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2     WHEREAS, The Director of the Department of Central
3 Management Services (CMS) is the chief procurement agent of the
4 State of Illinois; and
5     WHEREAS, CMS is responsible for administering the State's
6 Group Health Insurance coverage; and
7     WHEREAS, The State provides health insurance benefits to
8 over 350,000 employees, retirees, and dependents; and
9     WHEREAS, CMS has the primary responsibility for
10 negotiating and entering into contractual arrangements to
11 provide Group Health Insurance benefits for the State's
12 employees, retirees, and dependents; and
13     WHEREAS, CMS conducted the bidding process for managed care
14 organizations to bid on the contracts to provide health
15 benefits to the State's employees, retirees, and dependents;
16 and
17     WHEREAS, CMS has established criteria for this Request for
18 Proposals (RFP) bidding process and for awarding contracts for
19 the provision of health benefits to the State's employees,
20 retirees, and dependents; and
21     WHEREAS, Recent evidence has shown that CMS failed or
22 refused to comply with its own process for selecting managed
23 care organizations to participate in the State's Group Health
24 Insurance program; and
25     WHEREAS, Recent evidence shows that managed care
26 organizations that were ranked higher in the bidding criteria
27 were not awarded a contract to provide health benefits to the
28 State's employees, retirees, and dependents while managed care



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1 organizations that were ranked lower were awarded such a
2 contract; and
3     WHEREAS, CMS recently concluded that the process used in
4 selecting managed care organizations to provide health
5 benefits to the State's employees, retirees, and dependents was
6 inadequate; and
7     WHEREAS, CMS plans to re-bid these contracts due to the
8 questions that have arisen about the original bidding process;
9 and
10     WHEREAS, The General Assembly is concerned that CMS did not
11 follow its own criteria in the awarding of the original
12 contracts for providing health benefits to the State's
13 employees, retirees and dependents; and
14     WHEREAS, the Attorney General is the Chief Legal Officer of
15 the State and is charged with investigating alleged violations
16 of the law; therefore, be it
18 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Illinois Senate
19 requests that the Attorney General conduct a thorough
20 investigation of the Request for Proposals (RFP) process used
21 by CMS to select managed care organizations to participate in
22 the State's Group Health Insurance program; and be it further
23     RESOLVED, That the Illinois Senate requests that the
24 Attorney General proffer an opinion on the validity of the
25 process used by CMS to select managed care organizations to
26 participate in the State's Group Health Insurance program; and
27 be it further
28     RESOLVED, That the Attorney General is asked to pay
29 particular attention to the points awarded to each bidder in



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1 CMS's own RFP process and conclude whether the initial
2 selection of managed care organizations was proper and
3 adequately adhered to the criteria of CMS's own RFP; and be it
4 further
5     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be delivered to
6 the Attorney General in an expedited manner.