Appropriations-Public Safety Committee
Filed: 5/20/2008
09500HB6098ham001 HDS095 00153 CIN 20153 a
AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 6098, by deleting everything after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Transportation:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 16,286,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,428,200
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 1,245,900
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 5,200
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 42,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment..... 300,900
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 100,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 14,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP................... 10,700
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 40,800
Auditing and Management Services............... 700,000
Legal Fees................................... 1,411,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 5,800
Gas............................................. 23,800
Electricity..................................... 77,400
Water.............................................. 700
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 185,200
For Travel....................................... 302,700
For Printing..................................... 250,300
For Equipment..................................... 50,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 200,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 200,000
Total $24,882,600
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For the Department's share of costs
with the Illinois Commerce
Commission for monitoring railroad
crossing safety................................. 155,000
Total $155,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Tort Claims, including payment
pursuant to P.A. 80-1078........................ 540,300
For representation and indemnification
for the Department of Transportation,
the Illinois State Police and the
Secretary of State provided that the
representation required resulted from
the Road Fund portion of their normal
operations...................................... 250,000
Total $790,300
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 5,378,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,132,200
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 411,500
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management...................... 2,559,700
Computer Software.............................. 451,900
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Equipment...................................... 7,000
For Electronic Data Processing................. 7,000,000
For Telecommunications........................... 400,000
Total $17,371,200
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,450,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,357,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,947,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 4,600
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 15,900
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 16,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 859,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 82,400
Repair and Maintenance of Electronic Data
Processing.................................... 72,700
In-House Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,386,800
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 9,500
Auditing and Management Services............... 152,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 42,700
Gas............................................. 23,100
Electricity..................................... 77,000
Water.............................................. 700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Computer Software............................... 15,800
For Travel....................................... 351,700
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,500,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 200,000
Total $37,690,700
Section 60. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Transportation Safety Highway Hire-back Fund to the Department of Transportation for agreements with the Illinois Department of State Police to provide patrol officers in highway construction work zones.
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants to local governments for the following purposes:
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
arising from local Traffic Signal
Maintenance Agreements created by Part
468 of the Illinois Department of
Transportation Rules and Regulations.......... 3,000,000
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
arising from City, County, and other
State Maintenance Agreements.................. 10,000,000
Total $13,000,000
Section 75. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds....................................... 25,000
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Division of Traffic Safety:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 5,834,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,228,100
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 446,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 88,200
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment............................. 1,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 5,200
Rental of Real Property.......................... 5,000
Building and Ground Maintenance.................. 1,500
Computer Software............................... 98,100
For Travel........................................ 84,900
For Printing..................................... 150,000
For Equipment...................................... 3,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 130,000
Total $8,076,600
Section 100. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds........................................ 8,800
Section 105. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Cycle Rider Safety Training Fund, as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to the Department of Transportation for the administration of the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program by the Division of Traffic Safety:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 216,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 45,600
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 16,600
For Group Insurance............................... 49,600
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Printing....................................... 1,900
For Equipment...................................... 2,100
Total $340,200
Section 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,355,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 916,700
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 333,200
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees........................................ 200
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 600
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 10,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment.................................... 149,700
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 100
Rental on Machinery and Equipment............... 74,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 19,500
Gas............................................. 32,000
Electricity..................................... 38,100
Water............................................ 3,700
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Computer Software................................ 1,600
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 400,000
Total $6,564,600
Section 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 84,720,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 17,832,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 6,481,100
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 5,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 37,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 86,100
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 213,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment..................... 2,525,600
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 187,400
Rental of Office Equipment..................... $36,700
Rental on Machinery and Equipment.............. 151,000
Auditing and Management........................ 140,500
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 63,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 291,000
Gas............................................ 563,700
Electricity.................................. 4,834,400
Water........................................... 23,800
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 64,000
Computer Software................................ 3,800
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 56,500
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 6,843,900
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................. 1,500
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 26,400
For Equipment.................................. 1,300,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,681,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 9,000,000
Total $137,301,400
Section 125. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,503,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,638,300
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 1,951,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,400
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 12,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 98,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 247,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 247,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,623,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 8,500
Rental on Machinery and Equipment.............. 104,300
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 17,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 56,600
Gas............................................. 82,200
Electricity.................................... 515,700
Water........................................... 11,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 22,500
Computer Software................................ 6,100
For Travel........................................ 95,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 18,300
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,628,500
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 41,400
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............... 7,900
For Equipment.................................... 700,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 300,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $43,940,000
Section 130. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 23,092,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,860,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,766,500
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,100
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,900
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 26,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 290,400 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 156,900
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,080,600
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 30,400
Rental on Machinery and Equipment............... 26,200
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 19,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 44,300
Gas............................................ 127,900
Electricity.................................... 491,000
Water........................................... 57,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,500
For Travel........................................ 60,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 7,400
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,620,400
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 18,000
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 89,100
For Equipment.................................... 797,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 245,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,500,000
Total $39,481,900
Section 135. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 22,667,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,771,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,734,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 6,800
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 38,100
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 166,200 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 193,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,330,300
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 200
Rental of Real Property............................ 300 Rental of Machinery and Equipment......................... 51,500
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 36,200
Gas............................................ 115,600
Electricity.................................... 506,700
Water............................................ 9,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
For Travel........................................ 80,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 15,100
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,571,700
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 15,700
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............... 8,900
For Equipment.................................... 979,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 246,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $38,587,600
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 20,014,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,212,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,531,100
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,300
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 26,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 50,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 259,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 909,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,500
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 51,200
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 41,600
Gas............................................. 67,700
Electricity.................................... 573,400
Water........................................... 23,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 32,600
For Travel........................................ 75,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 10,400
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,650,400
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 18,900
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 174,200
For Equipment.................................. 1,003,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 183,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,000,000
Total $33,938,000
Section 145. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,298,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,325,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,935,320
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees..................................... 22,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 27,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 361,400 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 380,300
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,691,400
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 9,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 2,100
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 34,100
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 17,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 60,000
Gas............................................. 91,800
Electricity.................................... 727,000
Water........................................... 27,100
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 13,800
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,031,900
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 15,200
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 93,900
For Equipment.................................... 727,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 245,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,200,000
Total $42,438,800
Section 150. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 20,453,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,305,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,564,700
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,100
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,800
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 14,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 136,900 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 403,600
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,196,300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,800
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 58,800
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 16,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 31,400
Gas............................................. 78,100
Electricity.................................... 369,200
Water........................................... 43,800
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 18,500
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 3,000
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,469,200
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 80,100
For Equipment.................................... 906,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 160,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,500,000
Total $39,921,300
Section 155. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 33,066,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 6,960,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,529,600
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees..................................... $4,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 10,300
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment....... 7,600
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 245,500 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 72,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 445,500
Rental of Office Equipment................... 1,933,400
Rental of Real Property......................... 53,600
Rental of Machinery............................. 58,600
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 212,200
Gas............................................. 95,300
Electricity.................................. 1,500,800
Water.......................................... 106,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 30,000
Computer Software................................ 4,200
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 15,600
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,383,100
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................. 1,500
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 492,400
For Equipment.................................. 1,298,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 576,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $55,222,400
Section 160. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 18,037,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,796,700
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,379,900
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 25,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 46,500 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 391,300
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,441,100
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,300
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 600
Rental of Real Property.......................... 2,600
Rental of Machinery............................. 10,600
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 13,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 27,800
Gas............................................. 51,500
Electricity.................................... 328,200
Water........................................... 59,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 11,200
For Travel........................................ 53,100
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 5,200
Abrasives for Road Use......................... 965,100
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 16,900
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 165,500
For Equipment.................................... 885,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 140,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,100,000
Total $29,961,000
Section 165. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of Aeronautics Operations:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 4,711,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 991,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 360,400
For Contractual Services Payable from the Road Fund:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 13,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 11,000
Repair and Maintenance of
Aircraft and Boats......................... 1,419,500 Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 2,000
Repair and Maintenance or Machinery............. 47,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 349,900
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,000
Hospital and Medical Service..................... 5,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 67,000
Computer Software............................... 27,000
For Contractual Services Payable from Air
Transportation Revolving Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of
Aircraft and Boats........................... 505,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 495,000
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the General Assembly:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 130,000
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the Governor's Office:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 130,000
For Travel:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 100,000
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 205,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 94,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 28,800
Total $9,709,400
Section 175. The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for such purposes as are described in Sections 31 and 34 of the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended.
Section 185. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds...................................... 35,000
Section 190. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Aeronautics Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds.......................................... 500
Section 195. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses incident to Public Transportation and Railroads Operations:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,458,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 517,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 188,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 7,600
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment........ $500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,400
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Equipment...................................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 40,000
Total $3,250,900
Section 205. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for administrative expenses incurred in connection with the purposes of Section 18 of the Federal Transit Act (Section 5311 of the USC), as amended, provided such amount not exceed funds made available from the Federal government under that Act.
Section 280. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses incident to the operations and functions of administering the provisions of the "Illinois Highway Code", relating to use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds by the counties, municipalities, road districts and townships:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 6,956,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,464,300
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 532,200
For Group Insurance............................ 1,742,200
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 7,600
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment....... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 500
In-house Repair and Maintenance.................. 4,400
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 100
Computer Software.................................. 500
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Printing...................................... 28,000
For Equipment..................................... 12,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 5,100
Total $10,810,400
Section 290. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Illinois Highway Safety Program under provisions of the National Highway Safety Act of 1966, as amended:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,181,000
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System............................... 248,600
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 90,300
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 208,000
For Travel........................................ 72,000
For Printing..................................... 185,200
For Equipment..................................... 61,400
Total $2,046,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 215,000
For Employee Retirement
Contributions Paid by State....................... 4,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 38,300
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 22,500
For Travel........................................ 11,900
For Printing....................................... 1,600
For Equipment..................................... 20,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 35,000
Total $387,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,654,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 828,400
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 60,000
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Motor Vehicles....................... 133,000
Computer Software................................ 3,500
For Travel........................................ 97,000
For Printing...................................... 10,200
For Equipment.................................... 163,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 268,300
Total $6,218,500
For Contractual Services.......................... 95,000
For Printing....................................... 5,200
Total $100,200
For local highway safety projects
by county and municipal governments,
state and private universities and other
private entities.............................. 9,300,000
Section 295. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Program under provisions of Title IV of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,328,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 490,100
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 178,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 800
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 41,900
Auditing and Management........................ 315,400
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,500
For Travel....................................... 250,000
For Printing...................................... 10,300
For Equipment..................................... 98,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 75,100
Total $3,790,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 6,254,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,113,100
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 478,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 11,300
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 179,400
Building and Ground Maintenance.................. 2,100
Computer Software............................... 53,100
For Travel....................................... 349,500
For Printing...................................... 71,800
For Equipment.................................... 628,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 722,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 723,200
Total $10,587,300
Section 300. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Section 163 Impaired Driving Incentive Grant Program (.08 Alcohol) as authorized by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 294,500
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Equipment.................................... 199,000
Total $523,500
For local highway safety projects
by county and municipal governments,
state and private universities and
other private entities........................ 2,300,000
Section 305. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Alcohol Traffic Safety Programs of Title XXIII of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................... 5,000
For the State Contribution to State
Employees’ Retirement System........................ 900
For the State Contribution to Social
Security............................................ 400
For Travel........................................... 500
For Printing...................................... 22,000
For Telecommunication Services..................... 2,000
Total $38,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 191,100
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 34,100
For the State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 2,800
For Equipment..................................... 81,700
Total $309,600
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management...................... 1,117,300
For Travel........................................ 10,100
For Printing...................................... 60,600
Total $1,188,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 42,000
For Employee Retirement
Contributions Paid by State......................... 800
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 7,500
For the State Contribution to Social
Security............................................ 700
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 200,000
For Travel......................................... 6,000
For Printing....................................... 3,500
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunication Services....................... 100
Total $370,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,192,000
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 212,200
For the State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 16,600
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Equipment.................................... 122,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 99,800
Total $1,647,400
For Printing...................................... 20,000
Total $20,000
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
Total $55,000
Section 125. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2008, from the appropriations heretofore made in Article 360, Section 5, Section 35, Section 115, Section 120, Section 125, Section 130, Section 135, Section 140, Section 145, Section 150, Section 155, Section 160, and Section 295 of Public Act 95-0348, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes as follows:
Central Offices, Administration and Planning
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 393,400
Central Offices, Division of Highways
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 286,100
Day Labor
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 655,300
District 1, Schaumburg Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 7,673,800
District 2, Dixon Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,910,200
District 3, Ottawa Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,932,600
District 4, Peoria Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,335,600
District 5, Paris Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,631,800
District 6, Springfield Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,672,200
District 7, Effingham Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 2,102,700
District 8, Collinsville Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,628,800
District 9, Carbondale Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 938,200
Division of Traffic Safety, Commercial Motor
Vehicle Safety Program
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 210,000
Division of Traffic Safety, Commercial Motor
Vehicle Safety Program
For the Department of State Police
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,300,000
Total $21,977,300
Section 130. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from a reappropriation herein made in:
Section 85 GRF Aeronautics
of this Article until after the purpose and the amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, Article 2 $23,670,700
Section 999. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2008.”.