Appropriations-General Services Committee
Filed: 5/20/2008
09500HB3901ham001 HDS095 00072 CIN 20072 a
AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3901, by deleting everything after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State to meet the ordinary, contingent, and distributive expenses of the following organizational units of the Office of the Secretary of State:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund ........... 4,411,100
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 39,100
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund ............. 448,600
Payable from Road Fund ........................ 525,000
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 928,500
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 337,450
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 496,300
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 4,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 13,850
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 6,200
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 6,000
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 61,050
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 14,797,300
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 107,150
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund......................... 2,367,600
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 272,500
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,141,000
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 13,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 145,300
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 2,100
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 48,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund.......................... 5,800
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 3,114,700
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 22,600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 498,400
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 57,400
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,132,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 8,200
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 181,100
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 20,800
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 3,342,150
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 110,400
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 442,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 819,400
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 28,100
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 1,000
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................. 3,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund.......................... 1,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 502,150
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund............ 500
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund......................... 450
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................. 7,100
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 13,300
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 428,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund............ 750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................. 3,750
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 16,500
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 191,050
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund....................... 1,750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 103,250
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 110,500
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special Services Fund........................ 4,500,000
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 220,500
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 1,950
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund......................... 300
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 31,900
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 42,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 214,750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 75,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 42,500
For Refunds:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 5,000
Payable from Road Fund....................... 1,137,100
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 6,218,800
Payable from Road Fund...................... 24,665,100
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund..................................... 253,200
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 208,900
For Extra Help:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 200,200
Payable from Road Fund....................... 6,720,500
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 41,600
For Employees Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund..... 5,100
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............. 4,300
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,309,000
Payable from Road Fund....................... 2,415,700
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund.... 53,300
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 44,000
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 475,700
Payable from Road Fund....................... 2,260,100
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund...................................... 19,400
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 16,000
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 2,214,300
Payable from Road Fund......................... 149,900
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet Trust Fund
Trust Fund................................... 700,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund.................................... 73,000
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 186,000
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 7,000
Payable from Road Fund........................... 4,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 146,250
Payable from Road Fund......................... 151,550
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund................. 2,000,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle
Review Board Fund................................ 250
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 10,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 644,150
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 50,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund................... 500,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund......................................... 500
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 25,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 187,500
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 50,000
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet Trust Fund......... 181,900
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 111,250
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 765,050
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 10,950
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund................... 150,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund....................................... 850
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 15,000 For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 275,750
Section 145. The amount of $250,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the SOS Federal Projects Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the payment of any operational expenses relating to the cost incident to augmenting the Illinois Commercial Motor Vehicle safety program by assuring and verifying the identity of drivers prior to licensure, including CDL operators; for improved security for Drivers Licenses and Personal Identification Cards; and any other related program deemed appropriate by the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 150. The amount of $925,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Securities Investors Education Fund for any expenses used to promote public awareness of the dangers of securities fraud.
Section 155. The amount of $2,500, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Secretary of State Evidence Fund for the purchase of evidence, for the employment of persons to obtain evidence, and for the payment for any goods or services related to obtaining evidence.
Section 160. The amount of $110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for the cost of administering the Alternate Fuels Act.
Section 165. The amount of $6,687,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Special Services Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for office automation and technology.
Section 170. The amount of $7,000,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost incident to providing new or replacement plates for motor vehicles.
Section 175. The sum of $900,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for operation of the Department of Administrative Hearings of the Office of Secretary of State and for no other purpose.
Section 180. The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police DUI Fund to the Secretary of State for the purchase of law enforcement equipment to assist in the prevention of alcohol-related criminal violence throughout the State.
Section 185. The amount of $35,000 is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police Services Fund to the Secretary of State for purposes as indicated by the grantor or contractor or, in the case of money bequeathed or granted for no specific purpose, for any purpose as deemed appropriate by the Director of Police, Secretary of State in administering the responsibilities of the Secretary of State Department of Police.
Section 200. The following amount, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for any operations, alterations, rehabilitation, new construction, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State to enhance security measures in the Capitol Complex:
From the General Revenue Fund.................... 300,000
Section 225. The sum of $500,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Indigent BAIID Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State to reimburse ignition interlock device providers per Public Act 95-0400.
Section 230. The sum of $500,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Franchise Tax and License Fee Amnesty Administration Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for any Secretary of State costs associated with the administration of the Franchise Tax and License Fee Amnesty Act of 2007.
Section 999. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2008.”.