SR0537 LRB093 22183 KEF 51034 r


2     WHEREAS, In 1963, the State of Illinois was the first State
3 in the nation to create a program for protecting rare natural
4 areas, known as the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission; and
5     WHEREAS, The Illinois Nature Preserves Commission works to
6 preserve, protect, and defend natural areas and endangered
7 species habitat for the benefit of the public; and
8     WHEREAS, In the last 40 years, the Illinois Nature
9 Preserves Commission has dedicated and had oversight for 321
10 nature preserves in 79 counties totaling 43,382 acres and 108
11 land and water reserves in 50 counties totaling 33,789 acres;
12 and
13     WHEREAS, The General Assembly recognized the importance of
14 creating a perpetual funding source for conservation efforts in
15 1989 by dedicating portions of the real estate transfer tax to
16 the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund and the
17 Natural Areas Acquisition Fund; and
18     WHEREAS, The Real Estate Transfer Tax Law requires 35% of
19 the real estate transfer tax revenue be deposited into the Open
20 Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund; and
21     WHEREAS, The Real Estate Transfer Tax Law also requires 15%
22 of the real estate transfer tax revenue be deposited into the
23 Natural Areas Acquisition Fund; and
24     WHEREAS, The Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development
25 Program is a grant program run by the Department of Natural
26 Resources that provides a primary source of funding for local
27 governments, forest preserve and conservation districts, and
28 park districts for local land acquisition and facilities
29 management and maintenance; and



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1     WHEREAS, The Natural Areas Acquisition Fund directly funds
2 the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission and the Natural
3 Heritage Program, which employ biologists, environmental
4 professionals, and support staff directly involved in the
5 protection, management, and restoration of natural areas,
6 endangered species, and critical wildlife habitat on public and
7 private lands across Illinois; and
8     WHEREAS, Illinois ranks 47th in the nation in public open
9 space per capita; and
10     WHEREAS, Governor Blagojevich's proposed FY05 budget
11 eliminates new funding for both the Open Space Lands
12 Acquisition and Development Program and the Natural Areas
13 Acquisition Fund; and
14     WHEREAS, Eliminating funding for the Open Space Lands
15 Acquisition and Development Program will eliminate grant funds
16 for local land acquisition and maintenance; and
17     WHEREAS, Eliminating funding for the Natural Areas
18 Acquisition Fund will reduce the level of protection,
19 maintenance, and restoration of open land and endangered
20 species habitat in Illinois, which may result in a
21 corresponding loss of biodiversity and habitat and a
22 degradation of natural areas; therefore, be it
24 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the members of the
25 Senate urge the Governor to continue funding the Open Space
26 Lands Acquisition and Development and Natural Areas
27 Acquisition programs for the 2005 fiscal year; and be it
28 further
29     RESOLVED, That we urge the Governor to reconsider the idea



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1 of redirecting dedicated funding for the Open Space Lands
2 Acquisition and Development Program and the Natural Areas
3 Acquisition Fund to the General Revenue Fund; and be it further
4     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5 delivered to the Governor of the State of Illinois and the
6 Director of Natural Resources.