HB1575 Enrolled |
LRB094 06889 JAM 37000 b |
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| AN ACT concerning agriculture.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the |
5 |
| Illinois
AgrAbility Act.
6 |
| Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds the |
7 |
| following:
8 |
| (1) Illinois is one of the leading |
9 |
| agricultural-producing
states in the nation. By being |
10 |
| involved in such a diverse
and highly mechanized industry, |
11 |
| the more than 500,000 agricultural
workers in Illinois are |
12 |
| susceptible to any one of a number of work-related
injuries |
13 |
| and chronic health problems that limit an individual's |
14 |
| ability to safely continue farming.
15 |
| (2) Available estimates indicate that, each year in
16 |
| Illinois, more than 200 farm workers sustain injuries, |
17 |
| which result
in permanent physical disabilities affecting |
18 |
| their future income.
19 |
| (3) It is estimated that nationwide more than 200,000 |
20 |
| farmers,
ranchers, and other agricultural workers |
21 |
| experience injuries that
result in lost work time. Of these |
22 |
| injuries, 5% have serious or
permanent results.
23 |
| (4) According to the most recent census data, |
24 |
| approximately 5,000 Illinois farmers have permanent |
25 |
| disabilities as a result of accidents, health related |
26 |
| ailments, and age.
27 |
| (5) Farm operators and workers are typically highly |
28 |
| skilled individuals and the loss of these individuals to a |
29 |
| disability negatively impacts the Illinois farm economy. |
30 |
| The AgrAbility Project established by the U. S. Department |
31 |
| of
Agriculture has been successful in helping agricultural |
32 |
| workers who suffer from
a disability continue to farm. A |
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| similar program established by the State and working with |
2 |
| the existing AgrAbility Unlimited Program will assist even |
3 |
| more
Illinois citizens in receiving the assistance that |
4 |
| they need and will benefit
the State agriculture industry.
5 |
| Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
6 |
| "AgrAbility Unlimited" means the joint program of the |
7 |
| University of Illinois
Extension and the Easter Seals of |
8 |
| Central Illinois established
in accordance with the AgrAbility |
9 |
| Program established by the U.S. Department of
10 |
| "Department" means the Department of Agriculture.
11 |
| "Director" means the Director of Agriculture.
12 |
| "Production agriculture" has the meaning set forth in |
13 |
| Section 3-35
of the Use Tax Act.
14 |
| Section 15. Illinois AgrAbility Program established.
15 |
| (a) Subject to appropriation, the Department, in |
16 |
| cooperation with the University of Illinois Extension,
shall |
17 |
| contract with a non-profit disability service provider or other |
18 |
| entity that assists disabled farmers, to establish and |
19 |
| administer the Illinois AgrAbility Program in order to assist
20 |
| individuals who are engaged in farming or an |
21 |
| agriculture-related activity and
who have been affected by |
22 |
| disability.
23 |
| (b) Services provided by the Illinois AgrAbility Program |
24 |
| shall
include, but are not limited to, the following:
25 |
| (1) A toll-free information and referral hotline.
26 |
| (2) The establishment of networks with local
27 |
| agricultural and rehabilitation professionals.
28 |
| (3) The coordination of community resources.
29 |
| (4) The establishment of networks with local |
30 |
| agricultural and health care professionals to
help |
31 |
| identify individuals who may be eligible for assistance and |
32 |
| to help
identify the best method of providing that |
33 |
| assistance.
34 |
| (5) The provision of information on and assistance |
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| regarding equipment
2 |
| (6) Job restructuring.
3 |
| (7) The provision of information on and assistance |
4 |
| regarding the development of alternative jobs.
5 |
| In order to provide these services, the Illinois AgrAbility |
6 |
| Program shall
cooperate and share resources, facilities, and |
7 |
| employees with AgrAbility
Unlimited, the University of |
8 |
| Illinois Extension, and the Office of Rehabilitation Services |
9 |
| of the Department of
Human Services.
10 |
| The costs of the program, including any related |
11 |
| administrative expenses from the Department, may be paid from |
12 |
| any funds specifically appropriated or otherwise available to |
13 |
| the Department for that purpose. The Department may pay the |
14 |
| costs of the Illinois AgrAbility program by making grants to |
15 |
| the operating entity, by making grants directly to service |
16 |
| providers, by paying reimbursements for services provided, or |
17 |
| in any other appropriate manner. |
18 |
| (c) The Department has the power to enter into any |
19 |
| agreements that are necessary and appropriate for the |
20 |
| establishment, operation, and funding of the Illinois |
21 |
| AgrAbility Program. The Department may adopt any rules that it |
22 |
| determines necessary for the establishment, operation, and |
23 |
| funding of the Illinois AgrAbility Program.
24 |
| Section 20. Eligibility. To be eligible to receive |
25 |
| assistance under
this Act, an individual must meet all of the |
26 |
| following:
27 |
| (1) Be a resident of Illinois.
28 |
| (2) Derive at least a portion of his or her income from
29 |
| production agriculture.
30 |
| (3) Be affected by a disability. |
31 |
| (4) Meet any additional eligibility requirements set
32 |
| forth by the Department, in conjunction with the University |
33 |
| of Illinois
34 |
| Section 25. The Illinois AgrAbility Fund.
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| (a) The Illinois AgrAbility Fund is created as a special |
2 |
| appropriated fund
within the State treasury.
The Director shall |
3 |
| also accept and deposit into the Fund all gifts,
grants, |
4 |
| transfers, and other amounts from any legal source,
public or |
5 |
| private, that are designated for deposit into the Fund. All |
6 |
| interest
earned on moneys in the Fund shall be deposited into |
7 |
| the Fund.
8 |
| (b) Subject to appropriation and as directed by the |
9 |
| Director, moneys
in the Illinois AgrAbility Fund may be |
10 |
| expended for the Illinois AgrAbility
Program and for no other |
11 |
| purpose.
No more than 15% of the moneys expended in a fiscal |
12 |
| year for the Program
may be expended for administrative costs.
13 |
| Section 30. Reports. Unless otherwise required by federal |
14 |
| law, the
University of Illinois
Extension must provide the |
15 |
| Department with a copy of any report or other
document that it |
16 |
| provides to the U.S. Department of Agriculture concerning
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| AgrAbility Unlimited.
The non-profit disability service |
18 |
| provider or other entity awarded a contract under Section 15 |
19 |
| must annually up-date the University of Illinois Extension and |
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| the Department in writing on the status of the Illinois |
21 |
| AgrAbility Program.
22 |
| Section 95. The State Finance Act is amended by adding |
23 |
| Section
5.640 as follows:
24 |
| (30 ILCS 105/5.640 new)
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| Sec. 5.640. The Illinois AgrAbility Fund. |
26 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
27 |
| becoming law. |