Bill Status of HB 6222   97th General Assembly

Short Description:  OIL & GAS ACT-SHALE-FRACKING

House Sponsors
Rep. Brad E. Halbrook

Last Action  View All Actions

DateChamber Action
  1/8/2013HouseSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
225 ILCS 725/6.8 new

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois Oil and Gas Act. Creates a new provision concerning the extraction of hydrocarbons from shale using hydraulic fracturing. Provides the Department of Natural Resources shall, by rule, require an operator of a well on which a hydraulic fracturing treatment is performed to (i) complete specified forms that includes the total volume of water used and each chemical ingredient, subject to certain federal requirements, (ii) post the form on a specified website, (iii) submit the form to the Department, and (iv) provide the Department a list of all other chemical ingredients not previously listed. Provides that the Department, shall, by rule, require a service company that performs hydraulic fracturing treatments to (i) provide the operator of the well certain information, (ii) prescribe a process by which an entity may withhold and declare certain information as a trade secret but still comply with the disclosure requirements, (iii) require a person challenging a claim of entitlement to a trade secret to file the challenge by a specified date, (iv) limit the persons who may challenge a claim of entitlement to a trade secret, (vi) require, when a trade secret challenge occurs, that the Department promptly notify the service company performing the hydraulic fracturing treatment on the relevant well, (v) prescribe a process, consistent with federal rules, that permits a health professional or emergency responder to obtain trade secret information, (vi) require, prior to such hydraulic fracturing, the owner or operator to perform a suitable mechanical integrity test of the casing or of the casing-tubing annulus or other mechanical integrity test methods and (vii) require, during the well stimulation operation, that the owner or operator monitor and record the annulus pressure. Provides that the owner or operator shall provide information to the Director as to the amounts, handling, and, if necessary, disposal at an identified appropriate disposal facility, or reuse of the well stimulation fluid load recovered during flow back, swabbing, or recovery from production facility vessels. Provides that the protection and challenge of trade secrets under the provision is also governed by the State's Freedom of Information Act. Provides that the Department shall adopt any other rules necessary to regulate hydraulic fracturing and corollary issues related to hydraulic fracturing.

DateChamber Action
  9/4/2012HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Brad E. Halbrook
  11/9/2012HouseFirst Reading
  11/9/2012HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  1/8/2013HouseSession Sine Die

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