Rep. Gary Hannig
Filed: 5/20/2008
09500HB6415ham001 HDS095 00218 CIN 20218 a
AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 6415, by deleting everything after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 5. The sum of $4,112,300, new appropriation, is appropriated, and the sum of $17,114,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2008, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 250, Section 5 of Public Act 95-348, are reappropriated from the Partners for Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Partners for Conservation Program to implement ecosystem-based management for Illinois' natural resources.
Section 10. The sum of $2,201,100, new appropriation, is appropriated from the Partners for Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses of the Partners for Conservation Program.
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For an Urban Fishing Program in
conjunction with the Chicago Park
District to provide fishing and
resource management at the park
district lagoons:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 262,500
For workshops, training and other activities
to improve the administration of fish
and wildlife federal aid programs from
federal aid administrative grants
received for such purposes:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 11,400
For expenses of subgrantee payments:
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund........ 1,500,000
Total $1,773,900
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For the purpose of reclaiming surface
mined lands, with respect to which a
bond has been forfeited:
Payable from Land Reclamation Fund............... 350,000
For expenses of the Multi-State grant:
Payable from the Mines and Minerals
Underground Injection Control Fund.............. 500,000
For expenses of Mines and Minerals:
Payable from the Plugging and
Restoration Fund................................ 205,800
Payable from the Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 199,000
Total $1,254,800
Section 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For payment of the Department’s share
of operation and maintenance of statewide
stream gauging network, water data
storage and retrieval system, in
cooperation with the U.S. Geological
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund.......... 200,000
For execution of state assistance
programs to improve the administration
of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) and National Dam
Safety Program as approved by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(82 Stat. 572):
Payable from National Flood Insurance
Program Fund.................................... 480,700
For expenses of the Boat Grant Match:
Payable from the State Boating Act Fund.......... 100,000
Total $780,700
Section 30. The sum of $5,290,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the DNR Federal Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for Floodplain Map Modernization as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Section 35. The amount of $3,000,000, or so much there of as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for contributions of funds to park districts and other entities as provided by the “Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975”, and to public museums and aquariums located in park districts, as provided by “An Act concerning aquariums and museums in public parks” and the “Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975” as now or hereafter amended.
Section 40. The amount of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to Chicago park districts for a summer sports mentoring program.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture:
Section 10. The sum of $14,300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Agricultural Premium Fund to the Department of Agriculture for deposit into the State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund.
Section 15. The sum of $1,870,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture for deposit into the State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund.
Section 20. The sum of $5,360,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture for deposit into the State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund for operational expenses and programs at the University of Illinois Cook County Cooperative Extension Service.
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Agricultural
Federal Projects Fund:
For Expenses of Various
Federal Projects.............................. 350,000
Total $350,000
Section 30. The sum of $705,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fertilizer Control Fund to the Department of Agriculture for Fertilizer Research.
Section 35. The sum of $1,380,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Feed Control Fund to the Department of Agriculture for Feed Control.
Section 40. The sum of $5,700,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture from the Partners for Conservation Fund for the Partners for Conservation Program to implement agricultural resource enhancement programs for Illinois’ natural resources, including operational expenses, consisting of the following elements at the approximate costs set forth below:
Conservation Practices
Cost Sharing Program......................... 3,400,000
Sustainable Agriculture Program.................. 287,500
Streambank Restoration........................... 287,500
Total $5,700,000
Section 45. The sum of 1,725,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture from the Partners for Conservation Fund for health insurance premiums and operational expenses of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
For distribution of institutional agricultural
research grants to public universities
authorized by the Food and Agriculture
Research Act to include administrative costs
incurred by the Department of Agriculture
pursuant to Section 15 of the Food and
Agriculture Research Act (Public
Act 89-182).................................. 5,700,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For a grant to the AgrAbility Program
pursuant to Public Act 94-0216................. 200,000
Total $5,900,000
Section 55. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Soil Surveys in Mapping Illinois
Soil and operational expenses.................. 380,000
For grants to Soil and Water Conservation
Districts for clerical and other personnel,
for education and promotional assistance,
and for expenses of Water Conservation
District Boards and administrative
Expenses..................................... 7,421,800
Total $7,801,800
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Awards to Livestock Breeders
and related expenses........................... 151,000
For Awards and Premiums at the
Illinois State Fair
and related expenses........................... 279,400
For Awards and Premiums for Grand
Circuit Horse Racing at the
Illinois State Fairgrounds
and related expenses........................... 129,900
Total $560,300
Payable from the Illinois State Fair Fund:
For Awards to Livestock Breeders
and related expenses............................ 48,800
For Awards and Premiums at the
Illinois State Fair
and related expenses........................... 200,100
For Awards and Premiums for Grand
Circuit Horse Racing at the
Illinois State Fairgrounds
and related expenses............................ 54,900
Total $303,800
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For awards and premiums to the
DuQuoin State Fair and related expenses....... 124,400
For harness racing at the
DuQuoin State Fair and related expenses......... 26,400
Total $150,800
Section 70. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Illinois Racing
Quarterhorse Breeders Fund:
For promotion of the Illinois horse
racing and breeding industry.................... 71,200
Payable from the Illinois Standardbred
Breeders Fund:
For grants and other purposes.................. 1,399,500
Payable from the Illinois Thoroughbred
Breeders Fund:
For grants and other purposes.................. 1,907,500
Total $3,378,200
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
For distribution to encourage and aid
county fairs and other agricultural
societies. This distribution shall be
prorated and approved by the Department
of Agriculture.............................. 2,182,300
For premiums to agricultural extension
or 4-H clubs to be distributed at a
uniform rate................................... 961,400
For premiums to vocational
agriculture fairs.............................. 408,000
For rehabilitation of county fairgrounds....... 2,471,900
For grants and other purposes for county
fair and state fair horse racing............... 392,400
Total $6,416,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For distribution to county fairs for
premiums and rehabilitation as set
forth in the Agriculture Fair Act.............. 595,300
Total $595,300
Payable from Fair and Exposition Fund:
For distribution to County Fairs and
Fair and Exposition Authorities............. 1,357,400
Total $1,357,400
Section 75. The amount of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture for grants, contracts, and administrative expenses associated with the development of the Illinois Grape and Wine Industry, including prior year costs.
Section 5. The amount of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to the Addison Creek Restoration Commission for the purpose of conducting environmental work, engineering, planning, and community outreach.
Section 10. The amount of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for awards and grants as directed by the Environmental Protection Trust Fund Commission.
Section 15. The named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of administering the Alternate Fuels Rebate Program and the Ethanol Fuel Research Program:
For Grants and Rebates......................... 1,000,000
Section 20. The amount of $53,100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Underground Storage Tank Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for Reimbursements to Eligible Owners/ Operators of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, including claims submitted in prior years and for costs associated with site remediation
Section 25. The sum of $4,454,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance for Brownfields redevelopment in accordance with 58.3(5), 58.13 and 58.15 of the Environmental Protection Act, including costs in prior years.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For costs and services
related to ILEAS/MABAS Administration.......... 125,000
Section 10. Whenever it becomes necessary for the State or any governmental unit to furnish in a disaster area emergency services directly related to or required by a disaster and existing funds are insufficient to provide such services, the Governor may, when he considers such action in the best interest of the State, release funds from the General Revenue Disaster Relief appropriation in order to provide such services or to reimburse local governmental bodies furnishing such services. Such appropriation may be used for payment of the Illinois National Guard when called to active duty in case of disaster, and for the emergency purchase or renting of equipment and commodities. Such appropriation shall be used for emergency services and relief to the disaster area as a whole and shall not be used to provide private relief to persons sustaining property damages or personal injury as a result of a disaster.
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For disaster relief costs incurred
in current and prior years...................... 500,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
For reimbursing other governmental
agencies for their assistance in
responding to radiological emergencies......... 100,000
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund:
For compensation to local governments
for expenses attributable to implementation
and maintenance of plans and programs
authorized by the Nuclear Safety
Preparedness Act................................ 650,000
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the Federal Aid Disaster Fund:
For Federal Disaster Declarations:
In Current and Prior Years.................. 50,000,000
For State administration of the
Federal Disaster Relief Program............... 1,000,000
Disaster Relief - Hazard Mitigation
in Current and Prior Years................... 40,000,000
For State administration of the
Hazard Mitigation Program..................... 1,000,000
Total $92,000,000
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the Nuclear Civil Protection Planning Fund:
For Federal Projects............................. 500,000
For Mitigation Assistance...................... 5,000,000
Total $5,500,000
Section 35. The sum of $561,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Radiation Protection Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the purpose of funding costs related to environmental cleanup of the Ottawa Radiation Areas Superfund Project under cooperative agreements with the Federal Government.
Section 40. The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Radiation Protection Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for recovery and remediation of radioactive materials and contaminated facilities or properties when such expenses cannot be paid by a responsible person or an available surety.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For expenses related to or in support
of the Amistad Commission....................... 200,000
For historic preservation programs
administered by the Executive Office,
only to the extent that funds are received
through grants, and awards, or gifts............ 90,000
Section 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For the Main Street Program..................... 50,000
For historic preservation programs
made either independently or in
cooperation with the Federal Government
or any agency thereof, any municipal
corporation, or political subdivision
of the State, or with any public or private
corporation, organization, or individual,
or for refunds................................. 500,000
Section 15. The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Historic Sites Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for awards and grants for historic preservation programs made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual.
Section 20. The sum of $362,192, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2008, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 235, Sections 20 and 25 of Public Act 95-348, is reappropriated from the Illinois Historic Sites Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for awards and grants for historic preservation programs made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual.
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Historic Preservation Programs Administered
by the Historic Sites Division, Only to the
Extent that Funds are Received Through
Grants, Awards, or Gifts....................... 300,000
Section 30. The sum of $257,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for the operational expenses of the Lewis and Clark Historic Site in Madison County.
Section 35. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For historic preservation programs
administered by the Abraham Lincoln
Presidential Library and Museum, only
to the extent that funds are received
through grants, and awards, or gifts........... 135,000
Section 40. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $4,683,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Illinois Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission for expenses and activities related to promoting knowledge and understanding of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln and observances commemorating Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12, 2009.
Section 998. Each of the amounts appropriated in this Act (after all actions by the Governor and the General Assembly) controls over any lower amount appropriated in any other Public Act (after all actions by the Governor and the General Assembly) for the same purpose unless that other Public Act expressly states otherwise.
Section 999. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2008.”.