State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB0620
Introduced 1/28/2005, by Rep. Ruth Munson SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
410 ILCS 535/25 |
from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 73-25 |
Amends the Vital Records Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning fees.
| |
HB0620 |
LRB094 07073 RXD 37218 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning health.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Vital Records Act is amended by changing |
5 |
| Section 25 as follows:
6 |
| (410 ILCS 535/25) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 73-25)
7 |
| Sec. 25. In accordance with Section 24 of this Act, and
and |
8 |
| the
regulations adopted pursuant thereto: |
9 |
| (1) The State Registrar of Vital Records shall search the |
10 |
| files of birth,
death, and fetal death records, upon receipt of |
11 |
| a written request and a fee
of $10 from any applicant entitled |
12 |
| to such search. A search fee shall not
be required for |
13 |
| commemorative birth certificates issued by the State
14 |
| Registrar. If, upon search, the record requested is found, the |
15 |
| State
Registrar shall furnish the applicant one certification |
16 |
| of such record,
under the seal of such office. If the request |
17 |
| is for a certified copy of
the record an additional fee of $5 |
18 |
| shall be required. If the request is for
a certified copy of a |
19 |
| death certificate or a fetal death certificate, an
additional |
20 |
| fee of $2 is required. The additional fee shall be deposited |
21 |
| into
the Death Certificate Surcharge Fund. A further fee of $2
22 |
| shall be required for each additional certification or |
23 |
| certified copy
requested. If the requested record is not found, |
24 |
| the State Registrar shall
furnish the applicant a certification |
25 |
| attesting to that fact, if so
requested by the applicant. A |
26 |
| further fee of $2 shall be required for each
additional |
27 |
| certification that no record has been found.
28 |
| Any local registrar or county clerk shall search the files |
29 |
| of birth,
death and fetal death records, upon receipt of a |
30 |
| written request from any
applicant entitled to such search. If |
31 |
| upon search the record requested
is found, such local registrar |
32 |
| or county clerk shall furnish the applicant
one certification |
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| or certified copy of such record, under the seal of such
2 |
| office, upon payment of the applicable fees. If the requested |
3 |
| record is not
found, the local registrar or county
clerk shall |
4 |
| furnish the applicant a certification attesting to that fact, |
5 |
| if so
requested by the applicant and upon payment of applicable |
6 |
| fee. The local
registrar or county clerk must charge a $2 fee |
7 |
| for each certified copy of a
death certificate. The fee is in |
8 |
| addition to any other fees that are charged
by the local |
9 |
| registrar or county clerk. The additional fees must be
10 |
| transmitted
to the State Registrar monthly and deposited into |
11 |
| the Death Certificate
Surcharge Fund.
The local registrar or |
12 |
| county clerk may charge fees
for providing other services for |
13 |
| which the State Registrar may charge fees
under this
14 |
| A request to any custodian of vital records for a search of |
15 |
| the death
record indexes for genealogical research shall |
16 |
| require a fee of $10 per name
for a 5 year search. An |
17 |
| additional fee of $1 for each additional year searched
shall be |
18 |
| required. If the requested record is found, one uncertified |
19 |
| copy
shall be issued without additional charge.
20 |
| Any fee received by the State Registrar pursuant to this |
21 |
| Section which
is of an insufficient amount may be returned by |
22 |
| the State Registrar upon
his recording the receipt of such fee |
23 |
| and the reason for its return. The
State Registrar is |
24 |
| authorized to maintain a 2 signature, revolving checking
25 |
| account with a suitable commercial bank for the purpose of |
26 |
| depositing and
withdrawing-for-return cash received and |
27 |
| determined insufficient for the
service requested.
28 |
| No fee imposed under this Section may be assessed against |
29 |
| an organization
chartered by Congress that requests a |
30 |
| certificate for the purpose of death
31 |
| (2) The certification of birth may contain only the name, |
32 |
| sex,
date of birth, and place of birth, of the person to whom |
33 |
| it relates, the
name, age and birthplace of the parents, and
34 |
| the file number; and none of the other data on the certificate |
35 |
| of birth
except as authorized under subsection (5) of this |
36 |
| Section.
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| (3) The certification of death shall contain only the name, |
2 |
| Social
Security Number, sex,
date of death, and place of death |
3 |
| of the person to whom it relates, and
file number; and none of |
4 |
| the other data on the certificate of death
except as authorized |
5 |
| under subsection (5) of this Section.
6 |
| (4) Certification or a certified copy of a certificate |
7 |
| shall be issued:
8 |
| (a) Upon the order of a court of competent |
9 |
| jurisdiction; or
10 |
| (b) In case of a birth certificate, upon the specific |
11 |
| written
request for a certification or certified copy by |
12 |
| the person, if of legal
age, by a parent or other legal |
13 |
| representative of the person to whom the
record of birth |
14 |
| relates, or by a person having a genealogical interest; or
15 |
| (c) Upon the specific written request for a |
16 |
| certification or certified
copy by a department of the |
17 |
| state or a municipal corporation or the federal
government; |
18 |
| or
19 |
| (d) In case of a death or fetal death certificate, upon |
20 |
| specific
written request for a certified copy by a person, |
21 |
| or his duly authorized
agent, having a genealogical, |
22 |
| personal or property right interest in
the record.
23 |
| A genealogical interest shall be a proper purpose with |
24 |
| respect to
births which occurred not less than 75 years and |
25 |
| deaths which occurred not
less than 20 years prior to the date |
26 |
| of written request. Where the purpose
of the request is a |
27 |
| genealogical interest, the custodian shall stamp the
28 |
| certification or copy with the words, FOR GENEALOGICAL PURPOSES |
29 |
30 |
| (5) Any certification or certified copy issued pursuant to |
31 |
| this
Section shall show the date of registration; and copies |
32 |
| issued from
records marked "delayed," "amended," or "court |
33 |
| order" shall be similarly
marked and show the effective date.
34 |
| (6) Any certification or certified copy of a certificate |
35 |
| issued in
accordance with this Section shall be considered as |
36 |
| prima facie evidence
of the facts therein stated, provided that |
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| the evidentiary value of a
certificate or record filed more |
2 |
| than one year after the event, or a
record which has been |
3 |
| amended, shall be determined by the judicial or
administrative |
4 |
| body or official before whom the certificate is offered
as |
5 |
| evidence.
6 |
| (7) Any certification or certified copy issued pursuant to |
7 |
| this
Section shall be issued without charge when the record is |
8 |
| required by
the United States Veterans Administration or by any |
9 |
| accredited veterans
organization to be used in determining the |
10 |
| eligibility of any person to
participate in benefits available |
11 |
| from such organization. Requests for
such copies must be in |
12 |
| accordance with Sections 1 and 2 of "An Act to
provide for the |
13 |
| furnishing of copies of public documents to interested
14 |
| parties," approved May 17, 1935, as now or hereafter amended.
15 |
| (8) The National Vital Statistics Division, or any agency |
16 |
| which may
be substituted therefor, may be furnished such copies |
17 |
| or data as it may
require for national statistics; provided |
18 |
| that the State shall be
reimbursed for the cost of furnishing |
19 |
| such data; and provided further
that such data shall not be |
20 |
| used for other than statistical purposes by
the National Vital |
21 |
| Statistics Division, or any agency which may be
substituted |
22 |
| therefor, unless so authorized by the State Registrar of
Vital |
23 |
| Records.
24 |
| (9) Federal, State, local, and other public or private |
25 |
| agencies may,
upon request, be furnished copies or data for |
26 |
| statistical purposes upon
such terms or conditions as may be |
27 |
| prescribed by the Department.
28 |
| (10) The State Registrar of Vital Records, at his |
29 |
| discretion and in
the interest of promoting registration of |
30 |
| births, may issue, without
fee, to the parents or guardian of |
31 |
| any or every child whose birth has
been registered in |
32 |
| accordance with the provisions of this Act, a special
notice of |
33 |
| registration of birth.
34 |
| (11) No person shall prepare or issue any certificate which |
35 |
| purports
to be an original, certified copy, or certification of |
36 |
| a certificate of
birth, death, or fetal death, except as |
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| authorized in this Act or
regulations adopted hereunder.
2 |
| (12) A computer print-out of any record of birth, death or |
3 |
| fetal record
that may be certified under this Section may be |
4 |
| used
in place of such certification and such computer print-out |
5 |
| shall have the
same legal force and effect as a certified copy |
6 |
| of the document.
7 |
| (13) The State Registrar may verify from the information |
8 |
| contained in
the index maintained by the State Registrar the |
9 |
| authenticity of information
on births, deaths, marriages and |
10 |
| dissolution of marriages provided to a
federal agency or a |
11 |
| public agency of another state by a person seeking
benefits or |
12 |
| employment from the agency, provided the agency pays a fee of |
13 |
| $10.
14 |
| (14) The State Registrar may issue commemorative birth |
15 |
| certificates to
persons eligible to receive birth certificates |
16 |
| under this Section upon the
payment of a fee to be determined |
17 |
| by the State Registrar.
18 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-382, eff. 7-30-99; 92-141, eff. 7-24-01.)