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1 | AN ACT concerning civil law.
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2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Real Property Conservation Rights Act is | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 1 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (765 ILCS 120/1) (from Ch. 30, par. 401)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 1. (a) A conservation right is a right, whether stated | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | in the
the form
of a restriction, easement, covenant or | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | condition, or, without limitation,
in any other form in any | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | deed, will, plat, or without limitation any other
instrument | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | executed by or on behalf of the owner of land or in any | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | condemnation
order of taking, appropriate to preserving: (i) | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | the significant physical
character and visual characteristics | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | of structures having architectural,
historical, or cultural | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | significance, together with any associated real
property, | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | whether or not improved; or (ii) land or water areas | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | predominantly
in their natural, scenic,
open or wooded | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | condition, or as suitable habitat
for fish, plants, or | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | wildlife; or (iii) the integrity of archaeological
sites and | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | the artifacts or information which they may contain pending | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | properly
supervised excavation and investigation. Without | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the instrument | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | conveying or reserving a conservation right
may, with respect | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | to either the grantor or grantee, require, prohibit,
| |||||||||||||||||||
25 | limit or control any or all of the following:
| |||||||||||||||||||
26 | (1) access or public visitation;
| |||||||||||||||||||
27 | (2) affirmative acts of alteration, restoration, | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | rehabilitation, repair,
maintenance, investigation, | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | documentation, payment of taxes, or compliance
with public | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | law and regulations;
| |||||||||||||||||||
31 | (3) conditions of operation, use, restoration, | |||||||||||||||||||
32 | alteration, repair or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) acts detrimental to the preservation of a place;
| ||||||
2 | (5) the construction, placement, maintenance in a | ||||||
3 | particular condition,
alteration, or removal of roads, | ||||||
4 | signs, billboards or other advertising,
utilities or other | ||||||
5 | structures on or above the ground;
| ||||||
6 | (6) the dumping or placing of soil or other substance | ||||||
7 | or material as
or dumping or placing of trash, | ||||||
8 | waste or other materials;
| ||||||
9 | (7) the excavation, dredging or removal of loam, peat, | ||||||
10 | gravel, soil, rock
or other material substance in such | ||||||
11 | manner as to affect the surface or to
otherwise alter the | ||||||
12 | topography of the area;
| ||||||
13 | (8) the removal or destruction of trees, shrubs or | ||||||
14 | other vegetation;
| ||||||
15 | (9) surface use inconsistent with preservation of | ||||||
16 | water or land areas,
or the improvement or appurtenance | ||||||
17 | thereto;
| ||||||
18 | (10) activities affecting drainage, flood control, | ||||||
19 | water conservation,
erosion control or soil conservation, | ||||||
20 | or fish and wildlife habitat
preservation; or
| ||||||
21 | (11) any other acts or uses having relation to the | ||||||
22 | preservation of
sites and water or land areas | ||||||
23 | or the improvements or appurtenances thereto.
| ||||||
24 | (b) A conservation right shall be taken to include a | ||||||
25 | preservation
as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
26 | 11-48.2-1A of the "Illinois Municipal
Code", as now or | ||||||
27 | hereafter amended, and shall not be unenforceable on account
of | ||||||
28 | lack of privity of estate or contract or lack of benefit to | ||||||
29 | particular
land or on account of the benefit being assigned or | ||||||
30 | assignable. Conservation
rights shall be construed and | ||||||
31 | enforced in accordance with their terms, and
shall be | ||||||
32 | transferable and transferred, recorded and indexed, in the same
| ||||||
33 | manner as fee simple interests in real property, subject only | ||||||
34 | to the
provided herein.
| ||||||
35 | Conservation rights may be released by the holder of such | ||||||
36 | rights to the
holder of the fee even though the holder of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fee may not be an agency
of the State, a unit of local | ||||||
2 | government or a not-for-profit corporation or
| ||||||
3 | The holder of a grant pursuant to this Act shall not be | ||||||
4 | required to record
any instrument subsequent to the recording | ||||||
5 | of the grant in order to maintain or
continue the validity of | ||||||
6 | the grant.
| ||||||
7 | The holder of such rights shall also be permitted to | ||||||
8 | transfer or assign
such rights but only to another agency of | ||||||
9 | the State, a unit of local government
or to a not-for-profit | ||||||
10 | corporation or trust.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 91-497, eff. 1-1-00.)