Financial Institutions Committee
Filed: 3/1/2005
09400HB1301ham001 |
LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
2 |
| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1301 on page 6, |
3 |
| immediately below line 33, by inserting the following:
4 |
| "Section 10. The Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 is |
5 |
| amended by changing Section 3-8 as follows:
6 |
| (205 ILCS 105/3-8) (from Ch. 17, par. 3303-8)
7 |
| Sec. 3-8. Access to books and records; communication with |
8 |
| members.
9 |
| (a) Every member or holder of capital shall have the right |
10 |
| to inspect
the books and records of the association that |
11 |
| pertain to his account.
Otherwise, the right of inspection and |
12 |
| examination of the books and
records shall be limited as |
13 |
| provided in this Act, and no other person
shall have access to |
14 |
| the books and records or shall be entitled to a
list of the |
15 |
| members.
16 |
| (b) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial |
17 |
| records"
means any original, any copy, or any summary of (i) a |
18 |
| document granting
signature authority over a deposit or |
19 |
| account; (ii) a statement, ledger
card, or other record on any |
20 |
| deposit or account that
shows each transaction in or with |
21 |
| respect to that account; (iii) a check,
draft, or money order |
22 |
| drawn on an association or issued and payable by
an |
23 |
| association; or (iv) any other item containing information |
24 |
| pertaining to
any relationship established in the ordinary |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| course of an association's
business between an association and |
2 |
| its customer, including financial
statements or other |
3 |
| financial information provided by the member or holder of
4 |
| capital.
5 |
| (c) This Section does not prohibit:
6 |
| (1) The preparation, examination, handling, or |
7 |
| maintenance of any
financial records by any officer, |
8 |
| employee, or agent of an association having
custody of |
9 |
| those records or the examination of those records by a |
10 |
| certified
public accountant engaged by the association to |
11 |
| perform an independent
12 |
| (2) The examination of any financial records by, or the |
13 |
| furnishing of
financial records by an association to, any |
14 |
| officer, employee, or agent of the
Commissioner of Banks |
15 |
| and Real Estate or federal depository institution
16 |
| regulator for use solely in the exercise
his duties as |
17 |
| an officer, employee, or agent.
18 |
| (3) The publication of data furnished from financial |
19 |
| records
relating to members or holders of capital where the |
20 |
| data cannot be
identified to any particular member, holder |
21 |
| of capital, or account.
22 |
| (4) The making of reports or returns required under |
23 |
| Chapter 61 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
24 |
| (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of |
25 |
| any negotiable
instrument permitted to be disclosed under |
26 |
| the Uniform Commercial
27 |
| (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of |
28 |
| (i) credit
information between an association and other |
29 |
| associations or financial
institutions or commercial |
30 |
| enterprises, directly or through a consumer
reporting |
31 |
| agency
or (ii) financial records or information derived |
32 |
| from financial records
between an association and other |
33 |
| associations or financial institutions or
commercial |
34 |
| enterprises for the purpose of conducting due diligence |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| pursuant to
a purchase or sale involving the association or |
2 |
| assets or liabilities of the
3 |
| (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate |
4 |
| law enforcement
authorities where the association |
5 |
| reasonably believes it has been the
victim of a crime.
6 |
| (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
7 |
| Uniform Disposition
of Unclaimed Property Act.
8 |
| (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
9 |
| Illinois Income Tax
Act and the Illinois Estate and |
10 |
| Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
11 |
| (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
12 |
| federal "Currency
and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act", |
13 |
| (Title 31, United States
Code, Section 1051 et seq.).
14 |
| (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any |
15 |
| other statute that
by its terms or by regulations |
16 |
| promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure
of |
17 |
| financial records other than by subpoena, summons, |
18 |
| warrant, or court
19 |
| (12) The exchange of information between an |
20 |
| association and an affiliate
of the association; as used in |
21 |
| this item, "affiliate" includes any
company, partnership, |
22 |
| or organization that controls, is controlled by, or is
23 |
| under common control with an association.
24 |
| (13) The furnishing of information
in accordance with |
25 |
| the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
26 |
| Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any association governed by |
27 |
| this Act shall enter
into an agreement for data
exchanges |
28 |
| with a State agency provided the State agency
pays to the |
29 |
| association a reasonable fee not to exceed its
actual cost |
30 |
| incurred. An association
information in |
31 |
| accordance with this item shall not be liable to any |
32 |
| account
holder or other person for any disclosure of |
33 |
| information to a State agency, for
encumbering or |
34 |
| surrendering any assets held by the association in response |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| to a
or order to withhold and deliver issued by a |
2 |
| State agency, or for any other
action taken pursuant to |
3 |
| this item, including individual or mechanical errors,
4 |
| provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or |
5 |
| willful misconduct.
An association shall have no |
6 |
| obligation to hold, encumber, or surrender assets
until it |
7 |
| has been served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or
8 |
| administrative order, lien, or levy.
9 |
| (14) The furnishing of information to law enforcement |
10 |
| authorities, the
Illinois Department on
Aging and its |
11 |
| regional administrative and provider agencies, the |
12 |
| Department of
Human Services Office
of Inspector General, |
13 |
| or public guardians, if there is suspicion by the |
14 |
| investigatory entity, the guardian, or the association |
15 |
| suspects that a
customer who is an elderly or
disabled |
16 |
| person has been or may become the victim of financial |
17 |
| exploitation.
For the purposes of this
item (14), the term: |
18 |
| (i) "elderly person" means a person who is 60 or more
years |
19 |
| of age, (ii) "disabled
person" means a person who has or |
20 |
| reasonably appears to the association to have
a physical or |
21 |
| mental
disability that impairs his or her ability to seek |
22 |
| or obtain protection from or
prevent financial
23 |
| exploitation, and (iii) "financial exploitation" means |
24 |
| tortious or illegal use
of the assets or resources of
an |
25 |
| elderly or disabled person, and includes, without |
26 |
| limitation,
misappropriation of the elderly or
disabled |
27 |
| person's assets or resources by undue influence, breach of |
28 |
| fiduciary
relationship, intimidation,
fraud, deception, |
29 |
| extortion, or the use of assets or resources in any manner
30 |
| contrary to law. An
association or person furnishing |
31 |
| information pursuant to this item (14) shall
be entitled to |
32 |
| the same
rights and protections as a person furnishing |
33 |
| information under the Elder Abuse
and Neglect Act ,
and the
34 |
| Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 , and the Abuse of |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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1 |
| Adults with Disabilities Intervention Act .
2 |
| (15) The disclosure of financial records or |
3 |
| information as necessary to
effect, administer, or enforce |
4 |
| a transaction requested or authorized by the
member or |
5 |
| holder of capital, or in connection with:
6 |
| (A) servicing or processing a financial product or |
7 |
| service requested or
authorized by the member or holder |
8 |
| of capital;
9 |
| (B) maintaining or servicing an account of a member |
10 |
| or holder of capital
with the association; or
11 |
| (C) a proposed or actual securitization or |
12 |
| secondary market sale
sales of servicing |
13 |
| rights) related to a transaction of
a member or holder |
14 |
| of capital.
15 |
| Nothing in this item (15), however, authorizes the sale |
16 |
| of the financial
records or information of a member or |
17 |
| holder of capital without the consent of
the member or |
18 |
| holder of capital.
19 |
| (16) The disclosure of financial records or |
20 |
| information as necessary to
protect against or prevent |
21 |
| actual or potential fraud, unauthorized
transactions, |
22 |
| claims, or other liability.
23 |
| (17) (a) The disclosure of financial records or |
24 |
| information
related to a private label credit program |
25 |
| between a financial
institution and a private label party |
26 |
| in connection
with that private label credit program. Such |
27 |
| information
is limited to outstanding balance, available |
28 |
| credit, payment and
performance and account history, |
29 |
| product references, purchase
and information |
30 |
| related to the identity of the
31 |
| (b) (l) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of |
32 |
| subsection
(c) of Section 3-8, a "private label credit |
33 |
| program" means a
credit program involving a financial |
34 |
| institution and a private label
party that is used by a |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| customer of the financial institution and the
private label |
2 |
| party primarily for payment for goods or services
sold, |
3 |
| manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
4 |
| (2) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of subsection |
5 |
| (c)
of Section 3-8, a "private label party" means, with |
6 |
| respect to a
private label credit program, any of the |
7 |
| following: a
retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade |
8 |
| group,
or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member,
9 |
| agent, or service provider.
10 |
| (d) An association may not disclose to any person, except |
11 |
| to the
member or holder of capital or his duly authorized |
12 |
| agent, any financial
records relating to that member or holder |
13 |
| of capital of that association
14 |
| (1) The member or holder of capital has authorized |
15 |
| disclosure to the
person; or
16 |
| (2) The financial records are disclosed in response to |
17 |
| a lawful
subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order that |
18 |
| meets the
requirements of subsection (e) of this Section.
19 |
| (e) An association shall disclose financial records under |
20 |
| subsection
(d) of this Section pursuant to a lawful subpoena, |
21 |
| summons,
warrant, or court order only after the association |
22 |
| mails a copy of the
subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order |
23 |
| to the person establishing
the relationship with the |
24 |
| association, if living, and, otherwise, his
personal |
25 |
| representative, if known, at his last known address by first |
26 |
| class
mail, postage prepaid, unless the association is |
27 |
| specifically prohibited
from notifying that person by order of |
28 |
| court.
29 |
| (f) (1) Any officer or employee of an association who |
30 |
| knowingly and
willfully furnishes financial records in |
31 |
| violation of this Section is
guilty of a business offense and, |
32 |
| upon conviction, shall be fined not
more than $1,000.
33 |
| (2) Any person who knowingly and willfully induces or |
34 |
| attempts to
induce any officer or employee of an association to |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| disclose financial
records in violation of this Section is |
2 |
| guilty of a business offense
and, upon conviction, shall be |
3 |
| fined not more than $1,000.
4 |
| (g) However, if any member desires to communicate with the |
5 |
| other
members of the association with reference to any question |
6 |
| pending or to
be presented at a meeting of the members, the |
7 |
| association shall give him
upon request a statement of the |
8 |
| approximate number of members entitled
to vote at the meeting |
9 |
| and an estimate of the cost of
preparing and mailing the |
10 |
| communication. The requesting
member then shall submit the |
11 |
| communication to the Commissioner who, if he
finds it to be |
12 |
| appropriate and truthful, shall direct that it be prepared
and |
13 |
| mailed to the members upon the requesting member's payment or
14 |
| adequate provision for payment of the expenses of preparation |
15 |
| and mailing.
16 |
| (h) An association shall be reimbursed for costs that are |
17 |
| necessary and
that have been directly incurred in searching |
18 |
| for, reproducing, or
transporting books, papers, records, or |
19 |
| other data of a customer required
to be reproduced pursuant to |
20 |
| a lawful subpoena, warrant, or court order.
21 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01; 92-543, eff.
6-12-02; |
22 |
| 93-271, eff. 7-22-03.)
23 |
| Section 15. The Savings Bank Act is amended by changing |
24 |
| Section 4013 as follows:
25 |
| (205 ILCS 205/4013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-13)
26 |
| Sec. 4013. Access to books and records; communication with |
27 |
| members
and shareholders.
28 |
| (a) Every member or shareholder shall have the right to |
29 |
| inspect books
and records of the savings bank that pertain to |
30 |
| his accounts. Otherwise,
the right of inspection and |
31 |
| examination of the books and records shall be
limited as |
32 |
| provided in this Act, and no other person shall have access to
09400HB1301ham001 |
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1 |
| the books and records nor shall be entitled to a list of the |
2 |
| members or
3 |
| (b) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial |
4 |
| records" means
any original, any copy, or any summary of (1) a |
5 |
| document granting signature
authority over a deposit or |
6 |
| account; (2) a statement, ledger card, or other
record on any |
7 |
| deposit or account that shows each transaction in or with
8 |
| respect to that account; (3) a check, draft, or money order |
9 |
| drawn on a
savings bank or issued and payable by a savings |
10 |
| bank; or (4) any other item
containing information pertaining |
11 |
| to any relationship established in the
ordinary course of a |
12 |
| savings bank's business between a savings bank and
its |
13 |
| customer, including financial statements or other financial |
14 |
| information
provided by the member or shareholder.
15 |
| (c) This Section does not prohibit:
16 |
| (1) The preparation examination, handling, or |
17 |
| maintenance of any
financial records by any officer, |
18 |
| employee, or agent of a savings bank
having custody of |
19 |
| records or examination of records by a certified public
20 |
| accountant engaged by the savings bank to perform an |
21 |
| independent audit.
22 |
| (2) The examination of any financial records by, or the |
23 |
| furnishing of
financial records by a savings bank to, any |
24 |
| officer, employee, or agent of
the Commissioner of Banks |
25 |
| and Real Estate or the federal depository
institution |
26 |
| regulator for use
solely in
the exercise of his duties as |
27 |
| an officer, employee, or agent.
28 |
| (3) The publication of data furnished from financial |
29 |
| records relating
to members or holders of capital where the |
30 |
| data cannot be identified to any
particular member, |
31 |
| shareholder, or account.
32 |
| (4) The making of reports or returns required under |
33 |
| Chapter 61 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
34 |
| (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| any negotiable
instrument permitted to be disclosed under |
2 |
| the Uniform Commercial Code.
3 |
| (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of |
4 |
| (i) credit
information between a savings bank and other |
5 |
| savings banks or financial
institutions or commercial |
6 |
| enterprises, directly or through a consumer
reporting |
7 |
| agency
or (ii) financial records or information derived |
8 |
| from financial records
between a savings bank and other |
9 |
| savings banks or financial institutions or
commercial |
10 |
| enterprises for the purpose of conducting due diligence |
11 |
| pursuant to
a purchase or sale involving the savings bank |
12 |
| or assets or liabilities of the
savings bank.
13 |
| (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate |
14 |
| law enforcement
authorities where the savings bank |
15 |
| reasonably believes it has been the
victim of a crime.
16 |
| (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
17 |
| Uniform Disposition
of Unclaimed Property Act.
18 |
| (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
19 |
| Illinois Income Tax
and the Illinois Estate and |
20 |
| Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
21 |
| (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
22 |
| federal "Currency
and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act", |
23 |
| (Title 31, United States Code,
Section 1051 et seq.).
24 |
| (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any |
25 |
| other statute which
by its terms or by regulations |
26 |
| promulgated thereunder requires the
disclosure of |
27 |
| financial records other than by subpoena, summons, |
28 |
| warrant, or
court order.
29 |
| (12) The furnishing of information in accordance with |
30 |
| the federal
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity |
31 |
| Reconciliation Act of 1996.
Any savings bank governed by |
32 |
| this Act shall enter into an agreement for data
exchanges |
33 |
| with a State agency provided the State agency
pays to the |
34 |
| savings bank a reasonable fee not to exceed its
actual cost |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| incurred. A savings bank
information in |
2 |
| accordance with this item shall not be liable to any |
3 |
| account
holder or other person for any disclosure of |
4 |
| information to a State agency, for
encumbering or |
5 |
| surrendering any assets held by the savings bank in |
6 |
| response to
a lien
or order to withhold and deliver issued |
7 |
| by a State agency, or for any other
action taken pursuant |
8 |
| to this item, including individual or mechanical errors,
9 |
| provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or |
10 |
| willful misconduct.
A savings bank shall have no obligation |
11 |
| to hold, encumber, or surrender
assets until
it has been |
12 |
| served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or |
13 |
| administrative
lien, or levy.
14 |
| (13) The furnishing of information to law enforcement |
15 |
| authorities, the
Illinois Department on
Aging and its |
16 |
| regional administrative and provider agencies, the |
17 |
| Department of
Human Services Office
of Inspector General, |
18 |
| or public guardians, if there is suspicion by the |
19 |
| investigatory entity, the guardian, or the savings bank |
20 |
| suspects that a
customer who is an elderly
or disabled |
21 |
| person has been or may become the victim of financial |
22 |
| exploitation.
For the purposes of this
item (13), the term: |
23 |
| (i) "elderly person" means a person who is 60 or more
years |
24 |
| of age, (ii) "disabled
person" means a person who has or |
25 |
| reasonably appears to the savings bank to
have a physical |
26 |
| or mental
disability that impairs his or her ability to |
27 |
| seek or obtain protection from or
prevent financial
28 |
| exploitation, and (iii) "financial exploitation" means |
29 |
| tortious or illegal use
of the assets or resources of
an |
30 |
| elderly or disabled person, and includes, without |
31 |
| limitation,
misappropriation of the elderly or
disabled |
32 |
| person's assets or resources by undue influence, breach of |
33 |
| fiduciary
relationship, intimidation,
fraud, deception, |
34 |
| extortion, or the use of assets or resources in any manner
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| contrary to law. A savings
bank or person furnishing |
2 |
| information pursuant to this item (13) shall be
entitled to |
3 |
| the same rights and
protections as a person furnishing |
4 |
| information under the Elder Abuse and
Neglect Act ,
and the |
5 |
| Illinois
Domestic Violence Act of 1986 , and the Abuse of |
6 |
| Adults with Disabilities Intervention Act .
7 |
| (14) The disclosure of financial records or |
8 |
| information as necessary to
effect, administer, or enforce |
9 |
| a transaction requested or authorized by the
member or |
10 |
| holder of capital, or in connection with:
11 |
| (A) servicing or processing a financial product or |
12 |
| service requested or
authorized by the member or holder |
13 |
| of capital;
14 |
| (B) maintaining or servicing an account of a member |
15 |
| or holder of capital
with the savings bank; or
16 |
| (C) a proposed or actual securitization or |
17 |
| secondary market sale
(including sales of servicing |
18 |
| rights) related to a
transaction of a member or holder |
19 |
| of capital.
20 |
| Nothing in this item (14), however, authorizes the sale |
21 |
| of the financial
records or information of a member or |
22 |
| holder of capital without the consent of
the member or |
23 |
| holder of capital.
24 |
| (15) The exchange in the regular course of business of |
25 |
| information between
savings bank and any commonly owned |
26 |
| affiliate of the savings bank, subject to
the provisions of |
27 |
| the Financial Institutions Insurance Sales Law.
28 |
| (16) The disclosure of financial records or |
29 |
| information as necessary to
protect against or prevent |
30 |
| actual or potential fraud, unauthorized
transactions, |
31 |
| claims, or other liability.
32 |
| (17) (a) The disclosure of financial records or |
33 |
| information
related to a private label credit program |
34 |
| between a financial
institution and a private label party |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| in connection
with that private label credit program. Such |
2 |
| information
is limited to outstanding balance, available |
3 |
| credit, payment and
performance and account history, |
4 |
| product references, purchase
and information |
5 |
| related to the identity of the
6 |
| (b) (l) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of |
7 |
| subsection
(c) of Section 4013, a "private label credit |
8 |
| program" means a
credit program involving a financial |
9 |
| institution and a private label
party that is used by a |
10 |
| customer of the financial institution and the
private label |
11 |
| party primarily for payment for goods or services
sold, |
12 |
| manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
13 |
| (2) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of subsection |
14 |
| (c)
of Section 4013, a "private label party" means, with |
15 |
| respect to a
private label credit program, any of the |
16 |
| following: a
retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade |
17 |
| group,
or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member,
18 |
| agent, or service provider.
19 |
| (d) A savings bank may not disclose to any person, except |
20 |
| to the member
or holder of capital or his duly authorized |
21 |
| agent, any financial records
relating to that member or |
22 |
| shareholder of the savings bank unless:
23 |
| (1) the member or shareholder has authorized |
24 |
| disclosure to the person; or
25 |
| (2) the financial records are disclosed in response to |
26 |
| a lawful
subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order that |
27 |
| meets the requirements of
subsection (e) of this Section.
28 |
| (e) A savings bank shall disclose financial records under |
29 |
| subsection (d)
of this Section pursuant to a lawful subpoena, |
30 |
| summons, warrant, or court
order only after the savings bank |
31 |
| mails a copy of the subpoena, summons,
warrant, or court order |
32 |
| to the person establishing the relationship with
the savings |
33 |
| bank, if living, and otherwise, his personal representative, if
34 |
| known, at his last known address by first class mail, postage |
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1 |
| prepaid,
unless the savings bank is specifically prohibited |
2 |
| from notifying the
person by order of court.
3 |
| (f) Any officer or employee of a savings bank who knowingly |
4 |
| and
willfully furnishes financial records in violation of this |
5 |
| Section is
guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction, |
6 |
| shall be fined not
more than $1,000.
7 |
| (g) Any person who knowingly and willfully induces or |
8 |
| attempts to
induce any officer or employee of a savings bank to |
9 |
| disclose financial
records in violation of this Section is |
10 |
| guilty of a business offense and,
upon conviction, shall be |
11 |
| fined not more than $1,000.
12 |
| (h) If any member or shareholder desires to communicate |
13 |
| with the other
members or shareholders of the savings bank with |
14 |
| reference to any question
pending or to be presented at an |
15 |
| annual or special meeting, the savings
bank shall give that |
16 |
| person, upon request, a statement of the approximate
number of |
17 |
| members or shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting and an
18 |
| estimate of the cost of preparing and mailing the |
19 |
| communication. The
requesting member shall submit the |
20 |
| communication to the Commissioner
who, upon finding it to be |
21 |
| appropriate and truthful, shall direct that it
be prepared and |
22 |
| mailed to the members upon the requesting member's or
23 |
| shareholder's payment or adequate provision for payment of the |
24 |
| expenses of
preparation and mailing.
25 |
| (i) A savings bank shall be reimbursed for costs that are |
26 |
| necessary and
that have been directly incurred in searching |
27 |
| for, reproducing, or
transporting books, papers, records, or |
28 |
| other data of a customer required
to be reproduced pursuant to |
29 |
| a lawful subpoena, warrant, or court order.
30 |
| (j) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, a |
31 |
| savings bank may
sell or otherwise make use of lists of |
32 |
| customers' names and addresses. All
other information |
33 |
| regarding a customer's account are subject to the
disclosure |
34 |
| provisions of this Section. At the request of any customer,
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| that customer's name and address shall be deleted from any list |
2 |
| that is to
be sold or used in any other manner beyond |
3 |
| identification of the customer's
4 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01; 92-543, eff.
6-12-02; |
5 |
| 93-271, eff. 7-22-03.)
6 |
| Section 20. The Illinois Credit Union Act is amended by |
7 |
| changing Section 10 as follows:
8 |
| (205 ILCS 305/10) (from Ch. 17, par. 4411)
9 |
| Sec. 10. Credit union records; member financial records.
10 |
| (1) A credit union shall establish and maintain books, |
11 |
| records, accounting
systems and procedures which accurately |
12 |
| reflect its operations and which
enable the Department to |
13 |
| readily ascertain the true financial condition
of the credit |
14 |
| union and whether it is complying with this Act.
15 |
| (2) A photostatic or photographic reproduction of any |
16 |
| credit union records
shall be admissible as evidence of |
17 |
| transactions with the credit union.
18 |
| (3) (a) For the purpose of this Section, the term |
19 |
| "financial records"
means any original, any copy, or any |
20 |
| summary of (1) a document granting
signature authority over |
21 |
| an account, (2) a statement, ledger card or other
record on |
22 |
| any account which shows each transaction in or with respect |
23 |
| to
that account, (3) a check, draft or money order drawn on |
24 |
| a financial
institution or other entity or issued and |
25 |
| payable by or through a financial
institution or other |
26 |
| entity, or (4) any other item containing information
27 |
| pertaining to any relationship established in the ordinary |
28 |
| course of
business between a credit union and its member, |
29 |
| including financial
statements or other financial |
30 |
| information provided by the member.
31 |
| (b) This Section does not prohibit:
32 |
| (1) The preparation, examination, handling or |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| maintenance of any
financial records by any officer, |
2 |
| employee or agent of a credit union
having custody of |
3 |
| such records, or the examination of such records by a
4 |
| certified public accountant engaged by the credit |
5 |
| union to perform an
independent audit.
6 |
| (2) The examination of any financial records by or |
7 |
| the furnishing of
financial records by a credit union |
8 |
| to any officer, employee or agent of
the Department, |
9 |
| the National Credit Union Administration, Federal |
10 |
| Reserve
board or any insurer of share accounts for use |
11 |
| solely in the exercise of
his duties as an officer, |
12 |
| employee or agent.
13 |
| (3) The publication of data furnished from |
14 |
| financial records relating
to members where the data |
15 |
| cannot be identified to any particular customer
of |
16 |
| account.
17 |
| (4) The making of reports or returns required under |
18 |
| Chapter 61 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
19 |
| (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor |
20 |
| of any negotiable
instrument permitted to be disclosed |
21 |
| under the Uniform Commercial
22 |
| (6) The exchange in the regular course of business
23 |
| of (i) credit information
between a credit union and |
24 |
| other credit unions or financial institutions
or |
25 |
| commercial enterprises, directly or through a consumer |
26 |
| reporting agency
or (ii) financial records or |
27 |
| information derived from financial records
between a |
28 |
| credit union and other credit unions or financial |
29 |
| institutions or
commercial enterprises for
the purpose |
30 |
| of conducting due diligence pursuant to a merger or a |
31 |
| purchase or
sale of assets or liabilities of the credit |
32 |
| union.
33 |
| (7) The furnishing of information to the |
34 |
| appropriate law enforcement
authorities where the |
09400HB1301ham001 |
- 16 - |
LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| credit union reasonably believes it has been the victim
2 |
| of a crime.
3 |
| (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
4 |
| Uniform Disposition
of Unclaimed Property Act.
5 |
| (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
6 |
| Illinois Income Tax
Act and the Illinois Estate and |
7 |
| Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
8 |
| (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the |
9 |
| federal "Currency
and Foreign Transactions Reporting |
10 |
| Act", Title 31, United States Code,
Section 1051 et |
11 |
| sequentia.
12 |
| (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any |
13 |
| other statute which
by its terms or by regulations |
14 |
| promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure
of |
15 |
| financial records other than by subpoena, summons, |
16 |
| warrant or court order.
17 |
| (12) The furnishing of information in accordance |
18 |
| with the federal
Personal Responsibility and Work |
19 |
| Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
Any credit |
20 |
| union governed by this Act shall enter into an |
21 |
| agreement for data
exchanges with a State agency |
22 |
| provided the State agency
pays to the credit union a |
23 |
| reasonable fee not to exceed its
actual cost incurred. |
24 |
| A credit union
information in accordance |
25 |
| with this item shall not be liable to any account
26 |
| holder or other person for any disclosure of |
27 |
| information to a State agency, for
encumbering or |
28 |
| surrendering any assets held by the credit union in |
29 |
| response to
a lien
or order to withhold and deliver |
30 |
| issued by a State agency, or for any other
action taken |
31 |
| pursuant to this item, including individual or |
32 |
| mechanical errors,
provided the action does not |
33 |
| constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct.
A |
34 |
| credit union shall have no obligation to hold, |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| encumber, or surrender
assets until
it has been served |
2 |
| with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or |
3 |
| administrative
order, lien, or levy.
4 |
| (13) The furnishing of information to law |
5 |
| enforcement authorities, the
Illinois Department on
6 |
| Aging and its regional administrative and provider |
7 |
| agencies, the Department of
Human Services Office
of |
8 |
| Inspector General, or public guardians, if there is |
9 |
| suspicion by the investigatory entity, the guardian, |
10 |
| or the credit union suspects that a
member who is an |
11 |
| elderly or
disabled person has been or may become the |
12 |
| victim of financial exploitation.
For the purposes of |
13 |
| this
item (13), the term: (i) "elderly person" means a |
14 |
| person who is 60 or more
years of age, (ii) "disabled
15 |
| person" means a person who has or reasonably appears to |
16 |
| the credit union to
have a physical or mental
17 |
| disability that impairs his or her ability to seek or |
18 |
| obtain protection from or
prevent financial
19 |
| exploitation, and (iii) "financial exploitation" means |
20 |
| tortious or illegal use
of the assets or resources of
21 |
| an elderly or disabled person, and includes, without |
22 |
| limitation,
misappropriation of the elderly or
23 |
| disabled person's assets or resources by undue |
24 |
| influence, breach of fiduciary
relationship, |
25 |
| intimidation,
fraud, deception, extortion, or the use |
26 |
| of assets or resources in any manner
contrary to law. A |
27 |
| credit
union or person furnishing information pursuant |
28 |
| to this item (13) shall be
entitled to the same rights |
29 |
| and
protections as a person furnishing information |
30 |
| under the Elder Abuse and
Neglect Act ,
and the Illinois
31 |
| Domestic Violence Act of 1986 , and the Abuse of Adults |
32 |
| with Disabilities Intervention Act .
33 |
| (14) The disclosure of financial records or |
34 |
| information as necessary
effect, administer, or |
09400HB1301ham001 |
- 18 - |
LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| enforce a transaction requested or authorized by the
2 |
| member, or in connection with:
3 |
| (A) servicing or processing a financial |
4 |
| product or service requested
authorized by the |
5 |
| member;
6 |
| (B) maintaining or servicing a member's |
7 |
| account with the credit union;
8 |
| (C) a proposed or actual securitization or |
9 |
| secondary market sale
(including sales of |
10 |
| servicing rights) related to a
transaction of a |
11 |
| member.
12 |
| Nothing in this item (14), however, authorizes the |
13 |
| sale of the financial
records or information of a |
14 |
| member without the consent of the member.
15 |
| (15) The disclosure of financial records or |
16 |
| information as necessary to
protect against or prevent |
17 |
| actual or potential fraud, unauthorized
transactions, |
18 |
| claims, or other liability.
19 |
| (16) (a) The disclosure of financial records or |
20 |
| information
related to a private label credit program |
21 |
| between a financial
institution and a private label |
22 |
| party in connection
with that private label credit |
23 |
| program. Such information
is limited to outstanding |
24 |
| balance, available credit, payment and
performance and |
25 |
| account history, product references, purchase
26 |
| information,
and information related to the identity |
27 |
| of the
28 |
| (b) (l) For purposes of this paragraph (16) of |
29 |
| subsection
(b) of Section 10, a "private label credit |
30 |
| program" means a credit
program involving a financial |
31 |
| institution and a private label party
that is used by a |
32 |
| customer of the financial institution and the
private |
33 |
| label party primarily for payment for goods or services
34 |
| sold, manufactured, or distributed by a private label |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| party.
2 |
| (2) For purposes of this paragraph (16) of |
3 |
| subsection (b)
of Section 10, a "private label party" |
4 |
| means, with respect to a
private label credit program, |
5 |
| any of the following: a
retailer, a merchant, a |
6 |
| manufacturer, a trade group,
or any such person's |
7 |
| affiliate, subsidiary, member,
agent, or service |
8 |
| provider.
9 |
| (c) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a credit |
10 |
| union may not
disclose to any person, except to the member
11 |
| or his duly authorized agent, any financial records |
12 |
| relating to that member
of the credit union unless:
13 |
| (1) the member has authorized disclosure to the |
14 |
| person;
15 |
| (2) the financial records are disclosed in |
16 |
| response to a lawful
summons, warrant or |
17 |
| court order that meets the requirements of |
18 |
| subparagraph
(d) of this Section; or
19 |
| (3) the credit union is attempting to collect an |
20 |
| obligation owed to
the credit union and the credit |
21 |
| union complies with the provisions of
Section 2I of the |
22 |
| Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.
23 |
| (d) A credit union shall disclose financial records |
24 |
| under subparagraph
(c)(2) of this Section pursuant to a |
25 |
| lawful subpoena, summons, warrant or
court order only after |
26 |
| the credit union mails a copy of the subpoena, summons,
27 |
| warrant or court order to the person establishing the |
28 |
| relationship with
the credit union, if living, and |
29 |
| otherwise his personal representative,
if known, at his |
30 |
| last known address by first class mail, postage prepaid
31 |
| unless the credit union is specifically prohibited from |
32 |
| notifying the person
by order of court or by applicable |
33 |
| State or federal law. In the case
of a grand jury subpoena, |
34 |
| a credit union shall not mail a copy of a subpoena
to any |
09400HB1301ham001 |
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LRB094 03887 MKM 41917 a |
1 |
| person pursuant to this subsection if the subpoena was |
2 |
| issued by a grand
jury under the Statewide Grand Jury Act |
3 |
| or notifying the
person would constitute a violation of the |
4 |
| federal Right to Financial
Privacy Act of 1978.
5 |
| (e) (1) Any officer or employee of a credit union who |
6 |
| knowingly and
wilfully furnishes financial records in |
7 |
| violation of this Section is guilty of
a business |
8 |
| offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not |
9 |
| more than
10 |
| (2) Any person who knowingly and wilfully induces |
11 |
| or attempts to induce
any officer or employee of a |
12 |
| credit union to disclose financial records
in |
13 |
| violation of this Section is guilty of a business |
14 |
| offense and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not |
15 |
| more than $1,000.
16 |
| (f) A credit union shall be reimbursed for costs which |
17 |
| are reasonably
necessary and which have been directly |
18 |
| incurred in searching for,
reproducing or transporting |
19 |
| books, papers, records or other data of a
member required |
20 |
| or requested to be produced pursuant to a lawful subpoena,
21 |
| summons, warrant or court order. The Director may |
22 |
| determine, by rule, the
rates and
conditions under which |
23 |
| payment shall be made. Delivery of requested documents
may |
24 |
| be delayed until final reimbursement of all costs is |
25 |
| received.
26 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-929, eff. 12-15-00; 92-293, eff. 8-9-01; |
27 |
| 92-483, eff.
8-23-01; 92-543, eff. 6-12-02.)".