State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB2598
Introduced 2/18/2005, by Rep. Kenneth Dunkin SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
305 ILCS 5/10-1 |
from Ch. 23, par. 10-1 |
305 ILCS 5/10-3.1 |
from Ch. 23, par. 10-3.1 |
Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Child and Spouse Support Unit to establish the Child Support Military Modification program that shall provide for modification of child support paid by any member of the National Guard or Reserves of the United States Armed Forces called up to military active duty for more than 30 continuous days. Requires the Illinois Department of Public Aid to publish and distribute a publication reasonably calculated to inform members of the National Guard and the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces of the Child Support Military Modification program. Effective immediately.
| |
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1 |
| AN ACT concerning child support.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by |
5 |
| changing Sections 10-1 and 10-3.1 as follows:
6 |
| (305 ILCS 5/10-1) (from Ch. 23, par. 10-1)
7 |
| Sec. 10-1. Declaration of Public Policy - Persons Eligible |
8 |
| for Child Support
Enforcement Services - Fees for |
9 |
| Non-Applicants and
Non-Recipients.) It is the intent of this |
10 |
| Code that the financial aid
and social welfare services herein |
11 |
| provided supplement rather than
supplant the primary and |
12 |
| continuing obligation of the family unit for
self-support to |
13 |
| the fullest extent permitted by the resources available
to it. |
14 |
| This primary and continuing obligation applies whether the |
15 |
| family
unit of parents and children or of husband and wife |
16 |
| remains intact and
resides in a common household or whether the |
17 |
| unit has been broken by
absence of one or more members of the |
18 |
| unit. The obligation of the
family unit is particularly |
19 |
| applicable when a member is in necessitous
circumstances and |
20 |
| lacks the means of a livelihood compatible with health
and |
21 |
| well-being.
22 |
| It is the purpose of this Article to provide for locating |
23 |
| an absent
parent or spouse, for determining his financial |
24 |
| circumstances, and for
enforcing his legal obligation of |
25 |
| support, if he is able to furnish
support, in whole or in part. |
26 |
| The Illinois Department of Public Aid shall give
priority to |
27 |
| establishing, enforcing
and collecting the current support |
28 |
| obligation, and then to past due support
owed to the family |
29 |
| unit, except with respect to collections effected
through the |
30 |
| intercept programs provided for in this Article.
31 |
| The child support enforcement services provided hereunder
32 |
| shall be
furnished dependents of an absent parent or spouse who |
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| are applicants
for or recipients of financial aid under this |
2 |
| Code. It is not,
however, a condition of eligibility for |
3 |
| financial aid that there be no
responsible relatives who are |
4 |
| reasonably able to provide support. Nor,
except as provided in |
5 |
| Sections 4-1.7 and 10-8, shall the existence of
such relatives |
6 |
| or their payment of support contributions disqualify a
needy |
7 |
| person for financial aid.
8 |
| By accepting financial aid under this Code, a spouse or a |
9 |
| parent or
other person having custody of a child shall be |
10 |
| deemed to have made
assignment to the Illinois Department for |
11 |
| aid under Articles III, IV,
V and VII or to a local |
12 |
| governmental unit for aid under Article VI of
any and all |
13 |
| rights, title, and interest in any support obligation up to
the |
14 |
| amount of financial aid provided. The rights to support |
15 |
| assigned to
the Illinois Department of Public Aid or local |
16 |
| governmental unit shall
constitute an
obligation owed the State |
17 |
| or local governmental unit by the person who
is responsible for |
18 |
| providing the support, and shall be collectible under
all |
19 |
| applicable processes.
20 |
| The Illinois Department of Public Aid shall also furnish |
21 |
| the child support enforcement services established under this |
22 |
| Article in
behalf of persons who
are not applicants for or |
23 |
| recipients of financial aid
under this Code in accordance with |
24 |
| the requirements of Title IV, Part D of the
Social Security |
25 |
| Act. The Department may
establish a schedule of reasonable |
26 |
| fees, to be paid for the services
provided and may deduct a |
27 |
| collection fee, not to exceed 10% of the amount
collected, from |
28 |
| such collection.
The Illinois Department of Public Aid shall |
29 |
| cause to be published and
distributed publications
reasonably |
30 |
| calculated to inform the public that individuals who are not
31 |
| recipients of or applicants for public aid under this Code are |
32 |
| eligible
for the child support enforcement services under this
33 |
| Article X. The Illinois Department shall also cause to be |
34 |
| published and distributed a publication reasonably calculated |
35 |
| to inform members of the National Guard and the Reserves of the |
36 |
| United States Armed Forces of the CSMM program established in |
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| Section 10-3.1 of this Act. Such
shall set forth |
2 |
| an explanation, in plain language, that the child
support |
3 |
| enforcement services program is independent of any public
aid |
4 |
| program under the Code and that the receiving of child
5 |
| enforcement services in no way implies that the person
6 |
| receiving such services is receiving
public aid.
7 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-590, eff. 7-1-02.)
8 |
| (305 ILCS 5/10-3.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 10-3.1)
9 |
| Sec. 10-3.1. Child and Spouse Support Unit. The Illinois
10 |
| Department shall establish within its administrative staff a |
11 |
| Child and
Spouse Support Unit to search for and locate absent |
12 |
| parents and spouses
liable for the support of persons resident |
13 |
| in this State and to exercise
the support enforcement powers |
14 |
| and responsibilities assigned the
Department by this Article. |
15 |
| The unit shall cooperate with all law
enforcement officials in |
16 |
| this State and with the authorities of other
States in locating |
17 |
| persons responsible for the support of persons
resident in |
18 |
| other States and shall invite the cooperation of these
19 |
| authorities in the performance of its duties.
20 |
| In addition to other duties assigned the Child and Spouse |
21 |
| Support Unit
by this Article, the Unit may refer to the |
22 |
| Attorney General or units of
local government with the approval |
23 |
| of the Attorney General, any actions
under this Section, |
24 |
| Section
Sections 10-10 , and Section 10-15 for judicial |
25 |
| enforcement or modification of the support
liability. The Child |
26 |
| and Spouse Support Unit shall act for the Department
in |
27 |
| referring to the Attorney General support matters requiring |
28 |
| judicial
enforcement under other laws. If requested by the |
29 |
| Attorney General to so
act, as provided in Section 12-16, |
30 |
| attorneys of the Unit may assist the
Attorney General or |
31 |
| themselves
institute actions in behalf of the Illinois |
32 |
| Department
under the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of |
33 |
| Support
Act; under the Illinois Parentage Act of
1984; under
34 |
| the Non-Support of Spouse and Children Act; under the |
35 |
| Non-Support Punishment
or under any other law, State or
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| Federal, providing for support
of a spouse or dependent child.
2 |
| The Illinois Department shall also have the authority to |
3 |
| enter into
agreements with local governmental units or |
4 |
| individuals, with the approval
of the Attorney General, for the |
5 |
| collection of moneys owing
because of the failure of a
parent |
6 |
| to make child support payments for any child receiving services
7 |
| under this Article. Such agreements may be on a contingent
fee |
8 |
| basis, but such contingent fee shall not exceed 25% of the |
9 |
| total amount
10 |
| An attorney who provides representation pursuant to this |
11 |
| Section shall
represent the
Illinois Department exclusively. |
12 |
| Regardless of
the designation of the plaintiff in an action |
13 |
| brought pursuant to this Section,
an attorney-client |
14 |
| relationship does not exist for purposes of that
action between |
15 |
| that attorney
and (i) an applicant for or recipient of child |
16 |
| support
enforcement services or
(ii) any other party to the |
17 |
| action other than the Illinois Department. Nothing
in this |
18 |
| Section shall be construed to modify any power or duty |
19 |
| (including a
duty to maintain confidentiality) of the Child and |
20 |
| Spouse Support Unit or the
Illinois Department otherwise |
21 |
| provided by law.
22 |
| The Illinois Department may also enter into agreements with |
23 |
| local
governmental units for the Child and Spouse Support Unit |
24 |
| to exercise the
investigative and enforcement powers |
25 |
| designated in this Article,
including the issuance of |
26 |
| administrative orders under Section 10-11, in
locating |
27 |
| responsible relatives and obtaining support for persons
28 |
| applying for or receiving aid under Article VI.
Payments for
29 |
| defrayment of administrative costs and support payments |
30 |
| obtained shall
be deposited into the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund. |
31 |
| Support
payments shall be paid over to the General Assistance |
32 |
| Fund of the local
governmental unit at such time or times as |
33 |
| the agreement may specify.
34 |
| With respect to those cases in which it has support |
35 |
| enforcement powers
and responsibilities under this Article, |
36 |
| the Illinois Department may provide
by rule for periodic or |
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| other review of each administrative and court order
for support |
2 |
| to determine whether a modification of the order should be
3 |
| sought. The Illinois Department shall provide for and conduct |
4 |
| such review
in accordance with any applicable federal law and |
5 |
| regulation.
6 |
| As part of its process for review of orders for support, |
7 |
| the Illinois
Department, through written notice, may require |
8 |
| the responsible relative to
disclose his or her Social Security |
9 |
| Number and past and present information
concerning the |
10 |
| relative's address, employment, gross wages, deductions from
11 |
| gross wages, net wages, bonuses, commissions, number of |
12 |
| dependent exemptions
claimed, individual and dependent health |
13 |
| insurance coverage, and any other
information necessary to |
14 |
| determine the relative's ability to provide support in
a case |
15 |
| receiving child support enforcement services under
this |
16 |
| Article X.
17 |
| The Illinois Department may send a written request
for the |
18 |
| same information to the relative's employer. The employer shall
19 |
| respond to the request for information within 15 days after the |
20 |
| date the
employer receives the request. If the employer |
21 |
| willfully fails to fully
respond within the 15-day period, the |
22 |
| employer shall pay a penalty of $100 for
each day that the |
23 |
| response is not provided to the Illinois Department after the
24 |
| 15-day period has expired. The penalty may be collected in a |
25 |
| civil action
which may be brought against the employer in favor |
26 |
| of the Illinois Department.
27 |
| A written request for information sent to an employer |
28 |
| pursuant to this
Section shall consist of (i) a citation of |
29 |
| this Section as the statutory
authority for the request and for |
30 |
| the employer's obligation to provide the
requested |
31 |
| information, (ii) a returnable form setting forth the |
32 |
| employer's name
and address and listing the name of the |
33 |
| employee with respect to whom
information is requested, and |
34 |
| (iii) a citation of this Section as the statutory
authority |
35 |
| authorizing the employer to withhold a fee of up to $20 from |
36 |
| the
wages or income to be paid to each responsible relative for |
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| providing the
information to the Illinois Department within the |
2 |
| 15-day period. If the
employer is
withholding support payments |
3 |
| from the responsible relative's income pursuant to
an order for |
4 |
| withholding, the employer may withhold the fee provided for in
5 |
| this Section only after withholding support as required under |
6 |
| the order. Any
amounts withheld from the responsible relative's |
7 |
| income for payment of support
and the fee provided for in this |
8 |
| Section shall not be in excess of the amounts
permitted under |
9 |
| the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act.
10 |
| In a case receiving child support enforcement services,
the |
11 |
| Illinois
Department may request and obtain information from a |
12 |
| particular employer under
this Section no more than once in any |
13 |
| 12-month period, unless the information
is necessary to conduct |
14 |
| a review of a court or
administrative order for support at the |
15 |
| request of the person receiving child support enforcement |
16 |
| services.
17 |
| The Illinois Department shall establish and maintain an |
18 |
| administrative unit
to receive and transmit to the Child and |
19 |
| Spouse Support Unit information
supplied by persons applying |
20 |
| for or receiving child support
enforcement services
under |
21 |
| Section 10-1. In addition, the Illinois Department shall |
22 |
| address and
respond to any alleged deficiencies that persons |
23 |
| receiving or applying for
services from the Child and Spouse |
24 |
| Support Unit may identify concerning the
Child and Spouse |
25 |
| Support Unit's provision of child support
enforcement |
26 |
| services.
Within 60 days after an action or failure to act by |
27 |
| the Child and Spouse
Support Unit that affects his or her case, |
28 |
| a recipient of or applicant for
child support enforcement |
29 |
| services under Article X of this
Code may request an
30 |
| explanation of the Unit's handling of the case. At the |
31 |
| requestor's option, the
explanation may be provided either |
32 |
| orally in an interview, in writing, or both.
If the Illinois |
33 |
| Department fails to respond to the request for an explanation
34 |
| or fails to respond in a manner satisfactory to the applicant |
35 |
| or recipient
within 30 days from the date of the request for an |
36 |
| explanation, the
applicant or recipient may request a |
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| conference for further review of the
matter by the Office of |
2 |
| the Administrator of the Child and Spouse Support Unit.
A |
3 |
| request for a conference may be submitted at any time within 60 |
4 |
| days after
the explanation has been provided by the Child and |
5 |
| Spouse Support Unit or
within 60 days after the time for |
6 |
| providing the explanation has expired.
7 |
| The applicant or recipient may request a conference |
8 |
| concerning any decision
denying or terminating child support |
9 |
| enforcement services
under Article X of this Code, and the |
10 |
| applicant or recipient may also request a
conference concerning |
11 |
| the
Unit's failure to provide services or the provision of |
12 |
| services in an amount or
manner that is considered inadequate. |
13 |
| For purposes of this Section, the Child
and Spouse Support Unit |
14 |
| includes all local governmental units or individuals
with whom |
15 |
| the Illinois Department has contracted
under Section
16 |
| Upon receipt of a timely request for a conference, the |
17 |
| Office of the
Administrator shall review the case. The |
18 |
| applicant or recipient requesting
the conference shall be |
19 |
| entitled, at his or her option, to appear in person or
to |
20 |
| participate in the conference by telephone. The applicant or |
21 |
| recipient
requesting the conference shall be entitled to be |
22 |
| represented and to be
afforded a reasonable opportunity to |
23 |
| review the Illinois Department's file
before or at the |
24 |
| conference. At the conference, the applicant or recipient
25 |
| requesting the conference shall be afforded an opportunity to |
26 |
| present all
relevant matters in support of his or her claim. |
27 |
| Conferences shall be without
cost to the applicant or recipient |
28 |
| requesting the conference and shall be
conducted by a |
29 |
| representative of the Child or Spouse Support Unit who did not
30 |
| participate in the action or inaction being reviewed.
31 |
| The Office of the Administrator shall conduct a conference |
32 |
| and inform all
interested parties, in
writing, of the results |
33 |
| of the conference within 60 days from the date of
filing of the |
34 |
| request for a conference.
35 |
| In addition to its other powers and responsibilities |
36 |
| established by this
Article, the Child and Spouse Support Unit |
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| shall conduct an annual assessment
of each institution's |
2 |
| program for institution based paternity establishment
under |
3 |
| Section 12 of the Vital Records Act.
4 |
| The Child and Spouse Support Unit shall establish a program |
5 |
| to modify the child support paid by any member of the National |
6 |
| Guard or Reserves of the United States Armed Forces called up |
7 |
| to military active duty for more than 30 continuous days. This |
8 |
| program shall be known as the Child Support Military |
9 |
| Modification program or CSMM. The CSMM program shall be |
10 |
| available regardless of whether the custodial parent of the |
11 |
| child for whose benefit the support is paid is an applicant or |
12 |
| recipient of financial aid under this Code in accordance with |
13 |
| the requirements of Title IV, Part D of the Social Security |
14 |
| Act. The Child and Spouse Support Unit shall establish an |
15 |
| application for members of the National Guard and Reserves who |
16 |
| wish to avail themselves of the CSMM program. The application |
17 |
| shall consist of an instruction sheet and one or more forms |
18 |
| that the applicant must complete. The forms may include a form |
19 |
| that the applicant must sign authorizing the Child and Spouse |
20 |
| Support Unit to obtain income information from the applicant's |
21 |
| military employer. The application shall be made available on |
22 |
| the internet, at all military Mobilization Centers, and |
23 |
| elsewhere at the discretion of the Child and Spouse Support |
24 |
| Unit. Any member of the National Guard or Reserves may avail |
25 |
| himself or herself of the CSMM program by filling out the CSMM |
26 |
| application and submitting it to the Child and Spouse Support |
27 |
| Unit or to his or her Mobilization Center Officer-in-Charge, |
28 |
| who shall forward the application to the Child and Spouse |
29 |
| Support Unit.
30 |
| If the Child and Spouse Support Unit determines the |
31 |
| applicant's military income will vary from the applicant's |
32 |
| civilian income and the applicant is paying court-ordered child |
33 |
| support, the Child and Spouse Support Unit shall seek a |
34 |
| temporary modification in the child support paid by the |
35 |
| applicant during his or her military active duty by filing a |
36 |
| motion on behalf of the Department in the court in which the |
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| child support order was entered. The motion shall seek to |
2 |
| modify the child support paid by the applicant by the same |
3 |
| proportion that the applicant's military pay varies from his or |
4 |
| her civilian pay.
5 |
| If the Child and Spouse Support Unit determines the |
6 |
| applicant's military income will vary from the applicant's |
7 |
| civilian income and the applicant is paying child support under |
8 |
| an Administrative Order entered pursuant to this Article X, the |
9 |
| Child and Spouse Support Unit shall temporarily modify the |
10 |
| child support paid by the applicant by the same proportion that |
11 |
| the applicant's military pay varies from his or her civilian |
12 |
| pay, if the Child and Spouse Support Unit determines that the |
13 |
| modification is appropriate.
14 |
| The Department shall promulgate any rules necessary for the |
15 |
| Child and Spouse Support Unit to carry out the Child Support |
16 |
| Military Modification program.
17 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-24, eff. 7-1-99; 91-613, eff. 10-1-99;
92-16, |
18 |
| eff. 6-28-01; 92-590, eff. 7-1-02.)
19 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
20 |
| becoming law.