Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie
Filed: 5/25/2005
09400HB0476ham003 |
LRB094 07471 RCE 47095 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 476, AS AMENDED, |
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| with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No. |
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| 2, as follows:
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| on page 5, line 12, after the period, by inserting the |
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| following: " In the case of naming or sponsorship rights for a |
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| single event or a continuous series of related events, the |
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| administrator may grant multiple licenses not based on the |
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| standard of "highest and best" proposals if the end result is |
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| the most beneficial to the State. "; and
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| on page 6, line 6, by replacing " highest and best proposal " |
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| with " to grant a license "; and |
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| on page 7, line 7, before the period, by inserting the |
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| following: " except as provided in this subsection. The |
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| Executive Ethics Commission may adopt rules authorizing the |
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| administrator to grant licenses without pre-approval under |
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| subsection (f), but the rules must specify, by category, those |
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| emergency and other extenuating situations in which |
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| pre-approval is waived, must provide for prompt review by the |
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| Commission after the granting of the license, and may contain |
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| other provisions the Commission deems necessary to prevent |
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| abuse of this procedure "; and |