Rep. Sandra M. Pihos
Filed: 3/11/2005
09400HB3721ham001 |
LRB094 08371 BDD 43581 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3721 by replacing |
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| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
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| "Section 5. The State Commemorative Dates Act is amended by |
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| adding Section 82 as follows: |
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| (5 ILCS 490/82 new) |
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| Sec. 82. Ovarian And Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. The |
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| month of September of each year is designated as Ovarian And |
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| Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to be observed throughout the |
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| State as a month set apart to promote advocacy activities and |
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| the study of ovarian cancer and prostate cancer and to honor |
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| those whose lives have been impacted by the diseases. The |
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| Governor may annually issue a proclamation designating |
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| September as Ovarian And Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and |
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| calling upon the citizens of the State to promote awareness of |
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| ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. ".