AN ACT making appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Sections 5, 30 and 60 of Article 76 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 76, Sec. 5)
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 590,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 95,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 45,250
For Contractual Services......................... 368,600
For Travel......................................... 3,800
For Commodities.................................... 3,500
For Printing....................................... 7,600
For Equipment...................................... 6,900
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 19,600
For Telecommunications............................ 15,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 5,300
For Training and Education....................... 206,300
Total $1,367,050
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 186,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 5,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 30,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 14,300
For Group Insurance............................... 48,000
For Contractual Services......................... 220,800
For Travel........................................ 10,000
For Commodities.................................... 5,400
For Printing...................................... 51,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 42,700
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 16,100
Total $643,100
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,406,650
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 72,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 387,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 184,150
For Group Insurance.............................. 540,000
For Contractual Services......................... 762,200
For Travel........................................ 18,300
For Commodities................................... 54,500
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Equipment..................................... 61,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 32,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 31,250
Total $4,578,850
Payable from Nuclear Civil Protection Planning Fund:
For Federal Projects............................. 300,000
Payable from the Emergency Management
Preparedness Fund:
For an Emergency Management
Preparedness Program......................... 5,675,000
Payable from Federal Civil Preparedness
Administrative Fund:
For Training and Education....................... 717,300
For Terrorism Preparedness and
Training costs in the current
and prior years............................ 281,093,000
Total $287,785,300
Whenever it becomes necessary for the State or any governmental unit to furnish in a disaster area emergency services directly related to or required by a disaster and existing funds are insufficient to provide such services, the Governor may, when he considers such action in the best interest of the State, release funds from the General Revenue disaster relief appropriation in order to provide such services or to reimburse local governmental bodies furnishing such services. Such appropriation may be used for payment of the Illinois National Guard when called to active duty in case of disaster, and for the emergency purchase or renting of equipment and commodities. Such appropriation shall be used for emergency services and relief to the disaster area as a whole and shall not be used to provide private relief to persons sustaining property damages or personal injury as a result of a disaster.
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For disaster relief costs incurred
in current and prior years..................... 894,500
in current and
prior years..................... 839,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 76, Sec. 30)
Sec. 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,137,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System.............................. 183,200
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 87,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 84,700
For Travel......................................... 6,000
For Commodities.................................... 2,800
For Printing....................................... 4,500
For Equipment..................................... 38,400
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 10,600
For Telecommunications........................... 190,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 22,300
Total $1,767,500
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 810,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 24,300
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System.............................. 130,500
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 62,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 240,000
For Contractual Services......................... 373,900
For Travel........................................ 39,500
For Commodities................................... 54,300
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Equipment..................................... 84,500
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 7,000
For Telecommunications........................... 383,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 18,000
Total $2,231,800
Payable from the Emergency Management
Preparedness Fund:
For an Emergency Management
Preparedness Program......................... 3,000,000
Preparedness Program......................... 1,500,000
Payable from Federal Civil Preparedness
Administrative Fund:
For Training and Education....................... 350,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 76, Sec. 60)
Sec. 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 394,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 63,500
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 30,100
For Commodities.................................... 1,000
For Printing....................................... 1,300
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 5,100
For Telecommunications Services.................... 8,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 6,500
State Share of Individual and Household
Grant Program for Disaster
In current year............................... 299,700
In prior years................................. 192,000
Total $1,001,400
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 437,050
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 13,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 70,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 33,450
For Group Insurance.............................. 108,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 82,250 For Travel 38,000
For Commodities................................... 11,850
For Printing....................................... 6,000
For Equipment..................................... 20,800
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 7,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 14,000
For compensation to local governments
for expenses attributable to implementation
and maintenance of plans and programs
authorized by the Nuclear Safety
Preparedness Act including expenses
incurred prior to July 1, 1997................. 650,000
Total $1,497,400
Payable from the Federal Aid Disaster Fund:
Federal Share of Individual and Household
Program for Disaster Declarations:
In Current Year............................. 21,000,000
In prior years............................... 1,500,000
For State administration of the
Individual and Household Grant Program....... 1,000,000
For Federal Disaster Declarations:
In Prior Years............................. 45,000,000
In Current Year............................. 30,000,000
For State administration of the
Federal Disaster Relief Program.............. 1,000,000
Disaster Relief - Hazard Mitigation
in Current Year.............................. 8,000,000
in Prior Years.............................. 35,000,000
For State administration of the
Hazard Mitigation Program.................... 1,000,000
Total $143,500,000
Payable from the Emergency Planning and Training Fund:
For Activities as a Result of the Illinois
Emergency Planning and Community Right
To Know Act.................................... 150,000
Payable from the Nuclear Civil Protection Planning Fund:
For Federal Projects............................. 500,000
For Flood Mitigation Assistance................ 3,000,000
Total $3,650,000
Payable from the Federal Civil Preparedness Administrative Fund:
For Training and Education..................... 2,994,000
For Training and Education..................... 1,194,000
Payable from the Emergency Management Preparedness Fund:
For Emergency Management Preparedness.......... 3,025,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 115 and 120 of Article 54 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 54, Sec. 115)
Sec. 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Human Services:
For Addiction Prevention and Related Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............. 5,268,000
Payable from the Youth Alcoholism and
Substance Abuse Fund.......................... 1,050,000
Payable from Alcoholism and
Substance Abuse Fund.......................... 6,009,300
Substance Abuse Fund.......................... 3,009,300
Payable from Prevention and Treatment
of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Block Grant Fund............................. 16,000,000
Total $25,327,300
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 54, Sec. 120)
Sec. 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Costs Associated with Addiction
Treatment Services For Special
Populations.................................. 8,793,600
For Costs Associated with Community
Based Addiction Treatment to Medicaid
Eligible and KidCare clients,
Including Prior Year Costs..................... 50,713,500
For Costs Associated with Community
Based Addiction Treatment Services............. 81,483,700
For Addiction Treatment Services for
DCFS clients................................... 11,688,300
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
Related to the Welfare Reform
Pilot Project................................... 2,787,200
Total $155,466,300
Payable from Illinois State Gaming Fund
For Costs Associated with Treatment
of Individuals who are Compulsive
Gamblers........................................ 960,000
Total $960,000
For Addiction Treatment and Related Services:
Payable from Prevention and Treatment
of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Block Grant Fund............................. 57,500,000
Payable from Drug Treatment Fund............... 5,000,000
Payable from Youth Drug Abuse
Prevention Fund................................. 530,000
Total $63,030,000
For underwriting the cost of housing
for groups of recovering individuals:
Payable from Group Home Loan
Revolving Fund.................................. 100,000
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
Related to the Domestic Violence and
Substance Abuse Demonstration Project:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 641,800
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
Related to Addiction Treatment and
Related Services:
Payable from Drunk and Drugged Driving
Prevention Fund............................... 3,082,900
Payable from Alcoholism and Substance
Abuse Fund................................... 22,102,900
Abuse Fund................................... 10,102,900
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than two percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 15 above "Addiction Treatment" among the purposes therein enumerated.
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 30 of Article 53 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 53, Sec. 30)
Sec. 30. In addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Public Aid for Medical Assistance and Administrative Expenditures:
Payable from Care Provider Fund for Persons
With A Developmental Disability:
For Administrative Expenditures.................. 94,200
Payable from Long Term Care Provider Fund:
For Skilled, Intermediate, and Other Related
Long Term Care Services.................... 821,328,300
For Administrative Expenditures................ 1,233,000
Total $822,655,500
Payable from Hospital Provider Fund:
For Hospitals................................ 984,037,200
For Hospitals................................ 860,000,000
For Medical Assistance Providers.............. 36,000,000
Total $1,020,037,200
Total $896,000,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by adding new Section 60 to Article 21 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 21, Sec. 60, new)
Sec. 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses to the Illinois Commerce Commission to administer the Police Program:
Payable from Transportation Regulatory Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 681,950
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 20,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 109,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 52,050
For Group Insurance.............................. 132,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 27,600
For Travel........................................ 16,500
For Commodities.................................... 7,200
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services.................. 100,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 44,000
Total $1,191,700
Section 10. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Sections 5, 20, 25, 65, and 75 of Article 77 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 77, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 6,581,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,060,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 436,800
For Contractual Services............ 3,717,500 4,067,500
For Travel............................... 40,500
For Commodities......................... 494,500
For Printing............................. 93,200
For Equipment............................ 35,600
For Telecommunications Services......... 164,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 223,100
For Expenses of Apprehension of
Fugitives............................................. 0
For Contractual Services:
For Payment of Tort Claims....................... 58,000
For Refunds........................................ 7,100
For Expenses regarding implementation
of the Juvenile Justice Reform
provisions...................................... 174,700
For Expenses associated with the
Videotaping of Interrogations......................... 0
For deposit into the General
Obligation Bond Retirement and
Interest Fund for costs associated
with the debt service payments
of rolling stock and capital
equipment............................................. 0
Total $13,087,000 $13,564,000
Payable from Missing and Exploited Children
Trust Fund:
For the Administration and fulfillment
of its responsibilities under the
Intergovernmental Missing Child
Recovery Act of 1984.................................. 0
Payable from the State Police Wireless
Service Emergency Fund:
For costs associated with the
administration and fulfillment
of its responsibilities under
the Wireless Emergency Telephone
Safety Act.................................... 2,000,000
Payable from the State Police Vehicle Fund:
For equipment.................................... 150,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 77, Sec. 20)
Sec. 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 4,856,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 782,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 363,500
For Contractual Services................ 905,700
For Travel............................... 28,000
For Commodities................................... 34,000
For Printing...................................... 35,200
For Equipment...................................... 3,100
For Electronic Data Processing....... 2,165,200 2,222,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 625,500
Total $9,799,400 $9,909,400
Payable from LEADS Maintenance Fund:
For Expenses Related to LEADS
System....................................... 3,500,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 77, Sec. 25)
Sec. 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............. 60,908,200 53,346,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System....... 9,048,600 8,592,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 1,996,200 2,256,200
For Contractual Services............ 4,343,800 5,597,900
For Travel............................ 538,400
For Commodities....................... 556,900
For Printing.......................... 106,000
For Equipment.......................... 84,900 1,058,800
For Electronic Data Processing.......... 5,900
For Telecommunications Services..... 2,041,900 2,263,000
For Expenses Regarding Implementation
of the Statewide Radio
Communication System.................................. 0
For Operation of Auto Equipment..... 7,874,900 7,074,900
For Expenses Associated with Project X................. 0
Total $87,505,700 $81,680,000
Payable from the Road Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 87,487,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 9,036,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 786,700
Total $97,310,000
Payable from Transportation Regulatory Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 681,950
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 20,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 109,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 52,050
For Group Insurance.............................. 132,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 27,600
For Travel........................................ 16,500
For Commodities.................................... 7,200
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services.................. 100,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 44,000
Total........................................ 1,191,700
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
Conviction Surcharge Fund:
For Personal Services.............. 3,024,500 2,938,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System......... 486,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 81,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 612,000
For Contractual Services.............. 386,600
For Travel............................. 63,500
For Commodities.................................. 166,600
For Printing...................................... 22,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 108,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 186,800
Total $5,137,600
Payable from the State Police Services Fund:
For Payment of Expenses:
Fingerprint Program........................... 8,000,000
For Payment of Expenses:
Federal & IDOT Programs....................... 3,780,000
For Payment of Expenses:
Riverboat Gambling............................ 9,300,000
For Payment of Expenses:
Miscellaneous Programs........................ 3,270,000
Total $24,350,000
Payable from the Illinois State Police
Federal Projects Fund:
For Payment of Expenses....................... 15,350,000
Payable from the Motor Carrier Safety Inspection Fund:
For expenses associated with the
enforcement of Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulations and related
Illinois Motor Carrier
Safety Laws................................... 2,400,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 77, Sec. 65)
Sec. 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 33,628,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,416,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................... 2,289,100 2,379,100
For Contractual Services............ 5,554,300 7,660,800
For Travel............................. 56,000
For Commodities..................... 1,580,600 1,810,600
For Printing........................... 67,900
For Equipment....................... 1,136,600 1,981,400
For Electronic Data Processing.......... 8,300
For Telecommunications Services....... 570,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 164,200
For Administration of a Statewide Sexual
Assault Evidence Collection Program.............. 97,200
For Operational Expenses Related to the
Combined DNA Index System..................... 4,102,100
Total $54,671,800 $58,185,000
For Administration and Operation
of State Crime Laboratories:
Payable from State Crime Laboratory Fund......... 650,000
Payable from State Police
DUI Fund........................................ 650,000
Payable from State Offender DNA
Identification System Fund................... 1,300,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 77, Sec. 75)
Sec. 75. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for Internal Investigation expenses as follows:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,484,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 239,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 40,700
For Contractual Services......................... 123,600
For Travel................................. 5,000
For Commodities........................... 17,600
For Printing....................................... 3,600
For Equipment.............................. 7,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 86,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 90,800
Total $2,098,500 $2,124,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by adding new Section 140 to Article 25 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 25, Sec. 140, new)
Sec. 140. The amount of $1,310,371, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to pay for the judgment and related costs arising from Harvey et al vs. State of Illinois, Office of Banks and Real Estate suit.
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by adding Section 212 to Article 44 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 44, Sec. 212, new)
Sec. 212. The following amount, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for any operations, alterations, rehabilitation, new construction, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State to enhance security measures in the Capitol Complex:
From General Revenue Fund................... $4,979,175
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Sections 5 and 7 and adding new Section 8 of Article 2 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 2, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004:
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 678,800
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 40,400
For Social Security Contributions................. 29,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 49,900
Total $744,100
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 349,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 11,700
For Retirement Contributions...................... 43,500
For Social Security Contributions................. 26,600
For Group Insurance............................... 60,000
Total $491,200
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 343,700
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 12,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 26,000
Total $373,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 37,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................... 700
For Retirement Contributions....................... 4,200
For Social Security Contributions.................. 2,900
For Group Insurance................................ 6,000
Total $51,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 194,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 7,500
For Retirement Contributions...................... 25,300
For Social Security Contributions................. 14,800
For Group Insurance............................... 33,000
Total $274,600
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,686,600
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 34,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 65,100
For Social Security Contributions................ 125,100
Total $1,796,400
From the Teacher Certificate Fee Revolving Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 75,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,300
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,700
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $104,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 260,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 10,400
For Retirement Contributions...................... 28,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 19,900
For Group Insurance............................... 48,000
Total $367,800
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 212,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 8,400
For Retirement Contributions...................... 23,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 16,300
For Group Insurance............................... 36,000
Total $297,200
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 404,900
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 33,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 25,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 30,600
Total $463,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 2,011,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 70,700
For Retirement Contributions..................... 245,300
For Social Security Contributions................ 153,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 348,000
Total $2,829,300
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 136,700
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions......................... 800
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,800
For Social Security Contributions.................. 9,800
Total $141,300
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,765,400
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,200
For Retirement Contributions..................... 128,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 82,400
For Social Security Contributions................ 132,400
Total $2,001,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 162,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,200
For Retirement Contributions...................... 22,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 12,400
For Group Insurance............................... 48,000
Total $248,300
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 111,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 4,700
For Retirement Contributions...................... 18,900
For Social Security Contributions.................. 8,500
For Group Insurance............................... 36,000
Total $179,600
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 827,800
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 36,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 31,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 61,000
Total $895,600
From the Drivers Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 57,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 1,700
For Retirement Contributions....................... 2,300
For Social Security Contributions.................. 4,400
For Group Insurance............................... 15,000
Total $80,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 222,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 7,300
For Retirement Contributions...................... 30,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 17,000
For Group Insurance............................... 60,000
Total $337,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 756,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 23,900
For Retirement Contributions..................... 102,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 57,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 186,000
Total $1,126,900
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 840,400
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 90,200
For Social Security Contributions................. 50,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 65,600
Total $1,046,200
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 60,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,400
For Retirement Contributions....................... 6,600
For Social Security Contributions.................. 4,600
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $85,600
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 244,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 8,500
For Retirement Contributions...................... 27,100
For Social Security Contributions................. 17,400
For Group Insurance............................... 36,000
Total $333,200
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 204,800
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,100
For Social Security Contributions................. 15,900
Total $243,800
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 113,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,600
For Retirement Contributions...................... 12,600
For Social Security Contributions.................. 7,100
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $147,900
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 764,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 59,200
For Social Security Contributions................. 57,600
Total $880,900
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 146,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions......................... 900
For Social Security Contributions................. 10,200
Total $157,800
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 200,400
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 19,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 19,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 24,900
Total $370,100
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 171,300
For Personal Services............................ 166,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,200
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 10,700
For Contractual Services...................... 14,876,800
For Contractual Services...................... 16,981,800
For Travel....................................... 313,700
For Commodities................................... 62,000
For Commodities................................... 69,000
For Printing...................................... 85,200
For Printing..................................... 105,200
For Equipment..................................... 70,900
For Equipment..................................... 78,900
For Telecommunications........................... 476,800
For Telecommunications........................... 576,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 11,800
Total $16,082,400
Total $18,322,400
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 847,000
For Travel....................................... 122,000
For Commodities................................... 22,500
For Printing...................................... 13,000
For Equipment..................................... 11,000
For Telecommunications............................ 18,000
Total $1,033,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Contractual Services....................... 2,900,000
For Travel....................................... 370,000
For Commodities................................... 75,000
For Printing..................................... 150,000
For Equipment..................................... 75,000
For Telecommunications............................ 75,000
Total $3,645,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Contractual Services...................... 43,012,400
For Travel..................................... 1,387,500
For Commodities.................................. 440,600
For Printing..................................... 609,000
For Equipment.................................... 383,500
For Telecommunications........................... 612,500
Total $46,445,500
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 708,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 59,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 39,200
For Social Security Contributions................. 54,200
Total $822,100
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 15,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................... 600
For Retirement Contributions....................... 1,800
For Social Security Contributions.................. 1,200
For Group Insurance.................................. 3,000
Total $22,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 47,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 5,300
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,600
For Group Insurance................................ 9,000
Total $67,600
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 158,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 5,900
For Retirement Contributions...................... 19,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 11,000
For Group Insurance............................... 24,000
Total $219,300
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 332,500
For Personal Services............................ 317,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 14,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 15,800
Total $348,100
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,173,900
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 56,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 37,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 62,700
Total $943,400
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 42,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 1,700
For Retirement Contributions....................... 4,700
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,200
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $63,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 186,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 6,900
For Retirement Contributions...................... 21,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 14,200
For Group Insurance............................... 30,000
Total $259,000
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 961,700
For Personal Services............................ 926,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 65,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 45,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 70,900
Total $1,063,400
From the School Infrastructure Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 69,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 2,800
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,300
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $93,000
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 247,900
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 1,400
For Social Security Contributions.................. 6,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 18,000
Total $255,300
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 485,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 16,800
For Retirement Contributions...................... 63,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 37,200
For Group Insurance............................... 96,000
Total $699,800
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 190,700
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,100
For Social Security Contributions.................. 9,200
For Social Security Contributions................. 14,200
Total $208,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 37,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 4,100
For Social Security Contributions.................. 2,800
For Group Insurance................................ 6,000
Total $53,100
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 69,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,900
For Retirement Contributions....................... 7,700
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,300
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $97,800
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 862,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 27,600
For Retirement Contributions..................... 100,100
For Social Security Contributions................. 66,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 159,000
Total $1,215,400
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 133,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 13,000
For Social Security Contributions................. 10,200
Total $156,900
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 601,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 24,000
For Retirement Contributions...................... 78,300
For Social Security Contributions................. 46,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 108,000
Total $858,200
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 90,300
For Personal
Services........................... 190,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 1,100
For Social Security Contributions.................. 9,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 14,600
Total $206,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 77,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,500
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,900
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $106,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 72,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 8,000
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,600
For Group Insurance............................... 15,000
Total $104,400
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 785,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 30,200
For Retirement Contributions..................... 119,100
For Social Security Contributions................. 59,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 129,000
Total $1,123,400
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 21,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions......................... 100
For Social Security Contributions.................. 1,700
Total $23,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,820,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 117,000
For Retirement Contributions..................... 344,200
For Social Security Contributions................ 139,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 416,000
Total $3,836,900
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 103,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 7,600
For Social Security Contributions.................. 7,000
Total $118,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 58,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,500
For Retirement Contributions....................... 6,400
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,600
For Group Insurance................................ 6,000
Total $77,700
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 132,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions....................... 6,400
For Social Security Contributions................. 10,000
Total $148,900
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,600,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 68,100
For Retirement Contributions..................... 180,300
For Social Security Contributions................ 122,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 296,500
Total $2,267,800
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,960,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 76,100
For Retirement Contributions..................... 234,900
For Social Security Contributions................ 150,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 372,000
Total $2,793,900
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 687,400
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 15,800
For Social Security Contributions................. 21,500
For Social Security Contributions................. 46,500
Total $669,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 65,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,800
For Retirement Contributions....................... 7,200
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,000
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $92,600
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 89,300
For Personal Services............................. 87,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions......................... 500
For Social Security Contributions.................. 4,700
For Social Security Contributions.................. 6,700
Total $94,500
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,437,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 55,200
For Retirement Contributions..................... 159,300
For Social Security Contributions................ 110,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 264,000
Total $2,026,300
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,462,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 70,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 75,500
For Social Security Contributions................ 110,500
Total $1,643,200
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 182,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 8,300
For Retirement Contributions...................... 20,200
For Social Security Contributions................. 14,000
For Group Insurance............................... 36,000
Total $261,200
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 1,059,400
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For Retirement Contributions...................... 56,100
For Social Security Contributions................. 42,700
For Social Security Contributions................. 77,700
Total $1,158,200
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 48,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 1,900
For Retirement Contributions....................... 5,400
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,700
For Group Insurance............................... 12,000
Total $71,700
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 81,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 2,800
For Retirement Contributions....................... 9,100
For Social Security Contributions.................. 6,200
For Group Insurance............................... 21,000
Total $120,800
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 2, Sec. 7)
Sec. 7. The following amounts or so much thereof as may be necessary, which shall be used by the Illinois State Board of Education exclusively for the foregoing purposes and not, under any circumstances, for personal services expenditures or other operational or administrative costs, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004:
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Bilingual Education (over 500,000
population),34-18.2 of the School Code...... 35,896,600
For Bilingual Education (under 500,000
population), 10-22.38a of the
School Code................................. 28,655,400
For Blind/Dyslexic Persons....................... 168,800
For Career and Technical Education............ 36,062,100
For Charter Schools............................ 3,421,500
For Disabled Student Services/Materials...... 360,000,000
For Disabled Student Transportation
Reimbursement.............................. 317,100,000
For Disabled Student Tuition,
Private Tuition............................. 66,811,500
For District Consolidation Costs/
Supplemental Payments to School Districts,
18-8.2, 18-18.3, 18-8.5, 18-8.05(l) of
the School Code.................... 3,518,800 1,678,800
For the Early Childhood Block Grant.......... 243,254,500
For Extraordinary Special Education,
14-7.02 of the School Code................. 243,048,000
For Fast Growth Grants........................ 10,000,000
For General State Aid – Hold Harmless......... 30,129,800
For the Illinois Governmental
Internship Program............................. 129,900
For Jobs for Illinois Graduates................ 3,000,000
For the Metro East Consortium for
Child Advocacy................................. 217,100
For Parental Guardian Programs/
Transportation Reimbursement................ 14,454,700
For the Philip J. Rock Center
and School................................... 2,855,500
For the Reading Improvement Block
Grant....................................... 76,139,800
For Reimbursement for the Free Breakfast/
Lunch Program............................... 20,500,000
For the School Breakfast Incentive
Program........................................ 723,500
For the School Safety and Educational
Improvement Block Grant..................... 54,841,000
For Standards, Assessments and
Accountability............................... 3,552,700
For the Summer Bridges Program................ 22,238,100
For Summer School Payments, 18-4.3
of the School Code........................... 6,762,000
For Tax-Equivalent Grants, 18-4.4 of
the School Code................................ 222,600
For Teacher Education.......................... 4,740,000
For Technology for Success..................... 4,134,700
For Textbook Loans, 18-17 of the
School Code................................. 29,126,500
For Transitional Assistance.................... 7,700,000
For Transition of Minority Students.............. 578,800
For Transportation-Regular/Vocational,
Common School Transportation
Reimbursement, 29-5 of the School Code..... 261,630,000
For Visually Impaired/Educational
Materials Coordinating Unit, 14-11.01
of the School Code........................... 1,121,000
For Regular Education Reimbursement
Per 18-3 of the School Code................. 17,400,000
For Special Education Reimbursement
Per 14-7.03 of the School Code............. 106,100,000
For all costs associated with Alternative
Education/Regional Safe Schools............. 17,035,500
For South Cook Intermediate
Service Center................................. 300,000
For Truant Alternative and Optional
Education Program........................... 15,578,100
For costs associated with Teach for America...... 450,000
For grants to Local Education Agencies
to conduct Agriculture Education
Programs..................................... 1,881,200
For deposit into the Temporary Relocation
Expenses Revolving Fund for use by
the State Board of Education as provided in
Section 2-3.77 of the School Code........... 400,000
Total $2,051,879,700
From the Education Assistance Fund:
For General State Aid........................ 731,900,000
From the Common School Fund:
For General State Aid...................... 2,950,301,200
From the Common School Fund:
For Regional Superintendents’ and
Assistants’ Compensation..................... 8,150,000
From the General Revenue Fund
For Regional Superintendent’s Services......... 5,470,000
For all costs associated with the
Teachers’ Academy of Math and Science.......... 500,000
From the School District Emergency Financial Assistance Fund:
For Emergency Financial Assistance, 1B-8
of the School Code........................ 5,333,000
From the Drivers Education Fund:
For Drivers Education......................... 15,750,000
From the School Technology Revolving Fund:
For the Statewide Educational Network............ 125,000
From the Charter Schools Revolving Loan Fund:
For Charter Schools Loans......................... 20,000
From the ISBE GED Testing Fund:
For all costs associated with administering
GED tests...................................... 800,000
From the School Technology Revolving Loan Fund:
For School Technology Loans, 2-3.117a
of the School Code........................... 7,000,000
From the Temporary Relocation Expenses Revolving Grant Fund:
For Temporary Relocation Expenses, 2-3.77
of the School Code.................. 1,000,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Learn and Serve America.................... 2,500,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Refugee Services........................... 2,500,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Agency Services Fund:
For the School-to-Work Program................. 3,000,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Child Nutrition.......................... 450,000,000
From the State Board of Education Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Title I.................................. 650,200,000
For Title I, Reading First.................... 50,000,000
For Title II, Teacher/Principal Training..... 150,000,000
For Title III, English Language
Acquisition................................. 40,000,000
For Title IV, 21st Century/Community
Service Programs............................ 45,000,000
For Title IV, Safe and Drug Free Schools...... 25,000,000
For Title V, Innovation Programs.............. 21,000,000
For Title VI, Renovation/Special
Education/Technology........................ 10,000,000
For Title VI, Rural and Low Income
Students..................................... 1,500,000
For Title X, McKinney Homeless
Assistance................................... 3,000,000
For Enhancing Education through Technology.... 35,000,000
For Individuals with Disabilities Act,
Deaf/Blind..................................... 380,000
For Individuals with Disabilities Act,
IDEA....................................... 550,000,000
For Individuals with Disabilities Act,
Improvement Program.......................... 2,500,000
For Individuals with Disabilities Act,
Model Outreach Program Grants.................. 400,000
For Individuals with Disabilities Act,
Pre-School.................................. 25,000,000
For Grants for Vocational
Education – Basic........................... 50,000,000
For Grants for Vocational
Education – Technical Preparation............ 5,000,000
For Charter Schools............................ 2,500,000
For Transition to Teaching....................... 500,000
For Advanced Placement Fee..................... 2,000,000
For Math/Science Partnerships.................. 8,000,000
For Special Federal Congressional Projects.... 10,000,000
Total $1,688,080,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 15 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 15, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Board of the Trustees of Chicago State University to meet ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services, including payment
to the university for personal services
costs incurred during the fiscal year
and salaries accrued but unpaid to academic
personnel for personal services rendered
during the academic year 2003-2005.......... 34,861,700
For State Contributions to Social
Security, for Medicare......................... 369,100
For Contractual Services............ 2,026,200 1,209,600
For Travel........................................ 16,000
For Commodities................................... 16,000
For Equipment.................................... 313,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 304,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,000
For Awards and Grants................... 102,200
For Permanent Improvements..................... 816,600
Total $38,010,300
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 43 of Article 33 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 33, Sec. 43)
Sec. 43. The amount of $250,000 is appropriated from
the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency for a
grant for the establishment of the Vernon Jarret Museum of Civil Rights a
civil rights museum.
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 5 and adding Section 6 to Article 39 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 39, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Economic and Fiscal Commission:
For Personal Services................... 727,450
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer........................ 31,481
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement System..................... 110,307
For State Contribution to Social
Security............................... 50,945
For Contractual Services................. 71,636
For Travel................................ 3,100
For Commodities.................................... 2,363
For Printing....................................... 4,283
For Equipment........................................ 900
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 1,500
For Telecommunications Services........... 8,550
For additional costs associated with
the assumption of duties of the
Pension Laws Commission........................ 158,000
Total $1,170,515 $1,080,662
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 39, Sec. 6, new)
Sec. 6. The sum of $300,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission in order to conduct an independent review of proposals presented to the Medicaid Managed Care Task Force.
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 25 of Article 14 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 14, Sec. 25)
Sec. 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for the following purposes:
Grants and Scholarships
For payment of matching grants to Illinois
institutions to supplement scholarship
programs, as provided by law................... 950,000
For payment of Merit Recognition Scholarships
to undergraduate students under the Merit
Recognition Scholarship Program provided
for in Section 31 of the Higher Education
Student Assistance Act....................... 5,400,000
For the payment of scholarships to students
who are children of policemen or firemen
killed in the line of duty, or who are
dependents of correctional officers killed
or permanently disabled in the line of
duty, as provided by law....................... 350,000
For payment of Illinois National Guard and
Naval Militia Scholarships at
State-controlled universities and public
community colleges in Illinois to students
eligible to receive such awards, as
provided by law.............................. 4,500,000
For payment of military Veterans' scholarships
at State-controlled universities and at
public community colleges for students
eligible, as provided by law................ 19,230,000
For payment of Minority Teacher Scholarships..... 3,100,000
For payment of Illinois Scholars Scholarships.... 3,020,000
For payment of Illinois Incentive for Access
grants, as provided by law................... 7,200,000
For college savings bond grants to students
eligible to receive such awards.................... 650,000
Total $44,400,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 65 of Article 52 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 52, Sec. 65)
Sec. 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for payments for care of children served by the Department of Children and Family Services:
For Foster Homes and Specialized
Foster Care and Prevention.................. 161,733,000
For Counseling and Auxiliary Services.......... 8,425,300
For Counseling and Auxiliary Services.......... 8,435,300 For
Institution and Group Home Care and
Prevention................................... 92,635,700
For Institution and Group Home Care and
Prevention................................... 92,620,700
For Services Associated with the Foster
Care Initiative............................... 7,613,800
For Purchase of Adoption and
Guardianship Services....................... 175,745,500
For Health Care Network........................ 4,328,300
For Cash Assistance and Housing
Locator Service to Families in the
Class Defined in the Norman Consent Order .... 3,632,000
For Youth in Transition Program.................. 878,400
For Youth in Transition Program.................. 858,400
For Children's Personal and
Physical Maintenance.......................... 4,625,800
For MCO Technical Assistance and
Program Development........................... 1,663,500
For Pre Admission/Post Discharge
Psychiatric Screening......................... 8,071,800
For Assisting in the Development
of Children's Advocacy Centers................ 2,169,500
For Psychological Assessments
including Operations and
Administrative Expenses....................... 3,211,900
Total $474,734,500
Total $474,709,500
For Foster Homes and Specialized
Foster Care and Prevention.................. 137,972,200
For Counseling and Auxiliary Services......... 19,263,600
For Institution and Group Home Care and
Prevention................................... 92,143,300
For Assisting in the development
of Children's Advocacy Centers................ 1,505,400
For Services Associated with the Foster
Care Initiative............................... 1,620,700
For Purchase of Adoption and
Guardianship Services....................... 121,754,000
For Family Preservation Services.............. 20,462,500
For Purchase of Children's Services.............. 710,000
Federal Compliance/Program Improvement
Plan Implementation......................... 19,550,000
For Family Centered Services Initiative....... 17,476,800
Total $432,458,500
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 55 of Article 75 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 75, Sec. 55)
Sec. 55. The sum of $296,000 $0, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
of June 30, 2004, 1004, from the appropriation and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 1b and Article 8A,
Section 1b2 of Public Act 93-91, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants to Illinois Universities
for applied research on Transportation.
Section 10. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by adding new Section 321 of Article 98 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 98, Sec. 321, new)
Sec. 321. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2004, from the reappropriation concerning Public Transportation heretofore made in Article 8A, Section 8b3 of Public Act 93-91 as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.
Section 15. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Sections 5, 20, 25, 55, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 155, 230, 235 and 240 of Article 74 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 5)
Sec. 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Transportation:
For Personal Services......................... 21,965,500
For Personal Services......................... 21,800,500
For Employee Retirement Contribution
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,511,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,620,000
For Contractual Services....................... 4,774,800
For Travel....................................... 657,200
For Commodities.................................. 471,100
For Printing..................................... 800,400
For Equipment.................................... 116,400
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars & Trucks............................. 0
For Telecommunications Services.................. 399,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 159,400
Total $34,475,300
Total $34,310,300
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 20)
Sec. 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 5,434,400
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 872,500
Employees' Retirement System.................... 860,500
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 402,000
For Contractual Services....................... 5,500,300
For Travel........................................ 53,200
For Commodities................................... 23,100
For Equipment...................................... 6,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 106,600
For Telecommunications......................... 1,043,200
Total $13,441,500
Total $13,337,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 25)
Sec. 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 27,076,700
For Personal Services......................... 26,746,700
For Extra Help................................... 976,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,503,000
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,465,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,043,300
For Contractual Services....................... 4,856,100
For Travel....................................... 498,400
For Commodities.................................. 357,300
For Equipment.................................... 243,600
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks........................... 0
For Telecommunications Services................ 2,473,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 267,600
Total $43,295,000
Total $42,937,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 55)
Sec. 55. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Division of Traffic Safety:
For Personal Services.......................... 5,187,000
For Personal Services.......................... 5,102,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 821,700
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 363,400
For Contractual Services....................... 1,269,300
For Travel........................................ 51,600
For Commodities................................... 92,200
For Printing..................................... 273,600
For Equipment..................................... 11,000
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks.......................... 0
For Telecommunications Services.................. 102,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 70,400
Total $8,242,500
Total $8,157,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 80)
Sec. 80. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services.......................... 4,315,900
For Personal Services.......................... 4,260,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 781,300
Employees' Retirement System.................... 686,300
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 325,300
For Contractual Services......................... 912,700
For Travel....................................... 226,800
For Commodities................................... 95,400
For Equipment.................................... 186,600
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks...................... 71,400
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 248,300
Total $7,186,000
Total $7,036,000
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 85)
Sec. 85. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 79,728,800
For Personal Services......................... 75,479,600
For Extra Help................................. 5,704,770
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 13,705,600
Employees' Retirement System................. 13,075,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 6,292,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 6,102,000
For Contractual Services...................... 14,351,300
For Travel....................................... 207,500
For Commodities................................ 5,303,300
For Equipment.................................. 1,657,500
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks................... 2,817,900
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,568,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 6,168,800
Total $137,505,870
Total $132,436,670
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 90)
Sec. 90. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 26,439,700
For Personal Services......................... 24,479,700
For Extra Help................................. 2,069,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,526,000
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,276,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,026,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,976,100
For Contractual Services....................... 3,268,700
For Travel....................................... 207,800
For Commodities................................ 2,838,000
For Equipment.................................. 1,090,500
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks................... 1,019,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 354,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,040,100
Total $45,879,400
Total $43,619,400
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 95)
Sec. 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 24,100,100
For Personal Services......................... 22,360,100
For Extra Help................................. 2,276,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,168,100
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,968,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,898,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,848,400
For Contractual Services....................... 2,668,200
For Travel....................................... 101,100
For Commodities................................ 2,493,800
For Equipment.................................. 1,172,000
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks................... 1,030,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 220,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,175,600
Total $42,304,500
Total $40,314,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 100)
Sec. 100. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 21,155,400
For Personal Services......................... 19,485,400
For Extra Help................................. 2,141,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,633,300
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,483,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,644,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,614,300
For Contractual Services....................... 3,595,300
For Travel....................................... 120,000
For Commodities................................ 1,155,000
For Equipment.................................... 903,600
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 750,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 227,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 1,462,800
Total $36,789,500
Total $34,939,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 105)
Sec. 105. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 22,554,200
For Personal Services......................... 20,939,200
For Extra Help................................. 1,652,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,808,600
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,638,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,723,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,693,400
For Contractual Services....................... 2,599,800
For Travel........................................ 76,900
For Commodities................................ 1,538,100
For Equipment.................................... 978,600
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 782,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 137,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 1,765,100
Total $37,616,400
Total $35,801,400
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 110)
Sec. 110. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 24,507,400
For Personal Services......................... 22,722,400
For Extra Help................................. 1,500,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,116,300
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,901,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,858,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,808,000
For Contractual Services....................... 2,973,600
For Travel....................................... 114,200
For Commodities................................ 1,689,800
For Equipment.................................... 808,900
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 711,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 225,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,219,700
Total $40,724,300
Total $38,674,300
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 115)
Sec. 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 16,580,800
For Personal Services......................... 15,165,800
For Extra Help................................. 1,113,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,797,000
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,622,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,260,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,210,000
For Contractual Services....................... 1,811,300
For Travel....................................... 139,900
For Commodities................................ 1,101,700
For Equipment.................................... 753,300
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 522,600
For Telecommunications Services.................. 134,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 913,100
Total $27,127,700
Total $25,487,700
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 120)
Sec. 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 31,049,800
For Personal Services......................... 28,439,800
For Extra Help................................. 1,849,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,268,400
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,878,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,375,800
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,260,800
For Contractual Services....................... 5,169,100
For Travel....................................... 184,800
For Commodities................................ 1,615,100
For Equipment.................................. 1,296,600
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks................... 1,292,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 703,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 1,831,500
Total $52,635,900
Total $49,520,900
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 125)
Sec. 125. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services......................... 15,714,800
For Personal Services......................... 15,039,800
For Extra Help................................. 1,265,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,736,200
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,626,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,206,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,191,100
For Contractual Services....................... 2,068,800
For Travel........................................ 63,600
For Commodities.................................. 795,600
For Equipment.................................... 718,800
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 597,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 100,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 1,053,700
Total $26,321,400
Total $25,521,400
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 130)
Sec. 130. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of Aeronautics Operations:
For Personal Services:
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 4,423,500
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 4,235,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from the Road Fund............................. 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 717,200
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 682,200
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 329,700
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 319,700
For Contractual Services:
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 2,905,800
Payable from Air Transportation
Revolving Fund.................................. 800,000
For Travel:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 109,300
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the General Assembly:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 190,100
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the Governor's Office:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 181,600
For Commodities:
Payable from Aeronautics Fund.................... 149,500
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 454,000
For Equipment:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund.......... 2,104,900
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 269,800
For Equipment: Purchase of Cars and Trucks:
Payable from the Road Fund............................. 0
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 95,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 20,100
Total $12,750,500
Total $12,517,500
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 155)
Sec. 155. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses incident to Public Transportation and Railroads Operations:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,519,300
For Personal Services.......................... 1,500,800
For Employee Retirement
Contributions......................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 241,700
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 111,800
For Contractual Services.......................... 21,400
For Travel........................................ 16,500
For Commodities.................................... 2,400
For Equipment..................................... 11,600
For Equipment: Purchase of Cars and Trucks........ 18,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 20,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 11,100
Total $1,974,100
Total $1,955,600
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 230)
Sec. 230. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Program under provisions of Title IV of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
For Personal Services........................... 661,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 106,600
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 49,500
For Contractual Services......................... 331,500
For Travel........................................ 73,900
For Commodities................................... 24,000
For Printing...................................... 34,300
For Equipment..................................... 47,600
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 4,900
Total $1,335,800
For Personal Services......................... 4,592,400
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 714,400
Employees' Retirement System.................... 705,100
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 68,500
For Contractual Services......................... 457,100
For Travel....................................... 325,800
For Commodities.................................. 249,700
For Printing...................................... 89,800
For Equipment.................................... 618,300
For Equipment:
Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................... 595,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 243,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 309,100
Total $8,263,500
Total $8,039,400
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 235)
Sec. 235. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Illinois Highway Safety Program under provisions of the National Highway Safety Act of 1966, as amended:
For Personal Services........................... 173,900
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 26,600
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 20,300
For Contractual Services.......................... 76,000
For Travel........................................ 12,000
For Commodities................................... 18,500
For Printing...................................... 47,700
For Equipment..................................... 28,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 26,000
Total $429,500
Total $420,900
For Personal Services......................... 2,363,800
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 365,200
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 32,200
For Contractual Services.......................... 17,700
For Travel........................................ 10,200
For Commodities................................... 12,600
For Equipment..................................... 14,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 150,500
Total $2,966,200
Total $2,869,700
For Personal Services........................... 501,500
For Personal Services...........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 80,100
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 39,900
For Contractual Services....................... 3,034,500
For Travel........................................ 79,900
For Commodities.................................. 192,300
For Printing..................................... 174,000
For Equipment..................................... 15,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,200
Total $4,119,900
Total $4,115,900
For Contractual Services........................ 108,900
For Travel......................................... 1,000
For Commodities.................................... 1,600
Total $111,500
For Contractual Services........................ 120,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
Total $125,000
For local highway safety projects
by county and municipal governments,
state and private universities and other
other private entities........................ 5,269,200
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 74, Sec. 240)
Sec. 240. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Alcohol Traffic Safety Programs of Title XXIII of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
For Contractual Services......................... 13,000
For Travel........................................ 19,000
Total $32,000
For Contractual Services.............................. 0
For Travel......................................... 3,100
For Commodities.................................. 142,300
For Printing..................................... 108,900
For Equipment.................................... 424,000
Total $678,300
For Personal Services............................ 33,900
For Personal Services............................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 5,200
For the State Contribution to Social
Security............................................ 500
For Contractual Services.......................... 28,100
For Travel......................................... 3,000
For Commodities................................... 70,100
For Printing...................................... 59,500
For Equipment..................................... 42,400
For Telecommunication Services..................... 1,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 1,800
Total $245,500
Total $243,600
For Personal Services............................ 879,200
For Personal Services............................ 841,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State..................................... 0
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 135,500
For the State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 10,900
For Commodities.................................... 3,500
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 58,200
Total $1,087,300
Total $1,049,600
Section 1. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-0842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 20 of Article 19 as follows:
(P.A. 93-0842, Art. 19, Sec. 20)
Sec. 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Personal Services......................... 1,815,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer...................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 292,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 127,100
For Contractual Services......................... 104,700
For Travel........................................ 31,100
For Commodities................................... 25,500
For Printing...................................... 28,100
For Equipment..................................... 11,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 35,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 3,200
Total $2,475,000
For Personal Services......................... 8,548,100
For Personal Services.........................
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 227,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,354,600
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,219,200
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 653,500
Security........................................ 579,000
For Group Insurance............................ 2,419,400
For Group Insurance............................ 1,752,000
For Contractual Services....................... 1,107,000
For Travel........................................ 39,900
For Commodities.................................. 135,100
For Printing...................................... 34,500
For Equipment.................................... 750,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 151,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment............... 19,361,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment............... 21,217,100
For Refunds....................................... 10,000
Total $34,793,000
For Personal Services......................... 1,405,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 42,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 226,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 107,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 336,000
For Contractual Services......................... 520,200
For Travel........................................ 31,600
For Commodities................................... 13,600
For Printing....................................... 5,400
For Equipment..................................... 19,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 9,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 21,000
Total $2,736,900
For Personal Services............................ 128,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 20,700
For State Contributions to Social
Security.......................................... 9,900
For Group Insurance............................... 36,000
For Contractual Services......................... 113,300
For Travel......................................... 6,600
For Commodities................................... 25,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment..................................... 70,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 4,500
For Warehouse Stock for all State
Agencies and for printing and
distribution of wall certificates............. 1,971,100
For Refunds........................................ 5,000
Total $2,403,200
For Personal Services............................ 460,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 13,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 74,100
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 35,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 108,000
For Contractual Services........................... 9,000
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Commodities.................................... 2,700
For Printing......................................... 900
For Equipment...................................... 9,700
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 13,300
For Telecommunications Services.................... 7,800
Total $742,500
For Personal Services............................ 411,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 12,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 66,300
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 31,500
For Group Insurance............................... 84,000
For Contractual Services........................... 7,000
For Travel........................................ 21,500
For Commodities.................................... 2,100
For Printing......................................... 700
For Equipment...................................... 8,100
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 12,300
For Telecommunications Services.................... 6,800
Total......................................... $664,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-0842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Sections 95 and 100 of Article 18 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 18, Sec. 95)
Sec. 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,011,100
For Personal Services............................ 930,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer..................................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 162,900
Employees' Retirement System................... 149,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 77,900
Social Security................................. 71,700
For Contractual Services......................... 475,700
For Contractual Services......................... 325,700
For Travel......................................... 6,900
For Commodities................................... 60,500
For Equipment..................................... 90,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 16,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 7,100
Total $1,909,200
Total $1,659,300
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 18, Sec. 100)
Sec. 100. The sum of $450,000
$316,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from
the Agricultural Premium Fund to the Department of Agriculture to conduct
activities at the Illinois State Fairgrounds at DuQuoin other than the Illinois
State Fair, including administrative expenses. No expenditures from the
appropriation shall be authorized until revenues from fairgrounds uses
sufficient to offset such expenditures have been collected and deposited into
the Agricultural Premium Fund.
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by changing Section 45 of Article 59 as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 59, Sec. 45)
Sec. 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Grants for Vision and Hearing
Screening Programs............................. 674,800
For Grants Associated with Donated
Dental Services.................................. 73,300
For a grant to the Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS) Association for Research
into discovering the cause and cure for
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis................. 1,000,000
Total $1,748,100
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Grants Associated with Donated
Dental Services.................................. 75,000
Payable from the Alzheimer’s Disease
Research Fund:
For Grants Pursuant to the
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Act............... 200,000
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Grants for Public Health Programs,
Including Operational Expenses............... 6,000,000
Payable from the Lead Poisoning Screening,
Prevention and Abatement Fund:
For Grants for the Lead Poisoning Screening
and Prevention Program....................... 2,000,000
Payable from the Maternal and Child Health
Services Block Grant Fund:
For Grants for Maternal and Child Health
Programs....................................... 495,000
Payable from the Preventive Health and Health
Services Block Grant Fund:
For Grants for Prevention Programs
including operational expenses............... 2,000,000
Payable from the Metabolic Screening and
Treatment Fund:
For Grants for Metabolic Screening
Follow-up Services........................... 2,200,000
For Grants for Free Distribution of Medical
Preparations and Food Supplies................ 1,250,000
Total $3,450,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Grants to the University of Chicago
Transplant Section for Juvenile Diabetes
Research...................................... 2,500,000
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund:
For Certified Local Health Department
Grants for Anti-Smoking Programs............. 5,000,000
For Grants and Administrative Expenses
for the Tobacco Use Prevention
Program....................................... 5,000,000
Total $10,000,000
Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 93-842, approved July 30, 2004, is amended by adding new Section 105 to Article 28, as follows:
(P.A. 93-842, Art. 28, Sec. 105, new)
Sec. 105. The amount of $3,000,000, or so such thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for contributions of funds to park districts and other entities as provided by the “Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975” and to public museums and aquariums located in park districts, as provided by “AN ACT concerning aquariums and museums in public parks” and the “Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975” as now or hereafter amended.
Section 1. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims for payment of line of duty awards.
Section 2. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 98-CC-4105, Theresa A. Werneth. Personal
Injury, against the Illinois State Police..... $40,000.00
No. 00-CC-1731, Vicki Norris. Personal
Injury, against Northern Illinois
University.................................... $80,000.00
No. 02-CC-0046, Lynn Martin, as father and next
friend of Jeffery and Bradley Martin.
Personal Injury, against the Illinois State
Police......................................... $8,750.00
No. 03-CC-0191, Tyrone Robinson. Personal
Injury, against the Department of
Corrections................................... $75,000.00
No. 04-CC-4511, Addus Healthcare Inc. Debt,
against the Department of Corrections........ $112,829.58
Section 3. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Road Fund 011, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 01-CC-4187, Allstate Insurance Company
a/s/o Edward Bonkowski. Property Damage,
against the Department of
Transportation................................. $5,200.12
Section 4. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Federal Fund 063, Public Health Services Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000...................... $17,373.58
Section 5. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Federal Fund 081, Vocational Rehabilitation Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000...................... $22,419.72
Section 6. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 304, Statistical Services Revolving Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000...................... $36,527.00
Section 7. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 344, Care Provider Fund for Persons with Developmental Disability, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000...................... $39,374.06
Section 8. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Federal Fund 408, Special Purposes Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 04-CC-2073, TIA/Chicago Connections.
Debt, against the Department of
Human Services................................ $58,229.18
Section 9. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Federal Fund 065, US Environmental Protection Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 97-CC-4339, Kimmins Corporation.
Debt, against the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency.............. $632,342.70
Section 10. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 581, Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
No. 04-CC-4346, Bloom Township Government.
Debt, against the Criminal Justice
Information Authority......................... $67,500.00
Section 11. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 757, Child Support Administrative Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000. . . ................ $38,799.76
Section 12. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims from Federal Fund 911, Juvenile Justice Trust Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:
For payments of awards for lapsed appropriation
claims less than $50,000...................... $12,891.46
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect immediately upon becoming law.