State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB3435
Introduced 2/22/2005, by Rep. Monique D. Davis SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
415 ILCS 5/5 |
from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1005 |
Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the Pollution Control Board.
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HB3435 |
LRB094 10394 RCE 40664 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning safety.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Environmental Protection Act is amended by |
5 |
| changing Section 5 as follows:
6 |
| (415 ILCS 5/5) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1005)
7 |
| Sec. 5. Pollution Control Board.
8 |
| (a) There is hereby created an independent board to be |
9 |
| known as the
Pollution Control Board.
10 |
| Until July 1, 2003 or when all of the new members to be |
11 |
| initially
appointed under this amendatory Act of the 93rd |
12 |
| General Assembly have been
appointed by the Governor, whichever |
13 |
| occurs later,
the Board shall consist of 7 technically |
14 |
| qualified members,
no more than 4 of whom may be of the same |
15 |
| political party, to be appointed
by the Governor with the |
16 |
| advice and consent of the Senate.
17 |
| The term of each appointed member of the Board
who is in |
18 |
| office on June 30, 2003 shall terminate at the close of |
19 |
| business
on that date or when all of the new members to be |
20 |
| initially appointed under
this amendatory Act of the 93rd |
21 |
| General Assembly have been appointed by the
Governor, whichever |
22 |
| occurs later.
23 |
| Beginning on July 1, 2003 or when all of the new members to |
24 |
| be initially
appointed under this amendatory Act of the 93rd |
25 |
| General Assembly have been
appointed by the Governor, whichever |
26 |
| occurs later, the Board shall consist
of 5 technically |
27 |
| qualified members, no more than 3 of whom may be of the same
28 |
| political party, to be appointed by the Governor with the |
29 |
| advice and consent
of the Senate. Members shall have verifiable |
30 |
| technical, academic, or actual
experience in the field of |
31 |
| pollution control or environmental law and
32 |
| Of the members initially appointed pursuant to this |
HB3435 |
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LRB094 10394 RCE 40664 b |
1 |
| amendatory Act of the
93rd General Assembly, one shall be |
2 |
| appointed for a term ending July 1, 2004,
2 shall be appointed |
3 |
| for terms ending July 1, 2005, and 2 shall be appointed
for |
4 |
| terms ending July 1, 2006. Thereafter, all members shall hold |
5 |
| office for
3 years from the first day of July in the year in |
6 |
| which they were appointed,
except in case of an appointment to |
7 |
| fill a vacancy. In case of a vacancy in
the office when the |
8 |
| Senate is not in session, the Governor may make a temporary
9 |
| appointment until the next meeting of the Senate, when he or |
10 |
| she shall
nominate some person to fill such office; and any |
11 |
| person so nominated, who is
confirmed by the Senate, shall hold |
12 |
| the office during the remainder of the
13 |
| Members of the Board shall hold office until their |
14 |
| respective successors
have been appointed and qualified. Any |
15 |
| member may resign from office, such
resignation to take effect |
16 |
| when a successor has been appointed and has
17 |
| Board members shall be paid $37,000 per year or an amount |
18 |
| set by the
Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater, and |
19 |
| the Chairman shall
be paid $43,000 per year or an amount set by |
20 |
| the Compensation Review Board,
whichever is greater. Each |
21 |
| member shall devote his or her entire time to the
duties of the |
22 |
| office, and shall hold no other office or position of profit, |
23 |
| nor
engage in any other business, employment, or vocation. Each |
24 |
| member shall be
reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred |
25 |
| and shall make a financial disclosure upon
26 |
| Each Board member may employ one secretary and one |
27 |
| assistant, and the
Chairman one secretary and 2 assistants. The |
28 |
| Board also may employ and
compensate hearing officers to |
29 |
| preside at hearings under this Act, and such
other personnel as |
30 |
| may be necessary. Hearing officers shall be attorneys
licensed |
31 |
| to practice law in Illinois.
32 |
| The Board may have an Executive Director; if so, the |
33 |
| Executive Director
shall be appointed by the Governor with the |
34 |
| advice and consent of the Senate.
The salary and duties of the |
35 |
| Executive Director shall be fixed by the Board.
36 |
| The Governor shall designate one Board member to be |
HB3435 |
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LRB094 10394 RCE 40664 b |
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| Chairman, who
shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
2 |
| The Board shall hold at least one meeting each month and |
3 |
| such
additional meetings as may be prescribed by Board rules. |
4 |
| In addition,
special meetings may be called by the Chairman or |
5 |
| by any 2 Board
members, upon delivery of 24 hours written |
6 |
| notice to the office of each
member. All Board meetings shall |
7 |
| be open to the public, and public
notice of all meetings shall |
8 |
| be given at least 24 hours in
advance of each meeting. In |
9 |
| emergency situations in which a majority of
the Board certifies |
10 |
| that exigencies of time require the requirements of
public |
11 |
| notice and of 24 hour written notice to members may be
12 |
| dispensed with, and Board members shall receive such notice as |
13 |
| is
reasonable under the circumstances.
14 |
| If there is no vacancy on the Board, 4 members of the Board |
15 |
| shall
constitute a quorum to transact business; otherwise, a |
16 |
| majority of the
Board shall constitute a quorum to transact |
17 |
| business, and no vacancy
shall impair the right of the |
18 |
| remaining members to exercise all of the
powers of the Board. |
19 |
| Every action approved by a majority of the members
of the Board |
20 |
| shall be deemed to be the action of the Board. The Board shall |
21 |
| keep a complete and accurate record of all its
22 |
| (b) The Board shall determine, define and implement the
23 |
| environmental control standards applicable in the State of |
24 |
| Illinois and
may adopt rules and regulations in accordance with |
25 |
| Title VII of this Act.
26 |
| (c) The Board shall have authority to act for the State in |
27 |
| regard to
the adoption of standards for submission to the |
28 |
| United States under any
federal law respecting environmental |
29 |
| protection. Such standards shall be
adopted in accordance with |
30 |
| Title VII of the Act and upon adoption shall
be forwarded to |
31 |
| the Environmental Protection Agency for submission to
the |
32 |
| United States pursuant to subsections (l) and (m) of Section 4 |
33 |
| of this
Act. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit the |
34 |
| discretion of the Governor to
delegate authority granted to the |
35 |
| Governor under any federal law.
36 |
| (d) The Board shall have authority to conduct proceedings
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LRB094 10394 RCE 40664 b |
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| upon complaints charging violations of this Act, any rule or |
2 |
| regulation
adopted under this Act, any permit or term or |
3 |
| condition of a permit, or any
Board order; upon
administrative |
4 |
| citations; upon petitions for variances or adjusted standards;
5 |
| upon petitions for review of the Agency's final determinations |
6 |
| on permit
applications in accordance with Title X of this Act; |
7 |
| upon petitions to remove
seals under Section 34 of this Act; |
8 |
| and upon other petitions for review of
final determinations |
9 |
| which are made pursuant to this Act or Board rule and
which |
10 |
| involve a subject which the Board is authorized to regulate. |
11 |
| The Board
may also conduct other proceedings as may be provided |
12 |
| by this Act or any other
statute or rule.
13 |
| (e) In connection with any proceeding pursuant to
14 |
| subsection (b) or (d) of this Section, the Board may
subpoena |
15 |
| and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of |
16 |
| evidence
reasonably necessary to resolution of the matter under |
17 |
| consideration. The
Board shall issue such subpoenas upon the |
18 |
| request of any party to a proceeding
under subsection (d) of |
19 |
| this Section or upon its own motion.
20 |
| (f) The Board may prescribe reasonable fees for permits |
21 |
| required
pursuant to this Act. Such fees in the aggregate may |
22 |
| not exceed the total
cost to the Agency for its inspection and |
23 |
| permit systems. The Board may not
prescribe any permit fees |
24 |
| which are different in amount from those established
by this |
25 |
| Act.
26 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-574, eff. 6-26-02; 93-152, eff. 7-10-03; |
27 |
| 93-509, eff.
8-11-03; revised 9-11-03.)