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2     WHEREAS, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are the
3 leading cause of mental retardation in western civilization,
4 including the United States, and are 100% preventable; and
5     WHEREAS, The term FASD includes a broader range of
6 conditions and therefore has replaced the term fetal alcohol
7 syndrome as the umbrella term describing the range of effects
8 that can occur in an individual whose mother consumed alcohol
9 during pregnancy; and
10     WHEREAS, FASD are a major cause of numerous social
11 disorders, including learning disabilities, school failure,
12 juvenile delinquency, homelessness, unemployment, mental
13 illness, and crime; and
14     WHEREAS, The incidence rate of fetal alcohol syndrome is
15 estimated at one out of 500 live births and the incidence rate
16 of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is estimated at one out of
17 every 100 live births; in Illinois, it is estimated that there
18 are potentially 9,000 children born with FASD each year; and
19     WHEREAS, It is estimated that FASD alone can cost between
20 one and 5 million dollars per child, not inclusive of societal
21 costs associated with lost productivity, incarceration, and



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1 quality of life; and
2     WHEREAS, Learning and life skills affected by prenatal
3 alcohol exposure vary among persons, depending on amount,
4 timing, and pattern of exposure and on each person's current
5 and past environments; as a result, services for people with
6 FASD vary according to the parts of the brain that have been
7 affected, the person's age or level of maturation, the health
8 or functioning of the person's family, and the person's overall
9 living environment; given the range of need, services must be
10 individualized; and
11     WHEREAS, Children diagnosed with FASD consistently have
12 lower IQs, have difficulty with behavior regulation,
13 impulsivity, socialization, and poor judgment; and
14     WHEREAS, Early identification of the disability and proper
15 school interventions can greatly increase the potential for
16 success in school and in life; and
17     WHEREAS, Illinois does not currently have a statewide,
18 coordinated response to FASD that includes data collection,
19 educational services, and mental health services; and
20     WHEREAS, The estimated cost that each individual with fetal
21 alcohol syndrome will cost taxpayers is significant;



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1 therefore, be it
4 SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge the Department of Human
5 Services, in collaboration with the Departments of Children and
6 Family Services, Healthcare and Family Services, Corrections,
7 Financial Institutions and Professional Regulation, the
8 Illinois State Board of Education, and the Illinois Planning
9 Council on Developmental Disabilities to complete an
10 assessment of existing State and federal assistance programs
11 that includes the following: conducting public hearings across
12 the State to gather testimony from parents, educators,
13 healthcare providers, clinicians, mental health providers,
14 FASD service providers, and others regarding what services they
15 feel need to be in place in this State to serve this unique
16 population of children and adults; and be it further
17     RESOLVED, That the Illinois Department of Human Services
18 shall issue a report highlighting the findings of this
19 Resolution's requirements and recommendations for improving
20 Illinois' services to children, adults, and their families
21 affected by FASD to the Governor and the General Assembly no
22 later than January 2, 2008; and be it further
23     RESOLVED, That a copy of the report be sent to the



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1 Directors of the Departments of Children and Family Services,
2 Healthcare and Family Services, Financial Institutions and
3 Professional Regulation, and Corrections, the Superintendent
4 of the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Planning
5 Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Illinois General
6 Assembly, the Office of the Governor, and the Governor's Office
7 of Management and Budget.