| | HB2275 Enrolled | | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning State government.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The Illinois Act on the Aging is amended by |
5 | | changing Sections 4.01 and 4.02 as follows:
6 | | (20 ILCS 105/4.01) (from Ch. 23, par. 6104.01)
7 | | Sec. 4.01. Additional powers and duties of the Department. |
8 | | In addition
to powers and duties otherwise provided by law, the |
9 | | Department shall have the
following powers and duties:
10 | | (1) To evaluate all programs, services, and facilities for |
11 | | the aged
and for minority senior citizens within the State and |
12 | | determine the extent
to which present public or private |
13 | | programs, services and facilities meet the
needs of the aged.
14 | | (2) To coordinate and evaluate all programs, services, and |
15 | | facilities
for the Aging and for minority senior citizens |
16 | | presently furnished by State
agencies and make appropriate |
17 | | recommendations regarding such services, programs
and |
18 | | facilities to the Governor and/or the General Assembly.
19 | | (2-a) To request, receive, and share information |
20 | | electronically through the use of data-sharing agreements for |
21 | | the purpose of (i) establishing and verifying the initial and |
22 | | continuing eligibility of older adults to participate in |
23 | | programs administered by the Department; (ii) maximizing |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | federal financial participation in State assistance |
2 | | expenditures; and (iii) investigating allegations of fraud or |
3 | | other abuse of publicly funded benefits. Notwithstanding any |
4 | | other law to the contrary, but only for the limited purposes |
5 | | identified in the preceding sentence, this paragraph (2-a) |
6 | | expressly authorizes the exchanges of income, identification, |
7 | | and other pertinent eligibility information by and among the |
8 | | Department and the Social Security Administration, the |
9 | | Department of Employment Security, the Department of |
10 | | Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Human |
11 | | Services, the Department of Revenue, the Secretary of State, |
12 | | the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and any other |
13 | | governmental entity. The confidentiality of information |
14 | | otherwise shall be maintained as required by law. In addition, |
15 | | the Department on Aging shall verify employment information at |
16 | | the request of a community care provider for the purpose of |
17 | | ensuring program integrity under the Community Care Program. |
18 | | (3) To function as the sole State agency to develop a |
19 | | comprehensive
plan to meet the needs of the State's senior |
20 | | citizens and the State's
minority senior citizens.
21 | | (4) To receive and disburse State and federal funds made |
22 | | available
directly to the Department including those funds made |
23 | | available under the
Older Americans Act and the Senior |
24 | | Community Service Employment Program for
providing services |
25 | | for senior citizens and minority senior citizens or for
26 | | purposes related thereto, and shall develop and administer any |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | State Plan
for the Aging required by federal law.
2 | | (5) To solicit, accept, hold, and administer in behalf of |
3 | | the State
any grants or legacies of money, securities, or |
4 | | property to the State of
Illinois for services to senior |
5 | | citizens and minority senior citizens or
purposes related |
6 | | thereto.
7 | | (6) To provide consultation and assistance to communities, |
8 | | area agencies
on aging, and groups developing local services |
9 | | for senior citizens and
minority senior citizens.
10 | | (7) To promote community education regarding the problems |
11 | | of senior
citizens and minority senior citizens through |
12 | | institutes, publications,
radio, television and the local |
13 | | press.
14 | | (8) To cooperate with agencies of the federal government in |
15 | | studies
and conferences designed to examine the needs of senior |
16 | | citizens and minority
senior citizens and to prepare programs |
17 | | and facilities to meet those needs.
18 | | (9) To establish and maintain information and referral |
19 | | sources
throughout the State when not provided by other |
20 | | agencies.
21 | | (10) To provide the staff support that may reasonably be |
22 | | required
by the Council.
23 | | (11) To make and enforce rules and regulations necessary |
24 | | and proper
to the performance of its duties.
25 | | (12) To establish and fund programs or projects or |
26 | | experimental facilities
that are specially designed as |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 4 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | alternatives to institutional care.
2 | | (13) To develop a training program to train the counselors |
3 | | presently
employed by the Department's aging network to provide |
4 | | Medicare
beneficiaries with counseling and advocacy in |
5 | | Medicare, private health
insurance, and related health care |
6 | | coverage plans. The Department shall
report to the General |
7 | | Assembly on the implementation of the training
program on or |
8 | | before December 1, 1986.
9 | | (14) To make a grant to an institution of higher learning |
10 | | to study the
feasibility of establishing and implementing an |
11 | | affirmative action
employment plan for the recruitment, |
12 | | hiring, training and retraining of
persons 60 or more years old |
13 | | for jobs for which their employment would not
be precluded by |
14 | | law.
15 | | (15) To present one award annually in each of the |
16 | | categories of community
service, education, the performance |
17 | | and graphic arts, and the labor force
to outstanding Illinois |
18 | | senior citizens and minority senior citizens in
recognition of |
19 | | their individual contributions to either community service,
20 | | education, the performance and graphic arts, or the labor |
21 | | force. The awards
shall be presented to 4 senior citizens and |
22 | | minority senior citizens
selected from a list of 44 nominees |
23 | | compiled annually by
the Department. Nominations shall be |
24 | | solicited from senior citizens'
service providers, area |
25 | | agencies on aging, senior citizens'
centers, and senior |
26 | | citizens' organizations. The Department shall establish a |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 5 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | central location within
the State to be designated as the |
2 | | Senior Illinoisans Hall of Fame for the
public display of all |
3 | | the annual awards, or replicas thereof.
4 | | (16) To establish multipurpose senior centers through area |
5 | | agencies on
aging and to fund those new and existing |
6 | | multipurpose senior centers
through area agencies on aging, the |
7 | | establishment and funding to begin in
such areas of the State |
8 | | as the Department shall designate by rule and as
specifically |
9 | | appropriated funds become available.
10 | | (17) To develop the content and format of the |
11 | | acknowledgment regarding
non-recourse reverse mortgage loans |
12 | | under Section 6.1 of the Illinois
Banking Act; to provide |
13 | | independent consumer information on reverse
mortgages and |
14 | | alternatives; and to refer consumers to independent
counseling |
15 | | services with expertise in reverse mortgages.
16 | | (18) To develop a pamphlet in English and Spanish which may |
17 | | be used by
physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of |
18 | | its branches pursuant
to the Medical Practice Act of 1987, |
19 | | pharmacists licensed pursuant to the
Pharmacy Practice Act, and |
20 | | Illinois residents 65 years of age or
older for the purpose of |
21 | | assisting physicians, pharmacists, and patients in
monitoring |
22 | | prescriptions provided by various physicians and to aid persons
23 | | 65 years of age or older in complying with directions for |
24 | | proper use of
pharmaceutical prescriptions. The pamphlet may |
25 | | provide space for recording
information including but not |
26 | | limited to the following:
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 6 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (a) name and telephone number of the patient;
2 | | (b) name and telephone number of the prescribing |
3 | | physician;
4 | | (c) date of prescription;
5 | | (d) name of drug prescribed;
6 | | (e) directions for patient compliance; and
7 | | (f) name and telephone number of dispensing pharmacy.
8 | | In developing the pamphlet, the Department shall consult |
9 | | with the
Illinois State Medical Society, the Center for |
10 | | Minority Health Services,
the Illinois Pharmacists Association |
11 | | and
senior citizens organizations. The Department shall |
12 | | distribute the
pamphlets to physicians, pharmacists and |
13 | | persons 65 years of age or older
or various senior citizen |
14 | | organizations throughout the State.
15 | | (19) To conduct a study of the feasibility of
implementing |
16 | | the Senior Companion Program throughout the State.
17 | | (20) The reimbursement rates paid through the community |
18 | | care program
for chore housekeeping services and home care |
19 | | aides
shall be the same.
20 | | (21) From funds appropriated to the Department from the |
21 | | Meals on Wheels
Fund, a special fund in the State treasury that |
22 | | is hereby created, and in
accordance with State and federal |
23 | | guidelines and the intrastate funding
formula, to make grants |
24 | | to area agencies on aging, designated by the
Department, for |
25 | | the sole purpose of delivering meals to homebound persons 60
26 | | years of age and older.
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 7 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (22) To distribute, through its area agencies on aging, |
2 | | information
alerting seniors on safety issues regarding |
3 | | emergency weather
conditions, including extreme heat and cold, |
4 | | flooding, tornadoes, electrical
storms, and other severe storm |
5 | | weather. The information shall include all
necessary |
6 | | instructions for safety and all emergency telephone numbers of
7 | | organizations that will provide additional information and |
8 | | assistance.
9 | | (23) To develop guidelines for the organization and |
10 | | implementation of
Volunteer Services Credit Programs to be |
11 | | administered by Area Agencies on
Aging or community based |
12 | | senior service organizations. The Department shall
hold public |
13 | | hearings on the proposed guidelines for public comment, |
14 | | suggestion,
and determination of public interest. The |
15 | | guidelines shall be based on the
findings of other states and |
16 | | of community organizations in Illinois that are
currently |
17 | | operating volunteer services credit programs or demonstration
18 | | volunteer services credit programs. The Department shall offer |
19 | | guidelines for
all aspects of the programs including, but not |
20 | | limited to, the following:
21 | | (a) types of services to be offered by volunteers;
22 | | (b) types of services to be received upon the |
23 | | redemption of service
24 | | (c) issues of liability for the volunteers and the |
25 | | administering
26 | | (d) methods of tracking service credits earned and |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 8 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | service credits
2 | | (e) issues of time limits for redemption of service |
3 | | credits;
4 | | (f) methods of recruitment of volunteers;
5 | | (g) utilization of community volunteers, community |
6 | | service groups, and
other resources for delivering |
7 | | services to be received by service credit
program clients;
8 | | (h) accountability and assurance that services will be |
9 | | available to
individuals who have earned service credits; |
10 | | and
11 | | (i) volunteer screening and qualifications.
12 | | The Department shall submit a written copy of the guidelines to |
13 | | the General
Assembly by July 1, 1998.
14 | | (Source: P.A. 95-298, eff. 8-20-07; 95-689, eff. 10-29-07; |
15 | | 95-876, eff. 8-21-08; 96-918, eff. 6-9-10.)
16 | | (20 ILCS 105/4.02) (from Ch. 23, par. 6104.02)
17 | | Sec. 4.02. Community Care Program. The Department shall |
18 | | establish a program of services to
prevent unnecessary |
19 | | institutionalization of persons age 60 and older in
need of |
20 | | long term care or who are established as persons who suffer |
21 | | from
Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder under the |
22 | | Alzheimer's Disease
Assistance Act, thereby enabling them
to |
23 | | remain in their own homes or in other living arrangements. Such
24 | | preventive services, which may be coordinated with other |
25 | | programs for the
aged and monitored by area agencies on aging |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 9 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | in cooperation with the
Department, may include, but are not |
2 | | limited to, any or all of the following:
3 | | (a) (blank);
4 | | (b) (blank);
5 | | (c) home care aide services;
6 | | (d) personal assistant services;
7 | | (e) adult day services;
8 | | (f) home-delivered meals;
9 | | (g) education in self-care;
10 | | (h) personal care services;
11 | | (i) adult day health services;
12 | | (j) habilitation services;
13 | | (k) respite care;
14 | | (k-5) community reintegration services;
15 | | (k-6) flexible senior services; |
16 | | (k-7) medication management; |
17 | | (k-8) emergency home response;
18 | | (l) other nonmedical social services that may enable |
19 | | the person
to become self-supporting; or
20 | | (m) clearinghouse for information provided by senior |
21 | | citizen home owners
who want to rent rooms to or share |
22 | | living space with other senior citizens.
23 | | The Department shall establish eligibility standards for |
24 | | such
services. In determining the amount and nature of services
25 | | for which a person may qualify, consideration shall not be |
26 | | given to the
value of cash, property or other assets held in |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 10 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | the name of the person's
spouse pursuant to a written agreement |
2 | | dividing marital property into equal
but separate shares or |
3 | | pursuant to a transfer of the person's interest in a
home to |
4 | | his spouse, provided that the spouse's share of the marital
5 | | property is not made available to the person seeking such |
6 | | services.
7 | | Beginning January 1, 2008, the Department shall require as |
8 | | a condition of eligibility that all new financially eligible |
9 | | applicants apply for and enroll in medical assistance under |
10 | | Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code in accordance with |
11 | | rules promulgated by the Department.
12 | | The Department shall, in conjunction with the Department of |
13 | | Public Aid (now Department of Healthcare and Family Services),
14 | | seek appropriate amendments under Sections 1915 and 1924 of the |
15 | | Social
Security Act. The purpose of the amendments shall be to |
16 | | extend eligibility
for home and community based services under |
17 | | Sections 1915 and 1924 of the
Social Security Act to persons |
18 | | who transfer to or for the benefit of a
spouse those amounts of |
19 | | income and resources allowed under Section 1924 of
the Social |
20 | | Security Act. Subject to the approval of such amendments, the
21 | | Department shall extend the provisions of Section 5-4 of the |
22 | | Illinois
Public Aid Code to persons who, but for the provision |
23 | | of home or
community-based services, would require the level of |
24 | | care provided in an
institution, as is provided for in federal |
25 | | law. Those persons no longer
found to be eligible for receiving |
26 | | noninstitutional services due to changes
in the eligibility |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 11 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | criteria shall be given 45 days notice prior to actual
2 | | termination. Those persons receiving notice of termination may |
3 | | contact the
Department and request the determination be |
4 | | appealed at any time during the
45 day notice period. The |
5 | | target
population identified for the purposes of this Section |
6 | | are persons age 60
and older with an identified service need. |
7 | | Priority shall be given to those
who are at imminent risk of |
8 | | institutionalization. The services shall be
provided to |
9 | | eligible persons age 60 and older to the extent that the cost
10 | | of the services together with the other personal maintenance
11 | | expenses of the persons are reasonably related to the standards
12 | | established for care in a group facility appropriate to the |
13 | | person's
condition. These non-institutional services, pilot |
14 | | projects or
experimental facilities may be provided as part of |
15 | | or in addition to
those authorized by federal law or those |
16 | | funded and administered by the
Department of Human Services. |
17 | | The Departments of Human Services, Healthcare and Family |
18 | | Services,
Public Health, Veterans' Affairs, and Commerce and |
19 | | Economic Opportunity and
other appropriate agencies of State, |
20 | | federal and local governments shall
cooperate with the |
21 | | Department on Aging in the establishment and development
of the |
22 | | non-institutional services. The Department shall require an |
23 | | annual
audit from all personal assistant
and home care aide |
24 | | vendors contracting with
the Department under this Section. The |
25 | | annual audit shall assure that each
audited vendor's procedures |
26 | | are in compliance with Department's financial
reporting |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 12 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | guidelines requiring an administrative and employee wage and |
2 | | benefits cost split as defined in administrative rules. The |
3 | | audit is a public record under
the Freedom of Information Act. |
4 | | The Department shall execute, relative to
the nursing home |
5 | | prescreening project, written inter-agency
agreements with the |
6 | | Department of Human Services and the Department
of Healthcare |
7 | | and Family Services, to effect the following: (1) intake |
8 | | procedures and common
eligibility criteria for those persons |
9 | | who are receiving non-institutional
services; and (2) the |
10 | | establishment and development of non-institutional
services in |
11 | | areas of the State where they are not currently available or |
12 | | are
undeveloped. On and after July 1, 1996, all nursing home |
13 | | prescreenings for
individuals 60 years of age or older shall be |
14 | | conducted by the Department.
15 | | As part of the Department on Aging's routine training of |
16 | | case managers and case manager supervisors, the Department may |
17 | | include information on family futures planning for persons who |
18 | | are age 60 or older and who are caregivers of their adult |
19 | | children with developmental disabilities. The content of the |
20 | | training shall be at the Department's discretion. |
21 | | The Department is authorized to establish a system of |
22 | | recipient copayment
for services provided under this Section, |
23 | | such copayment to be based upon
the recipient's ability to pay |
24 | | but in no case to exceed the actual cost of
the services |
25 | | provided. Additionally, any portion of a person's income which
26 | | is equal to or less than the federal poverty standard shall not |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 13 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | be
considered by the Department in determining the copayment. |
2 | | The level of
such copayment shall be adjusted whenever |
3 | | necessary to reflect any change
in the officially designated |
4 | | federal poverty standard.
5 | | The Department, or the Department's authorized |
6 | | representative, may
recover the amount of moneys expended for |
7 | | services provided to or in
behalf of a person under this |
8 | | Section by a claim against the person's
estate or against the |
9 | | estate of the person's surviving spouse, but no
recovery may be |
10 | | had until after the death of the surviving spouse, if
any, and |
11 | | then only at such time when there is no surviving child who
is |
12 | | under age 21, blind, or permanently and totally disabled. This
13 | | paragraph, however, shall not bar recovery, at the death of the |
14 | | person, of
moneys for services provided to the person or in |
15 | | behalf of the person under
this Section to which the person was |
16 | | not entitled;
provided that such recovery shall not be enforced |
17 | | against any real estate while
it is occupied as a homestead by |
18 | | the surviving spouse or other dependent, if no
claims by other |
19 | | creditors have been filed against the estate, or, if such
20 | | claims have been filed, they remain dormant for failure of |
21 | | prosecution or
failure of the claimant to compel administration |
22 | | of the estate for the purpose
of payment. This paragraph shall |
23 | | not bar recovery from the estate of a spouse,
under Sections |
24 | | 1915 and 1924 of the Social Security Act and Section 5-4 of the
25 | | Illinois Public Aid Code, who precedes a person receiving |
26 | | services under this
Section in death. All moneys for services
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 14 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | paid to or in behalf of the person under this Section shall be |
2 | | claimed for
recovery from the deceased spouse's estate. |
3 | | "Homestead", as used
in this paragraph, means the dwelling |
4 | | house and
contiguous real estate occupied by a surviving spouse
5 | | or relative, as defined by the rules and regulations of the |
6 | | Department of Healthcare and Family Services, regardless of the |
7 | | value of the property.
8 | | The Department shall increase the effectiveness of the |
9 | | existing Community Care Program by: |
10 | | (1) ensuring that in-home services included in the care |
11 | | plan are available on evenings and weekends; |
12 | | (2) ensuring that care plans contain the services that |
13 | | eligible participants
need based on the number of days in a |
14 | | month, not limited to specific blocks of time, as |
15 | | identified by the comprehensive assessment tool selected |
16 | | by the Department for use statewide, not to exceed the |
17 | | total monthly service cost maximum allowed for each |
18 | | service; the Department shall develop administrative rules |
19 | | to implement this item (2); |
20 | | (3) ensuring that the participants have the right to |
21 | | choose the services contained in their care plan and to |
22 | | direct how those services are provided, based on |
23 | | administrative rules established by the Department; |
24 | | (4) ensuring that the determination of need tool is |
25 | | accurate in determining the participants' level of need; to |
26 | | achieve this, the Department, in conjunction with the Older |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 15 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | Adult Services Advisory Committee, shall institute a study |
2 | | of the relationship between the Determination of Need |
3 | | scores, level of need, service cost maximums, and the |
4 | | development and utilization of service plans no later than |
5 | | May 1, 2008; findings and recommendations shall be |
6 | | presented to the Governor and the General Assembly no later |
7 | | than January 1, 2009; recommendations shall include all |
8 | | needed changes to the service cost maximums schedule and |
9 | | additional covered services; |
10 | | (5) ensuring that homemakers can provide personal care |
11 | | services that may or may not involve contact with clients, |
12 | | including but not limited to: |
13 | | (A) bathing; |
14 | | (B) grooming; |
15 | | (C) toileting; |
16 | | (D) nail care; |
17 | | (E) transferring; |
18 | | (F) respiratory services; |
19 | | (G) exercise; or |
20 | | (H) positioning; |
21 | | (6) ensuring that homemaker program vendors are not |
22 | | restricted from hiring homemakers who are family members of |
23 | | clients or recommended by clients; the Department may not, |
24 | | by rule or policy, require homemakers who are family |
25 | | members of clients or recommended by clients to accept |
26 | | assignments in homes other than the client; |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 16 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (7) ensuring that the State may access maximum federal |
2 | | matching funds by seeking approval for the Centers for |
3 | | Medicare and Medicaid Services for modifications to the |
4 | | State's home and community based services waiver and |
5 | | additional waiver opportunities , including applying for |
6 | | enrollment in the Balance Incentive Payment Program by May |
7 | | 1, 2013, in order to maximize federal matching funds; this |
8 | | shall include, but not be limited to, modification that |
9 | | reflects all changes in the Community Care Program services |
10 | | and all increases in the services cost maximum; and |
11 | | (8) ensuring that the determination of need tool |
12 | | accurately reflects the service needs of individuals with |
13 | | Alzheimer's disease and related dementia disorders ; . |
14 | | (9) ensuring that services are authorized accurately |
15 | | and consistently for the Community Care Program (CCP); the |
16 | | Department shall implement a Service Authorization policy |
17 | | directive; the purpose shall be to ensure that eligibility |
18 | | and services are authorized accurately and consistently in |
19 | | the CCP program; the policy directive shall clarify service |
20 | | authorization guidelines to Care Coordination Units and |
21 | | Community Care Program providers no later than May 1, 2013; |
22 | | (10) working in conjunction with Care Coordination |
23 | | Units, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, |
24 | | the Department of Human Services, Community Care Program |
25 | | providers, and other stakeholders to make improvements to |
26 | | the Medicaid claiming processes and the Medicaid |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 17 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | enrollment procedures or requirements as needed, |
2 | | including, but not limited to, specific policy changes or |
3 | | rules to improve the up-front enrollment of participants in |
4 | | the Medicaid program and specific policy changes or rules |
5 | | to insure more prompt submission of bills to the federal |
6 | | government to secure maximum federal matching dollars as |
7 | | promptly as possible; the Department on Aging shall have at |
8 | | least 3 meetings with stakeholders by January 1, 2014 in |
9 | | order to address these improvements; |
10 | | (11) requiring home care service providers to comply |
11 | | with the rounding of hours worked provisions under the |
12 | | federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and as set forth in |
13 | | 29 CFR 785.48(b) by May 1, 2013; |
14 | | (12) implementing any necessary policy changes or |
15 | | promulgating any rules, no later than January 1, 2014, to |
16 | | assist the Department of Healthcare and Family Services in |
17 | | moving as many participants as possible, consistent with |
18 | | federal regulations, into coordinated care plans if a care |
19 | | coordination plan that covers long term care is available |
20 | | in the recipient's area; and |
21 | | (13) maintaining fiscal year 2014 rates at the same |
22 | | level established on January 1, 2013. |
23 | | By January 1, 2009 or as soon after the end of the Cash and |
24 | | Counseling Demonstration Project as is practicable, the |
25 | | Department may, based on its evaluation of the demonstration |
26 | | project, promulgate rules concerning personal assistant |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 18 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | services, to include, but need not be limited to, |
2 | | qualifications, employment screening, rights under fair labor |
3 | | standards, training, fiduciary agent, and supervision |
4 | | requirements. All applicants shall be subject to the provisions |
5 | | of the Health Care Worker Background Check Act.
6 | | The Department shall develop procedures to enhance |
7 | | availability of
services on evenings, weekends, and on an |
8 | | emergency basis to meet the
respite needs of caregivers. |
9 | | Procedures shall be developed to permit the
utilization of |
10 | | services in successive blocks of 24 hours up to the monthly
11 | | maximum established by the Department. Workers providing these |
12 | | services
shall be appropriately trained.
13 | | Beginning on the effective date of this Amendatory Act of |
14 | | 1991, no person
may perform chore/housekeeping and home care |
15 | | aide services under a program
authorized by this Section unless |
16 | | that person has been issued a certificate
of pre-service to do |
17 | | so by his or her employing agency. Information
gathered to |
18 | | effect such certification shall include (i) the person's name,
19 | | (ii) the date the person was hired by his or her current |
20 | | employer, and
(iii) the training, including dates and levels. |
21 | | Persons engaged in the
program authorized by this Section |
22 | | before the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1991 shall |
23 | | be issued a certificate of all pre- and
in-service training |
24 | | from his or her employer upon submitting the necessary
25 | | information. The employing agency shall be required to retain |
26 | | records of
all staff pre- and in-service training, and shall |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 19 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | provide such records to
the Department upon request and upon |
2 | | termination of the employer's contract
with the Department. In |
3 | | addition, the employing agency is responsible for
the issuance |
4 | | of certifications of in-service training completed to their
5 | | employees.
6 | | The Department is required to develop a system to ensure |
7 | | that persons
working as home care aides and personal assistants
8 | | receive increases in their
wages when the federal minimum wage |
9 | | is increased by requiring vendors to
certify that they are |
10 | | meeting the federal minimum wage statute for home care aides
11 | | and personal assistants. An employer that cannot ensure that |
12 | | the minimum
wage increase is being given to home care aides and |
13 | | personal assistants
shall be denied any increase in |
14 | | reimbursement costs.
15 | | The Community Care Program Advisory Committee is created in |
16 | | the Department on Aging. The Director shall appoint individuals |
17 | | to serve in the Committee, who shall serve at their own |
18 | | expense. Members of the Committee must abide by all applicable |
19 | | ethics laws. The Committee shall advise the Department on |
20 | | issues related to the Department's program of services to |
21 | | prevent unnecessary institutionalization. The Committee shall |
22 | | meet on a bi-monthly basis and shall serve to identify and |
23 | | advise the Department on present and potential issues affecting |
24 | | the service delivery network, the program's clients, and the |
25 | | Department and to recommend solution strategies. Persons |
26 | | appointed to the Committee shall be appointed on, but not |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 20 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | limited to, their own and their agency's experience with the |
2 | | program, geographic representation, and willingness to serve. |
3 | | The Director shall appoint members to the Committee to |
4 | | represent provider, advocacy, policy research, and other |
5 | | constituencies committed to the delivery of high quality home |
6 | | and community-based services to older adults. Representatives |
7 | | shall be appointed to ensure representation from community care |
8 | | providers including, but not limited to, adult day service |
9 | | providers, homemaker providers, case coordination and case |
10 | | management units, emergency home response providers, statewide |
11 | | trade or labor unions that represent home care
aides and direct |
12 | | care staff, area agencies on aging, adults over age 60, |
13 | | membership organizations representing older adults, and other |
14 | | organizational entities, providers of care, or individuals |
15 | | with demonstrated interest and expertise in the field of home |
16 | | and community care as determined by the Director. |
17 | | Nominations may be presented from any agency or State |
18 | | association with interest in the program. The Director, or his |
19 | | or her designee, shall serve as the permanent co-chair of the |
20 | | advisory committee. One other co-chair shall be nominated and |
21 | | approved by the members of the committee on an annual basis. |
22 | | Committee members' terms of appointment shall be for 4 years |
23 | | with one-quarter of the appointees' terms expiring each year. A |
24 | | member shall continue to serve until his or her replacement is |
25 | | named. The Department shall fill vacancies that have a |
26 | | remaining term of over one year, and this replacement shall |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 21 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | occur through the annual replacement of expiring terms. The |
2 | | Director shall designate Department staff to provide technical |
3 | | assistance and staff support to the committee. Department |
4 | | representation shall not constitute membership of the |
5 | | committee. All Committee papers, issues, recommendations, |
6 | | reports, and meeting memoranda are advisory only. The Director, |
7 | | or his or her designee, shall make a written report, as |
8 | | requested by the Committee, regarding issues before the |
9 | | Committee.
10 | | The Department on Aging and the Department of Human |
11 | | Services
shall cooperate in the development and submission of |
12 | | an annual report on
programs and services provided under this |
13 | | Section. Such joint report
shall be filed with the Governor and |
14 | | the General Assembly on or before
September 30 each year.
15 | | The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall |
16 | | be satisfied
by filing copies of the report with the Speaker, |
17 | | the Minority Leader and
the Clerk of the House of |
18 | | Representatives and the President, the Minority
Leader and the |
19 | | Secretary of the Senate and the Legislative Research Unit,
as |
20 | | required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization |
21 | | Act and
filing such additional copies with the State Government |
22 | | Report Distribution
Center for the General Assembly as is |
23 | | required under paragraph (t) of
Section 7 of the State Library |
24 | | Act.
25 | | Those persons previously found eligible for receiving |
26 | | non-institutional
services whose services were discontinued |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 22 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | under the Emergency Budget Act of
Fiscal Year 1992, and who do |
2 | | not meet the eligibility standards in effect
on or after July |
3 | | 1, 1992, shall remain ineligible on and after July 1,
1992. |
4 | | Those persons previously not required to cost-share and who |
5 | | were
required to cost-share effective March 1, 1992, shall |
6 | | continue to meet
cost-share requirements on and after July 1, |
7 | | 1992. Beginning July 1, 1992,
all clients will be required to |
8 | | meet
eligibility, cost-share, and other requirements and will |
9 | | have services
discontinued or altered when they fail to meet |
10 | | these requirements. |
11 | | For the purposes of this Section, "flexible senior |
12 | | services" refers to services that require one-time or periodic |
13 | | expenditures including, but not limited to, respite care, home |
14 | | modification, assistive technology, housing assistance, and |
15 | | transportation.
16 | | The Department shall implement an electronic service |
17 | | verification based on global positioning systems or other |
18 | | cost-effective technology for the Community Care Program no |
19 | | later than January 1, 2014. |
20 | | The Department shall require, as a condition of |
21 | | eligibility, enrollment in the medical assistance program |
22 | | under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code (i) beginning |
23 | | August 1, 2013, if the Auditor General has reported that the |
24 | | Department has failed
to comply with the reporting requirements |
25 | | of Section 2-27 of
the Illinois State Auditing Act; or (ii) |
26 | | beginning June 1, 2014, if the Auditor General has reported |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 23 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | that the
Department has not undertaken the required actions |
2 | | listed in
the report required by subsection (a) of Section 2-27 |
3 | | of the
Illinois State Auditing Act. |
4 | | The Department shall delay Community Care Program services |
5 | | until an applicant is determined eligible for medical |
6 | | assistance under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code (i) |
7 | | beginning August 1, 2013, if the Auditor General has reported |
8 | | that the Department has failed
to comply with the reporting |
9 | | requirements of Section 2-27 of
the Illinois State Auditing |
10 | | Act; or (ii) beginning June 1, 2014, if the Auditor General has |
11 | | reported that the
Department has not undertaken the required |
12 | | actions listed in
the report required by subsection (a) of |
13 | | Section 2-27 of the
Illinois State Auditing Act. |
14 | | The Department shall implement co-payments for the |
15 | | Community Care Program at the federally allowable maximum level |
16 | | (i) beginning August 1, 2013, if the Auditor General has |
17 | | reported that the Department has failed
to comply with the |
18 | | reporting requirements of Section 2-27 of
the Illinois State |
19 | | Auditing Act; or (ii) beginning June 1, 2014, if the Auditor |
20 | | General has reported that the
Department has not undertaken the |
21 | | required actions listed in
the report required by subsection |
22 | | (a) of Section 2-27 of the
Illinois State Auditing Act. |
23 | | The Department shall provide a bi-monthly report on the |
24 | | progress of the Community Care Program reforms set forth in |
25 | | this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly to the |
26 | | Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 24 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the
President |
2 | | of the
Senate, and the Minority Leader of the Senate. |
3 | | The Department shall conduct a quarterly review of Care |
4 | | Coordination Unit performance and adherence to service |
5 | | guidelines. The quarterly review shall be reported to the |
6 | | Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of |
7 | | the House of Representatives, the
President of the
Senate, and |
8 | | the Minority Leader of the Senate. The Department shall collect |
9 | | and report longitudinal data on the performance of each care |
10 | | coordination unit. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed |
11 | | to require the Department to identify specific care |
12 | | coordination units. |
13 | | In regard to community care providers, failure to comply |
14 | | with Department on Aging policies shall be cause for |
15 | | disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, |
16 | | disqualification from serving Community Care Program clients. |
17 | | Each provider, upon submission of any bill or invoice to the |
18 | | Department for payment for services rendered, shall include a |
19 | | notarized statement, under penalty of perjury pursuant to |
20 | | Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure, that the provider |
21 | | has complied with all Department policies. |
22 | | (Source: P.A. 96-918, eff. 6-9-10; 96-1129, eff. 7-20-10; |
23 | | 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.) |
24 | | Section 9. The Illinois State Auditing Act is amended by |
25 | | adding Section 2-27 as follows: |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 25 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (30 ILCS 5/2-27 new) |
2 | | Sec. 2-27. Certification of Community Care Program reform |
3 | | implementation. |
4 | | (a) No later than July 1, 2013, the Department on Aging |
5 | | shall file
a report with the Auditor General, the Governor, the |
6 | | Speaker of
the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of |
7 | | the House
of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and |
8 | | the Minority Leader of the Senate listing any necessary |
9 | | amendment to the Illinois
Title XIX State plan, any federal |
10 | | waiver request, any State
administrative rule, or any State |
11 | | Policy changes and notifications required to implement this |
12 | | amendatory Act
of the 98th General Assembly. |
13 | | (b) No later than February 1, 2014, the Department on Aging |
14 | | shall
provide evidence to the Auditor General that it has |
15 | | undertaken
the required actions listed in the report required |
16 | | by
subsection (a). |
17 | | (c) No later than April 1, 2014, the Auditor General shall
18 | | submit a report to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of
19 | | Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of
20 | | Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Minority |
21 | | Leader of the Senate as to whether the Department on Aging has |
22 | | undertaken the required
actions listed in the report required |
23 | | by subsection (a). |
24 | | Section 10. The State Finance Act is amended by changing |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 26 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | Section 25 as follows:
2 | | (30 ILCS 105/25) (from Ch. 127, par. 161)
3 | | Sec. 25. Fiscal year limitations.
4 | | (a) All appropriations shall be
available for expenditure |
5 | | for the fiscal year or for a lesser period if the
Act making |
6 | | that appropriation so specifies. A deficiency or emergency
7 | | appropriation shall be available for expenditure only through |
8 | | June 30 of
the year when the Act making that appropriation is |
9 | | enacted unless that Act
otherwise provides.
10 | | (b) Outstanding liabilities as of June 30, payable from |
11 | | appropriations
which have otherwise expired, may be paid out of |
12 | | the expiring
appropriations during the 2-month period ending at |
13 | | the
close of business on August 31. Any service involving
14 | | professional or artistic skills or any personal services by an |
15 | | employee whose
compensation is subject to income tax |
16 | | withholding must be performed as of June
30 of the fiscal year |
17 | | in order to be considered an "outstanding liability as of
June |
18 | | 30" that is thereby eligible for payment out of the expiring
19 | | appropriation.
20 | | (b-1) However, payment of tuition reimbursement claims |
21 | | under Section 14-7.03 or
18-3 of the School Code may be made by |
22 | | the State Board of Education from its
appropriations for those |
23 | | respective purposes for any fiscal year, even though
the claims |
24 | | reimbursed by the payment may be claims attributable to a prior
25 | | fiscal year, and payments may be made at the direction of the |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 27 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | State
Superintendent of Education from the fund from which the |
2 | | appropriation is made
without regard to any fiscal year |
3 | | limitations, except as required by subsection (j) of this |
4 | | Section. Beginning on June 30, 2021, payment of tuition |
5 | | reimbursement claims under Section 14-7.03 or 18-3 of the |
6 | | School Code as of June 30, payable from appropriations that |
7 | | have otherwise expired, may be paid out of the expiring |
8 | | appropriation during the 4-month period ending at the close of |
9 | | business on October 31.
10 | | (b-2) All outstanding liabilities as of June 30, 2010, |
11 | | payable from appropriations that would otherwise expire at the |
12 | | conclusion of the lapse period for fiscal year 2010, and |
13 | | interest penalties payable on those liabilities under the State |
14 | | Prompt Payment Act, may be paid out of the expiring |
15 | | appropriations until December 31, 2010, without regard to the |
16 | | fiscal year in which the payment is made, as long as vouchers |
17 | | for the liabilities are received by the Comptroller no later |
18 | | than August 31, 2010. |
19 | | (b-2.5) All outstanding liabilities as of June 30, 2011, |
20 | | payable from appropriations that would otherwise expire at the |
21 | | conclusion of the lapse period for fiscal year 2011, and |
22 | | interest penalties payable on those liabilities under the State |
23 | | Prompt Payment Act, may be paid out of the expiring |
24 | | appropriations until December 31, 2011, without regard to the |
25 | | fiscal year in which the payment is made, as long as vouchers |
26 | | for the liabilities are received by the Comptroller no later |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 28 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | than August 31, 2011. |
2 | | (b-2.6) All outstanding liabilities as of June 30, 2012, |
3 | | payable from appropriations that would otherwise expire at the |
4 | | conclusion of the lapse period for fiscal year 2012, and |
5 | | interest penalties payable on those liabilities under the State |
6 | | Prompt Payment Act, may be paid out of the expiring |
7 | | appropriations until December 31, 2012, without regard to the |
8 | | fiscal year in which the payment is made, as long as vouchers |
9 | | for the liabilities are received by the Comptroller no later |
10 | | than August 31, 2012. |
11 | | (b-2.7) (b-2.6) For fiscal years 2012 and 2013, interest |
12 | | penalties payable under the State Prompt Payment Act associated |
13 | | with a voucher for which payment is issued after June 30 may be |
14 | | paid out of the next fiscal year's appropriation. The future |
15 | | year appropriation must be for the same purpose and from the |
16 | | same fund as the original payment. An interest penalty voucher |
17 | | submitted against a future year appropriation must be submitted |
18 | | within 60 days after the issuance of the associated voucher, |
19 | | and the Comptroller must issue the interest payment within 60 |
20 | | days after acceptance of the interest voucher. |
21 | | (b-3) Medical payments may be made by the Department of |
22 | | Veterans' Affairs from
appropriations for those purposes |
23 | | for any fiscal year, without regard to the
fact that the |
24 | | medical services being compensated for by such payment may have
25 | | been rendered in a prior fiscal year, except as required by |
26 | | subsection (j) of this Section. Beginning on June 30, 2021, |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 29 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | medical payments payable from appropriations that have |
2 | | otherwise expired may be paid out of the expiring appropriation |
3 | | during the 4-month period ending at the close of business on |
4 | | October 31.
5 | | (b-4) Medical payments and child care
payments may be made |
6 | | by the Department of
Human Services (as successor to the |
7 | | Department of Public Aid) from
appropriations for those |
8 | | purposes for any fiscal year,
without regard to the fact that |
9 | | the medical or child care services being
compensated for by |
10 | | such payment may have been rendered in a prior fiscal
year; and |
11 | | payments may be made at the direction of the Department of
12 | | Healthcare and Family Services (or successor agency) from the |
13 | | Health Insurance Reserve Fund without regard to any fiscal
year |
14 | | limitations, except as required by subsection (j) of this |
15 | | Section. Beginning on June 30, 2021, medical and child care |
16 | | payments made by the Department of Human Services , and payments |
17 | | made at the discretion of the Department of Healthcare and |
18 | | Family Services (or successor agency) from the Health Insurance |
19 | | Reserve Fund and payable from appropriations that have |
20 | | otherwise expired may be paid out of the expiring appropriation |
21 | | during the 4-month period ending at the close of business on |
22 | | October 31.
23 | | (b-5) Medical payments may be made by the Department of |
24 | | Human Services from its appropriations relating to substance |
25 | | abuse treatment services for any fiscal year, without regard to |
26 | | the fact that the medical services being compensated for by |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 30 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | such payment may have been rendered in a prior fiscal year, |
2 | | provided the payments are made on a fee-for-service basis |
3 | | consistent with requirements established for Medicaid |
4 | | reimbursement by the Department of Healthcare and Family |
5 | | Services, except as required by subsection (j) of this Section. |
6 | | Beginning on June 30, 2021, medical payments made by the |
7 | | Department of Human Services relating to substance abuse |
8 | | treatment services payable from appropriations that have |
9 | | otherwise expired may be paid out of the expiring appropriation |
10 | | during the 4-month period ending at the close of business on |
11 | | October 31. |
12 | | (b-6) Additionally, payments may be made by the Department |
13 | | of Human Services from
its appropriations, or any other State |
14 | | agency from its appropriations with
the approval of the |
15 | | Department of Human Services, from the Immigration Reform
and |
16 | | Control Fund for purposes authorized pursuant to the |
17 | | Immigration Reform
and Control Act of 1986, without regard to |
18 | | any fiscal year limitations, except as required by subsection |
19 | | (j) of this Section. Beginning on June 30, 2021, payments made |
20 | | by the Department of Human Services from the Immigration Reform |
21 | | and Control Fund for purposes authorized pursuant to the |
22 | | Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 payable from |
23 | | appropriations that have otherwise expired may be paid out of |
24 | | the expiring appropriation during the 4-month period ending at |
25 | | the close of business on October 31.
26 | | (b-7) Payments may be made in accordance with a plan |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 31 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | authorized by paragraph (11) or (12) of Section 405-105 of the |
2 | | Department of Central Management Services Law from |
3 | | appropriations for those payments without regard to fiscal year |
4 | | limitations. |
5 | | (b-9) Medical payments not exceeding $150,000,000 may be |
6 | | made by the Department on Aging from its appropriations |
7 | | relating to the Community Care Program for fiscal year 2014, |
8 | | without regard to the fact that the medical services being |
9 | | compensated for by such payment may have been rendered in a |
10 | | prior fiscal year, provided the payments are made on a |
11 | | fee-for-service basis consistent with requirements established |
12 | | for Medicaid reimbursement by the Department of Healthcare and |
13 | | Family Services, except as required by subsection (j) of this |
14 | | Section. |
15 | | (c) Further, payments may be made by the Department of |
16 | | Public Health and the
Department of Human Services (acting as |
17 | | successor to the Department of Public
Health under the |
18 | | Department of Human Services Act)
from their respective |
19 | | appropriations for grants for medical care to or on
behalf of |
20 | | premature and high-mortality risk infants and their mothers and
21 | | for grants for supplemental food supplies provided under the |
22 | | United States
Department of Agriculture Women, Infants and |
23 | | Children Nutrition Program,
for any fiscal year without regard |
24 | | to the fact that the services being
compensated for by such |
25 | | payment may have been rendered in a prior fiscal year, except |
26 | | as required by subsection (j) of this Section. Beginning on |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 32 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | June 30, 2021, payments made by the Department of Public Health |
2 | | and the Department of Human Services from their respective |
3 | | appropriations for grants for medical care to or on behalf of |
4 | | premature and high-mortality risk infants and their mothers and |
5 | | for grants for supplemental food supplies provided under the |
6 | | United States Department of Agriculture Women, Infants and |
7 | | Children Nutrition Program payable from appropriations that |
8 | | have otherwise expired may be paid out of the expiring |
9 | | appropriations during the 4-month period ending at the close of |
10 | | business on October 31.
11 | | (d) The Department of Public Health and the Department of |
12 | | Human Services
(acting as successor to the Department of Public |
13 | | Health under the Department of
Human Services Act) shall each |
14 | | annually submit to the State Comptroller, Senate
President, |
15 | | Senate
Minority Leader, Speaker of the House, House Minority |
16 | | Leader, and the
respective Chairmen and Minority Spokesmen of |
17 | | the
Appropriations Committees of the Senate and the House, on |
18 | | or before
December 31, a report of fiscal year funds used to |
19 | | pay for services
provided in any prior fiscal year. This report |
20 | | shall document by program or
service category those |
21 | | expenditures from the most recently completed fiscal
year used |
22 | | to pay for services provided in prior fiscal years.
23 | | (e) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the |
24 | | Department of Human Services
(acting as successor to the |
25 | | Department of Public Aid), and the Department of Human Services |
26 | | making fee-for-service payments relating to substance abuse |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 33 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | treatment services provided during a previous fiscal year shall |
2 | | each annually
submit to the State
Comptroller, Senate |
3 | | President, Senate Minority Leader, Speaker of the House,
House |
4 | | Minority Leader, the respective Chairmen and Minority |
5 | | Spokesmen of the
Appropriations Committees of the Senate and |
6 | | the House, on or before November
30, a report that shall |
7 | | document by program or service category those
expenditures from |
8 | | the most recently completed fiscal year used to pay for (i)
9 | | services provided in prior fiscal years and (ii) services for |
10 | | which claims were
received in prior fiscal years.
11 | | (f) The Department of Human Services (as successor to the |
12 | | Department of
Public Aid) shall annually submit to the State
13 | | Comptroller, Senate President, Senate Minority Leader, Speaker |
14 | | of the House,
House Minority Leader, and the respective |
15 | | Chairmen and Minority Spokesmen of
the Appropriations |
16 | | Committees of the Senate and the House, on or before
December |
17 | | 31, a report
of fiscal year funds used to pay for services |
18 | | (other than medical care)
provided in any prior fiscal year. |
19 | | This report shall document by program or
service category those |
20 | | expenditures from the most recently completed fiscal
year used |
21 | | to pay for services provided in prior fiscal years.
22 | | (g) In addition, each annual report required to be |
23 | | submitted by the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services |
24 | | under subsection (e) shall include the following
information |
25 | | with respect to the State's Medicaid program:
26 | | (1) Explanations of the exact causes of the variance |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 34 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | between the previous
year's estimated and actual |
2 | | liabilities.
3 | | (2) Factors affecting the Department of Healthcare and |
4 | | Family Services' liabilities,
including but not limited to |
5 | | numbers of aid recipients, levels of medical
service |
6 | | utilization by aid recipients, and inflation in the cost of |
7 | | medical
8 | | (3) The results of the Department's efforts to combat |
9 | | fraud and abuse.
10 | | (h) As provided in Section 4 of the General Assembly |
11 | | Compensation Act,
any utility bill for service provided to a |
12 | | General Assembly
member's district office for a period |
13 | | including portions of 2 consecutive
fiscal years may be paid |
14 | | from funds appropriated for such expenditure in
either fiscal |
15 | | year.
16 | | (i) An agency which administers a fund classified by the |
17 | | Comptroller as an
internal service fund may issue rules for:
18 | | (1) billing user agencies in advance for payments or |
19 | | authorized inter-fund transfers
based on estimated charges |
20 | | for goods or services;
21 | | (2) issuing credits, refunding through inter-fund |
22 | | transfers, or reducing future inter-fund transfers
23 | | the subsequent fiscal year for all user agency payments or |
24 | | authorized inter-fund transfers received during the
prior |
25 | | fiscal year which were in excess of the final amounts owed |
26 | | by the user
agency for that period; and
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 35 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (3) issuing catch-up billings to user agencies
during |
2 | | the subsequent fiscal year for amounts remaining due when |
3 | | payments or authorized inter-fund transfers
received from |
4 | | the user agency during the prior fiscal year were less than |
5 | | the
total amount owed for that period.
6 | | User agencies are authorized to reimburse internal service |
7 | | funds for catch-up
billings by vouchers drawn against their |
8 | | respective appropriations for the
fiscal year in which the |
9 | | catch-up billing was issued or by increasing an authorized |
10 | | inter-fund transfer during the current fiscal year. For the |
11 | | purposes of this Act, "inter-fund transfers" means transfers |
12 | | without the use of the voucher-warrant process, as authorized |
13 | | by Section 9.01 of the State Comptroller Act.
14 | | (i-1) Beginning on July 1, 2021, all outstanding |
15 | | liabilities, not payable during the 4-month lapse period as |
16 | | described in subsections (b-1), (b-3), (b-4), (b-5), (b-6), and |
17 | | (c) of this Section, that are made from appropriations for that |
18 | | purpose for any fiscal year, without regard to the fact that |
19 | | the services being compensated for by those payments may have |
20 | | been rendered in a prior fiscal year, are limited to only those |
21 | | claims that have been incurred but for which a proper bill or |
22 | | invoice as defined by the State Prompt Payment Act has not been |
23 | | received by September 30th following the end of the fiscal year |
24 | | in which the service was rendered. |
25 | | (j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the |
26 | | aggregate amount of payments to be made without regard for |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 36 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | fiscal year limitations as contained in subsections (b-1), |
2 | | (b-3), (b-4), (b-5), (b-6), and (c) of this Section, and |
3 | | determined by using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, |
4 | | shall not exceed the following amounts: |
5 | | (1) $6,000,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
6 | | to fiscal year 2012; |
7 | | (2) $5,300,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
8 | | to fiscal year 2013; |
9 | | (3) $4,600,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
10 | | to fiscal year 2014; |
11 | | (4) $4,000,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
12 | | to fiscal year 2015; |
13 | | (5) $3,300,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
14 | | to fiscal year 2016; |
15 | | (6) $2,600,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
16 | | to fiscal year 2017; |
17 | | (7) $2,000,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
18 | | to fiscal year 2018; |
19 | | (8) $1,300,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
20 | | to fiscal year 2019; |
21 | | (9) $600,000,000 for outstanding liabilities related |
22 | | to fiscal year 2020; and |
23 | | (10) $0 for outstanding liabilities related to fiscal |
24 | | year 2021 and fiscal years thereafter. |
25 | | (k) Department of Healthcare and Family Services Medical |
26 | | Assistance Payments. |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 37 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (1) Definition of Medical Assistance. |
2 | | For purposes of this subsection, the term "Medical |
3 | | Assistance" shall include, but not necessarily be |
4 | | limited to, medical programs and services authorized |
5 | | under Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act, |
6 | | the Illinois Public Aid Code, the Children's Health |
7 | | Insurance Program Act, the Covering ALL KIDS Health |
8 | | Insurance Act, the Long Term Acute Care Hospital |
9 | | Quality Improvement Transfer Program Act, and medical |
10 | | care to or on behalf of persons suffering from chronic |
11 | | renal disease, persons suffering from hemophilia , and |
12 | | victims of sexual assault. |
13 | | (2) Limitations on Medical Assistance payments that |
14 | | may be paid from future fiscal year appropriations. |
15 | | (A) The maximum amounts of annual unpaid Medical |
16 | | Assistance bills received and recorded by the |
17 | | Department of Healthcare and Family Services on or |
18 | | before June 30th of a particular fiscal year |
19 | | attributable in aggregate to the General Revenue Fund, |
20 | | Healthcare Provider Relief Fund, Tobacco Settlement |
21 | | Recovery Fund, Long-Term Care Provider Fund, and the |
22 | | Drug Rebate Fund that may be paid in total by the |
23 | | Department from future fiscal year Medical Assistance |
24 | | appropriations to those funds are:
$700,000,000 for |
25 | | fiscal year 2013 and $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2014 |
26 | | and each fiscal year thereafter. |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 38 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | (B) Bills for Medical Assistance services rendered |
2 | | in a particular fiscal year, but received and recorded |
3 | | by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services |
4 | | after June 30th of that fiscal year, may be paid from |
5 | | either appropriations for that fiscal year or future |
6 | | fiscal year appropriations for Medical Assistance. |
7 | | Such payments shall not be subject to the requirements |
8 | | of subparagraph (A). |
9 | | (C) Medical Assistance bills received by the |
10 | | Department of Healthcare and Family Services in a |
11 | | particular fiscal year, but subject to payment amount |
12 | | adjustments in a future fiscal year may be paid from a |
13 | | future fiscal year's appropriation for Medical |
14 | | Assistance. Such payments shall not be subject to the |
15 | | requirements of subparagraph (A). |
16 | | (D) Medical Assistance payments made by the |
17 | | Department of Healthcare and Family Services from |
18 | | funds other than those specifically referenced in |
19 | | subparagraph (A) may be made from appropriations for |
20 | | those purposes for any fiscal year without regard to |
21 | | the fact that the Medical Assistance services being |
22 | | compensated for by such payment may have been rendered |
23 | | in a prior fiscal year. Such payments shall not be |
24 | | subject to the requirements of subparagraph (A). |
25 | | (3) Extended lapse period for Department of Healthcare |
26 | | and Family Services Medical Assistance payments. |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 39 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | Notwithstanding any other State law to the contrary, |
2 | | outstanding Department of Healthcare and Family Services |
3 | | Medical Assistance liabilities, as of June 30th, payable |
4 | | from appropriations which have otherwise expired, may be |
5 | | paid out of the expiring appropriations during the 6-month |
6 | | period ending at the close of business on December 31st. |
7 | | (l) The changes to this Section made by Public Act 97-691 |
8 | | this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly shall be |
9 | | effective for payment of Medical Assistance bills incurred in |
10 | | fiscal year 2013 and future fiscal years. The changes to this |
11 | | Section made by Public Act 97-691 this amendatory Act of the |
12 | | 97th General Assembly shall not be applied to Medical |
13 | | Assistance bills incurred in fiscal year 2012 or prior fiscal |
14 | | years. |
15 | | (m) (k) The Comptroller must issue payments against |
16 | | outstanding liabilities that were received prior to the lapse |
17 | | period deadlines set forth in this Section as soon thereafter |
18 | | as practical, but no payment may be issued after the 4 months |
19 | | following the lapse period deadline without the signed |
20 | | authorization of the Comptroller and the Governor. |
21 | | (Source: P.A. 96-928, eff. 6-15-10; 96-958, eff. 7-1-10; |
22 | | 96-1501, eff. 1-25-11; 97-75, eff. 6-30-11; 97-333, eff. |
23 | | 8-12-11; 97-691, eff. 7-1-12; 97-732, eff. 6-30-12; 97-932, |
24 | | eff. 8-10-12; revised 8-23-12.)
25 | | Section 15. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 40 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | changing Section 12-13.1 as follows:
2 | | (305 ILCS 5/12-13.1)
3 | | Sec. 12-13.1. Inspector General.
4 | | (a) The Governor shall appoint, and the Senate shall |
5 | | confirm, an Inspector
General who shall function within the |
6 | | Illinois Department of Public Aid (now Healthcare and Family |
7 | | Services) and
report to the Governor. The term of the Inspector |
8 | | General shall expire on the
third Monday of January, 1997 and |
9 | | every 4 years thereafter.
10 | | (b) In order to prevent, detect, and eliminate fraud, |
11 | | waste, abuse,
mismanagement, and misconduct, the Inspector |
12 | | General shall oversee the
Department of Healthcare and Family |
13 | | Services' and the Department on Aging's integrity
functions, |
14 | | which include, but are not limited to, the following:
15 | | (1) Investigation of misconduct by employees, vendors, |
16 | | contractors and
medical providers, except for allegations |
17 | | of violations of the State Officials and Employees Ethics |
18 | | Act which shall be referred to the Office of the Governor's |
19 | | Executive Inspector General for investigation.
20 | | (2) Prepayment and post-payment audits of medical |
21 | | providers related to ensuring that appropriate
payments |
22 | | are made for services rendered and to the prevention and |
23 | | recovery of overpayments.
24 | | (3) Monitoring of quality assurance programs |
25 | | administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 41 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | Services and the Community Care Program administered by the |
2 | | Department on Aging .
3 | | (4) Quality control measurements of the programs |
4 | | administered by the
Department of Healthcare and Family |
5 | | Services and the Community Care Program administered by the |
6 | | Department on Aging .
7 | | (5) Investigations of fraud or intentional program |
8 | | violations committed by
clients of the Department of |
9 | | Healthcare and Family Services and the Community Care |
10 | | Program administered by the Department on Aging .
11 | | (6) Actions initiated against contractors, vendors, or |
12 | | medical providers for any of
the following reasons:
13 | | (A) Violations of the medical assistance program |
14 | | and the Community Care Program administered by the |
15 | | Department on Aging .
16 | | (B) Sanctions against providers brought in |
17 | | conjunction with the
Department of Public Health or the |
18 | | Department of Human Services (as successor
to the |
19 | | Department of Mental Health and Developmental |
20 | | Disabilities).
21 | | (C) Recoveries of assessments against hospitals |
22 | | and long-term care
23 | | (D) Sanctions mandated by the United States |
24 | | Department of Health and
Human Services against |
25 | | medical providers.
26 | | (E) Violations of contracts related to any |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 42 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | programs administered by the Department of Healthcare
2 | | and Family Services and the Community Care Program |
3 | | administered by the Department on Aging .
4 | | (7) Representation of the Department of Healthcare and |
5 | | Family Services at
hearings with the Illinois Department of |
6 | | Financial and Professional Regulation in actions
taken |
7 | | against professional licenses held by persons who are in |
8 | | violation of
orders for child support payments.
9 | | (b-5) At the request of the Secretary of Human Services, |
10 | | the Inspector
General shall, in relation to any function |
11 | | performed by the Department of Human
Services as successor to |
12 | | the Department of Public Aid, exercise one or more
of the |
13 | | powers provided under this Section as if those powers related |
14 | | to the
Department of Human Services; in such matters, the |
15 | | Inspector General shall
report his or her findings to the |
16 | | Secretary of Human Services.
17 | | (c) Notwithstanding, and in addition to, any other
18 | | provision of law, the Inspector General shall have access to |
19 | | all information, personnel
and facilities of the
Department of |
20 | | Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of
Human |
21 | | Services (as successor to the Department of Public Aid), their |
22 | | employees, vendors, contractors and medical providers and any |
23 | | federal,
State or local governmental agency that are necessary |
24 | | to perform the duties of
the Office as directly related to |
25 | | public assistance programs administered by
those departments. |
26 | | No medical provider shall
be compelled, however, to provide |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 43 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | individual medical records of patients who
are not clients of |
2 | | the programs administered by the Department of Healthcare and
3 | | Family Services. State and local
governmental agencies are |
4 | | authorized and directed to provide the requested
information, |
5 | | assistance or cooperation.
6 | | For purposes of enhanced program integrity functions and
7 | | oversight, and to the extent consistent with applicable
8 | | information and privacy, security, and disclosure laws, State
9 | | agencies and departments shall provide the Office of Inspector |
10 | | General access to confidential and other information and data, |
11 | | and the Inspector General is authorized to enter into |
12 | | agreements with appropriate federal agencies and departments |
13 | | to secure similar data. This includes, but is not limited to, |
14 | | information pertaining to: licensure; certification; earnings; |
15 | | immigration status; citizenship; wage reporting; unearned and |
16 | | earned income; pension income;
employment; supplemental |
17 | | security income; social security
numbers; National Provider |
18 | | Identifier (NPI) numbers; the
National Practitioner Data Bank |
19 | | (NPDB); program and agency
exclusions; taxpayer identification |
20 | | numbers; tax delinquency;
corporate information; and death |
21 | | records. |
22 | | The Inspector General shall enter into agreements with |
23 | | State agencies and departments, and is authorized to enter into |
24 | | agreements with federal agencies and departments, under which |
25 | | such agencies and departments shall share data necessary for |
26 | | medical assistance program integrity functions and oversight. |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 44 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | The Inspector General shall enter into agreements with State |
2 | | agencies and departments, and is authorized to enter into |
3 | | agreements with federal agencies and departments, under which |
4 | | such agencies shall share data necessary for recipient and |
5 | | vendor screening, review, and investigation, including but not |
6 | | limited to vendor payment and recipient eligibility |
7 | | verification. The Inspector General shall develop, in |
8 | | cooperation with other State and federal agencies and |
9 | | departments, and in compliance with applicable federal laws and |
10 | | regulations, appropriate and effective
methods to share such |
11 | | data. The Inspector General shall enter into agreements with |
12 | | State agencies and departments, and is authorized to enter into |
13 | | agreements with federal agencies and departments, including, |
14 | | but not limited to: the Secretary of State; the
Department of |
15 | | Revenue; the Department of Public Health; the
Department of |
16 | | Human Services; and the Department of Financial and |
17 | | Professional Regulation. |
18 | | The Inspector General shall have the authority to deny |
19 | | payment, prevent overpayments, and recover overpayments. |
20 | | The Inspector General shall have the authority to deny or
21 | | suspend payment to, and deny, terminate, or suspend the
22 | | eligibility of, any vendor who fails to grant the Inspector
23 | | General timely access to full and complete records, including |
24 | | records of recipients under the medical assistance program for |
25 | | the most recent 6 years, in accordance with Section 140.28 of |
26 | | Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code, and other |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 45 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | information for the purpose of audits, investigations, or other |
2 | | program integrity functions, after reasonable written request |
3 | | by the Inspector General. |
4 | | (d) The Inspector General shall serve as the
Department of |
5 | | Healthcare and Family Services'
primary liaison with law |
6 | | enforcement,
investigatory and prosecutorial agencies, |
7 | | including but not limited to the
8 | | (1) The Department of State Police.
9 | | (2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other |
10 | | federal law enforcement
11 | | (3) The various Inspectors General of federal agencies |
12 | | overseeing the
programs administered by the
Department of |
13 | | Healthcare and Family Services.
14 | | (4) The various Inspectors General of any other State |
15 | | agencies with
responsibilities for portions of programs |
16 | | primarily administered by the
Department of Healthcare and |
17 | | Family Services.
18 | | (5) The Offices of the several United States Attorneys |
19 | | in Illinois.
20 | | (6) The several State's Attorneys.
21 | | (7) The offices of the Centers for Medicare and |
22 | | Medicaid Services that administer the Medicare and |
23 | | Medicaid integrity programs. |
24 | | The Inspector General shall meet on a regular basis with |
25 | | these entities to
share information regarding possible |
26 | | misconduct by any persons or entities
involved with the public |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 46 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | aid programs administered by the Department
of Healthcare and |
2 | | Family Services.
3 | | (e) All investigations conducted by the Inspector General |
4 | | shall be conducted
in a manner that ensures the preservation of |
5 | | evidence for use in criminal
prosecutions. If the Inspector |
6 | | General determines that a possible criminal act
relating to |
7 | | fraud in the provision or administration of the medical |
8 | | assistance
program has been committed, the Inspector General |
9 | | shall immediately notify the
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. If |
10 | | the Inspector General determines that a
possible criminal act |
11 | | has been committed within the jurisdiction of the Office,
the |
12 | | Inspector General may request the special expertise of the |
13 | | Department of
State Police. The Inspector General may present |
14 | | for prosecution the findings
of any criminal investigation to |
15 | | the Office of the Attorney General, the
Offices of the several |
16 | | United States Attorneys in Illinois or the several
State's |
17 | | Attorneys.
18 | | (f) To carry out his or her duties as described in this |
19 | | Section, the
Inspector General and his or her designees shall |
20 | | have the power to compel
by subpoena the attendance and |
21 | | testimony of witnesses and the production
of books, electronic |
22 | | records and papers as directly related to public
assistance |
23 | | programs administered by the Department of Healthcare and |
24 | | Family Services or
the Department of Human Services (as |
25 | | successor to the Department of Public
Aid). No medical provider |
26 | | shall be compelled, however, to provide individual
medical |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 47 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | records of patients who are not clients of the Medical |
2 | | Assistance
3 | | (g) The Inspector General shall report all convictions, |
4 | | terminations, and
suspensions taken against vendors, |
5 | | contractors and medical providers to the
Department of |
6 | | Healthcare and Family Services and to any agency responsible |
7 | | for
licensing or regulating those persons or entities.
8 | | (h) The Inspector General shall make annual
reports, |
9 | | findings, and recommendations regarding the Office's |
10 | | investigations
into reports of fraud, waste, abuse, |
11 | | mismanagement, or misconduct relating to
any programs |
12 | | administered by the Department
of Healthcare and Family |
13 | | Services or the Department of Human Services (as successor to |
14 | | the
Department of Public Aid) to the General Assembly and the |
15 | | Governor. These
reports shall include, but not be limited to, |
16 | | the following information:
17 | | (1) Aggregate provider billing and payment |
18 | | information, including the
number of providers at various |
19 | | Medicaid earning levels.
20 | | (2) The number of audits of the medical assistance
21 | | program and the dollar savings resulting from those audits.
22 | | (3) The number of prescriptions rejected annually |
23 | | under the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services' |
24 | | Refill Too Soon program and the
dollar savings resulting |
25 | | from that program.
26 | | (4) Provider sanctions, in the aggregate, including |
| | HB2275 Enrolled | - 48 - | LRB098 07652 KTG 37724 b |
1 | | terminations and
2 | | (5) A detailed summary of the investigations |
3 | | undertaken in the previous
fiscal year. These summaries |
4 | | shall comply with all laws and rules regarding
maintaining |
5 | | confidentiality in the public aid programs.
6 | | (i) Nothing in this Section shall limit investigations by |
7 | | the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the |
8 | | Department of Human Services that may
otherwise be required by |
9 | | law or that may be necessary in their capacity as the
central |
10 | | administrative authorities responsible for administration of |
11 | | their agency's
programs in this
12 | | (j) The Inspector General may issue shields or other |
13 | | distinctive identification to his or her employees not |
14 | | exercising the powers of a peace officer if the Inspector |
15 | | General determines that a shield or distinctive identification |
16 | | is needed by an employee to carry out his or her |
17 | | responsibilities. |
18 | | (Source: P.A. 96-555, eff. 8-18-09; 96-1316, eff. 1-1-11; |
19 | | 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.)
20 | | (320 ILCS 50/15 rep.) |
21 | | Section 20. The Senior Pharmaceutical Assistance Act is |
22 | | amended by repealing Section 15.
23 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
24 | | becoming law.