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2     WHEREAS, The generation born between 1946 and 1964 is
3 rapidly approaching retirement age; a Baby Boomer turns 50
4 every 7.5 seconds; in 2006 the first Baby Boomers turned 60; by
5 2011, the first Baby Boomers will turn 65; and people turning
6 50 today have half of their adult lives ahead of them; and
7     WHEREAS, This growth trend will hit its peak in 2030, when
8 the number of people over age 65 in the United States will soar
9 to 71.5 million - twice their number in 2000, or 1 in every 5
10 Americans; and
11     WHEREAS, The number of people over age 60 in the State of
12 Illinois is projected to increase by 87% from 1,966,236 in 2000
13 to 3,676,295 in 2030 - 1 in every 5 Illinoisans; and
14     WHEREAS, Older persons age 60 and older belonging to
15 minority groups will increase from 307,137 in 2000 to 983,396
16 in 2030 - a 220% increase; and
17     WHEREAS, The number of persons over 85 in the State of
18 Illinois is projected to increase by 109% from 192,346 in 2000
19 to 402,311 in 2030, representing 11% of the over-60 population;
20 and



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1     WHEREAS, A national survey of U.S. counties and cities
2 finds that only 46% of American communities have begun planning
3 to address the needs of the exploding population of Baby
4 Boomers; and
5     WHEREAS, The Illinois General Assembly finds that State and
6 community preparedness for the aging of the population will
7 require long-range planning, dialogue across generations, and
8 collaboration among State and local governments and
9 organizations in the private sector; and
10     WHEREAS, The Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006
11 authorize the Illinois Department on Aging and the thirteen
12 Area Agencies on Aging to begin the process of assessing the
13 preparedness of the State and communities for the aging of the
14 citizenry, and to formulate recommendations to government
15 officials at the State, county, and local levels in the areas
16 of health and human services, land use, housing,
17 transportation, public safety, workforce and economic
18 development, recreation, education, civic engagement, and
19 emergency preparedness; therefore, be it
22 SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that the Illinois Department on
23 Aging, the thirteen Area Agencies on Aging, and a statewide



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1 membership organization that advocates for the needs of
2 seniors, with the advice of the Illinois Council on Aging and
3 the Older Adult Services Advisory Committee, and in
4 collaboration with other departments and offices of State
5 government, advocacy organizations on behalf of older adults,
6 local units of government, and organizations in the private
7 sector, shall assess the preparedness of the State of Illinois
8 and counties and communities within the thirteen Planning and
9 Service Areas of Illinois for the aging of the population and
10 shall submit a report with recommendations for the planning and
11 development of livable communities for all ages in Illinois to
12 the Illinois General Assembly, the Office of the Governor, and
13 local officials by January 1, 2011; and be it further
14     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be delivered to
15 the Director of Aging.