Rep. Deborah L. Graham
Filed: 3/1/2005
09400HB0991ham002 |
LRB094 06832 RXD 42295 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 991, AS AMENDED, |
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| with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No. |
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| 1, by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the |
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| following:
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| "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the |
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| Asthma Inhalers at Recreational Camps Act. |
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| Section 5. Definitions. In this Act: |
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| "Physician" means any physician or health practitioner |
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| with the authority to write prescriptions. |
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| "Recreational camp" means any place set apart for |
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| recreational purposes for boys and girls. "Recreational camp" |
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| shall not apply to private camps owned or leased for individual |
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| or family use, or to any camp operated for a period of less |
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| than 10 days in a year.
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| Section 10. Possession, self-administration, and use of |
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| epinephrine auto-injectors or inhalers at recreation camps. |
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| (a) A recreation camp shall permit a child with severe, |
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| potentially life-threatening allergies to possess, |
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| self-administer, and use an epinephrine auto-injector or |
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| inhaler, if the following conditions are satisfied: |
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| (1) The child has the written approval of his or her |
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| physician and the written approval of his or her parent or |
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LRB094 06832 RXD 42295 a |
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| guardian. |
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| (2) The recreational camp administrator or, if a nurse |
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| is assigned to the camp, the nurse shall receive copies of |
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| the written approvals required under paragraph (1) of |
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| subsection (a) of this Section. |
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| (3) The child's parent or guardian shall submit written |
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| verification confirming that the child has the knowledge |
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| and skills to safely possess, self-administer, and use an |
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| epinephrine auto-injector or inhaler in a camp setting. |
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| (b) The child's parent or guardian shall provide the camp |
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| with the following information: |
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| (1) the child's name; |
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| (2) the name, route, and dosage of medication; |
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| (3) the frequency and time of medication |
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| administration or assistance; |
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| (4) the date of the order; |
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| (5) a diagnosis and any other medical conditions |
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| requiring medications, if not a violation of |
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| confidentiality or if not contrary to the request of the |
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| parent or guardian to keep confidential; |
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| (6) specific recommendations for administration; |
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| (7) any special side effects, contraindications, and |
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| adverse reactions to be observed; |
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| (8) the name of each required medication; and
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| (9) any severe adverse reactions that may occur to |
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| another child, for whom the epinephrine auto-injector or |
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| inhaler is not prescribed, should the other child receive a |
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| dose of the medication. |
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| (c) If the conditions of this Act are satisfied, the child |
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| may possess, self-administer, and use an epinephrine |
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| auto-injector or inhaler at the camp or at any camp-sponsored |
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| activity, event, or program. |
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| (d) The recreational camp must inform the parents or |
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| guardians of the child, in writing, that the recreational camp |
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| and its employees and agents are to incur no liability, except |
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| for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury |
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| arising from the self-administration of medication to the |
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| child. The parents or guardians of the child must sign a |
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| statement acknowledging that the recreational camp is to incur |
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| no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a |
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| result of any injury arising from the self-administration of |
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| medication by the child and that the parents or guardians must |
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| indemnify and hold harmless the recreational camp and its |
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| employees and agents against any claims, except a claim based |
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| on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of the |
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| self-administration of medication by the child.".