HB0202 Engrossed |
LRB094 06013 DRJ 36073 b |
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| AN ACT concerning energy assistance.
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| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
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| represented in the General Assembly:
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| Section 5. The Good Samaritan Energy Plan Act is amended by |
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| changing Sections 15 and 25 as follows:
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| (305 ILCS 22/15)
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| Sec. 15. Good Samaritan Energy Trust Fund. The Good |
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| Samaritan Energy
Trust Fund is created as a special fund in the |
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| State treasury. The Department
shall administer the Fund. The |
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| Department shall deposit moneys received from
the following |
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| sources into the Fund:
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| (1) Voluntary donations from individuals, foundations, |
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| corporations, and
other sources.
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| (2) Proceeds from fundraising events held for the |
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| purpose of generating
moneys for the Fund.
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| (3) Other moneys from any source that are designated |
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| for the Fund.
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| (Source: P.A. 93-285, eff. 7-22-03.)
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| (305 ILCS 22/25)
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| Sec. 25. Administration of Fund. |
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| (a) The Department shall administer the Good
Samaritan |
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| Energy Trust Fund with the advice and consent of the Low Income
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| Energy
Assistance Policy Advisory Council established under |
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| the Energy Assistance Act
1989. Donations received for the |
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| Fund shall be made available for the purpose
alleviating |
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| utility bill arrearages for households determined eligible for
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| LIHEAP, except
that the
Department may use up to 10% of the |
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| moneys donated for the Fund for the
expenses of the Department |
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| and the local area agency
incurred in administering the Fund.
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| Resources from the Fund shall be awarded to local area agencies |
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| that have
contracts with the Department to administer |