State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB5000
Introduced 1/23/2006, by Rep. George Scully, Jr. SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
Creates the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act. Sets forth the terms under which a hospital must provide full charity care and discounted care to Illinois residents in order to maintain the hospital's tax-exempt status under the Illinois Income Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and the Property Tax Code; amends each of those tax Acts to provide that a hospital may qualify for an exemption from the tax imposed by the Act only if the hospital is in compliance with the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act. Sets forth uniform procedures for a hospital's provision of charity care. Sets forth patient rights and responsibilities in connection with hospital charity care. Requires a tax-exempt hospital to furnish aggregate annual charity care in an amount equal to at least 8% of the hospital's total operating costs. Requires hospitals to submit an annual report to the Attorney General. Makes the Attorney General responsible for implementing and enforcing the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act. Provides that a home rule unit may not regulate hospitals in a manner inconsistent with the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act. Creates the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act Enforcement Fund, to be used in connection with enforcement of the Act, and amends the State Finance Act in connection therewith. Amends the Freedom of Information Act to make records of charity care applications and determinations under the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act exempt from inspection and copying. Amends the Illinois Finance Authority Act; provides that none of the specified powers of the Illinois Finance Authority shall be exercised for the benefit of any hospital as defined in the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act if that hospital is not in compliance with that Act. Amends the Community Benefits Act; makes changes including (i) adding references to the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act, (ii) providing for a maximum late filing fee of $10,000 (instead of $100), and (iii) giving the Attorney General rulemaking authority. Effective immediately.
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| AN ACT concerning regulation.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the |
5 |
| Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act. |
6 |
| Section 5. Purpose; findings. |
7 |
| (a) The purpose of this Act is to advance public health and |
8 |
| welfare through the establishment, implementation, and |
9 |
| enforcement of clear standards for delivery by Illinois |
10 |
| tax-exempt hospitals of charity health care services to |
11 |
| financially qualified persons. |
12 |
| (b) The Illinois General Assembly finds that: |
13 |
| (1) Numerous Illinois not-for-profit hospital |
14 |
| organizations have been classified under Illinois law as |
15 |
| charitable organizations and, as such, have benefited from |
16 |
| various tax exemptions granted by the General Assembly. |
17 |
| (2) Article IX, Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution |
18 |
| of 1970 states: "The General Assembly by law may exempt |
19 |
| from taxation only . . . property used exclusively for . . |
20 |
| . charitable purposes." The Illinois Supreme Court |
21 |
| consistently has held that, in order to satisfy the |
22 |
| constitutional requirement of Article IX, Section 6, a |
23 |
| hospital claiming the benefit of a charitable exemption for |
24 |
| its property must unequivocally demonstrate, among other |
25 |
| things, that charity is dispensed to all who need and apply |
26 |
| for it and that no obstacles of any character are placed in |
27 |
| the way of those who need and would avail themselves of |
28 |
| such benefits. |
29 |
| (3) In conferring a property tax exemption under |
30 |
| Article IX, Section 6, the General Assembly may require |
31 |
| hospitals claiming the benefit of this exemption to |
32 |
| publicize the availability of charity care, to adhere to |
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| various procedures in the delivery of charity care, to keep |
2 |
| records regarding the level of charity care provided, and |
3 |
| to report this information to the State. |
4 |
| (4) Increasingly, financially needy patients have |
5 |
| experienced significant obstacles to accessing charity |
6 |
| care at many Illinois hospitals benefiting from State tax |
7 |
| exemption. |
8 |
| (5) Many Illinois hospitals benefiting from State tax |
9 |
| exemption apply only a small portion of their overall costs |
10 |
| to the delivery of charity care services to financially |
11 |
| qualified patients. |
12 |
| (6) Patients, hospitals, and government bodies alike |
13 |
| will benefit from clearly-articulated standards regarding |
14 |
| the charity care obligations for tax-exempt Illinois |
15 |
| hospitals. |
16 |
| (7) The Attorney General, as the chief legal officer |
17 |
| for the State, should have primary authority and |
18 |
| responsibility for implementation and enforcement of this |
19 |
| Act. |
20 |
| Section 10. Definitions. In this Act, unless the context |
21 |
| requires otherwise: |
22 |
| "Bad debt" means an account receivable based on services |
23 |
| furnished to any patient which: (i) is regarded as |
24 |
| uncollectible following reasonable collection action; (ii) is |
25 |
| charged as a credit loss; (iii) is not the obligation of any |
26 |
| federal or State government unit; and (iv) is not charity care. |
27 |
| "Charge" means the price set by a hospital for a specific |
28 |
| service or supply provided by the hospital. |
29 |
| "Charity care" means medically necessary services provided |
30 |
| without charge or at a reduced charge to patients who meet |
31 |
| eligibility criteria no more restrictive than those set forth |
32 |
| in Sections 15 and 20 of this Act. Charity care must not be |
33 |
| recorded by a hospital or community medical center as revenue, |
34 |
| as an account receivable, or as bad debt, and the care must be |
35 |
| rendered with no expectation of payment. If the requirements |
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| and procedures set forth in Sections 15 and 20 of this Act are |
2 |
| followed, the care will be deemed rendered by a hospital with |
3 |
| no expectation of payment. Categories of charity care include |
4 |
| full charity care, discounted care, and crime victim discounted |
5 |
| care. |
6 |
| "Collection action" means any activity by which a hospital, |
7 |
| a designated agent or assignee of the hospital, or a purchaser |
8 |
| of the patient account receivable requests payment for services |
9 |
| from a patient or a patient's guarantor. Collection actions |
10 |
| include, without limitation, pre-admission or pre-treatment |
11 |
| deposits, billing statements, letters, electronic mail, |
12 |
| telephone and personal contacts related to hospital bills, |
13 |
| court summonses and complaints, and any other activity related |
14 |
| to collecting a hospital bill. |
15 |
| "Community medical clinic" means a "community provider" as |
16 |
| defined in Section 5 of the Community Health Center Expansion |
17 |
| Act or a "free medical clinic" as defined in Section 30 of the |
18 |
| Good Samaritan Act. |
19 |
| "Cost" means the actual expense a hospital incurs to |
20 |
| provide each service or supply. |
21 |
| "Cost-to-charge ratio" means the ratio of a hospital's |
22 |
| total cost of providing patient care to its total charges for |
23 |
| patient care, as reported in its most recently settled Medicare |
24 |
| Cost Report.
25 |
| "Discounted care" means medically necessary services |
26 |
| provided as charity care to a patient who meets the eligibility |
27 |
| criteria set forth in subdivision (a)(2)(A) of Section 15 of |
28 |
| this Act at discounted rates as set forth in subdivision |
29 |
| (a)(2)(B) of Section 15 of this Act. |
30 |
| "Effective date of eligibility" means the later of the date |
31 |
| on which medically necessary services are rendered or the date |
32 |
| of discharge from the hospital. |
33 |
| "Family" means the patient, the patient's spouse, and any |
34 |
| dependents living in the patient's household. |
35 |
| "Family income" means the sum of a family's annual earnings |
36 |
| and cash benefits from all sources before taxes, less payments |
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| made for alimony and child support or received as retirement |
2 |
| benefits. |
3 |
| "Federal poverty income guidelines" means the poverty |
4 |
| guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the |
5 |
| United States Department of Health and Human Services under |
6 |
| authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). |
7 |
| "Full charity care" means medically necessary services |
8 |
| provided as charity care at no charge to a patient in |
9 |
| accordance with subsection (a) of Section 15 of this Act. |
10 |
| "Hospital" means any institution required to be licensed by |
11 |
| the State of Illinois pursuant to the Hospital Licensing Act or |
12 |
| the University of Illinois Hospital Act, and any hospital |
13 |
| maintained by the State or any department or agency thereof. |
14 |
| "Medically necessary service" means a service or supply |
15 |
| that is reasonably expected to prevent, diagnose, prevent the |
16 |
| worsening of, alleviate, correct, or cure a condition that |
17 |
| endangers life, causes suffering or pain, causes physical |
18 |
| deformity or malfunction, threatens to cause or aggravate a |
19 |
| handicap, or results in illness or infirmity. "Medically |
20 |
| necessary service" includes any inpatient or outpatient |
21 |
| hospital service mandated under Title XIX of the federal Social |
22 |
| Security Act and emergency care. "Medically necessary service" |
23 |
| does not include any of the following: |
24 |
| (1) Non-medical services such as social and vocational |
25 |
| services. |
26 |
| (2) Elective cosmetic surgery, but not plastic surgery |
27 |
| designed to correct disfigurement caused by injury, |
28 |
| illness, or congenital defect or deformity. |
29 |
| "Resident" means a person living in the State of Illinois, |
30 |
| regardless of United States citizenship status, with the |
31 |
| intention of remaining in Illinois indefinitely. A resident is |
32 |
| not required to maintain a fixed address. Relocation to |
33 |
| Illinois for the sole purpose of receiving health care benefits |
34 |
| does not satisfy the residency requirement. |
35 |
| "Tax-exempt hospital" means a hospital that has been |
36 |
| organized as a not-for-profit corporation or charitable trust |
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| under Illinois law or the laws of any other state or country |
2 |
| and that has been deemed a charitable organization exempt under |
3 |
| Illinois law from State property tax, retailers' occupation |
4 |
| tax, income tax, use tax, service use tax, or service |
5 |
| occupation tax and eligible to issue tax exempt bonds under |
6 |
| Illinois law or the laws of any other state or country. |
7 |
| "Uninsured" or "uninsured patient" means a patient who is |
8 |
| not covered under a policy of health insurance and is not a |
9 |
| beneficiary under a public or private health insurance, health |
10 |
| benefit, or other health coverage program. |
11 |
| Section 15. Charity care service provision obligations for |
12 |
| tax-exempt hospitals. Unless exempted under Section 35 of this |
13 |
| Act, each tax-exempt hospital must provide charity care to |
14 |
| eligible Illinois residents as follows: |
15 |
| (a) Types of charity care. |
16 |
| (1) Full charity care. |
17 |
| (A) Eligibility. Tax-exempt hospitals must provide |
18 |
| full charity care to any uninsured Illinois residents |
19 |
| who apply for charity care and have family income equal |
20 |
| to or less than 150% of the federal poverty income |
21 |
| guidelines. |
22 |
| (B) Billing. Tax-exempt hospitals must not issue |
23 |
| or cause to be issued any bill or invoice statement to |
24 |
| any patient who qualifies for full charity care |
25 |
| pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(A) of this Section 15. |
26 |
| (2) Discounted Care. |
27 |
| (A) Eligibility. Tax-exempt hospitals must provide |
28 |
| discounted care to any uninsured Illinois resident who |
29 |
| applies for charity care and has family income of more |
30 |
| than 150% and not more than 250% of the federal poverty |
31 |
| income guidelines. To the extent that the cost of |
32 |
| medically necessary services exceeds $10,000 in any |
33 |
| 12-month period, the patient is eligible for full |
34 |
| charity care with respect to the amount of such cost |
35 |
| that exceeds $10,000 during that 12-month period. |
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| (B) Billing. Tax-exempt hospitals must limit any |
2 |
| bill or invoice statement sent to any patient who |
3 |
| qualifies for discounted care pursuant to subdivision |
4 |
| (a)(2)(A) of this Section 15 as follows: |
5 |
| (i) For a patient with a family income of more |
6 |
| than 150% and not more than 175% of the federal |
7 |
| poverty income guidelines, the amount billed to |
8 |
| the patient for discounted care must not exceed 20% |
9 |
| of the hospital's cost of providing medically |
10 |
| necessary services to such patient. |
11 |
| (ii) For a patient with a family income of more |
12 |
| than 175% and not more than 200% of the federal |
13 |
| poverty income guidelines, the amount billed to |
14 |
| the patient for discounted care must not exceed 25% |
15 |
| of the hospital's cost of providing medically |
16 |
| necessary services to such patient. |
17 |
| (iii) For a patient with a family income of |
18 |
| more than 200% and not more than 225% of the |
19 |
| federal poverty income guidelines, the amount |
20 |
| billed to the patient for discounted care must not |
21 |
| exceed 30% of the hospital's cost of providing |
22 |
| medically necessary services to such patient. |
23 |
| (iv) For a patient with a family income of more |
24 |
| than 225% and not more than 250% of the federal |
25 |
| property income guidelines, the amount billed to |
26 |
| the patient for discounted care must not exceed 35% |
27 |
| of the hospital's cost of providing medically |
28 |
| necessary services to such patient. |
29 |
| (C) Payment plan. If a patient has indicated an |
30 |
| inability to pay the full amount of a bill or invoice |
31 |
| for discounted care in one payment, the tax-exempt |
32 |
| hospital must offer the patient a reasonable payment |
33 |
| plan without interest. The hospital may require the |
34 |
| patient to provide reasonable verification of his or |
35 |
| her inability to pay the full amount of the bill or |
36 |
| invoice in one payment. |
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| (b) Uniform procedures for charity care service provision. |
2 |
| (1) Initial screening, identification of uninsured |
3 |
| residents, and billing procedure.
Tax-exempt hospitals |
4 |
| must screen each patient, on or prior to the effective date |
5 |
| of eligibility, to determine whether he or she is |
6 |
| uninsured. If a patient is determined to be uninsured, the |
7 |
| patient or the patient's representative shall be provided |
8 |
| an application for charity care no later than the effective |
9 |
| date of eligibility. Tax-exempt hospitals must refrain |
10 |
| from issuing any bill or invoice statement to a patient who |
11 |
| is an uninsured Illinois resident until at least 60 days |
12 |
| after the effective date of eligibility and, if the patient |
13 |
| files a charity care application before the end of that 60 |
14 |
| days, must further refrain from issuing any bill or invoice |
15 |
| until the hospital determines the patient's eligibility |
16 |
| for charity care pursuant to this Act.
17 |
| (2) Application for charity care. |
18 |
| (A) Tax-exempt hospitals must use an application |
19 |
| form developed by the Attorney General to determine |
20 |
| eligibility for charity care. The Attorney General |
21 |
| shall ensure that the application form is easy to |
22 |
| understand and that it requests only information that |
23 |
| is reasonably necessary to determine eligibility. The |
24 |
| Attorney General shall specify the documentation and |
25 |
| information an applicant must submit in order to verify |
26 |
| eligibility for charity care. |
27 |
| (B) Each hospital must translate and distribute |
28 |
| the charity care application form in accordance with |
29 |
| the Language Assistance Services Act and, in any event, |
30 |
| must translate the application form into the |
31 |
| non-English languages most frequently used in the |
32 |
| service area of the hospital and make those |
33 |
| translations of the form available, in accordance with |
34 |
| standards adopted by rule of the Attorney General. |
35 |
| (3) Timing of charity care application.
A patient, or |
36 |
| the patient's representative, may submit a charity care |
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| application to a tax-exempt hospital within 60 days after |
2 |
| the effective date of eligibility.
3 |
| (4) Determination of charity care eligibility.
Each |
4 |
| tax-exempt hospital must deliver to the patient written |
5 |
| notice of a charity care eligibility determination within |
6 |
| 14 days after receipt of a completed charity care |
7 |
| application. A tax-exempt hospital must not deny or delay |
8 |
| patient care while a patient's application for charity care |
9 |
| is pending.
10 |
| (5) Notification.
Tax-exempt hospitals must provide |
11 |
| notification of the availability of charity care as |
12 |
| follows:
13 |
| (A) Each hospital must post signs in the inpatient, |
14 |
| outpatient, emergency, admissions, and registration |
15 |
| areas of the facility, and in the business office areas |
16 |
| that are customarily used by patients, that |
17 |
| conspicuously inform patients of the availability of |
18 |
| charity care and the location within the hospital at |
19 |
| which to apply for charity care. Signs must be in |
20 |
| English and also in the languages other than English |
21 |
| that are most frequently spoken in a hospital's service |
22 |
| area, in accordance with standards adopted by rule of |
23 |
| the Attorney General. |
24 |
| (B) Each hospital must post a notice in a prominent |
25 |
| place on its website that charity care is available at |
26 |
| the facility. The notice must include a brief |
27 |
| description of the charity care application process |
28 |
| and a copy of the application form. The notice must be |
29 |
| in the same languages as the signs that are required |
30 |
| pursuant to subdivision (b)(5)(A) of this Section 15.
31 |
| (C) Each hospital must provide individual notice, |
32 |
| in the appropriate language, of the availability of |
33 |
| charity care to any patient who is identified as |
34 |
| uninsured. |
35 |
| (D) Each hospital must provide notice, or ensure |
36 |
| that notice is provided, of the availability of charity |
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| care in any patient bill invoice statement or |
2 |
| collection action issued by the hospital or by a |
3 |
| collection agent, assignee, or account purchaser that |
4 |
| the hospital retains or with which the hospital has |
5 |
| contracted. |
6 |
| (E) Each hospital must, on a quarterly basis, |
7 |
| publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in |
8 |
| the hospital's service area, indicating that charity |
9 |
| care is available at the facility. The notice must |
10 |
| include a brief description of the charity care |
11 |
| application process. Each hospital must provide a |
12 |
| similar notice to all community medical centers |
13 |
| located in its service area. These notices must be |
14 |
| provided in the same languages as the signs that are |
15 |
| required pursuant to subdivision (b)(5)(A) of this |
16 |
| Section 15. |
17 |
| (F) All of the notifications required by this |
18 |
| subdivision (b)(5) must include contact information |
19 |
| for the filing with the Attorney General's Office of |
20 |
| complaints regarding possible violations of this Act.
21 |
| (G) All of the notifications required by this |
22 |
| subdivision (b)(5) must comply with requirements as to |
23 |
| content and form established by the Attorney General. |
24 |
| (c) Patient rights and responsibilities. |
25 |
| (1) Patient rights. Tax-exempt hospitals must |
26 |
| distribute to every patient, on or prior to the effective |
27 |
| date of eligibility, a written statement regarding charity |
28 |
| care in a form and with content developed by the Attorney |
29 |
| General's Office. This statement must include, without |
30 |
| limitation, each patient's right to: |
31 |
| (A) apply for charity care within 60 days after the |
32 |
| effective date of eligibility; |
33 |
| (B) receive a determination, in writing, on his or |
34 |
| her charity care application within 14 days after |
35 |
| submitting a completed application; |
36 |
| (C) enter into a payment plan if determined |
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| eligible for discounted care; and |
2 |
| (D) register a complaint with the Attorney General |
3 |
| pursuant to Section 40 of this Act. |
4 |
| (2) Patient responsibilities. |
5 |
| (A) Patients seeking or receiving charity care |
6 |
| from any tax-exempt hospital must: |
7 |
| (i) Cooperate with the hospital to provide the |
8 |
| information and documentation necessary to apply |
9 |
| for other public or private existing programs or |
10 |
| resources that may be available to pay for health |
11 |
| care including, without limitation, Medicare, |
12 |
| Medicaid, or the State Children's Health Insurance |
13 |
| Program. |
14 |
| (ii) Promptly provide the hospital with |
15 |
| accurate and complete documentation and |
16 |
| information as required under this Act. |
17 |
| (iii) Promptly notify the hospital of any |
18 |
| significant change in financial status that is |
19 |
| likely to adversely affect eligibility for charity |
20 |
| care. |
21 |
| (B) A patient who qualifies for discounted care |
22 |
| must cooperate with the hospital to establish a |
23 |
| reasonable payment plan that takes into account |
24 |
| available income and assets, the amount of the |
25 |
| discounted bill or bills, and any prior payments and |
26 |
| must make a good faith effort to comply with this |
27 |
| payment plan. The patient is responsible for promptly |
28 |
| communicating to the hospital any change in financial |
29 |
| situation that may impact his or her ability to pay the |
30 |
| discounted hospital bills or to honor the provisions of |
31 |
| the payment plan. |
32 |
| Section 20. Crime victim discounted care. If a tax-exempt |
33 |
| hospital accepts payment for medically necessary services from |
34 |
| an award to any patient pursuant to the Crime Victims |
35 |
| Compensation Act, such payment shall be deemed to be in full |
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| and final satisfaction of any outstanding charges owed by the |
2 |
| patient for those services, and the tax-exempt hospital shall |
3 |
| thereafter be prohibited from sending any bill or invoice |
4 |
| statement for those services. |
5 |
| Section 25. Aggregate annual charity care obligations for |
6 |
| tax-exempt hospitals. |
7 |
| (a) Unless exempted under Section 35, each tax-exempt |
8 |
| hospital shall furnish aggregate annual charity care in an |
9 |
| amount equal to at least 8% of the hospital's total operating |
10 |
| costs as reported each year in the most recently settled |
11 |
| Medicare Cost Report.
12 |
| (b) A tax-exempt hospital may for any fiscal year |
13 |
| demonstrate compliance with the requirement of subsection (a) |
14 |
| of this Section 25 by documenting the costs of one or more of |
15 |
| the following:
16 |
| (1) Provision of charity care to eligible patients of |
17 |
| the hospital. |
18 |
| (2) Provision of charity care to eligible patients at |
19 |
| one or more community medical clinics operated by the |
20 |
| hospital. |
21 |
| (3) Provision by the hospital of charity care to |
22 |
| eligible patients, in a setting or settings other than the |
23 |
| hospital or a community medical clinic operated by the |
24 |
| hospital, provided each such setting is approved in advance |
25 |
| by the Attorney General. The Attorney General shall adopt |
26 |
| rules delineating this approval process. |
27 |
| (4) If a tax-exempt hospital accepts payment for |
28 |
| medically necessary services from an award to any patient |
29 |
| pursuant to the Crime Victims Compensation Act, that |
30 |
| portion of the tax-exempt hospital's costs for those |
31 |
| medically necessary services which is not covered by the |
32 |
| award. |
33 |
| (5) If a tax-exempt hospital receives payments for |
34 |
| medically necessary services from the State of Illinois |
35 |
| pursuant to Section 5-5 of the Illinois Public Aid Code and |
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| rules issued pursuant to that Section, that portion of the |
2 |
| tax-exempt hospital's costs for those medically necessary |
3 |
| services which is not covered by the payments. |
4 |
| Section 30. Charity care reporting. |
5 |
| (a) Not later than the last day of the sixth month after |
6 |
| the close of its fiscal year, each tax-exempt hospital must |
7 |
| submit an annual charity care report to the Attorney General, |
8 |
| with content and in a format specified by rule of the Attorney |
9 |
| General. |
10 |
| (b) The annual charity care report submitted by each |
11 |
| tax-exempt hospital must include, at a minimum, the following |
12 |
| information for the applicable fiscal year: |
13 |
| (1) The total number of charity care applications |
14 |
| submitted to the hospital, separately itemizing |
15 |
| applications for full charity care, discounted care, and |
16 |
| crime victim discounted care. |
17 |
| (2) The total number of charity care applications |
18 |
| approved by the hospital, separately itemizing approved |
19 |
| applications for full charity care, discounted care, and |
20 |
| crime victim discounted care. |
21 |
| (3) The total number of charity care applications |
22 |
| denied by the hospital and the reasons for such denials, |
23 |
| separately itemizing denied applications for full charity |
24 |
| care, discounted care, and crime victim discounted care. |
25 |
| (4) The total number of patients who received charity |
26 |
| care at the hospital, separately itemizing recipients of |
27 |
| full charity care, discounted care, and crime victim |
28 |
| discounted care, and categorizing services provided and |
29 |
| pertinent demographic attributes of recipients. |
30 |
| (5) A detailed description of the hospital's charity |
31 |
| care application process, including the identity of the |
32 |
| person or persons affiliated with the hospital responsible |
33 |
| for making determinations on charity care applications.
34 |
| (6) The hospital's most recent complete set of audited |
35 |
| financial statements and its most recently filed and most |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| recently settled Medicare Cost Report. |
2 |
| (7) A statement that details the following: |
3 |
| (A) the aggregate dollar amount of charity care |
4 |
| furnished by the hospital, to be reported as the actual |
5 |
| cost of services provided based on the total |
6 |
| cost-to-charge ratio derived from the hospital's most |
7 |
| recently settled Medicare Cost Report; |
8 |
| (B) the amount of bad debt incurred by the hospital |
9 |
| in the reporting year, calculated at cost, which |
10 |
| identifies how much of the bad debt is attributable to |
11 |
| individual patients and how much is attributable to |
12 |
| private third party payers; |
13 |
| (C) the hospital's net patient service revenue and |
14 |
| its investment income; and |
15 |
| (D) the total amount of funds available from any |
16 |
| source apart from those derived from patient service |
17 |
| revenue which are available for use by the hospital to |
18 |
| subsidize the cost of charity care during the |
19 |
| applicable fiscal year, and the amount of those funds |
20 |
| that were actually used during the applicable fiscal |
21 |
| year to subsidize the cost of charity care. |
22 |
| (c) Records of charity care applications and |
23 |
| determinations shall be retained by tax-exempt hospitals for a |
24 |
| period of 7 years. All records concerning charity care |
25 |
| applications and determinations shall be confidential, except |
26 |
| that the Attorney General shall, upon written request, be |
27 |
| provided copies of such records by hospitals within 14 days of |
28 |
| receipt of a written request for such records and may provide |
29 |
| copies of the records to the Department of Revenue. Records of |
30 |
| charity care applications and determinations shall be exempt |
31 |
| from inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information |
32 |
| Act. |
33 |
| (d) Hospitals must report any other information that the |
34 |
| Attorney General deems necessary to ensure compliance with the |
35 |
| provisions of this Act. |
36 |
| (e) The Attorney General shall issue a report to the public |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| on an annual basis addressing the charity care information |
2 |
| reported by tax-exempt hospitals pursuant to this Section 30, |
3 |
| with a separate analysis for each hospital. |
4 |
| Section 35. Exemption for critical access hospitals. Each |
5 |
| hospital designated as a critical access hospital in accordance |
6 |
| with federal statutory and regulatory Medicare requirements is |
7 |
| exempt from the charity care requirements set forth in Sections |
8 |
| 15, 20, 25, and 30 of this Act. |
9 |
| Section 40. Implementation and enforcement. |
10 |
| (a) Administration.
The Attorney General shall be |
11 |
| responsible for administering and ensuring compliance with |
12 |
| this Act, including adoption or development of:
13 |
| (1) any rules necessary for the implementation and |
14 |
| enforcement of this Act; and |
15 |
| (2) all forms, notifications, and applications |
16 |
| required to be provided by tax-exempt hospitals under this |
17 |
| Act. |
18 |
| The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act shall apply to |
19 |
| all rules adopted by the Attorney General under this Act. |
20 |
| (b) Complaints.
The Attorney General shall develop and |
21 |
| implement a process for receiving and handling complaints from |
22 |
| individuals regarding possible violations of this Act.
23 |
| (c) Investigation.
The Attorney General may conduct any |
24 |
| investigation deemed necessary regarding possible violations |
25 |
| of this Act, including, without limitation, the issuance of |
26 |
| subpoenas to:
27 |
| (1) require a tax-exempt hospital to file a statement |
28 |
| or report, or answer interrogatories, in writing as to all |
29 |
| information relevant to the alleged violations; |
30 |
| (2) examine under oath any person in connection with |
31 |
| the alleged violations; and |
32 |
| (3) examine any record, book, document, account, or |
33 |
| paper necessary to investigate such alleged violations. |
34 |
| (d) Injunctive relief; monetary penalties. |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (1) If the Attorney General determines that there |
2 |
| exists a reasonable basis to believe that a tax-exempt |
3 |
| hospital has violated this Act, the Attorney General may |
4 |
| bring an action in the name of the People of the State |
5 |
| against such tax-exempt hospital to obtain temporary, |
6 |
| preliminary, or permanent injunctive relief for any act, |
7 |
| omission, policy, or practice by the tax-exempt hospital |
8 |
| that violates this Act. The Attorney General may seek the |
9 |
| removal and replacement of any director, officer, agent, or |
10 |
| employee of a tax-exempt hospital who has approved, |
11 |
| authorized, or acquiesced in, directly or indirectly, a |
12 |
| violation of this Act. The Attorney General may also seek |
13 |
| the assessment of one or more of the civil monetary |
14 |
| penalties provided in subdivision (d)(2) of this Section |
15 |
| 40. |
16 |
| (2)(A) A tax-exempt hospital that fails to post any |
17 |
| notice or provide any notification required under this |
18 |
| Act is subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per day for |
19 |
| each day that the required notice is not posted or |
20 |
| notification is not provided. |
21 |
| (B) A tax-exempt hospital that fails to provide |
22 |
| information to the public as required under this Act is |
23 |
| subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per violation. |
24 |
| (C) A tax-exempt hospital that violates any |
25 |
| provision of this Act other than the provisions of |
26 |
| Section 25 is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 per |
27 |
| violation and also may be ordered by a circuit court to |
28 |
| do either of the following: |
29 |
| (i) to the extent that a patient eligible for |
30 |
| charity care under this Act paid any money toward |
31 |
| the satisfaction of the hospital's charges |
32 |
| contrary to the provisions of this Act, reimburse |
33 |
| that patient for the money paid by the patient, |
34 |
| with interest; or |
35 |
| (ii) credit the account of a patient eligible |
36 |
| for charity care under this Act for any hospital |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| charges that were improperly charged to the |
2 |
| patient's account contrary to the provisions of |
3 |
| this Act.
4 |
| (D) A tax-exempt hospital that does not meet its |
5 |
| aggregate annual charity care obligation under Section |
6 |
| 25 is subject to a civil penalty equal to the amount of |
7 |
| its unpaid obligation, plus interest on that amount |
8 |
| computed at the rate provided under Section 2-1303 of |
9 |
| the Code of Civil Procedure. |
10 |
| (3) In the event a circuit court grants relief against |
11 |
| a tax-exempt hospital for a violation of this Act, the |
12 |
| Attorney General shall refer the tax-exempt hospital to the |
13 |
| Illinois Department of Revenue for possible revocation of |
14 |
| the hospital's tax-exempt status under the Illinois Income |
15 |
| Tax Act, Use Tax Act, Service Use Tax Act, Service |
16 |
| Occupation Tax Act, Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, or |
17 |
| Property Tax Code and to the Illinois Finance Authority for |
18 |
| possible action regarding the hospital's eligibility to |
19 |
| benefit form any provisions of the Illinois Finance |
20 |
| Authority Act. |
21 |
| Section 45. Limitations. Nothing in this Act shall be used |
22 |
| by any private or public third-party payor as a basis for |
23 |
| reducing the third-party payor's rates or policies. Discounts |
24 |
| authorized under this Act shall not be used by any private or |
25 |
| public third-party payer to determine a hospital's usual and |
26 |
| customary charges for any health care service. Nothing in this |
27 |
| Act shall be construed as imposing an obligation on a hospital |
28 |
| to provide, or refrain from providing, any particular service |
29 |
| or treatment to an uninsured patient. Nothing in this Act shall |
30 |
| prohibit hospitals from providing charity care to patients who |
31 |
| do not meet the qualification criteria under this Act. Nothing |
32 |
| in this Act shall be construed as imposing an obligation on a |
33 |
| hospital to file a lawsuit to collect payment on a patient's |
34 |
| bill. This Act establishes new and additional legal obligations |
35 |
| for all tax-exempt hospitals in the State of Illinois. Nothing |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| in this Act shall be construed as relieving any hospital of any |
2 |
| other legal obligation under the Illinois Constitution, or |
3 |
| under any other statute or the common law, including, without |
4 |
| limitation, obligations of tax-exempt hospitals to furnish |
5 |
| charity care or community benefits, or as reducing any such |
6 |
| obligation on the part of any hospital. No provision of this |
7 |
| Act shall derogate from the common law or statutory authority |
8 |
| of the Attorney General, nor shall any provision be construed |
9 |
| as a limitation on the common law or statutory authority of the |
10 |
| Attorney General to investigate hospitals or initiate |
11 |
| enforcement actions against them, including, without |
12 |
| limitation, the authority to investigate at any time charitable |
13 |
| trusts for the purpose of determining and ascertaining whether |
14 |
| they are being administered in accordance with Illinois law and |
15 |
| with the terms and purposes thereof. No provision of this Act |
16 |
| shall be construed as a limitation on the application of the |
17 |
| doctrine of cy pres or any other legal doctrine applicable to |
18 |
| charitable assets or charitable trusts. |
19 |
| Section 50. Home rule. A home rule unit may not regulate |
20 |
| hospitals in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this |
21 |
| Act. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of |
22 |
| Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the |
23 |
| concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions |
24 |
| exercised by the State. |
25 |
| Section 55. Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act |
26 |
| Enforcement Fund. There is hereby created the Tax-Exempt |
27 |
| Hospital Responsibility Act Enforcement Fund as a special fund |
28 |
| in the State treasury. All proceeds of an action or settlement |
29 |
| of a claim or action brought under this Act, but excluding any |
30 |
| moneys ordered paid to a patient or credited to a patient's |
31 |
| account under subdivision (d)(2)(C)(i) or (d)(2)(C)(ii) of |
32 |
| Section 40, shall be deposited in the Fund. Monies in the Fund |
33 |
| shall be allocated, subject to appropriation, to the Attorney |
34 |
| General's Office for enforcement of this Act. |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| Section 900. The Freedom of Information Act is amended by |
2 |
| changing Section 7 as follows: |
3 |
| (5 ILCS 140/7) (from Ch. 116, par. 207)
4 |
| Sec. 7. Exemptions.
5 |
| (1) The following shall be exempt from inspection and |
6 |
| copying:
7 |
| (a) Information specifically prohibited from |
8 |
| disclosure by federal or
State law or rules and regulations |
9 |
| adopted under federal or State law.
10 |
| (b) Information that, if disclosed, would constitute a |
11 |
| clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, unless |
12 |
| the disclosure is
consented to in writing by the individual |
13 |
| subjects of the information. The
disclosure of information |
14 |
| that bears on the public duties of public
employees and |
15 |
| officials shall not be considered an invasion of personal
16 |
| privacy. Information exempted under this subsection (b) |
17 |
| shall include but
is not limited to:
18 |
| (i) files and personal information maintained with |
19 |
| respect to
clients, patients, residents, students or |
20 |
| other individuals receiving
social, medical, |
21 |
| educational, vocational, financial, supervisory or
22 |
| custodial care or services directly or indirectly from |
23 |
| federal agencies
or public bodies;
24 |
| (ii) personnel files and personal information |
25 |
| maintained with
respect to employees, appointees or |
26 |
| elected officials of any public body or
applicants for |
27 |
| those positions;
28 |
| (iii) files and personal information maintained |
29 |
| with respect to any
applicant, registrant or licensee |
30 |
| by any public body cooperating with or
engaged in |
31 |
| professional or occupational registration, licensure |
32 |
| or discipline;
33 |
| (iv) information required of any taxpayer in |
34 |
| connection with the
assessment or collection of any tax |
HB5000 |
- 19 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| unless disclosure is otherwise required
by State |
2 |
| statute;
3 |
| (v) information revealing the identity of persons |
4 |
| who file complaints
with or provide information to |
5 |
| administrative, investigative, law enforcement
or |
6 |
| penal agencies; provided, however, that identification |
7 |
| of witnesses to
traffic accidents, traffic accident |
8 |
| reports, and rescue reports may be provided
by agencies |
9 |
| of local government, except in a case for which a |
10 |
| criminal
investigation is ongoing, without |
11 |
| constituting a clearly unwarranted per se
invasion of |
12 |
| personal privacy under this subsection; and
13 |
| (vi) the names, addresses, or other personal |
14 |
| information of
participants and registrants in park |
15 |
| district, forest preserve district, and
conservation |
16 |
| district programs.
17 |
| (c) Records compiled by any public body for |
18 |
| administrative enforcement
proceedings and any law |
19 |
| enforcement or correctional agency for
law enforcement |
20 |
| purposes or for internal matters of a public body,
but only |
21 |
| to the extent that disclosure would:
22 |
| (i) interfere with pending or actually and |
23 |
| reasonably contemplated
law enforcement proceedings |
24 |
| conducted by any law enforcement or correctional
25 |
| agency;
26 |
| (ii) interfere with pending administrative |
27 |
| enforcement proceedings
conducted by any public body;
28 |
| (iii) deprive a person of a fair trial or an |
29 |
| impartial hearing;
30 |
| (iv) unavoidably disclose the identity of a |
31 |
| confidential source or
confidential information |
32 |
| furnished only by the confidential source;
33 |
| (v) disclose unique or specialized investigative |
34 |
| techniques other than
those generally used and known or |
35 |
| disclose internal documents of
correctional agencies |
36 |
| related to detection, observation or investigation of
HB5000 |
- 20 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| incidents of crime or misconduct;
2 |
| (vi) constitute an invasion of personal privacy |
3 |
| under subsection (b) of
this Section;
4 |
| (vii) endanger the life or physical safety of law |
5 |
| enforcement personnel
or any other person; or
6 |
| (viii) obstruct an ongoing criminal investigation.
7 |
| (d) Criminal history record information maintained by |
8 |
| State or local
criminal justice agencies, except the |
9 |
| following which shall be open for
public inspection and |
10 |
| copying:
11 |
| (i) chronologically maintained arrest information, |
12 |
| such as traditional
arrest logs or blotters;
13 |
| (ii) the name of a person in the custody of a law |
14 |
| enforcement agency and
the charges for which that |
15 |
| person is being held;
16 |
| (iii) court records that are public;
17 |
| (iv) records that are otherwise available under |
18 |
| State or local law; or
19 |
| (v) records in which the requesting party is the |
20 |
| individual
identified, except as provided under part |
21 |
| (vii) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this |
22 |
| Section.
23 |
| "Criminal history record information" means data |
24 |
| identifiable to an
individual and consisting of |
25 |
| descriptions or notations of arrests,
detentions, |
26 |
| indictments, informations, pre-trial proceedings, trials, |
27 |
| or
other formal events in the criminal justice system or |
28 |
| descriptions or
notations of criminal charges (including |
29 |
| criminal violations of local
municipal ordinances) and the |
30 |
| nature of any disposition arising therefrom,
including |
31 |
| sentencing, court or correctional supervision, |
32 |
| rehabilitation and
release. The term does not apply to |
33 |
| statistical records and reports in
which individuals are |
34 |
| not identified and from which
their identities are not |
35 |
| ascertainable, or to information that is for
criminal |
36 |
| investigative or intelligence purposes.
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (e) Records that relate to or affect the security of |
2 |
| correctional
institutions and detention facilities.
3 |
| (f) Preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, |
4 |
| memoranda and other
records in which opinions are |
5 |
| expressed, or policies or actions are
formulated, except |
6 |
| that a specific record or relevant portion of a
record |
7 |
| shall not be exempt when the record is publicly cited
and |
8 |
| identified by the head of the public body. The exemption |
9 |
| provided in
this paragraph (f) extends to all those records |
10 |
| of officers and agencies
of the General Assembly that |
11 |
| pertain to the preparation of legislative
12 |
| (g) Trade secrets and commercial or financial |
13 |
| information obtained from
a person or business where the |
14 |
| trade secrets or information are
proprietary, privileged |
15 |
| or confidential, or where disclosure of the trade
secrets |
16 |
| or information may cause competitive harm, including: |
17 |
| (i) All
information determined to be confidential |
18 |
| under Section 4002 of the
Technology Advancement and |
19 |
| Development Act. |
20 |
| (ii) All trade secrets and commercial or financial |
21 |
| information obtained by a public body, including a |
22 |
| public pension fund, from a private equity fund or a |
23 |
| privately held company within the investment portfolio |
24 |
| of a private equity fund as a result of either |
25 |
| investing or evaluating a potential investment of |
26 |
| public funds in a private equity fund. The exemption |
27 |
| contained in this item does not apply to the aggregate |
28 |
| financial performance information of a private equity |
29 |
| fund, nor to the identity of the fund's managers or |
30 |
| general partners. The exemption contained in this item |
31 |
| does not apply to the identity of a privately held |
32 |
| company within the investment portfolio of a private |
33 |
| equity fund, unless the disclosure of the identity of a |
34 |
| privately held company may cause competitive harm.
35 |
| Nothing contained in this
paragraph (g) shall be construed |
36 |
| to prevent a person or business from
consenting to disclosure.
HB5000 |
- 22 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (h) Proposals and bids for any contract, grant, or |
2 |
| agreement, including
information which if it were |
3 |
| disclosed would frustrate procurement or give
an advantage |
4 |
| to any person proposing to enter into a contractor |
5 |
| agreement
with the body, until an award or final selection |
6 |
| is made. Information
prepared by or for the body in |
7 |
| preparation of a bid solicitation shall be
exempt until an |
8 |
| award or final selection is made.
9 |
| (i) Valuable formulae,
computer geographic systems,
10 |
| designs, drawings and research data obtained or
produced by |
11 |
| any public body when disclosure could reasonably be |
12 |
| expected to
produce private gain or public loss.
The |
13 |
| exemption for "computer geographic systems" provided in |
14 |
| this paragraph
(i) does not extend to requests made by news |
15 |
| media as defined in Section 2 of
this Act when the |
16 |
| requested information is not otherwise exempt and the only
17 |
| purpose of the request is to access and disseminate |
18 |
| information regarding the
health, safety, welfare, or |
19 |
| legal rights of the general public.
20 |
| (j) Test questions, scoring keys and other examination |
21 |
| data used to
administer an academic examination or |
22 |
| determined the qualifications of an
applicant for a license |
23 |
| or employment.
24 |
| (k) Architects' plans, engineers' technical |
25 |
| submissions, and
construction related technical |
26 |
| documents for
projects not constructed or developed in |
27 |
| whole or in part with public funds
and the same for |
28 |
| projects constructed or developed with public funds, but
29 |
| only to the extent
that disclosure would compromise |
30 |
| security, including but not limited to water
treatment |
31 |
| facilities, airport facilities, sport stadiums, convention |
32 |
| centers,
and all government owned, operated, or occupied |
33 |
| buildings.
34 |
| (l) Library circulation and order records identifying |
35 |
| library users with
specific materials.
36 |
| (m) Minutes of meetings of public bodies closed to the
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| public as provided in the Open Meetings Act until the |
2 |
| public body
makes the minutes available to the public under |
3 |
| Section 2.06 of the Open
Meetings Act.
4 |
| (n) Communications between a public body and an |
5 |
| attorney or auditor
representing the public body that would |
6 |
| not be subject to discovery in
litigation, and materials |
7 |
| prepared or compiled by or for a public body in
8 |
| anticipation of a criminal, civil or administrative |
9 |
| proceeding upon the
request of an attorney advising the |
10 |
| public body, and materials prepared or
compiled with |
11 |
| respect to internal audits of public bodies.
12 |
| (o) Information received by a primary or secondary |
13 |
| school, college or
university under its procedures for the |
14 |
| evaluation of faculty members by
their academic peers.
15 |
| (p) Administrative or technical information associated |
16 |
| with automated
data processing operations, including but |
17 |
| not limited to software,
operating protocols, computer |
18 |
| program abstracts, file layouts, source
listings, object |
19 |
| modules, load modules, user guides, documentation
20 |
| pertaining to all logical and physical design of |
21 |
| computerized systems,
employee manuals, and any other |
22 |
| information that, if disclosed, would
jeopardize the |
23 |
| security of the system or its data or the security of
24 |
| materials exempt under this Section.
25 |
| (q) Documents or materials relating to collective |
26 |
| negotiating matters
between public bodies and their |
27 |
| employees or representatives, except that
any final |
28 |
| contract or agreement shall be subject to inspection and |
29 |
| copying.
30 |
| (r) Drafts, notes, recommendations and memoranda |
31 |
| pertaining to the
financing and marketing transactions of |
32 |
| the public body. The records of
ownership, registration, |
33 |
| transfer, and exchange of municipal debt
obligations, and |
34 |
| of persons to whom payment with respect to these |
35 |
| obligations
is made.
36 |
| (s) The records, documents and information relating to |
HB5000 |
- 24 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| real estate
purchase negotiations until those negotiations |
2 |
| have been completed or
otherwise terminated. With regard to |
3 |
| a parcel involved in a pending or
actually and reasonably |
4 |
| contemplated eminent domain proceeding under
Article VII |
5 |
| of the Code of Civil Procedure, records, documents and
6 |
| information relating to that parcel shall be exempt except |
7 |
| as may be
allowed under discovery rules adopted by the |
8 |
| Illinois Supreme Court. The
records, documents and |
9 |
| information relating to a real estate sale shall be
exempt |
10 |
| until a sale is consummated.
11 |
| (t) Any and all proprietary information and records |
12 |
| related to the
operation of an intergovernmental risk |
13 |
| management association or
self-insurance pool or jointly |
14 |
| self-administered health and accident
cooperative or pool.
15 |
| (u) Information concerning a university's adjudication |
16 |
| of student or
employee grievance or disciplinary cases, to |
17 |
| the extent that disclosure
would reveal the identity of the |
18 |
| student or employee and information
concerning any public |
19 |
| body's adjudication of student or employee grievances
or |
20 |
| disciplinary cases, except for the final outcome of the |
21 |
| cases.
22 |
| (v) Course materials or research materials used by |
23 |
| faculty members.
24 |
| (w) Information related solely to the internal |
25 |
| personnel rules and
practices of a public body.
26 |
| (x) Information contained in or related to |
27 |
| examination, operating, or
condition reports prepared by, |
28 |
| on behalf of, or for the use of a public
body responsible |
29 |
| for the regulation or supervision of financial
30 |
| institutions or insurance companies, unless disclosure is |
31 |
| otherwise
required by State law.
32 |
| (y) Information the disclosure of which is restricted |
33 |
| under Section
5-108 of the Public Utilities Act.
34 |
| (z) Manuals or instruction to staff that relate to |
35 |
| establishment or
collection of liability for any State tax |
36 |
| or that relate to investigations
by a public body to |
HB5000 |
- 25 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| determine violation of any criminal law.
2 |
| (aa) Applications, related documents, and medical |
3 |
| records received by
the Experimental Organ Transplantation |
4 |
| Procedures Board and any and all
documents or other records |
5 |
| prepared by the Experimental Organ
Transplantation |
6 |
| Procedures Board or its staff relating to applications
it |
7 |
| has received.
8 |
| (bb) Insurance or self insurance (including any |
9 |
| intergovernmental risk
management association or self |
10 |
| insurance pool) claims, loss or risk
management |
11 |
| information, records, data, advice or communications.
12 |
| (cc) Information and records held by the Department of |
13 |
| Public Health and
its authorized representatives relating |
14 |
| to known or suspected cases of
sexually transmissible |
15 |
| disease or any information the disclosure of which
is |
16 |
| restricted under the Illinois Sexually Transmissible |
17 |
| Disease Control Act.
18 |
| (dd) Information the disclosure of which is exempted |
19 |
| under Section 30
of the Radon Industry Licensing Act.
20 |
| (ee) Firm performance evaluations under Section 55 of |
21 |
| the
Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying |
22 |
| Qualifications Based
Selection Act.
23 |
| (ff) Security portions of system safety program plans, |
24 |
| investigation
reports, surveys, schedules, lists, data, or |
25 |
| information compiled, collected,
or prepared by or for the |
26 |
| Regional Transportation Authority under Section 2.11
of |
27 |
| the Regional Transportation Authority Act or the St. Clair |
28 |
| County Transit
District under the
Bi-State Transit Safety |
29 |
| Act.
30 |
| (gg) Information the disclosure of which is restricted |
31 |
| and
exempted under Section 50 of the Illinois Prepaid |
32 |
| Tuition Act.
33 |
| (hh) Information the disclosure of which is
exempted |
34 |
| under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act.
35 |
| (ii) Beginning July 1, 1999, information that would |
36 |
| disclose
or might lead to the disclosure of
secret or |
HB5000 |
- 26 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| confidential information, codes, algorithms, programs, or |
2 |
| private
keys intended to be used to create electronic or |
3 |
| digital signatures under the
Electronic Commerce Security |
4 |
| Act.
5 |
| (jj) Information contained in a local emergency energy |
6 |
| plan submitted to
a municipality in accordance with a local |
7 |
| emergency energy plan ordinance that
is adopted under |
8 |
| Section 11-21.5-5 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
9 |
| (kk) Information and data concerning the distribution |
10 |
| of
surcharge moneys collected and remitted by wireless |
11 |
| carriers under the Wireless
Emergency Telephone Safety |
12 |
| Act.
13 |
| (ll) Vulnerability assessments, security measures, and |
14 |
| response policies
or plans that are designed to identify, |
15 |
| prevent, or respond to potential
attacks upon a community's |
16 |
| population or systems, facilities, or installations,
the |
17 |
| destruction or contamination of which would constitute a |
18 |
| clear and present
danger to the health or safety of the |
19 |
| community, but only to the extent that
disclosure could |
20 |
| reasonably be expected to jeopardize the effectiveness of |
21 |
| the
measures or the safety of the personnel who implement |
22 |
| them or the public.
Information exempt under this item may |
23 |
| include such things as details
pertaining to the |
24 |
| mobilization or deployment of personnel or equipment, to |
25 |
| the
operation of communication systems or protocols, or to |
26 |
| tactical operations.
27 |
| (mm) Maps and other records regarding the location or |
28 |
| security of a
utility's generation, transmission, |
29 |
| distribution, storage, gathering,
treatment, or switching |
30 |
| facilities.
31 |
| (nn) Law enforcement officer identification |
32 |
| information or
information compiled |
33 |
| by a law enforcement agency or the Department of
34 |
| Transportation
under Section 11-212 of the Illinois |
35 |
| Vehicle Code.
36 |
| (oo) Records and information provided to a residential
HB5000 |
- 27 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| health care
facility resident sexual assault
and death |
2 |
| review team or the Residential Health Care Facility |
3 |
| Resident Sexual
Assault and Death Review Teams Executive |
4 |
| Council under the Residential Health
Care Facility |
5 |
| Resident Sexual Assault and Death Review Team Act.
6 |
| (pp) Information provided to the predatory lending |
7 |
| database created pursuant to Article 3 of the Residential |
8 |
| Real Property Disclosure Act, except to the extent |
9 |
| authorized under that Article.
10 |
| (qq)
(pp) Defense budgets and petitions for |
11 |
| certification of compensation and expenses for court |
12 |
| appointed trial counsel as provided under Sections 10 and |
13 |
| 15 of the Capital Crimes Litigation Act. This subsection |
14 |
| (qq)
(pp) shall apply until the conclusion of the trial and |
15 |
| appeal of the case, even if the prosecution chooses not to |
16 |
| pursue the death penalty prior to trial or sentencing.
17 |
| (rr) Records of charity care applications and |
18 |
| determinations under the Tax-Exempt Hospital |
19 |
| Responsibility Act.
20 |
| (2) This Section does not authorize withholding of |
21 |
| information or limit the
availability of records to the public, |
22 |
| except as stated in this Section or
otherwise provided in this |
23 |
| Act.
24 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-43, eff. 7-1-03; 93-209, eff. 7-18-03; 93-237, |
25 |
| eff. 7-22-03; 93-325, eff. 7-23-03, 93-422, eff. 8-5-03; |
26 |
| 93-577, eff. 8-21-03; 93-617, eff. 12-9-03; 94-280, eff. |
27 |
| 1-1-06; 94-508, eff. 1-1-06; 94-664, eff. 1-1-06; revised |
28 |
| 8-29-05.)
29 |
| Section 902. The Illinois Finance Authority Act is amended |
30 |
| by changing Section 801-40 as follows:
31 |
| (20 ILCS 3501/801-40)
32 |
| Sec. 801-40. In addition to the powers otherwise authorized |
33 |
| by law and in
addition to the foregoing general corporate |
34 |
| powers, the Authority shall also
have the following additional |
HB5000 |
- 28 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| specific powers to be exercised in furtherance of
the purposes |
2 |
| of this Act.
3 |
| (a) The Authority shall have power (i) to accept grants, |
4 |
| loans or
appropriations from the federal government or the |
5 |
| State, or any agency or
instrumentality thereof, to be used for |
6 |
| the operating expenses of the
or for any purposes of |
7 |
| the Authority, including the making of direct loans of
such |
8 |
| funds with respect to projects, and (ii) to enter into any |
9 |
| agreement with
the federal government or the State, or any |
10 |
| agency or instrumentality thereof,
in relationship to such |
11 |
| grants, loans or appropriations.
12 |
| (b) The Authority shall have power to procure and enter |
13 |
| into contracts for
type of insurance and indemnity |
14 |
| agreements covering loss or damage to property
from any cause, |
15 |
| including loss of use and occupancy, or covering any other
16 |
| insurable risk.
17 |
| (c) The Authority shall have the continuing power to issue |
18 |
| bonds for its
corporate purposes. Bonds may be issued by the |
19 |
| Authority in one or more series
and may provide for the payment |
20 |
| of any interest deemed necessary on such bonds,
of the costs of |
21 |
| issuance of such bonds, of any premium on any insurance, or of
22 |
| the cost of any guarantees, letters of credit or other similar |
23 |
| documents, may
provide for the funding of the reserves deemed |
24 |
| necessary in connection with
such bonds, and may provide for |
25 |
| the refunding or advance refunding of any bonds
for accounts |
26 |
| deemed necessary in connection with any purpose of the |
27 |
| Authority.
The bonds may bear interest payable at any time or |
28 |
| times and at any rate or
rates, notwithstanding any other |
29 |
| provision of law to the contrary, and such
rate or rates may be |
30 |
| established by an index or formula which may be
implemented or
31 |
| established by persons appointed or retained therefor by the |
32 |
| Authority, or may
bear no interest or may bear interest payable |
33 |
| at maturity or upon redemption
prior to maturity, may bear such |
34 |
| date or dates, may be payable at such time or
times and at such |
35 |
| place or places, may mature at any time or times not later
than |
36 |
| 40 years from the date of issuance, may be sold at public or |
HB5000 |
- 29 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| private sale
at such time or times and at such price or prices, |
2 |
| may be secured by such
pledges, reserves, guarantees, letters |
3 |
| of credit, insurance contracts or other
similar credit support |
4 |
| or liquidity instruments, may be executed in such
manner, may |
5 |
| be subject to redemption prior to maturity, may provide for the
6 |
| registration of the bonds, and may be subject to such other |
7 |
| terms and
conditions all as may
be provided by the resolution |
8 |
| or indenture authorizing the issuance of such
bonds. The holder |
9 |
| or holders of any bonds issued by the Authority may bring
suits |
10 |
| at law or proceedings in equity to compel the performance and |
11 |
| observance
by any person or by the Authority or any of its |
12 |
| agents or employees of any
contract or covenant made with the |
13 |
| holders of such bonds and to compel such
person or the |
14 |
| Authority and any of its agents or employees to perform any
15 |
| duties
required to be performed for the benefit of the holders |
16 |
| of any such bonds by
the provision of the resolution |
17 |
| authorizing their issuance, and to enjoin such
person or the |
18 |
| Authority and any of its agents or employees from taking any
19 |
| action in conflict with any such contract or covenant.
20 |
| Notwithstanding the form and tenor of any such bonds and in the |
21 |
| absence of any
express recital on the face thereof that it is |
22 |
| non-negotiable, all such bonds
shall be negotiable |
23 |
| instruments. Pending the preparation and execution of any
such |
24 |
| bonds, temporary bonds may be issued as provided by the |
25 |
| resolution.
The bonds shall be sold by the Authority in such |
26 |
| manner as it shall determine.
The bonds may be secured as |
27 |
| provided in the authorizing resolution by the
receipts, |
28 |
| revenues, income and other available funds of the Authority and |
29 |
| by
any amounts derived by the Authority from the loan agreement |
30 |
| or lease agreement
with respect to the project or projects; and |
31 |
| bonds may be issued as general
obligations of the Authority |
32 |
| payable from such revenues, funds and obligations
of the |
33 |
| Authority as the bond resolution shall provide, or may be |
34 |
| issued as
limited obligations with a claim for payment solely |
35 |
| from such revenues, funds
and obligations as the bond |
36 |
| resolution shall provide. The Authority may grant a
specific |
HB5000 |
- 30 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| pledge or assignment of and lien on or security interest in |
2 |
| such
rights, revenues, income, or amounts and may grant a |
3 |
| specific pledge or
assignment of and lien on or security |
4 |
| interest in any reserves, funds or
accounts established in the |
5 |
| resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds. Any
such pledge, |
6 |
| assignment, lien or security interest for the benefit of the
7 |
| holders of the Authority's bonds shall be valid and binding |
8 |
| from the time the
bonds are issued without any physical |
9 |
| delivery or further act, and shall be
valid and binding as |
10 |
| against and prior to the claims of all other parties
having |
11 |
| claims against the Authority or any other person irrespective |
12 |
| of whether
other parties have notice of the pledge, |
13 |
| assignment, lien or security interest.
As evidence of such |
14 |
| pledge, assignment, lien and security interest, the
Authority |
15 |
| may execute and deliver a mortgage, trust agreement, indenture |
16 |
| or
security agreement or an assignment thereof.
A remedy for |
17 |
| any breach or default of the terms of any such agreement by the
18 |
| Authority may be by mandamus proceedings in any court of |
19 |
| competent jurisdiction
to compel the performance and |
20 |
| compliance therewith, but the agreement may
prescribe by whom |
21 |
| or on whose behalf such action may be instituted.
It is |
22 |
| expressly understood that the Authority may, but need not, |
23 |
| acquire title
to any project with respect to which it exercises |
24 |
| its authority.
25 |
| (d) With respect to the powers granted by this Act, the |
26 |
| Authority may adopt
rules and regulations prescribing the |
27 |
| procedures by which persons may apply for
assistance under this |
28 |
| Act. Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the
Authority, |
29 |
| prior to the filing of any formal application, from conducting
30 |
| preliminary discussions and investigations with respect to the |
31 |
| subject matter
of any prospective application.
32 |
| (e) The Authority shall have power to acquire by purchase, |
33 |
| lease, gift or
otherwise any property or rights therein from |
34 |
| any person useful for its
purposes, whether improved for the |
35 |
| purposes of any prospective project, or
unimproved. The |
36 |
| Authority may also accept any donation of funds for its
HB5000 |
- 31 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| purposes from any such source. The Authority shall have no |
2 |
| independent power of
condemnation but may acquire any property |
3 |
| or rights therein obtained upon
condemnation by any other |
4 |
| authority, governmental entity or unit of local
government with |
5 |
| such power.
6 |
| (f) The Authority shall have power to develop, construct |
7 |
| and improve either
under its own direction, or through |
8 |
| collaboration with any approved applicant,
or to acquire |
9 |
| through purchase or otherwise, any project, using for such
10 |
| purpose the proceeds derived from the sale of its bonds or from |
11 |
| governmental
loans or
grants, and to hold title in the name of |
12 |
| the Authority to such projects.
13 |
| (g) The Authority shall have power to lease pursuant to a |
14 |
| lease agreement
project so developed and constructed or |
15 |
| acquired to the approved tenant on such
terms and conditions as |
16 |
| may be appropriate to further the purposes of this Act
and to |
17 |
| maintain the credit of the Authority. Any such lease may |
18 |
| provide for
either the Authority or the approved tenant to |
19 |
| assume initially, in whole or in
part, the costs of |
20 |
| maintenance, repair and improvements during the leasehold
21 |
| period. In no case, however, shall the total rentals from any |
22 |
| project during
any initial leasehold period or the total loan |
23 |
| repayments to be made pursuant
to any loan agreement, be less |
24 |
| than an amount necessary to return over such
or loan |
25 |
| period (1) all costs incurred in connection with the |
26 |
| development,
construction, acquisition or improvement of the |
27 |
| project and for repair,
maintenance and improvements thereto |
28 |
| during the period of the lease or loan;
provided, however, that |
29 |
| the rentals or loan repayments need not include costs
met |
30 |
| through the use of funds other than those obtained by the |
31 |
| Authority through
the issuance of its bonds or governmental |
32 |
| loans; (2) a reasonable percentage
additive to be agreed upon |
33 |
| by the Authority and the borrower or tenant to cover
a properly |
34 |
| allocable portion of the Authority's general expenses, |
35 |
| including,
but not limited to, administrative expenses, |
36 |
| salaries and general insurance,
(3) an amount sufficient to |
HB5000 |
- 32 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| pay when due all principal of, interest and
premium, if
any on, |
2 |
| any bonds issued by the Authority with respect to the project. |
3 |
| The
portion of total rentals payable under clause (3) of this |
4 |
| subsection (g) shall
be deposited in such special accounts, |
5 |
| including all sinking funds, acquisition
or construction |
6 |
| funds, debt service and other funds as provided by any
7 |
| resolution, mortgage or trust agreement of the Authority |
8 |
| pursuant to which any
bond is issued.
9 |
| (h) The Authority has the power, upon the termination of |
10 |
| any leasehold
of any project, to sell or lease for a |
11 |
| further term or terms such project on
such terms and conditions |
12 |
| as the Authority shall deem reasonable and consistent
with the |
13 |
| purposes of the Act. The net proceeds from all such sales and |
14 |
| the
revenues or income from such leases shall be used to |
15 |
| satisfy any indebtedness
the Authority with respect to such |
16 |
| project and any balance may be used to pay
any expenses of the |
17 |
| Authority or be used for the further development,
construction, |
18 |
| acquisition or improvement of projects.
In the event any |
19 |
| project is vacated by a tenant prior to the termination of the
20 |
| initial leasehold period, the Authority shall sell or lease the |
21 |
| facilities of
the project on the most advantageous terms |
22 |
| available. The net proceeds of any
such disposition shall be |
23 |
| treated in the same manner as the proceeds from sales
or the |
24 |
| revenues or income from leases subsequent to the termination of |
25 |
| any
initial leasehold period.
26 |
| (i) The Authority shall have the power to make loans to |
27 |
| persons to finance a
project, to enter into loan agreements |
28 |
| with respect thereto, and to accept
guarantees from persons of |
29 |
| its loans or the resultant evidences of obligations
of the |
30 |
| Authority.
31 |
| (j) The Authority may fix, determine, charge and collect |
32 |
| any premiums, fees,
charges, costs and expenses, including, |
33 |
| without limitation, any application
fees, commitment fees, |
34 |
| program fees, financing charges or publication fees from
any |
35 |
| person in connection with its activities under this Act.
36 |
| (k) In addition to the funds established as provided |
HB5000 |
- 33 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| herein, the Authority
shall have the power to create and |
2 |
| establish such reserve funds and accounts as
may be necessary |
3 |
| or desirable to accomplish its purposes under this Act and to
4 |
| deposit its available monies into the funds and accounts.
5 |
| (l) At the request of the governing body of any unit of |
6 |
| local government,
Authority is authorized to market such |
7 |
| local government's revenue bond
offerings by preparing bond |
8 |
| issues for sale, advertising for sealed bids,
receiving bids
at |
9 |
| its offices, making the award to the bidder that offers the |
10 |
| most favorable
terms or arranging for negotiated placements or |
11 |
| underwritings of such
securities. The Authority may, at its |
12 |
| discretion, offer for concurrent sale the
revenue bonds of |
13 |
| several local governments. Sales by the Authority of revenue
14 |
| bonds under this Section shall in no way imply State guarantee |
15 |
| of such debt
issue. The Authority may require such financial |
16 |
| information from participating
local governments as it deems |
17 |
| necessary in order to carry out the purposes of
this subsection |
18 |
| (1).
19 |
| (m) The Authority may make grants to any county to which |
20 |
| Division 5-37 of
Counties Code is applicable to assist in |
21 |
| the financing of capital development,
construction and |
22 |
| renovation of new or existing facilities for hospitals and
23 |
| health care facilities under that Act. Such grants may only be |
24 |
| made from funds
appropriated for such purposes from the Build |
25 |
| Illinois Bond Fund.
26 |
| (n) The Authority may establish an urban development action |
27 |
| grant program
the purpose of assisting municipalities in |
28 |
| Illinois which are experiencing
severe economic distress to |
29 |
| help stimulate economic development activities
needed to aid in |
30 |
| economic recovery. The Authority shall determine the types of
31 |
| activities and projects for which the urban development action |
32 |
| grants may be
used, provided that such projects and activities |
33 |
| are broadly defined to include
all reasonable projects and |
34 |
| activities the primary objectives of which are the
development |
35 |
| of viable urban communities, including decent housing and a
36 |
| suitable living environment, and expansion of economic |
HB5000 |
- 34 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| opportunity, principally
persons of low and moderate |
2 |
| incomes. The Authority shall enter into grant
agreements from |
3 |
| monies appropriated for such purposes from the Build Illinois
4 |
| Bond Fund. The Authority shall monitor the
use of the grants, |
5 |
| and shall provide for audits of the funds as well as
recovery |
6 |
| by the Authority of any funds determined to have been spent in
7 |
| violation of this
subsection (n) or any rule or regulation |
8 |
| promulgated hereunder. The Authority
shall provide technical |
9 |
| assistance with regard to the effective use of the
urban |
10 |
| development action grants. The Authority shall file an annual |
11 |
| report to
General Assembly concerning the progress of the |
12 |
| grant program.
13 |
| (o) The Authority may establish a Housing Partnership |
14 |
| Program whereby the
Authority provides zero-interest loans to |
15 |
| municipalities for the purpose of
assisting in the financing of |
16 |
| projects for the rehabilitation of affordable
multi-family |
17 |
| housing for low and moderate income residents. The Authority |
18 |
| may
provide such loans only upon a municipality's providing |
19 |
| evidence that it has
obtained private funding for the |
20 |
| rehabilitation project. The Authority shall
provide 3 State |
21 |
| dollars for every 7 dollars obtained by the municipality from
22 |
| sources other than the State of Illinois. The loans shall be |
23 |
| made from monies
appropriated for such purpose from the Build |
24 |
| Illinois Bond Fund. The total amount of loans available under |
25 |
| the Housing
Partnership Program shall not exceed $30,000,000. |
26 |
| State loan monies under this
subsection shall be used only for |
27 |
| the acquisition and rehabilitation of
buildings |
28 |
| containing 4 or more dwelling units. The terms of any loan made |
29 |
| by
the municipality under this subsection shall require |
30 |
| repayment of the loan to
the municipality upon any sale or |
31 |
| other transfer of the project.
32 |
| (p) The Authority may award grants to universities and |
33 |
| research
research consortiums and other |
34 |
| not-for-profit entities for the purposes of:
remodeling or |
35 |
| otherwise physically altering existing laboratory or research
36 |
| facilities, expansion or physical additions to existing |
HB5000 |
- 35 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| laboratory or research
facilities, construction of new |
2 |
| laboratory or research facilities or
acquisition of modern |
3 |
| equipment to support laboratory or research operations
4 |
| provided that
such grants (i) be used solely in support of |
5 |
| project and equipment acquisitions
which enhance technology |
6 |
| transfer, and (ii) not constitute more than 60 percent
of the |
7 |
| total project or acquisition cost.
8 |
| (q) Grants may be awarded by the Authority to units of |
9 |
| local government for
purpose of developing the appropriate |
10 |
| infrastructure or defraying other costs
the local government |
11 |
| in support of laboratory or research facilities provided
that |
12 |
| such grants may not exceed 40% of the cost to the unit of local
13 |
| government.
14 |
| (r) The Authority may establish a Direct Loan Program to |
15 |
| make loans to
individuals, partnerships or corporations for the |
16 |
| purpose of an industrial
project, as defined in
Section 801-10 |
17 |
| of this Act. For the purposes of such program
and not by way of |
18 |
| limitation on any other program of the Authority, the
Authority |
19 |
| shall have the power to issue bonds, notes, or other evidences |
20 |
| of
indebtedness including commercial paper for purposes of |
21 |
| providing a fund of
capital from which it may make such loans. |
22 |
| The Authority shall have the power
to use any appropriations |
23 |
| from the State made especially for the Authority's
Direct Loan |
24 |
| Program for additional capital to make such loans or for the
25 |
| purposes of reserve funds or pledged funds which secure the |
26 |
| Authority's
obligations of repayment of any bond, note or other |
27 |
| form of indebtedness
established for the purpose of providing |
28 |
| capital for which it intends to make
such loans under the |
29 |
| Direct Loan Program. For the purpose of obtaining such
capital, |
30 |
| the Authority may also enter into agreements with financial
31 |
| institutions and other persons for the purpose of selling loans |
32 |
| and developing
a secondary market for such loans.
Loans made |
33 |
| under the Direct Loan Program may be in an amount not to exceed
34 |
| $300,000 and shall be made for a portion of an industrial |
35 |
| project which does
not exceed 50% of the total project. No loan |
36 |
| may be made by the Authority
approved by the affirmative |
HB5000 |
- 36 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| vote of at least 8 members of the board. The
Authority shall |
2 |
| establish procedures and publish rules which shall provide for
3 |
| the submission, review, and analysis of each direct loan |
4 |
| application and which
shall preserve the ability of each board |
5 |
| member to reach an individual business
judgment regarding the |
6 |
| propriety of making each direct loan. The collective
discretion |
7 |
| of the board to approve or disapprove each loan shall be
8 |
| unencumbered.
The Authority may establish and collect such fees |
9 |
| and charges, determine and
enforce such terms and conditions, |
10 |
| and charge such interest rates as it
determines to be necessary |
11 |
| and appropriate to the successful administration of
the Direct |
12 |
| Loan Program. The Authority may require such interests in |
13 |
| collateral
and such guarantees as it determines are necessary |
14 |
| to project the Authority's
interest in the repayment of the |
15 |
| principal and interest of each loan made under
the Direct Loan |
16 |
| Program.
17 |
| (s) The Authority may guarantee private loans to third |
18 |
| parties up to a
specified dollar amount in order to promote |
19 |
| economic development in this State.
20 |
| (t) The Authority may adopt rules and regulations as may be |
21 |
| necessary or
advisable to implement the powers conferred by |
22 |
| this Act.
23 |
| (u) The Authority shall have the power to issue bonds, |
24 |
| notes or other
of indebtedness, which may be used to |
25 |
| make loans to units of local government
which are authorized to |
26 |
| enter into loan agreements and other documents and to
issue |
27 |
| bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness for the |
28 |
| purpose of
financing the protection of storm sewer outfalls, |
29 |
| the construction of adequate
storm sewer outfalls, and the |
30 |
| provision for flood protection of sanitary sewage
treatment |
31 |
| plans, in counties that have established a stormwater |
32 |
| management
planning committee in accordance with
Section |
33 |
| 5-1062 of the Counties Code. Any
such loan shall be made by the |
34 |
| Authority pursuant to the provisions of
820-5 to 820-60 |
35 |
| of this Act. The unit of local government shall pay back to the
36 |
| Authority the principal amount of the loan, plus annual |
HB5000 |
- 37 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| interest as determined
by the Authority. The Authority shall |
2 |
| have the power, subject to appropriations
by the General |
3 |
| Assembly, to subsidize or buy down a portion of the interest on
4 |
| such loans, up to 4% per annum.
5 |
| (v) The Authority may accept security interests as provided |
6 |
| in
Sections 11-3
and 11-3.3 of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
7 |
| (w) Moral Obligation. In the event that the Authority |
8 |
| determines that monies
of the Authority will not be sufficient |
9 |
| for the payment of the principal of and
interest on its bonds |
10 |
| during the next State fiscal year, the Chairperson, as
soon as |
11 |
| practicable, shall certify to the Governor the amount required |
12 |
| by the
Authority to enable it to pay such principal of and |
13 |
| interest on the bonds. The
Governor shall submit the amount so |
14 |
| certified to the General Assembly as soon
practicable, but |
15 |
| no later than the end of the current State fiscal year. This
16 |
| subsection shall apply only to any bonds or notes as to which |
17 |
| the Authority
shall have determined, in the resolution |
18 |
| authorizing the issuance of the bonds
or notes, that this |
19 |
| subsection shall apply. Whenever the Authority makes such a
20 |
| determination, that fact shall be plainly stated on the face of |
21 |
| the bonds or
notes and that fact shall also be reported to the |
22 |
| Governor. In the event of a
withdrawal of moneys from a reserve |
23 |
| fund established with respect to any issue
or issues of bonds |
24 |
| of the Authority to pay principal or interest on those
25 |
| the Chairperson of the Authority, as soon as practicable, shall |
26 |
| certify to the
Governor the amount required to restore the |
27 |
| reserve fund to the level required
in the resolution or |
28 |
| indenture securing those bonds. The Governor shall submit
the |
29 |
| amount so certified to the General Assembly as soon as |
30 |
| practicable, but no
later than the end of the current State |
31 |
| fiscal year. The Authority shall obtain
written approval from |
32 |
| the Governor for any bonds and notes to be issued under
this |
33 |
| Section.
In addition to any other bonds authorized to be issued |
34 |
| under
Sections 825-60, 825-65(e), 830-25 and 845-5, the |
35 |
| principal amount of Authority
bonds outstanding
issued under |
36 |
| this
Section 801-40(w) or under 20 ILCS 3850/1-80 or 30 ILCS |
HB5000 |
- 38 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| 360/2-6(c), which have
assumed by the Authority, shall not |
2 |
| exceed $150,000,000.
3 |
| (x) No power of the Authority set forth in this Section |
4 |
| shall be exercised for the benefit of any hospital as defined |
5 |
| in the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act if that hospital |
6 |
| is not in compliance with that Act.
7 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-205, eff. 1-1-04; 94-91, eff. 7-1-05.)
8 |
| Section 903. The State Finance Act is amended by adding |
9 |
| Section 5.665 as follows: |
10 |
| (30 ILCS 105/5.665 new)
11 |
| Sec. 5.665. The Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act |
12 |
| Enforcement Fund.
13 |
| Section 905. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by |
14 |
| changing Section 205 as follows:
15 |
| (35 ILCS 5/205) (from Ch. 120, par. 2-205)
16 |
| Sec. 205. Exempt organizations.
17 |
| (a) Charitable, etc. organizations. The base income of an
18 |
| organization which is exempt from the federal income tax by |
19 |
| reason of
Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not |
20 |
| be determined
under section 203 of this Act, but shall be its |
21 |
| unrelated business
taxable income as determined under section |
22 |
| 512 of the Internal Revenue
Code, without any deduction for the |
23 |
| tax imposed by this Act. The
standard exemption provided by |
24 |
| section 204 of this Act shall not be
allowed in determining the |
25 |
| net income of an organization to which this
subsection applies. |
26 |
| A hospital as defined in the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility |
27 |
| Act may qualify for the exemption under this subsection only if |
28 |
| it is in compliance with that Act.
29 |
| (b) Partnerships. A partnership as such shall not be |
30 |
| subject to
the tax imposed by subsection 201 (a) and (b) of |
31 |
| this Act, but shall be
subject to the replacement tax imposed |
32 |
| by subsection 201 (c) and (d) of
this Act and shall compute its |
HB5000 |
- 39 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| base income as described in subsection (d)
of Section 203 of |
2 |
| this Act. For taxable years ending on or after December 31, |
3 |
| 2004, an investment partnership, as defined in Section |
4 |
| 1501(a)(11.5) of this Act, shall not be subject to the tax |
5 |
| imposed by subsections (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act.
6 |
| A partnership shall file such returns and other
information at |
7 |
| such
time and in such manner as may be required under Article 5 |
8 |
| of this Act.
The partners in a partnership shall be liable for |
9 |
| the replacement tax imposed
by subsection 201 (c) and (d) of |
10 |
| this Act on such partnership, to the extent
such tax is not |
11 |
| paid by the partnership, as provided under the laws of Illinois
12 |
| governing the liability of partners for the obligations of a |
13 |
| partnership.
Persons carrying on business as partners shall be |
14 |
| liable for the tax
imposed by subsection 201 (a) and (b) of |
15 |
| this Act only in their separate
or individual capacities.
16 |
| (c) Subchapter S corporations. A Subchapter S corporation |
17 |
| shall not
be subject to the tax imposed by subsection 201 (a) |
18 |
| and
(b) of this Act but shall be subject to the replacement tax |
19 |
| imposed by subsection
201 (c) and (d) of this Act and shall |
20 |
| file such returns
and other information
at such time and in |
21 |
| such manner as may be required under Article 5 of this Act.
22 |
| (d) Combat zone death. An individual relieved from the |
23 |
| federal
income tax for any taxable year by reason of section |
24 |
| 692 of the Internal
Revenue Code shall not be subject to the |
25 |
| tax imposed by this Act for
such taxable year.
26 |
| (e) Certain trusts. A common trust fund described in |
27 |
| Section 584
of the Internal Revenue Code, and any other trust |
28 |
| to the extent that the
grantor is treated as the owner thereof |
29 |
| under sections 671 through 678
of the Internal Revenue Code |
30 |
| shall not be subject to the tax imposed by
this Act.
31 |
| (f) Certain business activities. A person not otherwise |
32 |
| subject to the tax
imposed by this Act shall not become subject |
33 |
| to the tax imposed by this Act by
reason of:
34 |
| (1) that person's ownership of tangible personal |
35 |
| property located at the
premises of
a printer in this State |
36 |
| with which the person has contracted for printing, or
HB5000 |
- 40 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (2) activities of the person's employees or agents |
2 |
| located solely at the
premises of a printer and related to |
3 |
| quality control, distribution, or printing
services |
4 |
| performed by a printer in the State with which the person |
5 |
| has
contracted for printing.
6 |
| (g) A nonprofit risk organization that holds a certificate |
7 |
| of authority under Article VIID of the Illinois Insurance Code |
8 |
| is exempt from the tax imposed under this Act with respect to |
9 |
| its activities or operations in furtherance of the powers |
10 |
| conferred upon it under that Article VIID of the Illinois |
11 |
| Insurance Code.
12 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-840, eff. 7-30-04; 93-918, eff. 1-1-05; |
13 |
| revised 10-25-04.)
14 |
| Section 910. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing Section |
15 |
| 3-5 as follows:
16 |
| (35 ILCS 105/3-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-5)
17 |
| Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible |
18 |
| personal property
is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
19 |
| (1) Personal property purchased from a corporation, |
20 |
| society, association,
foundation, institution, or |
21 |
| organization, other than a limited liability
company, that is |
22 |
| organized and operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
23 |
| for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the |
24 |
| personal property
was not purchased by the enterprise for the |
25 |
| purpose of resale by the
26 |
| (2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit |
27 |
| Illinois county
fair association for use in conducting, |
28 |
| operating, or promoting the
county fair.
29 |
| (3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit
arts or |
30 |
| cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by |
31 |
| the
Department by
rule, that it has received an exemption under |
32 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and that is |
33 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or |
34 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or |
HB5000 |
- 41 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, |
2 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony |
3 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service |
4 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
5 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date |
6 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, |
7 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make |
8 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification |
9 |
| number issued by
the Department.
10 |
| (4) Personal property purchased by a governmental body, by |
11 |
| a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or |
12 |
| institution organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, |
13 |
| religious, or educational purposes, or
by a not-for-profit |
14 |
| corporation, society, association, foundation,
institution, or |
15 |
| organization that has no compensated officers or employees
and |
16 |
| that is organized and operated primarily for the recreation of |
17 |
| persons
55 years of age or older. A limited liability company |
18 |
| may qualify for the
exemption under this paragraph only if the |
19 |
| limited liability company is
organized and operated |
20 |
| exclusively for educational purposes. A hospital as defined in |
21 |
| the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act may qualify for the |
22 |
| exemption under this paragraph only if it is in compliance with |
23 |
| that Act. On and after July
1, 1987, however, no entity |
24 |
| otherwise eligible for this exemption shall make
tax-free |
25 |
| purchases unless it has an active exemption identification |
26 |
| number
issued by the Department.
27 |
| (5) Until July 1, 2003, a passenger car that is a |
28 |
| replacement vehicle to
the extent that the
purchase price of |
29 |
| the car is subject to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
30 |
| (6) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, |
31 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair |
32 |
| and replacement
parts, both new and used, and including that |
33 |
| manufactured on special order,
certified by the purchaser to be |
34 |
| used primarily for graphic arts production,
and including |
35 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
Equipment |
36 |
| includes chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if
HB5000 |
- 42 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| the
chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct |
2 |
| and immediate change
upon a graphic arts product.
3 |
| (7) Farm chemicals.
4 |
| (8) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver |
5 |
| coinage issued by
the State of Illinois, the government of the |
6 |
| United States of America, or the
government of any foreign |
7 |
| country, and bullion.
8 |
| (9) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored |
9 |
| student
organization affiliated with an elementary or |
10 |
| secondary school located in
11 |
| (10) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle |
12 |
| of the
second division that is a self-contained motor vehicle |
13 |
| designed or
permanently converted to provide living quarters |
14 |
| for recreational, camping,
or travel use, with direct walk |
15 |
| through to the living quarters from the
driver's seat, or a |
16 |
| motor vehicle of the second division that is of the
van |
17 |
| configuration designed for the transportation of not less than |
18 |
| 7 nor
more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of |
19 |
| the Illinois
Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting, |
20 |
| as defined in the
Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax |
21 |
| Act.
22 |
| (11) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used,
23 |
| including that manufactured on special order, certified by the |
24 |
| purchaser
to be used primarily for production agriculture or |
25 |
| State or federal
agricultural programs, including individual |
26 |
| replacement parts for
the machinery and equipment, including |
27 |
| machinery and equipment
for lease,
and including |
28 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the |
29 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural |
30 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to |
31 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
32 |
| but excluding other motor
vehicles required to be
registered |
33 |
| under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or |
34 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering |
35 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
36 |
| this item (11).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry |
HB5000 |
- 43 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| boxes shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle |
2 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor |
3 |
| vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the |
4 |
| tender
is separately stated.
5 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision |
6 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be |
7 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not |
8 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, |
9 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not |
10 |
| limited to, soil testing
sensors, computers, monitors, |
11 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other |
12 |
| such equipment.
13 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, |
14 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
15 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture |
16 |
| facilities, equipment,
activities such as, but not limited |
17 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and |
18 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and |
19 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (11) is exempt
from the |
20 |
| provisions of
Section 3-90.
21 |
| (12) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air |
22 |
| common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for |
23 |
| consumption, shipment, or
storage in the conduct of its |
24 |
| business as an air common carrier, for a
flight destined for or |
25 |
| returning from a location or locations
outside the United |
26 |
| States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
27 |
| stopovers.
28 |
| (13) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
29 |
| stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of |
30 |
| food and
beverages purchased at retail from a retailer, to the |
31 |
| extent that the proceeds
of the service charge are in fact |
32 |
| turned over as tips or as a substitute
for tips to the |
33 |
| employees who participate directly in preparing, serving,
34 |
| hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function with |
35 |
| respect to which
the service charge is imposed.
36 |
| (14) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, |
HB5000 |
- 44 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| and production
including (i) rigs and parts of rigs, |
2 |
| rotary
rigs, cable tool rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and |
3 |
| tubular goods,
including casing and drill strings, (iii) pumps |
4 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv)
storage tanks and flow lines, (v) any |
5 |
| individual replacement part for oil
field exploration, |
6 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and
7 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but excluding motor vehicles |
8 |
| required to be registered under the
Illinois Vehicle Code.
9 |
| (15) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including |
10 |
| repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that
11 |
| manufactured on special order, certified by the purchaser to be |
12 |
| used
primarily for photoprocessing, and including
13 |
| photoprocessing machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
14 |
| (16) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, |
15 |
| offhighway hauling,
processing, maintenance, and reclamation |
16 |
| equipment,
including replacement parts and equipment, and
17 |
| including equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor
18 |
| vehicles required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle |
19 |
| Code.
20 |
| (17) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and |
21 |
| equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the |
22 |
| retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the |
23 |
| production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
24 |
| as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal |
25 |
| use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
26 |
| (18) Manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment |
27 |
| used
primarily in the process of manufacturing or assembling |
28 |
| tangible
personal property for wholesale or retail sale or |
29 |
| lease, whether that sale
or lease is made directly by the |
30 |
| manufacturer or by some other person,
whether the materials |
31 |
| used in the process are
owned by the manufacturer or some other |
32 |
| person, or whether that sale or
lease is made apart from or as |
33 |
| an incident to the seller's engaging in
the service occupation |
34 |
| of producing machines, tools, dies, jigs,
patterns, gauges, or |
35 |
| other similar items of no commercial value on
special order for |
36 |
| a particular purchaser.
HB5000 |
- 45 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (19) Personal property delivered to a purchaser or |
2 |
| purchaser's donee
inside Illinois when the purchase order for |
3 |
| that personal property was
received by a florist located |
4 |
| outside Illinois who has a florist located
inside Illinois |
5 |
| deliver the personal property.
6 |
| (20) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock |
7 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
8 |
| (21) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and |
9 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club |
10 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
11 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or |
12 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or |
13 |
| racing for prizes.
14 |
| (22) Computers and communications equipment utilized for |
15 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
16 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a |
17 |
| lessor who leases
equipment, under a lease of one year or |
18 |
| longer executed or in effect at the
time the lessor would |
19 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
20 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption |
21 |
| identification number by
Department under Section 1g of the |
22 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a |
23 |
| manner that does not qualify for
this exemption or is used in |
24 |
| any other non-exempt manner, the lessor
shall be liable for the
25 |
| tax imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the |
26 |
| case may
be, based on the fair market value of the property at |
27 |
| the time the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect |
28 |
| or attempt to collect an
amount (however
designated) that |
29 |
| purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
30 |
| Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax |
31 |
| has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly |
32 |
| collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have |
33 |
| a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. |
34 |
| If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any |
35 |
| reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the |
36 |
| Department.
HB5000 |
- 46 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (23) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
2 |
| property, under
lease of
one year or longer executed or in |
3 |
| effect at the time
the lessor would otherwise be subject to the |
4 |
| tax imposed by this Act,
to a governmental body
that has been |
5 |
| issued an active sales tax exemption identification number by |
6 |
| the
Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation |
7 |
| Tax Act.
If the
property is leased in a manner that does not |
8 |
| qualify for
this exemption
or used in any other non-exempt |
9 |
| manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under |
10 |
| this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may
be, based |
11 |
| on the fair market value of the property at the time the
12 |
| non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt |
13 |
| to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports to |
14 |
| reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the |
15 |
| Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
16 |
| paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such |
17 |
| amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to |
18 |
| claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, |
19 |
| that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the |
20 |
| lessor is liable to pay that amount to the Department.
21 |
| (24) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after |
22 |
| December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or |
23 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for |
24 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
25 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a |
26 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a |
27 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution |
28 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification |
29 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
30 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
31 |
| (25) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after |
32 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or |
33 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the |
34 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including |
35 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
36 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer |
HB5000 |
- 47 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification |
2 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and |
3 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or |
4 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois |
5 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the |
6 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
7 |
| (26) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased |
8 |
| at a "game
and hunting preserve area" or an "exotic |
9 |
| game hunting area" as those terms are
used in
the Wildlife Code |
10 |
| or at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by
11 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from |
12 |
| the provisions
Section 3-90.
13 |
| (27) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section |
14 |
| 1-146
of the
Vehicle Code, that is donated to a |
15 |
| corporation, limited liability company,
society, association, |
16 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by the
Department |
17 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational |
18 |
| purposes.
For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, |
19 |
| limited liability company,
society, association, foundation, |
20 |
| or institution organized and operated
exclusively for |
21 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
22 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful |
23 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and |
24 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the |
25 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and |
26 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
27 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less |
28 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to |
29 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, |
30 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
31 |
| (28) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, |
32 |
| including
purchased through fundraising
events for the |
33 |
| benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, |
34 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if |
35 |
| the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school |
36 |
| district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
HB5000 |
- 48 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph |
2 |
| does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of |
3 |
| private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising |
4 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from |
5 |
| another individual or entity that sold the property for the
6 |
| purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits |
7 |
| from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is |
8 |
| exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-90.
9 |
| (29) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, |
10 |
| 2001, new or
used automatic vending
machines that prepare and |
11 |
| serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other |
12 |
| items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning |
13 |
| January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts |
14 |
| for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and |
15 |
| vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the |
16 |
| gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
17 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
18 |
| is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
19 |
| (30) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed off |
20 |
| the premises
where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, |
21 |
| soft drinks, and food that
has been prepared for immediate |
22 |
| consumption) and prescription and
nonprescription medicines, |
23 |
| drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
testing |
24 |
| materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human |
25 |
| use, when
purchased for use by a person receiving medical |
26 |
| assistance under Article 5 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code who |
27 |
| resides in a licensed long-term care facility,
as defined in |
28 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
29 |
| (31) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act |
30 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
computers and communications |
31 |
| equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used |
32 |
| in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients |
33 |
| purchased by a lessor who leases
the equipment, under a lease |
34 |
| of one year or longer executed or in effect at the
time the |
35 |
| lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this |
36 |
| Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption |
HB5000 |
- 49 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the |
2 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a |
3 |
| manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is
used in |
4 |
| any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the |
5 |
| tax
imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the |
6 |
| case may be, based on
the fair market value of the property at |
7 |
| the time the nonqualifying use
occurs. No lessor shall collect |
8 |
| or attempt to collect an amount (however
designated) that |
9 |
| purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
10 |
| Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax |
11 |
| has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly |
12 |
| collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have |
13 |
| a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. |
14 |
| If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any |
15 |
| reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the |
16 |
| Department.
This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of |
17 |
| Section 3-90.
18 |
| (32) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act |
19 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property purchased by a |
20 |
| lessor who leases the property,
under a lease of one year or |
21 |
| longer executed or in effect at the time the
lessor would |
22 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
23 |
| governmental body that has been issued an active sales tax |
24 |
| exemption
identification number by the Department under |
25 |
| Section 1g of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act. If the |
26 |
| property is leased in a manner that does not
qualify for this |
27 |
| exemption or used in any other nonexempt manner, the lessor
28 |
| shall be liable for the tax imposed under this Act or the |
29 |
| Service Use Tax Act,
as the case may be, based on the fair |
30 |
| market value of the property at the time
the nonqualifying use |
31 |
| occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt to collect
an amount |
32 |
| (however designated) that purports to reimburse that lessor for |
33 |
| the
tax imposed by this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the |
34 |
| case may be, if the
tax has not been paid by the lessor. If a |
35 |
| lessor improperly collects any such
amount from the lessee, the |
36 |
| lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund
of that |
HB5000 |
- 50 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount is not |
2 |
| refunded to
the lessee for any reason, the lessor is liable to |
3 |
| pay that amount to the
Department. This paragraph is exempt |
4 |
| from the provisions of Section 3-90.
5 |
| (33) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, |
6 |
| the use in this State of motor vehicles of
the second division |
7 |
| with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds and
that |
8 |
| are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed under |
9 |
| Section
3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July |
10 |
| 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of |
11 |
| motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle |
12 |
| weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject |
13 |
| to the commercial distribution fee imposed under Section |
14 |
| 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are |
15 |
| primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, |
16 |
| this exemption applies to repair and
replacement parts added |
17 |
| after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if
that |
18 |
| motor
vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for the |
19 |
| rolling stock exemption
otherwise provided for in this Act. For |
20 |
| purposes of this paragraph, the term "used for commercial |
21 |
| purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in |
22 |
| furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, |
23 |
| whether for-hire or not.
24 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, |
25 |
| eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; |
26 |
| 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, eff. 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. 7-30-04; |
27 |
| 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04; revised 10-21-04.)
28 |
| Section 915. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by changing |
29 |
| Section 2 as follows:
30 |
| (35 ILCS 110/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.32)
31 |
| Sec. 2. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right |
32 |
| or power
over tangible personal property incident to the |
33 |
| ownership of that
property, but does not include the sale or |
34 |
| use for demonstration by him
of that property in any form as |
HB5000 |
- 51 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| tangible personal property in the
regular course of business.
2 |
| "Use" does not mean the interim
use of
tangible personal |
3 |
| property nor the physical incorporation of tangible
personal |
4 |
| property, as an ingredient or constituent, into other tangible
5 |
| personal property, (a) which is sold in the regular course of |
6 |
| business
or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient |
7 |
| or constituent
therein has undertaken at the time of such |
8 |
| purchase to cause to be
transported in interstate commerce to |
9 |
| destinations outside the State of
10 |
| "Purchased from a serviceman" means the acquisition of the |
11 |
| ownership
of, or title to, tangible personal property through a |
12 |
| sale of service.
13 |
| "Purchaser" means any person who, through a sale of |
14 |
| service, acquires
the ownership of, or title to, any tangible |
15 |
| personal property.
16 |
| "Cost price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman |
17 |
| for a
purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or |
18 |
| otherwise, including
cash, credits and services, and shall be |
19 |
| determined without any
deduction on account of the supplier's |
20 |
| cost of the property sold or on
account of any other expense |
21 |
| incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman
contracts out part |
22 |
| or all of the services required in his sale of service,
it |
23 |
| shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the |
24 |
| property
transferred to him or her by his or her subcontractor |
25 |
| is equal to 50% of
the subcontractor's charges to the |
26 |
| serviceman in the absence of proof of
the consideration paid by |
27 |
| the subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
28 |
| "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued |
29 |
| in money
whether received in money or otherwise, including |
30 |
| cash, credits and
service, and shall be determined without any |
31 |
| deduction on account of the
serviceman's cost of the property |
32 |
| sold, the cost of materials used,
labor or service cost or any |
33 |
| other expense whatsoever, but does not
include interest or |
34 |
| finance charges which appear as separate items on
the bill of |
35 |
| sale or sales contract nor charges that are added to prices
by |
36 |
| sellers on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
HB5000 |
- 52 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act.
2 |
| "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
3 |
| "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
4 |
| association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or |
5 |
| private
corporation, limited liability company, and any |
6 |
| receiver, executor, trustee,
guardian or other representative |
7 |
| appointed by order of any court.
8 |
| "Sale of service" means any transaction except:
9 |
| (1) a retail sale of tangible personal property taxable |
10 |
| under the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use |
11 |
| Tax Act.
12 |
| (2) a sale of tangible personal property for the |
13 |
| purpose of resale
made in compliance with Section 2c of the |
14 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
15 |
| (3) except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer |
16 |
| of tangible
personal property as an incident to the |
17 |
| rendering of service for or by
any governmental body, or |
18 |
| for or by any corporation, society,
association, |
19 |
| foundation or institution organized and operated
20 |
| exclusively for charitable, religious or educational |
21 |
| purposes or any
not-for-profit corporation, society, |
22 |
| association, foundation,
institution or organization which |
23 |
| has no compensated officers or
employees and which is |
24 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
recreation of |
25 |
| persons 55 years of age or older. A limited liability |
26 |
| company
may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph |
27 |
| only if the limited
liability company is organized and |
28 |
| operated exclusively for educational
purposes. A hospital |
29 |
| as defined in the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act |
30 |
| may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph only if |
31 |
| it is in compliance with that Act.
32 |
| (4) a sale or transfer of tangible personal
property as |
33 |
| an incident to the
rendering of service for interstate |
34 |
| carriers for hire for use as rolling stock
moving in |
35 |
| interstate commerce or by lessors under a lease of one year |
36 |
| or
longer, executed or in effect at the time of purchase of |
HB5000 |
- 53 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| personal property, to
interstate carriers for hire for use |
2 |
| as rolling stock moving in interstate
commerce so long as |
3 |
| so used by such interstate carriers for hire, and equipment
4 |
| operated by a telecommunications provider, licensed as a |
5 |
| common carrier by the
Federal Communications Commission, |
6 |
| which is permanently installed in or affixed
to aircraft |
7 |
| moving in interstate commerce.
8 |
| (4a) a sale or transfer of tangible personal
property |
9 |
| as an incident
to the rendering of service for owners, |
10 |
| lessors, or shippers of tangible
personal property which is |
11 |
| utilized by interstate carriers for hire for
use as rolling |
12 |
| stock moving in interstate commerce so long as so used by
13 |
| interstate carriers for hire, and equipment operated by a
14 |
| telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier |
15 |
| by the Federal
Communications Commission, which is |
16 |
| permanently installed in or affixed to
aircraft moving in |
17 |
| interstate commerce.
18 |
| (4a-5) on and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, |
19 |
| 2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle
second |
20 |
| division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 |
21 |
| pounds as an
incident to the rendering of service if that |
22 |
| motor
vehicle is subject
to the commercial distribution fee |
23 |
| imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the
Illinois Vehicle
Code. |
24 |
| Beginning on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the |
25 |
| use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division: |
26 |
| (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000 |
27 |
| pounds; (ii) that are subject to the commercial |
28 |
| distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the |
29 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used |
30 |
| for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
31 |
| exemption applies to repair and replacement parts added |
32 |
| after the
purchase of such a motor vehicle if that |
33 |
| motor vehicle is used in a manner that
qualify for |
34 |
| the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this |
35 |
| Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial |
36 |
| purposes" means the transportation of persons or property |
HB5000 |
- 54 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| in furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise |
2 |
| whether for-hire or not.
3 |
| (5) a sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used |
4 |
| primarily in the
process of the manufacturing or |
5 |
| assembling, either in an existing, an expanded
or a new |
6 |
| manufacturing facility, of tangible personal property for |
7 |
| wholesale or
retail sale or lease, whether such sale or |
8 |
| lease is made directly by the
manufacturer or by some other |
9 |
| person, whether the materials used in the process
are owned |
10 |
| by the manufacturer or some other person, or whether such |
11 |
| sale or
lease is made apart from or as an incident to the |
12 |
| seller's engaging in a
service occupation and the |
13 |
| applicable tax is a Service Use Tax or Service
Occupation |
14 |
| Tax, rather than Use Tax or Retailers' Occupation Tax.
15 |
| (5a) the repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for |
16 |
| a
common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property |
17 |
| which belongs to such
carrier for hire, and as to which |
18 |
| such carrier receives the physical possession
of the |
19 |
| repaired, reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible |
20 |
| personal property
in Illinois, and which such carrier |
21 |
| transports, or shares with another common
carrier in the |
22 |
| transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a |
23 |
| standard
uniform bill of lading showing the person who |
24 |
| repaired, reconditioned or
remodeled the property to a |
25 |
| destination outside Illinois, for use outside
26 |
| (5b) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property |
27 |
| which is produced by
the seller thereof on special order in |
28 |
| such a way as to have made the
applicable tax the Service |
29 |
| Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than
the |
30 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate |
31 |
| carrier by rail
which receives the physical possession of |
32 |
| such property in Illinois, and which
transports such |
33 |
| property, or shares with another common carrier in the
34 |
| transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a |
35 |
| standard uniform bill of
lading showing the seller of the |
36 |
| property as the shipper or consignor of such
property to a |
HB5000 |
- 55 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
2 |
| (6) until July 1, 2003, a sale or transfer of |
3 |
| distillation machinery
and equipment, sold
as a unit or kit |
4 |
| and assembled or installed by the retailer, which
machinery |
5 |
| and equipment is certified by the user to be used only for |
6 |
| the
production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for |
7 |
| consumption as motor fuel
or as a component of motor fuel |
8 |
| for the personal use of such user and not
subject to sale |
9 |
| or resale.
10 |
| (7) at the election of any serviceman not required to |
11 |
| be
otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of |
12 |
| the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal |
13 |
| year sales
of service in which the aggregate annual cost |
14 |
| price of tangible
personal property transferred as an |
15 |
| incident to the sales of service is
less than 35%, or 75% |
16 |
| in the case of servicemen transferring prescription
drugs |
17 |
| or servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the |
18 |
| aggregate
annual total gross receipts from all sales of |
19 |
| service. The purchase of
such tangible personal property by |
20 |
| the serviceman shall be subject to tax
under the Retailers' |
21 |
| Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act.
However, if a
22 |
| primary serviceman who has made the election described in |
23 |
| this paragraph
subcontracts service work to a secondary |
24 |
| serviceman who has also made the
election described in this |
25 |
| paragraph, the primary serviceman does not
incur a Use Tax |
26 |
| liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will |
27 |
| pay
Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible |
28 |
| personal property transferred
to the primary serviceman |
29 |
| and (ii) certifies that fact in writing to the
30 |
| serviceman.
31 |
| Tangible personal property transferred incident to the |
32 |
| completion of a
maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax |
33 |
| imposed pursuant to this Act.
34 |
| Exemption (5) also includes machinery and equipment used in |
35 |
| the general
maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and |
36 |
| equipment or for in-house
manufacture of exempt machinery and |
HB5000 |
- 56 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| equipment. For the purposes of exemption
(5), each of these |
2 |
| terms shall have the following meanings: (1) "manufacturing
3 |
| process" shall mean the production of any article of tangible |
4 |
| personal
property, whether such article is a finished product |
5 |
| or an article for use in
the process of manufacturing or |
6 |
| assembling a different article of tangible
personal property, |
7 |
| by procedures commonly regarded as manufacturing,
processing, |
8 |
| fabricating, or refining which changes some existing
material |
9 |
| or materials into a material with a different form, use or
10 |
| name. In relation to a recognized integrated business composed |
11 |
| of a
series of operations which collectively constitute |
12 |
| manufacturing, or
individually constitute manufacturing |
13 |
| operations, the manufacturing
process shall be deemed to |
14 |
| commence with the first operation or stage of
production in the |
15 |
| series, and shall not be deemed to end until the
completion of |
16 |
| the final product in the last operation or stage of
production |
17 |
| in the series; and further, for purposes of exemption (5),
18 |
| photoprocessing is deemed to be a manufacturing process of |
19 |
| tangible
personal property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) |
20 |
| "assembling process" shall
mean the production of any article |
21 |
| of tangible personal property, whether such
article is a |
22 |
| finished product or an article for use in the process of
23 |
| manufacturing or assembling a different article of tangible |
24 |
| personal
property, by the combination of existing materials in |
25 |
| a manner commonly
regarded as assembling which results in a |
26 |
| material of a different form,
use or name; (3) "machinery" |
27 |
| shall mean major mechanical machines or
major components of |
28 |
| such machines contributing to a manufacturing or
assembling |
29 |
| process; and (4) "equipment" shall include any independent
30 |
| device or tool separate from any machinery but essential to an
31 |
| integrated manufacturing or assembly process; including |
32 |
| computers
used primarily in a manufacturer's computer
assisted |
33 |
| design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system;
or |
34 |
| any subunit or assembly comprising a component of any machinery |
35 |
| or
auxiliary, adjunct or attachment parts of machinery, such as |
36 |
| tools, dies,
jigs, fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts |
HB5000 |
- 57 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| which require periodic
replacement in the course of normal |
2 |
| operation; but shall not include hand
Equipment includes |
3 |
| chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the
4 |
| chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and |
5 |
| immediate change
upon a
product being manufactured or assembled |
6 |
| for wholesale or retail sale or
The purchaser of such |
7 |
| machinery and equipment who has an active
resale registration |
8 |
| number shall furnish such number to the seller at the
time of |
9 |
| purchase. The user of such machinery and equipment and tools
10 |
| without an active resale registration number shall prepare a |
11 |
| certificate of
exemption for each transaction stating facts |
12 |
| establishing the exemption for
that transaction, which |
13 |
| certificate shall be available to the Department
for inspection |
14 |
| or audit. The Department shall prescribe the form of the
15 |
| certificate.
16 |
| Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the |
17 |
| Department in
response to an inquiry or request for any opinion |
18 |
| from any person
regarding the coverage and applicability of |
19 |
| exemption (5) to specific
devices shall be published, |
20 |
| maintained as a public record, and made
available for public |
21 |
| inspection and copying. If the informal ruling,
opinion or |
22 |
| letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
23 |
| information, where possible the Department shall delete such |
24 |
| information
prior to publication. Whenever such informal |
25 |
| rulings, opinions, or
letters contain any policy of general |
26 |
| applicability, the Department
shall formulate and adopt such |
27 |
| policy as a rule in accordance with the
provisions of the |
28 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
29 |
| On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible |
30 |
| under exemption
(3) of this Section shall make tax free |
31 |
| purchases unless it has an active
exemption identification |
32 |
| number issued by the Department.
33 |
| The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible |
34 |
| personal
property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose |
35 |
| of conveying news
(with or without other information) is not a |
36 |
| purchase, use or sale of
service or of tangible personal |
HB5000 |
- 58 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| property within the meaning of this Act.
2 |
| "Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the |
3 |
| occupation of
making sales of service.
4 |
| "Sale at retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the |
5 |
| Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act.
6 |
| "Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible |
7 |
| personal
property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an |
8 |
| incident to a
sale of service.
9 |
| "Serviceman maintaining a place of business in this State", |
10 |
| or any
like term, means and includes any serviceman:
11 |
| 1. having or maintaining within this State, directly or |
12 |
| by a
subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales |
13 |
| house, warehouse or
other place of business, or any agent |
14 |
| or other representative operating
within this State under |
15 |
| the authority of the serviceman or its
subsidiary, |
16 |
| irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
17 |
| other representative is located here permanently or |
18 |
| temporarily, or
whether such serviceman or subsidiary is |
19 |
| licensed to do business in this
20 |
| 2. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by |
21 |
| means of a
telecommunication or television shopping system |
22 |
| (which utilizes toll free
numbers) which is intended by the |
23 |
| retailer to be broadcast by cable
television or other means |
24 |
| of broadcasting, to consumers located in this State;
25 |
| 3. pursuant to a contract with a broadcaster or |
26 |
| publisher located in this
State, soliciting orders for |
27 |
| tangible personal property by means of advertising
which is |
28 |
| disseminated primarily to consumers located in this State |
29 |
| and only
secondarily to bordering jurisdictions;
30 |
| 4. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by |
31 |
| mail if the
solicitations are substantial and recurring and |
32 |
| if the retailer benefits
from any banking, financing, debt |
33 |
| collection, telecommunication, or
marketing activities |
34 |
| occurring in this State or benefits from the location
in |
35 |
| this State of authorized installation, servicing, or |
36 |
| repair facilities;
HB5000 |
- 59 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| 5. being owned or controlled by the same interests |
2 |
| which own or
control any retailer engaging in business in |
3 |
| the same or similar line of
business in this State;
4 |
| 6. having a franchisee or licensee operating under its |
5 |
| trade name if
the franchisee or licensee is required to |
6 |
| collect the tax under this Section;
7 |
| 7. pursuant to a contract with a cable television |
8 |
| operator located in
this State, soliciting orders for |
9 |
| tangible personal property by means of
advertising which is |
10 |
| transmitted or distributed over a cable television
system |
11 |
| in this State; or
12 |
| 8. engaging in activities in Illinois, which |
13 |
| activities in the
state in which the supply business |
14 |
| engaging in such activities is located
would constitute |
15 |
| maintaining a place of business in that state.
16 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, |
17 |
| eff. 6-20-03; 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04.)
18 |
| Section 920. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by |
19 |
| changing Section 2 as follows:
20 |
| (35 ILCS 115/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.102)
21 |
| Sec. 2. "Transfer" means any transfer of the title to |
22 |
| property or of
the ownership of property whether or not the |
23 |
| transferor retains title as
security for the payment of amounts |
24 |
| due him from the transferee.
25 |
| "Cost Price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman |
26 |
| for a
purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or |
27 |
| otherwise, including
cash, credits and services, and shall be |
28 |
| determined without any deduction
on account of the supplier's |
29 |
| cost of the property sold or on account of any
other expense |
30 |
| incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out
part |
31 |
| or all of the services required in his sale of service, it |
32 |
| shall be
presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the |
33 |
| property
transferred to him by his or her subcontractor is |
34 |
| equal to 50% of the
subcontractor's charges to the serviceman |
HB5000 |
- 60 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| in the absence of proof of the
consideration paid by the |
2 |
| subcontractor for the purchase of such
3 |
| "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
4 |
| "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership, |
5 |
| association, joint
stock company, joint venture, public or |
6 |
| private corporation, limited liability
company, and any |
7 |
| receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
8 |
| appointed by order of any court.
9 |
| "Sale of Service" means any transaction except:
10 |
| (a) A retail sale of tangible personal property taxable |
11 |
| under the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act or under the Use Tax |
12 |
| Act.
13 |
| (b) A sale of tangible personal property for the purpose of |
14 |
| resale made in
compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers' |
15 |
| Occupation Tax Act.
16 |
| (c) Except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer of |
17 |
| tangible personal
property as an incident to the rendering of |
18 |
| service for or by any governmental
body or for or by any |
19 |
| corporation, society, association, foundation or
institution |
20 |
| organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious |
21 |
| or
educational purposes or any not-for-profit corporation, |
22 |
| society, association,
foundation, institution or organization |
23 |
| which has no compensated officers or
employees and which is |
24 |
| organized and operated primarily for the recreation of
persons |
25 |
| 55 years of age or older. A limited liability company may |
26 |
| qualify for
the exemption under this paragraph only if the |
27 |
| limited liability company is
organized and operated |
28 |
| exclusively for educational purposes. A hospital as defined in |
29 |
| the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act may qualify for the |
30 |
| exemption under this paragraph only if it is in compliance with |
31 |
| that Act.
32 |
| (d) A sale or transfer of tangible personal
as an |
33 |
| incident to the
rendering of service for interstate carriers |
34 |
| for hire for use as rolling stock
moving in interstate commerce |
35 |
| or lessors under leases of one year or longer,
executed or in |
36 |
| effect at the time of purchase, to interstate carriers for hire
HB5000 |
- 61 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| for use as rolling stock moving in interstate commerce, and |
2 |
| equipment operated
by a telecommunications provider, licensed |
3 |
| as a common
carrier by the Federal Communications Commission, |
4 |
| which is permanently
installed in or affixed to aircraft moving |
5 |
| in interstate commerce.
6 |
| (d-1) A sale or transfer of tangible personal
property as |
7 |
| an incident to
the rendering of service for owners, lessors or |
8 |
| shippers of tangible personal
property which is utilized by |
9 |
| interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling
stock moving in |
10 |
| interstate commerce, and equipment operated
by a |
11 |
| telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier by |
12 |
| the
Federal Communications Commission, which is permanently |
13 |
| installed in or
affixed to aircraft moving in interstate |
14 |
| commerce.
15 |
| (d-1.1) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, |
16 |
| 2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle
of the
second |
17 |
| division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds |
18 |
| as an
incident to the rendering of service if that motor
19 |
| vehicle is subject
to the commercial distribution fee imposed |
20 |
| under Section 3-815.1 of the
Illinois Vehicle
Code. Beginning |
21 |
| on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this |
22 |
| State of motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a |
23 |
| gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) |
24 |
| that are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed |
25 |
| under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) |
26 |
| that are primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June |
27 |
| 30, 2005, this exemption applies to repair and replacement |
28 |
| parts added after the
purchase of such a motor vehicle |
29 |
| if that motor vehicle is used in a manner that
qualify |
30 |
| for the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this |
31 |
| Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial |
32 |
| purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in |
33 |
| furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise whether |
34 |
| for-hire or not.
35 |
| (d-2) The repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for a |
36 |
| common carrier by
rail, of tangible personal property which |
HB5000 |
- 62 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| belongs to such carrier for hire, and
as to which such carrier |
2 |
| receives the physical possession of the repaired,
3 |
| reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible personal property |
4 |
| in Illinois, and
which such carrier transports, or shares with |
5 |
| another common carrier in the
transportation of such property, |
6 |
| out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of
lading showing |
7 |
| the person who repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the |
8 |
| property
as the shipper or consignor of such property to a |
9 |
| destination outside Illinois,
for use outside Illinois.
10 |
| (d-3) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property |
11 |
| which
is produced by the seller thereof on special order in |
12 |
| such a way as to have
made the applicable tax the Service |
13 |
| Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax,
rather than the |
14 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
15 |
| carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of such |
16 |
| property in
Illinois, and which transports such property, or |
17 |
| shares with another common
carrier in the transportation of |
18 |
| such property, out of Illinois on a standard
uniform bill of |
19 |
| lading showing the seller of the property as the shipper or
20 |
| consignor of such property to a destination outside Illinois, |
21 |
| for use outside
22 |
| (d-4) Until January 1, 1997, a sale, by a registered |
23 |
| serviceman paying tax
under this Act to the Department, of |
24 |
| special order printed materials delivered
outside Illinois and |
25 |
| which are not returned to this State, if delivery is made
by |
26 |
| the seller or agent of the seller, including an agent who |
27 |
| causes the product
to be delivered outside Illinois by a common |
28 |
| carrier or the U.S.
postal service.
29 |
| (e) A sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used |
30 |
| primarily in
the process of the manufacturing or assembling, |
31 |
| either in an existing, an
expanded or a new manufacturing |
32 |
| facility, of tangible personal property for
wholesale or retail |
33 |
| sale or lease, whether such sale or lease is made directly
by |
34 |
| the manufacturer or by some other person, whether the materials |
35 |
| used in the
process are owned by the manufacturer or some other |
36 |
| person, or whether such
sale or lease is made apart from or as |
HB5000 |
- 63 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| an incident to the seller's engaging in
a service occupation |
2 |
| and the applicable tax is a Service Occupation Tax or
Service |
3 |
| Use Tax, rather than Retailers' Occupation Tax or Use Tax.
4 |
| (f) Until July 1, 2003, the sale or transfer of |
5 |
| distillation
and equipment, sold as a
unit or kit and |
6 |
| assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery
and |
7 |
| equipment is certified by the user to be used only for the |
8 |
| production
of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption |
9 |
| as motor fuel or as a
component of motor fuel for the personal |
10 |
| use of such user and not subject
to sale or resale.
11 |
| (g) At the election of any serviceman not required to be |
12 |
| otherwise
registered as a retailer under Section 2a of the |
13 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
made for each fiscal year sales |
14 |
| of service in which the aggregate annual cost
price of tangible |
15 |
| personal property transferred as an incident to the sales of
16 |
| service is less than 35% (75% in the case of servicemen |
17 |
| transferring
prescription drugs or servicemen engaged in |
18 |
| graphic arts production) of the
aggregate annual total gross |
19 |
| receipts from all sales of service. The purchase
of such |
20 |
| tangible personal property by the serviceman shall be subject |
21 |
| to tax
under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax |
22 |
| Act.
However, if a
primary serviceman who has made the election |
23 |
| described in this paragraph
subcontracts service work to a |
24 |
| secondary serviceman who has also made the
election described |
25 |
| in this paragraph, the primary serviceman does not
incur a Use |
26 |
| Tax liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will |
27 |
| pay
Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible personal |
28 |
| property transferred
to the primary serviceman and (ii) |
29 |
| certifies that fact in writing to the
primary serviceman.
30 |
| Tangible personal property transferred incident to the |
31 |
| completion of a
maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax |
32 |
| imposed pursuant to this Act.
33 |
| Exemption (e) also includes machinery and equipment used in |
34 |
| the
general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and |
35 |
| equipment or for
in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and |
36 |
| equipment.
For the purposes of exemption (e), each of these |
HB5000 |
- 64 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) "manufacturing |
2 |
| process" shall mean the production of any
article of tangible |
3 |
| personal property, whether such article is a
finished product |
4 |
| or an article for use in the process of manufacturing
or |
5 |
| assembling a different article of tangible personal property, |
6 |
| by
procedures commonly regarded as manufacturing, processing, |
7 |
| fabricating,
or refining which changes some existing material |
8 |
| or materials into a
material with a different form, use or |
9 |
| name. In relation to a
recognized integrated business composed |
10 |
| of a series of operations which
collectively constitute |
11 |
| manufacturing, or individually constitute
manufacturing |
12 |
| operations, the manufacturing process shall be deemed to
13 |
| commence with the first operation or stage of production in the |
14 |
| series,
and shall not be deemed to end until the completion of |
15 |
| the final product
in the last operation or stage of production |
16 |
| in the series; and further for
purposes of exemption (e), |
17 |
| photoprocessing is deemed to be a manufacturing
process of |
18 |
| tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale;
(2) |
19 |
| "assembling process" shall mean the production of any article |
20 |
| of
tangible personal property, whether such article is a |
21 |
| finished product
or an article for use in the process of |
22 |
| manufacturing or assembling a
different article of tangible |
23 |
| personal property, by the combination of
existing materials in |
24 |
| a manner commonly regarded as assembling which
results in a |
25 |
| material of a different form, use or name; (3) "machinery"
26 |
| shall mean major mechanical machines or major components of |
27 |
| such machines
contributing to a manufacturing or assembling |
28 |
| process; and (4) "equipment"
shall include any independent |
29 |
| device or tool separate from any machinery but
essential to an |
30 |
| integrated manufacturing or assembly process; including
31 |
| computers used primarily in a manufacturer's computer
assisted |
32 |
| design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or |
33 |
| any
subunit or assembly comprising a component of any machinery |
34 |
| or auxiliary,
adjunct or attachment parts of machinery, such as |
35 |
| tools, dies, jigs, fixtures,
patterns and molds; or any parts |
36 |
| which require periodic replacement in the
course of normal |
HB5000 |
- 65 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| operation; but shall not include hand tools. Equipment
includes |
2 |
| chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the |
3 |
| chemicals
or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and |
4 |
| immediate change upon a
product being manufactured or assembled |
5 |
| for wholesale or retail sale or lease.
The purchaser of such |
6 |
| machinery and equipment
who has an active resale registration |
7 |
| number shall furnish such number to
the seller at the time of |
8 |
| purchase. The purchaser of such machinery and
equipment and |
9 |
| tools without an active resale registration number shall |
10 |
| furnish
to the seller a certificate of exemption for each |
11 |
| transaction stating facts
establishing the exemption for that |
12 |
| transaction, which certificate shall
be available to the |
13 |
| Department for inspection or audit.
14 |
| Except as provided in Section 2d of this Act, the rolling |
15 |
| stock exemption
applies to rolling
used by an interstate
16 |
| carrier for hire, even just between points in Illinois, if such |
17 |
| rolling
stock transports, for hire, persons whose journeys or |
18 |
| property whose
shipments originate or terminate outside |
19 |
| Illinois.
20 |
| Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the |
21 |
| Department in
response to an inquiry or request for any opinion |
22 |
| from any person
regarding the coverage and applicability of |
23 |
| exemption (e) to specific
devices shall be published, |
24 |
| maintained as a public record, and made
available for public |
25 |
| inspection and copying. If the informal ruling,
opinion or |
26 |
| letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
27 |
| information, where possible the Department shall delete such |
28 |
| information
prior to publication. Whenever such informal |
29 |
| rulings, opinions, or
letters contain any policy of general |
30 |
| applicability, the Department
shall formulate and adopt such |
31 |
| policy as a rule in accordance with the
provisions of the |
32 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
33 |
| On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible |
34 |
| under exemption
(c) of this Section shall make tax free |
35 |
| purchases unless it has an active
exemption identification |
36 |
| number issued by the Department.
HB5000 |
- 66 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| "Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the |
2 |
| occupation of
making sales of service.
3 |
| "Sale at Retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the |
4 |
| Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act.
5 |
| "Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible |
6 |
| personal
property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an |
7 |
| incident to a
sale of service.
8 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, |
9 |
| eff. 6-20-03; 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04.)
10 |
| Section 925. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended |
11 |
| by changing Section 2-5 as follows:
12 |
| (35 ILCS 120/2-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-5)
13 |
| Sec. 2-5. Exemptions. Gross receipts from proceeds from the |
14 |
| sale of
the following tangible personal property are exempt |
15 |
| from the tax imposed
by this Act:
16 |
| (1) Farm chemicals.
17 |
| (2) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, |
18 |
| including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the |
19 |
| purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or |
20 |
| State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual |
21 |
| replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including |
22 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including |
23 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the |
24 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural |
25 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to |
26 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
27 |
| but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered |
28 |
| under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or |
29 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering |
30 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
31 |
| this item (2).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes |
32 |
| shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle |
33 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor |
34 |
| vehicle required to be licensed, if the selling price of the |
HB5000 |
- 67 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| tender
is separately stated.
2 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision |
3 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be |
4 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not |
5 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, |
6 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not |
7 |
| limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, |
8 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other |
9 |
| such equipment.
10 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, |
11 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
12 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture |
13 |
| facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited |
14 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and |
15 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and |
16 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the |
17 |
| provisions of
Section 2-70.
18 |
| (3) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and |
19 |
| equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the |
20 |
| retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the |
21 |
| production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
22 |
| as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal |
23 |
| use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
24 |
| (4) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again September 1, |
25 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair |
26 |
| and
replacement parts, both new and used, and including that |
27 |
| manufactured on
special order or purchased for lease, certified |
28 |
| by the purchaser to be used
primarily for graphic arts |
29 |
| production.
Equipment includes chemicals or
chemicals acting |
30 |
| as catalysts but only if
the chemicals or chemicals acting as |
31 |
| catalysts effect a direct and immediate
change upon a
graphic |
32 |
| arts product.
33 |
| (5) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle |
34 |
| of the second
division that is a self-contained motor vehicle |
35 |
| designed or permanently
converted to provide living quarters |
36 |
| for recreational, camping, or travel
use, with direct walk |
HB5000 |
- 68 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| through access to the living quarters from the
driver's seat, |
2 |
| or a motor vehicle of the second division that is of the van
3 |
| configuration designed for the transportation of not less than |
4 |
| 7 nor more
than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of |
5 |
| the Illinois Vehicle
Code, that is used for automobile renting, |
6 |
| as defined in the Automobile
Renting Occupation and Use Tax |
7 |
| Act.
8 |
| (6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student |
9 |
| organization
affiliated with an elementary or secondary school |
10 |
| located in Illinois.
11 |
| (7) Until July 1, 2003, proceeds of that portion of the |
12 |
| selling price of
a passenger car the
sale of which is subject |
13 |
| to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
14 |
| (8) Personal property sold to an Illinois county fair |
15 |
| association for
use in conducting, operating, or promoting the |
16 |
| county fair.
17 |
| (9) Personal property sold to a not-for-profit arts
or |
18 |
| cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by |
19 |
| the Department
rule, that it has received an exemption under |
20 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and that is |
21 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or |
22 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or |
23 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, |
24 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony |
25 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service |
26 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
27 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date |
28 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, |
29 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make |
30 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification |
31 |
| number issued by
the Department.
32 |
| (10) Personal property sold by a corporation, society, |
33 |
| association,
foundation, institution, or organization, other |
34 |
| than a limited liability
company, that is organized and |
35 |
| operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit |
36 |
| of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
HB5000 |
- 69 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale |
2 |
| by the
3 |
| (11) Personal property sold to a governmental body, to a |
4 |
| corporation,
society, association, foundation, or institution |
5 |
| organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, religious, |
6 |
| or educational purposes, or to a
not-for-profit corporation, |
7 |
| society, association, foundation, institution,
or organization |
8 |
| that has no compensated officers or employees and that is
9 |
| organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons |
10 |
| 55 years of
age or older. A limited liability company may |
11 |
| qualify for the exemption under
this paragraph only if the |
12 |
| limited liability company is organized and operated
13 |
| exclusively for educational purposes. A hospital as defined in |
14 |
| the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act may qualify for the |
15 |
| exemption under this paragraph only if it is in compliance with |
16 |
| that Act. On and after July 1, 1987, however, no
entity |
17 |
| otherwise eligible for this exemption shall make tax-free |
18 |
| purchases
unless it has an active identification number issued |
19 |
| by the Department.
20 |
| (12) Tangible personal property sold to
interstate |
21 |
| carriers
for hire for use as
rolling stock moving in interstate |
22 |
| commerce or to lessors under leases of
one year or longer |
23 |
| executed or in effect at the time of purchase by
interstate |
24 |
| carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
25 |
| commerce and equipment operated by a telecommunications |
26 |
| provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal |
27 |
| Communications Commission, which is permanently
installed in |
28 |
| or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
29 |
| (12-5) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, |
30 |
| motor vehicles of the second division
with a gross vehicle |
31 |
| weight in excess of 8,000 pounds
subject to the |
32 |
| commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of
33 |
| the Illinois
Vehicle Code. Beginning on July 1, 2004 and |
34 |
| through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of motor vehicles |
35 |
| of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating |
36 |
| in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject to the |
HB5000 |
- 70 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of |
2 |
| the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used |
3 |
| for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
exemption |
4 |
| applies to repair and replacement parts added
after the
initial |
5 |
| purchase of such a motor vehicle if that motor vehicle is used |
6 |
| in a
manner that
would qualify for the rolling stock exemption |
7 |
| otherwise provided for in this
Act. For purposes of this |
8 |
| paragraph, "used for commercial purposes" means the |
9 |
| transportation of persons or property in furtherance of any |
10 |
| commercial or industrial enterprise whether for-hire or not.
11 |
| (13) Proceeds from sales to owners, lessors, or
shippers of
12 |
| tangible personal property that is utilized by interstate |
13 |
| carriers for
hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate |
14 |
| commerce
and equipment operated by a telecommunications |
15 |
| provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal |
16 |
| Communications Commission, which is
permanently installed in |
17 |
| or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
18 |
| (14) Machinery and equipment that will be used by the |
19 |
| purchaser, or a
lessee of the purchaser, primarily in the |
20 |
| process of manufacturing or
assembling tangible personal |
21 |
| property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease, whether the |
22 |
| sale or lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by
some |
23 |
| other person, whether the materials used in the process are |
24 |
| owned by
the manufacturer or some other person, or whether the |
25 |
| sale or lease is made
apart from or as an incident to the |
26 |
| seller's engaging in the service
occupation of producing |
27 |
| machines, tools, dies, jigs, patterns, gauges, or
other similar |
28 |
| items of no commercial value on special order for a particular
29 |
| purchaser.
30 |
| (15) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately |
31 |
| stated on
customers' bills for purchase and consumption of food |
32 |
| and beverages, to the
extent that the proceeds of the service |
33 |
| charge are in fact turned over as
tips or as a substitute for |
34 |
| tips to the employees who participate directly
in preparing, |
35 |
| serving, hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function
36 |
| with respect to which the service charge is imposed.
HB5000 |
- 71 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (16) Petroleum products sold to a purchaser if the seller
2 |
| is prohibited by federal law from charging tax to the |
3 |
| purchaser.
4 |
| (17) Tangible personal property sold to a common carrier by |
5 |
| rail or
motor that
receives the physical possession of the |
6 |
| property in Illinois and that
transports the property, or |
7 |
| shares with another common carrier in the
transportation of the |
8 |
| property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill
of lading |
9 |
| showing the seller of the property as the shipper or consignor |
10 |
| of
the property to a destination outside Illinois, for use |
11 |
| outside Illinois.
12 |
| (18) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver |
13 |
| coinage
issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the |
14 |
| United States of
America, or the government of any foreign |
15 |
| country, and bullion.
16 |
| (19) Until July 1 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, |
17 |
| and production
equipment, including
(i) rigs and parts of rigs, |
18 |
| rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and |
19 |
| tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps |
20 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any |
21 |
| individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
22 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and |
23 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles |
24 |
| required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
25 |
| (20) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including |
26 |
| repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that |
27 |
| manufactured on
special order, certified by the purchaser to be |
28 |
| used primarily for
photoprocessing, and including |
29 |
| photoprocessing machinery and equipment
purchased for lease.
30 |
| (21) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, |
31 |
| offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation |
32 |
| equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and |
33 |
| including
equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor |
34 |
| vehicles required to be
registered under the Illinois Vehicle |
35 |
| Code.
36 |
| (22) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air |
HB5000 |
- 72 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| carrier,
certified by the carrier to be used for consumption, |
2 |
| shipment, or storage
in the conduct of its business as an air |
3 |
| common carrier, for a flight
destined for or returning from a |
4 |
| location or locations
outside the United States without regard |
5 |
| to previous or subsequent domestic
6 |
| (23) A transaction in which the purchase order is received |
7 |
| by a florist
who is located outside Illinois, but who has a |
8 |
| florist located in Illinois
deliver the property to the |
9 |
| purchaser or the purchaser's donee in Illinois.
10 |
| (24) Fuel consumed or used in the operation of ships, |
11 |
| barges, or vessels
that are used primarily in or for the |
12 |
| transportation of property or the
conveyance of persons for |
13 |
| hire on rivers bordering on this State if the
fuel is delivered |
14 |
| by the seller to the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel
while |
15 |
| it is afloat upon that bordering river.
16 |
| (25) Except as provided in item (25-5) of this Section, a
17 |
| motor vehicle sold in this State to a nonresident even though |
18 |
| the
motor vehicle is delivered to the nonresident in this |
19 |
| State, if the motor
vehicle is not to be titled in this State, |
20 |
| and if a drive-away permit
is issued to the motor vehicle as |
21 |
| provided in Section 3-603 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code or if |
22 |
| the nonresident purchaser has vehicle registration
plates to |
23 |
| transfer to the motor vehicle upon returning to his or her home
24 |
| state. The issuance of the drive-away permit or having
25 |
| out-of-state registration plates to be transferred is prima |
26 |
| facie evidence
that the motor vehicle will not be titled in |
27 |
| this State.
28 |
| (25-5) The exemption under item (25) does not apply if the |
29 |
| state in which the motor vehicle will be titled does not allow |
30 |
| a reciprocal exemption for a motor vehicle sold and delivered |
31 |
| in that state to an Illinois resident but titled in Illinois. |
32 |
| The tax collected under this Act on the sale of a motor vehicle |
33 |
| in this State to a resident of another state that does not |
34 |
| allow a reciprocal exemption shall be imposed at a rate equal |
35 |
| to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in the state in |
36 |
| which the purchaser is a resident, except that the tax shall |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| not exceed the tax that would otherwise be imposed under this |
2 |
| Act. At the time of the sale, the purchaser shall execute a |
3 |
| statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of his or her |
4 |
| intent to title the vehicle in the state in which the purchaser |
5 |
| is a resident within 30 days after the sale and of the fact of |
6 |
| the payment to the State of Illinois of tax in an amount |
7 |
| equivalent to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in |
8 |
| his or her state of residence and shall submit the statement to |
9 |
| the appropriate tax collection agency in his or her state of |
10 |
| residence. In addition, the retailer must retain a signed copy |
11 |
| of the statement in his or her records. Nothing in this item |
12 |
| shall be construed to require the removal of the vehicle from |
13 |
| this state following the filing of an intent to title the |
14 |
| vehicle in the purchaser's state of residence if the purchaser |
15 |
| titles the vehicle in his or her state of residence within 30 |
16 |
| days after the date of sale. The tax collected under this Act |
17 |
| in accordance with this item (25-5) shall be proportionately |
18 |
| distributed as if the tax were collected at the 6.25% general |
19 |
| rate imposed under this Act.
20 |
| (26) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock |
21 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
22 |
| (27) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and |
23 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club |
24 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
25 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or |
26 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or |
27 |
| racing for prizes.
28 |
| (28) Computers and communications equipment utilized for |
29 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
30 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor |
31 |
| who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one year or longer |
32 |
| executed or in effect at the
time of the purchase, to a
33 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption |
34 |
| identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of |
35 |
| this Act.
36 |
| (29) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
HB5000 |
- 74 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| property, under a
lease of one year or longer executed or in |
2 |
| effect at the time of the purchase,
to a governmental body
that |
3 |
| has been issued an active tax exemption identification number |
4 |
| by the
Department under Section 1g of this Act.
5 |
| (30) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after |
6 |
| December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or |
7 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for |
8 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
9 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a |
10 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a |
11 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution |
12 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification |
13 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
14 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
15 |
| (31) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after |
16 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or |
17 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the |
18 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including |
19 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
20 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer |
21 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification |
22 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and |
23 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or |
24 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois |
25 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the |
26 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
27 |
| (32) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a |
28 |
| "game breeding
hunting preserve area" or an "exotic game |
29 |
| hunting area" as those terms are used
in the
Wildlife Code or |
30 |
| at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by the
31 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from |
32 |
| the provisions
Section 2-70.
33 |
| (33) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section |
34 |
| 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a |
35 |
| corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, |
36 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department |
HB5000 |
- 75 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
2 |
| purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, |
3 |
| limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, |
4 |
| or institution organized and
exclusively for |
5 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
6 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful |
7 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and |
8 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the |
9 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and |
10 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
11 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less |
12 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to |
13 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, |
14 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
15 |
| (34) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, |
16 |
| including food, purchased
through fundraising events for the |
17 |
| benefit of a public or private elementary or
secondary school, |
18 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school districts if
19 |
| the events are sponsored by an entity recognized by the school |
20 |
| district that
consists primarily of volunteers and includes |
21 |
| parents and teachers of the
school children. This paragraph |
22 |
| does not apply to fundraising events (i) for
the benefit of |
23 |
| private home instruction or (ii) for which the fundraising
24 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at the events from |
25 |
| another
individual or entity that sold the property for the |
26 |
| purpose of resale by the
fundraising entity and that profits |
27 |
| from the sale to the fundraising entity.
This paragraph is |
28 |
| exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
29 |
| (35) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, |
30 |
| 2001, new or used
automatic vending machines that prepare and |
31 |
| serve hot food and beverages,
including coffee, soup, and other |
32 |
| items, and replacement parts for these
machines. Beginning |
33 |
| January 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines
and parts |
34 |
| for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and |
35 |
| vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the |
36 |
| gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines. This paragraph |
2 |
| is exempt from
the provisions of Section 2-70.
3 |
| (35-5) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed |
4 |
| off
the premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic |
5 |
| beverages, soft drinks,
and food that has been prepared for |
6 |
| immediate consumption) and prescription
and nonprescription |
7 |
| medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
8 |
| testing materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for |
9 |
| human use, when
purchased for use by a person receiving medical |
10 |
| assistance under Article 5 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code who |
11 |
| resides in a licensed long-term care facility,
as defined in |
12 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
13 |
| (36) Beginning August 2, 2001, computers and |
14 |
| communications equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and |
15 |
| equipment used in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of |
16 |
| hospital patients sold to a lessor who leases the
equipment, |
17 |
| under a lease of one year or longer executed or in effect at |
18 |
| the
time of the purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an |
19 |
| active tax
exemption identification number by the Department |
20 |
| under Section 1g of this Act.
This paragraph is exempt from the |
21 |
| provisions of Section 2-70.
22 |
| (37) Beginning August 2, 2001, personal property sold to a |
23 |
| lessor who
leases the property, under a lease of one year or |
24 |
| longer executed or in effect
at the time of the purchase, to a |
25 |
| governmental body that has been issued an
active tax exemption |
26 |
| identification number by the Department under Section 1g
of |
27 |
| this Act. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of |
28 |
| Section 2-70.
29 |
| (38) Beginning on January 1, 2002, tangible personal |
30 |
| property purchased
from an Illinois retailer by a taxpayer |
31 |
| engaged in centralized purchasing
activities in Illinois who |
32 |
| will, upon receipt of the property in Illinois,
temporarily |
33 |
| store the property in Illinois (i) for the purpose of |
34 |
| subsequently
transporting it outside this State for use or |
35 |
| consumption thereafter solely
outside this State or (ii) for |
36 |
| the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
manufactured |
HB5000 |
- 77 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| into, attached to, or incorporated into other tangible personal
2 |
| property to be transported outside this State and thereafter |
3 |
| used or consumed
solely outside this State. The Director of |
4 |
| Revenue shall, pursuant to rules
adopted in accordance with the |
5 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, issue a
permit to any |
6 |
| taxpayer in good standing with the Department who is eligible |
7 |
| for
the exemption under this paragraph (38). The permit issued |
8 |
| under
this paragraph (38) shall authorize the holder, to the |
9 |
| extent and
in the manner specified in the rules adopted under |
10 |
| this Act, to purchase
tangible personal property from a |
11 |
| retailer exempt from the taxes imposed by
this Act. Taxpayers |
12 |
| shall maintain all necessary books and records to
substantiate |
13 |
| the use and consumption of all such tangible personal property
14 |
| outside of the State of Illinois.
15 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, |
16 |
| eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; |
17 |
| 92-488, eff. 8-23-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 92-680, eff. |
18 |
| 7-16-02; 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, eff. 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. |
19 |
| 7-30-04; 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04; 93-1068, eff. 1-15-05.)
20 |
| Section 930. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing |
21 |
| Section 15-65 as follows:
22 |
| (35 ILCS 200/15-65)
23 |
| Sec. 15-65. Charitable purposes. All property of the |
24 |
| following is exempt
when actually and exclusively used for |
25 |
| charitable or beneficent purposes, and
not leased or otherwise |
26 |
| used with a view to profit:
27 |
| (a) Institutions of public charity.
28 |
| (b) Beneficent and charitable organizations |
29 |
| incorporated in any state of
the United States, including |
30 |
| organizations whose owner, and no other person,
uses the |
31 |
| property exclusively for the distribution, sale, or resale |
32 |
| of donated
goods and related activities and uses all the |
33 |
| income from those activities to
support the charitable, |
34 |
| religious or beneficent activities of the owner,
whether or |
HB5000 |
- 78 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| not such activities occur on the property.
2 |
| (c) Old people's homes, facilities for persons with a |
3 |
| developmental
disability, and not-for-profit organizations |
4 |
| providing services or facilities
related to the goals of |
5 |
| educational, social and physical development, if, upon
6 |
| making application for the exemption, the applicant |
7 |
| provides affirmative
evidence that the home or facility or |
8 |
| organization is an exempt organization
under paragraph (3) |
9 |
| of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or its
10 |
| successor, and either: (i) the bylaws of the home or |
11 |
| facility or not-for-profit
organization provide for a |
12 |
| waiver or reduction, based on an individual's
ability to |
13 |
| pay, of any entrance fee, assignment of assets, or fee for |
14 |
| services,
or (ii) the home or facility is qualified, built |
15 |
| or financed under Section 202
of the National Housing Act |
16 |
| of 1959, as amended.
17 |
| An applicant that has been granted an exemption under |
18 |
| this subsection on
the basis that its bylaws provide for a |
19 |
| waiver or reduction, based on an
individual's ability to |
20 |
| pay, of any entrance fee, assignment of assets, or fee
for |
21 |
| services may be periodically reviewed by the Department to |
22 |
| determine if the
waiver or reduction was a past policy or |
23 |
| is a current policy. The Department
may revoke the |
24 |
| exemption if it finds that the policy for waiver or |
25 |
| reduction is
no longer current.
26 |
| If a not-for-profit organization leases property that |
27 |
| is otherwise exempt
under this subsection to an |
28 |
| organization that conducts an activity on the
leased |
29 |
| premises that would entitle the lessee to an exemption from |
30 |
| real estate
taxes if the lessee were the owner of the |
31 |
| property, then the leased property
is exempt.
32 |
| (d) Not-for-profit health maintenance organizations |
33 |
| certified by the
Director of the Illinois Department of |
34 |
| Insurance under the Health Maintenance
Organization Act, |
35 |
| including any health maintenance organization that
36 |
| provides services to members at prepaid rates approved by |
HB5000 |
- 79 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| the Illinois
Department of Insurance if the membership of |
2 |
| the organization is sufficiently
large or of indefinite |
3 |
| classes so that the community is benefited by its
4 |
| operation. No exemption shall apply to any hospital or |
5 |
| health maintenance
organization which has been adjudicated |
6 |
| by a court of competent jurisdiction to
have denied |
7 |
| admission to any person because of race, color, creed, sex |
8 |
| or
national origin.
9 |
| (e) All free public libraries.
10 |
| (f) Historical societies.
11 |
| Property otherwise qualifying for an exemption under this |
12 |
| Section shall not
lose its exemption because the legal title is |
13 |
| held (i) by an entity that is
organized solely to hold that |
14 |
| title and that qualifies under paragraph (2) of
Section 501(c) |
15 |
| of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor, whether or not
16 |
| that entity receives rent from the charitable organization for |
17 |
| the repair and
maintenance of the property, (ii) by an entity |
18 |
| that is organized as
partnership, in which the charitable |
19 |
| organization, or an affiliate or
subsidiary of the charitable |
20 |
| organization, is a general partner, for the
purposes of owning |
21 |
| and operating a residential rental property that has
received |
22 |
| an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits for 100%
of the |
23 |
| dwelling units under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue
Code of |
24 |
| 1986, or (iii) for any assessment year including and subsequent |
25 |
| to
January 1, 1996 for which an application for exemption has |
26 |
| been filed and a
decision on which has not become final and |
27 |
| nonappealable, by a limited
liability company organized under |
28 |
| the Limited Liability Company Act provided
that (A) the limited |
29 |
| liability company receives a notification from the
Internal |
30 |
| Revenue Service that it qualifies under paragraph (2) or (3) of
31 |
| Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code; (B) the limited |
32 |
| liability
company's sole
members, as that term is used in |
33 |
| Section 1-5 of the Limited Liability Company
Act, are the |
34 |
| institutions of public charity that actually and exclusively |
35 |
| use
the property for charitable and beneficent purposes; and |
36 |
| (C) the limited
liability company does not lease the property |
HB5000 |
- 80 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| or otherwise use it with a view
to profit. A hospital as |
2 |
| defined in the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act may |
3 |
| qualify for the exemption under this Section only if it is in |
4 |
| compliance with that Act.
5 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-416, eff. 8-6-99; 92-382, eff. 8-16-01.)
6 |
| Section 935. The Community Benefits Act is amended by |
7 |
| changing Sections 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 and by adding Section |
8 |
| 45 as follows:
9 |
| (210 ILCS 76/5)
10 |
| Sec. 5. Applicability. This Act does not apply to a |
11 |
| hospital operated
by a unit of government , a hospital located |
12 |
| outside of a metropolitan
statistical area, or a hospital with |
13 |
| 100 or fewer beds. Hospitals that
are owned or operated by or |
14 |
| affiliated with a health system shall be deemed to
be in |
15 |
| compliance with this Act if the health system has met the |
16 |
| requirements of
this Act . Each hospital owned or operated by or |
17 |
| affiliated with a health system must demonstrate compliance |
18 |
| separately from any other hospital owned or operated by or |
19 |
| affiliated with the health system.
20 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-480, eff. 8-8-03.)
21 |
| (210 ILCS 76/10)
22 |
| Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
23 |
| "Charity care" means charity care as defined in the |
24 |
| Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act
care provided by a |
25 |
| health care provider for which the
provider does not expect to |
26 |
| receive payment from the patient or a third party
payer .
27 |
| "Community benefits" means the unreimbursed cost to a |
28 |
| hospital or health
system of providing charity care, language |
29 |
| assistant services,
government-sponsored indigent health care, |
30 |
| donations, volunteer services,
education, government-sponsored |
31 |
| program services, research, and subsidized
health services and |
32 |
| collecting bad debts.
"Community benefits" does not include the |
33 |
| cost of paying any taxes or other
governmental assessments.
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| "Government sponsored indigent health care" means the |
2 |
| unreimbursed cost to a
hospital or health system of Medicare, |
3 |
| providing health care services to
recipients of Medicaid,
and |
4 |
| other
federal, State, or local indigent health care programs, |
5 |
| eligibility for which
is based on
financial need.
6 |
| "Health system" means an entity that owns or operates at |
7 |
| least one hospital.
8 |
| "Nonprofit hospital" means a hospital that is organized as |
9 |
| a not-for-profit
including religious |
10 |
| organizations, or a charitable trust under Illinois law or
the |
11 |
| laws of
any other state or country.
12 |
| "Subsidized health services" means those services provided |
13 |
| by a hospital in
response to community needs for which the |
14 |
| reimbursement is less than the
hospital's cost of providing the |
15 |
| services that must be subsidized by other
hospital or nonprofit |
16 |
| supporting entity revenue sources. "Subsidized health
17 |
| services" includes, but is not limited to, emergency and trauma |
18 |
| care,
neonatal intensive care, community health clinics, and |
19 |
| collaborative efforts
with local government or private |
20 |
| agencies to prevent illness and improve
wellness, such as |
21 |
| immunization programs.
22 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-480, eff. 8-8-03.)
23 |
| (210 ILCS 76/15)
24 |
| Sec. 15. Organizational mission statement; community |
25 |
| benefits plan. A
nonprofit hospital must
shall develop:
26 |
| (1) an organizational mission statement that |
27 |
| identifies the hospital's
commitment to serving the health |
28 |
| care needs of the community; and
29 |
| (2) a community benefits plan defined as an operational |
30 |
| plan for serving
the community's health care needs that:
31 |
| (A) sets out goals and objectives for providing |
32 |
| community benefits
that include charity care and |
33 |
| government sponsored indigent health care;
34 |
| (B) identifies the populations and communities |
35 |
| served by the
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-480, eff. 8-8-03.)
2 |
| (210 ILCS 76/20)
3 |
| Sec. 20. Annual charity care report and
for community |
4 |
| benefits report
plan .
5 |
| (a) Each nonprofit hospital must
shall prepare an annual |
6 |
| charity care report in accordance with Section 30 of the |
7 |
| Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act and an annual report of |
8 |
| its
the community
benefits plan. The annual report of the |
9 |
| community
benefits plan must include, in addition to the |
10 |
| community benefits
plan itself,
all of the following background |
11 |
| information:
12 |
| (1) The hospital's mission statement.
13 |
| (2) A disclosure of the health care needs of the |
14 |
| community that were
considered in developing the |
15 |
| hospital's community benefits plan.
16 |
| (3) A disclosure of the amount and types of community |
17 |
| benefits actually
provided, including charity care. |
18 |
| Charity care must be reported separate from
other community |
19 |
| benefits as part of the annual charity care report . In |
20 |
| reporting charity care,
the hospital must report the actual |
21 |
| cost of services provided, based on the
total cost to |
22 |
| charge ratio derived from the hospital's Medicare cost |
23 |
| report
(CMS 2552-96 Worksheet C, Part 1, PPS Inpatient |
24 |
| Ratios), not the charges
the services. The filing of an |
25 |
| annual charity care report under Section 30 of the |
26 |
| Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act shall satisfy a |
27 |
| nonprofit hospital's charity care reporting requirements |
28 |
| under this paragraph with respect to the provision of |
29 |
| charity care.
30 |
| (4) Audited annual financial reports for its most |
31 |
| recently completed
fiscal year. Submission of a nonprofit |
32 |
| hospital's most recent set of audited financial statements |
33 |
| as part of the hospital's filing of its annual charity care |
34 |
| report, as mandated by subdivision (b)(6) of Section 30 of |
35 |
| the Tax-Exempt Hospital Responsibility Act, shall satisfy |
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| the hospital's financial reporting requirements under this |
2 |
| paragraph.
3 |
| (b) Each nonprofit hospital must
shall annually file the |
4 |
| annual
a report of its
the community
plan with the |
5 |
| Attorney General. The report must be filed not later than the
6 |
| last day of the sixth month after the close of the hospital's |
7 |
| fiscal year,
beginning with the hospital fiscal year that ends |
8 |
| in 2004.
9 |
| (c) Each nonprofit hospital shall prepare a statement that |
10 |
| notifies the
the annual report of the community |
11 |
| benefits plan is:
12 |
| (1) public information;
13 |
| (2) filed with the Attorney General; and
14 |
| (3) available to the public on request from the |
15 |
| Attorney General.
16 |
| This statement shall be made available to the public.
17 |
| (d) The obligations of a hospital under this Act, except |
18 |
| for the filing of
its audited financial report, shall take |
19 |
| effect beginning with the hospital's
fiscal year that begins |
20 |
| after the effective date of this Act. Within 60 days
of the |
21 |
| effective date of this Act, a hospital shall file the audited |
22 |
| annual
financial report that has been completed for its most |
23 |
| recently completed fiscal
year. Thereafter, a hospital shall |
24 |
| include its audited annual financial report
for its most |
25 |
| recently completed fiscal year in its annual report of its
26 |
| community benefits plan.
27 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-480, eff. 8-8-03.)
28 |
| (210 ILCS 76/25)
29 |
| Sec. 25. Failure to file annual report. The Attorney |
30 |
| General may assess a
late filing fee against a nonprofit |
31 |
| hospital that fails to make a report of the
community benefits
32 |
| plan as required under this Act in an amount not to exceed |
33 |
| $10,000
$100 . The Attorney
General may grant extensions for |
34 |
| good cause. No penalty may be
assessed against a
hospital under |
35 |
| this Section until 30 business days have elapsed after written
HB5000 |
- 84 - |
LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
1 |
| notification
to the hospital of its failure to file a report.
2 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-480, eff. 8-8-03.)
3 |
| (210 ILCS 76/45 new) |
4 |
| Sec. 45. Attorney General's rulemaking authority. The |
5 |
| Attorney General has authority to adopt rules to implement and |
6 |
| enforce the provisions of this Act.
7 |
| Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
8 |
| becoming law.
HB5000 |
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LRB094 15260 DRJ 54132 b |
| 1 |
| 2 |
Statutes amended in order of appearance
| 3 |
| New Act |
| 4 |
| 5 ILCS 140/7 |
from Ch. 116, par. 207 |
| 5 |
| 20 ILCS 3501/801-40 |
| 6 |
| 30 ILCS 105/5.665 new |
| 7 |
| 35 ILCS 5/205 |
from Ch. 120, par. 2-205 |
| 8 |
| 35 ILCS 105/3-5 |
from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-5 |
| 9 |
| 35 ILCS 110/2 |
from Ch. 120, par. 439.32 |
| 10 |
| 35 ILCS 115/2 |
from Ch. 120, par. 439.102 |
| 11 |
| 35 ILCS 120/2-5 |
from Ch. 120, par. 441-5 |
| 12 |
| 35 ILCS 200/15-65 |
| 13 |
| 210 ILCS 76/5 |
| 14 |
| 210 ILCS 76/10 |
| 15 |
| 210 ILCS 76/15 |
| 16 |
| 210 ILCS 76/20 |
| 17 |
| 210 ILCS 76/25 |
| 18 |
| 210 ILCS 76/45 new |