State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB3299
Introduced 2/22/2005, by Rep. Tom Cross SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
Amends the School Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning a
financial oversight panel's powers.
| |
HB3299 |
LRB094 07224 RAS 37379 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning education.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section |
5 |
| 1B-22 as follows:
6 |
| (105 ILCS 5/1B-22)
7 |
| Sec. 1B-22. Additional Powers of the Panel. For Panels |
8 |
| established under
Section 1B-4 for a
district which had its |
9 |
| financial plan rescinded by the
the State Board for
violating |
10 |
| that plan as
provided in Section 1A-8, the Panel shall have the |
11 |
| following additional powers: |
12 |
| (a) As necessary to carry out its purposes when district |
13 |
| resources are not
readily available or appropriate for use by |
14 |
| the Panel, the Panel may make and
execute contracts, leases, |
15 |
| subleases and all other instruments or agreements
necessary or |
16 |
| convenient for the exercise of the powers and functions granted |
17 |
| by
this Article.
18 |
| (b) As necessary to carry out its purposes when district |
19 |
| resources are not
readily available or appropriate for use by |
20 |
| the Panel, the Panel may purchase
personal property necessary |
21 |
| or convenient for its purposes; mortgage, pledge
or otherwise |
22 |
| grant security interests in such properties;
and convey to the |
23 |
| district such of its property as, in the
judgment of the Panel, |
24 |
| is no longer necessary for its purposes.
25 |
| (c) As necessary to carry out its purposes when district |
26 |
| resources are not
readily available or appropriate for use by |
27 |
| the Panel, the Panel may appoint
officers, agents, and |
28 |
| employees of the Panel, define their duties and
qualifications, |
29 |
| and fix their compensation and employee benefits.
30 |
| (d) In order to investigate allegations of or incidents of |
31 |
| waste, fraud, or
financial mismanagement which the Board is |
32 |
| unable or unwilling to properly
investigate as requested by the |
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LRB094 07224 RAS 37379 b |
1 |
| Panel, the Panel may appoint an Inspector
General who shall |
2 |
| have the authority to conduct investigations into such
3 |
| allegations or incidents.
The Inspector General shall make |
4 |
| recommendations
to the Panel about
its investigations. The |
5 |
| Inspector General shall be independent of the
operations of the |
6 |
| Panel and
the Board and perform other duties requested by the |
7 |
| Panel. The Inspector
General shall have
access to all |
8 |
| information and personnel necessary to perform the duties of |
9 |
| the
office. If the
Inspector General determines that a possible |
10 |
| criminal act has been committed or
that special
expertise is |
11 |
| required in the investigation, he shall immediately notify the
12 |
| State's Attorney in the
county in which the district is |
13 |
| located. All investigations conducted by the
Inspector General
14 |
| shall be conducted in a manner that ensures the preservation of |
15 |
| evidence for
use in criminal
prosecutions. At all times the |
16 |
| Inspector General shall be granted access to
any building or
17 |
| facility that is owned, operated, or leased by the Panel or the |
18 |
| Board. The
Inspector General shall
have the power to subpoena |
19 |
| witnesses and compel the production of books and
papers |
20 |
| pertinent
to an investigation authorized by this Code. Any |
21 |
| person who (1) fails to
appear in response to a
subpoena; (2) |
22 |
| fails to answer any question; (3) fails to produce any books or
23 |
| papers pertinent to an
investigation under this Code; or (4) |
24 |
| knowingly gives false testimony during an
under |
25 |
| this Code is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. The Inspector |
26 |
| General
shall provide to the
Panel and the State Board of |
27 |
| Education a summary of reports and investigations
made under |
28 |
| this
Section for the previous fiscal year no later than January |
29 |
| 1 of each year. The
summaries shall
detail the final |
30 |
| disposition of those recommendations. The summaries shall not
31 |
| contain any
confidential or identifying information concerning |
32 |
| the subjects of the reports
and investigations.
The summaries |
33 |
| shall also include detailed recommended administrative actions
34 |
| and matters for
consideration by the State Board of Education |
35 |
| or the General Assembly.
36 |
| (e) No hiring or appointment of any person in any position |
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| by the Board, the
superintendent, or any other officer or |
2 |
| employee of the Board shall be made or
entered into unless it
3 |
| is consistent with the Financial Plan and Budget in effect and |
4 |
| the staffing
plan approved by the
Panel under this Section. The |
5 |
| hiring or appointment of any person shall not be
binding on the
6 |
| Board unless and until it is in compliance with this Section. |
7 |
| The Board shall
submit to the Panel
for approval by the Panel a |
8 |
| staffing plan for the upcoming school year at the
same time as |
9 |
| the
submission of the Budget, except that the staffing plan for |
10 |
| the fiscal year
ending in 1997 shall be
submitted to the Panel |
11 |
| within 90 days after the effective date of this
amendatory Act |
12 |
| of 1996.
The staffing plan shall be accompanied by a cost |
13 |
| analysis and such other
information as the Panel
may require. |
14 |
| The Panel may
prescribe standards, procedures, and forms for |
15 |
| submission of the staffing plan.
The Panel shall approve the |
16 |
| staffing plan if the information
required to be
submitted is |
17 |
| complete and the staffing plan is consistent with the Budget |
18 |
| and
Financial Plan in
effect. Otherwise, the Panel shall reject |
19 |
| the staffing plan. In the event of
rejection, the Panel
shall |
20 |
| prescribe a procedure and standards for revision of the |
21 |
| staffing plan.
The Panel shall act on
the staffing plan at the |
22 |
| same time as the approval of the Budget, except that
the |
23 |
| staffing plan for
the fiscal year ending in 1997 shall be acted |
24 |
| upon within 60 days of the
submission of the
staffing plan by |
25 |
| the Board. The Board shall report to the Panel, at such times
26 |
| and in such manner
as the Panel may direct, concerning the |
27 |
| Board's compliance with each staffing
plan. The Panel
may |
28 |
| review the Board's operations, obtaining budgetary data and |
29 |
| financial
statements, may
require the Board to produce reports, |
30 |
| and shall have access to any other
information in the
31 |
| possession of the Board that it deems relevant. The Panel may |
32 |
| issue directives
to the Board to
assure compliance with the |
33 |
| staffing plan, including the issuance of reduction
in force |
34 |
| notices,
non-renewal of employment contracts, or any other |
35 |
| notices or actions required
contract or law.
The Board shall |
36 |
| produce such budgetary data, financial statements, reports, |
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| and
information and shall comply with such directives. |
2 |
| After approval of each
staffing plan, the
Board shall regularly |
3 |
| reexamine the estimates on which it was based and revise
them |
4 |
| as
necessary. The Board shall promptly notify the Panel of any |
5 |
| material change in
the estimates in
the staffing plan. The |
6 |
| Board may submit to the Panel, or the Panel may require
the |
7 |
| Board to
submit, modifications to the staffing plan based upon |
8 |
| revised revenue or
expenditure estimates or
for any other good |
9 |
| reason. The Panel shall approve or reject each modified
10 |
| staffing plan within
60 days of its submission in a manner |
11 |
| similar to the provisions of this
subsection for the approval
12 |
| or rejection of the initial staffing plan.
13 |
| (f) The Panel shall examine the business records and audit |
14 |
| the accounts of
Board or
require that the Board examine its |
15 |
| business records and audit its accounts at
such time and in
16 |
| such manner as the Panel may prescribe. The Board shall appoint |
17 |
| a certified
public accountant
annually, approved by the Panel, |
18 |
| to audit its financial statements. The audit
conducted pursuant
19 |
| to this paragraph shall be in lieu of the audit that the Board |
20 |
| is required to
undertake pursuant to
Section 3-7.
21 |
| (g) The Panel shall initiate and direct financial |
22 |
| management
and similar analyses of the operations |
23 |
| of the Board as may, in the judgment of
the Panel, assure
sound |
24 |
| and efficient financial management of the Board. Upon the |
25 |
| completion of
assessments, the Panel shall give |
26 |
| directives to the Board regarding
improvements and changes
that |
27 |
| derive from these assessments, which the Board shall implement. |
28 |
| In
conjunction with its
budgetary submission to the Panel for |
29 |
| each fiscal year, the Board shall
demonstrate to the
30 |
| satisfaction of the Panel that the directives of the Panel have |
31 |
| been
implemented in whole or in
part or, in the alternative, |
32 |
| are not capable of being implemented. In
consideration of |
33 |
| whether to
approve or reject the budget for a fiscal year, the |
34 |
| Panel shall adjudge whether
the Board has fully
considered and |
35 |
| responsibly proposed implementation of the Panel's directives.
36 |
| (h) The Panel shall initiate and direct a management audit |
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| of the Board at
least once
every 2 years. The audit shall |
2 |
| review the personnel, organization, contracts,
leases, and |
3 |
| physical
properties of the Board to determine whether the Board |
4 |
| is managing and
utilizing its resources in
an economical and |
5 |
| efficient manner. The audit shall determine the causes of
any |
6 |
| inefficiencies
or uneconomical practices, including |
7 |
| inadequacies in internal and
administrative procedures,
8 |
| organizational structure, uses of resources, utilization of |
9 |
| real property,
allocation of personnel,
purchasing policies, |
10 |
| and equipment.
11 |
| (i) In the event that the Board refuses or fails to follow |
12 |
| a directive of
Panel to issue
notices of non-renewal of |
13 |
| contracts, to issue notices of reduction in force to
employees, |
14 |
| to issue
requests for bids or proposals, or to obtain financial |
15 |
| or other information
that the Panel finds necessary for the |
16 |
| implementation of
its responsibilities
under this Article, the |
17 |
| Panel may take such action in the name of the district,
and |
18 |
| such action shall
be binding the same as if the action had been |
19 |
| taken by the Board. The powers
established by this
paragraph do |
20 |
| not authorize the Panel to enter into contracts in the name of |
21 |
| the
22 |
| (j) The Panel shall meet with the Board or its designees in |
23 |
| closed session
prior to the
Board commencing any collective |
24 |
| bargaining negotiations to discuss the
financial issues |
25 |
| relevant
to the bargaining and for the purpose of the Panel |
26 |
| approving the budget
limitations for the
potential collective |
27 |
| bargaining agreement. The Board shall not make or
consider any |
28 |
| proposal
which does not comply with the collective bargaining |
29 |
| budget approved by the
Panel. The Board
shall keep the Panel |
30 |
| apprised as to the status of the bargaining. The Board
shall |
31 |
| present any
proposed change in the approved collective |
32 |
| bargaining budget to the Panel in
closed session for
approval. |
33 |
| Prior to the Board taking a final vote on any tentative |
34 |
| agreement
approved by the
employee organization, the Board |
35 |
| shall discuss the tentative agreement with the
Panel in closed
36 |
| session. Upon final approval of a collective bargaining |
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| agreement by both the
Board and the
employee organization, the |
2 |
| Board shall submit the final collective bargaining
agreement to |
3 |
| the
Panel for approval. At the same time that the Board submits |
4 |
| the final
agreement to the Panel,
the Board shall notify the |
5 |
| employee organization that the final agreement has
been |
6 |
| submitted and
the date of the Panel meeting at which the final |
7 |
| agreement will be considered.
The employee
organization shall |
8 |
| be provided an opportunity to discuss the final agreement
with |
9 |
| the Panel prior
to the Panel taking action on the agreement. No |
10 |
| collective bargaining
agreement shall be binding
upon the |
11 |
| district unless the Board has followed the requirements of this
12 |
| paragraph and the final
agreement has been approved by the |
13 |
| Panel.
14 |
| (k) The budget of the Panel or any revisions to the budget, |
15 |
| including any
to the
Panel associated with the |
16 |
| appointment of an Inspector General, shall be
approved by the |
17 |
| State
Superintendent upon request of the Panel and after |
18 |
| opportunity for response by
the Board.
19 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-572, eff. 7-30-96.)