HR0799LRB097 20563 GRL 66165 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate Richard Howard
4Hunt for his many achievements as a sculptor; and
5    WHEREAS, Richard Hunt was born on September 12, 1935, in
6Chicago; he attended Chicago Public Schools before attending
7the University of Illinois in Chicago; in 1957, he earned his
8bachelor's degree in education from the University of Chicago;
9from 1957 to 1958, he traveled and studied in England, France,
10Spain, and Italy under the James Nelson Raymond Foreign Travel
11Fellowship; and
12    WHEREAS, Richard Hunt served his country as a member of the
13United States Army from 1958 to 1960; and
14    WHEREAS, Richard Hunt is well known throughout the world
15for his abstract sculpture; he began sculpting in his teens,
16modeling in clay and carving in his bedroom at home; he later
17created a studio in the basement of his father's barbershop; as
18a teen, he was intrigued by metalwork at the African collection
19of Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History, where his mother,
20a librarian, frequently took him, while his work in a
21zoological lab at the University of Chicago contributed to his
22fascination with animal and insect forms; and



HR0799- 2 -LRB097 20563 GRL 66165 r

1    WHEREAS, From 1953 to 1957, Richard Hunt attended the Art
2Institute of Chicago, where he focused on sculpture, especially
3welding, and studied lithography; while at the institute, he
4was exposed to the work of the sculptors Julio Gonzales and
5David Smith, to whom he has attributed inspiration to use
6direct-metal techniques to transform steel, aluminum, copper,
7and bronze into sculpture; using a welding torch as his mallet
8and chisel, he transformed found objects, garbage, and auto
9parts found on industrial sites into plant-like and insect-like
10forms; in 1959, he won his first award at an annual show for
11artists in the Chicago area; and
12    WHEREAS, By 1960, Richard Hunt had become a major
13open-form, direct-metal sculptor in the art world; at this
14time, he began to combine closed with open forms, calling them
15"hybrid figures"; in the 1970s, he added inventive Baroque
16flourishes to his forms so that solids seemed both to penetrate
17voids and to be penetrated by them; he later began to gradually
18move away from his early calligraphic work, instead turning to
19closed contours and solid shapes; and
20    WHEREAS, Richard Hunt has produced more than 55 public site
21sculptures, including a candelabra for St. Matthew's Methodist
22Church in Chicago in 1970; he has also created many color
23lithographs and drawings; and



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1    WHEREAS, In 1971, Richard Hunt became the first
2African-American to be accorded a retrospective at the Museum
3of Modern Art; throughout the years, he has received
4Guggenheim, Ford, and Tamarind Fellowships, awards from the Art
5Institute of Chicago, and Logan, Palmer, and Compana prizes; he
6also holds numerous honorary degrees from prestigious
7universities and has served on the National Council of the Arts
8and as a commissioner of the Smithsonian Institution's National
9Museum of American Art; and
10    WHEREAS, Richard Hunt serves as a model of hard work,
11integrity, and dedication for the people of the State of
12Illinois; therefore, be it
15we congratulate Richard Howard Hunt for his many achievements
16as an artist and thank him for serving as an exemplar in the
17African-American community and as a source of inspiration
18during Black History Month; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
20presented to Richard Hunt as a symbol of our esteem and