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1 | AN ACT concerning public aid.
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2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
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3 | represented in the General Assembly:
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4 | Section 5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | adding Section 12-4.36 as follows: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (305 ILCS 5/12-4.36 new) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 12-4.36. Work support programs; outcomes and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | reporting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) The General Assembly finds that it is in the best | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | interests of Illinois and of Illinois families and children | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | that families escape poverty and achieve financial progress | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | through employment. It is also in the best interests of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Illinois employers and the Illinois economy that workers be | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | healthy, stable, and productive. To help accomplish these | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | goals, the General Assembly has created programs that support | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | the work effort of lower-income workers, including the programs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | under Articles IV, V, VI, IX, and IXA of this Code, the Food | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Stamp Program, and the programs under the Children's Health | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Insurance Program Act, among others. The General Assembly finds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | that the hearings, data, and annual reports by the Department | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | of Human Services established under this Section will be useful | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | in determining whether the administration of certain of these | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | programs is effective in helping the programs accomplish their | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | purposes as intended by the General Assembly. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | (b) The Department of Human Services, with the advice of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, shall work | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | with the Social Services Advisory Council to develop the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | outcome measures and data-based performance indicators and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | annual reports necessary to comply with this Section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | (c) The outcome measures shall address performance with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | respect to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | the Food Stamp program, and all the medical assistance programs |
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1 | for children and families. For each outcome measure, the | ||||||
2 | Department of Human Services, in consultation with the | ||||||
3 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Social | ||||||
4 | Services Advisory Council, shall develop performance | ||||||
5 | indicators to help assess the level of attainment of the | ||||||
6 | outcome measures. To the extent possible, the performance | ||||||
7 | indicators shall be drawn from administrative data available | ||||||
8 | from the Department or to the Department from other agencies of | ||||||
9 | State or federal government. The outcome measures shall | ||||||
10 | include, but need not be limited to, the following measures, | ||||||
11 | and, for each such measure, the corresponding performance | ||||||
12 | indicators shall include, but need not be limited to, the | ||||||
13 | following indicators: | ||||||
14 | (1) Outcome measure: The extent to which the estimated | ||||||
15 | population of eligible people and families under each of | ||||||
16 | the programs is enrolled in the program and utilizes | ||||||
17 | features of the program. Performance indicators: | ||||||
18 | (A) As of the date of the data collected for the | ||||||
19 | annual report, a caseload profile for each Department | ||||||
20 | of Human Services local office showing the numbers of | ||||||
21 | cases receiving Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF, MANG, | ||||||
22 | KidCare, and Family Care. For each program, the | ||||||
23 | caseload profile as to each local office shall also | ||||||
24 | show the percentage of the caseload employed | ||||||
25 | full-time, the percentage of the caseload employed | ||||||
26 | part-time, and the percentage of the caseload engaged | ||||||
27 | in documented social, health, or educational | ||||||
28 | activities instead of employment. By program, | ||||||
29 | aggregate data shall be provided that is relevant and | ||||||
30 | available. | ||||||
31 | (B) As of the date of the data collected for the | ||||||
32 | annual report, an estimate of the number of people in | ||||||
33 | Illinois potentially eligible for each program, and | ||||||
34 | the number enrolled in each program, broken down as to | ||||||
35 | both potential eligibles and actual enrollees by | ||||||
36 | categories of race and national origin, insofar as the |
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1 | administrative data for each program tracks race and | ||||||
2 | national origin in the programs. | ||||||
3 | (C) Statewide, the number of people enrolled in one | ||||||
4 | program who are income-eligible for one or more other | ||||||
5 | programs and the number of those who are enrolled in | ||||||
6 | such other programs. | ||||||
7 | (D) Statewide, the number of participants in | ||||||
8 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or Food Stamps | ||||||
9 | who are participating, as full or partial compliance in | ||||||
10 | program work requirements, in activities related to | ||||||
11 | mental illness or depression, substance abuse, low | ||||||
12 | literacy, domestic violence, or a physical disability. | ||||||
13 | As part of this indicator, the number of people in the | ||||||
14 | caseload identified as having one or more of these | ||||||
15 | barriers to employment, the number of funded "slots" in | ||||||
16 | programs meant to address these barriers, the extent to | ||||||
17 | which these slots are filled, and the number of people | ||||||
18 | needing these services who are not receiving them due | ||||||
19 | to the unavailability of a funded program "slot". | ||||||
20 | (E) The number of individuals in any of these | ||||||
21 | programs whose first language is not English, and the | ||||||
22 | number who are provided translation services. In | ||||||
23 | addition, the number of families whose first language | ||||||
24 | is not English who participate in Temporary Assistance | ||||||
25 | for Needy Families or Food Stamps and who are | ||||||
26 | participating in English as a Second Language classes. | ||||||
27 | (F) The number and percentage of program exits | ||||||
28 | based on increased income, compared to the number and | ||||||
29 | percentage of exits based on other factors. | ||||||
30 | (2) Outcome measure: The extent to which Department of | ||||||
31 | Human Services local offices and staff deliver quality | ||||||
32 | services and administer the programs consistently with the | ||||||
33 | Department's established policies and procedures. | ||||||
34 | Performance indicators: | ||||||
35 | (A) The ratio of caseworkers to cases in each | ||||||
36 | program by local office. |
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1 | (B) The ratio of non-English-speaking cases to | ||||||
2 | caseworkers who speak the appropriate language, by | ||||||
3 | office. | ||||||
4 | (C) The impact in service delivery improvement by | ||||||
5 | technological upgrades made in local offices' case | ||||||
6 | processing and application processes. | ||||||
7 | (D) The average time elapsed between the date of | ||||||
8 | application and the date of disposition of the | ||||||
9 | application in each program. | ||||||
10 | (E) The number of applications granted as to which | ||||||
11 | assistance was provided after the deadline provided by | ||||||
12 | law for the provision of assistance to successful | ||||||
13 | applicants. | ||||||
14 | (F) The average number of visits to the local | ||||||
15 | office by working applicants. | ||||||
16 | (G) The number and percentage of recipient | ||||||
17 | families transitioning from Medicaid to Family Care. | ||||||
18 | (H) The number and percentage of recipient | ||||||
19 | families transitioning from Medicaid to KidCare | ||||||
20 | Assist, from KidCare Assist to KidCare Share, and from | ||||||
21 | KidCare Share to KidCare Premium. | ||||||
22 | (I) The number of applications denied and the | ||||||
23 | number of cases closed for procedural reasons (reasons | ||||||
24 | other than substantive eligibility criteria based on | ||||||
25 | income and family circumstances). | ||||||
26 | (J) The number of administrative appeals filed. | ||||||
27 | (d) The Department of Human Services shall conduct an | ||||||
28 | annual hearing on the administration of work support programs | ||||||
29 | at the local office level not later than September of each | ||||||
30 | year. The hearing shall include testimony of people who have | ||||||
31 | used or attempted to use the work support programs, officials | ||||||
32 | familiar with the status of technology used in the | ||||||
33 | administration of programs in the local offices, and Department | ||||||
34 | of Human Services workers engaged in the administration of | ||||||
35 | programs in the local offices. The first annual hearing shall | ||||||
36 | be held so that the proceedings may be included in the October |
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1 | 1, 2006, annual report. | ||||||
2 | (e) The Department of Human Services shall prepare an | ||||||
3 | annual report and present it to the General Assembly on October | ||||||
4 | 1, 2006. The report shall cover the performance indicators | ||||||
5 | based on data for the year July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. | ||||||
6 | The report shall also include a summary of the testimony | ||||||
7 | provided at the annual hearing. Thereafter, each annual report | ||||||
8 | shall be presented on October 1 and shall cover the performance | ||||||
9 | indicators for July 1 of the previous year through June 30 of | ||||||
10 | the year of the report, plus a summary of the testimony at the | ||||||
11 | annual hearing that year. The performance indicators contained | ||||||
12 | in the first report due October 1, 2006 may be limited to those | ||||||
13 | as to which data reports are already generated by the | ||||||
14 | departments of State government during the relevant year. | ||||||
15 | Thereafter, however, the Department of Human Services or other | ||||||
16 | units of State government shall generate administrative data | ||||||
17 | reports as needed to document performance of the performance | ||||||
18 | indicators, and the second and all further annual reports shall | ||||||
19 | include reports on the performance indicators based on those | ||||||
20 | data.
| ||||||
21 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
22 | becoming law.