Rep. Patrick J Verschoore
Filed: 2/25/2005
09400HB0330ham002 |
LRB094 04053 MKM 42370 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 330 on page 3, line |
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| 33, by replacing " resolution. " with the following: |
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| " referendum. |
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| The purpose of a public building commission created by the |
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| county board of any county may not be expanded until the |
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| question of expanding the purpose of the public building |
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| commission has been submitted to the electors of the county at |
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| a regular election and approved by a majority of the electors |
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| voting on the question. The county board must certify the |
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| question to the proper election authority, which must submit |
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| the question at an election in accordance with the Election |
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| Code. |
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| The election authority must submit the question in |
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| substantially the following form: |
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| Shall the county board be authorized to expand the |
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| purpose of the (insert name of public building commission) |
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| to include (insert the purpose or purposes)?
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| The election authority must record the votes as "Yes" or |
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| "No". |
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| If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote |
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| in the affirmative, the county board may thereafter expand the |
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| purpose of the public building commission. ".