concurrent with their terms of |
18 | | appointment to office, or in the case of the Executive |
19 | | Director, his or her term of appointment to that position, |
20 | | subject to the determination of the Board. The terms of the |
21 | | members, including those non-voting, ex-officio members |
22 | | appointed by the Governor, shall be 4 years. Upon |
23 | | conclusion of the initial term, the next term and every |
24 | | term subsequent to it shall run for 3 years. Voting members |
25 | | shall serve no more than 3 consecutive terms. |
26 | | A person appointed to fill a vacancy and complete the |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 31 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | unexpired term of a member of the Board shall only be |
2 | | appointed to serve out the unexpired term by the individual |
3 | | who made the original appointment within 45 days after the |
4 | | initial vacancy. A person appointed to fill a vacancy and |
5 | | complete the unexpired term of a member of the Board may be |
6 | | re-appointed to the Board for another term, but shall not |
7 | | serve than more than 2 consecutive terms following their |
8 | | completion of the unexpired term of a member of the Board. |
9 | | If a voting Board member's qualifications change due to |
10 | | a change in employment during the term of their |
11 | | appointment, then the Board member shall resign their |
12 | | position, subject to reappointment by the individual who |
13 | | made the original appointment. |
14 | | (6) The Board shall, as necessary, create and appoint |
15 | | qualified persons with requisite expertise to Exchange |
16 | | technical advisory groups. These Exchange technical |
17 | | advisory groups shall meet in a manner and frequency |
18 | | determined by the Board to discuss exchange-related issues |
19 | | and to provide exchange-related guidance, advice, and |
20 | | recommendations to the Board and the Exchange. There shall |
21 | | be at a minimum, 6 technical advisory groups, including the |
22 | | following: |
23 | | (1) an insurer advisory group; |
24 | | (2) a business advisory group; |
25 | | (3) a consumer advisory group; |
26 | | (4) a provider advisory group; |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 32 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | (5) an insurance producer advisory group; and |
2 | | (6) a dentist advisory group. |
3 | | (7) The Board shall meet no less than quarterly on a |
4 | | schedule established by the chairperson. Meetings shall be |
5 | | public and public records shall be maintained, subject to |
6 | | the Open Meetings Act. A majority of the Board shall |
7 | | constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of a majority |
8 | | is necessary for any action of the Board. No vacancy shall |
9 | | impair the ability of the Board to act provided a quorum is |
10 | | reached. Members shall serve without pay, but shall be |
11 | | reimbursed for their actual and reasonable expenses |
12 | | incurred in the performance of their duties. The |
13 | | chairperson of the Board shall file a written report |
14 | | regarding the activities of the Board and the Exchange to |
15 | | the Governor and General Assembly annually, and the |
16 | | Legislative Oversight Committee established in Section |
17 | | 5-15 quarterly, beginning on September 1, 2013 through |
18 | | December 31, 2014. |
19 | | (8) The Board shall adopt conflict of interest rules |
20 | | and recusal procedures. Such rules and procedures shall (i) |
21 | | prohibit a member of the Board from performing an official |
22 | | act that may have a direct economic benefit on a business |
23 | | or other endeavor in which that member has a direct or |
24 | | substantial financial interest and (ii) require a member of |
25 | | the Board to recuse himself or herself from an official |
26 | | matter, whether direct or indirect. All recusals must be in |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 33 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | writing and specify the reason and date of the recusal. All |
2 | | recusals shall be maintained by the Executive Director and |
3 | | shall be disclosed to any person upon written request. |
4 | | (9) The Board shall develop a budget, to be submitted |
5 | | to the General Assembly along with the Governor's annual |
6 | | budget proposal and approved by the General Assembly, for |
7 | | the implementation and operation of the Exchange for |
8 | | operating expenses, including, but not limited to: |
9 | | (A) proposed compensation levels for the Executive |
10 | | Director and shall identify personnel and staffing |
11 | | needs for the implementation and operation of the |
12 | | Exchange; |
13 | | (B) disclosure of funds received or expected to be |
14 | | received from the federal government for the |
15 | | infrastructure and systems of the Exchange and those |
16 | | funds received or expected to be received for program |
17 | | administration and operations; |
18 | | (C) delineation of those functions of the Exchange |
19 | | that are to be paid by State and federal programs that |
20 | | are allocable to the State's General Revenue Fund; and |
21 | | (D) beginning January 1, 2015, insurer assessments |
22 | | contingent upon the use of federal funds for the first |
23 | | year of operation of the Exchange and upon the review |
24 | | and recommendations of the Commission on Government |
25 | | Forecasting and Accountability. |
26 | | (10) The Board shall, in consultation with the Health |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 34 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | Benefits Exchange Legislative Oversight Committee, produce |
2 | | a cost-benefit analysis of the State's essential health |
3 | | benefits no later than August 1, 2015 for the purposes of |
4 | | informing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
5 | | in their re-evaluation of the essential health benefits for |
6 | | plan years 2016 and beyond. |
7 | | (11) The purpose of the Board shall be to implement the |
8 | | Exchange in accordance with this Section and shall be |
9 | | authorized to establish procedures for the operation of the |
10 | | Exchange, subject to legislative approval. |
11 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-17 new) |
12 | | Sec. 5-17. Insurer's assessment. Every carrier licensed to |
13 | | issue, and that issues for delivery, policies of accident and |
14 | | health insurance in this State shall be assessed. An insurer's |
15 | | assessment shall be determined by multiplying the total |
16 | | assessment, as determined in this Section, by a fraction, the |
17 | | numerator of which equals that insurer's direct Illinois |
18 | | premiums (excluding those premiums from short term, accident |
19 | | only, disability income, hospital confinement or fixed |
20 | | indemnity, vision only, limited benefit, Medicare supplement, |
21 | | long-term care, or credit insurance, coverage issued as a |
22 | | supplement to liability insurance, insurance arising out of a |
23 | | workers' compensation or similar law, automobile |
24 | | medical-payment insurance, insurance under which benefits are |
25 | | payable with or without regard to fault and which is |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 35 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | statutorily required to be contained in any liability insurance |
2 | | policy or equivalent self-insurance, or a Consumer Operated and |
3 | | Oriented Plan), during the preceding calendar year and the |
4 | | denominator of which equals the total of all insurers' direct |
5 | | Illinois premiums (excluding those premiums from short term, |
6 | | accident only, disability income, hospital confinement or |
7 | | fixed indemnity, vision only, limited benefit, Medicare |
8 | | supplement, long-term care, or credit insurance, coverage |
9 | | issued as a supplement to liability insurance, insurance |
10 | | arising out of a workers' compensation or similar law, |
11 | | automobile medical-payment insurance, insurance under which |
12 | | benefits are payable with or without regard to fault and which |
13 | | is statutorily required to be contained in any liability |
14 | | insurance policy or equivalent self-insurance, or a Consumer |
15 | | Operated and Oriented Plan). The Board may exempt those |
16 | | insurers whose share as determined under this Section would be |
17 | | so minimal as to not exceed the estimated cost of levying the |
18 | | assessment. The Board shall charge and collect from each |
19 | | insurer the amounts determined to be due under this Section. |
20 | | The assessment shall be billed by Board invoice based upon the |
21 | | insurer's direct Illinois premium income, excluding premium |
22 | | income from limited lines policies and supplemental insurance |
23 | | policies, as shown in its annual statement for the preceding |
24 | | calendar year as filed with the Director. The invoice shall be |
25 | | due upon receipt and must be paid no later than 30 days after |
26 | | receipt by the insurer. |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 36 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | When a carrier fails to pay the full amount of any |
2 | | assessment of $100 or more due under this Section there shall |
3 | | be added to the amount due as a penalty the greater of $50 or an |
4 | | amount equal to 5% of the deficiency for each month or part of |
5 | | a month that the deficiency remains unpaid. All moneys |
6 | | collected by the Board shall be placed in the Illinois Health |
7 | | Benefits Exchange Fund. |
8 | | Insurers shall be assessed only an amount not exceeding the |
9 | | General Assembly's approved Board budget. No assessment shall |
10 | | be made on insurers while assessments are being made pursuant |
11 | | to Section 12 of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act. |
12 | | The assessment shall also take into consideration any unspent |
13 | | federal funds remaining and shall be reduced accordingly. |
14 | | The Board shall prepare annually a complete and detailed |
15 | | written report accounting for all funds received and dispensed |
16 | | during the preceding fiscal year. |
17 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-18 new) |
18 | | Sec. 5-18. Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund. There |
19 | | is hereby created as a fund outside of the State treasury the |
20 | | Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund to be used, subject to |
21 | | appropriation, exclusively by the Exchange to provide funding |
22 | | for the operation and administration of the Exchange in |
23 | | carrying out the purposes authorized in this Law. |
24 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-21 new) |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 37 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | Sec. 5-21. Enrollment through brokers and agents; producer |
2 | | compensation. |
3 | | (a) In accordance with Section 1312(e) of the Federal Act, |
4 | | the Exchange shall allow licensed insurance producers to (1) |
5 | | enroll qualified individuals in any qualified health plan, for |
6 | | which the individual is eligible, in the individual exchange, |
7 | | (2) assist qualified individuals in applying for premium tax |
8 | | credits and cost-sharing reductions for qualified health plans |
9 | | purchased through the individual exchange, and (3) enroll |
10 | | qualified employers in any qualified health plan, for which the |
11 | | employer is eligible, offered through the SHOP exchange. |
12 | | Nothing in this subsection (a) shall be construed as to require |
13 | | a qualified individual or qualified employer to utilize a |
14 | | licensed insurance producer for any of the purposes outlined in |
15 | | this subsection (a). |
16 | | (b) In order to enroll individuals and small employers in |
17 | | qualified health plans on the Exchange, licensed producers must |
18 | | complete a certification program. The Department of Insurance |
19 | | may develop and implement a certification program for licensed |
20 | | insurance producers who enroll individuals and employers in the |
21 | | exchange. The Department of Insurance may charge a reasonable |
22 | | fee, by regulation, to producers for the certification program. |
23 | | The Department of Insurance may approve certification programs |
24 | | developed and instructed by others, charging a reasonable fee, |
25 | | by regulation, for approval. |
26 | | (c) The Exchange shall include on its Internet website a |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 38 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | producer locator section, featured prominently, through which |
2 | | individuals and small employers can find exchange-certified |
3 | | producers. |
4 | | (d) The Exchange shall take no role in developing or |
5 | | determining the manner or amount of compensation producers |
6 | | receive from qualified health plans for individuals or |
7 | | employers enrolled in health plans through the Exchange. |
8 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-23 new) |
9 | | Sec. 5-23. Examination or investigation of the Exchange. |
10 | | The Director shall have the ability to examine or investigate |
11 | | the Exchange pursuant to his or her authority under Article |
12 | | XXIV of the Illinois Insurance Code. |
13 | | (215 ILCS 122/5-30 new) |
14 | | Sec. 5-30. Dissolution of Comprehensive Health Insurance |
15 | | Plan. |
16 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the |
17 | | insurance operations of the Comprehensive Health Insurance |
18 | | Plan authorized by the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act |
19 | | shall cease on January 1, 2014. As used in this Section, "Plan" |
20 | | means the Comprehensive Health Insurance plan. |
21 | | (b) Coverage under the Plan does not apply to service |
22 | | provided on or after January 1, 2014. |
23 | | (c) A claim for payment under the Plan must be submitted |
24 | | within 180 days after January 1, 2014 and paid within 60 days |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 39 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | after receipt. |
2 | | (d) Any grievance shall be resolved by the Plan Board not |
3 | | later than 360 days after January 1, 2014. In this Section, |
4 | | "Plan Board" means the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance |
5 | | Board. |
6 | | (e) The Plan Board shall, not later than June 30, 2013, |
7 | | submit to the Director of Insurance a plan of dissolution, |
8 | | which must provide for, but not be limited to, the following: |
9 | | (1) Continuity of care for an individual who is covered |
10 | | under the Plan and is an inpatient on January 1, 2014. |
11 | | (2) A final accounting of assessments. |
12 | | (3) Resolution of any net asset deficiency. |
13 | | (4) Cessation of all liability of the Plan. |
14 | | (5) Final dissolution of the Plan. |
15 | | (f) The plan of dissolution may provide that, with the |
16 | | approval of the Plan Board and the Director, a power or duty of |
17 | | the association may be delegated to a person that is to perform |
18 | | functions similar to the functions of the Plan. |
19 | | (g) The Director shall, after notice and hearing, approve a |
20 | | plan of dissolution submitted under subsection (e) of this |
21 | | Section if the Director determines that the plan of dissolution |
22 | | is suitable to ensure the fair, reasonable, and equitable |
23 | | dissolution of the Plan and complies with subsection (e) of |
24 | | this Section. If the Director does not find that the plan of |
25 | | dissolution is suitable to ensure the fair, reasonable, and |
26 | | equitable dissolution of the Plan, he or she may by order |
| | 09800HB3227sam003 | - 40 - | LRB098 03489 RPM 45865 a |
1 | | require changes to the plan that cure the deficiencies |
2 | | identified in his or her findings. |
3 | | (h) A plan of dissolution submitted under subsection (e) of |
4 | | this Section is effective upon the written approval of the |
5 | | Director. |
6 | | (i) An action by or against the Plan must be filed not more |
7 | | than one year after January 1, 2014. |
8 | | (j) General Revenue Fund funds remaining in the Plan on the |
9 | | date on which final dissolution of the Plan occurs must be |
10 | | transferred back into the General Revenue Fund. |
11 | | (k) Insurer assessments remaining in the Plan on the date |
12 | | on which dissolution of the Plan occurs must be returned to |
13 | | insurers based on subsection e of Section 12 of the |
14 | | Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act. |
15 | | (l) The Plan, or the person or entity to which the Plan |
16 | | delegates powers under subsection (f) of this Section, may |
17 | | implement this Section in accordance with the plan of |
18 | | dissolution approved by the Director under subsection (g) of |
19 | | this Section.
20 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
21 | | becoming law.".