093_SJ0003 LRB093 04017 DRH 06508 r 1 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, There are almost 6,000 transit agencies in the 3 United States, including 70 transit providers in Illinois; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, In 2000, Illinois public transit provided over 6 600,000,000 rides; and 7 WHEREAS, The Department of Energy estimates that 13% of 8 the 91,600,000 United States households do not own any means 9 of personal transportation, and thus millions of Americans 10 are dependent upon transit, including those individuals with 11 low incomes, the disabled, the elderly, and children; and 12 WHEREAS, Automobiles consume 21% of this country's 13 energy, and transportation accounts for 27% of greenhouse 14 emissions; transit uses less than 1% of all energy consumed 15 in this country and is a cost-effective way of reducing 16 harmful emissions; and 17 WHEREAS, Transit provides mobility during crisis, such as 18 earthquakes, snow and ice storms, and other national 19 emergencies; and 20 WHEREAS, Public transit is critical to workforce 21 development, health care, and education access; and 22 WHEREAS, Congestion now costs the Chicago Metropolitan 23 Area $4,000,000,000 per year -- $1,472 per commuter -- in 24 lost productivity, fuel, and insurance costs; and 25 WHEREAS, Quality public transit in Illinois would support 26 working families and businesses by providing effective 27 options for connecting workers to jobs and by reducing 28 traffic congestion, which would reduce the air pollution that 29 has contributed to skyrocketing asthma rates; and 30 WHEREAS, Public transportation is equally important to -2- LRB093 04017 DRH 06508 r 1 rural communities throughout the country, where 40% of 2 residents have no access to public transit services and 3 another 28% have negligible access; and 4 WHEREAS, Effective and efficient public transit systems 5 are essential for improved regional mobility and sound local 6 and state economies; and 7 WHEREAS, Illinois' transit systems have significant 8 capital needs that have traditionally been supported by 9 crucial federal investment; and 10 WHEREAS, Illinois ranks 50th of the 50 states and the 11 District of Columbia in federal contribution for operating 12 support for transit; therefore, be it 13 RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE NINETY-THIRD GENERAL 14 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE HOUSE OF 15 REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge the United 16 States Congress and the Administration to strongly support 17 any proposals to increase the level of funding for public 18 transportation in the reauthorization of TEA-21 in 2003 and 19 specifically to distribute funding on a basis which assures 20 sufficient funding for both rehabilitation and new capacity 21 needs in states with significant transit ridership and 22 infrastructure; and be it further 23 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be 24 delivered to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, the 25 President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, the Speaker of the 26 U.S. House of Representatives, and each member of the 27 Illinois congressional delegation.