HR0504LRB097 13092 GRL 57598 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate the members of the
4Nineteenth Century Charitable Association of Oak Park on the
5occasion of the organization's 120th anniversary; and
6    WHEREAS, The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association
7(formerly known as the Nineteenth Century Club) was founded in
81891 by local women to serve the members of the local
9community; these women were trendsetters who fought for women's
10rights and created organizations to help families, such as
11travelling libraries, the Infant Welfare Society, the Oak Park
12River Forest Day Care Nursery, the Oak Park Mental Health
13Association (now known as the THRIVE Counseling Center), and
14adult education and continued learning programs; the mission
15continues to support these needs in the 21st century; and
16    WHEREAS, The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association of
17Oak Park is actively focused on learning and giving to their
18local community through support of nonprofit organizations'
19projects, awarding four-year scholarships to local students,
20sewing and knitting clothing for children, premature infants,
21and soldiers, and offering adult education programs to the
22community; and



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1    WHEREAS, Over the last 120 years, the Nineteenth Century
2Charitable Association of Oak Park has supported over 2,400
3donations to community organizations and social services
4organizations in the community, 1,000 scholarships to local
5students, sewn and knit 55,000 garments for children, premature
6infants, soldiers, and those in need from national disasters,
7and offered 6,500 cultural and educational programs that
8promote continuing adult learning; and
9    WHEREAS, The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association of
10Oak Park built and maintained a building that enhances the
11historic character of Oak Park and its community and has
12offered 85 years of sharing its building at 178 Forest Avenue
13with the community for innumerable community meetings and use
14by a myriad of not-for profit, government, and public service
15organizations for everything from voting to wartime efforts;
16therefore, be it
19we congratulate the members of the Nineteenth Century
20Charitable Association of Oak Park on the occasion of the
21organization's 120th anniversary and wish them continued
22success and happiness in the future; and be it further
23    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be



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1presented to the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association of
2Oak Park as a symbol of our esteem and respect.