
                                     LRB093 13268 RAH 18537 r

 1                          SENATE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members  of  the  Senate  of  the  State  of
 3    Illinois  learned  with regret of the death of George Zarr of
 4    Springfield on Wednesday June 18, 2003; and

 5        WHEREAS, George Zarr was born on June 1, 1920, the son of
 6    Phillip and Mary  Seketa  Zarr;  he  married  Mary  Josephine
 7    Fudoli; she precedes him in death; he then married Helen; she
 8    precedes  him  in  death;  a  daughter,  Mary  Jo  Zarr, also
 9    precedes him in death; and

10        WHEREAS, Mr. Zarr was the retired owner of Ranch  Inn  in
11    Litchfield,  managed  the  Springfield  K  of  C Hotel for 15
12    years, and was a  maintenance  engineer  with  the  State  of
13    Illinois for 12 years; and

14        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Zarr  was  a  United States Army Air Force
15    veteran of World War II, serving from 1941 to 1945; and

16        WHEREAS, Mr. Zarr was a member of  the  American  Legion,
17    Veterans  of  Foreign Wars, Eagles Club, Knights of Columbus,
18    and Croatian Lodge 217 of Benld; and

19        WHEREAS, The passing of George Zarr has been deeply  felt
20    by  all who knew and loved him, especially his several nieces
21    and nephews, including  John  Tartar,  Cyrelda  Dobrino,  Ann
22    Marie Snow, and Donna Wahl; therefore, be it

24    ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the  passing
25    of George Zarr and extend our deepest sympathy to his family,
26    friends, and community; and be it further

27        RESOLVED,  That  a  suitable  copy  of this resolution be
28    presented to the family of George Zarr as  an  expression  of
29    our sincerest condolences.