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| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning employment.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Workers Rights Act. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | context otherwise requires: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | "Labor organization" means any agency, union, employee | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | representation committee, or organization of any kind that | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | employers concerning wages, rates of pay, hours of work, other | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | conditions of employment, or other forms of compensation. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Section 10. Right to work. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no person | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | shall be required as a condition of obtaining or continuing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | public-sector or private-sector employment to: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | (1) resign or refrain from membership in, voluntary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | affiliation with, or voluntary financial support of, a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | labor organization; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | (2) become or remain a member of a labor organization; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | (3) pay any dues, fees, assessments, or other charges | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | of any kind or amount, or provide anything else of value, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to a labor organization; or | ||||||
2 | (4) pay to any charity or other third party an amount | ||||||
3 | equivalent to, or a portion of, dues, fees, assessments, or | ||||||
4 | other charges required of members of a labor organization. | ||||||
5 | (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an agreement, | ||||||
6 | contract, understanding, or practice between a labor | ||||||
7 | organization and an employer that violates this Act is unlawful | ||||||
8 | and unenforceable. This Act will apply only to those | ||||||
9 | agreements, contracts, understandings, or practices that take | ||||||
10 | force or are extended or renewed after this Act takes effect. | ||||||
11 | (c) Any person who suffers an injury or a threatened injury | ||||||
12 | under this Act may bring a civil action for damages, injunctive | ||||||
13 | relief, or both. In addition, the court shall award a | ||||||
14 | prevailing plaintiff costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. | ||||||
15 | (d) If any part or parts of this Act are found to be in | ||||||
16 | conflict with the United States Constitution or federal law, | ||||||
17 | the Act shall be implemented to the maximum extent that the | ||||||
18 | United States Constitution and federal law permit. Any | ||||||
19 | provision held invalid or inoperative shall be severable from | ||||||
20 | the remaining portions of this Act. | ||||||
21 | Section 90. The Illinois Public Labor Relations Act is | ||||||
22 | amended by changing Sections 6 and 15 as follows:
| ||||||
23 | (5 ILCS 315/6) (from Ch. 48, par. 1606)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 6. Right to organize and bargain collectively; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exclusive
representation; and fair share arrangements. | ||||||
2 | (a) Employees of the State and
any political subdivision of | ||||||
3 | the State, excluding employees of the General
Assembly of the | ||||||
4 | State of Illinois, have, and are protected in the exercise
of, | ||||||
5 | the right of self-organization,
and may form, join or assist | ||||||
6 | any labor organization, to bargain collectively
through | ||||||
7 | representatives of their own choosing on questions of wages, | ||||||
8 | hours
and other conditions of employment, not excluded by | ||||||
9 | Section 4 of this Act,
and to engage in other concerted | ||||||
10 | activities not otherwise prohibited by law
for the purposes of | ||||||
11 | collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection,
free | ||||||
12 | from interference, restraint or coercion. Employees also have, | ||||||
13 | and
are protected in the exercise of, the right to refrain from | ||||||
14 | participating
in any such concerted activities. Employees may | ||||||
15 | be required,
pursuant to the terms of a lawful fair share | ||||||
16 | agreement, to pay a fee which
shall be their proportionate | ||||||
17 | share
of the costs of the collective bargaining process, | ||||||
18 | contract administration
and pursuing matters affecting wages, | ||||||
19 | hours and other conditions of employment
as defined in Section | ||||||
20 | 3(g).
| ||||||
21 | (b) Nothing in this Act prevents an employee from | ||||||
22 | presenting a grievance
to the employer and having the grievance | ||||||
23 | heard and settled without the
intervention of an employee | ||||||
24 | organization; provided that the exclusive
bargaining | ||||||
25 | representative is afforded the opportunity to be present at | ||||||
26 | such
conference and that any settlement made shall not be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | inconsistent with the
terms of any agreement in effect between | ||||||
2 | the employer and the exclusive
bargaining representative.
| ||||||
3 | (c) A labor organization designated by the Board as the | ||||||
4 | representative
of the majority of public employees in an | ||||||
5 | appropriate unit in accordance
with the procedures herein or | ||||||
6 | recognized
by a public employer as the representative of the | ||||||
7 | majority of public employees
in an appropriate unit is the | ||||||
8 | exclusive representative for the employees
of such unit for the | ||||||
9 | purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates
of pay, | ||||||
10 | wages, hours and other conditions of employment not excluded by
| ||||||
11 | Section 4 of this Act. A public employer is required upon | ||||||
12 | request to furnish the exclusive bargaining representative | ||||||
13 | with a complete list of the names and addresses of the public | ||||||
14 | employees in the bargaining unit, provided that a public | ||||||
15 | employer shall not be required to furnish such a list more than | ||||||
16 | once per payroll period. The exclusive bargaining | ||||||
17 | representative shall use the list exclusively for bargaining | ||||||
18 | representation purposes and shall not disclose any information | ||||||
19 | contained in the list for any other purpose. Nothing in this | ||||||
20 | Section, however, shall prohibit a bargaining representative | ||||||
21 | from disseminating a list of its union members.
| ||||||
22 | (d) Labor organizations recognized by a public employer as | ||||||
23 | the exclusive
representative or so designated in accordance | ||||||
24 | with the provisions of this
Act are responsible for | ||||||
25 | representing the interests of all public employees
in the unit. | ||||||
26 | Nothing herein shall be construed to limit an exclusive
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | representative's right to exercise its discretion to refuse to | ||||||
2 | process
grievances of employees that are unmeritorious.
| ||||||
3 | (e) When a collective bargaining agreement is entered into | ||||||
4 | with an exclusive
representative, it may include in the | ||||||
5 | agreement a provision requiring employees
covered by the | ||||||
6 | agreement who are not members of the organization to pay
their | ||||||
7 | proportionate share of the costs of the collective bargaining | ||||||
8 | process,
contract administration and pursuing matters | ||||||
9 | affecting wages, hours and
conditions of employment, as defined | ||||||
10 | in Section 3 (g), but not to exceed
the amount of dues | ||||||
11 | uniformly required of members. The organization shall
certify | ||||||
12 | to the employer the amount constituting each nonmember | ||||||
13 | employee's
proportionate share which shall not exceed dues | ||||||
14 | uniformly required of members.
In such case, the proportionate | ||||||
15 | share payment in this Section shall be deducted
by the employer | ||||||
16 | from the earnings of the nonmember employees and paid to
the | ||||||
17 | employee organization.
| ||||||
18 | (f) Only the exclusive representative may negotiate
| ||||||
19 | provisions in a collective bargaining agreement providing for | ||||||
20 | the payroll
deduction of labor organization dues, fair share | ||||||
21 | payment, initiation fees
and assessments. Except as provided in | ||||||
22 | subsection (e) of this Section, any
such deductions shall only | ||||||
23 | be made upon an employee's written
authorization, and continued | ||||||
24 | until revoked in writing in the same manner or
until the | ||||||
25 | termination date of an applicable collective bargaining
| ||||||
26 | agreement. Such payments shall be paid to the exclusive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | representative.
| ||||||
2 | Where a collective bargaining agreement is terminated, or | ||||||
3 | continues in effect beyond its scheduled expiration date | ||||||
4 | pending the negotiation of a successor agreement or the | ||||||
5 | resolution of an impasse under Section 14, the employer shall | ||||||
6 | continue to honor and abide by any dues deduction or fair share | ||||||
7 | clause contained therein until a new agreement is reached | ||||||
8 | including dues deduction or a fair share clause. For the | ||||||
9 | benefit of any successor exclusive representative certified | ||||||
10 | under this Act, this provision shall be applicable, provided | ||||||
11 | the successor exclusive representative: | ||||||
12 | (i) certifies to the employer the amount constituting | ||||||
13 | each non-member's proportionate share under subsection | ||||||
14 | (e); or | ||||||
15 | (ii) presents the employer with employee written | ||||||
16 | authorizations for the deduction of dues, assessments, and | ||||||
17 | fees under this subsection. | ||||||
18 | Failure to so honor and abide by dues deduction or fair | ||||||
19 | share clauses for the benefit of any exclusive representative, | ||||||
20 | including a successor, shall be a violation of the duty to | ||||||
21 | bargain and an unfair labor practice.
| ||||||
22 | (g) Agreements containing a fair share agreement must | ||||||
23 | safeguard the right
of nonassociation of employees based upon | ||||||
24 | bona fide religious tenets or
teachings of a church or | ||||||
25 | religious body of which such employees are members.
Such | ||||||
26 | employees may be required to pay an amount equal to their fair |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | share,
determined under a lawful fair share agreement, to a | ||||||
2 | nonreligious charitable
organization mutually agreed upon by | ||||||
3 | the employees affected and the exclusive
bargaining | ||||||
4 | representative to which such employees would otherwise pay such
| ||||||
5 | service fee. If the affected employees and the bargaining | ||||||
6 | representative
are unable to reach an agreement on the matter, | ||||||
7 | the Board may establish an
approved list of charitable | ||||||
8 | organizations to which such payments may be made.
| ||||||
9 | (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no | ||||||
10 | fair share agreement may be entered into, modified, or renewed | ||||||
11 | on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
12 | 98th General Assembly. | ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 93-854, eff. 1-1-05; 94-472, eff. 1-1-06.)
| ||||||
14 | (5 ILCS 315/15) (from Ch. 48, par. 1615)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 15. Act Takes Precedence. | ||||||
16 | (a) In case of any conflict between the
provisions of this | ||||||
17 | Act and any other law (other than Section 5 of the State | ||||||
18 | Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 , and other than the | ||||||
19 | changes made to the Illinois Pension Code by Public Act 96-889, | ||||||
20 | and other than the changes made by this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
21 | 98th 96th General Assembly), executive order or administrative
| ||||||
22 | regulation relating to wages, hours and conditions of | ||||||
23 | employment and employment
relations, the provisions of this Act | ||||||
24 | or any collective bargaining agreement
negotiated thereunder | ||||||
25 | shall prevail and control.
Nothing in this Act shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | construed to replace or diminish the
rights of employees | ||||||
2 | established by Sections 28 and 28a of the Metropolitan
Transit | ||||||
3 | Authority Act, Sections 2.15 through 2.19 of the Regional | ||||||
4 | Transportation
Authority Act. The provisions of this Act are | ||||||
5 | subject to Section 5 of the State Employees Group Insurance Act | ||||||
6 | of 1971 and the Workers Rights Act . Nothing in this Act shall | ||||||
7 | be construed to replace the necessity of complaints against a | ||||||
8 | sworn peace officer, as defined in Section 2(a) of the Uniform | ||||||
9 | Peace Officer Disciplinary Act, from having a complaint | ||||||
10 | supported by a sworn affidavit.
| ||||||
11 | (b) Except as provided in subsection (a) above, any | ||||||
12 | collective bargaining
contract between a public employer and a | ||||||
13 | labor organization executed pursuant
to this Act shall | ||||||
14 | supersede any contrary statutes, charters, ordinances, rules
| ||||||
15 | or regulations relating to wages, hours and conditions of | ||||||
16 | employment and
employment relations adopted by the public | ||||||
17 | employer or its agents. Any collective
bargaining agreement | ||||||
18 | entered into prior to the effective date of this Act
shall | ||||||
19 | remain in full force during its duration.
| ||||||
20 | (c) It is the public policy of this State, pursuant to | ||||||
21 | paragraphs (h)
and (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Constitution, that the
provisions of this Act are the | ||||||
23 | exclusive exercise by the State of powers
and functions which | ||||||
24 | might otherwise be exercised by home rule units. Such
powers | ||||||
25 | and functions may not be exercised concurrently, either | ||||||
26 | directly
or indirectly, by any unit of local government, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | including any home rule
unit, except as otherwise authorized by | ||||||
2 | this Act.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-889, eff. 1-1-11 .)
| ||||||
4 | Section 95. The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Sections 11 and 17 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (115 ILCS 5/11) (from Ch. 48, par. 1711)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 11. Non-member fair share payments. When a collective
| ||||||
8 | bargaining agreement is entered into with an exclusive | ||||||
9 | representative, it
may include a provision requiring employees | ||||||
10 | covered by
the agreement who are not members of the | ||||||
11 | organization to pay
to the organization a fair share fee for | ||||||
12 | services rendered. The exclusive
representative shall certify | ||||||
13 | to the employer an amount not to exceed the
dues uniformly | ||||||
14 | required of members which shall constitute each non member
| ||||||
15 | employee's fair share fee. The fair share fee payment shall be | ||||||
16 | deducted
by the employer from the earnings of the non member | ||||||
17 | employees and paid to
the exclusive representative.
| ||||||
18 | The amount certified by the exclusive representative shall | ||||||
19 | not include
any fees for contributions related to the election | ||||||
20 | or support of any candidate
for political office. Nothing in | ||||||
21 | this Section shall preclude the non member
employee from making | ||||||
22 | voluntary political contributions in conjunction with
his or | ||||||
23 | her fair share payment.
| ||||||
24 | If a collective bargaining agreement that includes a fair |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | share clause expires or continues in effect beyond its | ||||||
2 | scheduled expiration date pending the negotiation of a | ||||||
3 | successor agreement, then the employer shall continue to honor | ||||||
4 | and abide by the fair share clause until a new agreement that | ||||||
5 | includes a fair share clause is reached. Failure to honor and | ||||||
6 | abide by the fair share clause for the benefit of any exclusive | ||||||
7 | representative as set forth in this paragraph shall be a | ||||||
8 | violation of the duty to bargain and an unfair labor practice.
| ||||||
9 | Agreements containing a fair share agreement must | ||||||
10 | safeguard the right of
non-association of employees based upon | ||||||
11 | bonafide religious tenets or teaching
of a church or religious | ||||||
12 | body of which such employees are members. Such
employees may be | ||||||
13 | required to pay an amount equal to their proportionate
share, | ||||||
14 | determined under a proportionate share agreement, to a | ||||||
15 | non-religious
charitable organization mutually agreed upon by | ||||||
16 | the employees affected
and the exclusive representative to | ||||||
17 | which such employees would otherwise
pay such fee. If the | ||||||
18 | affected employees and the exclusive representative
are unable | ||||||
19 | to reach an agreement on the matter, the Illinois Educational
| ||||||
20 | Labor Relations Board may establish an approved list of | ||||||
21 | charitable
organizations to which such payments may be made.
| ||||||
22 | The Board shall by rule require that in cases where an | ||||||
23 | employee files
an objection to the amount of the fair share | ||||||
24 | fee, the employer shall
continue to deduct the employee's fair | ||||||
25 | share fee from the employee's pay,
but shall transmit the fee, | ||||||
26 | or some portion thereof, to the Board for
deposit in an escrow |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | account maintained by the Board; provided, however,
that if the | ||||||
2 | exclusive representative maintains an escrow account for the
| ||||||
3 | purpose of holding fair share fees to which an employee has | ||||||
4 | objected, the
employer shall transmit the entire fair share fee | ||||||
5 | to the exclusive
representative, and the exclusive | ||||||
6 | representative shall hold in escrow that
portion of the fee | ||||||
7 | that the employer would otherwise have been required to
| ||||||
8 | transmit to the Board for escrow, provided that the escrow | ||||||
9 | account
maintained by the exclusive representative complies | ||||||
10 | with rules to be
promulgated by the Board within 30 days of the | ||||||
11 | effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1989 or that the | ||||||
12 | collective bargaining agreement
requiring the payment of the | ||||||
13 | fair share fee contains an indemnification
provision for the | ||||||
14 | purpose of indemnifying the employer with respect to the
| ||||||
15 | employer's transmission of fair share fees to the exclusive | ||||||
16 | representative.
| ||||||
17 | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no fair | ||||||
18 | share agreement may be entered into, modified, or renewed on or | ||||||
19 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th | ||||||
20 | General Assembly. | ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 94-210, eff. 7-14-05.)
| ||||||
22 | (115 ILCS 5/17) (from Ch. 48, par. 1717)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 17. Effect on other laws. In case of any conflict | ||||||
24 | between the
provisions of this Act and any other law (other | ||||||
25 | than the Workers Rights Act) , executive order or administrative
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | regulation, the provisions of this Act shall prevail and | ||||||
2 | control.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to replace or | ||||||
3 | diminish the rights
of employees established by Section 36d of | ||||||
4 | "An Act to create the State Universities
Civil Service System", | ||||||
5 | approved May 11, 1905, as amended or modified.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 83-1014.)
| ||||||
7 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
8 | becoming law.