093_SR0094 LRB093 11364 NHT 13593 r 1 SENATE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The school children of the State of Illinois 3 represent the future of this State; and 4 WHEREAS, The single greatest influence on the future 5 success of Illinois is the quality of education received by 6 the State's children; and 7 WHEREAS, A stated goal of the State Board of Education is 8 to provide advocacy and leadership for adequate and equitable 9 funding of Illinois public schools; and 10 WHEREAS, Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 11 2001, schools must show that all children are learning by the 12 year 2014 and all children must meet State learning standards 13 and achieve at high levels; and 14 WHEREAS, If the State does not comply with the mandates 15 imposed by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, then the 16 State may lose federal education funding; and 17 WHEREAS, The amount of per pupil spending in Illinois 18 varies greatly and ranges from less than $4,000 to more than 19 $15,000; and 20 WHEREAS, Property tax rates levied for educational 21 purposes in Illinois vary greatly, from less than 1.00% to 22 over 8.00% for schools; and 23 WHEREAS, Average school teacher salaries range from less 24 than $24,000 to more than $83,000; and 25 WHEREAS, Almost 80% of school districts are currently or 26 will in the near future be unable to balance their annual 27 budget to support necessary programs and will be forced to 28 deficit spend; and 29 WHEREAS, Illinois ranks 34th among all states in the -2- LRB093 11364 NHT 13593 r 1 Union in total State and local tax burden as a percentage of 2 personal income; and 3 WHEREAS, Illinois ranks 48th among all states in the 4 Union in the share of school funding provided by the State; 5 and 6 WHEREAS, Illinois ranks 49th among all states in the 7 Union in the difference in revenue per student between the 8 State's highest and lowest poverty districts; and 9 WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article X of the Illinois 10 Constitution states, "The State shall provide for an 11 efficient system of high quality public educational 12 institutions and services."; and 13 WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article X of the Illinois 14 Constitution further states, "The State has the primary 15 responsibility for financing the system of public 16 education."; and 17 WHEREAS, Only about 39% of funding in fiscal year 2002 18 for public schools came from the State; and 19 WHEREAS, The State and federal governments have created 20 education standards and benchmarks for adequate academic 21 progress; and 22 WHEREAS, The decision by the First District Appellate 23 Court of Illinois in the last significant court case in 24 Illinois regarding education funding, Committee for 25 Educational Rights v. Edgar, 267 Ill. App. 3d 18 (1994), held 26 that (i) Article X of the Illinois Constitution did not 27 require equal educational benefits and opportunities among 28 school districts and (ii) it was not a violation of the equal 29 protection clause that students in poorer districts did not 30 receive identical educational services to those in wealthier 31 districts; and -3- LRB093 11364 NHT 13593 r 1 WHEREAS, According to this court decision, "the complaint 2 [did] not allege that the education offered in the 3 plaintiffs' school districts [fell] below [the State Board of 4 Education's] minimum standards, or that the plaintiffs [were] 5 being denied a minimally adequate education"; and 6 WHEREAS, The Illinois Education Funding Advisory Board 7 was created by the General Assembly in 1997 and charged with 8 the task of making recommendations to the General Assembly 9 for foundation and supplemental general State aid funding 10 levels; and 11 WHEREAS, The Illinois Education Funding Advisory Board 12 has recommended that the foundation level be set at $5,665 to 13 "assure adequate funding"; therefore, be it 14 RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE NINETY-THIRD GENERAL 15 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we respectfully 16 request that the Attorney General of the State of Illinois 17 provide an opinion interpreting Section 1 of Article X of the 18 Illinois Constitution; and be it further 19 RESOLVED, That the Attorney General include, as part of 20 this opinion, a determination as to whether Section 1 of 21 Article X of the Illinois Constitution requires the State to 22 develop a system of public school funding that provides every 23 public school student with access to a minimally adequate 24 education; and be it further 25 RESOLVED, That the Attorney General include, as part of 26 this opinion, a determination as to whether or not the 27 current system of public school funding provides every public 28 school student access to a minimally adequate education; and 29 be it further 30 RESOLVED, That we respectfully request that the Attorney 31 General submit this opinion to the members of the Senate on -4- LRB093 11364 NHT 13593 r 1 or before May 30, 2003; and be it further 2 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 3 delivered to the Attorney General of the State of Illinois.