August 1, 2005



To the Honorable Members of the

Illinois House of Representatives

94th General Assembly


            Pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(b) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby veto ­House Bill 340, entitled “AN ACT concerning criminal law.”   House Bill 340 eliminates the required waiting period for purchasing a firearm if the purchaser is trading in one gun for another.  Waiting periods serve an important purpose; they help prevent certain violent crime. Domestic violence shootings, suicide attempts, and crimes of passion may be averted or reduced if a potential offender is required to wait up to 72 hours before purchasing a weapon.  This bill allows current gun owners access to more dangerous weapons and or handguns without any cooling off period.  I do not believe this exemption is necessary.


            For this reason, I hereby veto and return House Bill 340.








