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2     WHEREAS, Karen Fox has been chosen as the 2005 Altrusa
3 International Club of Elgin's Woman of the Year; and
4     WHEREAS, The club's 56th annual celebration and Woman of
5 the Year program will be held on May 19, 2005, at Villa Olivia
6 in Bartlett; and
7     WHEREAS, The award is given annually to a community woman
8 who is not a member of Altrusa but who exemplifies the Altrusa
9 keys of Amity, Loyalty, Talent, Reciprocity, Unity, Service,
10 and Achievement; and
11     WHEREAS, In her professional and volunteer community
12 service and leadership with School District U-46, Community
13 Crisis Center, Elgin Sesquicentennial Commission, Y.W.C.A.,
14 McKinley School, and many other organizations, Karen Fox has
15 truly exemplified the Altrusa keys; and
16     WHEREAS, Since September 2004, Ms. Fox has served as
17 Special Projects Assistant to the Superintendent of School
18 District U-46; from July 1, 1995 to September 2004, she served
19 as Coordinator for Grants and School-Business Partnerships;
20 and
21     WHEREAS, She graduated from Saybrook-Arrowsmith High
22 School in 1968 and received a bachelor of science degree in
23 education from Illinois State University in 1972 and a master
24 of arts degree in literature from Northeastern Illinois
25 University in 1978; and
26     WHEREAS, She has served as a fundraiser for a variety of
27 community groups and has been a volunteer with numerous
28 organizations, committees, and commissions over the years,
29 such as the United Way, Elgin Area Historical Society,



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1 Y.W.C.A., Community Crisis Center, Elgin Chamber of Commerce,
2 Elgin's All-America City Committee, the City of Elgin 150th
3 Commemoration Commission, and the Fiesta Salsa Committee; she
4 is also an author of three adult education publications; and
5     WHEREAS, She received the Illinois State University
6 College of Education's Outstanding Service Award in 2004, the
7 Club Guadalapano's Les Lemke Community Service Award in April
8 2000, and the Outstanding Young Woman of Elgin award in 1989
9 from the Elgin Junior Woman's Club; therefore, be it
12 we congratulate Karen Fox for being chosen as the 2005 Altrusa
13 International Club of Elgin's Woman of the Year and commend her
14 for her many years of exemplary community service; and be it
15 further
16     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17 presented to Karen Fox as an expression of our admiration and
18 esteem.