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1 | AN ACT concerning Veterans.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act is | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 40 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (110 ILCS 947/40)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 40. Veteran grant
Grant . Any person who served in the | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | armed forces of the
United States, not including members of the | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | Student Army Training Corps, who at
the time of entering | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | service was an Illinois resident or was an Illinois
resident | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | within 6 months of entering such service, and who returned to | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Illinois
within 6 months after leaving service or, if married | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | to a person in continued
military service stationed outside | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Illinois, within 6 months after his or her
spouse has left | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | service or has been stationed within Illinois, and who has been
| |||||||||||||||||||
16 | honorably discharged from such service, and who possesses all | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | necessary
entrance requirements shall, except as otherwise | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | provided in this Act, upon
application and proper proof, be | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | awarded an Illinois Veteran Grant consisting
of the equivalent | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | of 4 calendar years of full-time enrollment,
including summer | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | terms, to the State-controlled college or university or
| |||||||||||||||||||
22 | community college of his choice. Such veterans shall also be | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | entitled, upon
proper proof and application, to enroll in any | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | extension course offered by a
State-controlled college or | |||||||||||||||||||
25 | university or community college without the payment
of tuition | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | or fees.
| |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Any veteran who so served, and who, at the time of entering | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | such service,
was a student at a State-controlled college or | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | university or community
college, and who was honorably | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | discharged from such service, shall, upon
application and | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | proper proof be awarded a Veteran Grant entitling
him to | |||||||||||||||||||
32 | complete his course of study at any State-controlled college or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | university or community college of his choice, but shall not be | ||||||
2 | entitled to
a grant consisting of more than the equivalent of 4 | ||||||
3 | calendar years of
full-time enrollment including summer | ||||||
4 | sessions.
| ||||||
5 | Any member of the armed forces of the United States who | ||||||
6 | either (i) has
in such armed forces at least one year, | ||||||
7 | or (ii) has served in the armed
forces of the United States for | ||||||
8 | less than one year in a time of
hostilities in a foreign | ||||||
9 | country, and
who would be qualified for a grant under this | ||||||
10 | Section if he had been discharged
from such service shall be | ||||||
11 | eligible to receive a Veteran Grant under this
| ||||||
12 | The holder of a Veteran Grant to the State-controlled | ||||||
13 | college or
university or community college of his choice as | ||||||
14 | authorized under this
Section shall not be required to pay any | ||||||
15 | matriculation or application
fees, tuition, activities fees, | ||||||
16 | graduation fees, or other fees except
multipurpose building | ||||||
17 | fees or similar fees for supplies and materials.
| ||||||
18 | Any veteran who has been or shall be awarded a Veteran | ||||||
19 | Grant shall be
reimbursed by the appropriate college, | ||||||
20 | university, or community college for any
fees which he has paid | ||||||
21 | and for which exemption is granted under this Section,
if | ||||||
22 | application for reimbursement is made within 2 months following
| ||||||
23 | the school
term for which the fees were paid.
| ||||||
24 | A Veteran Grant shall be considered an entitlement which | ||||||
25 | the
State-controlled college or university or community | ||||||
26 | college in which the
holder is enrolled shall honor without any | ||||||
27 | condition other than the
holder's maintenance of minimum grade | ||||||
28 | levels and a satisfactory student
loan repayment record | ||||||
29 | pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 20.
| ||||||
30 | A grant authorized under this Section shall not be awarded | ||||||
31 | to
veterans who received a discharge from the armed forces of | ||||||
32 | the United
States under dishonorable conditions, or to any | ||||||
33 | veteran whose service with
the armed forces was for less than | ||||||
34 | one year unless he received an honorable
discharge from such | ||||||
35 | service for medical reasons directly connected with
such | ||||||
36 | service, except for those veterans discharged prior to August |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 11, 1967
whose service may be for less than one year, and | ||||||
2 | except for those veterans
(i) who serve in the armed forces of | ||||||
3 | the United
States for less
than one year in a time of | ||||||
4 | hostilities in a foreign country and (ii) who receive an | ||||||
5 | honorable discharge.
| ||||||
6 | The amounts that become due to any State-controlled college | ||||||
7 | or university
or community college shall be payable by the | ||||||
8 | Comptroller to that
institution on vouchers approved by the | ||||||
9 | Commission. The Commission, or its
designated representative | ||||||
10 | at that institution, shall determine the
eligibility of the | ||||||
11 | persons who make application for the benefits provided
for in | ||||||
12 | this Section. The Department of Veterans' Affairs shall assist | ||||||
13 | the
Commission in determining the eligibility of applicants. On | ||||||
14 | July 29,
1986, the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs | ||||||
15 | shall transfer and deliver
to the Commission all books, | ||||||
16 | records, papers, documents, applications and
pending business | ||||||
17 | in any way pertaining to the duties, responsibilities and
| ||||||
18 | authority theretofore exercised or performed by the Illinois | ||||||
19 | Department of
Veterans' Affairs under and pursuant to Section | ||||||
20 | 4.1 of the Department of
Veterans Affairs Act.
| ||||||
21 | The benefits provided for in this Section shall be | ||||||
22 | available as long as
the federal government provides | ||||||
23 | educational benefits to veterans. No
benefits shall be paid | ||||||
24 | under this Section, except for veterans who
already have begun | ||||||
25 | their education under this Section, after 6 months following
| ||||||
26 | the termination of educational benefits to veterans by the | ||||||
27 | federal
government. If the federal government terminates | ||||||
28 | educational benefits to
veterans and at a later time resumes | ||||||
29 | those benefits, the benefits of this
Section shall resume.
| ||||||
30 | As used in this Section, "time of hostilities in a foreign | ||||||
31 | country" means
any action by the armed forces of the United | ||||||
32 | States that is recognized by the
issuance of a Presidential | ||||||
33 | proclamation or a Presidential executive order and
in which the | ||||||
34 | armed forces expeditionary medal or other campaign service | ||||||
35 | medals
are awarded according to Presidential executive order.
| ||||||
36 | (Source: P.A. 90-752, eff. 8-14-98; 91-496, eff. 8-13-99.)