| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning elections.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Sections 7-15, 12-1,
17-9, 18-5, 24A-10, 24A-10.1, 24A-15.1, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 24B-10, and 24B-15.1 and by adding Article 19A and Sections | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 19A-5, 19A-10, 19A-15, 19A-20, 19A-25, 19A-25.5, 19A-30, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 19A-35, 19A-40, 19A-45, 19A-50, 19A-55, 19A-60, 19A-65, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 19A-70, and 19A-75 as
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | (10 ILCS 5/7-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 7-15)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Sec. 7-15. At least 60 days prior to each general and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | consolidated primary,
the election authority shall provide | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | public notice, calculated to reach
elderly and handicapped | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | voters, of the availability of registration and
voting aids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | under the Federal Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Handicapped Act, of the availability of assistance in marking | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | the ballot,
and procedures for voting by absentee ballot , and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | procedures for early
by personal appearance .
At least 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | days before the general primary the county
clerk of each | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | county, and not more than 30 nor less than 10 days before
the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | consolidated primary the election authority, shall prepare in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | the
manner provided in this Act, a notice of such primary which | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | notice shall
state the time and place of holding the primary, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | the hours during which
the polls will be open, the offices for | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | which candidates will be
nominated at such primary and the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | political parties entitled to
participate therein, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | notwithstanding that no candidate of any such
political party | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | may be entitled to have his name printed on the primary
ballot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Such notice shall also include the list of addresses of
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | precinct polling places for the consolidated primary unless | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | such list is
separately published by the election authority not | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | less than 10 days
before the consolidated primary.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | In counties, municipalities, or towns having fewer than | ||||||
2 | 500,000
inhabitants notice of the general primary shall be | ||||||
3 | published once in two
or more newspapers published in the | ||||||
4 | county, municipality or town, as the
case may be, or if there | ||||||
5 | is no such newspaper, then in any two or more
newspapers | ||||||
6 | published in the county and having a general circulation
| ||||||
7 | throughout the community.
| ||||||
8 | In counties, municipalities, or towns having 500,000 or | ||||||
9 | more
inhabitants notice of the general primary shall be | ||||||
10 | published at least 15
days prior to the primary by the same | ||||||
11 | authorities and in the same manner
as notice of election for | ||||||
12 | general elections are required to be published
in counties, | ||||||
13 | municipalities or towns of 500,000 or more inhabitants
under | ||||||
14 | this Act.
| ||||||
15 | Notice of the consolidated primary shall be published once | ||||||
16 | in one or
more newspapers published in each political | ||||||
17 | subdivision having such
primary, and if there is no such | ||||||
18 | newspaper, then published once in a
local, community newspaper | ||||||
19 | having general circulation in the
subdivision, and also once in | ||||||
20 | a newspaper published in the county
wherein the political | ||||||
21 | subdivisions, or portions thereof, having such
primary are | ||||||
22 | situated.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 84-808.)
| ||||||
24 | (10 ILCS 5/12-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 12-1)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 12-1. At least 60 days prior to each general and | ||||||
26 | consolidated election,
the election authority shall provide | ||||||
27 | public notice, calculated to reach
elderly and handicapped | ||||||
28 | voters, of the availability of registration and
voting aids | ||||||
29 | under the Federal Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
| ||||||
30 | Handicapped Act, of the availability of assistance in marking | ||||||
31 | the ballot,
and procedures for voting by absentee ballot , and | ||||||
32 | procedures for voting
early by personal appearance .
| ||||||
33 | At least 30 days before any general election, and at least | ||||||
34 | 20 days
before any special congressional election, the
county | ||||||
35 | clerk shall publish a notice of the election in 2 or more
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | newspapers published in the county, city, village,
| ||||||
2 | incorporated town or town, as the case may be, or if there is | ||||||
3 | no such
newspaper, then in any 2 or more newspapers published | ||||||
4 | in the
county and having a general circulation throughout the | ||||||
5 | community. The
notice may be substantially as follows:
| ||||||
6 | Notice is hereby given that on (give date), at (give the | ||||||
7 | place of
holding the election and the name of the precinct or | ||||||
8 | district) in the
county of (name county), an election will be | ||||||
9 | held for (give the title of
the several offices to be filled), | ||||||
10 | which election will be open at 6:00
a.m. and continued open | ||||||
11 | until 7:00 p.m. of that day.
| ||||||
12 | Dated at .... on (insert date).
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
| ||||||
14 | (10 ILCS 5/17-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 17-9)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 17-9. Any person desiring to vote shall give his name | ||||||
16 | and, if
required to do so, his residence to the judges of | ||||||
17 | election, one of whom
shall thereupon announce the same in a | ||||||
18 | loud and distinct tone of voice,
clear, and audible; the judges | ||||||
19 | of elections shall check each application
for ballot against | ||||||
20 | the list of voters registered in that precinct to
whom absentee
| ||||||
21 | or early
ballots have been issued for that election, which | ||||||
22 | shall be
provided by the election authority and which list | ||||||
23 | shall be available for
inspection by pollwatchers. A voter | ||||||
24 | applying to vote in the
precinct on election day whose name | ||||||
25 | appears on the list as having
been issued an absentee
or early
| ||||||
26 | ballot shall not be permitted to vote in the
precinct unless | ||||||
27 | that voter submits to the judges of election, for
cancellation | ||||||
28 | or revocation, his
ballot. In the case that the | ||||||
29 | voter's absentee
ballot is not present
in the polling place, it | ||||||
30 | shall be sufficient for any such voter to submit to
the judges | ||||||
31 | of election in lieu of his absentee
ballot, either a portion
of | ||||||
32 | such ballot if torn or mutilated, an affidavit executed before | ||||||
33 | the
judges of election specifying that the voter never received | ||||||
34 | an absentee
ballot, or an affidavit executed before the judges | ||||||
35 | of election specifying
that the voter desires to cancel or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | revoke any absentee
ballot that may have
been cast in the | ||||||
2 | voter's name . All applicable provisions of Articles
4, 5 or 6 | ||||||
3 | shall be complied with and if such name is found on the | ||||||
4 | register of
voters by the
officer having charge thereof, he | ||||||
5 | shall likewise repeat said name, and
the voter shall be allowed | ||||||
6 | to enter within the proximity of the voting
booths, as above | ||||||
7 | provided. One of the judges shall give the voter one,
and only | ||||||
8 | one of each ballot to be voted at the election, on the back of
| ||||||
9 | which ballots such judge shall indorse his initials in such | ||||||
10 | manner that
they may be seen when each such ballot is properly | ||||||
11 | folded, and the
voter's name shall be immediately checked on | ||||||
12 | the register list. In those
election jurisdictions where | ||||||
13 | perforated ballot cards are utilized of the
type on which | ||||||
14 | write-in votes can be cast above the perforation, the election
| ||||||
15 | authority shall provide a space both above and below the | ||||||
16 | perforation for
the judge's initials, and the judge shall | ||||||
17 | endorse his or her initials in
both spaces. Whenever
a proposal | ||||||
18 | for a constitutional amendment or for the calling of a
| ||||||
19 | constitutional convention is to be voted upon at the election, | ||||||
20 | the
separate blue ballot or ballots pertaining thereto shall, | ||||||
21 | when being
handed to the voter, be placed on top of the other | ||||||
22 | ballots to be voted
at the election in such manner that the | ||||||
23 | legend appearing on the back
thereof, as prescribed in Section | ||||||
24 | 16-6 of this Act, shall be plainly
visible to the voter. At all | ||||||
25 | elections, when a registry may be
required, if the name of any | ||||||
26 | person so desiring to vote at such election
is not found on the | ||||||
27 | register of voters, he or she shall not receive a ballot
until | ||||||
28 | he or she shall have complied with the law prescribing the | ||||||
29 | manner and
conditions of voting by unregistered voters. If any | ||||||
30 | person desiring to
vote at any election shall be challenged, he | ||||||
31 | or she shall not receive a ballot
until he or she shall have | ||||||
32 | established his right to vote in the manner provided
| ||||||
33 | hereinafter; and if he or she shall be challenged after he has | ||||||
34 | received his
ballot, he shall not be permitted to vote until he | ||||||
35 | or she has fully complied
with such requirements of the law | ||||||
36 | upon being challenged. Besides the
election officer, not more |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | than 2 voters in excess of the whole number
of voting booths | ||||||
2 | provided shall be allowed within the proximity of the voting
| ||||||
3 | booths at one
time. The provisions of this Act, so far as they | ||||||
4 | require the
registration of voters as a condition to their | ||||||
5 | being allowed to vote
shall not apply to persons otherwise | ||||||
6 | entitled to vote, who are, at the
time of the election, or at | ||||||
7 | any time within 60 days prior to such
election have been | ||||||
8 | engaged in the military or naval service of the
United States, | ||||||
9 | and who appear personally at the polling place on
election day | ||||||
10 | and produce to the judges of election satisfactory evidence
| ||||||
11 | thereof, but such persons, if otherwise qualified to vote, | ||||||
12 | shall be
permitted to vote at such election without previous | ||||||
13 | registration.
| ||||||
14 | All such persons shall also make an affidavit which shall | ||||||
15 | be in
substantially the following form:
| ||||||
16 | State of Illinois,)
| ||||||
17 | ) ss.
| ||||||
18 | County of ........)
| ||||||
19 | ............... Precinct .......... Ward
| ||||||
20 | I, ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen | ||||||
21 | of the
United States, of the age of 18 years or over, and that | ||||||
22 | within the past
60 days prior to the date of this election at | ||||||
23 | which I am applying to
vote, I have been engaged in the .... | ||||||
24 | (military or naval) service of the
United States; and I am | ||||||
25 | qualified to vote under and by virtue of the
Constitution and | ||||||
26 | laws of the State of Illinois, and that I am a legally
| ||||||
27 | qualified voter of this precinct and ward except that I have, | ||||||
28 | because of
such service, been unable to register as a voter; | ||||||
29 | that I now reside at
.... (insert street and number, if any) in | ||||||
30 | this precinct and ward; that I
have maintained a legal | ||||||
31 | residence in this precinct and ward for 30 days
and in this | ||||||
32 | State 30 days next preceding this election.
| ||||||
33 | .........................
| ||||||
34 | Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
| ||||||
35 | .........................
| ||||||
36 | Judge of Election.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The affidavit of any such person shall be supported by the | ||||||
2 | affidavit
of a resident and qualified voter of any such | ||||||
3 | precinct and ward, which
affidavit shall be in substantially | ||||||
4 | the following form:
| ||||||
5 | State of Illinois,)
| ||||||
6 | ) ss.
| ||||||
7 | County of ........)
| ||||||
8 | ........... Precinct ........... Ward
| ||||||
9 | I, ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a | ||||||
10 | resident of this
precinct and ward and entitled to vote at this | ||||||
11 | election; that I am
acquainted with .... (name of the | ||||||
12 | applicant); that I verily believe him
to be an actual bona fide | ||||||
13 | resident of this precinct and ward and that I
verily believe | ||||||
14 | that he or she has maintained a legal residence therein 30 days
| ||||||
15 | and in this State 30 days next preceding this election.
| ||||||
16 | .........................
| ||||||
17 | Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
| ||||||
18 | .........................
| ||||||
19 | Judge of Election.
| ||||||
20 | All affidavits made under the provisions of this Section | ||||||
21 | shall be
enclosed in a separate envelope securely sealed, and | ||||||
22 | shall be
transmitted with the returns of the elections to the | ||||||
23 | county clerk or to
the board of election commissioners, who | ||||||
24 | shall preserve the said
affidavits for the period of 6 months, | ||||||
25 | during which period such
affidavits shall be deemed public | ||||||
26 | records and shall be freely open to
examination as such.
| ||||||
27 | (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
| ||||||
28 | (10 ILCS 5/18-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 18-5)
| ||||||
29 | Sec. 18-5. Any person desiring to vote and whose name is | ||||||
30 | found upon
the register of voters by the person having charge | ||||||
31 | thereof, shall then
be questioned by one of the judges as to | ||||||
32 | his nativity, his term of
residence at present address, | ||||||
33 | precinct, State and United States, his
age, whether naturalized |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and if so the date of naturalization papers and
court from | ||||||
2 | which secured, and he shall be asked to state his residence
| ||||||
3 | when last previously registered and the date of the election | ||||||
4 | for which
he then registered. The judges of elections shall | ||||||
5 | check each application
for ballot against the list of voters | ||||||
6 | registered in that precinct to whom
absentee and early ballots | ||||||
7 | have been issued for that election, which shall
be provided
by | ||||||
8 | the election authority and which list shall be available for | ||||||
9 | inspection
by pollwatchers. A voter applying to vote in
the | ||||||
10 | precinct on
election day whose name appears on the list as | ||||||
11 | having been issued an absentee
or early ballot shall not be | ||||||
12 | permitted to vote in the precinct unless that
submits to | ||||||
13 | the judges of election, for cancellation or revocation, his
| ||||||
14 | absentee ballot. In the case that the voter's absentee ballot | ||||||
15 | is not
present in the polling place, it shall be
sufficient for | ||||||
16 | any such voter to submit to the judges of election in lieu
of | ||||||
17 | his absentee ballot, either a portion of such ballot if torn or
| ||||||
18 | mutilated, an affidavit executed before the judges of election
| ||||||
19 | specifying that the voter never received an absentee ballot, or | ||||||
20 | an
executed before the judges of election specifying | ||||||
21 | that the voter desires to
cancel or revoke any absentee ballot | ||||||
22 | that may have been cast in
the voter's
name .
If such person
so | ||||||
23 | registered shall be challenged as disqualified, the party | ||||||
24 | challenging
shall assign his reasons therefor, and thereupon | ||||||
25 | one of the judges shall
administer to him an oath to answer | ||||||
26 | questions, and if he shall take the
oath he shall then be | ||||||
27 | questioned by the judge or judges touching such cause
of | ||||||
28 | challenge, and touching any other cause of disqualification. | ||||||
29 | And he may
also be questioned by the person challenging him in | ||||||
30 | regard to his
qualifications and identity. But if a majority of | ||||||
31 | the judges are of the
opinion that he is the person so | ||||||
32 | registered and a qualified voter, his vote
shall then be | ||||||
33 | received accordingly. But if his vote be rejected by such
| ||||||
34 | judges, such person may afterward produce and deliver an | ||||||
35 | affidavit to such
judges, subscribed and sworn to by him before | ||||||
36 | one of the judges, in which
it shall be stated how long he has |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | resided in such precinct, and state;
that he is a citizen of | ||||||
2 | the United States, and is a duly qualified voter in
such | ||||||
3 | precinct, and that he is the identical person so registered.
In | ||||||
4 | addition to such an affidavit, the person so challenged shall | ||||||
5 | provide
to the judges of election proof of residence by | ||||||
6 | producing 2 forms of
identification showing the person's | ||||||
7 | current residence address, provided
that such identification | ||||||
8 | to the person at his current residence address and
postmarked | ||||||
9 | not earlier than 30 days prior to the date of the
election, or | ||||||
10 | the person shall procure a witness personally known to the
| ||||||
11 | judges of election, and resident in the precinct (or district), | ||||||
12 | or who
shall be proved by some legal voter of such precinct or | ||||||
13 | district, known to
the judges to be such, who shall take the | ||||||
14 | oath following, viz:
| ||||||
15 | I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a resident of | ||||||
16 | this election
precinct (or district), and entitled to vote at | ||||||
17 | this election, and that I
have been a resident of this State | ||||||
18 | for 30 days last past, and am well
acquainted with the person | ||||||
19 | whose vote is now offered; that he is an actual
and bona fide | ||||||
20 | resident of this election precinct (or district), and has
| ||||||
21 | resided herein 30 days, and as I verily believe, in this State, | ||||||
22 | 30 days
next preceding this election.
| ||||||
23 | The oath in each case may be administered by one of the | ||||||
24 | judges of
election, or by any officer, resident in the precinct | ||||||
25 | or district,
authorized by law to administer oaths. Also | ||||||
26 | supported by an affidavit by a
registered voter residing in | ||||||
27 | such precinct, stating his own residence, and
that he knows | ||||||
28 | such person; and that he does reside at the place mentioned
and | ||||||
29 | has resided in such precinct and state for the length of time | ||||||
30 | as stated
by such person, which shall be subscribed and sworn | ||||||
31 | to in the same way.
Whereupon the vote of such person shall be | ||||||
32 | received, and entered as other
votes. But such judges, having | ||||||
33 | charge of such registers, shall state in
their respective books | ||||||
34 | the facts in such case, and the affidavits, so
delivered to the | ||||||
35 | judges, shall be preserved and returned to the office of
the | ||||||
36 | commissioners of election. Blank affidavits of the character |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | aforesaid
shall be sent out to the judges of all the precincts, | ||||||
2 | and the judges of
election shall furnish the same on demand and | ||||||
3 | administer the oaths without
criticism. Such oaths, if | ||||||
4 | administered by any other officer than such judge
of election, | ||||||
5 | shall not be received. Whenever a proposal for a
constitutional | ||||||
6 | amendment or for the calling of a constitutional convention
is | ||||||
7 | to be voted upon at the election, the separate blue ballot or | ||||||
8 | ballots
pertaining thereto shall be placed on top of the other | ||||||
9 | ballots to be voted
at the election in such manner that the | ||||||
10 | legend appearing on the back
thereof, as prescribed in Section | ||||||
11 | 16-6 of this Act, shall be plainly
visible to the voter, and in | ||||||
12 | this fashion the ballots shall be handed to
the voter by the | ||||||
13 | judge.
| ||||||
14 | The voter shall, upon quitting the voting booth, deliver to | ||||||
15 | one of
the judges of election all of the ballots, properly | ||||||
16 | folded, which he
received. The judge of election to whom the | ||||||
17 | voter delivers his ballots
shall not accept the same unless all | ||||||
18 | of the ballots given to the voter
are returned by him. If a | ||||||
19 | voter delivers less than all of the ballots
given to him, the | ||||||
20 | judge to whom the same are offered shall advise him in
a voice | ||||||
21 | clearly audible to the other judges of election that the voter
| ||||||
22 | must return the remainder of the ballots. The statement of the | ||||||
23 | judge to
the voter shall clearly express the fact that the | ||||||
24 | voter is not required
to vote such remaining ballots but that | ||||||
25 | whether or not he votes them he
must fold and deliver them to | ||||||
26 | the judge. In making such statement the
judge of election shall | ||||||
27 | not indicate by word, gesture or intonation of
voice that the | ||||||
28 | unreturned ballots shall be voted in any particular
manner. No | ||||||
29 | new voter shall be permitted to enter the voting booth of a
| ||||||
30 | voter who has failed to deliver the total number of ballots | ||||||
31 | received by
him until such voter has returned to the voting | ||||||
32 | booth pursuant to the
judge's request and again quit the booth | ||||||
33 | with all of the ballots
required to be returned by him. Upon | ||||||
34 | receipt of all such ballots the
judges of election shall enter | ||||||
35 | the name of the voter, and his number, as
above provided in | ||||||
36 | this section, and the judge to whom the ballots are
delivered |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall immediately put the ballots into the ballot box. If any
| ||||||
2 | voter who has failed to deliver all the ballots received by him | ||||||
3 | refuses
to return to the voting booth after being advised by | ||||||
4 | the judge of
election as herein provided, the judge shall | ||||||
5 | inform the other judges of
such refusal, and thereupon the | ||||||
6 | ballot or ballots returned to the judge
shall be deposited in | ||||||
7 | the ballot box, the voter shall be permitted to
depart from the | ||||||
8 | polling place, and a new voter shall be permitted to
enter the | ||||||
9 | voting booth.
| ||||||
10 | The judge of election who receives the ballot or ballots | ||||||
11 | from the
voter shall announce the residence and name of such | ||||||
12 | voter in a loud
voice. The judge shall put the ballot or | ||||||
13 | ballots received from the voter
into the ballot box in the | ||||||
14 | presence of the voter and the judges of
election, and in plain | ||||||
15 | view of the public. The judges having charge of
such registers | ||||||
16 | shall then, in a column prepared thereon, in the same
line of, | ||||||
17 | the name of the voter, mark "Voted" or the letter "V".
| ||||||
18 | No judge of election shall accept from any voter less than | ||||||
19 | the full
number of ballots received by such voter without first | ||||||
20 | advising the
voter in the manner above provided of the | ||||||
21 | necessity of returning all of
the ballots, nor shall any such | ||||||
22 | judge advise such voter in a manner
contrary to that which is | ||||||
23 | herein permitted, or in any other manner
violate the provisions | ||||||
24 | of this section; provided, that the acceptance by
a judge of | ||||||
25 | election of less than the full number of ballots delivered to
a | ||||||
26 | voter who refuses to return to the voting booth after being | ||||||
27 | properly
advised by such judge shall not be a violation of this | ||||||
28 | Section.
| ||||||
29 | (Source: P.A. 89-653, eff. 8-14-96.)
| ||||||
30 | (10 ILCS 5/Art. 19A heading new)
| ||||||
32 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-5 new)
| ||||||
33 | Sec. 19A-5. Issuance of ballots; voting booths.
| ||||||
34 | (a) If a request is made to vote early by a registered |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | voter in person, the
authority shall issue a ballot | ||||||
2 | for early voting to the voter. The ballot must
be voted on the
| ||||||
3 | premises of the election authority and returned to the election | ||||||
4 | authority.
| ||||||
5 | (b) On the dates for early voting prescribed in Section | ||||||
6 | 19A-15, each
election authority shall provide voting booths, | ||||||
7 | with suitable equipment for
voting, on the premises of the | ||||||
8 | election authority for use by registered voters
who are issued | ||||||
9 | ballots for early voting in accordance with this Section.
| ||||||
10 | (c) The election authority must maintain a list for each | ||||||
11 | election of the
voters to whom it has issued early ballots. The | ||||||
12 | list must be maintained for
each precinct within the election | ||||||
13 | authority's jurisdiction. Before the opening
of the polls on | ||||||
14 | election day, the
election authority shall deliver to the | ||||||
15 | judges of election in each precinct the
list of registered | ||||||
16 | voters who have voted by early ballot.
| ||||||
17 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-10 new)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 19A-10. Permanent polling places for early voting.
| ||||||
19 | (a) An election authority may establish permanent polling | ||||||
20 | places for early
voting by personal appearance at locations | ||||||
21 | throughout the election authority's
jurisdiction. Except as | ||||||
22 | otherwise provided in subsection (b), any person
entitled to | ||||||
23 | vote early by personal appearance may do so at any polling | ||||||
24 | place
established for early voting.
| ||||||
25 | (b) If it is impractical for the election authority to | ||||||
26 | provide at each
polling place for early voting a ballot in | ||||||
27 | every form required in the election
authority's jurisdiction, | ||||||
28 | the election authority may:
| ||||||
29 | (1) provide appropriate forms of ballots to the office | ||||||
30 | of the municipal
clerk in a municipality not having a board | ||||||
31 | of election commissioners; the
township clerk; or in | ||||||
32 | counties not under township organization, the road
| ||||||
33 | district clerk; and
| ||||||
34 | (2) limit voting at that polling place to registered | ||||||
35 | voters in that
municipality, ward or group of wards, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | township, or road district.
| ||||||
2 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-15 new)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 19A-15. Period for early voting; hours.
| ||||||
4 | (a) The period for early voting by personal appearance | ||||||
5 | begins the third
Saturday preceding a general primary, | ||||||
6 | consolidated primary, consolidated, or
general election and | ||||||
7 | extends through the Thursday before election day, Sundays
and | ||||||
8 | holidays excepted.
| ||||||
9 | (b) The election authority may include any Sunday or | ||||||
10 | holiday that falls
within the period for early voting.
| ||||||
11 | (c) A permanent polling place for early voting must remain | ||||||
12 | open during the
hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. | ||||||
13 | to 5:00 p.m., on weekdays and
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on | ||||||
14 | Saturdays. If the election authority includes a
Sunday or | ||||||
15 | holiday that falls within the period for early voting, the | ||||||
16 | permanent
polling place must remain open during the hours that | ||||||
17 | the election authority and
municipal clerk, township clerk, or | ||||||
18 | road district clerk establish.
| ||||||
19 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-20 new)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 19A-20. Temporary branch polling places.
| ||||||
21 | (a) In addition to permanent polling places for early | ||||||
22 | voting, the election
authority may establish temporary branch | ||||||
23 | polling places for early voting.
| ||||||
24 | (b) The provisions of subsection (c) of Section 19A-15 do | ||||||
25 | not apply to a
temporary polling place. Voting at a temporary | ||||||
26 | branch polling place may be
conducted on any one or more days | ||||||
27 | and during any hours within the period for
early voting by | ||||||
28 | personal appearance that are determined by the election
| ||||||
29 | authority.
| ||||||
30 | (c) The schedules for conducting voting do not need to be | ||||||
31 | uniform among the
temporary branch polling places.
| ||||||
32 | (d) The legal rights and remedies which inure to the owner | ||||||
33 | or lessor of
private property are not impaired or otherwise | ||||||
34 | affected by the leasing of the
property for use as a temporary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | branch polling place for early voting, except
to the extent | ||||||
2 | necessary to conduct early voting at that location.
| ||||||
3 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-25 new)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 19A-25. Schedule of locations and times for early | ||||||
5 | voting.
| ||||||
6 | (a) The election authority shall publish during the week | ||||||
7 | before the period
for early voting and at least once each week | ||||||
8 | during the period for early voting
in a newspaper of general | ||||||
9 | circulation in the election authority's jurisdiction
a | ||||||
10 | schedule stating:
| ||||||
11 | (1) the location of each permanent and temporary | ||||||
12 | polling place for early
voting and the precincts served by | ||||||
13 | each location; and
| ||||||
14 | (2) the dates and hours that early voting will be | ||||||
15 | conducted at each
| ||||||
16 | (b) The election authority shall post a copy of the | ||||||
17 | schedule at the office
of any municipal clerk, township clerk, | ||||||
18 | or road district clerk that is to be used as a polling place | ||||||
19 | for early voting. The
schedule must be posted continuously for | ||||||
20 | a period beginning not later than the
5th day before the first | ||||||
21 | day of the
period for early voting by personal appearance and | ||||||
22 | ending on the last day of
that period.
| ||||||
23 | (c) The election authority must make copies of the schedule | ||||||
24 | available to the
public in reasonable quantities without charge | ||||||
25 | during the period of posting.
| ||||||
26 | (d) If the election authority maintains a website, it shall | ||||||
27 | make the schedule available on its website.
| ||||||
28 | (e) No additional polling places for early voting may be | ||||||
29 | established after
the schedule is published under this Section.
| ||||||
30 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-25.5 new)
| ||||||
31 | Sec. 19A-25.5. Voting machines, automatic tabulating | ||||||
32 | equipment, and
tabulation optical scan technology | ||||||
33 | voting equipment.
| ||||||
34 | (a) In all jurisdictions in which voting machines are used, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the provisions
of this Code that are not inconsistent with this | ||||||
2 | Article relating to the
furnishing of ballot boxes, printing | ||||||
3 | and furnishing ballots and supplies, the
canvassing of ballots, | ||||||
4 | and the making of returns, apply with full force and
effect to | ||||||
5 | the extent necessary to make this Article effective, provided | ||||||
6 | that
the number of ballots to be printed shall be in the | ||||||
7 | discretion of the election
| ||||||
8 | (b) If the election authority has adopted the use of | ||||||
9 | automatic tabulating
equipment under Article 24A of this Code, | ||||||
10 | and the provisions of that Article
are in conflict with the
| ||||||
11 | provisions of this Article 19A, the provisions of Article 24A | ||||||
12 | shall govern the
procedures followed by the election authority, | ||||||
13 | its judges of election, and all
employees and agents.
| ||||||
14 | (c) If the election authority has adopted the use of | ||||||
15 | precinct tabulation
optical scan technology voting equipment | ||||||
16 | under Article 24B of this Code, and
the provisions of that | ||||||
17 | Article are in conflict with the provisions of this
Article | ||||||
18 | 19A, the provisions of Article 24B shall govern the procedures | ||||||
19 | followed
by the election authority, its judges of election, and | ||||||
20 | all employees and
| ||||||
21 | (d) If the election authority has adopted the use of Direct | ||||||
22 | Recording Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C of this | ||||||
23 | Code, and the provisions of that Article are in conflict with | ||||||
24 | the provisions of this Article 19A, the provisions of Article | ||||||
25 | 24C shall govern the procedures followed by the election | ||||||
26 | authority, its judges of election, and all employees and | ||||||
27 | agents.
| ||||||
28 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-30 new)
| ||||||
29 | Sec. 19A-30. Appointment of election officials.
| ||||||
30 | (a) The election authority must appoint an employee or | ||||||
31 | designate a municipal clerk, township clerk, or road district | ||||||
32 | clerk to serve as the election
official in charge of each | ||||||
33 | polling place for early voting.
| ||||||
34 | (b) The election authority may also appoint as many | ||||||
35 | additional election
officials as it deems necessary for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | proper conduct of the election.
| ||||||
2 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-35 new)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 19A-35. Procedure for voting.
| ||||||
4 | (a) Not more than 23 days before the start of early voting, | ||||||
5 | the county clerk
shall make available to the election authority | ||||||
6 | conducting early voting by
appearance a sufficient | ||||||
7 | number of early ballots, envelopes, and printed voting
| ||||||
8 | instruction slips for the use of early voters. The election | ||||||
9 | authority shall
receipt for all ballots received and shall | ||||||
10 | return unused or spoiled ballots at
the close of the early | ||||||
11 | voting period to the county clerk and must strictly
account for | ||||||
12 | all ballots received. The ballots delivered to the election
| ||||||
13 | authority must include early ballots for each precinct in the | ||||||
14 | election
authority's jurisdiction and must include separate | ||||||
15 | ballots for each political
subdivision conducting an election | ||||||
16 | of officers or a referendum at that
| ||||||
17 | (b) In conducting early voting under this Article, the | ||||||
18 | election official is
not required to verify the signature of | ||||||
19 | the early voter by comparison with the
signature on the
| ||||||
20 | official registration card, however, the official must verify | ||||||
21 | (i) the identity
of the applicant, (ii) that the applicant is a | ||||||
22 | registered voter, (iii) the
precinct in which the applicant is | ||||||
23 | registered, and (iv) the proper ballots of
the political | ||||||
24 | subdivision in which the applicant resides and is entitled to
| ||||||
25 | vote before providing an early ballot to the applicant. The | ||||||
26 | election official
must verify the applicant's registration | ||||||
27 | from the most recent poll list
provided by the
election | ||||||
28 | authority, and if the applicant is not listed on that poll | ||||||
29 | list, by
telephoning the office of the election authority.
| ||||||
30 | (c) The sealed early ballots in their carrier envelope | ||||||
31 | shall be delivered by
the election officials to the proper | ||||||
32 | polling place before the close of the
polls on the day of the | ||||||
33 | election.
| ||||||
34 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-40 new)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 19A-40. Enclosure of ballots in envelope.
| ||||||
2 | It is the duty of the election authority to fold the
ballot | ||||||
3 | or ballots in the manner specified by the statute for folding
| ||||||
4 | ballots prior to their deposit in the ballot box, and to | ||||||
5 | enclose the
ballot or ballots in an envelope unsealed to be | ||||||
6 | furnished by him, which
envelope shall bear upon the face | ||||||
7 | thereof the name, official title, and
post office address of | ||||||
8 | the election authority, and upon the other side
a printed | ||||||
9 | certification in substantially the
following form:
| ||||||
10 | I state that I am a resident of the .... precinct of the | ||||||
11 | (1)
*township of .... (2) *City of .... or (3) *.... ward in | ||||||
12 | the city of
.... residing at .... in that city or town in the | ||||||
13 | county of .... and
State of Illinois, that I have lived at that | ||||||
14 | address for .... months
last past; that I am lawfully entitled | ||||||
15 | to vote in that precinct at the
.... election to be held on | ||||||
16 | .... .
| ||||||
17 | *fill in either (1), (2) or (3).
| ||||||
18 | I further state that I personally marked the enclosed | ||||||
19 | ballot in secret.
| ||||||
20 | Under penalties of perjury as provided by law pursuant to | ||||||
21 | Section 29-10
of the Election Code, the undersigned certifies | ||||||
22 | that the statements set
forth in this certification are true | ||||||
23 | and correct.
| ||||||
24 | .......................
| ||||||
25 | If the ballot enclosed is to be voted at a primary
| ||||||
26 | election, the certification shall designate the name of the | ||||||
27 | political
party with which the voter is affiliated.
| ||||||
28 | In addition to the above, the election authority shall | ||||||
29 | provide
printed slips giving full instructions regarding the | ||||||
30 | manner of marking
and returning the ballot in order that the | ||||||
31 | same may be counted, and
shall furnish one of the printed slips | ||||||
32 | to each of such applicants at
the same time the ballot is | ||||||
33 | delivered to him or her.
The instructions shall include the | ||||||
34 | following statement: "In signing the
certification on the early | ||||||
35 | ballot envelope, you are attesting that you
personally marked | ||||||
36 | this early ballot in secret.
If your are physically unable to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | mark the ballot, a friend or relative may
assist you. Federal | ||||||
2 | and State laws prohibit your employer, your employer's
agent, | ||||||
3 | or an officer or agent of your union form assisting physically | ||||||
4 | disabled
| ||||||
5 | In addition to the above, if a ballot to be provided to a | ||||||
6 | voter
pursuant to this Section contains a public question | ||||||
7 | described in subsection
(b) of Section 28-6 and the territory | ||||||
8 | concerning which the question is
to be submitted is not | ||||||
9 | described on the ballot due to the space limitations
of the | ||||||
10 | ballot, the election authority shall provide a printed copy of
| ||||||
11 | a notice of the public question, which shall include a | ||||||
12 | description of the
territory in the manner required by Section | ||||||
13 | 16-7. The notice shall be
furnished to the voter at the same | ||||||
14 | time the ballot is delivered to the
| ||||||
15 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-45 new)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 19A-45. Certification. The voter shall make and | ||||||
17 | subscribe the
certification provided for on the return envelope | ||||||
18 | of the ballot, and the ballot
or ballots shall be folded by the | ||||||
19 | voter in the manner required to be folded
depositing the | ||||||
20 | ballot in the ballot box, and shall be deposited in the | ||||||
21 | envelope
and the envelope securely sealed. The voter shall then | ||||||
22 | endorse his or her
certificate on the back of the envelope and | ||||||
23 | the envelope shall be returned to
the election official | ||||||
24 | conducting the early voting.
| ||||||
25 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-50 new)
| ||||||
26 | Sec. 19A-50. Receipt of ballots. Upon receipt of the | ||||||
27 | voter's ballot, the
election official shall enclose the | ||||||
28 | unopened ballot in a large or carrier
envelope that shall be | ||||||
29 | securely sealed and endorsed with the name and official
title | ||||||
30 | of the election official and the words, "This envelope contains | ||||||
31 | a ballot
and must be opened on election day", together with the | ||||||
32 | number and description
of the precinct in which the ballot is | ||||||
33 | to be voted, and the election authority
shall safely keep the | ||||||
34 | envelope in its office until delivered to the judges of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | election as provided in Section 19A-35.
| ||||||
2 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-55 new)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 19A-55. Casting the ballots.
| ||||||
4 | At the close of the regular balloting and at the close of | ||||||
5 | the
polls the judges of election of each voting precinct shall | ||||||
6 | proceed to cast the
early voter's ballot separately, and as | ||||||
7 | each early voter's ballot is taken
shall open the outer or | ||||||
8 | carrier envelope, announce the early voter's name, and
compare | ||||||
9 | the signature upon the official registration card with the | ||||||
10 | signature
upon the
certification on the ballot envelope. In | ||||||
11 | case the judges find the
certification properly executed, that | ||||||
12 | the signatures correspond, that the
applicant is a duly | ||||||
13 | qualified voter in the precinct, and the voter has
not been | ||||||
14 | present and voted
on the election day, they shall open the | ||||||
15 | envelope
containing the early voter's ballot in a manner that | ||||||
16 | does not to deface or
destroy the certification thereon, or | ||||||
17 | mark or tear the ballots therein and
take out the ballot or | ||||||
18 | ballots therein contained without unfolding or
permitting the | ||||||
19 | same to be unfolded or examined, and having endorsed the
ballot | ||||||
20 | in like manner as other ballots are required to be endorsed, | ||||||
21 | shall
deposit the same in the proper ballot box or boxes and | ||||||
22 | enter the early
voter's name in the poll book the same as if he | ||||||
23 | or she had voted on election
The judges shall place the | ||||||
24 | early ballot certification
envelopes in a separate envelope as | ||||||
25 | per the direction of the election
authority. The envelope | ||||||
26 | containing the early ballot certification
envelopes shall be | ||||||
27 | returned to the election authority and preserved in like
manner | ||||||
28 | as the official poll record.
| ||||||
29 | In case the signatures do not correspond, or the applicant | ||||||
30 | is not
a duly qualified voter in the precinct or the ballot | ||||||
31 | envelope is
open or has been opened and resealed, or the voter | ||||||
32 | has
voted on election day, the
previously cast
vote shall not | ||||||
33 | be allowed, but without opening the early voter's envelope
the | ||||||
34 | judge of the election shall mark across the face thereof, | ||||||
35 | "Rejected",
giving the reason therefor.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | In case the ballot envelope contains more than one ballot | ||||||
2 | of any kind,
the ballots shall not be counted, but shall be | ||||||
3 | marked "Rejected", giving
the reason therefor.
| ||||||
4 | The early voters' envelopes and affidavits and the early | ||||||
5 | voters'
envelope with its contents unopened, when the early | ||||||
6 | vote is rejected,
shall be retained and preserved in the manner | ||||||
7 | as now provided for the
retention and preservation of official | ||||||
8 | ballots rejected at the election.
| ||||||
9 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-60 new)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 19A-60. Pollwatchers. Pollwatchers may be appointed | ||||||
11 | to observe early
voting by personal appearance at each | ||||||
12 | permanent and temporary polling place
where early voting is | ||||||
13 | conducted. The pollwatchers shall qualify and be
appointed in | ||||||
14 | the same manner as provided in Sections 7-34 and 17-23, except
| ||||||
15 | that
each candidate, political party, or organization of | ||||||
16 | citizens may appoint only
one pollwatcher for each location | ||||||
17 | where early voting by
personal appearance is conducted. | ||||||
18 | Pollwatchers must be residents of the county
and possess valid | ||||||
19 | pollwatcher credentials.
| ||||||
20 | In the polling place on election day, pollwatchers are | ||||||
21 | permitted to be
present during the casting of the early ballots | ||||||
22 | and the vote of an early voter
may be challenged for cause the | ||||||
23 | same as if the voter were present and voted on
election day. | ||||||
24 | The judges of election, or a majority of them, have the power
| ||||||
25 | and authority to hear and determine the legality of the early | ||||||
26 | ballot, provided,
however, that if a challenge to any early | ||||||
27 | voter's right to vote is sustained,
notice of the challenge | ||||||
28 | must be given by the judges of election by mail
addressed to | ||||||
29 | the voter's place of residence.
| ||||||
30 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-65 new)
| ||||||
31 | Sec. 19A-65. Death of voter before opening of polls. | ||||||
32 | Whenever due proof
is made to the judges of election that any | ||||||
33 | voter who has marked an early ballot
as provided in this | ||||||
34 | Article has died before the opening of the polls on the
date of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the election, the ballot of the deceased voter shall be | ||||||
2 | returned by the
judges of election in the same manner provided | ||||||
3 | for rejected ballots; but the
casting of the ballot of a | ||||||
4 | deceased voter shall not invalidate the election.
| ||||||
5 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-70 new)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 19A-70. Advertising or campaigning in proximity of | ||||||
7 | polling place;
penalty. During the period prescribed in Section | ||||||
8 | 19A-15 for early voting by
personal appearance, no advertising | ||||||
9 | pertaining to any candidate or proposition
to be voted on may | ||||||
10 | be displayed in or within 100 feet of any polling place used
by | ||||||
11 | voters under this Article. No person may engage in | ||||||
12 | electioneering in or
within 100 feet of any polling place used | ||||||
13 | by voters under this Article.
| ||||||
14 | Any person who violates this Section may be punished for | ||||||
15 | contempt of court.
| ||||||
16 | (10 ILCS 5/19A-75 new)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 19A-75. Early voting in jurisdictions using Direct | ||||||
18 | Recording Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C. | ||||||
19 | Election authorities that have adopted for use Direct Recording | ||||||
20 | Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C may either use | ||||||
21 | those voting systems to conduct early voting or use whatever | ||||||
22 | method the election authority uses for absentee balloting | ||||||
23 | conducted by mail. | ||||||
24 | (10 ILCS 5/24A-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 24A-10)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 24A-10. (1) In an election jurisdiction which has | ||||||
26 | adopted an
electronic voting system, the election official in | ||||||
27 | charge of the
election shall select one of the 3 following | ||||||
28 | procedures for receiving,
counting, tallying, and return of the | ||||||
29 | ballots:
| ||||||
30 | (a) Two ballot boxes shall be provided for each polling | ||||||
31 | place. The
first ballot box is for the depositing of votes cast | ||||||
32 | on the electronic
voting system; and the second ballot box is | ||||||
33 | for all votes cast on paper
ballots, including absentee paper |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and early paper ballots and any other
paper ballots
required to | ||||||
2 | be voted other than on the electronic voting system.
Ballots, | ||||||
3 | except absentee and early ballots for candidates and | ||||||
4 | propositions
are listed on the electronic voting system, | ||||||
5 | deposited in the second
ballot box shall be counted, tallied, | ||||||
6 | and returned as is elsewhere
provided in "The Election Code," | ||||||
7 | as amended, for the counting and
handling of paper ballots. | ||||||
8 | Immediately after the closing of the polls
the absentee and | ||||||
9 | early ballots delivered to the precinct judges of election
by | ||||||
10 | the
election official in charge of the election shall be | ||||||
11 | examined to
determine that such ballots comply with Sections | ||||||
12 | 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9 of
Election Code," as amended, and | ||||||
13 | are entitled to be deposited in the
ballot box provided | ||||||
14 | therefor; those entitled to be deposited in this
ballot box | ||||||
15 | shall be initialed by the precinct judges of election and
| ||||||
16 | deposited therein. Those not entitled to be deposited in this | ||||||
17 | ballot box
shall be marked "Rejected" and disposed of as | ||||||
18 | provided in Sections
19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9. The precinct | ||||||
19 | judges of election shall then open the
second ballot box and | ||||||
20 | examine all paper absentee and early ballots which
are in
the | ||||||
21 | ballot box to determine whether the absentee and early ballots | ||||||
22 | bear the
initials of a precinct judge of election. If any | ||||||
23 | absentee or early ballot
is not
so initialed, it shall be | ||||||
24 | marked on the back "Defective," initialed as
to such label by | ||||||
25 | all judges immediately under such word "Defective," and
not | ||||||
26 | counted, but placed in the envelope provided for that purpose
| ||||||
27 | labeled "Defective Ballots Envelope." The judges of election, | ||||||
28 | consisting
in each case of at least one judge of election of | ||||||
29 | each of the two major
political parties, shall examine the | ||||||
30 | paper absentee and early ballots which
in such ballot box | ||||||
31 | and properly initialed so as to determine whether the
same | ||||||
32 | contain write-in votes. Write-in votes, not causing an overvote | ||||||
33 | for
an office otherwise voted for on the paper absentee or | ||||||
34 | early ballot, and
otherwise properly voted, shall be counted, | ||||||
35 | tallied and recorded on the
tally sheet provided for such | ||||||
36 | record. A write-in vote causing an
overvote for an office shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not be counted for that office, but the
precinct judges shall | ||||||
2 | mark such paper or early absentee ballot "Objected
To" on
the | ||||||
3 | back thereof and write on its back the manner in which such | ||||||
4 | ballot
is counted and initial the same. An overvote for one | ||||||
5 | office shall
invalidate only the vote or count of that | ||||||
6 | particular office. After
counting, tallying and recording the | ||||||
7 | write-in votes on absentee and early
the judges of | ||||||
8 | election, consisting in each case of at least one judge of
| ||||||
9 | election of each of the two major political parties, shall make | ||||||
10 | a true
duplicate ballot of the remaining valid votes on each | ||||||
11 | paper absentee or
ballot which was in the ballot box and | ||||||
12 | properly initialed, by using the
electronic voting system used | ||||||
13 | in the precinct and one of the marking
devices of the precinct | ||||||
14 | so as to transfer the remaining valid votes of
the voter on the | ||||||
15 | paper absentee ballot to an official ballot or a ballot
card of | ||||||
16 | that kind used in the precinct at that election. The original
| ||||||
17 | paper absentee or early ballot shall be clearly labeled | ||||||
18 | "Absentee Ballot"
or "Early Ballot", as the case may be, and | ||||||
19 | the
ballot card so produced "Duplicate Absentee Ballot , " or | ||||||
20 | "Duplicate Early
Ballot", as the case may be, and each shall | ||||||
21 | bear
the same serial number which shall be placed thereon by | ||||||
22 | the judges of
election, commencing with number 1 and continuing | ||||||
23 | consecutively for the
ballots of that kind in that precinct. | ||||||
24 | The judges of election shall
initial the "Duplicate Absentee | ||||||
25 | Ballot" and "Duplicate Early Ballot"
ballots or ballot cards | ||||||
26 | and
shall place them in the first ballot box provided for | ||||||
27 | return of the
ballots to be counted at the central counting | ||||||
28 | location in lieu of the
paper absentee and early ballots. The | ||||||
29 | paper absentee and early ballots
shall be
placed in an
envelope | ||||||
30 | provided for that purpose labeled "Duplicate Ballots."
| ||||||
31 | As soon as the absentee and early ballots have been | ||||||
32 | deposited in the
ballot box, the judges of election shall | ||||||
33 | make out a slip indicating the
number of persons who voted in | ||||||
34 | the precinct at the election. Such slip
shall be signed by all | ||||||
35 | the judges of election and shall be inserted by
them in the | ||||||
36 | first ballot box. The judges of election shall thereupon
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | immediately lock the first ballot box; provided, that if
such | ||||||
2 | box is not of a type which may be securely locked, such box | ||||||
3 | shall be
sealed with filament tape provided for such purpose
| ||||||
4 | which shall be wrapped around the box lengthwise and crosswise, | ||||||
5 | at least
twice each way, and in such manner that the seal | ||||||
6 | completely covers the
slot in the ballot box, and each of the | ||||||
7 | judges shall sign such seal. Thereupon
two of the judges of | ||||||
8 | election, of different political parties, shall
forthwith and | ||||||
9 | by the most direct route transport both ballot boxes to
the | ||||||
10 | counting location designated by the county clerk or board of
| ||||||
11 | election commissioners.
| ||||||
12 | Before the ballots of a precinct are fed to the electronic | ||||||
13 | tabulating
equipment, the first ballot box shall be opened at | ||||||
14 | the central counting
station by the two precinct transport | ||||||
15 | judges. Upon opening a ballot box,
such team shall first count | ||||||
16 | the number of ballots in the box. If 2 or
more are folded | ||||||
17 | together so as to appear to have been cast by the same
person, | ||||||
18 | all of the ballots so folded together shall be marked and
| ||||||
19 | returned with the other ballots in the same condition, as near | ||||||
20 | as may
be, in which they were found when first opened, but | ||||||
21 | shall not be
counted. If the remaining ballots are found to | ||||||
22 | exceed the number of
persons voting in the precinct as shown by | ||||||
23 | the slip signed by the judges
of election, the ballots shall be | ||||||
24 | replaced in the box, and the box
closed and well shaken and | ||||||
25 | again opened and one of the precinct
transport judges shall | ||||||
26 | publicly draw out so many ballots unopened as are
equal to such | ||||||
27 | excess.
| ||||||
28 | Such excess ballots shall be marked "Excess-Not Counted" | ||||||
29 | and signed
by the two precinct transport judges and shall be | ||||||
30 | placed in the "After
7:00 p.m. Defective Ballots Envelope". The | ||||||
31 | number of excess ballots
shall be noted in the remarks section | ||||||
32 | of the Certificate of Results.
"Excess" ballots shall not be | ||||||
33 | counted in the total of "defective"
| ||||||
34 | The precinct transport judges shall then examine the | ||||||
35 | remaining
ballots for write-in votes and shall count and | ||||||
36 | tabulate the write-in
vote; or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) A single ballot box, for the deposit of all votes cast, | ||||||
2 | shall be
used. All ballots which are not to be tabulated on the | ||||||
3 | electronic voting
system shall be counted, tallied, and | ||||||
4 | returned as elsewhere provided in
"The Election Code," as | ||||||
5 | amended, for the counting and handling of paper
| ||||||
6 | All ballots to be processed and tabulated with the | ||||||
7 | electronic voting
system shall be processed as follows:
| ||||||
8 | Immediately after the closing of the polls the absentee and | ||||||
9 | early ballots
delivered to the precinct judges of election by | ||||||
10 | the election official in
charge of the election shall be | ||||||
11 | examined to determine that such ballots
comply with Sections | ||||||
12 | 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9 of "The Election Code," as
and | ||||||
13 | are entitled to be deposited in the ballot box; those entitled | ||||||
14 | to be
deposited in the ballot box shall be initialed by the | ||||||
15 | precinct judges of
election and deposited in the ballot box. | ||||||
16 | Those not entitled to be
deposited in the ballot box shall be | ||||||
17 | marked "Rejected" and disposed of
as provided in said Sections | ||||||
18 | 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9. The precinct judges of
election then | ||||||
19 | shall open the ballot box and canvass the votes polled to
| ||||||
20 | determine that the number of ballots therein agree with the | ||||||
21 | number of
voters voting as shown by the applications for ballot | ||||||
22 | or if the same do
not agree the judges of election shall make | ||||||
23 | such ballots agree with the
applications for ballot in the | ||||||
24 | manner provided by Section 17-18 of "The
Election Code." The | ||||||
25 | judges of election shall then examine all paper
absentee and | ||||||
26 | early ballots, ballot cards and ballot card envelopes which
are | ||||||
27 | in
the ballot box to determine whether the paper ballots, | ||||||
28 | ballot cards and
ballot card envelopes bear the initials of a | ||||||
29 | precinct judge of election.
If any paper ballot, ballot card or | ||||||
30 | ballot card envelope is not
initialed, it shall be marked on | ||||||
31 | the back "Defective," initialed as to
such label by all judges | ||||||
32 | immediately under such word "Defective," and
not counted, but | ||||||
33 | placed in the envelope provided for that purpose
labeled | ||||||
34 | "Defective Ballots Envelope." The judges of election, | ||||||
35 | consisting
in each case of at least one judge of election of | ||||||
36 | each of the two major
political parties, shall examine the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | paper absentee and early ballots which
in the ballot box | ||||||
2 | and properly initialed so as to determine whether the
same | ||||||
3 | contain write-in votes. Write-in votes, not causing an overvote | ||||||
4 | for
an office otherwise voted for on the paper absentee or | ||||||
5 | early ballot, and
otherwise properly voted, shall be counted, | ||||||
6 | tallied and recorded on the
tally sheet provided for such | ||||||
7 | record. A write-in vote causing an
overvote for an office shall | ||||||
8 | not be counted for that office, but the
precinct judges shall | ||||||
9 | mark such paper absentee or early ballot "Objected
To" on
the | ||||||
10 | back thereof and write on its back the manner in which such | ||||||
11 | ballot
is counted and initial the same. An overvote for one | ||||||
12 | office shall
invalidate only the vote or count of that | ||||||
13 | particular office. After
counting, tallying and recording the | ||||||
14 | write-in votes on absentee and early
the judges of | ||||||
15 | election, consisting in each case of at least one judge of
| ||||||
16 | election of each of the two major political parties, shall make | ||||||
17 | a true
duplicate ballot of the remaining valid votes on each | ||||||
18 | paper absentee
and early ballot which was in the ballot box and | ||||||
19 | properly initialed, by
using the
electronic voting system used | ||||||
20 | in the precinct and one of the marking
devices of the precinct | ||||||
21 | so as to transfer the remaining valid votes of
the voter on the | ||||||
22 | paper absentee or early ballot to an official ballot or a
| ||||||
23 | ballot
card of that kind used in the precinct at that election. | ||||||
24 | The original
paper absentee ballot shall be clearly labeled | ||||||
25 | "Absentee Ballot" or "Early
Ballot", as the case may be, and | ||||||
26 | the
ballot card so produced "Duplicate Absentee Ballot , " or | ||||||
27 | "Duplicate Early
Ballot", as the case may be, and each shall | ||||||
28 | bear
the same serial number which shall be placed thereon by | ||||||
29 | the judges of
election, commencing with number 1 and continuing | ||||||
30 | consecutively for the
ballots of that kind in that precinct. | ||||||
31 | The judges of election shall
initial the "Duplicate Absentee | ||||||
32 | Ballot" and "Duplicate Early Ballot"
ballots or ballot cards, | ||||||
33 | and
shall place them in the box for return of the ballots with | ||||||
34 | all other
ballots or ballot cards to be counted at the central | ||||||
35 | counting location
in lieu of the paper absentee and early | ||||||
36 | ballots. The paper absentee and
early ballots
be placed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in an envelope provided for that purpose labeled "Duplicate
| ||||||
2 | Ballots."
| ||||||
3 | When an electronic voting system is used which utilizes a | ||||||
4 | ballot
card, before separating the remaining ballot cards from | ||||||
5 | their respective
covering envelopes, the judges of election | ||||||
6 | shall examine the ballot card
envelopes for write-in votes. | ||||||
7 | When the voter has voted a write-in vote,
the judges of | ||||||
8 | election shall compare the write-in vote with the votes on
the | ||||||
9 | ballot card to determine whether such write-in results in an
| ||||||
10 | overvote for any office. In case of an overvote for any office, | ||||||
11 | the
judges of election, consisting in each case of at least one | ||||||
12 | judge of
election of each of the two major political parties, | ||||||
13 | shall make a true
duplicate ballot of all votes on such ballot | ||||||
14 | card except for the office
which is overvoted, by using the | ||||||
15 | ballot label booklet of the precinct
and one of the marking | ||||||
16 | devices of the precinct so as to transfer all
votes of the | ||||||
17 | voter except for the office overvoted, to an official
ballot | ||||||
18 | card of that kind used in the precinct at that election. The
| ||||||
19 | original ballot card and envelope upon which there is an | ||||||
20 | overvote shall
be clearly labeled "Overvoted Ballot", and each | ||||||
21 | shall bear the same
serial number which shall be placed thereon | ||||||
22 | by the judges of election,
commencing with number 1 and | ||||||
23 | continuing consecutively for the ballots of
that kind in that | ||||||
24 | precinct. The judges of election shall initial the
"Duplicate | ||||||
25 | Overvoted Ballot" ballot cards and shall place them in the
box | ||||||
26 | for return of the ballots. The "Overvoted Ballot" ballots and | ||||||
27 | their
envelopes shall be placed in the "Duplicate Ballots" | ||||||
28 | envelope. Envelopes
bearing write-in votes marked in the place | ||||||
29 | designated therefor and
bearing the initials of a precinct | ||||||
30 | judge of election and not resulting
in an overvote and | ||||||
31 | otherwise complying with the election laws as to
marking shall | ||||||
32 | be counted, tallied, and their votes recorded on a tally
sheet | ||||||
33 | provided by the election official in charge of the election. | ||||||
34 | The
ballot cards and ballot card envelopes shall be separated | ||||||
35 | and all except
any defective or overvoted shall be placed | ||||||
36 | separately in the box for
return of the ballots, along with all |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Duplicate Absentee
Ballots , " ,"Duplicate Early Ballots", and
| ||||||
2 | "Duplicate Overvoted Ballots." The judges of election shall | ||||||
3 | examine the
ballots and ballot cards to determine if any is | ||||||
4 | damaged or defective so
that it cannot be counted by the | ||||||
5 | automatic tabulating equipment. If any
ballot or ballot card is | ||||||
6 | damaged or defective so that it cannot properly
be counted by | ||||||
7 | the automatic tabulating equipment, the judges of
election, | ||||||
8 | consisting in each case of at least one judge of election of
| ||||||
9 | each of the two major political parties, shall make a true | ||||||
10 | duplicate
ballot of all votes on such ballot card by using the | ||||||
11 | ballot label
booklet of the precinct and one of the marking | ||||||
12 | devices of the precinct.
The original ballot or ballot card and | ||||||
13 | envelope shall be clearly labeled
"Damaged Ballot" and the | ||||||
14 | ballot or ballot card so produced "Duplicate
Damaged Ballot," | ||||||
15 | and each shall bear the same number which shall be
placed | ||||||
16 | thereon by the judges of election, commencing with number 1 and
| ||||||
17 | continuing consecutively for the ballots of that kind in the | ||||||
18 | precinct.
The judges of election shall initial the "Duplicate | ||||||
19 | Damaged Ballot"
ballot or ballot cards, and shall place them in | ||||||
20 | the box for return of
the ballots. The "Damaged Ballot" ballots | ||||||
21 | or ballot cards and their
envelopes shall be placed in the | ||||||
22 | "Duplicated Ballots" envelope. A slip
indicating the number of | ||||||
23 | voters voting in person, number of absentee
votes deposited in | ||||||
24 | the ballot box, and the total number of voters of the
precinct | ||||||
25 | who voted at the election shall be made out, signed by all
| ||||||
26 | judges of election, and inserted in the box for return of the | ||||||
27 | ballots.
The tally sheets recording the write-in votes shall be | ||||||
28 | placed in this
box. The judges of election thereupon | ||||||
29 | immediately shall securely lock the
ballot box or other | ||||||
30 | suitable
box furnished for return of the ballots by the | ||||||
31 | election official in
charge of the election; provided that if | ||||||
32 | such box is not of a type which
may be securely locked, such | ||||||
33 | box shall be sealed with filament tape provided
for such | ||||||
34 | purpose which shall be wrapped around the box lengthwise and | ||||||
35 | crosswise,
at least twice each way. A separate adhesive seal | ||||||
36 | label signed by each of
the judges of election of the precinct |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be affixed to the box so as
to cover any slot therein and | ||||||
2 | to identify the box of the precinct; and
if such box is sealed | ||||||
3 | with filament tape as provided herein rather than
locked, such | ||||||
4 | tape shall be wrapped around the box as provided herein, but
in | ||||||
5 | such manner that the separate adhesive seal label affixed to | ||||||
6 | the box
and signed by the judges may not be removed without | ||||||
7 | breaking the filament
tape and disturbing the signature of the | ||||||
8 | judges. Thereupon, 2 of the
judges of election, of different | ||||||
9 | major political parties, forthwith shall
by the most direct | ||||||
10 | route transport the box for
return of the ballots and enclosed | ||||||
11 | ballots and returns to the central
counting location designated | ||||||
12 | by the election official in charge of the
election. If, | ||||||
13 | however, because of the lack of adequate parking
facilities at | ||||||
14 | the central counting location or for any other reason, it
is | ||||||
15 | impossible or impracticable for the boxes from all the polling | ||||||
16 | places
to be delivered directly to the central counting | ||||||
17 | location, the election
official in charge of the election may | ||||||
18 | designate some other location to
which the boxes shall be | ||||||
19 | delivered by the 2 precinct judges. While at
such other | ||||||
20 | location the boxes shall be in the care and custody of one or
| ||||||
21 | more teams, each consisting of 4 persons, 2 from each of the | ||||||
22 | two major
political parties, designated for such purpose by the | ||||||
23 | election official
in charge of elections from recommendations | ||||||
24 | by the appropriate political
party organizations. As soon as | ||||||
25 | possible, the boxes shall be transported
from such other | ||||||
26 | location to the central counting location by one or more
teams, | ||||||
27 | each consisting of 4 persons, 2 from each of the 2 major
| ||||||
28 | political parties, designated for such purpose by the election | ||||||
29 | official
in charge of elections from recommendations by the | ||||||
30 | appropriate political
party organizations.
| ||||||
31 | The "Defective Ballots" envelope, and "Duplicated Ballots" | ||||||
32 | envelope
each shall be securely sealed and the flap or end | ||||||
33 | thereof of each signed
by the precinct judges of election and | ||||||
34 | returned to the central counting
location with the box for | ||||||
35 | return of the ballots, enclosed ballots and
| ||||||
36 | At the central counting location, a team of tally judges |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | designated
by the election official in charge of the election | ||||||
2 | shall check the box
returned containing the ballots to | ||||||
3 | determine that all seals are intact,
and thereupon shall open | ||||||
4 | the box, check the voters' slip and compare the
number of | ||||||
5 | ballots so delivered against the total number of voters of the
| ||||||
6 | precinct who voted, remove the ballots or ballot cards and | ||||||
7 | deliver them
to the technicians operating the automatic | ||||||
8 | tabulating equipment. Any
discrepancies between the number of | ||||||
9 | ballots and total number of voters
shall be noted on a sheet | ||||||
10 | furnished for that purpose and signed by the
tally judges; or
| ||||||
11 | (c) A single ballot box, for the deposit of all votes cast, | ||||||
12 | shall be used.
Immediately after the closing of the polls the | ||||||
13 | judges of election
shall examine the absentee and early ballots | ||||||
14 | received by the precinct
judges of election
from the election | ||||||
15 | authority of voters in that precinct to determine that
they | ||||||
16 | comply with the provisions of Sections 19-9, 19A-55, 20-8 , and
| ||||||
17 | 20-9 of the Election
Code, as amended, and are entitled to be | ||||||
18 | deposited in the ballot box; those
entitled to be deposited in | ||||||
19 | the ballot box shall be initialed by the precinct
judges and | ||||||
20 | deposited in the ballot box. Those not entitled to be deposited
| ||||||
21 | in the ballot box, in accordance with Sections 19-9, 19A-55, | ||||||
22 | 20-8 , and
20-9 of the
Election Code, as amended, shall be | ||||||
23 | marked "Rejected" and preserved in the
manner provided in The | ||||||
24 | Election Code for the retention and preservation
of official | ||||||
25 | ballots rejected at such election. Immediately upon the | ||||||
26 | completion
of the absentee and early balloting, the precinct | ||||||
27 | judges of election shall
lock the ballot box; provided | ||||||
28 | that if such box is not of a
type which may be securely locked, | ||||||
29 | such box shall be sealed with filament
tape provided for such | ||||||
30 | purpose which shall be wrapped around the box lengthwise
and | ||||||
31 | crosswise, at least twice each way.
A separate adhesive seal | ||||||
32 | label signed by each of the judges of election
of the precinct | ||||||
33 | shall be affixed to the box so as to cover any slot therein
and | ||||||
34 | to identify the box of the precinct; and if such box is sealed | ||||||
35 | with
filament tape as provided herein rather than locked, such | ||||||
36 | tape shall be
wrapped around the box as provided herein, but in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such manner that the separate
adhesive seal label affixed to | ||||||
2 | the box and signed by the judges may not
be removed without | ||||||
3 | breaking the filament tape and disturbing the signature
of the | ||||||
4 | judges. Thereupon, 2 of the judges
of election, of different
| ||||||
5 | major political parties, shall forthwith by the most direct | ||||||
6 | route transport
the box for return of the ballots and enclosed | ||||||
7 | absentee and early ballots
and returns
to the central counting | ||||||
8 | location designated by the election official
in charge of the | ||||||
9 | election. If however, because of the lack of adequate
parking | ||||||
10 | facilities at the central counting location or for some other | ||||||
11 | reason,
it is impossible or impracticable for the boxes from | ||||||
12 | all the polling places
to be delivered directly to the central | ||||||
13 | counting location, the election
official in charge of the | ||||||
14 | election may designate some other location to
which the boxes | ||||||
15 | shall be delivered by the 2 precinct judges. While at
such | ||||||
16 | other location the boxes shall be in the care and custody of | ||||||
17 | one or
more teams, each consisting of 4 persons, 2 from each of | ||||||
18 | the two major
parties, designated for such purpose by | ||||||
19 | the election official in charge
of elections from | ||||||
20 | recommendations by the appropriate political party
| ||||||
21 | organizations.
As soon as possible, the boxes shall be | ||||||
22 | transported from such other location
to the central counting | ||||||
23 | location by one or more teams, each consisting of
4 persons, 2 | ||||||
24 | from each of the 2 major political parties, designated for
such | ||||||
25 | purpose by the election official in charge of the election from
| ||||||
26 | recommendations
by the appropriate political party | ||||||
27 | organizations.
| ||||||
28 | At the central counting location there shall be one or more | ||||||
29 | teams of tally
judges who possess the same qualifications as | ||||||
30 | tally judges in election
using paper ballots. The | ||||||
31 | number of such teams shall be determined by the
election | ||||||
32 | authority. Each team shall consist of 5 tally judges, 3 | ||||||
33 | selected
and approved by the county board from a certified list | ||||||
34 | furnished by the
chairman of the county central committee of | ||||||
35 | the party with the majority
of members on the county board and | ||||||
36 | 2 selected and approved by the county
board from a certified |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | list furnished by the chairman of the county central
committee | ||||||
2 | of the party with the second largest number of members
on the | ||||||
3 | county board. At the central counting location a team of tally | ||||||
4 | judges
shall open the ballot box and canvass the votes polled | ||||||
5 | to determine that
the number of ballot sheets
therein agree | ||||||
6 | with the number of voters voting as shown by the applications
| ||||||
7 | for ballot and for absentee and early
ballot; and, if the same | ||||||
8 | do not agree, the tally judges shall make such
ballots agree | ||||||
9 | with the number of applications for ballot in the manner | ||||||
10 | provided
by Section 17-18 of the Election Code. The tally | ||||||
11 | judges shall then examine
all ballot sheets which are in the | ||||||
12 | ballot box to determine whether they
bear the initials of the | ||||||
13 | precinct judge of election. If any ballot is not
initialed, it | ||||||
14 | shall be marked on the back "Defective", initialed as to such
| ||||||
15 | label by all tally judges immediately under such word | ||||||
16 | "Defective", and not
counted, but placed in the envelope | ||||||
17 | provided for that purpose labeled
Ballots | ||||||
18 | Envelope". Write-in votes, not causing an overvote for an
| ||||||
19 | office otherwise voted for on the absentee and early ballot | ||||||
20 | sheet, and
otherwise properly
voted, shall be counted, tallied | ||||||
21 | and recorded by the central counting location
judges on the | ||||||
22 | tally sheet provided for such record. A write-in vote causing
| ||||||
23 | an overvote for an office shall not be counted for that office, | ||||||
24 | but the
tally judges shall mark such absentee ballot sheet | ||||||
25 | "Objected
To" on the back thereof and write on its back the | ||||||
26 | manner in which such ballot
is counted and initial the same. An | ||||||
27 | overvote for one office shall invalidate
only the vote or count | ||||||
28 | of that particular office.
| ||||||
29 | At the central counting location, a team of tally judges | ||||||
30 | designated
by the election official in charge of the election | ||||||
31 | shall deliver the ballot
sheets to the technicians operating | ||||||
32 | the automatic tabulating equipment.
Any discrepancies between | ||||||
33 | the number of ballots and total number of voters
shall be noted | ||||||
34 | on a sheet furnished for that purpose and signed by the tally
| ||||||
35 | judges.
| ||||||
36 | (2) Regardless of which procedure described in subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) of this
Section is used,
the judges of election designated | ||||||
2 | to transport the ballots, properly signed
and sealed as | ||||||
3 | provided herein, shall ensure that the ballots are delivered
to | ||||||
4 | the central counting station no later than 12 hours after the | ||||||
5 | polls close.
At the central counting station a team of tally | ||||||
6 | judges designated by the
election official in charge of the | ||||||
7 | election shall examine the ballots so
transported and shall not | ||||||
8 | accept ballots for tabulating which are not signed
and sealed | ||||||
9 | as provided in subsection (1) of this Section until the
judges | ||||||
10 | transporting the
same make and sign the necessary corrections. | ||||||
11 | Upon acceptance of the ballots
by a team of tally judges at the | ||||||
12 | central counting station, the election
judges transporting the | ||||||
13 | same shall take a receipt signed by the election
official in | ||||||
14 | charge of the election and stamped with the date and time of
| ||||||
15 | acceptance. The election judges whose duty it is to transport | ||||||
16 | any ballots
shall, in the event
such ballots cannot be found | ||||||
17 | when needed, on proper request, produce the
receipt which they | ||||||
18 | are to take as above provided.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
| ||||||
20 | (10 ILCS 5/24A-10.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 24A-10.1)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 24A-10.1. In an election jurisdiction where | ||||||
22 | in-precinct counting
equipment is utilized, the following | ||||||
23 | procedures for counting and
tallying the ballots shall apply:
| ||||||
24 | Immediately after the closing of the polls, the absentee | ||||||
25 | and early ballots delivered
to the precinct judges of election | ||||||
26 | by the election authority shall be examined
to determine that | ||||||
27 | such ballots comply with
Sections 19-9 and 20-9 of this Act and | ||||||
28 | are entitled to be deposited in the
ballot box; those entitled | ||||||
29 | to be deposited in the ballot box shall be initialed
by the | ||||||
30 | precinct judges of election and deposited
in the ballot box. | ||||||
31 | Those not entitled to be deposited in the ballot box
shall be | ||||||
32 | marked "Rejected" and disposed of as provided in said Sections | ||||||
33 | 19-9 , 19A-55,
and 20-9.
| ||||||
34 | The precinct judges of election shall open the ballot box | ||||||
35 | and count the
number of ballots therein
to determine if such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | number agrees with the number of voters voting as shown
by the | ||||||
2 | applications for ballot or, if the same do not agree, the | ||||||
3 | judges
of election shall make such ballots agree with the | ||||||
4 | applications for ballot
in the manner provided by Section 17-18 | ||||||
5 | of this Act.
The judges of election shall then examine all | ||||||
6 | ballot cards and ballot card
envelopes which are in the ballot | ||||||
7 | box to determine whether the ballot cards
and ballot card | ||||||
8 | envelopes contain the initials of a precinct judge of
election. | ||||||
9 | If any ballot card or ballot card envelope is not initialed, it
| ||||||
10 | shall be marked on the back "Defective", initialed as to such | ||||||
11 | label by all
judges immediately under the word "Defective" and | ||||||
12 | not counted. The judges of
election shall place an initialed | ||||||
13 | blank official ballot card in the place of
the defective ballot | ||||||
14 | card, so that the count of the ballot cards to be counted
on | ||||||
15 | the automatic tabulating equipment will be the same, and each | ||||||
16 | "Defective
Ballot" card and "Replacement" card shall contain | ||||||
17 | the same serial number
which shall be placed thereon by the | ||||||
18 | judges of election, commencing with
number 1 and continuing | ||||||
19 | consecutively for the ballots of that kind in that
precinct. | ||||||
20 | The original "Defective" card shall be placed in the "Defective
| ||||||
21 | Ballot Envelope" provided for that purpose.
| ||||||
22 | When an electronic voting system is used which utilizes a | ||||||
23 | ballot card,
before separating the remaining ballot cards from | ||||||
24 | their respective covering
envelopes, the judges of election | ||||||
25 | shall examine the ballot card envelopes
for write-in votes. | ||||||
26 | When the voter has cast a write-in vote, the judges
of election | ||||||
27 | shall compare the write-in vote with the votes on the ballot
| ||||||
28 | card to determine whether such write-in results in an overvote | ||||||
29 | for any office.
In case of an overvote for any office, the | ||||||
30 | judges of election, consisting
in each case of at least
one | ||||||
31 | judge of election of each of the 2 major political parties, | ||||||
32 | shall make
a true duplicate ballot of all votes on such ballot | ||||||
33 | card except for the
office which is overvoted, by using the | ||||||
34 | ballot label booklet of the precinct
and one of the marking | ||||||
35 | devices of the precinct so as to transfer all votes
of the | ||||||
36 | voter, except for the office overvoted, to a duplicate card. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The
original ballot card and envelope upon which there is an | ||||||
2 | overvote shall
be clearly labeled
"Overvoted Ballot", and each | ||||||
3 | such "Overvoted Ballot" as well as its
"Replacement" shall | ||||||
4 | contain the same serial number which shall be placed thereon by | ||||||
5 | the
judges of election, commencing with number 1 and continuing | ||||||
6 | consecutively
for the ballots of that kind in that precinct.
| ||||||
7 | The "Overvoted Ballot" card and ballot envelope shall be placed | ||||||
8 | in an envelope
provided for that purpose labeled "Duplicate | ||||||
9 | Ballot" envelope, and the judges
of election shall initial the | ||||||
10 | "Replacement" ballot
cards and shall place them with the other | ||||||
11 | ballot cards to be counted on
the automatic tabulating
| ||||||
12 | equipment. Envelopes containing write-in votes marked in the | ||||||
13 | place designated
therefor and containing the initials of a | ||||||
14 | precinct judge of election and
not resulting in an overvote and | ||||||
15 | otherwise complying with the election laws
as to marking shall | ||||||
16 | be counted and tallied and their votes recorded on a
tally | ||||||
17 | sheet provided by the election authority.
| ||||||
18 | The ballot cards and ballot card envelopes shall be | ||||||
19 | separated in preparation
for counting by the automatic | ||||||
20 | tabulating equipment provided for that
purpose by the election | ||||||
21 | authority.
| ||||||
22 | Before the ballots are entered into the automatic | ||||||
23 | tabulating
equipment, a precinct identification card provided | ||||||
24 | by the election authority
shall be entered into the device to | ||||||
25 | ensure that the totals are all zeroes
in the count column on | ||||||
26 | the printing unit. A precinct judge of election
shall then | ||||||
27 | count the ballots
by entering each ballot card into the | ||||||
28 | automatic tabulating
equipment, and if any ballot or ballot | ||||||
29 | card is damaged or defective so that
it cannot properly be | ||||||
30 | counted by the automatic tabulating equipment, the
judges of | ||||||
31 | election, consisting in each case of at least one judge of | ||||||
32 | election
of each of the
2 major political parties, shall make a | ||||||
33 | true duplicate ballot of all votes
on such ballot card by using | ||||||
34 | the ballot label booklet of the precinct and
one of the marking | ||||||
35 | devices of the precinct. The original ballot or ballot
card and | ||||||
36 | envelope shall be clearly labeled "Damaged Ballot" and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ballot
or ballot card so produced shall be clearly labeled | ||||||
2 | "Duplicate Damaged Ballot",
and each shall contain the same | ||||||
3 | serial number which shall be placed
thereon by the judges of | ||||||
4 | election, commencing with number 1 and continuing
| ||||||
5 | consecutively for the ballots of
that kind in the precinct. The | ||||||
6 | judges of election shall initial the "Duplicate
Damaged Ballot" | ||||||
7 | ballot or ballot cards and shall enter the
duplicate damaged | ||||||
8 | cards into the automatic tabulating equipment. The "Damaged
| ||||||
9 | Ballot" cards
shall be placed in the "Duplicated Ballots" | ||||||
10 | envelope; after all ballot cards
have been successfully read, | ||||||
11 | the judges of election shall check to make certain that
the | ||||||
12 | last number printed by the printing unit is the same as the | ||||||
13 | number of
voters making application for ballot in that | ||||||
14 | precinct.
The number shall be listed on the "Statement of | ||||||
15 | Ballots" form provided by
the election authority.
| ||||||
16 | The totals for all candidates and propositions shall be | ||||||
17 | tabulated; 4 sets
shall be attached to the 4 sets of | ||||||
18 | "Certificate of Results" provided by
the election authority; | ||||||
19 | one set shall be posted in a conspicuous place inside
the | ||||||
20 | polling place; and every effort shall be made by the judges of | ||||||
21 | election
to provide a set for each authorized pollwatcher or | ||||||
22 | other official authorized
to be present in the polling place to | ||||||
23 | observe the counting of ballots; but
in no case shall the | ||||||
24 | number of sets to be made available to pollwatchers
be fewer | ||||||
25 | than 4, chosen by lot by the judges of election. In addition,
| ||||||
26 | sufficient
time shall be provided by the judges of election to | ||||||
27 | the pollwatchers to
allow them to copy information from the set | ||||||
28 | which has been posted.
| ||||||
29 | The judges of election shall count all unused ballot cards | ||||||
30 | and enter the
number on the "Statement of Ballots". All | ||||||
31 | "Spoiled", "Defective" and
"Duplicated" ballot cards shall be | ||||||
32 | counted and the number entered on the
"Statement of Ballots".
| ||||||
33 | The precinct judges of election shall select a bi-partisan | ||||||
34 | team of 2 judges,
who shall immediately return the ballots in a | ||||||
35 | sealed container, along with
all other election materials as | ||||||
36 | instructed by the election authority;
provided, however, that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such container must first be sealed by the election
judges with | ||||||
2 | filament tape provided for such purpose which shall be wrapped
| ||||||
3 | around the container lengthwise and crosswise, at least twice | ||||||
4 | each way, in
such manner that the ballots cannot be removed | ||||||
5 | from such container without
breaking the seal and filament tape | ||||||
6 | and disturbing any signatures affixed
by the election judges to | ||||||
7 | the container. The election authority shall keep
the office of | ||||||
8 | the election authority, or any receiving stations designated
by | ||||||
9 | such authority, open for at least 12 consecutive hours after | ||||||
10 | the polls
close or until the ballots from all precincts with | ||||||
11 | in-precinct counting
equipment within the jurisdiction of the | ||||||
12 | election authority have been
returned to the election | ||||||
13 | authority. Ballots returned to the office of the
election | ||||||
14 | authority which are not signed and sealed as required by law | ||||||
15 | shall
not be accepted by the election authority until the | ||||||
16 | judges returning the
same make and sign the necessary | ||||||
17 | corrections. Upon acceptance of the ballots
by the election | ||||||
18 | authority, the judges returning the same shall take a
receipt | ||||||
19 | signed by the election authority and stamped with the time and | ||||||
20 | date
of such return. The election judges whose duty it is to | ||||||
21 | return any ballots
as herein provided shall, in the event such | ||||||
22 | ballots cannot be found when
needed, on proper request, produce | ||||||
23 | the receipt which they are to take as above provided.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
| ||||||
25 | (10 ILCS 5/24A-15.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 24A-15.1)
| ||||||
26 | Sec. 24A-15.1. Except as herein provided, discovery | ||||||
27 | recounts and election
contests shall be conducted as otherwise | ||||||
28 | provided for in "The Election Code",
as amended. The automatic | ||||||
29 | tabulating equipment shall be tested prior to the
discovery | ||||||
30 | recount or election contest as provided in Section 24A-9, and
| ||||||
31 | then the official ballots or ballot cards shall be recounted on | ||||||
32 | the
automatic tabulating equipment. In addition, (1) the ballot | ||||||
33 | or ballot cards
shall be checked for the presence or absence of | ||||||
34 | judges' initials and other
distinguishing marks, and (2) the | ||||||
35 | ballots marked "Rejected", "Defective",
Objected to", and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Absentee Ballot" , and "Early Ballot" shall be
to | ||||||
2 | determine the
propriety of the such labels, and (3) the | ||||||
3 | "Duplicate Absentee Ballots",
"Duplicate Early Ballots", | ||||||
4 | "Duplicate Overvoted Ballots" and "Duplicate
Damaged Ballots" | ||||||
5 | shall be
compared with their respective originals to determine | ||||||
6 | the correctness of
the duplicates.
| ||||||
7 | Any person who has filed a petition for discovery recount | ||||||
8 | may request that
a redundant count be conducted in those | ||||||
9 | precincts in which the discovery
recount is being conducted. | ||||||
10 | The additional costs of such a redundant count
shall be borne | ||||||
11 | by the requesting party.
| ||||||
12 | The log of the computer operator and all materials retained | ||||||
13 | by the election
authority in relation to vote tabulation and | ||||||
14 | canvass shall be made available
for any discovery recount or | ||||||
15 | election contest.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 82-1014.)
| ||||||
17 | (10 ILCS 5/24B-10)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 24B-10. Receiving, Counting, Tallying and Return of
| ||||||
19 | Ballots; Acceptance of Ballots by Election Authority.
| ||||||
20 | (a) In an election jurisdiction which has adopted an | ||||||
21 | electronic Precinct
Tabulation Optical Scan Technology voting | ||||||
22 | system, the election
official in charge of the election shall | ||||||
23 | select one of the 3
following procedures for receiving, | ||||||
24 | counting, tallying, and
return of the ballots:
| ||||||
25 | (1) Two ballot boxes shall be provided for each polling
| ||||||
26 | place. The first ballot box is for the depositing of votes | ||||||
27 | cast
on the electronic voting system; and the second ballot | ||||||
28 | box is for
all votes cast on other ballots, including | ||||||
29 | absentee paper and early paper ballots
and any other paper | ||||||
30 | ballots required to be voted other than on
the Precinct | ||||||
31 | Tabulation Optical Scan Technology electronic voting
| ||||||
32 | system. Ballots, except absentee and early ballots for | ||||||
33 | candidates and
propositions which are listed on the | ||||||
34 | Precinct Tabulation Optical
Scan Technology electronic | ||||||
35 | voting system, deposited in the second
ballot box shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | counted, tallied, and returned as is
elsewhere provided in | ||||||
2 | this Code for the
counting and handling of paper ballots. | ||||||
3 | Immediately after the
closing of the polls the absentee and | ||||||
4 | early ballots delivered to the
precinct judges of election | ||||||
5 | by the election official in charge of
the election shall be | ||||||
6 | examined to determine that the ballots
comply with Sections | ||||||
7 | 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9 of this Code and are entitled to be | ||||||
8 | inserted
into the counting
equipment and deposited into the | ||||||
9 | ballot box provided;
those entitled to be deposited in this | ||||||
10 | ballot box shall be
initialed by the precinct judges of | ||||||
11 | election and deposited.
Those not entitled to be deposited | ||||||
12 | in this ballot box
shall be marked "Rejected" and disposed | ||||||
13 | of as provided in
Sections 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9. The | ||||||
14 | precinct judges of election shall
then open the second | ||||||
15 | ballot box and examine all paper absentee and early
ballots | ||||||
16 | which are in the ballot box to determine whether the
| ||||||
17 | absentee or early ballots bear the initials of a precinct | ||||||
18 | judge of
election. If any absentee or early ballot is not | ||||||
19 | so initialed, it shall
be marked on the back "Defective", | ||||||
20 | initialed as to the label by
all judges immediately under | ||||||
21 | the word "Defective", and not
counted, but placed in the | ||||||
22 | envelope provided for that purpose
labeled "Defective | ||||||
23 | Ballots Envelope". The judges of election,
consisting in | ||||||
24 | each case of at least one judge of election of each
of the | ||||||
25 | 2 major political parties, shall examine the paper
absentee | ||||||
26 | and early ballots which were in such ballot box and | ||||||
27 | properly
initialed to determine whether the same contain | ||||||
28 | write-in
votes. Write-in votes, not causing an overvote for | ||||||
29 | an office
otherwise voted for on the paper absentee or | ||||||
30 | early ballot, and otherwise
properly voted, shall be | ||||||
31 | counted, tallied and recorded on the
tally sheet provided | ||||||
32 | for the record. A write-in vote causing an
overvote for an | ||||||
33 | office shall not be counted for that office, but
the | ||||||
34 | precinct judges shall mark such paper absentee or early | ||||||
35 | ballot
"Objected To" on the back and write on its back the
| ||||||
36 | manner in which the ballot is counted and initial the same. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | An
overvote for one office shall invalidate only the vote | ||||||
2 | or count
of that particular office. After counting, | ||||||
3 | tallying and
recording the write-in votes on absentee and | ||||||
4 | early ballots, the judges of
election, consisting in each | ||||||
5 | case of at least one judge of
election of each of the 2 | ||||||
6 | major political parties, shall make a
true duplicate ballot | ||||||
7 | of the remaining valid votes on each paper
absentee and | ||||||
8 | early ballot which was in the ballot box and properly
| ||||||
9 | initialed, by using the electronic Precinct Tabulation | ||||||
10 | Optical
Scan Technology voting system used in the precinct | ||||||
11 | and one of the
marking devices, or equivalent marking | ||||||
12 | device or equivalent ballot, of the
precinct to transfer | ||||||
13 | the remaining
valid votes of the voter on the paper | ||||||
14 | absentee or early ballot to an
official ballot or a ballot | ||||||
15 | card of that kind used in the
precinct at that election. | ||||||
16 | The original paper absentee ballot
shall be clearly labeled | ||||||
17 | "Absentee Ballot" or "Early Ballot", as the case may be, | ||||||
18 | and the ballot card so
produced "Duplicate Absentee Ballot" | ||||||
19 | or "Duplicate Early Ballot", as the case may be , and each | ||||||
20 | shall bear the
same serial number which shall be placed | ||||||
21 | thereon by the judges of
election, beginning with number 1 | ||||||
22 | and continuing consecutively
for the ballots of that kind | ||||||
23 | in that precinct. The judges of
election shall initial the | ||||||
24 | "Duplicate Absentee Ballot" and "Duplicate Early Ballot" | ||||||
25 | ballots
and shall place them in the first ballot box | ||||||
26 | provided for return
of the ballots to be counted at the | ||||||
27 | central counting location in
lieu of the paper absentee and | ||||||
28 | early ballots. The paper absentee and early ballots
shall | ||||||
29 | be placed in an envelope provided for that purpose labeled
| ||||||
30 | "Duplicate Ballots".
| ||||||
31 | As soon as the absentee and early ballots have been | ||||||
32 | deposited in the
first ballot box, the judges of election | ||||||
33 | shall make out a slip
indicating the number of persons who | ||||||
34 | voted in the precinct at the
election. The slip shall be | ||||||
35 | signed by all the judges of
election and shall be inserted | ||||||
36 | by them in the first ballot box.
The judges of election |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall thereupon immediately lock the first
ballot box; | ||||||
2 | provided, that if the box is not of a type which may
be | ||||||
3 | securely locked, the box shall be sealed with filament tape
| ||||||
4 | provided for the purpose that shall be wrapped around the | ||||||
5 | box
lengthwise and crosswise, at least twice each way, and | ||||||
6 | in a
manner that the seal completely covers the slot in the | ||||||
7 | ballot
box, and each of the judges shall sign the seal. Two
| ||||||
8 | of the judges of election, of different political parties, | ||||||
9 | shall
by the most direct route transport both ballot
boxes | ||||||
10 | to the counting location designated by the county clerk or
| ||||||
11 | board of election commissioners.
| ||||||
12 | Before the ballots of a precinct are fed to the | ||||||
13 | electronic
Precinct Tabulation Optical Scan Technology | ||||||
14 | tabulating equipment,
the first ballot box shall be opened | ||||||
15 | at the central counting
station by the 2 precinct transport | ||||||
16 | judges. Upon opening a
ballot box, the team shall first | ||||||
17 | count the number of ballots in
the box. If 2 or more are | ||||||
18 | folded together to appear to
have been cast by the same | ||||||
19 | person, all of the ballots folded
together shall be marked | ||||||
20 | and returned with the other ballots in
the same condition, | ||||||
21 | as near as may be, in which they were found
when first | ||||||
22 | opened, but shall not be counted. If the remaining
ballots | ||||||
23 | are found to exceed the number of persons voting in the
| ||||||
24 | precinct as shown by the slip signed by the judges of | ||||||
25 | election,
the ballots shall be replaced in the box, and the | ||||||
26 | box closed and
well shaken and again opened and one of the | ||||||
27 | precinct transport
judges shall publicly draw out so many | ||||||
28 | ballots unopened as are
equal to the excess.
| ||||||
29 | The excess ballots shall be marked "Excess-Not | ||||||
30 | Counted" and
signed by the 2 precinct transport judges and | ||||||
31 | shall be placed
in the "After 7:00 p.m. Defective Ballots | ||||||
32 | Envelope". The number
of excess ballots shall be noted in | ||||||
33 | the remarks section of the
Certificate of Results. "Excess" | ||||||
34 | ballots shall not be counted in
the total of "defective" | ||||||
35 | ballots.
| ||||||
36 | The precinct transport judges shall then examine the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | remaining ballots for write-in votes and shall count and | ||||||
2 | tabulate
the write-in vote.
| ||||||
3 | (2) A single ballot box, for the deposit of all votes | ||||||
4 | cast,
shall be used. All ballots which are not to be | ||||||
5 | tabulated on the
electronic voting system shall be counted, | ||||||
6 | tallied, and returned
as elsewhere provided in this Code | ||||||
7 | for the
counting and handling of paper ballots.
| ||||||
8 | All ballots to be processed and tabulated with the | ||||||
9 | electronic
Precinct Tabulation Optical Scan Technology | ||||||
10 | voting system shall
be processed as follows:
| ||||||
11 | Immediately after the closing of the polls the absentee | ||||||
12 | and early
ballots delivered to the precinct judges of | ||||||
13 | election by the
election official in charge of the election | ||||||
14 | shall be examined to
determine that such ballots comply | ||||||
15 | with Sections 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9 of
this Code and are | ||||||
16 | entitled to be deposited
in the ballot box; those entitled | ||||||
17 | to be deposited in the ballot
box shall be initialed by the | ||||||
18 | precinct judges of election and
deposited in the ballot | ||||||
19 | box. Those not entitled to be deposited
in the ballot box | ||||||
20 | shall be marked "Rejected" and disposed of as
provided in | ||||||
21 | Sections 19-9 , 19A-55, and 20-9. The precinct judges of
| ||||||
22 | election then shall open the ballot box and canvass the | ||||||
23 | votes
polled to determine that the number of ballots agree | ||||||
24 | with
the number of voters voting as shown by the | ||||||
25 | applications for
ballot, or if the same do not agree the | ||||||
26 | judges of election shall
make such ballots agree with the | ||||||
27 | applications for ballot in the
manner provided by Section | ||||||
28 | 17-18 of this Code. The
judges of election shall then | ||||||
29 | examine all paper absentee and early ballots and ballot
| ||||||
30 | envelopes which are in the ballot
box to determine whether | ||||||
31 | the ballots and ballot envelopes bear the initials of
a | ||||||
32 | precinct judge of election. If any ballot or ballot
| ||||||
33 | envelope is not initialed, it shall be marked on the back
| ||||||
34 | "Defective", initialed as to the label by all judges | ||||||
35 | immediately
under the word "Defective", and not counted, | ||||||
36 | but placed in the
envelope provided for that purpose |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | labeled "Defective Ballots
Envelope". The judges of | ||||||
2 | election, consisting in each case of at
least one judge of | ||||||
3 | election of each of the 2 major political
parties, shall | ||||||
4 | examine the paper absentee and early ballots which were in
| ||||||
5 | the ballot box and properly initialed to determine whether
| ||||||
6 | the same contain write-in votes. Write-in votes, not | ||||||
7 | causing an
overvote for an office otherwise voted for on | ||||||
8 | the paper absentee or early
ballot, and otherwise properly | ||||||
9 | voted, shall be counted, tallied
and recorded on the tally | ||||||
10 | sheet provided for the record. A
write-in vote causing an | ||||||
11 | overvote for an office shall not be
counted for that | ||||||
12 | office, but the precinct judges shall mark the
paper | ||||||
13 | absentee or early ballot "Objected To" on the back and | ||||||
14 | write
on its back the manner the ballot is counted and
| ||||||
15 | initial the same. An overvote for one office shall | ||||||
16 | invalidate
only the vote or count of that particular | ||||||
17 | office. After
counting, tallying and recording the | ||||||
18 | write-in votes on absentee and early
ballots, the judges of | ||||||
19 | election, consisting in each case of at
least one judge of | ||||||
20 | election of each of the 2 major political
parties, shall | ||||||
21 | make a true duplicate ballot of the remaining
valid votes | ||||||
22 | on each paper absentee and early ballot which was in the | ||||||
23 | ballot
box and properly initialed, by using the electronic | ||||||
24 | voting system
used in the precinct and one of the marking | ||||||
25 | devices of the
precinct to transfer the remaining valid | ||||||
26 | votes of the voter
on the paper absentee or early ballot to | ||||||
27 | an official ballot of that kind used in the
precinct at | ||||||
28 | that election. The
original paper absentee or early ballot | ||||||
29 | shall be clearly labeled "Absentee
Ballot" or "Early | ||||||
30 | Ballot", as the case may be, and the ballot so produced | ||||||
31 | "Duplicate Absentee
Ballot" or "Duplicate Early Ballot", as | ||||||
32 | the case may be , and each shall bear the same serial number | ||||||
33 | which shall
be placed thereon by the judges of election, | ||||||
34 | commencing with
number 1 and continuing consecutively for | ||||||
35 | the ballots of that
kind in that precinct. The judges of | ||||||
36 | election shall initial the
"Duplicate Absentee Ballot" and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Duplicate Early Ballot" ballots and shall
place them in | ||||||
2 | the box for return of the ballots with all other
ballots to | ||||||
3 | be counted at the central counting
location in lieu of the | ||||||
4 | paper absentee and early ballots. The paper
absentee | ||||||
5 | ballots shall be placed in an envelope provided for that
| ||||||
6 | purpose labeled "Duplicate Ballots".
| ||||||
7 | In case of an overvote for any office, the judges of
| ||||||
8 | election, consisting in each case of at least one judge of
| ||||||
9 | election of each of the 2 major political parties, shall | ||||||
10 | make a
true duplicate ballot of all votes on the ballot | ||||||
11 | except for
the office which is overvoted, by using the | ||||||
12 | ballot of the
precinct and one of the marking devices, or | ||||||
13 | equivalent ballot, of the
precinct to
transfer all votes of | ||||||
14 | the voter except for the office overvoted,
to an official | ||||||
15 | ballot of that kind used in the precinct at
that election. | ||||||
16 | The original ballot upon which there is an
overvote shall | ||||||
17 | be clearly labeled "Overvoted Ballot", and each
shall bear | ||||||
18 | the same serial number which shall be placed thereon
by the | ||||||
19 | judges of election, beginning with number 1 and
continuing | ||||||
20 | consecutively for the ballots of that kind in that
| ||||||
21 | precinct. The judges of election shall initial the | ||||||
22 | "Duplicate
Overvoted Ballot" ballots and shall place them | ||||||
23 | in the box for
return of the ballots. The "Overvoted | ||||||
24 | Ballot" ballots shall be
placed in the "Duplicate Ballots" | ||||||
25 | envelope. The ballots except
any defective or overvoted | ||||||
26 | ballot shall be placed separately in
the box for return of | ||||||
27 | the ballots, along with all "Duplicate
Absentee Ballots" , | ||||||
28 | "Duplicate Early Ballots" , and "Duplicate Overvoted | ||||||
29 | Ballots". The judges
of election shall examine the ballots | ||||||
30 | to determine if any is
damaged or defective so that it | ||||||
31 | cannot be counted by the
automatic tabulating equipment. If | ||||||
32 | any ballot is
damaged or defective so that it cannot | ||||||
33 | properly be counted by the
automatic tabulating equipment, | ||||||
34 | the judges of election,
consisting in each case of at least | ||||||
35 | one judge of election of each
of the 2 major political | ||||||
36 | parties, shall make a true duplicate
ballot of all votes on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | such ballot by using the ballot of
the precinct and one of | ||||||
2 | the marking devices, or equivalent ballot, of the
precinct. | ||||||
3 | The
original ballot and ballot envelope shall be clearly
| ||||||
4 | labeled "Damaged Ballot" and the ballot so
produced | ||||||
5 | "Duplicate Damaged Ballot", and each shall bear the same
| ||||||
6 | number which shall be placed thereon by the judges of | ||||||
7 | election,
commencing with number 1 and continuing | ||||||
8 | consecutively for the
ballots of that kind in the precinct. | ||||||
9 | The judges of election
shall initial the "Duplicate Damaged | ||||||
10 | Ballot" ballot and shall place them in
the box for return | ||||||
11 | of the ballots.
The "Damaged Ballot" ballots
shall be | ||||||
12 | placed in the "Duplicated Ballots" envelope. A slip
| ||||||
13 | indicating the number of voters voting in person, number of
| ||||||
14 | absentee and early votes deposited in the ballot box, and | ||||||
15 | the total number
of voters of the precinct who voted at the | ||||||
16 | election shall be made
out, signed by all judges of | ||||||
17 | election, and inserted in the box
for return of the | ||||||
18 | ballots. The tally sheets recording the write-in votes | ||||||
19 | shall
be placed in this box. The judges of election | ||||||
20 | immediately shall
securely lock the ballot box or other | ||||||
21 | suitable box furnished for return of the
ballots by the | ||||||
22 | election official in charge of the election; provided that | ||||||
23 | if
the box is not of a type which may be securely locked, | ||||||
24 | the box shall be
sealed with filament tape provided for the | ||||||
25 | purpose which shall
be wrapped around the box lengthwise | ||||||
26 | and crosswise, at least
twice each way. A separate adhesive | ||||||
27 | seal label signed by each of
the judges of election of the | ||||||
28 | precinct shall be affixed to the
box to cover any slot | ||||||
29 | therein and to identify the box of
the precinct; and if the | ||||||
30 | box is sealed with filament tape as
provided rather than | ||||||
31 | locked, such tape shall be wrapped
around the box as | ||||||
32 | provided, but in such manner that the
separate adhesive | ||||||
33 | seal label affixed to the box and signed by the
judges may | ||||||
34 | not be removed without breaking the filament tape and
| ||||||
35 | disturbing the signature of the judges. Two of the
judges | ||||||
36 | of election, of different major political parties,
shall by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the most direct route transport the box for
return of the | ||||||
2 | ballots and enclosed ballots and returns to the
central | ||||||
3 | counting location designated by the election official in
| ||||||
4 | charge of the election. If, however, because of the lack of
| ||||||
5 | adequate parking facilities at the central counting | ||||||
6 | location or
for any other reason, it is impossible or | ||||||
7 | impracticable for the
boxes from all the polling places to | ||||||
8 | be delivered directly to the
central counting location, the | ||||||
9 | election official in charge of the
election may designate | ||||||
10 | some other location to which the boxes
shall be delivered | ||||||
11 | by the 2 precinct judges. While at the other
location the | ||||||
12 | boxes shall be in the care and custody of one or
more | ||||||
13 | teams, each consisting of 4 persons, 2 from each of the 2
| ||||||
14 | major political parties, designated for such purpose by the
| ||||||
15 | election official in charge of elections from | ||||||
16 | recommendations by
the appropriate political party | ||||||
17 | organizations. As soon as
possible, the boxes shall be | ||||||
18 | transported from the other location
to the central counting | ||||||
19 | location by one or more teams, each
consisting of 4 | ||||||
20 | persons, 2 from each of the 2 major political
parties, | ||||||
21 | designated for the purpose by the election official in
| ||||||
22 | charge of elections from recommendations by the | ||||||
23 | appropriate
political party organizations.
| ||||||
24 | The "Defective Ballots" envelope, and "Duplicated | ||||||
25 | Ballots"
envelope each shall be securely sealed and the | ||||||
26 | flap or end
of each envelope signed by the precinct judges | ||||||
27 | of election and
returned to the central counting location | ||||||
28 | with the box for return
of the ballots, enclosed ballots | ||||||
29 | and returns.
| ||||||
30 | At the central counting location, a team of tally | ||||||
31 | judges
designated by the election official in charge of the | ||||||
32 | election
shall check the box returned containing the | ||||||
33 | ballots to determine
that all seals are intact, and shall | ||||||
34 | open the box,
check the voters' slip and compare the number | ||||||
35 | of ballots so
delivered against the total number of voters | ||||||
36 | of the precinct who
voted, remove the ballots and deliver |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | them to the
technicians operating the automatic tabulating | ||||||
2 | equipment. Any
discrepancies between the number of ballots | ||||||
3 | and total number of
voters shall be noted on a sheet | ||||||
4 | furnished for that purpose and
signed by the tally judges.
| ||||||
5 | (3) A single ballot box, for the deposit of all votes | ||||||
6 | cast,
shall be used. Immediately after the closing of the | ||||||
7 | polls the
judges of election shall examine the absentee and | ||||||
8 | early ballots received by
the precinct judges of election | ||||||
9 | from the election authority of
voters in that precinct to | ||||||
10 | determine that they comply with the
provisions of Sections | ||||||
11 | 19-9, 19A-55, 20-8 , and 20-9 of this Code and are entitled | ||||||
12 | to be
deposited in the ballot box;
those entitled to be | ||||||
13 | deposited in the ballot box shall be
initialed by the | ||||||
14 | precinct judges and deposited in the ballot box.
Those not | ||||||
15 | entitled to be deposited in the ballot box, in
accordance | ||||||
16 | with Sections 19-9, 19A-55, 20-8 , and 20-9 of this Code
| ||||||
17 | shall be marked "Rejected" and preserved in the
manner | ||||||
18 | provided in this Code for the retention and
preservation of | ||||||
19 | official ballots rejected at such election.
Immediately | ||||||
20 | upon the completion of the absentee and early balloting, | ||||||
21 | the
precinct judges of election shall securely lock the | ||||||
22 | ballot box;
provided that if such box is not of a type | ||||||
23 | which may be securely
locked, the box shall be sealed with | ||||||
24 | filament tape provided for
the purpose which shall be | ||||||
25 | wrapped around the box lengthwise and
crosswise, at least | ||||||
26 | twice each way. A separate adhesive seal
label signed by | ||||||
27 | each of the judges of election of the precinct
shall be | ||||||
28 | affixed to the box to cover any slot therein and
to | ||||||
29 | identify the box of the precinct; and if the box is sealed
| ||||||
30 | with filament tape as provided rather than locked, such
| ||||||
31 | tape shall be wrapped around the box as provided, but in
a | ||||||
32 | manner that the separate adhesive seal label affixed to the
| ||||||
33 | box and signed by the judges may not be removed without | ||||||
34 | breaking
the filament tape and disturbing the signature of | ||||||
35 | the judges.
Two of the judges of election, of different | ||||||
36 | major
political parties, shall by the most direct route
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | transport the box for return of the ballots and enclosed | ||||||
2 | absentee and early
ballots and returns to the central | ||||||
3 | counting location designated
by the election official in | ||||||
4 | charge of the election. If however,
because of the lack of | ||||||
5 | adequate parking facilities at the central
counting | ||||||
6 | location or for some other reason, it is impossible or
| ||||||
7 | impracticable for the boxes from all the polling places to | ||||||
8 | be
delivered directly to the central counting location, the | ||||||
9 | election
official in charge of the election may designate | ||||||
10 | some other
location to which the boxes shall be delivered | ||||||
11 | by the 2 precinct
judges. While at the other location the | ||||||
12 | boxes shall be in the
care and custody of one or more | ||||||
13 | teams, each consisting of 4
persons, 2 from each of the 2 | ||||||
14 | major political parties,
designated for the purpose by the | ||||||
15 | election official in charge of
elections from | ||||||
16 | recommendations by the appropriate political party
| ||||||
17 | organizations. As soon as possible, the boxes shall be
| ||||||
18 | transported from the other location to the central counting
| ||||||
19 | location by one or more teams, each consisting of 4 | ||||||
20 | persons, 2
from each of the 2 major political parties, | ||||||
21 | designated for the
purpose by the election official in | ||||||
22 | charge of the election from
recommendations by the | ||||||
23 | appropriate political party organizations.
| ||||||
24 | At the central counting location there shall be one or | ||||||
25 | more
teams of tally judges who possess the same | ||||||
26 | qualifications as
tally judges in election jurisdictions | ||||||
27 | using paper ballots. The
number of the teams shall be | ||||||
28 | determined by the election
authority. Each team shall | ||||||
29 | consist of 5 tally judges, 3 selected
and approved by the | ||||||
30 | county board from a certified list furnished
by the | ||||||
31 | chairman of the county central committee of the party with
| ||||||
32 | the majority of members on the county board and 2 selected | ||||||
33 | and
approved by the county board from a certified list | ||||||
34 | furnished by
the chairman of the county central committee | ||||||
35 | of the party with
the second largest number of members on | ||||||
36 | the county board. At the
central counting location a team |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of tally judges shall open the
ballot box and canvass the | ||||||
2 | votes polled to determine that the
number of ballot sheets | ||||||
3 | therein agree with the number of voters
voting as shown by | ||||||
4 | the applications for ballot and for absentee and early
| ||||||
5 | ballot; and, if the same do not agree, the tally judges | ||||||
6 | shall
make such ballots agree with the number of | ||||||
7 | applications for
ballot in the manner provided by Section | ||||||
8 | 17-18 of this
Code. The tally judges shall then examine all | ||||||
9 | ballot sheets
that are in the ballot box to determine | ||||||
10 | whether they bear the
initials of the precinct judge of | ||||||
11 | election. If any ballot is not
initialed, it shall be | ||||||
12 | marked on the back "Defective", initialed
as to that label | ||||||
13 | by all tally judges immediately under the word
"Defective", | ||||||
14 | and not counted, but placed in the envelope provided
for | ||||||
15 | that purpose labeled "Defective Ballots Envelope". | ||||||
16 | Write-in
votes, not causing an overvote for an office | ||||||
17 | otherwise voted for
on the absentee or early ballot sheet, | ||||||
18 | and otherwise properly voted, shall
be counted, tallied, | ||||||
19 | and recorded by the central counting location
judges on the | ||||||
20 | tally sheet provided for the record. A write-in
vote | ||||||
21 | causing an overvote for an office shall not be counted for
| ||||||
22 | that office, but the tally judges shall mark the absentee | ||||||
23 | or early ballot
sheet "Objected To" and write the
manner in | ||||||
24 | which the ballot is counted on its back and initial the | ||||||
25 | sheet. An
overvote for one office shall invalidate only the | ||||||
26 | vote or count
for that particular office.
| ||||||
27 | At the central counting location, a team of tally | ||||||
28 | judges
designated by the election official in charge of the | ||||||
29 | election
shall deliver the ballot sheets to the technicians | ||||||
30 | operating the
automatic Precinct Tabulation Optical Scan | ||||||
31 | Technology tabulating
equipment. Any discrepancies between | ||||||
32 | the number of ballots and
total number of voters shall be | ||||||
33 | noted on a sheet furnished for
that purpose and signed by | ||||||
34 | the tally judges.
| ||||||
35 | (b) Regardless of which procedure described in subsection
| ||||||
36 | (a) of this Section is used, the judges of election designated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to
transport the ballots properly signed and sealed,
shall | ||||||
2 | ensure that the ballots are delivered to the
central counting | ||||||
3 | station no later than 12 hours after the polls
close. At the | ||||||
4 | central counting station, a team of tally judges
designated by | ||||||
5 | the election official in charge of the election
shall examine | ||||||
6 | the ballots so transported and shall not accept
ballots for | ||||||
7 | tabulating which are not signed and sealed as
provided in | ||||||
8 | subsection (a) of this Section until the judges
transporting | ||||||
9 | the ballots make and sign the necessary corrections.
Upon | ||||||
10 | acceptance of the ballots by a team of tally judges at the
| ||||||
11 | central counting station, the election judges transporting the
| ||||||
12 | ballots shall take a receipt signed by the election official in
| ||||||
13 | charge of the election and stamped with the date and time of
| ||||||
14 | acceptance. The election judges whose duty it is to transport
| ||||||
15 | any ballots shall, in the event the ballots cannot be found | ||||||
16 | when
needed, on proper request, produce the receipt which they | ||||||
17 | are to
take as above provided.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03.)
| ||||||
19 | (10 ILCS 5/24B-15.1)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 24B-15.1. Discovery, Recounts and Election Contests.
| ||||||
21 | Except as provided, discovery recounts and election
contests | ||||||
22 | shall be conducted as otherwise provided for in
this Code. The | ||||||
23 | automatic Precinct Tabulation
Optical Scan Technology | ||||||
24 | tabulating equipment shall be tested
prior to the discovery | ||||||
25 | recount or election contest as provided in
Section 24B-9, and | ||||||
26 | then the official ballots shall be recounted
on the automatic | ||||||
27 | tabulating equipment. In addition, (a) the
ballots shall be | ||||||
28 | checked for the presence or absence of judges'
initials and | ||||||
29 | other distinguishing marks, and (b) the ballots
marked | ||||||
30 | "Rejected", "Defective", "Objected To" , "Early Ballot", and
| ||||||
31 | "Absentee
Ballot" shall be examined to determine the propriety | ||||||
32 | of the
labels, and (c) the "Duplicate Absentee Ballots", | ||||||
33 | "Duplicate Early
Ballots", "Duplicate
Overvoted Ballots" and | ||||||
34 | "Duplicate Damaged Ballots" shall be
compared with their | ||||||
35 | respective originals to determine the
correctness of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | duplicates.
| ||||||
2 | Any person who has filed a petition for discovery recount
| ||||||
3 | may request that a redundant count be conducted in those
| ||||||
4 | precincts in which the discovery recount is being conducted. | ||||||
5 | The
additional costs of a redundant count shall be borne by the
| ||||||
6 | requesting party.
| ||||||
7 | The log of the computer operator and all materials retained
| ||||||
8 | by the election authority in relation to vote tabulation and
| ||||||
9 | canvass shall be made available for any discovery recount or
| ||||||
10 | election contest.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 89-394, eff. 1-1-97.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | ||||||
13 | Section 8.29 as
| ||||||
14 | (30 ILCS 805/8.29 new)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 8.29. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 | ||||||
16 | of this
Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the | ||||||
17 | implementation of
any mandate created by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
18 | the 94th General Assembly.