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| the creation of embryos through the combination of gametes |
2 |
| solely for the purpose of research. |
3 |
| (5) Prohibit and criminalize human reproductive |
4 |
| cloning. |
5 |
| (6) Reduce the long-term health care cost burden on |
6 |
| Illinois through the development of therapies that treat |
7 |
| diseases and injuries with the ultimate goal to cure them. |
8 |
| (7) Require strict fiscal and public accountability |
9 |
| through mandatory independent audits, open meetings, |
10 |
| public hearings, open access to published papers, and |
11 |
| annual reports to the public and the General Assembly. |
12 |
| (8) Establish a system of governance for the institute |
13 |
| that draws on representatives from the research and |
14 |
| academic community, disease advocacy groups, and experts |
15 |
| in the development of medical therapies and thereby |
16 |
| insulates research decisions from partisan political |
17 |
| concerns. |
18 |
| (9) Establish new funding sources for medical and basic |
19 |
| scientific research that will eventually produce |
20 |
| royalties, patents, and licensing fees for the State and |
21 |
| significantly reduce future State health care costs; a tax |
22 |
| on the use of medical procedures raises revenue from an |
23 |
| industry that is expected to benefit from such research, |
24 |
| and using definitions from the federal tax code to exclude |
25 |
| medically-necessary procedures builds upon the public |
26 |
| policy decisions made by Congress in the field of health |
27 |
| care taxation.
28 |
| (10) Benefit the Illinois economy by creating |
29 |
| projects, jobs, and therapies that will generate |
30 |
| significant new economic activity for the State. |
31 |
| Section 1-10. Definitions. |
32 |
| "Adult stem cell" means an undifferentiated cell found in a |
33 |
| differentiated tissue in an adult human that can renew itself |
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| and may, with certain limitations, differentiate to yield all |
2 |
| the specialized cell types of the tissue from which it |
3 |
| originated. |
4 |
| "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the |
5 |
| institute. |
6 |
| "IRMI" or "institute" means the Illinois Regenerative |
7 |
| Medicine Institute. |
8 |
| "Oversight Committee" means the IRMI Oversight Committee. |
9 |
| "Pluripotent cells" means cells that are capable of |
10 |
| self-renewal and have broad potential to differentiate into |
11 |
| multiple cell types. Pluripotent stem cells may be derived from |
12 |
| somatic cell nuclear transfer or from surplus embryos produced |
13 |
| during in vitro fertilization treatments and donated under |
14 |
| appropriate informed consent procedures. These excess cells |
15 |
| from in vitro fertilization treatments would otherwise be |
16 |
| intended to be discarded if not used for medical research. |
17 |
| "Progenitor cells" means multipotent or precursor cells |
18 |
| that are partially differentiated but retain the ability to |
19 |
| divide and give rise to differentiated cells. |
20 |
| "Stem cells" mean nonspecialized cells that have the |
21 |
| capacity to divide in culture and to differentiate into more |
22 |
| mature cells with specialized functions. |
23 |
| Section 1-15. Institute creation; purpose; powers. |
24 |
| (a) There is established the Illinois Regenerative |
25 |
| Medicine Institute. |
26 |
| (b) The institute shall have the following purposes: |
27 |
| (1) To make grants and loans for stem cell research to |
28 |
| realize therapies, protocols, and medical procedures that |
29 |
| will result in, as speedily as possible, the cure for, and |
30 |
| substantial mitigation of, major diseases, injuries, and |
31 |
| orphan diseases. |
32 |
| (2) To support all stages of the process of developing |
33 |
| cures, from laboratory research through successful |
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| clinical trials. |
2 |
| (3) To establish the appropriate regulatory standards |
3 |
| and oversight bodies for research and facilities |
4 |
| development. |
5 |
| Section 1-20. State policy on stem cell research; criminal |
6 |
| penalties. |
7 |
| (a) It is the policy of the State to permit stem cell |
8 |
| research that includes research involving adult stem cells, |
9 |
| cord blood stem cells, pluripotent stem cells, progenitor |
10 |
| cells, or any combination of those cells. |
11 |
| (b) No funds authorized for, or made available to, the |
12 |
| institute shall be used for research involving the cloning of a |
13 |
| human being or fetuses from induced abortions or to create |
14 |
| embryos through the combination of gametes solely for the |
15 |
| purpose of research. |
16 |
| (c) A person who knowingly engages or assists, directly or |
17 |
| indirectly, in the cloning of a human being is guilty of a |
18 |
| Class 1 felony. As used in this Section, "cloning of a human |
19 |
| being" means the asexual human reproduction by implanting or |
20 |
| attempting to implant the product of nuclear transplantation |
21 |
| into a woman's uterus to initiate a pregnancy. |
22 |
| (d) A person may not knowingly, for valuable consideration, |
23 |
| purchase or sell embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for |
24 |
| research purposes. |
25 |
| For the purposes of this subsection, payment of customary |
26 |
| medical charges for the removal, processing, disposal, |
27 |
| preservation, quality control, storage, transplantation, or |
28 |
| implantation of the tissue does not constitute valuable |
29 |
| consideration. This subsection does not prohibit reimbursement |
30 |
| for removal, storage, or transportation of embryonic fetal |
31 |
| tissue for research purposes pursuant to this Act. |
32 |
| A person who knowingly purchases or sells embryonic tissue |
33 |
| for research purposes in violation of this Section is guilty of |
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| a Class A misdemeanor for the first conviction and a Class 4 |
2 |
| felony for subsequent convictions. |
3 |
| Section 1-25. Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute |
4 |
| Oversight Committee.
5 |
| (a) The Oversight Committee shall be composed of 7 members. |
6 |
| Members shall come from the medical community or the scientific |
7 |
| research community and shall have experience in peer review and |
8 |
| scientific grant making. Members shall be as follows: |
9 |
| (1) Two members to be appointed by the Governor. |
10 |
| (2) Two members to be appointed by the Comptroller. |
11 |
| (3) Two members to be appointed by the Treasurer. |
12 |
| (4) The Director of Public Health. |
13 |
| (b) At the time of appointment, the Governor shall |
14 |
| designate one member to serve a 2-year term and one member to |
15 |
| serve a 6-year term, the Comptroller shall designate one member |
16 |
| to serve a 4-year term and one to serve a 6-year term, and the |
17 |
| Treasurer shall designate one member to serve a 2-year term and |
18 |
| one to serve a 4-year term. These initial appointments shall be |
19 |
| made within 90 days after the effective date of this Act. |
20 |
| Thereafter, appointments shall be for a term of 6 years |
21 |
| commencing on July 1 of the year of appointment and running |
22 |
| through June 30 of the sixth following year. |
23 |
| The Director of Public Health shall be a voting member of |
24 |
| the Oversight Committee, but shall serve ex officio. |
25 |
| Appointments shall be made by and with the advice and |
26 |
| consent of the Senate. Any nomination not acted upon by the |
27 |
| Senate within 60 session days after the receipt thereof shall |
28 |
| be deemed to have received the advice and consent of the |
29 |
| Senate. Committee members may be reappointed to one or more |
30 |
| subsequent terms. A member shall serve until his or her |
31 |
| successor is appointed and qualified for office by filing the |
32 |
| oath and bond. Vacancies occurring other than at the end of a |
33 |
| term shall be filled by the appointing authority only for the |
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| balance of the term of the member whose office is vacant. Terms |
2 |
| shall run regardless of whether the position is filled.
3 |
| No member of the Oversight Committee may receive |
4 |
| compensation for his or her services, but each member may be |
5 |
| reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of his or |
6 |
| her duties. |
7 |
| (c) Every 4 years the Oversight Committee shall choose from |
8 |
| its membership a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a |
9 |
| Secretary. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the |
10 |
| Oversight Committee and shall have other duties as provided for |
11 |
| in this Article or as provided for by the Oversight Committee. |
12 |
| The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings whenever the |
13 |
| Chairperson is unable to attend or preside. The Secretary shall |
14 |
| ensure that an accurate record is made of all proceedings of |
15 |
| the Oversight Committee and shall have other duties as provided |
16 |
| for in this Article or as provided for by the Oversight |
17 |
| Committee. |
18 |
| (d) The Oversight Committee shall hold at least 4 public |
19 |
| meetings per year, one of which shall be designated as the |
20 |
| institute's annual meeting. The Oversight Committee may hold |
21 |
| additional meetings as it determines are necessary or |
22 |
| appropriate. |
23 |
| (e) The Oversight Committee shall award all grants, loans, |
24 |
| and contracts in public meetings and shall adopt and amend all |
25 |
| governance, scientific, medical, and regulatory standards in |
26 |
| public meetings. |
27 |
| (f) The Oversight Committee functions are: |
28 |
| (1) Oversee the operations of the institute and appoint |
29 |
| an Executive Director for the institute. |
30 |
| (2) Develop annual and long-term strategic research |
31 |
| and financial plans for the institute. |
32 |
| (3) Approve an annual budget for the institute. |
33 |
| (4) Make final decisions on research standards and |
34 |
| grant and loan awards. |
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| (5) Approve appointments to the institute's various |
2 |
| advisory panels. |
3 |
| (6) Issue public reports on the activities of the |
4 |
| institute and to the extent possible provide open access to |
5 |
| published papers. |
6 |
| (7) Amend policies regarding intellectual property |
7 |
| rights arising from research funded by the institute. |
8 |
| (8) Amend rules and guidelines for the operation of the |
9 |
| institute. |
10 |
| (9) Adopt, amend, and rescind rules to carry out the |
11 |
| purposes and provisions of this Article, and to govern the |
12 |
| procedures of the institute. |
13 |
| (10) Subject to appropriation, use funds from the |
14 |
| Regenerative Medicine Institute Operations Fund for its |
15 |
| operations and activities. |
16 |
| (11) Annually modify its funding and finance programs |
17 |
| to optimize the institute's ability to achieve the |
18 |
| objective that its activities be revenue-positive for the |
19 |
| State of Illinois without jeopardizing the progress of its |
20 |
| core medical and scientific research program. |
21 |
| (12) Accept additional revenue and real and personal |
22 |
| property, including but not limited to gifts, royalties, |
23 |
| interest, and appropriations that may be used to supplement |
24 |
| annual research grant funding and the operations of the |
25 |
| institute. |
26 |
| (13) At the institute's discretion, fix, determine, |
27 |
| charge, and collect any premiums, fees, charges, costs, and |
28 |
| expenses, including without limitation any application |
29 |
| fees, grant administration fees, program fees, financing |
30 |
| charges, or publication fees from any person in connection |
31 |
| with its activities. |
32 |
| (14) Perform all other acts necessary or appropriate in |
33 |
| the exercise of its power, authority, and jurisdiction over |
34 |
| the institute. |
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| Section 1-30. Advisory panels.
2 |
| (a) The Chairperson of the Oversight Committee shall |
3 |
| appoint persons, with the advice and consent of a majority of |
4 |
| the Oversight Committee, to serve on various advisory panels. |
5 |
| The Oversight Committee shall determine the number and size |
6 |
| of advisory panels to be appointed through rulemaking. |
7 |
| Persons appointed to advisory panels shall have expertise |
8 |
| in medical or stem cell research as researchers, physicians, |
9 |
| ethicists, or administrators. No member of an advisory panel |
10 |
| may serve on that panel for more than 2 consecutive years. |
11 |
| (b) The advisory panels shall review and make a |
12 |
| recommendation on the merits of all grant and loan proposals |
13 |
| prior to final action by the Oversight Committee. |
14 |
| (c) The advisory panels shall follow the current Review |
15 |
| Procedures for Scientific Review Group Meetings as stipulated |
16 |
| by the National Institutes of Health, Center for Scientific |
17 |
| Review. |
18 |
| (d) Each advisory panel shall hold at least 2 public |
19 |
| meetings per year. Advisory panels may hold additional meetings |
20 |
| as necessary or appropriate.
21 |
| (e) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2009. |
22 |
| Section 1-35. Applicability of open government and ethics |
23 |
| laws. |
24 |
| (a) Nothing in this Act shall exempt the Oversight |
25 |
| Committee or the various advisory panels from the Open Meetings |
26 |
| Act. |
27 |
| (b) Nothing in this Act shall exempt the institute, |
28 |
| including the Oversight Committee and the various advisory |
29 |
| panels, from the Freedom of Information Act or the State |
30 |
| Records Act.
31 |
| (c) The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act and |
32 |
| Article 4A of the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act shall apply |
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| to members of the Oversight Committee, the various advisory |
2 |
| panels, and employees of the institute. |
3 |
| (d) No member of the Oversight Committee, the various |
4 |
| advisory panels, or employee of the institute shall make, |
5 |
| participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her |
6 |
| official position to influence a decision to approve or award a |
7 |
| grant, loan, or contract if he or she has a real conflict of |
8 |
| interest as defined at 42 CFR 52h. If a member of the Oversight |
9 |
| Committee, the various advisory panels, or the institute has an |
10 |
| apparent conflict of interest as defined at 42 CFR 52h, then he |
11 |
| or she may participate in a decision to approve or award a |
12 |
| grant, loan, or contract only if the Executive Director |
13 |
| determines in writing that it would be difficult or impractical |
14 |
| to carry out the review otherwise, and the integrity of the |
15 |
| review process would not be impaired by his or her |
16 |
| participation. |
17 |
| A member of the Oversight Committee, the various advisory |
18 |
| panels, or the institute may participate in a decision to |
19 |
| approve or award a grant, loan, or contract to an entity for |
20 |
| the purposes of research involving a disease from which a |
21 |
| member or his or her immediate family suffers. |
22 |
| The Oversight Committee shall adopt additional policies on |
23 |
| ethics, including conflicts of interests, in order to minimize |
24 |
| possible influences of personal finances and partisan |
25 |
| political motivations on the decisions and activities of the |
26 |
| institute, the various advisory panels, and the Oversight |
27 |
| Committee. The initial policies on conflicts of interests shall |
28 |
| be based on standards applicable to members of scientific |
29 |
| review committees of the National Institutes of Health at 42 |
30 |
| CFR 52h. |
31 |
| Section 1-40. Public and financial accountability |
32 |
| standards. |
33 |
| (a) The institute shall issue an annual report to the |
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| public, the Governor, and the General Assembly that sets forth |
2 |
| its activities, grants awarded, grants in progress, research |
3 |
| accomplishments, and future program directions. Each annual |
4 |
| report shall include but not be limited to the following: the |
5 |
| number and dollar amounts of research grants; the grantees for |
6 |
| the prior year; the institute's administrative expenses; an |
7 |
| assessment of the available funding for stem cell research from |
8 |
| sources other than the institute; a summary of research |
9 |
| findings, including promising new research areas; an |
10 |
| assessment of the relationship between the institute's grants |
11 |
| and the overall strategy of its research program; and a report |
12 |
| of the institute's strategic research and financial plans. |
13 |
| This report shall be posted on the institute's website and |
14 |
| shall be available to the general public upon request. |
15 |
| (b) The institute shall issue quarterly reports throughout |
16 |
| the fiscal year to the public, the Governor, and the General |
17 |
| Assembly that should include the number and dollar amounts of |
18 |
| the research grants, a summary of research findings, and an |
19 |
| assessment of the relationship between the institute's grants |
20 |
| and the overall strategy of its research program. |
21 |
| This report shall be posted on the institute's website and |
22 |
| shall be available to the general public upon request. |
23 |
| (c) The institute shall be considered a "State agency" |
24 |
| under the Illinois State Auditing Act.
25 |
| Section 1-45. Medical and scientific accountability |
26 |
| standards.
27 |
| (a) The institute and its grantees shall be governed by the |
28 |
| provisions of this Article in the establishment of standards, |
29 |
| the award of grants, and the conduct of grants awarded pursuant |
30 |
| to this Article. |
31 |
| (b) The institute shall establish standards for the |
32 |
| following: |
33 |
| (1) Informed consent. Standards for obtaining the |
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| informed consent of research donors, patients, or |
2 |
| participants initially shall be generally based on the |
3 |
| requirements at 45 CFR 46.116 for all research funded by |
4 |
| the National Institutes of Health. |
5 |
| (2) Controls on research involving humans. Standards |
6 |
| for the review of research involving human subjects shall |
7 |
| be generally based on the policies adopted at 45 CFR 46 for |
8 |
| all research funded by the National Institutes of Health. |
9 |
| (3) Prohibition on compensation. Standards prohibiting |
10 |
| compensation to research donors or participants shall |
11 |
| permit reimbursement of expenses. |
12 |
| (4) Patient privacy laws. Standards shall ensure |
13 |
| compliance with State and federal patient privacy laws. |
14 |
| (5) Limitations on payments for cells. Standards shall |
15 |
| limit payments for the purchase of stem cells or stem cell |
16 |
| lines to reasonable payment for removal, processing, |
17 |
| disposal, preservation, quality control, storage, |
18 |
| transplantation, implantation, or legal transaction or |
19 |
| other administrative costs associated with these medical |
20 |
| procedures and shall specifically include any required |
21 |
| payments for medical or scientific technologies, products, |
22 |
| or processes for royalties, patent, licensing fees, or |
23 |
| other costs for intellectual property. |
24 |
| (6) Time limits for obtaining cells. Standards shall |
25 |
| set a limit on the time during which cells may be extracted |
26 |
| from blastocysts, which shall initially be 8 to 12 days |
27 |
| after cell division begins, not counting any time during |
28 |
| which the blastocysts or cells have been stored frozen. |
29 |
| Section 1-50. Institute operations.
30 |
| (a) The institute may sue and be sued; provided that any |
31 |
| suit against the institute based upon a claim sounding in tort |
32 |
| must be filed in the Court of Claims. |
33 |
| Based upon institute standards, institute grantees shall |
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| indemnify or insure, and hold the institute harmless against |
2 |
| any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses, or liabilities, |
3 |
| including attorneys' fees, arising from research conducted by |
4 |
| the grantee pursuant to the grant, or, in the alternative, |
5 |
| grantees shall name the institute as an additional insured and |
6 |
| submit proof of that insurance. |
7 |
| To the extent allowed under the Illinois Constitution and |
8 |
| given the scientific, medical, and technical nature of the |
9 |
| issues facing the institute, the institute is authorized to |
10 |
| retain outside counsel when, after consultation with the |
11 |
| Attorney General, the institute determines that the institute |
12 |
| requires specialized services not provided by the Attorney |
13 |
| General's office. |
14 |
| (b) The institute may enter into contracts or obligations |
15 |
| that are authorized or permitted by law. |
16 |
| (c) The Oversight Committee shall select an Executive |
17 |
| Director who shall exercise the powers delegated in this |
18 |
| subsection. |
19 |
| The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative |
20 |
| and operational officer of the institute, shall direct and |
21 |
| supervise its administrative affairs and general management |
22 |
| and perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to |
23 |
| time by the Oversight Committee, and shall receive compensation |
24 |
| fixed by the Oversight Committee. |
25 |
| (d) The institute shall be subject to the Illinois |
26 |
| Procurement Code. For purposes of the Illinois Procurement |
27 |
| Code, the institute shall be considered an institute of higher |
28 |
| education and use the services of the higher education chief |
29 |
| procurement officer and the higher education procurement |
30 |
| bulletin. |
31 |
| The institute shall ensure that grantees purchase goods and |
32 |
| services from Illinois suppliers to the extent reasonably |
33 |
| possible, in a good faith effort to achieve a goal of more than |
34 |
| 50% of those purchases from Illinois suppliers. |
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| Nothing in this Article shall exempt the institute from the |
2 |
| Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with |
3 |
| Disabilities Act. |
4 |
| (e) The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, including |
5 |
| review by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, is |
6 |
| expressly adopted and shall apply to all administrative rules |
7 |
| and procedures adopted by the Oversight Committee. The |
8 |
| Oversight Committee may use its emergency rulemaking authority |
9 |
| to adopt initial rules. The General Assembly finds that the |
10 |
| adoption of rules to implement this Article is deemed an |
11 |
| emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and |
12 |
| welfare.
13 |
| Section 1-55. Intellectual property. |
14 |
| (a) All grants and loan awards issued by the institute |
15 |
| shall include intellectual property provisions that provide |
16 |
| protections and incentives to encourage both the discovery and |
17 |
| development of new knowledge and its transfer for the public |
18 |
| benefit. |
19 |
| It is the policy and objective of the institute to promote |
20 |
| the utilization of intellectual property arising from |
21 |
| institute-supported research or development; to promote |
22 |
| collaboration between commercial concerns and nonprofit |
23 |
| organizations, including universities; to ensure that |
24 |
| intellectual property is used in a manner to promote free |
25 |
| competition and enterprise without unduly encumbering future |
26 |
| research and discovery; to ensure that the institute obtains |
27 |
| sufficient rights in institute-supported intellectual property |
28 |
| to meet the needs of the institute and protect the public |
29 |
| against nonuse or unreasonable use of such intellectual |
30 |
| property; and to minimize the costs of administering policies |
31 |
| in this area. |
32 |
| (b) The institute shall develop policies as well as grant |
33 |
| and loan terms regarding intellectual property that: |
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| (1) Acknowledge that both the federal government in the |
2 |
| Bayh-Dole Act and each individual research institution |
3 |
| have policies regarding intellectual property rights. |
4 |
| (2) Clearly define the rights of the institute, the |
5 |
| creators of the intellectual property, the creators' |
6 |
| parent institution, and any other parties to all |
7 |
| intellectual property created as a result of the |
8 |
| performance of the research funded by the institute. The |
9 |
| institute shall, at a minimum, retain a license to use |
10 |
| intellectual property created as a result of the |
11 |
| performance of the research funded by the institute in the |
12 |
| institute's programs of research on a perpetual, |
13 |
| royalty-free, non-exclusive, and non-commercial basis. |
14 |
| (3) Provide for the institute to receive a share of the |
15 |
| proceeds from the transfer, commercialization, or other |
16 |
| exploitation of intellectual property created as a result |
17 |
| of the performance of the research funded by the institute; |
18 |
| the distribution of proceeds shall depend on the nature of |
19 |
| the intellectual property and its application, the |
20 |
| relative contributions of the institute and other parties |
21 |
| with rights to the work, the conditions deemed most likely |
22 |
| to advance the commercial development and acceptance of the |
23 |
| intellectual property, and other relevant factors. |
24 |
| (4) Require that all intellectual property in which the |
25 |
| institute has an interest under grant and loan agreements |
26 |
| and that has the potential to be brought into practical use |
27 |
| for public benefit or for which disclosure is required by |
28 |
| law be reported promptly in writing by the grant or loan |
29 |
| recipient to the institute, and that the institute may |
30 |
| receive title to any such intellectual property not |
31 |
| disclosed to it within that time. |
32 |
| (5) Require that notice of any proposed transfer in |
33 |
| intellectual property rights be given, along with copies of |
34 |
| the operative transfer documents, to all parties to a grant |
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| or loan agreement no less than 10 business days prior to |
2 |
| the transfer of the intellectual property rights. |
3 |
| (6) Require that grant and loan recipients give |
4 |
| recognition to the institute for its support of the |
5 |
| research when publishing or releasing research-related |
6 |
| public information. |
7 |
| (7) Retain march-in rights for the institute to |
8 |
| develop, license, patent, or otherwise exploit |
9 |
| intellectual property created as a result of the |
10 |
| performance of the research funded by the institute when |
11 |
| the creators or other parties having a duty to exploit or |
12 |
| disseminate the intellectual property have abandoned the |
13 |
| intellectual property or when the institute determines |
14 |
| that action is necessary because of circumstances similar |
15 |
| to those enumerated in Section 203 of the federal Bayh-Dole |
16 |
| Act. |
17 |
| (8) Address other issues related to intellectual |
18 |
| property as determined by the Oversight Committee or the |
19 |
| Executive Director. |
20 |
| (c) If the Bayh-Dole Act applies to any intellectual |
21 |
| property created as a result of the performance of the research |
22 |
| funded by the institute, then the parties to the grant or loan |
23 |
| agreement entered into shall, if necessary, apply to the |
24 |
| appropriate federal agency or the United States Department of |
25 |
| Commerce as provided for in the Bayh-Dole Act for the |
26 |
| appropriate permissions or exceptions to give effect to the |
27 |
| intellectual property provisions of the grant or loan |
28 |
| agreement. |
29 |
| (d) The institute may accept assignment of intellectual |
30 |
| property from any person or entity, provided that the action is |
31 |
| determined to be consistent with the public interest. |
32 |
| Intellectual property so accepted shall be administered in a |
33 |
| manner consistent with the administration of other |
34 |
| institute-owned intellectual property. |
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1 |
| (e) The Oversight Committee has ultimate authority for the |
2 |
| stewardship of intellectual property in which the institute has |
3 |
| an interest. Primary responsibility is delegated through the |
4 |
| Executive Director for establishing operational guidelines and |
5 |
| procedures for the administration of intellectual property |
6 |
| consistent with this Section, including but not limited to |
7 |
| determination of ownership, assignment, protection, licensing, |
8 |
| marketing, maintenance of records, oversight of revenue or |
9 |
| equity collection and distribution, approval of individual |
10 |
| exceptions, and resolution of disputes among parties to grant |
11 |
| and loan agreements as well as other intellectual property |
12 |
| agreements to which the institute is a party. |
13 |
| (f) Recommendations for exceptions to the provisions of the |
14 |
| policy in this Section, or any administrative rules adopted by |
15 |
| the institute, shall be made by the Executive Director to the |
16 |
| Oversight Committee
17 |
| Section 1-60. Appropriation and allocation of funding.
18 |
| (a) Moneys in the Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization |
19 |
| Tax Fund shall be used to make grants and loans for stem cell |
20 |
| research pursuant to this Article. |
21 |
| (b) Grants and loans for research shall be awarded based on |
22 |
| scientific merit. When determining the scientific merit of a |
23 |
| proposal the advisory panels and the Oversight Committee should |
24 |
| consider criteria including: |
25 |
| (1) A demonstrated record of achievement in the areas |
26 |
| of pluripotent stem cell and progenitor cell biology and |
27 |
| medicine. |
28 |
| (2) The quality of the research proposal. |
29 |
| (3) The potential for achieving significant research |
30 |
| or clinical results. |
31 |
| (4) The timetable for realizing the significant |
32 |
| results. |
33 |
| (5) The importance of the research objectives. |
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1 |
| (6) The innovativeness of the proposed research. |
2 |
| The grantee shall provide or demonstrate available |
3 |
| matching funds of a minimum of 20% of the grant amount. |
4 |
| The institute shall limit indirect costs to 25% of a |
5 |
| research award except that the indirect cost limitation may be |
6 |
| increased by that amount by which the grantee provides matching |
7 |
| funds in excess of 20% of the grant amount. "Indirect costs" |
8 |
| mean the recipient's costs in the administration, accounting, |
9 |
| general overhead, and general support costs for implementing a |
10 |
| grant or loan of the institute. NIH definitions of "indirect |
11 |
| costs" shall be used as one of the bases to create guidelines |
12 |
| for recipients under this definition. |
13 |
| (c) Grants and loans for buildings, building leases, and |
14 |
| capital equipment shall be solely for facilities and equipment |
15 |
| located within Illinois.
16 |
| ARTICLE 10 |
17 |
| Section 10-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the |
18 |
| Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization Tax Act . The tax imposed |
19 |
| by this Article may be referred to as the "Cosmetic Medical |
20 |
| Procedure Utilization Tax". |
21 |
| Section 10-5. Tax imposed; collection of tax. Beginning on |
22 |
| January 1, 2006, a tax is imposed upon the privilege of |
23 |
| utilizing cosmetic medical procedures in this State. The |
24 |
| subject of the cosmetic medical procedure shall pay the tax, |
25 |
| which shall be collected from the procedure subject by the |
26 |
| person billing the gross receipts from the cosmetic medical |
27 |
| procedure when collecting the payment for the cosmetic medical |
28 |
| procedure in the manner prescribed by the Department of |
29 |
| Revenue. If more than one person bills gross receipts from a |
30 |
| single cosmetic medical procedure, each person shall be |
31 |
| responsible for the collection of the gross receipts tax on the |
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1 |
| portion of the gross receipts billed. |
2 |
| Section 10-10. Rate of tax. The tax imposed by this Article |
3 |
| is at the rate of 6% of the gross receipts from a cosmetic |
4 |
| medical procedure. |
5 |
| Section 10-15. Definitions. For the purposes of this |
6 |
| Article, the following terms shall have the following meanings: |
7 |
| "Cosmetic medical procedure" means any medical procedure |
8 |
| performed on an individual that is directed at improving the |
9 |
| procedure subject's appearance and that does not meaningfully |
10 |
| promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat |
11 |
| illness or disease. "Cosmetic medical procedure" includes but |
12 |
| is not limited to cosmetic surgery, hair transplants, cosmetic |
13 |
| injections, cosmetic soft tissue fillers, dermabrasion and |
14 |
| chemical peel, laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, |
15 |
| laser treatment of leg veins, sclerotherapy, and cosmetic |
16 |
| dentistry. "Cosmetic medical procedure" does not include |
17 |
| reconstructive surgery or dentistry. |
18 |
| "Cosmetic dentistry" means any dental procedure that is |
19 |
| directed at improving the patient's appearance and does not |
20 |
| meaningfully promote the proper function of the teeth and gums |
21 |
| or prevent or treat illness or disease of the teeth and gums. |
22 |
| "Cosmetic surgery" means any procedure that is directed at |
23 |
| improving the patient's appearance and does not meaningfully |
24 |
| promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat |
25 |
| illness or disease. |
26 |
| "Department" means the Department of Revenue. |
27 |
| "Gross receipts from a cosmetic medical procedure" means |
28 |
| all amounts paid for services, property, or occupancy required |
29 |
| for or associated with the performance of a cosmetic medical |
30 |
| procedure and billed to the procedure subject's account. |
31 |
| "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership, |
32 |
| association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or |
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1 |
| private corporation, limited liability company, and any |
2 |
| receiver, executor, trustee, guardian, or other representative |
3 |
| appointed by order of any court. |
4 |
| "Reconstructive surgery or dentistry" includes any surgery |
5 |
| or dentistry necessary to ameliorate a deformity arising from, |
6 |
| or directly related to, a congenital abnormality, a personal |
7 |
| injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or disfiguring |
8 |
| disease. |
9 |
| Section 10-17. Determination of exemptions. When |
10 |
| determining whether a medical procedure is exempt from taxation |
11 |
| as reconstructive surgery or dentistry, the Department may |
12 |
| consider whether or not the procedure is considered medically |
13 |
| necessary by the physician performing the medical procedure or |
14 |
| by a health insurance provider. Medical procedures that are |
15 |
| considered medically necessary by both the physician |
16 |
| performing the procedure and the patient's health insurance |
17 |
| provider are presumed to be exempt from taxation under this |
18 |
| Article. The Department may also consider whether the procedure |
19 |
| would be considered "medical care" or "cosmetic surgery" under |
20 |
| the federal Internal Revenue Code. |
21 |
| Section 10-20. Reporting of tax. The Department shall |
22 |
| collect and administer the tax imposed pursuant to this |
23 |
| Article. The tax shall be reported and paid on a quarterly |
24 |
| basis in a manner prescribed by the Department. |
25 |
| Section 10-25. Rules. The Department shall promulgate such |
26 |
| rules and procedures as are required to implement this Article |
27 |
| and may use its emergency rulemaking authority to adopt initial |
28 |
| rules. The General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules to |
29 |
| implement this Article is deemed an emergency and necessary for |
30 |
| the public interest, safety, and welfare. The Illinois |
31 |
| Administrative Procedure Act is hereby expressly adopted and |
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1 |
| shall apply to all administrative rules and procedures of the |
2 |
| Department of Revenue under this Article, except that (1) |
3 |
| paragraph (b) of Section 5-10 of the Illinois Administrative |
4 |
| Procedure Act does not apply to final orders, decisions, and |
5 |
| opinions of the Department, (2) item (ii) of subsection (a) of |
6 |
| Section 5-10 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act does |
7 |
| not apply to forms established by the Department for use under |
8 |
| this Article, and (3) the provisions of Section 10-45 of the |
9 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act regarding proposals for |
10 |
| decision are excluded and not applicable to the Department |
11 |
| under this Article. |
12 |
| Section 10-30. Tax as billing item. The tax imposed by this |
13 |
| Article may be stated as a distinct item separate and apart on |
14 |
| any billing for the procedure, and shall be so stated when |
15 |
| requested by the procedure subject. |
16 |
| Section 10-35. Registration. Every person required to |
17 |
| collect the tax imposed by this Article shall apply to the |
18 |
| Department (upon a form prescribed and furnished by the |
19 |
| Department) for a Certificate of Registration under this |
20 |
| Article. In completing the application, the applicant shall |
21 |
| furnish such information as the Department may reasonably |
22 |
| require. Upon approval of an application for Certificate of |
23 |
| Registration, the Department shall issue, without charge, a |
24 |
| Certificate of Registration to the applicant. The Certificate |
25 |
| of Registration shall be displayed at the address that the |
26 |
| applicant states in his or her application to be the principal |
27 |
| place of business or location from which he or she will perform |
28 |
| cosmetic medical procedures in this State. If the applicant |
29 |
| will perform cosmetic medical procedures in this State from |
30 |
| other places of business or locations, he or she shall list the |
31 |
| addresses of the additional places of business or locations in |
32 |
| his or her application for Certificate of Registration, and the |
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1 |
| Department shall issue a Sub-Certificate of Registration to the |
2 |
| applicant for each additional place of business or location. |
3 |
| Each Sub-Certificate of Registration shall be conspicuously |
4 |
| displayed at the place for which it is issued. Each |
5 |
| Sub-Certificate of Registration shall bear the same |
6 |
| registration number as that appearing upon the Certificate of |
7 |
| Registration to which the Sub-Certificate relates. Where an |
8 |
| applicant operates more than one place of business that is |
9 |
| subject to registration under this Section and those businesses |
10 |
| are substantially different in character or are engaged in |
11 |
| under different trade names or are engaged in under other |
12 |
| substantially dissimilar circumstances (so that it is more |
13 |
| practical, from an accounting, auditing, or bookkeeping |
14 |
| standpoint, for the businesses to be separately registered), |
15 |
| the Department may require or permit the person to apply for |
16 |
| and obtain a separate Certificate of Registration for each |
17 |
| business or for any of the businesses instead of registering |
18 |
| the person, as to all those businesses, under a single |
19 |
| Certificate of Registration supplemented by related |
20 |
| Sub-Certificates of Registration. No Certificate of |
21 |
| Registration shall be issued to any person who is in default to |
22 |
| the State of Illinois for moneys due under this Article. |
23 |
| Section 10-40. Returns. Every person required to collect |
24 |
| the tax imposed by this Article shall file a return in |
25 |
| accordance with reasonable rules promulgated by the Department |
26 |
| in accordance with Section 10-25. The return shall be filed on |
27 |
| a form prescribed by the Department and shall contain such |
28 |
| information as the Department may reasonably require. The |
29 |
| Department shall require returns to be filed on a quarterly |
30 |
| basis. A return for each calendar quarter shall be filed on or |
31 |
| before the twentieth day of the calendar month following the |
32 |
| end of that calendar quarter. |
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1 |
| Section 10-45. Tax proceeds. All moneys received by the |
2 |
| Department pursuant to this Article shall be paid into the |
3 |
| Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization Tax Fund of the State |
4 |
| treasury. Every fiscal year the State Comptroller shall order |
5 |
| transferred and the State Treasurer shall transfer from the |
6 |
| Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization Tax Fund to the |
7 |
| Regenerative Medicine Institute Operations Fund an amount |
8 |
| equal to the full amount of moneys appropriated by the General |
9 |
| Assembly (both by original and supplemental appropriation), |
10 |
| less any unexpended balance from the previous fiscal year, from |
11 |
| the Regenerative Medicine Institute Operations Fund for the |
12 |
| activities and purposes provided in the Illinois Regenerative |
13 |
| Medicine Institute Act. |
14 |
| Section 10-50. Records. Every person required to collect |
15 |
| the tax imposed by this Article shall keep such records, |
16 |
| receipts, invoices, and other pertinent books, documents, |
17 |
| memoranda, and papers as the Department shall require, in the |
18 |
| form the Department shall require. In accordance with Section |
19 |
| 10-25, the Department may adopt rules that establish |
20 |
| requirements, including record forms and formats, for records |
21 |
| required to be kept and maintained by taxpayers. For the |
22 |
| purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of this |
23 |
| Article, the Department, or any officer or employee of the |
24 |
| Department designated in writing by the Director of Revenue, |
25 |
| may hold investigations and hearings concerning any matters |
26 |
| covered in this Article and may examine any relevant books, |
27 |
| papers, records, documents, or memoranda of any person required |
28 |
| to collect the tax imposed by this Article or any taxable |
29 |
| purchaser, and may require the attendance of that person or any |
30 |
| officer or employee of that person, or of any person having |
31 |
| knowledge of the facts, and may take testimony and require |
32 |
| proof for its information. |
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1 |
| Section 10-55. Tax additional to other taxes. The tax |
2 |
| imposed by this Article shall be in addition to all other |
3 |
| occupation or privilege taxes imposed by the State of Illinois |
4 |
| or by any municipal corporation or political subdivision of the |
5 |
| State of Illinois. |
6 |
| Section 10-60. Liability for tax. To the extent that a |
7 |
| person required to collect the tax imposed by this Article has |
8 |
| actually collected that tax, the tax is held in trust for the |
9 |
| benefit of the Department. The Department may adopt rules |
10 |
| necessary to effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer |
11 |
| for the payment of the tax imposed by this Article. |
12 |
| Section 10-65. Uniform Penalty and Interest Act. The |
13 |
| Uniform Penalty and Interest Act shall apply, as far as |
14 |
| practical, to the subject matter of this Article to the same |
15 |
| extent as if those provisions were included in this Article. |
16 |
| Section 10-90. Severability. It is the purpose of Section |
17 |
| 10-5 of this Article to impose a tax upon the privilege of |
18 |
| utilizing cosmetic medical procedures in this State, the tax to |
19 |
| be based upon the gross receipts from cosmetic medical |
20 |
| procedures, so far as the same may be done, under the |
21 |
| Constitution and statutes of the United States, and the |
22 |
| Constitution of the State of Illinois. The tax is not imposed |
23 |
| upon the privilege of engaging in any business in interstate |
24 |
| commerce or otherwise, however, which business may not, under |
25 |
| the Constitution and statutes of the United States, be made the |
26 |
| subject of taxation by this State. If any clause, sentence, |
27 |
| Section, provision, or part of this Article or its application |
28 |
| to any person or circumstance shall be adjudged to be |
29 |
| unconstitutional, the remainder of this Article or its |
30 |
| application to persons or circumstances, other than those to |
31 |
| which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. |
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1 |
| ARTICLE 90 |
2 |
| Section 90-2. The Open Meetings Act is amended by changing |
3 |
| Section 2 as follows:
4 |
| (5 ILCS 120/2) (from Ch. 102, par. 42)
5 |
| Sec. 2. Open meetings.
6 |
| (a) Openness required. All meetings of public
bodies shall |
7 |
| be open to the public unless excepted in subsection (c)
and |
8 |
| closed in accordance with Section 2a.
9 |
| (b) Construction of exceptions. The exceptions contained |
10 |
| in subsection
(c) are in derogation of the requirement that |
11 |
| public bodies
meet in the open, and therefore, the exceptions |
12 |
| are to be strictly
construed, extending only to subjects |
13 |
| clearly within their scope.
The exceptions authorize but do not |
14 |
| require the holding of
a closed meeting to discuss a subject |
15 |
| included within an enumerated exception.
16 |
| (c) Exceptions. A public body may hold closed meetings to |
17 |
| consider the
following subjects:
18 |
| (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, |
19 |
| discipline, performance,
or dismissal of specific |
20 |
| employees of the public body or legal counsel for
the |
21 |
| public body, including hearing
testimony on a complaint |
22 |
| lodged against an employee of the public body or
against |
23 |
| legal counsel for the public body to determine its |
24 |
| validity.
25 |
| (2) Collective negotiating matters between the public |
26 |
| body and its
employees or their representatives, or |
27 |
| deliberations concerning salary
schedules for one or more |
28 |
| classes of employees.
29 |
| (3) The selection of a person to fill a public office,
30 |
| as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public |
31 |
| office, when the public
body is given power to appoint |
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1 |
| under law or ordinance, or the discipline,
performance or |
2 |
| removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public |
3 |
| body
is given power to remove the occupant under law or |
4 |
| ordinance.
5 |
| (4) Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or |
6 |
| in closed
hearing where specifically authorized by law, to
7 |
| a quasi-adjudicative body, as defined in this Act, provided |
8 |
| that the body
prepares and makes available for public |
9 |
| inspection a written decision
setting forth its |
10 |
| determinative reasoning.
11 |
| (5) The purchase or lease of real property for the use |
12 |
| of
the public body, including meetings held for the purpose |
13 |
| of discussing
whether a particular parcel should be |
14 |
| acquired.
15 |
| (6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of |
16 |
| property owned
by the public body.
17 |
| (7) The sale or purchase of securities, investments, or |
18 |
| investment
19 |
| (8) Security procedures and the use of personnel and
20 |
| equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a |
21 |
| reasonably
potential danger to the safety of employees, |
22 |
| students, staff, the public, or
23 |
| (9) Student disciplinary cases.
24 |
| (10) The placement of individual students in special |
25 |
| education
programs and other matters relating to |
26 |
| individual students.
27 |
| (11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or |
28 |
| on behalf of the
particular public body has been filed and |
29 |
| is pending before a court or
administrative tribunal, or |
30 |
| when the public body finds that an action is
probable or |
31 |
| imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be
32 |
| recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed |
33 |
| meeting.
34 |
| (12) The establishment of reserves or settlement of |
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1 |
| claims as provided
in the Local Governmental and |
2 |
| Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, if
otherwise the |
3 |
| disposition of a claim or potential claim might be
4 |
| prejudiced, or the review or discussion of claims, loss or |
5 |
| risk management
information, records, data, advice or |
6 |
| communications from or with respect
to any insurer of the |
7 |
| public body or any intergovernmental risk management
8 |
| association or self insurance pool of which the public body |
9 |
| is a member.
10 |
| (13) Conciliation of complaints of discrimination in |
11 |
| the sale or rental
of housing, when closed meetings are |
12 |
| authorized by the law or ordinance
prescribing fair housing |
13 |
| practices and creating a commission or
administrative |
14 |
| agency for their enforcement.
15 |
| (14) Informant sources, the hiring or assignment of |
16 |
| undercover personnel
or equipment, or ongoing, prior or |
17 |
| future criminal investigations, when
discussed by a public |
18 |
| body with criminal investigatory responsibilities.
19 |
| (15) Professional ethics or performance when |
20 |
| considered by an advisory
body appointed to advise a |
21 |
| licensing or regulatory agency on matters
germane to the |
22 |
| advisory body's field of competence.
23 |
| (16) Self evaluation, practices and procedures or |
24 |
| professional ethics,
when meeting with a representative of |
25 |
| a statewide association of which the
public body is a |
26 |
| member.
27 |
| (17) The recruitment, credentialing, discipline or |
28 |
| formal peer review
of physicians or other
health care |
29 |
| professionals for a hospital, or
other institution |
30 |
| providing medical care, that is operated by the public |
31 |
| body.
32 |
| (18) Deliberations for decisions of the Prisoner |
33 |
| Review Board.
34 |
| (19) Review or discussion of applications received |
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1 |
| under the
Experimental Organ Transplantation Procedures |
2 |
| Act.
3 |
| (20) The classification and discussion of matters |
4 |
| classified as
confidential or continued confidential by |
5 |
| the State Employees Suggestion Award
6 |
| (21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed |
7 |
| under this Act,
whether for purposes of approval by the |
8 |
| body of the minutes or semi-annual
review of the minutes as |
9 |
| mandated by Section 2.06.
10 |
| (22) Deliberations for decisions of the State
11 |
| Emergency Medical Services Disciplinary
Review Board.
12 |
| (23) The operation by a municipality of a municipal |
13 |
| utility or the
operation of a
municipal power agency or |
14 |
| municipal natural gas agency when the
discussion involves |
15 |
| (i) contracts relating to the
purchase, sale, or delivery |
16 |
| of electricity or natural gas or (ii) the results
or |
17 |
| conclusions of load forecast studies.
18 |
| (24) Meetings of a residential health care facility |
19 |
| resident sexual
assault and death review
team or
the |
20 |
| Residential Health Care Facility Resident Sexual Assault |
21 |
| and Death Review
Teams Executive
Council under the |
22 |
| Residential Health Care Facility Resident Sexual Assault |
23 |
| and
Death Review
Team Act.
24 |
| (25) Discussions of the Illinois Regenerative Medicine |
25 |
| Institute Oversight Committee or its advisory panels that |
26 |
| involve (i) personally identifiable information relating |
27 |
| to patients or medical subjects or (ii) matters concerning |
28 |
| confidential intellectual property and confidential |
29 |
| scientific research or data.
30 |
| (d) Definitions. For purposes of this Section:
31 |
| "Employee" means a person employed by a public body whose |
32 |
| relationship
with the public body constitutes an |
33 |
| employer-employee relationship under
the usual common law |
34 |
| rules, and who is not an independent contractor.
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1 |
| "Public office" means a position created by or under the
2 |
| Constitution or laws of this State, the occupant of which is |
3 |
| charged with
the exercise of some portion of the sovereign |
4 |
| power of this State. The term
"public office" shall include |
5 |
| members of the public body, but it shall not
include |
6 |
| organizational positions filled by members thereof, whether
7 |
| established by law or by a public body itself, that exist to |
8 |
| assist the
body in the conduct of its business.
9 |
| "Quasi-adjudicative body" means an administrative body |
10 |
| charged by law or
ordinance with the responsibility to conduct |
11 |
| hearings, receive evidence or
testimony and make |
12 |
| determinations based
thereon, but does not include
local |
13 |
| electoral boards when such bodies are considering petition |
14 |
| challenges.
15 |
| (e) Final action. No final action may be taken at a closed |
16 |
| meeting.
Final action shall be preceded by a public recital of |
17 |
| the nature of the
matter being considered and other information |
18 |
| that will inform the
public of the business being conducted.
19 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-57, eff. 7-1-03; 93-79, eff. 7-2-03; 93-422, |
20 |
| eff. 8-5-03;
93-577, eff. 8-21-03; revised 9-8-03.)
21 |
| Section 90-10. The State Finance Act is amended by adding |
22 |
| Sections 6z-100 and 6z-105 as follows: |
23 |
| (30 ILCS 105/6z-100 new)
24 |
| Sec. 6z-100. The Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization |
25 |
| Tax Fund. |
26 |
| (a) The Cosmetic Medical Procedure Utilization Tax Fund is |
27 |
| created as a special fund in the State treasury. |
28 |
| (b) Subject to appropriation, the Illinois Regenerative |
29 |
| Medicine Institute may use the moneys in the Fund for |
30 |
| activities and purposes provided in the Illinois Regenerative |
31 |
| Medicine Institute Act, including the making of grants and |
32 |
| loans. Subject to appropriation, the Department of Revenue may |
09400HB2249ham001 |
- 29 - |
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1 |
| use the moneys in the Fund for administration of the Cosmetic |
2 |
| Medical Procedure Utilization Tax Act, including refunds to |
3 |
| taxpayers. |
4 |
| (c) Investment income that is attributable to the |
5 |
| investment of moneys of the Cosmetic Medical Procedure |
6 |
| Utilization Tax Fund shall be retained in that Fund. Moneys in |
7 |
| this Fund shall not be transferred to the General Revenue Fund |
8 |
| for any purposes other than those outlined in this Section.
9 |
| (30 ILCS 105/6z-105 new)
10 |
| Sec. 6z-105. Regenerative Medicine Institute Operations |
11 |
| Fund. |
12 |
| (a) The Regenerative Medicine Institute Operations Fund is |
13 |
| created as a special fund in the State Treasury. |
14 |
| (b) The following items of income for the Illinois |
15 |
| Institute for Regenerative Medicine shall be deposited into the |
16 |
| Fund: funds received pursuant to the Cosmetic Medical Procedure |
17 |
| Utilization Tax Act; the fees charged by the institute; |
18 |
| payments received as repayment of loans made by the institute; |
19 |
| funds received in connection with the retention, receipt, |
20 |
| assignment, license, sale or transfer of interests in, rights |
21 |
| to, or income from discoveries, inventions, patents, or |
22 |
| copyrightable works; donations, monetary gifts, or other |
23 |
| financial assistance from private sources of individuals; and |
24 |
| any other funds appropriated or transferred into the Fund. |
25 |
| (c) Subject to appropriation, the institute may use those |
26 |
| funds for activities and purposes provided in the Illinois |
27 |
| Regenerative Medicine Institute Act, including activities and |
28 |
| operations of the institute. |
29 |
| (d) Investment income that is attributable to the |
30 |
| investment of moneys of the Regenerative Medicine Institute |
31 |
| Operations Fund shall be retained in the Fund.
32 |
| ARTICLE 99 |