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1 |
| AN ACT concerning education.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections |
5 |
| 10-21.12, 10-22.22, and 10-22.22b as follows:
6 |
| (105 ILCS 5/10-21.12) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-21.12)
7 |
| Sec. 10-21.12. Transfer of teachers. The employment of a |
8 |
| teacher
transferred from one board or administrative agent to |
9 |
| the control of a new
or different board or administrative agent |
10 |
| shall be considered continuous
employment if such
transfer of |
11 |
| employment occurred by reason of any of the following events:
12 |
| (1) a boundary change or the creation or reorganization of |
13 |
| any school
district pursuant to Article 7, 7A, 11A or 11B; or
14 |
| (2) the deactivation or reactivation of any high school or |
15 |
| elementary school pursuant to
Section 10-22.22b; or
16 |
| (3) the creation, expansion, reduction or dissolution of a |
17 |
| special
education program pursuant
to Section 10-22.31, or the |
18 |
| creation, expansion, reduction or dissolution of a joint
19 |
| educational program established under Section 10-22.31a; or
20 |
| (4) the creation, expansion, reduction, termination or |
21 |
| dissolution of
any joint agreement program operated by a |
22 |
| regional superintendent,
governing board, or other |
23 |
| administrative agent or any program operated
pursuant to an |
24 |
| Intergovernmental Joint Agreement. The changes made by this
25 |
| amendatory Act of 1990 are declaratory of existing law.
26 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-1441.)
27 |
| (105 ILCS 5/10-22.22) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.22)
28 |
| Sec. 10-22.22. Transportation for pupils-Tuition.
29 |
| To provide free transportation for pupils, and where in its |
30 |
| judgment the
interests of the district and of the pupils |
31 |
| therein will be best subserved
by so doing the school board may |
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1 |
| permit the pupils in the district or in
any particular grade to |
2 |
| attend the schools of other districts and may
permit any pupil |
3 |
| to attend an area secondary vocational school operated by
a |
4 |
| public school district or a public or non-public vocational |
5 |
| school within
the State of Illinois or adjacent states approved |
6 |
| by the Board of
Vocational Education, and may provide free |
7 |
| transportation for such pupils
and shall pay the tuition of |
8 |
| such pupils in the schools attended; such
tuition shall be |
9 |
| based upon per capita cost computed in the following
manner: |
10 |
| The cost of conducting and maintaining any area secondary
11 |
| vocational school facility shall be first determined and shall |
12 |
| include the
following expenses applicable only to such |
13 |
| educational facility under rules
and regulations established |
14 |
| by the Board of Vocational Education and
Rehabilitation as |
15 |
| follows:
16 |
| a. Salaries of teachers, vocational counselors, and |
17 |
| supporting
professional workers, necessary non-certified |
18 |
| workers, clerks, custodial
employees, and any district taxes |
19 |
| specifically for their pension and
retirement benefits.
20 |
| b. Equipment and supplies necessary for program operation.
21 |
| c. Administrative costs.
22 |
| d. Operation of physical plant, including heat, light, |
23 |
| water, repairs,
and maintenance.
24 |
| e. Auxiliary service, not including any transportation |
25 |
| cost.
26 |
| From such total cost thus determined there shall be |
27 |
| deducted the State
reimbursement due on account of such |
28 |
| educational facility for the same
year, not including any State |
29 |
| reimbursement for area secondary vocational
school |
30 |
| transportation. Such net cost shall be divided by the average |
31 |
| number
of pupils in average daily attendance in such area |
32 |
| secondary vocational
school facility for the school year in |
33 |
| order to arrive at the net per
capita tuition cost. Such costs |
34 |
| shall be computed on pupils regularly
enrolled in an area |
35 |
| secondary vocational school on the basis of one-sixth
day for |
36 |
| every class hour attended pursuant to such enrollment. |
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| Provided,
that the board subject to the approval of the county |
2 |
| superintendent of
schools may determine what schools outside of |
3 |
| their district such pupils
shall attend. This section does not |
4 |
| require the board of directors or board
of education of any |
5 |
| district to admit pupils from another district.
6 |
| Notwithstanding any provisions in this section every school |
7 |
| board shall
maintain an elementary school within the district.
8 |
| (Source: P.A. 76-1522.)
9 |
| (105 ILCS 5/10-22.22b) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.22b)
10 |
| Sec. 10-22.22b. (a) The provisions of this subsection shall |
11 |
| not apply
to the deactivation of a high school facility under |
12 |
| subsection (c). Where in
its judgment the interests of the |
13 |
| district and of the students therein will be
best served, to |
14 |
| deactivate any high school facility or elementary school |
15 |
| facility in the district and send
the students of such high |
16 |
| school in grades 9 through 12 or such elementary school in |
17 |
| grades kindergarten through 8, as applicable, to schools in |
18 |
| other
districts. Such action may be taken only with the |
19 |
| approval of the voters in
the district and the approval, by |
20 |
| proper resolution, of the school board of the
receiving |
21 |
| district. The board of the district contemplating deactivation
22 |
| shall, by proper resolution, cause the proposition
to |
23 |
| deactivate the high school facility to be submitted to the
24 |
| voters of the district at a regularly scheduled election. |
25 |
| Notice shall be
published at least 10 days prior to the date of |
26 |
| the election at least once
in one or more newspapers published |
27 |
| in the district or, if no newspaper
is published in the |
28 |
| district, in one or more newspapers with a general
circulation |
29 |
| within the district. The notice shall be substantially in the
30 |
| following form:
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
| Notice is hereby given that on (insert date), a referendum |
35 |
| will be held in
........ County (Counties) for the purpose
of |
HB1324 Enrolled |
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| voting for or against the proposition to deactivate the ...... |
2 |
| High School
facility in School District No. ...... and to send |
3 |
| pupils in ...... High School
to School District(s) No. .......
4 |
| The polls will be open at .... o'clock ... m., and close at |
5 |
| .... o'clock
... m. of the same day.
6 |
| A............ B...............
7 |
| Dated (insert date).
8 |
| Regional Superintendent of Schools
9 |
| The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
10 |
| -------------------------------------------------------------
11 |
| Shall the Board
12 |
| of Education of School
13 |
| District No. ...., YES
14 |
| ..... County, Illinois, be
15 |
| authorized to deactivate -------------------------
16 |
| the .... High School facility
17 |
| and to send pupils in ....... NO
18 |
| High School to School
19 |
| District(s) No. .....?
20 |
| -------------------------------------------------------------
21 |
| If the majority of those voting upon the proposition in the |
22 |
| district
contemplating deactivation vote in favor of the |
23 |
| proposition, the board of
that district, upon approval of the |
24 |
| board of the receiving district, shall
execute a contract with |
25 |
| the receiving district providing for the reassignment
of |
26 |
| students to the receiving district. If the deactivating |
27 |
| district seeks to
send its students to more than one district, |
28 |
| it shall execute a contract with
each receiving district. The |
29 |
| length of the contract shall be for 2 school
years, but the |
30 |
| districts may renew the contract for additional one year or 2
31 |
| year periods. Contract renewals shall be executed by January 1 |
32 |
| of the year in
which the existing contract expires. If the |
33 |
| majority of those voting upon the
proposition do not vote in |
34 |
| favor of the proposition, the school facility may
not be |
35 |
| deactivated.
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| The sending district shall pay to the receiving district an |
2 |
| amount agreed
upon by the 2 districts.
3 |
| When the deactivation of high school facilities becomes |
4 |
| effective
pursuant to this Section, the provisions of Section |
5 |
| 24-12 relative to the
contractual continued service status of |
6 |
| teachers having contractual
continued service whose positions |
7 |
| are transferred from one board to the
control of a different |
8 |
| board shall apply, and the positions at the high
school |
9 |
| facilities being deactivated held by teachers, as that term is
10 |
| defined in Section 24-11, having contractual continued service |
11 |
| with the
school district at the time of the deactivation shall |
12 |
| be transferred to the
control of the board or boards who shall |
13 |
| be receiving the district's high
school students on the |
14 |
| following basis:
15 |
| (1) positions of such teachers in contractual |
16 |
| continued service that
were full time positions shall be |
17 |
| transferred to the control of whichever
of such boards such |
18 |
| teachers shall request with the teachers making such
19 |
| requests proceeding in the order of those with the greatest |
20 |
| length of
continuing service with the board to those with |
21 |
| the shortest length of
continuing service with the board, |
22 |
| provided that the number selecting one
board over another |
23 |
| board or other boards shall not exceed that proportion
of |
24 |
| the high school students going to such board or boards; and
25 |
| (2) positions of such teachers in contractual |
26 |
| continued service that
were full time positions and as to |
27 |
| which there is no selection left under
subparagraph 1 |
28 |
| hereof shall be transferred to the appropriate board.
29 |
| The contractual continued service status of any teacher |
30 |
| thereby
transferred to another district is not lost and the |
31 |
| receiving board is
subject to the School Code with respect to |
32 |
| such transferred teacher in the
same manner as if such teacher |
33 |
| was the district's employee during the time
such teacher was |
34 |
| actually employed by the board of the deactivating
district |
35 |
| from which the position was transferred.
36 |
| (b) The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to |
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| the
reactivation of a high school facility which is deactivated |
2 |
| under
subsection (c). The sending district may, with the |
3 |
| approval
of the voters in the district, reactivate the high
4 |
| school facility which was
deactivated. The board of the |
5 |
| district seeking to reactivate the school
facility shall, by |
6 |
| proper resolution, cause the proposition to reactivate to be
7 |
| submitted to the voters of the district at a regularly |
8 |
| scheduled election.
Notice shall be published at least 10 days |
9 |
| prior to the date of the election at
least once in one or more |
10 |
| newspapers published in the district or, if no
newspaper is |
11 |
| published in the district, in one or more newspapers with a
12 |
| general circulation within the district. The notice shall be |
13 |
| substantially in
the following form:
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
| Notice is hereby given that on (insert date), a referendum |
18 |
| will be held in ...... County (Counties) for the purpose
of |
19 |
| voting for or against the proposition to reactivate the ..... |
20 |
| High School
facility in School District No. ..... and to |
21 |
| discontinue sending pupils of
School District No. ...... to |
22 |
| School District(s) No. .....
23 |
| The polls will be opened at ... o'clock .. m., and closed |
24 |
| at ... o'clock ..
m. of the same day.
25 |
| A............. B............
26 |
| Dated (insert date).
27 |
| Regional Superintendent of Schools
28 |
| The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
29 |
| -------------------------------------------------------------
30 |
| Shall the Board
31 |
| of Education of School YES
32 |
| District No. ......,
33 |
| ...... County, Illinois,
34 |
| be authorized to -------------------
35 |
| reactivate the .... High School
HB1324 Enrolled |
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1 |
| facility and to discontinue sending
2 |
| pupils of School District No. .... NO
3 |
| to School District(s) No. ......?
4 |
| -------------------------------------------------------------
5 |
| (c) The school board of any unit school district which |
6 |
| experienced a
strike by a majority of its certified employees |
7 |
| that endured for over 6
months during the regular school term |
8 |
| of the 1986-1987 school year, and
which during the ensuing |
9 |
| 1987-1988 school year had an enrollment in grades 9
through 12 |
10 |
| of less than 125 students may, when in its judgment the
11 |
| interests of the district and of the students therein will be |
12 |
| best served
thereby, deactivate the high school facilities |
13 |
| within the district for the
regular term of the 1988-1989 |
14 |
| school year and, for that school year only,
send the students |
15 |
| of such high school in grades 9 through 12 to schools in
16 |
| adjoining or adjacent districts. Such action may only be taken: |
17 |
| (a) by
proper resolution of the school board deactivating its |
18 |
| high school
facilities and the approval, by proper resolution, |
19 |
| of the school board of
the receiving district or districts, and |
20 |
| (b) pursuant to a contract between
the sending and each |
21 |
| receiving district, which contract or contracts: (i)
shall |
22 |
| provide for the reassignment of all students of the deactivated |
23 |
| high
school in grades 9 through 12 to the receiving district or |
24 |
| districts; (ii)
shall apply only to the regular school term of |
25 |
| the 1988-1989 school year;
(iii) shall not be subject to |
26 |
| renewal or extension; and (iv) shall require
the sending |
27 |
| district to pay to the receiving district the cost of educating
28 |
| each student who is reassigned to the receiving district, such |
29 |
| costs to be
an amount agreed upon by the sending and receiving |
30 |
| district but not less
than the per capita cost of maintaining |
31 |
| the high school in the receiving
district during the 1987-1988 |
32 |
| school year. Any high school facility
deactivated pursuant to |
33 |
| this subsection for the regular school term of the
1988-1989 |
34 |
| school year shall be reactivated by operation of law as of the
35 |
| end of the regular term of the 1988-1989 school year. The |
36 |
| status as a unit
school district of a district which |
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| deactivates its high school facilities
pursuant to this |
2 |
| subsection shall not be affected by reason of such
deactivation |
3 |
| of its high school facilities and such district shall continue
4 |
| to be deemed in law a school district maintaining grades |
5 |
| kindergarten
through 12 for all purposes relating to the levy, |
6 |
| extension, collection and
payment of the taxes of the district |
7 |
| under Article 17 for the 1988-1989
school year.
8 |
| (d) Whenever a high school facility is reactivated pursuant
9 |
| to the provisions of this Section, then all teachers in |
10 |
| contractual
continued service who were honorably dismissed or |
11 |
| transferred as part of
the deactivation process, in addition to |
12 |
| other rights they may have under
the School Code, shall be |
13 |
| recalled or transferred back to the original
14 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99 .)
15 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
16 |
| becoming law.