Rep. Fred Crespo
Filed: 5/28/2013
09800HB0206ham003 HDS098 00004 CIN 30041 a
AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 206, by deleting everything after the enacting clause and inserting the following:
Section 5. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0685, approved June 7, 2012, is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 5 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0685, Art. 5, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services for provision of health care coverage as elected by eligible members per the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971:
From the General Revenue Fund. 1,450,000,000
From the Road Fund............................. 176,323,000
From the Health Insurance
Reserve Fund................ 2,900,114,500
Total $4,526,437,500
Section 10. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0725, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 205 of Article 12 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0725, Art. 12, Sec. 205)
Sec. 205. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2012, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 4, Section 225 of Public Act 97-0076, as amended, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Rockford District 205 for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation and
equipping to a silver certification
from the United States Green
Building Council’s Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design
Green Building Rating System................. 0
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation and
equipping to a silver
from the United States
Building Council’s
Leadership in
Energy and Environmental
Green Building Rating
System......... 1,000,000 500,000
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation and
equipping to a silver
from the United States
Building Council’s
Leadership in
Energy and Environmental
Green Building Rating
System.................. 1,000,000
Total 2,000,000
Section 15. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0726, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 20 of Article 6 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0726, Art. 6, Sec. 20)
20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are
appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of
From the General Revenue Fund:
For HAVA Maintenance of Effort
Contribution-State............................. 550,000
For Reimbursement to Counties for Increased
Compensation to Judges and other Election
Officials, as provided in Public Acts
81-850, 81-1149, and 90-672-Election
Day Judges only.............................. 1,347,100
For FY2013 costs related to development and
implementation of Statewide voter canvassing
operations and reporting system project, as
mandated by Public Act 95-0699................. 300,000
For FY2013 reimbursement and assistance to
local election jurisdictions for
ongoing support costs, and SBE maintenance
of local election jurisdiction interfaces
for the Illinois Voter Registration System
(IVRS) Statewide database.................... 1,580,400
For Payment of Lump Sum Awards to County Clerks,
County Recorders, and Chief Election
Clerks as Compensation for Additional
Duties required of such officials
by consolidation of elections law,
as provided in Public Acts 82-691
and 90-713..................................... 644,800
From the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund:
For Payment of Lump Sum Awards to County Clerks,
County Recorders, and Chief Election
Clerks as Compensation for Additional
Duties required of such officials
by consolidation of elections law,
as provided in Public Acts 82-691
and 90-713..................................... 161,200
Total $4,422,300
Section 20. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0727, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 16 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 16, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the Governor:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............... 4,176,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security........................ 319,500
For Contractual Services......................... 618,800
For Travel........................................ 91,300
For Commodities................................... 63,700
For Printing...................................... 22,800
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Electronic Data Processing................... 182,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 273,000
For Repairs and Maintenance....................... 18,200
For Expenses Related to Ethnic Celebrations,
Special Receptions, and Other Events............. 45,500
Total $5,811,100
Section 25. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 97-0727, approved July 1, 2012, as amended, is amended by adding Sections 40, 45, 50 and 55 through 485 to Article 8 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 40 new)
Sec. 40. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims for payment of awards solely as a result of the lapsing of an appropriation originally made from any funds held by the State Treasurer.
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 45 new)
Sec. 45. The sum of $8,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims for payment of line of duty awards.
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 50 new)
Sec. 50. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims for payment of claims as follows:
For claims under the Crime Victims Compensation Act:
Payable from the General
Revenue Fund ....................................6,000,000
For claims other than Crime Victims:
Payable from the General
Revenue Fund ................................... 9,807,400
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 55 new)
Sec. 55. The following named sums are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 03-CC-0994, Michael A. McDowell and
Kristoffer Wendt, personal injury, against
Department of Corrections...................... $66,000.00
No. 05-CC-0870, Lozaro Lopez, personal
injury, against Department
of Transportation.............................. $53,756.25
No. 07-CC-0161, Derek DeJohn Dow, personal
injury, against Chicago
State University............................... $13,825.00
No. 07-CC-1486, Accurate Document Destruction,
Inc., contract against Department
of Human Services............................... $6,630.00
No. 08-CC-0104, Guy Johnson, contract,
against Department of Corrections.............. $13,300.00
No. 08-CC-0869, Herbert Klimek, personal
injury, against Department
of Corrections.................................. $6,000.00
No. 08-CC-0876, Sharon Smalarz, tort,
against Department of
Human Services................................. $30,500.00
No. 09-CC-0836, 59th and Ashland, LLC,
contract, against Department of
Central Management Services................... $120,463.66
No. 09-CC-1677, Aberdeen Terrace, et al,
contract, against Department of
Healthcare and Family Services and
Department of Human Services.................. $498,877.48
No. 09-CC-3092, Sharon Smith-Johnson, personal
injury against Governors
State University............................... $54,000.00
No. 10-CC-3280, Frederick Coombe, property
damage, against Department
of Transportation............................... $6,663.99
No. 11-CC-3355, Roland Marr, property
damage, against Department
of Agriculture.................................. $5,000.00
No. 12-CC-0489, Alden Village North, Inc,
contract, against Department
of Human Services.............................. $23,700.00
No. 12-CC-1264, Toltec Mechanical, Inc,
debt, against Department of Human Services.... $500,000.00
No. 13-CC-0753, Michael Saunders,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-0793, Vincent Thames,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-0797, Terrill Swift,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-0800, Harold Richardson,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-1135, Jacques Rivera,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-1515, Alprentiss Nash,
unjust imprisonment........................... $208,821.00
No. 13-CC-3112, Alan Beaman,
unjust imprisonment........................... $182,355.00
No. 13-CC-3166, Andre Davis,
unjust imprisonment........................... $213,624.00
No. 13-CC-3201, Juan Rivera,
unjust imprisonment........................... $213,624.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 60 new)
Sec. 60. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 007, Education Assistance Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for payment
of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357............. $39,151.88
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 65 new)
Sec. 65. The following named sums are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 011, Road Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 13-CC-1054, McAllister Equipment Company,
debt, against Department
of Transportation............................. $124,074.00
No. 13-CC-1055, McAllister Equipment Company,
debt, against Department
of Transportation............................. $124,074.00
No. 13-CC-1056, McAllister Equipment Company,
debt, against Department
of Transportation............................. $124,074.00
No. 13-CC-1822, Altorfer, Inc., debt, against
Department of Transportation................... $90,366.00
No. 13-CC-1824, Altorfer, Inc., debt, against
Department of Transportation................... $90,366.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 70 new)
Sec. 70. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 013, Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Block Grant Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to
P.A. 92-357.................................... $17,128.00
Sec. 75. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 014, Food and Drug Safety Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $75.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 80 new)
Sec. 80. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 016, Teacher Certificate Fee Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $184.38
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 90 new)
Sec. 90. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 018, Transportation Regulatory Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $60.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 95 new)
Sec. 95. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 021, Financial Institution Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $74.50
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 100 new)
Sec. 100. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 040, State Parks Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $26,187.79
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 105 new)
Sec. 105. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 041, Wildlife and Fish Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $30,024.65
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 110 new)
Sec. 110. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 047, Fire Prevention Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $1,426.83
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 115 new)
Sec. 115. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 052, Federal Title III Social Security & Employment Service Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $3,260.22
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 120 new)
Sec. 120. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 063, Public Health Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $41,925.88
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 125 new)
Sec. 125. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 065, US Environmental Protection Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $548.02
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 130 new)
Sec. 130. The following named sums are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 081, Vocational Rehabilitation, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 12-CC-1413, Victoria Cunha, debt,
against Department of Human Services............ $6,435.00
No. 12-CC-2136, Garden Center Services,
debt, against Department of Human Services..... $12,672.80
No. 12-CC-3966, Illinois Committee of
Blind Vendors, debt, against
Department of Human Services..................... 2,233.64
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 135 new)
Sec. 135. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 093, Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... …$7,137.07
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 140 new)
Sec. 140. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 129, State Gaming Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $3,056.49
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 145 new)
Sec. 145. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 135, Heartsaver AED Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $30,855.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 150 new)
Sec. 150. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 163, Weights and Measures Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $666.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 155 new)
Sec. 155. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 207, Pollution Control Board State Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357........... $2.49
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 160 new)
Sec. 160. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 215, Capital Development Board Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $396.10
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 165 new)
Sec. 165. The following named sums are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 218, Professions Indirect Cost Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 13-CC-0689, Veritec Solutions, LLC,
debt, Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation................... $297,383.75
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $35,556.61
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 170 new)
Sec. 170. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 220, DCFS Children’s Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 13-CC-1981, Board of Trustees University
of Illinois, debt, against
DCFS Children’s Services...................... $126,121.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 175 new)
Sec. 175. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 238, Illinois Health Facilities Planning Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $59.16
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 180 new)
Sec. 180. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 272, Lasalle Veterans Home Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $13,463.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 185 new)
Sec. 185. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 273, Anna Veterans Home Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357........... $9.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 190 new)
Sec. 190. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 297, Guardianship and Advocacy Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $17.91
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 195 new)
Sec. 195. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 301, Working Capital Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $35,329.52
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 200 new)
Sec. 200. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 304, Statistical Services Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $9,546.15
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 205 new)
Sec. 205. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 312, Communications Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $7,039.14
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 210 new)
Sec. 210. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 314, Facilities Management Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357..... $244,188.79
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 215 new)
Sec. 215. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 317, Professional Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $24,404.67
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 220 new)
Sec. 220. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 327, Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $6,712.50
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 225 new)
Sec. 225. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 332, Workers Compensation Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $189.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 230 new)
Sec. 230. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 347, Employment and Training, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 12-CC-0667, Social Work P.R.N., debt,
against Department of Human Services.......... $104,856.37
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 235 new)
Sec. 235. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 360, Lead Poisoning Screening, Prevention and Abatement Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $200.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 240 new)
Sec. 240. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 362, Securities Audit and Enforcement Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357........ 1,210.91
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 245 new)
Sec. 245. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 396, Senior Health Insurance Program Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $217.65
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 250 new)
Sec. 250. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 402, Illinois Arts Council State Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $177.65
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 255 new)
Sec. 255. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 408, DHS Special Purpose Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $284.70
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 260 new)
Sec. 260. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 425, Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 13-CC-0825, National Economic Research
Associates, debt, against
Illinois Power Agency.......................... $57,388.72
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 265 new)
Sec. 265. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 438, Illinois State Fair Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $4,013.51
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 270 new)
Sec. 270. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 476, Wholesome Meat Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $77.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 280 new)
Sec. 280. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 480, Secretary of State Identification Security and Theft Prevention, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $483.29
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 285 new)
Sec. 285. The following named sums are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 483, Secretary of State Special Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 13-CC-0701, Morpho Trust USA, Inc.,
debt, against Illinois Secretary of State..... $110,928.54
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $4,685.12
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 290 new)
Sec. 290. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 495, Old Age Survivors Insurance Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $95.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 295 new)
Sec. 295. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 497, Federal Civil Preparedness Administrative Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $9,361.79
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 300 new)
Sec. 300. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 514, State Asset Forfeiture Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $34.97
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 305 new)
Sec. 305. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 523, Department of Corrections Reimbursement and Education Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......................................... $36,753.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 310 new)
Sec. 310. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 534, Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... 792.85
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 315 new)
Sec. 315. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 537, State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $805.56
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 320 new)
Sec. 320. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 542, Attorney General Court Ordered and Voluntary Compliance Payments Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $1,145.69
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 325 new)
Sec. 325. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 557, Illinois Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $399.90
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 330 new)
Sec. 330. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 561, SBE Federal Department of Education Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $815.81
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 335 new)
Sec. 335. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 566, DCFS Federal Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $2,002.52
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 340 new)
Sec. 340. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 592, DHS Federal Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $29,568.83
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 345 new)
Sec. 345. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 600, Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $5,828.67
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 350 new)
Sec. 350. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 614, Capital Litigation Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $270.65
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 355 new)
Sec. 355. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 619, Quincy Veterans Home Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $38,904.08
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 360 new)
Sec. 360. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 622, Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $149.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 365 new)
Sec. 365. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 646, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $22,242.54
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 370 new)
Sec. 370. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 689, Agriculture Pesticide Control Act Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $1,180.81
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 375 new)
Sec. 375. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 692, ICCS Adult Education Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $23.86
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 380 new)
Sec. 380. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 700, USDA Women, Infants and Childrens Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 11-CC-3751, Bethel New Life, Inc.,
debt, against Department of Human Services..... $64,556.56
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 385 new)
Sec. 385. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 711, State Lottery Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $1,213.70
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 390 new)
Sec. 390. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 733, Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $2,579.88
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 395 new)
Sec. 395. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 757, Child Support Administrative Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $14,922.81
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 400 new)
Sec. 400. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 762, Local Initiative Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357...... $46,437.35
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 405 new)
Sec. 405. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 764, Pet Population Control Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $320.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 410 new)
Sec. 410. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 796, Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $3,286.23
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 415 new)
Sec. 415. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 808, Medical Special Purposes Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $239.76
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 420 new)
Sec. 420. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 826, Agriculture Federal Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $153.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 425 new)
Sec. 425. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 850, Real Estate License Administration Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $122.38
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 430 new)
Sec. 430. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 884, DNR Special Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $122.13
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 435 new)
Sec. 435. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 896, Public Health Special State Projects Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $372.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 440 new)
Sec. 440. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 906, State Police Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $2,499.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 455 new)
Sec. 445. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 913, Federal Workforce Training Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 12-CC-2901, Crowe Horwath, LLP, debt,
against Department of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity....................... $58,094.88
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 450 new)
Sec. 450. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 920, Metabolic Screening and Treatment Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $678.32
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 455 new)
Sec. 455. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 922, Insurance Producer Administration Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $2,800.00
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 460 new)
Sec. 460. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 940, Self-Insured Employees Liability Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $766.67
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 465 new)
Sec. 465. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 962, Park and Conservation Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357.......... $23.59
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 470 new)
Sec. 470. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 971, Build Illinois Bond Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $8,682.30
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 475 new)
Sec. 475. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 980, Manteno Veterans Home Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357....... $9,690.52
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 480 new)
Sec. 480. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State fund 997, Insurance Financial Regulation Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
Reimburse the General Revenue Fund for
payment of awards pursuant to P.A. 92-357......... $282.80
(P.A. 97-0727, Art. 8, Sec. 485 new)
Sec. 485. The following named sum is appropriated to the Court of Claims from the General Revenue Fund to pay a lapsed appropriation claim for services rendered in a prior year for which insufficient funds lapsed in the appropriation account out of which payment for the services would have been made:
No. 11-CC-2546 Safer Foundation, against
the Illinois Department of Corrections....... $335,025.39
Section 30. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0730, approved June 30, 2012, as amended, is amended by changing Section 25 of Article 1 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 1, Sec. 25)
Sec. 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department on Aging:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For grants and for administrative
expenses associated with the purchase
of services covered by the Community
Care Program................. 1,002,124,400
For Grants and for Administrative
Expenses Associated with
Comprehensive Care Coordination,
including prior year costs................... 57,406,400
For Grants for Retired Senior
Volunteer Program............................... 557,400
For Planning and Service Grants to
Area Agencies on Aging........................ 5,800,000
For Grants for the Foster
Grandparent Program............................. 243,800
For Expenses to the Area Agencies
on Aging for Long-Term Care Systems
Development..................................... 246,300
For the Ombudsman Program...................... 1,348,400
For Grants for distribution to the 13 Area
Agencies on Aging for costs for home
delivered meals and mobile food equipment............. 0
Grants for Community Based Services
including information and referral
services, transportation and delivered
meals................................................. 0
Grants for Community Based Services for
equal distribution to each of the 13
Area Agencies on Aging.......................... 758,800
Total $1,068,485,500
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund:
For Medicaid-Community Care Program............ 9,000,000
For the Ordinary and Contingent Expenses
of the Senior citizens Circuit Breaker
and Pharmaceutical Assistance Program................. 0
For Grants and Administrative
Expenses of Senior Health
Assistance Programs........................... 1,600,000
Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
For Adult Food Care Program...................... 200,000
For Title V Employment Services................ 6,500,000
For Title III C-1 Congregate Meals Program.... 21,000,000
For Title III C-2 Home Delivered
Meals Program................................ 11,000,000
For Title III Social Services................. 17,000,000
For National Lunch Program..................... 1,800,000
For National Family Caregiver
Support Program............................... 7,500,000
For Title VII Prevention of Elder
Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation................ 500,000
For Title VII Long Term Care
Ombudsman Services for Older Americans........ 1,000,000
For Title III D Preventive Health.............. 1,000,000
For Nutrition Services Incentive Program....... 8,500,000
For Additional Title V Grant........................ 0
Total $76,000,000
Section 35. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0730, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Sections 10 and 85 and of Article 6 and by adding new Section 95 to Article 6 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 6, Sec. 10)
Sec. 10. In addition to any sums heretofore appropriated, the following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Physicians............................... 782,356,800
For Dentists................................. 233,021,900
For Optometrists.............................. 38,816,600
For Podiatrists................................ 1,663,200
For Chiropractors................................ 464,900
For Hospital In-Patient, Disproportionate
Share and Ambulatory Care................. 2,465,227,600
For federally defined Institutions for
Mental Diseases............................. 104,365,800
For Supportive Living Facilities............. 115,723,300
For all other Skilled, Intermediate, and
Other Related Long Term Care Services....... 737,533,500
For Community Health Centers................. 302,410,800
For Hospice Care.............................. 63,212,100
For Independent Laboratories.................. 38,159,100
For Home Health Care, Therapy, and
Nursing Services............................. 89,452,800
For Appliances................................ 54,672,000
For Transportation............................ 43,597,800
For Other Related Medical Services,
development, implementation,
and operation of managed
care and children's health
programs, operating
and administrative costs and
related distributive purposes............... 138,662,300
For Medicare Part A Premiums.................. 16,422,400
For Medicare Part B Premiums.... 295,822,200
For Medicare Part B Premiums for
Qualified Individuals under the
Federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997.......... 25,063,900
For Health Maintenance Organizations and
Managed Care Entities....................... 242,203,400
For Division of Specialized Care
for Children................................. 42,043,600
Total $5,831,896,000
In addition to any sums heretofore appropriated, the following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for Medical Assistance under the Illinois Public Aid Code, the Children's Health Insurance Program Act, the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and the Long Term Acute Care Hospital Quality Improvement Transfer Program for prescribed drugs, including related administrative and operation costs, and costs related to the operation of the Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities Program:
Payable from:
General Revenue Fund......................... 753,377,300
Drug Rebate Fund............................. 845,000,000
Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund............. 200,600,000
Medicaid Buy-In Program Revolving Fund........... 450,000
Total $1,799,427,300
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 6, Sec. 85)
Sec. 85. The sum of $215,000,000
$150,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to
the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Electronic Health
Record Incentive Fund for the purpose of payments to qualifying health care
providers to encourage the adoption and use of certified electronic health
records technology pursuant to paragraph 1903 (t)(1) of the Social Security
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 6, Sec. 95 new)
Sec. 95. The sum of $130,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund.
Section 40. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0730, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Sections 10, 80, 120, and 145 of Article 9 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 9, Sec. 10)
Sec. 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.................................. 0
For State Contributions to Social Security............. 0
For Group Insurance.................................... 0
For Contractual Services....................... 2,061,800
For Contractual Services:
For Leased Property Management............... 40,459,300
For Contractual Services:
For CMS Fleet Management............................. 0
For Contractual Services:
For Press Information Officers Management....... 206,000
For Contractual Services:
For Graphic Design Management.................... 56,700
For Travel....................................... 170,300
For Commodities................................ 1,005,100
For Printing................................... 1,283,000
For Equipment.................................... 222,100
For Telecommunications Services............... 1,374,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 129,000
For In-Service Training........................... 15,200
For Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund
Transfer Payable to the Vocational
Rehabilitation Fund........................... 2,679,100
Total $51,667,500
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 6,217,400
For Retirement Contributions................... 2,361,800
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 475,600
For Group Insurance............................ 2,300,000
For Contractual Services....................... 1,331,000
For Contractual Services:
For Leased Property Management................ 5,076,200
For Travel....................................... 136,000
For Commodities.................................. 136,500
For Printing...................................... 37,000
For Equipment.................................... 198,600
For Telecommunications Services.................. 226,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 28,500
For In-Service Training.......................... 366,700
Total $18,891,800
For Contractual Services:
For Leased Property Management:
Payable from Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism
and Substance Abuse Block Grant Fund........... 219,500
Payable from Federal National Community
Services Grant Fund............................. 38,000
Payable from DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund.... 574,800
Payable from Old Age Survivors’ Insurance Fund 2,878,600
Payable from Early Intervention Services
Revolving Fund................................. 112,000
Payable from DHS Federal Projects Fund.......... 135,000
Payable from USDA Women, Infants and
Children Fund.................................. 399,600
Payable from Local Initiative Fund.............. 125,400
Payable from Domestic Violence
Shelter and Service Fund........................ 63,700
Payable from Maternal and Child
Health Services Block Grant Fund................ 81,500
Payable from Community Mental Health Services
Block Grant Fund................................ 71,000
Payable from Juvenile Justice Trust Fund......... 14,500
Payable from DHS Recoveries Trust Fund.......... 454,100
Total $5,167,700
Payable from DHS Private Resources Fund:
For Grants and Costs associated with Human
Services Activities funded by Grants or
Private Donations............................... 150,000
Payable from Mental Health Fund:
For Costs associated with Mental Health and
Developmental Disabilities Special Projects... 3,000,000
For costs associated with DHS inter-agency
Support Services ............................. 3,000,000
Payable from DHS State Projects Fund:
For expenses associated with Energy
Conservation and Efficiency programs.......... 1,000,000
Payable from DHS Recoveries Trust Fund:
For expenses associated with
recovering overpayments to
benefit recipients............................ 9,742,700
Total $16,892,700
Payable from DHS Technology Initiative Fund:
For expenses associated with the
Framework project............................. 5,000,000
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 9, Sec. 90)
Sec. 90. The sum of $10,525,800
$25,525,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for costs
associated with the operation of Jacksonville State Operated Developmental
Center or the costs associated with services for the transition of State
Operated Developmental Centers residents to alternative community settings.
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 9, Sec. 120)
Sec. 120. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for Grants-In-Aid and Purchased Care in its various regions pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of the Community Services Act and the Community Mental Health Act:
For all costs associated with
Community Based Services for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities
and for Intermediate Care Facilities
for the Mentally Retarded and
Alternative Community Programs
including prior year costs
Payable from General
Revenue Fund................. 1,156,373,400
For Intermediate Care Facilities
for the Mentally Retarded and
Alternative Community Programs
including prior year costs
Payable from Care Provider Fund for Persons
with a Developmental Disability.............. 52,000,000
For Community Based Services for
Persons with Developmental
Disabilities at the approximate
cost set forth below:
Payable from Mental Health Fund................ 9,965,600
Payable from Community Developmental
Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund...... 35,000,000
$1,253,339,000 $1,033,339,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For costs associated with the provision
of Specialized Services to Persons with
Developmental Disabilities.................... 7,740,000
For a grant to the Autism Program for an
Autism Diagnosis Education Program
For Young Children............................ 4,181,600
For a Grant to Best Buddies...................... 338,600
For a grant to the ARC of Illinois
For the Life Span Project ...................... 386,100
For Developmental Disability Quality
Assurance Waiver................................ 485,500
For costs associated with Developmental
Disability Community Transitions or
State Operated
Facilities........ 29,486,600 14,486,600
For costs associated with young adults
Transitioning from the Department of
Children and Family Services to the
Developmental Disability Service
System........................................ 2,196,400
Total $44,814,800
Payable from Special Olympics
Illinois Fund:
For the costs associated with Special Olympics... 100,000
(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 9, Sec. 145)
Sec. 145. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Costs Associated with Community Based
Addiction Treatment to Medicaid Eligible
and AllKids clients, Including Prior Year
Costs............................ 52,396,400
For costs associated with Community
Based Addiction Treatment Services........... 60,940,500
For Addiction Treatment Services for
DCFS clients.................................. 9,257,700
For costs associated with Addiction
Treatment Services for Special Populations.... 5,766,500
Total $119,361,100
Payable from State Gaming Fund:
For Costs Associated with Treatment of
Individuals who are Compulsive Gamblers......... 996,300
For Addiction Treatment and Related Services:
Payable from Prevention and Treatment
of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Block Grant Fund............................. 57,500,000
Payable from Youth Drug Abuse
Prevention Fund................................. 530,000
For Grants and Administrative Expenses Related
to Addiction Treatment and Related Services:
Payable from Drunk and Drugged Driving
Prevention Fund............................... 3,082,900
Payable from Drug Treatment Fund............... 5,000,000
Payable from Alcoholism and Substance
Abuse Fund................................... 22,102,900
For underwriting the cost of housing
for groups of recovering individuals:
Payable from Group Home Loan
Revolving Fund.................................. 200,000
Total $89,412,100
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than two percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 145 above "Addiction Treatment" among the purposes therein enumerated.
Section 45. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0731, approved June 30, 2012, as amended, is amended by changing Sections 5, 25, 45 and 50 of Article 4 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 4, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the following divisions of the Department of Corrections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013:
For Personal
Services............. 16,855,500 17,526,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,289,400
For Contractual
Services........... 8,195,000 10,825,600
For Travel....................................... 210,000
For Commodities......................... 900,900
For Printing....................................... 5,900
For Equipment............................. 30,000
For Electronic Data Processing................ 13,451,100
Telecommunications Services..... 3,400,000 2,100,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 96,500
For Tort Claims.................................. 760,700
Total $45,195,000
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 4, Sec. 25)
Sec. 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Corrections:
For Personal
Services............. 11,660,800 12,902,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 10,000
For Contributions to Teacher’s
Retirement System................................. 2,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security........................ 892,100
For Contractual
Services............ 7,924,800 5,549,100
For Travel......................................... 7,500
For Commodities.................................. 152,200
For Printing...................................... 29,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 1,500
Total $20,686,200
For Personal
Services............. 51,600,000 44,731,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 87,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 3,947,400
For Contractual
Services.......... 34,323,400 34,062,100
For Travel.............................. 170,000
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 14,100
For Commodities......................... 194,800
For Printing....................................... 3,700
For Equipment..................................... 71,700
Telecommunications Services...... 6,698,100 ,481,100
For Operation of
Auto Equipment....... 2,000,500 929,400
Total $99,111,200
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 4, Sec. 45)
Sec. 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Corrections from the General Revenue Fund for:
For Personal
Services............. 19,310,000 19,684,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 310,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,477,200
For Contractual
Services............ 7,659,000 7,809,300
For Travel........................................ 14,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 28,600
For Commodities..................... 2,211,900
For Printing...................................... 14,100
For Equipment..................................... 45,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 44,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 94,400
Total $31,208,200
For Personal
Services............. 23,100,000 22,480,300
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 276,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,719,800
For Contractual
Services............ 4,924,100 4,818,300
For Travel......................................... 5,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 28,000
For Commodities..................... 1,937,200
For Printing...................................... 13,800
For Equipment............................ 70,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 85,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 31,500
Total $32,190,500
For Personal
Services............. 18,543,500 18,887,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 293,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,444,900
For Contractual Services....................... 6,269,100
For Travel........................................ 28,500
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 12,000
For Commodities..................... 2,327,000
For Printing...................................... 15,600
For Equipment..................................... 92,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 54,000
For Operation of
Auto Equipment........... 78,900 27,700
Total $29,158,500
For Personal
Services............. 14,425,000 14,173,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 130,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,130,500
For Contractual
Services............ 3,321,800 3,202,600
For Travel......................................... 4,700
For Travel and Allowances for
Committed, Paroled and
Discharged Prisoners............................. 12,000
For Commodities......................... 697,200
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment..................................... 70,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 30,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 32,200
Total $19,831,400
For Personal
Services............. 36,213,800 36,019,500
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 362,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 2,755,500
For Contractual Services...................... 12,661,400
For Travel........................................ 45,500
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 19,800
For Commodities..................... 3,575,600
For Printing...................................... 25,700
For Equipment.................................... 125,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 120,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 151,200
Total $56,055,800
For Personal
Services.............. 17,975,000 4,452,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 160,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,375,100
For Contractual
Services............ 6,519,200 7,936,000
For Travel........................................ 34,600
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 9,900
For Commodities..................... 1,270,300
For Printing...................................... 23,200
For Equipment............................ 10,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 120,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 195,000
Total $27,693,100
For Personal
Services............. 18,080,000 17,819,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 241,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,383,100
For Contractual
Services............ 4,488,700 4,154,200
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 24,000
For Commodities..................... 1,835,800
For Printing....................................... 2,900
For Equipment.................................... 129,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 75,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 84,300
Total $26,351,900
For Personal
Services............. 25,870,000 25,787,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 264,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,972,800
For Contractual
Services............ 8,270,500 8,222,400
For Travel........................................ 12,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 8,000
For Commodities..................... 2,607,700
For Printing...................................... 18,800
For Equipment..................................... 80,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 67,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 73,200
Total $39,244,800
For Personal
Services............. 18,130,800 19,001,100
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 280,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security ................... 1,387,000
For Contractual
Services............ 6,708,100 6,921,500
For Travel......................................... 9,000
For Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled
and Discharged Prisoners......................... 26,900
For Commodities................................ 2,380,400
For Printing...................................... 14,500
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 30,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 26,800
Total $29,094,200
For Personal
Services............. 20,430,000 20,675,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 315,000
For State Contributions
to Social Security ........................... 1,581,600
For Contractual Services....................... 7,894,900
For Travel........................................ 14,000
For Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled
and Discharged Prisoners......................... 33,700
For Commodities..................... 2,717,300
For Printing...................................... 13,000
For Equipment............................ 80,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 52,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 37,800
Total $33,169,900
For Personal
Services............. 25,650,000 26,168,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation........................... 323,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 2,001,900
For Contractual
Services............ 4,226,800 4,173,800
For Travel......................................... 5,000
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 2,500
For Commodities..................... 2,667,900
For Printing...................................... 12,800
For Equipment............................ 90,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 53,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 114,100
Total $35,147,000
For Personal
Services............. 25,204,000 24,605,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 325,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,882,300
For Contractual
Services............ 7,815,500 7,988,200
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 54,000
For Commodities................................ 3,503,000
For Printing...................................... 22,400
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 106,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 84,300
Total $39,126,800
For Personal
Services............. 13,600,000 14,416,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 220,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,040,400
For Contractual Services....................... 5,256,100
For Travel........................................ 11,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 7,000
For Commodities....................... 1,121,900
For Printing...................................... 10,000
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 86,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 46,900
Total $21,499,300
For Personal
Services............. 22,270,000 22,059,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 354,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,703,700
For Contractual
Services............ 6,259,600 5,491,900
For Travel......................................... 3,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 15,500
For Commodities................................ 2,639,100
For Printing...................................... 11,600
For Equipment.................................... 105,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 104,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 190,300
Total $33,655,800
For Personal
Services............. 53,475,800 51,636,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 351,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 4,090,900
For Contractual
Services........... 9,990,100 10,284,100
For Travel........................................ 34,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 9,000
For Commodities..................... 6,405,200
For Printing...................................... 26,700
For Equipment........................... 175,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 141,900
For Operation of
Auto Equipment......... 178,800 103,800
Total $74,878,400
For Personal
Services............. 29,175,000 28,648,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 301,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 2,191,600
For Contractual
Services............ 8,432,600 8,256,700
For Travel........................................ 12,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 37,000
For Commodities..................... 3,254,200
For Printing...................................... 18,000
For Equipment..................................... 81,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 57,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 102,800
Total $43,662,700
For Personal
Services............. 42,800,000 37,789,300
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 210,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 3,274,200
For Contractual
Services........... 9,687,100 10,040,300
For Travel........................................ 27,500
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 7,000
For Commodities..................... 3,432,200
For Printing...................................... 17,000
For Equipment........................... 130,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 175,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 94,400
Total $59,854,400
For Personal
Services............. 15,760,000 15,870,100
For Student, Member and
Inmate Compensation............................. 225,000
For State Contribution to
Social Security............................... 1,214,100
For Contractual Services....................... 4,814,100
For Travel......................................... 7,500
For Travel and Allowances for
Committed, Paroled and Discharged
Prisoners........................................ 11,600
For Commodities..................... 1,614,000
For Printing...................................... 13,700
For Equipment..................................... 90,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 28,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 39,500
Total $23,817,500
For Personal
Services............. 22,584,600 21,914,400
For Student, Member and
Inmate Compensation............................. 330,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,676,400
For Contractual
Services............ 6,465,200 6,350,800
For Travel........................................ 12,700
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 73,000
For Commodities..................... 2,933,900
For Printing...................................... 10,900
For Equipment.................................... 115,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 60,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 40,100
Total $34,301,800
For Personal
Services............. 26,090,400 23,375,100
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 265,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,995,900
For Contractual
Services.......... 16,469,700 13,087,900
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 4,000
For Commodities..................... 2,909,900
For Printing...................................... 12,600
For Equipment.................................... 125,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 80,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 63,300
Total $48,035,800
For Personal
Services............. 14,250,000 15,048,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 147,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,151,200
For Contractual
Services............ 9,112,200 7,761,500
For Travel......................................... 9,400
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 5,000
For Commodities......................... 885,800
For Printing....................................... 8,000
For Equipment..................................... 35,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 31,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 28,800
Total $25,663,400
For Personal
Services............. 73,603,600 72,671,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 247,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 5,559,300
For Contractual Services...................... 17,877,300
For Travel....................................... 188,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 35,000
For Commodities..................... 7,056,600
For Printing..................................... 114,600
For Equipment.................................... 225,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 203,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 367,900
Total $105,477,300
For Personal Services......................... 15,233,900
For Student, Member and Inmate Compensation...... 245,000
For State Contribution to
Social Security............................... 1,165,400
For Contractual
Services............ 5,072,000 4,530,800
For Travel......................................... 1,800
For Travel and Allowance for
Committed, Paroled and Discharged
Prisoners......................................... 6,000
For Commodities..................... 1,612,000
For Printing...................................... 10,600
For Equipment............................ 75,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 35,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 37,600
Total $23,494,300
For Personal
Services............. 22,311,200 22,503,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 285,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,709,000
For Contractual
Services............ 4,099,300 3,843,200
For Travel......................................... 7,500
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 14,400
For Commodities..................... 2,660,400
For Printing....................................... 5,800
For Equipment.................................... 125,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 80,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 65,200
Total $31,363,000
For Personal
Services............. 24,200,000 23,004,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 260,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,759,900
For Contractual
Services............ 3,961,300 3,678,300
For Travel......................................... 4,900
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 75,000
For Commodities..................... 3,258,100
For Printing....................................... 9,400
For Equipment.................................... 125,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 54,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 105,400
Total $33,813,000
For Personal
Services............. 22,661,800 24,028,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 311,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,773,600
For Contractual
Services............ 6,770,100 6,695,700
For Travel........................................ 17,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 22,000
For Commodities..................... 2,521,500
For Printing...................................... 15,000
For Equipment.................................... 135,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 56,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 76,000
Total $34,319,000
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 4, Sec. 50)
Sec. 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Corrections from the Working Capital Revolving Fund:
For Personal Services ...........................11,131,600
For the Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation ....................................2,077,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System ....................4,228,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security ...................................866,500
For Group Insurance ..............................3,335,000
For Contractual Services .........................3,498,900
For Travel ..........................................99,900
For Commodities................... 25,610,000
For Printing .........................................9,400
For Equipment ....................................1,834,000
For Telecommunications Services .....................64,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment ..................1,011,400
For Repairs, Maintenance and Other
Capital Improvements ..............................147,000
For Refunds ..........................................7,400
Total $53,921,600
Section 50. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0731, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Sections 5 and 10 of Article 10 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 10, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the following divisions of the Department of Juvenile Justice for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013:
For Personal Services............... 1,014,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 100,900
For Contractual Services......................... 286,700
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Commodities.................................... 5,500
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment..................................... 19,300
For Electronic Data Processing................... 658,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 140,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 17,400
For Tort Claims.................................. 600,000
Total $2,868,300
For Personal Services............... 6,915,000
For State Contributions to Teachers'
Retirement System................................... 500
For State Contributions to
Social Security ................................ 555,400
For Contractual Services....................... 1,046,200
For Travel......................................... 3,000
For Commodities................................... 38,900
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 21,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 2,000
Total $8,584,600
For Personal Services............... 2,625,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security........................ 200,900
For Contractual Services....................... 2,536,300
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth...................... 5,000
For Commodities................................... 47,300
For Printing....................................... 1,700
For Equipment.................................... 509,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 142,400
For Operation of Auto
Equipment......... 103,600 158,300
Total $6,196,600
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 10, Sec. 10)
Sec. 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Juvenile Justice from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............... 6,150,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation...................................... 6,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 419,400
For Contractual Services....................... 3,004,900
For Travel......................................... 2,300
For Commodities.................................. 347,100
For Printing....................................... 3,000
For Equipment..................................... 27,700
For Telecommunications Services................... 24,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 14,400
Total $9,999,900
For Personal Services............. 16,719,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 40,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,184,800
For Contractual Services............ 2,746,500
For Travel......................................... 4,600
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth..................... 14,400
For Commodities.................................. 809,500
For Printing....................................... 9,800
For Equipment..................................... 37,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 42,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 25,000
Total $21,633,400
For Personal Services............... 9,130,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation...................................... 6,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 600,400
For Contractual Services....................... 1,971,400
For Travel......................................... 5,400
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth........................ 600
For Commodities.................................. 244,200
For Printing....................................... 1,200
For Equipment..................................... 19,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 21,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 33,600
Total $12,033,600
For Personal Services............. 13,560,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 16,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,014,400
For Contractual Services....................... 3,180,400
For Travel......................................... 9,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth........................ 300
For Commodities.................................. 566,300
For Printing....................................... 8,600
For Equipment..................................... 45,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 84,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 31,900
Total $18,517,600
For Personal Services................. 1,622,300
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation........................................ 500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 67,900
For Contractual Services......................... 228,100
For Travel........................................... 700
For Travel Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth........................ 300
For Commodities................................... 14,000
For Printing......................................... 300
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 2,000
Total $1,938,500
For Personal Services............... 2,884,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation...................................... 9,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security........................ 221,000
For Contractual Services......................... 899,600
For Travel......................................... 2,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth........................ 300
For Commodities.................................. 198,000
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Equipment..................................... 31,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 21,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 10,100
Total $4,279,500
For Personal Services............. 14,254,500
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 41,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,116,600
For Contractual Services....................... 4,625,900
For Travel......................................... 9,000
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth........................ 500
For Commodities.................................. 831,000
For Printing...................................... 13,900
For Equipment..................................... 55,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 47,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 53,900
Total $21,048,300
For Personal Services.......................... 6,098,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 10,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 466,500
For Contractual Services....................... 1,839,600
For Travel......................................... 1,000
For Commodities.................................. 193,400
For Printing....................................... 8,000
For Equipment..................................... 75,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 45,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 12,400
Total $8,749,700
Section 55. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0731, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 11 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 11, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services................ 4,660,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security....................... 358,100
For Contractual Services................ 260,800
For Travel....................................... 174,800
For Commodities................................... 46,800
For Printing...................................... 13,900
For Equipment...................................... 6,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 55,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 5,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 125,300
Total $5,957,300
Payable from Wage Theft Enforcement Fund:
For contractual Services........................... 5,500
For Travel......................................... 6,000
For Commodities.................................... 5,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 4,000
For Telecommunications............................. 7,500
Total $30,000
Section 60. “AN ACT concerning appropriations”, Public Act 97-0731, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 10 of Article 15 as follows:
(P.A. 97-0731, Art. 15, Sec. 10)
Sec. 10. The sum of
$200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the
Prisoner Review Board Vehicle and Equipment Fund to the Prisoner Review Board
for all ordinary and contingent expenses of the Board, but not including
personal services costs associated with the purchase and operation of
vehicles and equipment.
Section 5. The sum of $1,097,360,220, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the State Employees’ Retirement System of Illinois for the State's contribution, as provided by law.
Section 10. The sum of $126,808,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges’ Retirement System of Illinois for the State's contribution, as provided by law.
Section 15. The sum of $13,856,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the General Assembly Retirement System for the State's contribution, as provided by law.
Section 5. The sum of $1,311,766,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System for the State’s contribution, as provided by law.
Section 10. The sum of $198,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.12 of the State Finance Act.
Section 5. The sum of $3,437,478,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Common School Fund to the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois for the State's contribution, as provided by law.
Section 10. The sum of $1,100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Education Assistance Fund to the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois for additional costs due to the establishment of minimum retirement allowances pursuant to Sections 16-136.2 and 16-136.3 of the Illinois Pension Code, as amended.
Section 15. The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Common School Fund to the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System for the employer contributions required by the State as an employer of teachers described under subsection (e) of Section 16-158 of the Illinois Pension Code.
Section 20. The sum of $11,903,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Public School Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago for the state’s contribution for retirement contributions under Section 17-127 of the Illinois Pension Code for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013.
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services for provision of health care coverage as elected by eligible members per the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971:
From the General Revenue Fund................ 1,346,000,000
From the Road Fund............................. 131,300,000
From the Health Insurance
Reserve Fund............................... 2,843,000,000
Total $4,320,300,000
Section 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Life Insurance Coverage as Elected
by Members per the State Employees
Group Insurance Act of 1971.................. 95,452,100
Total $95,740,100
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named in this Section, are appropriated to the State Treasurer for the payment of interest on and retirement of State bonded indebtedness:
For payment of principal and interest on any and all bonds issued pursuant to the Anti-Pollution Bond Act, the Transportation Bond Act, the Capital Development Bond Act of 1972, the School Construction Bond Act, the Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act, and the General Obligation Bond Act:
From the General Obligation Bond
Retirement and Interest Fund:
Principal............................. 1,668,414,607.50
Interest.............................. 1,424,857,201.70
Total $3,093,271,809.20
Section 5. The sum of $1,202,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the improvement of Medical Assistance bill processing timeframes or in meeting the requirements of Senate Bill 3397 of the 97th General Assembly.
Section 10. The sum of $50,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State Comptroller for deposit into the FY 13/FY 14 Backlog Payment Fund.
Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2013, except for Article 1 and this Section which take effect immediately.”.