SR0742 LRB093 24036 CSA 54176 r


2     WHEREAS, The process of making laws in Illinois relies on
3 staff members who work closely with legislators to enact good
4 public policy that benefits all citizens; and
5     WHEREAS, Michael "Mike" Baer of Springfield joined the
6 Senate Republican Staff in January 2004, working as a
7 legislative analyst with the Local Government Committee; and
8     WHEREAS, Mike was passionate about the good things that the
9 government could accomplish, and was driven to learn more so he
10 could make a difference; and
11     WHEREAS, A loyal Republican, Mike's favorite President was
12 Ronald Reagan; and
13     WHEREAS, His interest in politics and government was
14 evident early on, as he served as Senate President in the Model
15 Illinois Government; and
16     WHEREAS, He graduated from Sacred Heart Griffin High School
17 in Springfield in 1993, and earned a Bachelor's Degree in
18 Political Science from the University of Illinois at
19 Springfield in 1999; and
20     WHEREAS, In 2000, he was the recipient of the Dunn
21 Fellowship in the Governor's Office; and
22     WHEREAS, Before joining the Senate staff in 2004, Mike was
23 a legislative liaison, and later, the director of Government
24 Affairs at the Illinois Commerce Commission; he also worked at
25 the Department of Professional Regulation and the Department of
26 Central Management Services; and
27     WHEREAS, Earlier this year, Mike took a leave of absence



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1 from his work with the Senate to help with a campaign for the
2 Supreme Court, the highest court in Illinois; and
3     WHEREAS, Mike was en route from one campaign event to
4 another on October 11, 2004, when he was killed in a one-car
5 accident in Saline County; and
6     WHEREAS, Mike is survived by his parents, Steven and Rhonda
7 Baer of Springfield, and Susan Baer of Palm Beach, Florida; his
8 sister, Melissa Baer of Columbia, Missouri; his brother,
9 Jonathan Baer of Springfield; his grandparents and several
10 aunts, uncles and cousins; and
11     WHEREAS, Mike dearly loved his younger brother and sister,
12 and enjoyed taking care of them; and
13     WHEREAS, he was a member of Temple B'rith Shalom, the
14 Springfield Jewish Federation, and B'nai B'rith; and
15     WHEREAS, Mike was an ardent fan of the St. Louis Cardinals;
16 and
17     WHEREAS, Mike was a hard worker, a generous person who
18 would give you the shirt off his back; a person known for his
19 honesty and integrity, and a good friend to those lucky enough
20 to know him well; therefore, be it
22 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that our hearts go out to
23 his family and friends at the loss of this fine young man; and
24 be it further
25     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
26 presented to the family of Mike Baer with our most profound and
27 heartfelt sympathy.