State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB1388
Introduced 2/9/2005, by Rep. Patricia R. Bellock SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
Amends the Children's Mental Health Act of 2003. Makes a technical change in a
Section concerning a children's mental health plan.
| |
HB1388 |
LRB094 07282 DRJ 37439 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning health.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Children's Mental Health Act of 2003 is |
5 |
| amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
6 |
| (405 ILCS 49/5)
7 |
| Sec. 5. Children's Mental Health Plan.
8 |
| (a) The
The State of Illinois shall develop a Children's |
9 |
| Mental Health Plan
containing short-term and long-term |
10 |
| recommendations to provide
comprehensive, coordinated mental
11 |
| health prevention, early intervention, and treatment services |
12 |
| for children from
birth through age 18. This Plan
shall include |
13 |
| but not be limited to:
14 |
| (1) Coordinated provider services and interagency |
15 |
| referral networks for
children from birth through age 18 to |
16 |
| maximize resources and
minimize duplication of services.
17 |
| (2) Guidelines for incorporating social and emotional |
18 |
| development into
school learning standards and educational |
19 |
| programs, pursuant to
Section 15 of this Act.
20 |
| (3) Protocols for implementing screening and |
21 |
| assessment of children prior
to any admission to an |
22 |
| inpatient hospital for psychiatric services,
pursuant to |
23 |
| subsection (a) of Section 5-5.23 of the Illinois Public Aid
24 |
| Code.
25 |
| (4) Recommendations regarding a State budget for |
26 |
| children's mental
health prevention, early intervention, |
27 |
| and treatment across all State
28 |
| (5) Recommendations for State and local mechanisms for |
29 |
| integrating
federal, State, and local
funding sources for |
30 |
| children's mental health.
31 |
| (6) Recommendations for building a qualified and |
32 |
| adequately trained
workforce prepared to provide mental |
HB1388 |
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LRB094 07282 DRJ 37439 b |
1 |
| health services for children
from birth through age 18 and |
2 |
| their families.
3 |
| (7) Recommendations for facilitating research on best |
4 |
| practices and
model programs, and dissemination of this |
5 |
| information to Illinois
policymakers, practitioners, and |
6 |
| the general public through training,
technical assistance, |
7 |
| and educational materials.
8 |
| (8) Recommendations for a comprehensive, multi-faceted |
9 |
| public
awareness campaign to reduce the stigma of mental |
10 |
| illness and
educate families, the general public, and other |
11 |
| key audiences about the
benefits of children's social and |
12 |
| emotional development, and how to
access services.
13 |
| (9) Recommendations for creating a quality-driven |
14 |
| children's mental
health system with shared accountability |
15 |
| among key State agencies
and programs that conducts ongoing |
16 |
| needs assessments, uses outcome
indicators and benchmarks |
17 |
| to measure progress, and implements
quality data tracking |
18 |
| and reporting systems.
19 |
| (b) The Children's Mental Health Partnership (hereafter |
20 |
| referred to as "the
Partnership") is created. The Partnership |
21 |
| shall have the responsibility of
developing and monitoring the |
22 |
| implementation of the Children's Mental
Health Plan as approved |
23 |
| by the Governor. The Children's Mental Health
Partnership shall |
24 |
| be comprised of: the Secretary of Human Services or his or
her |
25 |
| designee; the State Superintendent of Education or his or her
26 |
| designee; the directors of the departments of Children and |
27 |
| Family
Services, Public Aid, Public Health, and Corrections, or |
28 |
| their
the head of the Illinois Violence Prevention |
29 |
| Authority, or his or her
designee; the Attorney General or his |
30 |
| or her designee; up to 25
representatives of community mental |
31 |
| health authorities and statewide mental
health, children and |
32 |
| family advocacy,
early childhood, education, health, substance |
33 |
| abuse, violence prevention,
and juvenile justice organizations |
34 |
| or associations, to be appointed by the
Governor; and 2 members |
35 |
| of each caucus of the House of
Representatives and Senate |
36 |
| appointed by the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and |
HB1388 |
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LRB094 07282 DRJ 37439 b |
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| the President of the Senate, respectively. The
Governor shall |
2 |
| appoint the Partnership Chair and shall designate a
Governor's |
3 |
| staff liaison to work with the Partnership.
4 |
| (c) The Partnership shall submit a Preliminary Plan to the |
5 |
| Governor on
September 30, 2004 and shall submit the Final Plan |
6 |
| on June 30, 2005.
Thereafter, on September 30 of each year, the |
7 |
| Partnership shall submit an
annual report to the Governor on |
8 |
| the progress of Plan implementation
and recommendations for |
9 |
| revisions in the Plan.
The Final Plan and annual reports |
10 |
| submitted in subsequent years shall include
estimates of |
11 |
| savings achieved in prior fiscal years under subsection (a) of
12 |
| Section
5-5.23 of the Illinois Public Aid Code and federal |
13 |
| financial participation
received under subsection (b) of
14 |
| Section 5-5.23 of that Code. The Department of Public Aid shall |
15 |
| provide
technical assistance in developing these estimates and |
16 |
| reports.
17 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-495, eff. 8-8-03.)