State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB4925
Introduced 1/19/2006, by Rep. Michael K. Smith SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
40 ILCS 5/14-103.05 |
from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 14-103.05 |
Amends the State Employee Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that certain individuals who represent or are employed as officers or employees of a statewide labor organization that represents members of the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois may elect to participate in that System. Effective
| |
HB4925 |
LRB094 17486 AMC 52781 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning public employee benefits.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by |
5 |
| changing Section 14-103.05 as follows:
6 |
| (40 ILCS 5/14-103.05) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 14-103.05)
7 |
| Sec. 14-103.05. Employee.
8 |
| (a) Any person employed by a Department who receives salary
9 |
| for personal services rendered to the Department on a warrant
10 |
| issued pursuant to a payroll voucher certified by a Department |
11 |
| and drawn
by the State Comptroller upon the State Treasurer, |
12 |
| including an elected
official described in subparagraph (d) of |
13 |
| Section 14-104, shall become
an employee for purpose of |
14 |
| membership in the Retirement System on the
first day of such |
15 |
| employment.
16 |
| A person entering service on or after January 1, 1972 and |
17 |
| prior to January
1, 1984 shall become a member as a condition |
18 |
| of employment and shall begin
making contributions as of the |
19 |
| first day of employment.
20 |
| A person entering service on or after January 1, 1984 |
21 |
| shall, upon completion
of 6 months of continuous service which |
22 |
| is not interrupted by a break of more
than 2 months, become a |
23 |
| member as a condition of employment. Contributions
shall begin |
24 |
| the first of the month after completion of the qualifying |
25 |
| period.
26 |
| The qualifying period of 6 months of service is not |
27 |
| applicable to: (1)
a person who has been granted credit for |
28 |
| service in a position covered by
the State Universities |
29 |
| Retirement System, the Teachers' Retirement System
of the State |
30 |
| of Illinois, the General Assembly Retirement System, or the
31 |
| Judges Retirement System of Illinois unless that service has |
32 |
| been forfeited
under the laws of those systems; (2) a person |
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LRB094 17486 AMC 52781 b |
1 |
| entering service on or
after July 1, 1991 in a noncovered |
2 |
| position; or (3) a person to whom Section
14-108.2a or |
3 |
| 14-108.2b applies.
4 |
| (b) The term "employee" does not include the following:
5 |
| (1) members of the State Legislature, and persons |
6 |
| electing to become
members of the General Assembly |
7 |
| Retirement System pursuant to Section 2-105;
8 |
| (2) incumbents of offices normally filled by vote of |
9 |
| the people;
10 |
| (3) except as otherwise provided in this Section, any |
11 |
| person
appointed by the Governor with the advice and |
12 |
| consent
of the Senate unless that person elects to |
13 |
| participate in this system;
14 |
| (3.1) any person serving as a commissioner of an ethics |
15 |
| commission created under the State Officials and Employees |
16 |
| Ethics Act unless that person elects to participate in this |
17 |
| system with respect to that service as a commissioner;
18 |
| (3.2) any person serving as a part-time employee in any |
19 |
| of the following positions: Legislative Inspector General, |
20 |
| Special Legislative Inspector General, employee of the |
21 |
| Office of the Legislative Inspector General, Executive |
22 |
| Director of the Legislative Ethics Commission, or staff of |
23 |
| the Legislative Ethics Commission, regardless of whether |
24 |
| he or she is in active service on or after July 8, 2004 |
25 |
| (the effective date of Public Act 93-685), unless that |
26 |
| person elects to participate in this System with respect to |
27 |
| that service; in this item (3.2), a "part-time employee" is |
28 |
| a person who is not required to work at least 35 hours per |
29 |
| week; |
30 |
| (3.3) any person who has made an election under Section |
31 |
| 1-123 and who is serving either as legal counsel in the |
32 |
| Office of the Governor or as Chief Deputy Attorney General;
33 |
| (4) except as provided in Section 14-108.2 or |
34 |
| 14-108.2c, any person
who is covered or eligible to be |
35 |
| covered by the Teachers' Retirement System of
the State of |
36 |
| Illinois, the State Universities Retirement System, or the |
HB4925 |
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LRB094 17486 AMC 52781 b |
1 |
| Judges
Retirement System of Illinois;
2 |
| (5) an employee of a municipality or any other |
3 |
| political subdivision
of the State;
4 |
| (6) any person who becomes an employee after June 30, |
5 |
| 1979 as a
public service employment program participant |
6 |
| under the Federal
Comprehensive Employment and Training |
7 |
| Act and whose wages or fringe
benefits are paid in whole or |
8 |
| in part by funds provided under such Act;
9 |
| (7) enrollees of the Illinois Young Adult Conservation |
10 |
| Corps program,
administered by the Department of Natural |
11 |
| Resources, authorized grantee
pursuant to Title VIII of the |
12 |
| "Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of
1973", 29 USC |
13 |
| 993, as now or hereafter amended;
14 |
| (8) enrollees and temporary staff of programs |
15 |
| administered by the
Department of Natural Resources under |
16 |
| the Youth
Conservation Corps Act of 1970;
17 |
| (9) any person who is a member of any professional |
18 |
| licensing or
disciplinary board created under an Act |
19 |
| administered by the Department of
Professional Regulation |
20 |
| or a successor agency or created or re-created
after the |
21 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, and who |
22 |
| receives
per diem compensation rather than a salary, |
23 |
| notwithstanding that such per diem
compensation is paid by |
24 |
| warrant issued pursuant to a payroll voucher; such
persons |
25 |
| have never been included in the membership of this System, |
26 |
| and this
amendatory Act of 1987 (P.A. 84-1472) is not |
27 |
| intended to effect any change in
the status of such |
28 |
| persons;
29 |
| (10) any person who is a member of the Illinois Health |
30 |
| Care Cost
Containment Council, and receives per diem |
31 |
| compensation rather than a
salary, notwithstanding that |
32 |
| such per diem compensation is paid by warrant
issued |
33 |
| pursuant to a payroll voucher; such persons have never been |
34 |
| included
in the membership of this System, and this |
35 |
| amendatory Act of 1987 is not
intended to effect any change |
36 |
| in the status of such persons;
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1 |
| (11) any person who is a member of the Oil and Gas |
2 |
| Board created by
Section 1.2 of the Illinois Oil and Gas |
3 |
| Act, and receives per diem
compensation rather than a |
4 |
| salary, notwithstanding that such per diem
compensation is |
5 |
| paid by warrant issued pursuant to a payroll voucher; or
6 |
| (12) a person employed by the State Board of Higher |
7 |
| Education in a position with the Illinois Century Network |
8 |
| as of June 30, 2004, who remains continuously employed |
9 |
| after that date by the Department of Central Management |
10 |
| Services in a position with the Illinois Century Network |
11 |
| and participates in the Article 15 system with respect to |
12 |
| that employment.
13 |
| (c) An individual who, on or after July 1, 2004, represents |
14 |
| or is employed as an officer or
employee of a statewide labor |
15 |
| organization that represents members of this
System may |
16 |
| participate in the System and shall be deemed an employee, |
17 |
| provided
that (1) the individual has previously earned |
18 |
| creditable service under this
Article, (2) the individual files |
19 |
| with the System an irrevocable election to
become a |
20 |
| participant, and (3) the individual does not receive credit for |
21 |
| that
employment under any other provision of this Code. An |
22 |
| employee under this
subsection (c) is responsible for paying to |
23 |
| the System both (i) employee
contributions based on the actual |
24 |
| compensation received for service with the
labor organization |
25 |
| and (ii) employer contributions based on the percentage of
26 |
| payroll certified by the board; all or any part of these |
27 |
| contributions may be
paid on the employee's behalf or picked up |
28 |
| for tax purposes (if authorized
under federal law) by the labor |
29 |
| organization.
30 |
| A person who is an employee as defined in this subsection |
31 |
| may establish
service credit for similar employment prior to |
32 |
| becoming an employee under
this subsection by paying to the |
33 |
| System for that employment the contributions
specified in this |
34 |
| subsection, plus interest at the effective rate from the
date |
35 |
| of service to the date of payment. However, credit shall not be |
36 |
| granted
under this subsection for any such prior employment for |